Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Aug 1886, p. 5

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 "^TT- •»-**^5±"5j *â-  fererslia"»- a Corresport^'^^- '".be order of the day beie. ,ri**^'lbovsof all s'^zes wending ;^^«fil;he patch .fear this „„ former miller in the :jS'"!i vU'ting friends in this „p,lriver.R. Park, has been "'^.Sliing.andMr.George mm 9i. -inr V so o« â-  been ui vhig stage this past „ R former teacher in '^^Si:"'^^""!^ was visiting at jijm nW .-J iA e.k. .Mr .»« â- eu't up Collingwood, naid Mat. Wood J^BXT R.EYlV01L.rS» 3BJL.OCIC, BOOR TO THE M ATTSION H0ITS:E, Sa^^^ X IVriso, p, short vi^ Jiere. t=i^"-;;,unanddoD'tleti-red l^vs «*"'" • ;,.,,^ ,„^ tnk« the Sunday nil ^="\t"wuoatforadrive 'ht and take the ' r V 'iJaA'fii'^^' "' ^^? .?®^*'55?i' nisn.. Girl." "Will, Price private, .^t •Ijiitelier ... 1 beli?\'t' ni5u"verr Sunday Uiitle loaa-stone out there -itr-n^e to me what takes I think ;be:i ^^^^ MKaiord. the renowned horse "^fariver. spent a " couple of days I yi'M rr last week. :,--M I iiae, Off Woes .j^ork tor two years suffering P'r,iica-^e. and could get no relief "â- * ,v;lfn.'Kltotvy B. B. B I IV im bottles, and considered it „â-  cnre ' The ahove is the subst- .;,^,EmunicatioH from Wm. Tier, of ,()nt. si j-fEs vith Dyspepsia and Liver â- â€¢s'uik'h's Vitalizeris guaranteed .^,, for sale by K. L, Stephen, Holiand Centre. :,. ,1 onr i-icn correspondent. L fee, a farmer about two mile's b'lul liib house burned about 'isrd ult. Most of tlie con- .xrere Hived. We understand :^as jiJOO of insurance. wheat is good where it was iKter- killed. The isample is ex- jSpring crops are locking Ptrnas thus far. able Galbraith conducted Jas. (tr 10 jail ou Monday, he choosing ihree months rather than pay |.N.II;'.Istoad, wife of Dr. Halstead, foiJ, died of appoplexy on i::a nit. Monday evening last a number lir. liiclLCyre's friends met at his knee ou "the eye of his departure rrej^tiited him with an address t:'arjo. â€" oxoâ€" The subscriber will open out, on Monday^ August 2nd, in • the above premises, a choice and weU assorted stock of General Books, StatioiRry in great variety Fancy Goods, conaprising Albums, Purses, Ladies Satchels, Fancy Brackets, Fans, Mouth Organs, Concertinas. Accordions, c., c. A full supply of 3chboI Books in all grades, also Blotters, Copy and Drawing Books, Pens, Pencils, all kinds. In a few weeks, will also have in stock, a choice assortment of the newest patterns and desjgy in Wall Paper, Bordei^, c. A full supply ofabect Music, vocal and instrumental. All the new novels in cheap Bindings. Sunday School supplies a epeeialty. Bibles, Testaments, Methodist, Prejbyterian and Episcopal Church Hymn-Books, and Episeopid and Koman Cathohc Prayer-Books in great variety. Any goods not in stock, obtained to order at shortest notice. Subscriptions received for Morning and Evening editions of all the Toronto Papers. ARTHUR DIN8MORE. READ nc- Of the Great Stock of PATENT MEDICIfiESI a u b •« \t 1-^4 .»i.' Jewelry-^' Pipes, 4c. WOOL! I WOOL! Those having Wool to sell or manufacture, will find it to their advantage to call at the FLESH ERTON WOOLLEN -:- FACTORY. The machinery being now in splendid working order, and having engaged a staff of competf nt hands, we are now busy manufacturing goods usually kept in stock. Any custom work entrusted to us will receive prompt and careful attention, and done at reasonable prices. IS* DON'T FAIL TO GIVE US A CALL. • May 3rd, 1886. AV. H. F^1_-ESH:ER. AT STEfJHEJST'S DRU G ST OBE. Aycr's Sarsaparilla. " Chenrv Pectoral. " Hair Vigor. " AntibiUousPnis Warner's Safe Cure. " iervine Cure. " Dabetic Cure, •• Safe Pills. Shiloh's Consumption Cure. Catarrh " " System Vitalizer. McGregors Speedy Cure. " Lung Compound^ *• Carbolic Cerate. Allen's Lung Balsam. Lydia Pinkham's Compound. Northrop Lyman's Veg. Cure Cuteenra Besolvent. Dr. King's New- Discovery. Fellow's tJompound Syrup. Sulphur and Iron Bitters. Burdock Blood Bitters. Carson " " Green August Flower. Boschee's German Syrup. And all other Patent Medicines usual- ly kept in a first-class drug store. JAS. a mSEU's FLESHERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Seieet fronii ^\ r o" o o o c d 9 o e a c o o o P. o 6 IS* lii IE a laot, aa every one I says, that RUSSELL is the man I to repair your Watch or dock properly. Looooooooo-ooeooeeee GIVE HIM A TRIAL. Every job warranted to give satia- faotion, 217-269 JIS. 6. RUSSELL :Ls/d:-^^5s:np,^=u.r„i'Fi -»^fe*«*^ rhuD-ii I\'otes. GOOO R,IOS. o Ivelly, t'le vocalist, late of invood, has peeu engaged to sing ifi'.nimplon I'resbyterian church iti^oOdiier year. •J. .V, McAlmon, Presbyterian iiL'.cr. k'liuerlyof this place, is, we irrjiand. uuw stattrned at Chats- .l^'Lartly s;civices last Sunday in ^viiis: Ciiuich was largely attended -Mc jtrvii-o tlininghout interesting ^;OTrt'Siive.. The subject for next '.vi\\iii;-L; will be "question for ;vj-ffieii" and a sermon for • itu .School workers and children e^sjIiagl^jR^ ^j»* TVIoiei"a.te Cliarares. Also a fuU line of T0ilel Goods, Perfumory Shoulder Braces, Sponges, and all kinds of Druggists' sundries. PARIS GREEN! Best in the market. 8«^2j2R^^S»»W SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CuMMthuiAL TRAVELLERS. Mathews' Old Stand, opposite Markdale House WJVI. T/VYbOR, fROPRIETOR. N.B. â€" Medicines dispensed day and night. B. L. STEPHEN. Markdale THE GENUINE SINGER CARSON'S Iiiipleient_Einporiiun. I beg to announce to the public that I am this season better than ever pre- pared to supply your wants in Agri- cultural Implements and Machinery. I will keep on hand Self-Binders. Beap€-r8. Mowers. Sulky Rakes. Steam and Horse Power Threshing, Machines. Grain Drills, Single or Combined. Plows, eight kinds. Sulky Plows. Fanning Mills. Broadcast Seeder, Combined. Spring- Tooth Harrows. Iron Harrows. ' Land Rollers. Potatoe Plows. Gang Plows. Scufflers, three kinds. Root Cutters. Wheelbarrows. Hot Air Furnaces. Road Scrapers. Wagons. Democrats, Open Top. Buggies, c., o. Office at Matkdale House, ' 291-309 MARKDALE. mrs List for 1886. paniripalhy of the Township [•Kilend;;, Coiiniy of Grey. "TICE is l.ereby given, that I have '"usmiitod r delivered to the persons â- â- ^--liuilieihird and fouitli sections ViicisLi-'t Act," Ibe copies requir- ' i N ctioii to he transmitted or delivr- e .ijt made, pursuant to said act, of ;esc:i ajipearing by the last revised 'â- E-'.:t Ko'd ot the said Municipality to 'id to vote in said Municipality at ^ons f„i- laomhers of the Legislative ^%, and the Municipal Elections and -SI jas posted up at my office at Lot 24 -i iownship of Gleaelg, on the 19th "^ly. ISSG, and remains there for â- Â«tos are called upon to examine the -T,".^^' ^^ "y omissions, or any other foiinil therein, to take immediate s 1 1 have the said errors corrected -»â- â-  â- â€¢â- 1 law. 'OHXS. BLACK, \ii5 ^^^^^ °f t he said Mmiicipalif -Ji6l im. lyth day of July A.D. 1886. 306-8 THOSE IN NEED OF A R EWINC -:- M ACHINE Should be sure and get the cooocoooorococ aENUINE NEW YORK SIDGER o c o c o o c o c c c coo Spectacles and Eye-Glasses ^AEE THE ONLY GENUINE ENGLISH ARTICLES IN THE The best is the cheape-st, and this grand machine is certainly the best. C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, 290 Markdale. immsn. \^ Consumers Sealors IN ohjs, "y the Empire Oil Go's ^^ PALACE LIOHT "mating Oil for Machinery of all kinds. Our I^^STOR E. OIL 'â- ^Dteed the peer of all OUs the market. m |. ^MPIRE OIL CO., and Reflnere. ^j^^SOi^TO LONDON. â- "^^Wbem Ontario, A Goodby. Real Pebbles are kept In stock. TESTS ARE GIVEN TO PURCHASERS TO PROVE GENUINENESS. oâ€" â€" â€" They are' recommended by and testimonials have heen received from^ the President Vice-President, Ex-President and Ex- Vice-President of the Medical Association of Canada the President of the College of Physicians and SutJ geons of Qusbec the Dean of the Medical Faculty of Lavjd University the President and Ex-Presidents of the Medical Council of Nova Scotia, c., e. o â€"â€" These recommendations ought to be sufficient to prove their qualities but it further proof is needed, call on A TURNER Co„ • Chemists and Druggists, The only place in Town wliere they can be obtained. Spectacles Fitted on Scientific Principles. New _Bakery. I would respectfully intimate to the in habitants of Markdale and surronndinj; onntry that I have opened in IVIONTGOIVI FRY'S STAND, where I will keep on hand a good supply of BREAD, SCONS, BUNS, CAKES PASTRY Of my own manufacture, also BISCUITS CONFCCTIONABY. OMNGES, LEMONS. BEST B BAN OS OF FLOUB. Flour, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. I cordially solieit a share of publio patron- age, «nd trust by honest dealing and oloe attention to business to njerit your confi- dence and support. My motto is Nq Credit. Yours respectfully, ^^ W jyh^EER. MARKDALE BAORY; R. CARNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- rounding count] y that he has opened a general harness shop on King street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE, where be intends to mannfactore and keep on hand a lacge stock of LIOHT and HEAVY HARNESS, long and short togs. STRAW COLLARS, WHIPa, COMBS, BRUSHES, HARNESS OIL Ac. I will use only first claes matenal .aad those requiring anjthinK in the harneM line will find it to their interest to eall at the new harness shop and get prices before go- ing elsewhare. Repairing done with neat- ness and dispatch. Soliciting a sluure of public patronage. I am respectfully yours. R. CARNAHAN. -FOB- !?0Q IXrr' OwTHiEm ..Leaves baWtheir time to Ml." wys the Doet bnttheWad Strawberry teayes are on rju5tnow,bstogiit^^edin ^cjjn _„ /.nontitwa in making Dr. â- rollers ^^toraolera tt«bus, DiHaha,a and other sununetoomplauns. br Bu^ HTOtoa A vear agomy headwaa covfflcei with spree .«fl SS- coverdmy wfede *ce ab»^ andtneerup _i.«i Aa backof my hante w Miss Mint^i? Srerlicnscn. v o. .-,- S-"f A LiviHO Qdkstioh. Question â€" 'Is this life worth living?* An- swer â€" 'It all depends npcn the liver?' If torpid or inactive it causes a dull, ton^ languid feeling. Dr Chases Liver Cure ^ves health and buyanee.' SoIdt^A-Tninec «tCo. Aug Catabbh Cvxk. health and .aweet breath â- eeored, by^iiloh'sGatarrhBemiady. Price 5C cents. Nasal Injeetur Iree. Fne nle by R. L. Stqphen. Draggist, Mwtjlale- A ALmntCor*' " ' jOiM aiBgle *nal oHr. Ghaae-V^ivarCnte eenvince the moat Aeptieri and edafiiied better than thoiMQidB af.tMim«aiil.tliBt it is a pare core. Medicine aud Receipt i^bok «1. ScM i.vA. TuM^^r^f- r.;. An- BREID, CH^S IND BUNSv AT REASQNABLE RATES. BISCUITS AND CONF^TIOilAltY. of all kinds on hayd. SOIREES SURPRISE PARTIES Snppliedon tfa£bor(ie8t N(M9ce.. Weddiii Cakes a Spiisialiy. A^call is respectfully solicited. Brea4.idelivered m all parts of the town Next Door t« th Boiler Rtnk. •81}. EDWARD, RUO^. AGENTS WANTED. Steady Employment to 6ood Men. NONE NEED BE POLE PBEflOUS EXPERIENCE NOT ESSENTIML. W» Ar/ 9iUi9t SaUfif or CommissifM. l/\/\^UCAllT MEN wutfld atoneeto Xv/Vf canvass for the sale of Canada down NaraecT Kt*«k, TJUE FOHTiUIil. nrUBHEKIES. luaoBT nf CMMDA oviea 400 ACBXS .IDn"t'«^^^'nalMw jdQ etm fonufh firsts •HatfBel^feaeeaandwaBttoiroi^. No room ftrlaBjiBeB; tant can elnirfojr any nomber of e hii ri f Mi t l aeh wao \nutt Woric. Address STONE fe WELLINbfdJl, FAm m SALE, ir OTNo.84. o«n. 4. ». D.^B. Glenelg. "t_i 100 acres, will be sofaf cheap aud^ ou easy terms of payment, for fartbefrpartieiUaTS apply oi\ the pran^isepror hf 6ttcr to J. 8^ BLACK, 190-tf Pomona, P. p. mm TO LttAi ON^-real estate.. 8ecaxi*^y. at " 'â-  intwealfiu^aQpmi^siaiiohawp^ ness ^if^Iy Cpn^bi^tial, rate of. Bnsi-. 'jC P» 31 ti r.- t â- % .«J..--; V... â- r.. ^mtum iinii ii^iiiiiui HHIIi

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