Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Sep 1886, p. 1

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 "â- â- Â»jtt'ir.*i»U*.w* ai »^W tN'tfTtf.- M a t'i " '««. 7U3. ;1020' 3 07' '330' i340' '352. 431- 457' 523' 533' 5S«' 6 30' 810' G. mJ bretbr 'cloci'a- KldZQM 4 HI ,.V **HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' 7 i H 804 B 830 â- . 8£S K 910 â-  923 '•â-  SSS'Sl KTH YEAE.-]So. «13. ' » '• MAEKDAUE, ONT., SEFTEMBEB 9, 1886. C. W. RUTLEDGB, PubUsher. For IIE WATCHES Close Prices, itisfactory -GO TO^- aad Work, k Jew^cller. lal and Otkr Items. ^H fe cattle fair last Satnrday was nfefgely attended and a great many cattle were sold. There were a nnmb^r of outside Imyers present, but prices mled low, as they do all over this year. School Bools:s, Station- ery, Ntfte Paper Envelopes, a new stock jitSt received and will be sold at lowest cas)] prices. A. Tarn» A Co.. "Medical SalL" When yoatte iriMarkdalehie ^ire and dont go sway without calling at Wm. Mason's carrage works as he is deter- noined to sell the balance of his stock of Democrats, Buggies (kc, at a great reduction in price. SoLLAND Centre has got out fine large posters announcing their FaU Show, to be held on the 28th September. This pt^amises to surpass any of their former shows. They have added largely to iheir prize list. W. McLeod has secured the services off two first class workmen, who have liad experience in the best factories 'in the towns and cities in Canada and 1 United States, :and he is now prepared to supply a class of woik '^bich cannot be exceMed, Thb I^udalk Herald^takes a holiday 'this week, and the HeCiild will not be issued. Mr. C. H. K-eweli, proprietor, j is gone east on a vi^, 'tcbd we will be mistak^i if he don't Ixave a partner heme with him if he iSoes we'll have aoother sister-in-law. â- Wii. Mason is buisy making up cutters, slelghs'c., for the winter trade so now is ^he'time to call andfeave your-order so as to have it out ingood time. He will be glad to have you call in and leatn his prices c.. he is also giving grestt bargains in democrats c. This and T^at. â€" The sidewalk has been extended past the elevators Armstrongs are building a fine bank bam A stone and iron fence is being built in front of the Methodist Church The plate glass for HUl Bros and Mathews shop front las arrived The C. O. 0. F. entertainment at Holland Centre last Tuesday eyening was a grand success A gcod program and full bouse. Hope to give a report next week. • How desirable it is to have bed clothes clean and free from the germs of dis- ease. especiQ^Ily the feather bed. Mr. W .H. Livingstone is now in our village renovating feathers by steam process and makes a splendid job of them. Imius in the!:e cnlnmng intended tdienefit '^Siidwl or Society Kill be clMffed ten ]ine forifie first insertion eekd five ' Une each^'iequent iKsertion. I rain for Sale,â€"' See adv. in this paper. jittihead of cattle'were sold last ^fair IrinMarkdale- ismnber of horgfes have been recently ^htand shipixxl from this, part. Ij^gygsTiHG is about wound up, and [its very satisfactory. I jjiei quantities of oats a*(j yet tp jjiProton an J MelaActhen townships It. Hid Mrs. Ptolomew of Hollandi Lnating frienrls in Hamilton. I Fob Ladies fine kid and calf Boots. oioWm. McLeod's. _js'E3raA Wright leaves on Monday LttirfOwcu Sound Model School. FasHECTON ' correspondence, very Lresting. but too latefdr this week. I Iffi chea]»st place in to^»n for iPicture framing is the Photo Gallety. loTO McLeod's for all kinds of ildrens Boots, buttoned or laced. I Now is the time to subscribe for the hrisDATj). Oiily 25 cents to January pit Gearing sale of ready made^otbing J. J. Andtrsoa's the naftmmoth MM*. J Wm. Wright of Flesherton passed. J ^^ b®*' ^^ ^^^ P*st week has been trongli this \iilage last Saturday with- [-som«thing remarkable for this season liiirove of tine }»ot:s. THE EASTERN WAB CLOUD. The state of affairs in the east are gloomy and very threatening. Bulgaria and Eussia are at loggerheads, while Crermany, Austria and England are interested. The leading English papers say that wars is a certainty e'er long. Jiew and Benevred Snbscrip- ti*n since last report* D. Foster, Markdale, (New) Jan. '87. T. D. Smith, Markdale, Jan, '87. Hugh Johnston, Bocklyn, (New) Jan. '87. J. Hickling, Maxwell, Jan. '87. John Reid, Mt. Forest, Feb. '87. A. Gillespie, Berkeley, Jan. '87. M. Smitb, Holland Centre, Jan. '87. Peter Bruce, Owen Sound, (New) Jan. '87. R. McNallv, Chatsworib, (New) Jan. '87. A. C. Patterson, Blantyre, (New) Jan. '87. H. M. Patton, Blantyre, (New) Jan. '87. number of our people wettt to the liihibitiontiHs-week, auda gseait many liore are going next. Teas.' Teas Teas Greater bargains laisD ever 51bs of pure-uncolored Japan Isafor 11.00 at J. G. Anderson's, Rk. Me. Wilson preachi^ ;* very l^dcal sermou in the Methodist liimch last Sunday evening. Boots! Boots I Booto iM of them and right r Anderson's. 1 Any am prices at J. of tbe year even the aiigbts do not cool down to their wa«ted tempeture. The tiiemometer registered 90 m ' the shade snd 120'in tbe sun last Tues- day. PoLincAii. â€" -We are informed, on cred- itable auth(»ity, that Mr, J. Baldwin Hands, of Toronto, partner of the late A. W. Lander, M. P. for E. Grey, intends eSexing himself as a candidate for that constituency m^the local house at the BOSt election. Brovtn, Oeoi^ie C. Bowes and jij. Brown Itft on Monday to attend I'ieOwen Sound Collegiate Institute. Gents Pumi^Bings a full range and jiittavaluesat J, G, Andersaa'a the |«ie»p cash store, Xe. John Ford, of Annan wasmtown I «t Saturday and gave us a jSOeasant loll. Call at tbe laauimoth house end get |iolO lbs of J. G. Anderson's *imous «c tea. Its grand value. Im Rev. R. Hosldi^ wiU piwach in f Methodist chiirch in this place next â- â- ""oay morning andvc^rening. Wong men wanting a real mobby "It should call at J. G. Andersoii's tbe '•^eapest cash store in tiie coimty. 5 gooa Farms for sale and 24oirent. iPlyto.G. S. Bowes, agent, Mark- B«ODiE. otar new medical "piacti- "'""^- is?becomiug more popular as she '?.*^|eiiited, and is very soecessfeil A Home-Made Telepone. To make a serviceable telephone, from one farm house to|another, only requires enough|vrire and two cigar boxes. First select your boxes, and nxatDe a hole about half an inch in diameter in the centre of the bottom of each, and then place one in each of thefanosesyonwish to connect then getfivepoondsof com- mon iron stove pipe wire aaake a loop in one end and put it tium^ a hole in your cigar box and fosten ilk with a nail then draw it tight to the otther box, snp- porti^ it when necessary with a stout You can easily run ynor line into Personals. Mesnrs/Jarvis Henry of Sand Hill, and John Henry of Huron Co., visited their brother Mr. Wm. Henry who Uea very ill, and who is not expected to recover. Mr. Wm. EUiott of Sand HOI, visited friends in Euphrasia last week. Mr. and Mrs. B W. Emiis is spending a week or two at Danville, Oni. Mr. Moritimer, of the ShelbumeFree Press, gave us a pleasant call on Mon- day last. Misses Vic. and Millie Lyons are visit- ing in Markdale. IMPOBTANT NE W8 ITEM. OooKSTowir. â€" Mrs. Campbell had been troubled for a number of years with Indi- gestion and Constipation, and waa induced to try McGregor's Speedy Cure and found it all that was needed, and would recommend its use to any person similarly troubled. This invaluable remedy is sold in eveiy part of Canada at 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. Sold at B.L.Stephen's Drag Store. 4 For Dtspepsu and Liver Complaint, yon have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It ueyer fails to cure, For saleby B.L. Stephra, Droggist, Mark- dale. A Osprey, September ,1886 To the Editor of tlie Siksdasd, Sir, â€" ^As you have entered upon the seventh year of newspaper life, and that with evidences of continued usefulness and prosperity, permit me to congrat- ulate you on your past record, and the feneral tone of your excellent paper nring the six\years just ended. I am not sufficiently posted in the printing business to criticise the defects or land the excellent points in the metdianical part of the Standabd, but, one, thing I can say, it is always clear and legible, and contains from week to week a good sup- ply of useful and reUable, local and for- eign news, and is conspicuous for its absence of bombast. May the Standard continue to flourish is the worst wish of your old subscriber. OspRET Farmer. A Fbuittuii Season The fmitfol season of the year is prolific with many forms of Bowel Complaint, such asDiarrhcea, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera, Morbus, Cholera Infantum. c. as a safe- guard and positive cure for those distressing and often sadden and dangerous attacks nothing cansurpass that old reliable medicine Dr. JTowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Thk Bev. Qko. Thatkb, of Bourbon, Ind., says; "Both myself ard wife owe our lives to Shuor's Consuuptiok (7uBx."For sale by B. L. Siqihen' Druggist, Markdale. A Hackxbktack." a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25cts and 50 cents. For sale A ""spr^tic e. ^is eBten3r-,smg ueigbbor Mr. B. loeftii lias parcbased a a« ©or- ambnllaml n two-year Jia Bijk- [•-"ife boar recently. ij^^E have uo obj«j£ions to the mI^ fe-prcduciu? our editorials, Ci!ii '•' 'â- ^^ d'le «'«^" peeiaJlysmeewedonotendulge in "^^a every week. m'L\'^\""â€"^^' Thos. Kells ^^ bushels of fine bri^t barley .«0«\ ^cFarland this week for Cf «P^' t)ushel. This WM tbe "' wie season on our market. • '"n- McBrom has started a weaving one door from Haskdtt's'hsniwara ^Elft 'Ihk Meaford "Mirror was last week enlargened to 'its former size. The Mirror is in every respect a first class local paper^and one of our most valued exchuigeB. We are pleased to see such a prac1i(fSkl evidence of success, and wish our-edteemed ootem continued pros- perity. Thb Toronto Industrial Exhibition is now the farmers great annual holiday, and the show this year promises to eclipse all former ones in extent and graBdem*, The fare on Saturday the lltii and to the 17th good to return up to ttKsaOth, single fare, 14th and 15th good to return up to ^Oth, t2J25 from Markdale. Thx new Tovm Hall at Bocklyn is finished and vyUl be opened with a grand entertainment under the auspices of Lansdown Lodge C. O. O. F. of Blantyre on the evening of the 22nd inst. The program will condst readings, resitations music and addresses. A number of our Markdale nHi-profe88ionals are billed fw the occasion and Dr. Sproule. M. P., for an address. Adnussion, 25 cents. A big time is esqpected. Mr. Smith, ISbs secretary of Holland Centre Agricultural Society requests us to say, that those who wish to compete for anything in their large list of special prizes, will require to enter specify for aie desured special priae.. This rule wasoverlookad,and not entered with other mlas aad r^olations on the bilL, also that laia Methodist people of that villMB have kindly consented to allow them tile use of theur large newfaheds f or a show room for roots, prain, Ac, Ac. Mb. Bobbbt McNaixt carnage maker late of Chatsworth, was in town last week pzospeoting, and we understand hee dedded to commence and carry on bnnness in this place. Mr. Mc. has dcmealarse and gKnring Ira^ess m ChatewNW for some years, out was harped oul a short time ago since wl^h time he has been proopecbng as to »«ood 0J«nâ„¢ i**^ g*^^ having the business NAnoMAi) Pills will cure bowels and r^olate the liver. constipated cord. the house by boring a Inle through the J^ B. L, Stephen, Druanst, Mwrkdole. glass. Support your boxes with slats nailed across the window, and yonr telephone is complete. The writor has one, two hundred yasds long and cost 45 cents that will carry music when the organ is playing thirty feet away in another room. â€" [Boral Canadian. *»» CTJERBNT NE'WS. WJkerton is negotiating for a button factory to employ 100 hands. A new and extensive furniture factory has been boilt and is now in operation in Mt. Forest. Mr. James Bntchart, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Owen Soond, died on the 80th nit. Aged 81 years. Ex-Mayor Dodgeon of died on the 28tii ult. Collingwood, to carry w ^tn Jfea nphea or Mlv.*!, o ttie nuainoBS in (^i^wWPit- He has '*«ui 8t. where he will be idad to Lai^efci^ formed a-fawPirable ojmuon of ^i'g^'**"ts of Wofie requiring anytb|nfe 1 1^ ' --*--- â€" i^ "V-_xi_ and doeiidtioe |» ynfck shortly, be given. The Collingwood Bulletin is to move into its new premises shortly. A local" conmany in Collingwood is about to bore for oil in tiiat vicinity. The town of Brantford will have a memorial celebration on the ISth, 14tih and 15th October on the occasion of the unveiling of tbe monument of Oapi. Joseph Brant. The inveili^ ceremon. ies will be perfonned by HisHonor Lieut Gov. John Beverly Bobinson, October ISth at 12 o'doek. Mr. Thos Middleboro of Owen Sonnd and formerly of Bocklyn public sehoel, is now a teacher in Orangeville Model School. The new volimteer company at Shel- bume left on Tuesday tcx annual dziJl at Niagara. A Ginnd trunk tomn nut into a flotk of sheep at a eroaaing. bat w xn Flngns and Ahaa last weak kPlJlgefdfcirilyawiiadiag â- isty-two. 'V ._, â- _•* v^ 'â- â- !â-  rwrf. ^ohuston, tin "seewlB'MB e( a ACoKPLKTzBBBAXsowN.â€"'^For ten years,' says Jennie M. Harrettof Wallaceburg, Out., "I did not see a well day â€" was all broken down with dyspepsia, liver complaint, catarrh and debDity. Three doctors abandoned hope for me; when Burdock Blood Bitters came to my reseoe. It is the best medicine I have eyer taken. I say this for the benefit of all suffering as I did. WnaWniLYou cough cough when Shi- loh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 ctsand 91- For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A Worxh BsMsiiBEBiHa. â€" ^In a long letter from John H. Hall, of Baddick, Cape Briton. N. 8., he says; "I belieye if it were not tor Burdock Blood Bitters I should have been in my inrava." It cured me of kidney and liver complaint and general debility, whioh had nearly proved fatol. Shiloh's Cube will immediately relieve croup Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A Town Hall, Augtut 23, '86, Council met this day pursnant to ad- ioumment. All the members present- The Beeve in the chair. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Binnie â€" McCuaig â€" That cheques be issued for the following aeoonnts, viz Jas. Leiteh, building loidge and gravelling at lot 14, con. 2. E. G. B.. 928.35 Edward Hunt, culvert a^t 9, con. 9, 95,00! John Thomas, gravelling at lot 3, con. i, £. Q. B.,, 16.05; Gkarge Henderson .grading at lot 4, con. 12, 15.00; Angus Leitoh, grading at lot 4, con. 13, 93*60; Thoms Jack, stoneing and grading at lot 5, eon. 8, Sll.OO: Angus Mc- Quarrie, repairing bridge and ditcning at lot 4, con. 12, 911 00; Tim McKenna, grading, gravelling and enlvert at lot 8, con. 2. E. G. B., 931,00.â€" Carried- Lamb â€" Williams â€" ^That cheques be issued for the following amounts, for work perform- ed in ward No. 3. viz:â€" A. J. Bobertson, work, at lot 10, con. 6, 912.50 John Quillian, work at lot 16, con. 7, 914.00; Wm. Corner, work at lot 21, con. 7, 95.25 John Byan, work at lot 22, con. 6, 95.75; Mai. Campbell, work, at lot 26, con. 6, 97.80; Bichard H. Boyle work at lot 101, con. 3 W. T. S. B., 97.25 Geo. Haakett work at lot 100, con. 1, 915.00 Bobert J* McEennet, work at lot 90. con. 1, 97.50 Alex Smith, work at lot 90, con. 3, 99.60 John Hassard, work at lot 21 con. 10, 913.00;; Bodert J. MoEsDnet. work at lot 15 eon. 10, 18.00 James Nichol. work at lot 10 con. 11, 94.35. â€" Carried Lambâ€" WiUiamsâ€" That 92.00 be paid to Donald McCormick for repairing bridge at' lot 15, con 10. â€" Carried. Binnie â€" McCuaig:â€" That commispionerfor ward no. 2, receive 917.00 as a special grant, being half expencea of embankment at lot 41. con. 2' N- D. B.â€" Carried. Binnie â€" McCuaig â€" That commissioner for Ward no. 1, be empowered in conjunction with commissioner for Egremont â€" to open townline from Ivt 8, con. 4, S. D. B.. to con. 2, N. D. B.â€" Carried. Binnie â€" McCuaig â€" That Messrs. McCuaig and Binnie examine fences at pomt of de- viation at lot 30, Durham Boad, with respect of location of same.and report to this Council at next meeting thereof. â€" Carried. Binmeâ€" Lamb-That matter the of clearing^ out creek' presented by Mr. James McGirr, be laid over until next meeting of Council. â€" Carried. Willianis â€" ^Lamb â€" That Eliza McComb be exempted from preforming Statute Labor for the year l836.^Carried. Lamb â€" ^McCuaig â€" That EitTardButledge. assessor, be allowed 94.00 for equalizing PriceviUB and Markdale Union School Sect- ions. â€" Carried. Lamb â€" ^Williams â€" ^That George Henderson be paid 92.45, being interest on award for a road allowance aciOBslot4, con, 12. â€" Carried. Lambâ€" McCuaigâ€" That B, S. Bae be paid 91.25 being Glenelg's proportion of rent of Hall for Division Court purposes. â€" Carried. Binnieâ€" Lambâ€" That C. W. Butledge be paid 936.25, for printing) Yoters List, furnish- ing Blanks and aJvertibing. â€" Carried. Binnieâ€" McCuaigâ€" That William Watson be paid 97.00, fimeral expence of the late Alex McArthur. â€" Carried. Williamsâ€" Binnieâ€" That Bobt. BeU be paid 94.00 per month and Samuel McArthur 93.00 per month, they being in destitute crionmstances, said pajrment to commence from date.â€" Carried. â- Williamsâ€" ^Lambâ€" That Dr Gun'saxsount 93.00 for professional attendance on Mrs Anderson be paid. â€" Carried. Binnie â€" ^Lamb â€" That Henry Parker's ac- ootmt of 60 cts.. and other expences of 91.30, on account of Mrs, Anderson, be paid. â€" Carried. Lamb â€" Williamsâ€" That Glenelg Afm- oultural Society be granted 920. â€" Carried. By-Law Mo. 242 A 243, levying rates and appointing collectors respectively, was pass- ed and ordered to be engrorssed on the. minutes. Commissioner for Mo. 4, was paid 98-00,. and commiBsioner for ward No. 3, i(9.75. for letting and inspection road jobs. Binnie â€" McCuaig â€" That Dr. Gun, of the town of Durham, be appointed Medical. Health Offioe for the township of Glenelg, onder the Provision of the Public Health Act of 1884.â€" Carried. Council adjourned to Sept. 27tli, at 10 a. m. J. S. Black. Clerk. It Toub Ghuj is. Stubbobn or hard to adminieter medicine to. Dr. Low's Ileasaut Worm syrup will be appreciated. Shiloh's Catabbh Bxkzdt â€" a positive cure for Catarrh, Dipheria and Canker Mouth For sale by B. L. Stephen. Druggist. Mark- dale. A WoBxs Cause uucb SioxMB8a|among child- ren that. Freeman's Worm Powders will surely cure. A Nasal Injbctob free with each botte of Shilirib's Catarrh Bemedy. Price 50 cents. Foraaleby B.L. Stephen, Druggist Mark- dale. A Pbot; Low's Sulpbub Soa» is a cheap and handy form of obtaining the healing virtues of a mli^nr bath. nioatliljr Fj Onngeyilleâ€" The aeoond Thntsday in ^sonth. DnndalKâ€" Tuesday befon Oamgerille. FlMherton â€" ^Moeoay befots Owigeyille. MarUaleâ€" Satnrday b^iWOrsngeviUe. DqriJMi- niiid ToeaJbgria eaek'montn. ClMtsw^pth^'-MoDday b«^ffd Dasbam. BoBbbiI Cenfare-at m J af h sis w CiMrtanertii Pil d iin^ Mauda y befwePMBiie. ' i ^««^'4 Haacl^^'lftaiday before BtAhanr. MARKDALE. The P O. will be opened fiom 8 o'clock a. m. to 7 p. m. every working day. Mails closed as follows, viz C. P. B., going North, 11:40 a m, and 7pm South, 3:30 p m, and 7pm TKAVERSTON. Tuesday, Thursday and Satntday 12:30 noon. HABKAWAY. Friday, 12:80 soon. For registered letters and money orders, fifteen minutes earlier than above. The P. O. will be open on Holidays from 9 to 9:30' a. m., and ImU an hoar after maik arrive. W. J. McFABLAim, P. M. Ladiea tronbled with Pimples, Blotches, Boa^ Hands or Face, oi Sorua of any discrip. tioB, shoald use MeGngor A Parke's Carbolic ' Cenite. it^ wiB Jeava the xkin in pnfect bealtb, anwotfa, ctean and good tektr. Be sow aod.8et tlM flsmuae, made by MoGregor A Pares. PiMfrttQ. SokLat B. L. Uteyhen'sr .Drqg Store, Markdale. ,3 i dttai mmm gHH MMi

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