Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Aug 1886, p. 4

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 PMiwim Mi The SittttdaarA. O. W. Bntledjg*. Editor JbProp'r. MABEDALE. AUG. .12 1886. â€" There U grave fears of a war be- tween Mexico and the United States. â€" One and a half inches of snow fell 3ast week in Moant Washington, N. H. â€" iiindsey Bros, general merchants of Shelborne, have made an assign- ment. â€" The Creemore Advertise- says there is good prospects for a bonntiM harvest in that district. â€" The parcel post between Great Britain and Canada, recently in- tiodnoed, is now in fall operation. â€" The Salvation Army of Owen Sound are going to erect a large barr- acks, and have the foundation laid. â€" The {Germans of BerUn, Ont., 4ire havmg a grand musical Festival this week, to last three days. They have the town profusely decorated. â€" The work of raising the wreck of the steamer Algoma, off Isle Boyale, JJake Superior, is progressing favor- ably. The boiler and engines will be raised almost intact. â€" The riots of the past week, and which still continue in Balfast are becoming very serious. Many lives have been lost, and the city is now in a dreadful state of excitement. â€" Last Friday the Irishmen of To- ronto celebrated the anniversary of the birth of Dan. 0"onnell, who first saw the light in the County Kerry 111 years ago that day. The procession was largely attenden. â€" The house of Bev. Mr, Carson, -the newely appointed incumbent of Waterloo-street Methodist Church, Stratford, was entered a few nights ago and a number of eatables stolen among which was a layer of wedding cake (the gentleman was|lately married) seme pies, a pudding and a few glass cans of fruit. O^rjFriday last the first tea train over the C. P. B arrived at Montreal from Yancover; it contained ten car loads, eight of Trhich were farwarded from Brookville to the Eastern States. Four tea ships charted from Japan to Vancover to be forwarded over the C. P. B. this season, the freight of which amounts to $100,000. â€" ^Flesherton mourns, and will not be comforted, for one G. H. Spencer, who has defaulted and departed' The mourners are said to be numerous. Flesherton appears to have more than its share of this^sort of gnef only a few years since alphabetical Stoney ^decampted when a dreadful hn-and-cry was heard. Is it the gnlUbiUty of tiie people, or simply by accident, that our sifter ^village, is thus caused to lament more than others Latbb. â€" Sinee the above was in type D. S. Munro, merchant of that town, has decamped. |5cm?a8pa»danx)B* NoncE.â€" W« viah it distinotly understood that we do not hold ooiselves nsponaiUo for tiut opiniona exprasad liy our cwrespondeqto To th« Editor of Ike Standabd. Sib, â€" We notice in the last sitting -of Glenelg eonnoil where they moved aud carried that the sum of $16 be expended on a certain part of townline near Gnfin'e Comer, proioding Hol- land eooncil giant the same. Kow, Sir, we past out there last week twice â€" cnce on foot and once in a rig, and we could not notice any place where it needs $80 for repairs. We know that part of the road is mveh toaveUed on Sunday, and people wants to ride smootii to ohoroh but others want a road to drive to church, and market also. If any of our cooneilmen will go east on same road five milee th^ can see where it is not safe for eiAer horse or rig to go. I eaooot see -wbij such injnstaee i« dealt oat. The good Tbad is repaired and the htA tdtA is left to get wovse. We liop» the '«Miaet will be removed. We wiH have t' i^ move scmiethinff to get e £ur share of taxes retqmM em our roads. ^MOftMeMl «M Pl9^^ oaltanlfHNaids hen m Fnnj last befewaan Ihe Ibcriad and the town. The game waaeloaeda* oftlieaeTanth inninga for tuik, -waMUM angle mam one nm ahead. Tlw game stood ^SemenSO.mamedaa. The rinjde mm made their beat play at the begi nni ng the naixied men idaved better at the doae. had the nine innings been played they would hsw left the joniors in the shade. Jos. Blaekbum^sq-. of this Tillage, u abaent from home this week attending as a delegate, the Grand Lodge of C. 0. 0. F. whiab meets this year in the city of London, Ont. When throngh there he proposes extending his hohday trip throngh parts A New York state visiting the very interestmg andattraetiTeChataqnagroands and other pointa of interest. Ih Tbcubm.â€" a little oyer twelve months ago Mr. D. S. Monroe (Mr. W. Wright's son- in-law) thonght a business life more InciatiTe than school teaching, consequently gave Vf his situation of principal teacher of the Flesherton school and bought the stock of W. Wrifiht of this village aud opened out business in the old stuid. Business appear- ed to go on well snd smooth for a while but lately clouds appeared in the horizon and on Monday last Mr. Munro left town on the Qoming train. We understand he is some- where amross the line. His Ci-editors being informed of his sudden departure sent tor- ward an assignee to ta^e charge of the bus- iness. Up to the time of writing we have no infonnation astowhat ^i?iil be the proceed- ings. Master Edwin Kiehardson and sister, (Miss Maud), Miss Ayers and Miss Hopkins are off this week for a holiday and intend spending some time at the Cbataqua assem- bly. Obstboyxd bt Fibs.â€" The new and oommodiouB dwelling, very nigh completion, which was being erected by Henry Meldrum, Esq., in Eugenia where she intended to retire to private life, was on Saturday morn- ing aboutjthree o'clock, burned to the ground. It was surely the work of some evl hand, and it is a very great pity that such fire bugs could not be discovered and brought to justice. Mr. Meldrum has the sympathy of many friends Mr. John Stafford preached' for the Babtist people in the Town Hall on Sunday after- noon last. The Bev. Mr. Stephenson, of Molesworth, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church; the pastor, the Bev. Mr. Wilson, being off on his holidays. Monthly cattle fair day here on Monday last. A number of cattle changed hands. Mr Ghadwick, the Principal of Stratford Model School, is at present visiting friends in this locality. Personals. Mr, J. H. Hunter, of Durham, re- turned from the old country last week. Mr Allan McDougall arrived from Fort William last week. Mr. W. L. Young is spending his hoUdays at Watford, Master John Mclntyre, of Dundalu, is taking Mr Youngs place in the bank. Our old friend, CharUe Porter, was in town over Sunday. He has a "sit" in GripoSxcQ, Toronto, and is now taking his hoUdays. Mrs. Dr. Sproule is visiting at Parry Sound. Mr. Lucas, father of Mr. Wm. Lncas of this town.calledoff on his way home firom Calgary recently. John White,of Artemesia, has been vibiting at St. Thomas the past two weeks. Mrs. W. M. Clarke, of Toronto, is visiting Mends in this place. Mr. and Mrs. A. McDougall are visiting in Toironto this week. Sam Boyd is spending a oonple of weeks in t^arry Sound. Mrs.E. Large is visiting in Dur- ham. Miss Tait, of Brampton, (not Mrs. as per last week's paper) haa been mstioating afc Mr. Whitby's. Messrs. B. H. and Tom Benson «re on a trip to Manitonlin Island. Oscar Wright goes this week to To- ronto to take a ntnation m a dry good house. Bey. Mr. Wilson is away on his holidays; Bey. Mr. Stephenson took his poipit last Sabbath. Miss Bull and Misa MaoBae, of Durham, are visiting at Mrs. Tuner's tfaifl week. Master Wilhe MoFa^brnd left this week on a trq» to Chataqoa, N. T. Miss Melia McFarknd is toBellevdle visiting. Mrs. Hamilton and Miss Jessie Bolster of St. .Marys. Misses Jesse and Kate Bnston. Uxbridge, and Misa Bain of Bay G^. Midi., has heen ttie guests of Mrs. J. B. Tdmble Una week. Miss Wools^. of Toronto is 4he guest of M]rsi;|Kev. A. Wilson. 'f iiotal. Boddjn. m 81«J J»f }^- Members aU present. ^Minutes of last session of ooonol rs«d 4W^ed. The Beeve's ordws were usoed on the Treasurer to pay as foHows, via:-- J.B. Winter, $86.00, payment for gravel pit; W. P. Carson, $6.00, m i^ent S^es; T. J. Starrett, $26 00 printing and advertismg; Midiael Beynolds. it46.0p.bemg Salary of B. Miles by erder; John Bess, $2,60, road work; G.BiohardsoB. $6.60, pay- ment for road scraper; A. A. MoConnel, $26.60, work on 6 7 side line con. 6: B. Dunlop, derk, $26.00, making voters list; J. Matbewson, $20.(», work on town line St. Vincen^. fl. Hurd, $25.00, to pay men for work ou 6 7 S. B. con. 8; Yoeman and Little, $126.00, part pay men on build- ing Town HaU; J. Boyd, $27.00, to pay men for work on 9th line; W. Brady.$7.60, work on Saug^en hill, 11th line: George Hill, $10.00. work on 6 7 side line, con.- 10; Jas. Stinson, $19.60, work on 11th line, south of Saugeen HiU; Alexander Bowles. $10.00, work on 6 7 side line, oon.lO; Goorge.Emery, $24.00, work on town line, Collingwood. On motion of Messrs. Fawcett and Hurd a grant of $16.00 was made to improve 16 16 side line, con. 8. Alleged grieyance in reference to the location of the Walters Falls road, was laid before council, but the council nnanimously resolved not to change, the location of said road, for the folio ty- ing reasons, viz, that the present locat- ion was granted for road purpsoes by the late John Walter that the road was built at pubhc expence that the road for many years been kept in re- pair by statute labour and tiiat said road is still required and used as a public highway. Council adjourned until the last Saturday in August next. BOBEBT DxniLOP, Tp. Clerk In Bad Huxob A year ago my head was covered with seres and the eruption coverd my whole face also, and spread even until the back of my hands were sore, I became weak and ill. Finding no cure I tried Burdock Blood Bitters. Two bottles perfectly cured me." Statement of Miss IGnnie Stephenson, Cocagne, N, B. Oh TbbBibb **Leaves have their time to fall," says the poet, but the WOd Strawberry leayes are on the rise Just now, being utilized in such an enormous quantities in making Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberryâ€" the infallible remedy for Cholera Morbus, Dirrahoea and other summer complaints. Eateraace Examiaati*a. We give below the list of the success- ful candidates at the Enterance Ex- amination in this county, with the number ot marks taken. In Owen Sound there were 66 girls and 48 boys at the examination, of whom 24 girls and 10 boys passed. In Durham there were 16 girls and 14 boys, of whom 4 girls and 8 boy spassed. OWKH SOTTND. Cameron, Flora, Owen Sound, 391 Frost, Hattie, Owen Sound, 430 Hntehison. Je88ie,C Sjieabajxi., 408 Johnston, Maiy B., Dnndalk, 404 Mills, Catherine. 11 Si Vineent-. ..... 408 McGormio, Alma, 2 EastniK. 880 McGregor, Euphamia, 4 Sydenham, S86 Mtlnnis, Haonah J., 7 Bnllivan,.. .. 377 MeLraod, BeBajElisnore 367 Quirk. EUen. 4 (Heneig, ggs Teskey. Mattie. Linwood. 397 Tbompaoa,LIbUe,8Art«neBn....... 482 WalIaoe,KaUie,0«reD Sound 412 Young, MsnietU, 8 Darby, 409 Bainea.AKlubald. 10 HoUuid, ...... 470 Hall. AllMl, Dnndalk, 377 HaidbaRy»BobartJaiBaa,12 Sidliyan. 887 Jaekmaa. David.* Dsclij, 370 Little, Alaxaader. OwanSoand...... 444 Mi^ Ofloiga, J.,1 qipd, 4,0 «..•••., 1 11 I When we asfJldQc«|ter'a Bpee^f Cora is thaooly iwrfcet eon for I ^tpup a i a, Idvier Ctuni^bintii. ladignatinn siaA Jhiw w M oodj upam l e HS fc A^ i' '"'" ' ' i n h S TO â€" iej Jive I uUii^miWWWI twatnil wki %m kMnatS. tUtatUim tOe. and fl.Oa ^tttwatB.Ii.Stirhw'ilteegStote., t ' BE OWTOWB GUABIK ' " Jkm't aUow. « sold in Uie:%iii| 40 ihmij and snidy devdc^ilJMlf iatb lnoipi«pi|PikK^ Om^^ Wboxes»wsac«uft«|ttdiiie f^fMJii. Pr. "OHMft*^ tMiei«h^«M«^'«t|| 1^ gn dealers ftiSie cents per box.' $1$ MoOiegor, Aleiandflr, 4 ^jda^hun. MoLaran, Bidwrd. Owen Bmmd, .. BMbatoagfa.Joaiah, Dnndalk. Waidell. Thomas Owan Sound, SUBBAK. Andeiaon, Mi^gis, 8 Qlaiulg... DeA?. Maggie, 8 GleDdg, .... Mclnms, Mazy A^ 7 Aitenueia. McNab. EUett.fi Ql«nels~^ Firth, Joseph W-» ««»l«, *..*..,. Main8ham,BobtSBentinekA}leiialff LwJMo. C^iks H.. I HonnanbyTTr?.' IfcGowtt, R. S., FrioeviDe,. T»yo«.flager,Pii,«il|^ ...... V«Ile»,Bol«t.Durhs4». ...... CONStlMPttOH CtmED. India SuanitiMP* •»-- â- Â«-- â-  " T^Brtalile enteoMof Dafaii^ 466 •72 889 898 877 401 416 401 897 886 886 409 402 431 bjuock:, NEXT DOOB «0 THE MANSIOK HOUs* -oxo- «» »o e •"x**. The subscriber btoT operei and id now offering premises, a ohmce WJd well ajBsorted stock of Geueral liooks "k\^ *^ great variety Fancy Goods, conaprismg Albums, Purses. LadLs?^* Fancy Brackets, Fius, Mouth Organs, Coucertinas, Accfudioas !i' A full supply of School Books in all grades, also Bbttere r Drawing Books, Pent, Pencils, all kinds. • w)py ^, In A, few weekly will also have in stock, a choice assortment of th» patterns and designa in Wall Paper, Borders, c. ' A full supply of Sheet Music, voe^kl and instrumental. AH the ne- in cheap Bindings." Swidaj Bsljbol suppUes a specialty. Bibles Teali? !i Methodist, Preitbytenan and Episcopal Church Hyma-Books, a'ndEiri " and Boman Gatholie Prayer-Boo^ in great variety. P"*!d Any goods not in stooir, obtained to order at shortest notice. Subscriptions received for Morning and Eyenmg editions of lU lu Toronto Papers. â-  " ARTHUR DINSMQRr M/c(^KDALE Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and PlamFic. tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everyb bemg new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Honllngs, HoUof Batt^ FRMES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS, tc, And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to i Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m every department, I would now respectiolfy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PI N E LU M BER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Taming done. Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 80S THOS. McNJEA. MASSACRED! Eyerything marked down to suit the hard times Don't throw away mmf by buying at akother nufn's figures, when you can save from 10 tu 25 per cent, by purchasing your Groceries at Startling Value in Teas and Sugars, 150 dozen of Canned Salmon, Lobsters, Mackeral, Sardines, TomaiMS, Con Peas, Pears, Plums, Strawberries, Peaches, c., to be sacrificed at cost priw. Flour and Baco n Cheap a s the Cheapest. M large stock of Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars and ALWAYS OK HAinâ€" VXBT OHBAP. A LABOI STOOK OV Ifistakeiiot the pltee if yoa want aood atodt, aoed SafUftcfion and Low Prim LEWIS KNAPP M -^UTBT ui FUCI -IN- JJiyiLOPES, MOTE PAPER, DUNLOP^ BLOCK.V 6AMEUA A*^ To ih4 PmpU of MarkddU md wr- rrouitdmf9ieimt^i^ a Stationery and l^an^ Oebds JMoie in Dnnlop's Block. iWsbwa^llt^^phAieafpublic patro- interoourse may Iprofitdble,! itfflly, ilBSLCtlllBHt J) I C E, BISCUITS Ste^ J^ 11.7, ^mmm iHi

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