Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Aug 1886, p. 2

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 !i Hi I â-  'â- â-  .. i: 1 T. i 'K i^ Ml' â- i^i »-" it' i h ik^ iIIm wmmmimmnm •I MaMMn 8p»iB lan M OMUBOBM qbilMaiâ€" la CMada, aad the pavBlHr noMdj b â- iepto and (ffisknt. A tUok Ubm bwd- •g* b wnm^sd HOand th« kaad aad k^ wtnrfttod wfth«0ldwKtor,"'por MOtr •! fntgo," M they odl il, •* to draw eat tin fire." Everj two miaatei er m tfie water ia renewed, till the petfMit bee reoevered en£SaieBtly to rft op and oentinae oeeliag hie teesplM wftha wet epoBge. I have iMTer knewn that methed to InTelve anj irjarieu after eiFeota, and beUeTe that ita empleymeot weald eftea break the Inolp- ient eymptfiiu ef olimato feveca, theagh the pepalar prejodioe aKilnrt the inflaenoe ef oeld in all ita fonni may reoommend leaa rational epeolfioa, bleedfaig, fer inatanoo, whioh at beet czoHangea a memeatory atopor fer a week-leng laagaor and liabOI^ torelapeaa. Batitaeenu leaf eaay to ao- oennt fer the egvegieiu ebatiaaoy el tiw prejadioe againat freah water aa a beverage fer healthy penoaa under the bflaeaoe ef •zoeaaiTe heat, A aoldier reachiDg hla neenday camp in a ahady grere, a wayfarer lialtlngat a pablio well, a b^ retamlng from a butterfly diaae, are aura to be â- waned againit the dlaaatevna eflEsota of -eeld water '• drank In the heat." •• Wait till yon oeel off ' " Take a drbk of oeflTae ^rrt." "Ten'Ucatoh year death at that eld apring," eto. Yet even the pepalar night-air dread ia not mere utterly gratni- teui. We might aa well be aaked to be- liere that a waywom feet traveler muat net tit down without fint roatiog a few jniantea in a ataading poaition. We might aa wen warn a droway ohild agalnat abut- ting both eyea at onoe at the riak of falling Aiieep tee abruptly. The truth ia that a drink of oold water ia healthieat when the ayatom ia moat urgently in need of it, and at no ether time tbe atomaoh mere rOadily f ergivea the abmptneai of audden repletion, Oaly dmhkarda and peraona whoae di- geative ergana have bieen debilitated by leng abuae riak' the leaat napleaaaut oon- â-  acquencaa from a free indalgenoe in the moat nataial of all dilutanta refrigerant!. Bat, on the other hand, there ia no doubt that previoua expoiure to czoeaBiye heat inoreaaea the danger of aarfeltlog the syatem with oalorifio food that perk eatan in quantity after a warm day'a work often reanlta in a delirium equaling the worat aymptoma of oholeca morbua. Greaay ragoata baoome more indigeattble in aummer a quantum of auet pudding, which at other timea would produoe only a alight heaxtbarn, haa in aultry weather to be expiated by a fit of diatreaafng oeative- neaa. Teurista on letiunlng from a dog- day ezcuraion, er f aimera after a awelter- ing hurveat day, aheuld therefore oonfiue themaelya* to moderate quantitiea of f oo d, and If pe9(itle abstain fer a meal or two from all heat-preduoing viands, A jally pudding, with oeld milk and augar, er a plateful of oeld fruit and oaksa,. will abundantly latlafy the demauda ef nature, whiob on auoh days are ne /er exorbitant. The feeling of eppreaaive heat, in faot, di- minishes all appstitsa exsept the desire for refrigeration. Self-Oue. The body, to a large extent, ia a ma- ohine whioh, when diaarranged, repairs it- aelf Phyaioiana tell na ef the vis medica rix 7taurceâ€" -the power to heal inherent in nature. It ia natural to get welL The body's reouperative reaeuroea are not equal to every newl, but thoy are very great. It ia becanae of this even that the well man tends to keep well, if he canferma to na- ture's lavs, fer the system la ever full of poison from its own waste, the disposal ef whioh nature has provided for, better than «tiy oity haa fer the dispesal of ita debdly aewage. Take the case of an ordinary waund. It needs only to have its diarnpted parte bronght together, and nature does the heal- ing and even in many oases where the parte are not brought together, nature fills \iipthe spMo with new fl^sh. So nature Will mend a breken bene, on the simple oendition that the ad juated parte be allow- ed the rrquisite rest. Dyspepsia, whether induoed by improper eating, the neglect ef exercise, brain ever- work, or care, worry and fret, will in time wholly disappear on remeval ef the cause and compUaDoe with the laws of nature. The best physioiana now freely admit that typhoid patlsnts, in the great ma- jority of oases, would reoever without a drop ef medialnq thai; they need medloine mainly to promote eaae and oomfort, and that pure air is iMtter for them than all' drugBr The aame ia true of aeme other diaeaaea. Mere and mere is it being ad- mitted that, in no case, do druga have any curative pswer, bat only aXA nature, aa the aurgeon aide in the oaae ef a badly broken limb, by removicg irritating bite, apiou'se, eto., and aeouring the proper adjustment and fixation of the parte. The eld-time doctors greatly overdeaed peopleâ€" in multitudes of cases litorally deaed people to death. Within leu than twenty years a perasnal friend, called to wateh with a neighbor far gone in consump- tion, waa shown devtn different medioinea. each of whioh she waa to admlnbtor during the night, acoording to the varying aymp- toma. It oannet be toe atrengly emphaaiaed tiiat thoae who ebaerve the laws of their pbyrioal nature are Ukely to keep wellâ€" and even infeotieua diseaaea have little power ever such peraens, and weald wholly dia- appear if all obaerved theae lawa. HOUSEHOLD. Aboat tiiie EooM i ahadaa in man, bail and aaf* lthaathMa*f»»*fe fBMinl A Fre« righU The neat reputattoaofB-igsa'BeeMo OQ i Bucb that it baa Induced unprlxidpied per- SnST to adopt oUier uMMB se »««^ *» •â-  poesble. The proprU*«ii of Biigmf meoWo mhare the name and style at thoTBeetric OT ^Sfftetmd both in Canada and ^e United SuSt^vaA no oae can nee It but themedvee. '^S^kMhea! Ins of the eaoeeae ot Brigsa' Klec- M« nflhAve adoBted other aaiBM aimilar anch itoivtagtoinduoe thenuMe tojw them in- SSuiS the genuine Beotrio OO. Srfaoj aodoterminedwore tikey^that they VJL'SSS'^^'SS!^ J^SSStd thSaaiSeiJSt tte Coorta andlhe HirdftoK of Agienttnro at Oggr a fully aua- tained " -^ " ' Skair-nda have had tbeir day. ad hnsua battaoa 9l Ih«y an maoh b e tto r aa aoooaat h malha n^ioh find a good hidiag plaoo iMhindreda. A daiaty bad-oomfertar ia mada ia tiila way: Out a piaoe ef doable-width cheeaa owth larga enoogh to reaoh from the pillowitotiMfaotafthebed. PatevertUi a layar or two of aioe batting. Oover it with a pUoa ef oleth lika that andemaath aad oatoh It threagh aad throogh ia apota witfa blae zsphev woratad, paaaed lightiy without drawing tight aad out thaia loops loft by tho thread oa Hie right aide. If preferred, aataraadortweof yellowoan 1m added to the bhie wonted; the geaerai appearaaoa will be that of daidea aoattered over it. Bseidea bdag ohaap and very aoft looking, it makea a vary aaaful addition to a bed, and oaa be aaaily ripped np ataay tiaae aad oiada over. The edgea can bo caught to- gether by ovenaating with worsted or blad- ing with namw ribbon.- iETotuaiteeper. Handaome and ornamental ruga may be made at home. One ef the leaat expenalve is the Chenille rug. Collect aU your woel- an aorapa â€" ne matter hew small or how mnoh aeiledâ€" old fiannela can bs dyed with bright dyea and add very mnoh to the beau- ty of the mg. Out all the pieoea into creea- wiseatripa about lialf an inch wide; the length ia ef no ctnaequence. Thread a needle with very atrong thread doubled. Qather the pieoea through the centre with not toe fine atitohea. Aa faat aa a piece is gathered puah it down oloae to the knet. Puah each piece aa tight ai poasible to the next one. Centinue in this way until the thread is full, then tie en another thread and preoeed aa before. Make in ' akelna about aiz yarda leng. It reqnirea about one hundred and fifty yarda fer a rug. Take it to a carpet weaver and have it woven three-quartera of a yard wide. If you have enough reda of different ahadea to make fifty-eight yarda for a border at either end, and have the centre "hit or miss," it makes a besutiful rug. These ruga an very handaeme, and being alike on both aidea, wear beautifully. The only, expense is in weaving, generally fifty cents er one dollar. This work utilizes pieoea that would etherwiae find their way in the rag bag. Very pret^ ruga oan be male of amall silk aorapa, no matter hew much defaced they will all work in. Cat in atrips about balf an inch wide and two inohea leng. Take a piece ef ticking, having the strips about one-third ef an inch wide, out it into the size of the rug wanted. Thread a aewinn machine' with ooarae thraad (number thirtj and needle. Plaoe one ef tbe tioking atripea under the needle, then lay en the ailk pieoea oloae togetiier, with the middle of each piece on the tioking atripe, and atiteh down to the end of the atripe, then atiteh back again oloae to the laat row ef atitohing thia will make it atrong. Put the ticking in place with the next stripe under needle. Fold baoktiie fringe, made by the proceeding row, baok out of the way and preoeed aa before, A black border and mixed centre are very rich looking. After the rug ia fie- iahed Ibia with aeme heavy material to keep it flakâ€" Good Rotutkeeping, The Gaka Basket. MiyiSTEBS Sponoe Cake, â€" Thrae egga, one and one-half cup of oold water, one-half teaspeonful of aeda, one toaapaonfnl of oreaoi tartar, one and one -half cup i ef fleur, one quarter teaapeenf nl ef aalt, one teaapeonful ef extract ef lemon. Beat the egga five minntea, add the augar and beat two mfai- atoa more i then add the other ingredienta. White Cake.â€" Two eggs naing the whitea only, a acast half cup of butter, one cup of powdered augar, oce and ene-half oupa of fleur, ene-haif oup of aweet milk, one tea- apeonful of aoda. Flavor with extract of roae er lemen. This ia a delioate cake and may be varied by adding one-half cup ef cit- ron out fine and ernamentod with a nice freating. FeatbebCaeb. â€" One cup of augar, one oggj two thirds cup ef sweet milk, a heaping teaapaenfnl of batter, two cups of fleur in whioh are thoroughly sifted one teaspoenf ul of cream-tartar, and one-half teaspoonful of soda. Fiaver with lemen or vanilla, and bake in one leaf or in layers and it iH.l be found an excellent cake, especially If eaten while freah. Boll Jellt Cake â€"Four egga, one cap of fleur, one teaapoenful of onam tartar, one-half teaapeonful of aoda, one 6np of pow- dered augar. Spread thin on long tine. Aa aeon aa baked tarn from the tina on to a damp olota, apread with jally and roll np Immediately, Lbhon Cak» â€" ^Twe and ene-half oupa ef powdered augar, three-quartera ef a oup of butter, one cup of eweet milk, three full oupa ef aifted flur, four eggs, the juice and grat- ed rind ef one lemen, one level toaapeonlnl of aoda. Bake in two ioavea and freat with a white icing flsvered with lemon. »e^»-l BMB^itii aad difflovtt Dn a thlB g. Uses of Gattle Bones* The four feat ef an ordinary rx wHl make a pint of neat's feet oil. Net a bone ef any animal b thrawn away. Maay oattle'a ahin-bonea an ahi'pped to England fer theaiaking ef knife handlea, when they bring $40 per ton. The thigh benea an the OBOstvalaable, ldng wortii $80 per torn for oatting into teethbrush haadMa. The foreleg banes are worth $30 par ton, aad an made lute osllar battona, paraael liandlea and jewelry, tiieogh aheep'a lege an the ataple panad handlea. Hie water ia whioh the bema an beOed b ndaoed to glue, aad the dost whioh oemeo fnm ww- iag tiiem u fedto oattia aad peoltry. A Good Com Bheller for 2Sc. A marvel of o h ea p aaaa, ef effioaoy, wad, of nmaptltndab b eantalned ia a bottfaef Ibat IsBiea remedy, Pntaam'a PiAabn dan Bxtraata^ Itgna right to tfanNokoC fhe tnmUa, tMn aoto qnlAij but r-Mnilr that aattJag b kaowaof itt irntrilloa aSl tfMOOTataahaDad. Hmwmm cimSS^Sm •ffand for PotaMn'a Palaba Oeta Ex^ mo Md pabdMa.. Bdd at dng- •••.ttwM pituur 01 OTuaaitwait Ha *** " ??^ atlH iaatiM, •â- 4 "'^TJf'^^f^^ whoa hb mmll^t hava boeat aavad by tak- lagDrTrbioe'a **QMm IWtoalDbwr- li^"-«iM gnat «Oas»waplb|i €«*"-• vUA, If promptly omflafad, wIQwmi mA- due all tiireatasdBg aymptMBb aaoii aaooogh, Ubend hfMttJag. aight^waato, opIbiBg of bb«d,«to., aad reatorlag waaiaf ateeagth Mdbapa, tifcotually atop ihapew ooMwap. tfvo'aripWpngreaagnTa-ward. lilt act worth tiyingt Aildiaggtf. Flat, tiny Iwcqaali of flowen dcoorato f eatival fans. "Bewhewfthwaad; â-² fool al laetfH • tool iadael r* So (idd Yooag. Straw's ahow whioh way Ae wind Uowa, aad than an a aoon of Bvmotomaaay oneef which ahows the tx- irtaaoe of eatarrh. Nagtootod. It wiU nb the bleed ef Ita parity and the ayatom of ito ifereagth. Get Dr. Sage'a Catarrh Bemedy. It onrsa even leng-atandng oaaea, aa then- â- aada testify, aad aheald be naed for oolda in the head, whldi of tea ronlt la oeaflrmed oatorrh. Caavaaâ€" blaok, of eaana- b worn for monrnlag. Ita thouaanda of ouna an the beat adver- tiaement fer Dr., Sage'a Catarrh ttemedy. High ooifforea are probably moribund. Dont uae any awn nanaeoaapargatlvea euoh aaPiUa, Salta, *»., when yon oan get in Dr. Caraun'a Stemaoh Bitters, a medloine that moves the Bowela rentlr. oleanalaR aU tvpur- Itlee from the aystem ud renderbur theBtood pure and oooL Great Spring MedlcfaieStota. The differenoe betwoon a poor angler, Se- phronia, and the fish he triea to oatoh b thb The angler laita hb hook and the fish hooka hb bale. A WKB VOK DKUlTABNinSSS, Opium, morphine, ohieral, tobaooo, and hindrtd kabiU. The mediolne may be given in tea er ooffee without the knowledge ef the persmi taking It, if 80 dtmmd. Send 6o in stamps, for book and teatimeniala fnm thoae who have been cured. Addreaa M. Y. Luboa, 47 Welling- ton St. Eaat, Toronto, Ont. Out thb out for future reference. When writing men- tion this paper. Queen Viotorb b said to have lieen a good deal annoyed at the alipahed way in whioh the HoUoway collage opening waa conducted. She attended the cxerobea with seme enthuaiaam but came away with very little by all acoounta. A.P, r9Z M ENâ€" THBEEâ€" and two ladletâ€" as Oanvaisan good pay. H. K. XannoT, Tonnto, OnL AGSNT8 rOB NEW PARALLEL FAMILT BIBLK8â€" latge type, mlendld maps, baantl- hdlUnstntlons: cootains 1,000 qntsUons and an- swers on Bible Toplos liberal terms. IntemaUonsl Book and Bible Eionse Toionto. Ont. fiiEfTB WAimO-IN BTBBT TOWK AND county, lof the O. K. Puer aad Slloer. Be«t r ont I sells at light sample Kblfe seat on noeQt of piloe, Uo. Q. D. DAT, Agent, M 7on«e St.. Toronto, Ont. A^lin M Acre Farmâ€" OSS* 6* Acre WsUU â€"1 mile (nnn Dnndalkâ€" 100.000 aotlDg plays, 16 cents » 100.000 6 cent mnrio t instruments baU-pilce. BUTLAND. 87 Klng-at. W.. Toionto. BAND SAW M AOBINSSâ€" ALCi 8IZB8â€" LATB8T imptoTements bracket band saws for attach- Ine to posts; neat, ohMp and dniable; send for clnKlan. JOHN GIU.II8 ft 00., Caileton Plaoe OnL RBFBKSBNIATIVB hi esoh oonnqr lo seU *- Pro- posal and EspouMl"â€" a book on Lore, OoufV ship, Mttrlmony and Undted t '«mes. Writs for oirenlars. International Book wd BiUe use, Xoronio, Onl SCHOOIi Teaehen A Bta«Icn£i Atteatlem Dnrfaig Holidays a speolal conne of private lessons, by highest masters, wUl be nlven School Xeaoheis and Students, on Shorthand, Drawing oi Patntmg. All who can should come. Send immedi- ately for special dionlan. Thb Unoa Shou- BiMDiBS' AoASBKT, Aiosde, Toioato. WANTED niBnOIATEI.Â¥.â€" Two Huhorbd Students for Shorthand, Bookkeiping, Aiith- meUo, WriUng, Art, and all Commercial and Bng)lh oonfses, etc. Frirate lessons day or evening. Special Teime. All gtadnate» helped in pioonringgooa po»l- ttons. Address at once, THE TUSONIO BOSlNEaS COLLEGE. 87. 39, 41 Adelaide BL East. Toronto. A HAN OKA WOMAN WAaXSOIM EVERT J\. township, to sell Dr. X•far^ge'a new botA. "Uve Ceala." The kecaest ao: most vigorous specimen of oratory ever wilt*, ea nearly 700 pages I enlylS: fall partlonlare of this aad oUie' new books naa. Schuvler Smith fc Co.. Publishers ondoa,Ont BENfiOlieoni Shorikaad a»d Bnstncss Inscltnte, Toronto. This li the oMeet and leaning Shorthand aad Cypewilsiag School In Oan- ada, Ite Teachers aad Leotnrers are men of length- ened praotloal experience. SpeoUl Inducements dur- ing rammer months Positions seonred graduates fchorttiand books for sale. Oorrtepondence inrited. XTBLSON ft CO., MILLWRiaHIS A ENQtNEBRS X^ Berlin, Outâ€" sole numnfaeturers hi Canada of automatic engines from 2 to 16 h. p. automatic en- gines for printlur offices high speed automatic en. gines for eleotrie lighting antomatio en/inee for oheeee, butter, and sausa«a factories, or any other pnrpoae where a light and che^i power ia required. For price llat and other partloolara addnas as above. A^S^'JbT^^JSf?!? â„¢"» A BOOK THAT gives better satlsfaotloa or ttal you can wafc* BMBw taster with tbaa •' World's Wowlera.' S^ato dl olasses-Ohristiaaa aad lafldelai Cathollos a^ Protestants, old and yenng; dd agents who have not oanvaaaed for years are going tnio the field with It 0. P. jrenktoe sold 188 VuSk week^J. EJJwoe "^i i^ â- Â»? y»* *** " Wondeis" netted me one hundred and sixteen doHars." A good^aaoa fornnem^ed persons: entflt f ree to actnalaaa. vassers, write for tema. Baanar' o*--â€" â€" *â-  Oo. Braattord ' ""â- *â- Â«Â»â- â€¢ MONEYjrO LEND ProdnotiTe Town, Village Fam Property. O. MncBOCU â- eOONAUft. Bantetov. • JSmUm gtoefc- Tpfonto tn»\ -Teienta, Hams, Breakfast Bacon^ anTS^S^'^ai^nSLStMSS?' seven yeara tor exeeUeaoe rtonJi^^^ " '" »** Oat. JAS. PARK SON. Weslejan IaO^' College, HAMILTON, CANADA. ^.he aaSTt En?a:v5!^fc"«»- GLOBE Washboard WalterWoodsl'^- '-ll.-'.-.^^ To rid yo«r Of bnainoao^ Uttlo posts WILSaii'S FLY POISON PADS. SOLD BT DKV€GISTS. THE POPULAR story Paper, The nveaide Weekly. Sixseifsl etonesbythemosttalentedauthors in each issue. A number ot interesting Complete Tales of Ijove, Bomance, and Adventure, Cnoice Poetry, Short Sketcbee, Household Becipee, Soience, Wit and Humor, etc., contained in each issue of The Fiicetde ITeefciir. 6c. per copy or, with 40 wf the nseat dralntble een^e of tbe day, 92.00 per year; six months and 30 pieces mnaic, fl fbzee months and lO pfecea music, SOo. Swhecsrlhe â- â€¢er. Agents wanted everywherie. Liberal oom minion, ttaaiple c*plee ft«e. Trb Fibbsiiib WsBSLT, as Odbome Bt, loxontok CanadA. Jelt ft Slate SoofoFi Maaulaeturer and dealer in Tarred VeH, Pitoh, Building Papaia, Oarpet aad DeataalBR Pell Koady Kooflngs otc PcMt lew prioss a ddress H. WILLIAMB, 4 Adelaide 8k K., Tooalo: I UJ -I B. 8PBNCE CO.. Oonaumoie wlU find it to their advantage to aak the trade tor our nuke d PUeb an^ Hasps. Ke-CnttlMC • Bpedaltp* Send tor price list and terms. Hamilton, Ontario. 01 â- u I ARHSTBO]ir«'S PATENf BUGGY CARRIAGE GEARS FliaetonCaiTiage ON OUB Improved "BrKEKA" LIGHT, STYLISH, STRONO, DURABLE ANO THE EASIEST RIDINQ BUGGY MADE. As now improved the " Eureka" Gear is tree from defflct* of any kind, and is meeting with a ready sale MMle to enlt open or top bnsgiee and phaetons. For sUe by all t)i« Loadinj; Caniaee Snil4er«. Send for OUT decoriptiye price ll»». j, b. ARMSTRONG M'F'G CO. LD GUELPH. CANADA. BSTIBS «««oow Drift i^!5i pUa: and dnrigtS^ ft«lMfg?*gS :« ABSOLUTELYpoi ^£i^£iiiE2iii: ELECTRO STEREOT YPERS -:• TORONTO, -r J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 King S^ East TORONTO. ^nd fer cauisniL TEHTS, FUOS, HAMU, AND CAMPING GOOdT Macnair's, '«»»•»««] WiEvery enqnl^ oheerfully Mwem. lamilton Seaieli neBMtuiiL eitlHiiii ScalMlikn reUTtndnlib Pamen'ainkJ iblepUani Dorm«iit, Hopper Vi. Scales for Mills and Hev We mannfactnre all styles of SCALES, which are nnequslled for| accaracy, dnrabiUty and elegaace of finfih. OSBOBI7EG0„Uii| F ARMERS AND THRESHE RI ITse on yonr MactalneiT only the Well-known PEERLESS SIX COLD MEDAI fi ^^e been awarded it during the last three yHia Tiyilnwr Wi#a UWkU ni«;U#«L«l ixgg ^xiiB OKKASK for yoorWmoni»ndH(iMPn«| Xanntaotured at 4|«ccm Ctty OU Warka, by SAMUEL ROGERS CO., TORON Saw-mill Machinery and En^i Wood ». .^Bft WorMng Machineij. 154 St. Janea Street, inontreal. ^BRANTFORD AND 30 St. Paul Street, 4nebec. WINNIPEG- j "*Jrt^**S.f.'**" B!I«I«E«. Plaio and Traction Separator., by »« Iei«»f «JJS. I f^^ 2? »'"' "•* »•»" ^- â- **»«•â-  ««aFaalef^ Threshing Beitt k«.i »â- â€" ^ornew 06 page saw mill oatalogue and posters. NEW HARRIS AND STEEL DOME HOT-AIR FURNACB f ««» hea» wnhleta oonsompttoa "I "" j^ *«J^I fl«fh s^lbfeltis»MM»ft»«' OoneepoadeaoeiolW*^ ^,0n

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