?*i.-. 105' i3S is*. 147' '03' '26' 51' 122- 130' 145' 125' JBCH. 3H. n. ' ().-No. 505., MAHKJD^JLE, ONT., JULY 15, 1886. .HPDEN •«4 (iltl MTCHES. jojent-. with my/'own came on. (tliem and get prices- ere on. .^ cbase. Also usual stock ot UTHAM, ELGIN SPRINGFIELD WATCHES i« prices. Two doz. "'assorted CKS to select from, spring and (lit, It pays to have a large stock from, as you get styles and Ssmall ilealers can't give. :jctical and careful watch repair- ijoKcialty. Goods and work will !repre?eiitcd. ^V. A. Brown, tiiabU' Jeweller, ITIarkdale. tolacd Other Items. nCES! in tlie.^e columns intendedtobenejit \aiiiviiluitl or Societi/ will be charged ten line for the first insertion and five Uilineeach ^itb-segnent insertion. pmEis fall wheat cut in' "Queen's illey. Ifcs WoKTS visited iriends in Mark- lie tliis week. I^M. L. Davis is home from Mea- j for his holidays. [Im lawn party at A. Beatty's braises to be a big affair llHEdustou the 12th was some- ng terrible in our village. I iioME irlififht change in the U. B. Be table; see another colum, I MUCH needed rain came on Wed- by wliicli greatly revived vegeta- I Ife. Patrick Lyons, Holland, 'raised |lar;e frame barn and straw lioase t Friday. Miss Mary Steek of ScLombnrg is lending a few weeks with her parents iMarkdale. I What kind of essenee does a young ilike when he pojps the question qniescense. secured the services of another lorter for the Brass Band Concert 1 for a change. Mb. and Mrs. A, Turner and fam- fwent north on Tuesday last for a *o weeks holiday. Mb. Neil McDonald and Mrs. J. Mc- fmon of Bowmanville are yisiting fends in Euphrasia. Mi private opinyun iz, that polite- ^haz won more sudden viktorys {â- "an logick haz.â€" [J. B. Mamie J3owes and {Canm 09 CBS BXA3SSiAMD,\, Ftra (nan sCH. ' r •^ Majwdat chiaese .laotozy anaDager» have made a sale of ov«r 20 boles cheese, a£ a higher pricei .iban lasfr; year's tale same date. Chabue G- KtrumoE. whofe m« rrage notice is in anotber column is third ooo or$be Jute Wm. iCntledge, formerly of this Tioinity. Ths FtoRlMrton and Markdale lacrosHO ctuhk filayed a friendly game in M«rkdale on the 12th, resulting in three straight f(^ tho latter. The first tfarti^ugh train A-om Van- cover City, B/ Q., over the recent opened C. P. E, arrived at Toronto at 11.45 a. m. last Monday sharp on *^™®" :..:^ Mi! t â- m^ #.,^ a i^:r FoK Saleâ€" A |6bd phljr Coltl,' W6 and tbrqe years oldr «^»ectively. Tefodtf Ml^^filU: Nuance in six months. â€" Shepherd Boyce, Markdale P.O. ,. 806-7 Mb. MeConnell of Bocklj^, who was injored by being thrown from a rig while on his way to Markdale on Monday, is recovering thoagh serioas- ly wounded.. Sad End. â€" Mrs, E. Kennedy- late of Trayerston, while in a fib of temporary insanity hanged herself at WiUiams- ford^on Monday last, Sh' was about 50 years of age. By hook or by crook we get a num- ber of personas; bnt'there are doubtless as many we never hear of, in the vicinity. Would our readers kindly acquaint us of them. For Sale. â€" Villajje lot ra business portion of Markdale, next lot to the Markdale House, comfortable house. Terms easy, apply to this office or to J. G. Irving, Smger Offiice Guelph. There are now on the way from Japan and Yokohama, to Yancover,B, C, vessels with freiG[ht sufficient to make 850 car loads, to go -over the C. P. B. line. How is that for through freight? Boating. â€" Steam yacht Fairy Queen is now in running order, and will run excursion and picnic parties on "Bell's Lake" daring the season. For farther particulars apply to T. L. Moffat, 8r., Markdale. We regret tliat owing to financial difficulties Mr. J. K. I'nmble of this place has suspended busiuesn. The Assignee is now taking stock, and wi hope arrangements may be made so that Mr. Trimble wUl open shortly and continue business m oar midst. A law]a parfy was given at the beautiful premises of A. G. Hunter. Esq., Dnndalk, last Friday evening, for Mr. Hall, late editor of the Harald. The party was largely attended and a beautiful gold-headed cane, accomp- anied by an address, was presented to Mr. Hidl daring tke evening. Gabdbk Paktt.^ â€" Mb. Andrew Be- atty w^lgivea gardra partly at his residenoe, abont half waf between this Ullage and Fieshorton, on Friday evening! (to-morrow). The proceeds ' in aid of the Markdale .Methodist Chareh bniidinic fnnd. Fl^ecton and 'Markdal*- biaM bands wiU ^be presentbn the oect^ion and will donbt- less 84d Wgely tb'Uie.plea^ore ^Ithe entertainrowit Admission 15^mj|ts. A oordial invitation is extended to all; • Fbik Fnts 1 1â€" On Satnriay after- noQp Ifi^t 6ar citizens wero i^tartled by ths cry jof fire, when James Henry's dwelling was foond to be in a blaze; the-^mpt application of arfsw pails of wafer however qaenched i^e devour- ing element before mooh ' daipage was done. Cause, we believe, a de- fected stoye pipe. No insurance. At 8.15 on monday morning the slumber- ing citizens were again aroused by the cry of fire I but before many arriv- ed on the scene the fire was subdued; this was the former dwelling of Mrs. CaswoU which adjoins her Bailroad House. It must have been set on fire. J amages sUght. On the same morn- ing a fire occurred on the farm of Mr. jJowler, some two. miles distant, and is still burning with unabated fury. Several cords of wood has already been destroyed and Mr. B. says fully 70,000 brick will be burnt by next Saturday. BUSINESS LOCALS. High |tte Lome from Collingwood ^ool for their holidays. «i private opinyun ov all bores iz â- -tnattLe gimblet kind iz the most hiug.- I Josh Billings. Ife Band wish to thank Mrs. Irvine l^the use of her piano for their con- â- ^ti and Mr. Bowes for organ. Hb. John- W. Ford, of the Markdale «Uer Mill,, left on Tuesday for an •"•""l trip to )he North- West. ^- A. DuNSMORE will open, early J^ignst, a Book stationary Fancy "^^ store in Keynolds' old stand. J^, 'j^i'Pe young ladfes who walked °« AhauV sink hole one ui-Lt las^ ^^s. made good nimutes. *?y station on the T.G.B. m ex- W. Mc- Stbeet Watbiuno. â€" The upod of watering cart or scnic i-iode of watering the streets has been very much felt during the past two weeks. Some of our irerchants have expressed :i willingness to bear their share of the Emma Wright ' cost, while we doubt not, all would Do'nt etc Q kumbers, thale W ap. 1 U!scct Poivder, Insect Powder At B. li. Stephen's. Sbelburne is to have its streets watered during summer months. "Wizard. Oil for sale at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. Mr. k Mrs. B.j^ttUamy, of Flesher- ton, celebrated their golden wedding Lot week. Lunch at all hours at lilrs. Clement's Markdale. Greemore public school had an average attendance of 181 the past six months. 1.4r new Spring Weight Clocks ii this week, all American made. L'rices low, and all folly warranted. W. A. Drown. A daring attempt was recently made to fire McAllister's Motel in Durham. The fire was discovered in time to save a terrible calamity. Fa,i*ia GS-reen for sale at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. The chree American schooners seized at Shelbame, N. S.,for having declined to pay the fine of $400 ^aeh imposed for a breach ofthe Internat- ionil ishiug laws, haye been released, having paid the fine, Ice-ci'Ccim every warm evening at i\(rs. Cioment's. Poor Paris Green won't fiz on the poLatoe bugs: Haskett Eros keep the .qenuino. Allkmds of fruit at Mrs. Clement's. time time. 27i be glad to do likewise. Wlio will j propose a scheme i Fatal Accidbnt. â€" We are pained ' to learn of the drowning of a son of Mr. Wm. Norton of Holland last Mon- day afternoon tft Walter's Falls. It j appears several yoitng men went to bathe in the mill-pond, and while hay- boat, the I Ileeiobore, Heelobore, At B. li. Stcplien's. -At'U meeting of th Conservative convention of North Grey, held in Owen Soand on the 6th inst., Mr. D. Creighlon, M. P. P. was unammously ehosen as can^date for the Ontario L^ittlatare and Mr. James Masson for l£e Dominion Parllvment. If you want pure unadolterdted Paris ing a goqd time in a small boat apset and young Norton not be- 1 Green yon can get it at Haskett Bros. ing able to swim, was drowned. He ' qnartity of tanWk taken at -ition on the T. G. -^ I^Se for boots and shoes ^^wS 1^^.^ ^.'^°°»; S- S- picnic oleman s grove Berkeley S. S. w|is some 17 yews old. The body was recovered about an hour siter the sad afilEur happened. A directors meeting of the Glenelg Agricultural Society was held last Thorsdaj, when a committee was appointed'ko revise the prize list for- the fall show and also a committee to solicit special prizes. We trust each resident business man will assist and thereby greatly aid the society as well as boi^t tbemsdyes. The director^; and ^ice-erei^ at Mrs. 5 V«:ay, 22nd. '^JO'D with them. ♦' ' Jiuuches Hiement's. Paris Ctreen, Pnris Green, «et it at B. L. Stepiien's. Mrs. Clement has her enlarged shop fall of fauicy goods, toys, stationery, fruit c., c. Aboux WntB rsHCBs.^ â€" By ao am* ~endment made at e last seission of the PrTvinoial L^iskture power is given to minnicipal coancil to pass a by-law perm^f^ing paxties erecting mating was adjourned until Friday wire fences akin« the hi^way to take the 28 inst. at 2 p.m., when they wiU in sax. iset of the road ulowanoe. make the final retiaion of the prize TIhb is sometking not generally listbefoiefPliiing and appoint theikqpwaljd is xeeommended to the ^d^e f«?-%*'f-. .**»*^-^. .** ^eoi*4^i^l|^;^^bw»i*«waneU. Enpiirasia Coancil. Thecbancn met porsnaii^ to ad- iointmenton Jaly2nd, 1886 imsn^ters all present Minutes of last session of doaneil read and oonfinned. Messrs ErSkin and Boyd were appointed to, examine the site and estiinate fne cost of ereetong a bridge 8 4 S .L. con, 12. The Treasurer was instraot- ed to remit to Mr. Paterson, ilirror office, $4.50,payment for printing,^ ' The Beeve's orders, were issued on the Treasorer, to pay as iollows, viz: Bidiard Howel, repairing road scrapr .er: Yoemans xdttle 40,00, percentage on brick for hall. Elijah Gilbert $2.50, road work. Yoemans k Little, $224.00, part pay- ment on hall. GeorgeFeed, $12.00 road work. Yoemans k Little 124.00, part pay- ment on Town Hall; John Clugston, $14.00, gravel for road; James Patterson, Esq., $15.00 work on roads; Peter Harris, $7.00,road work: George Yickers, $15.00, work on road; John Sewell, $8.00, repairing road scraper; Joseph Bed, $10.00 work ou culbert; Thomas Ellis, 16.50, work on 4th line; Hugh Curry, $5.00. repairing road scraper; Mr. Erskine, $105.50 to pa;y men for work;in grayeling 11th line at Ibts, 14 and 15, Bobert Dunlop, Clerk $80,00, part salary; Hugh lUed, $27.40, work on 15 16 side line; Bobert martin $7.50 work on 4th line; Samuel Black $5.00, culvert and other repais; James Fawcett, $8.00, work on 6 7 side line con. 6; Joseph Howe, $18.75, work on 4th line at lot 2; J. W. Patton, $1.50 repauing road scraper; George Hutchinson, $5.00 repairing bridge 18 k 19 side line; Hugh Enott, $9.00, Work m 4th line; William McConnel, $20.00, graveling road 4t line; Mr. Hammond, $8.00, spikes for use onToad;. Mr. Boyd was instracted to get the road repaired at lot 28, on 9th line. Coancil adjommed nntil the last Saturday in July inst. ItOBBBT DUKLOP, Clerk. Talmag« on Annexation EoiOBTOM, Jona 29. â€" ^Daring the ifiit of ^Shgstonians to Alenuidria Bay yestei^ay, in connection with the Y. M. C. A. excursion, Dr Tal- mage was inducfuittb make an adcbress. in eoar6eof bis remarks he«aid that his bearers were oalled Canadians and he was oalled an American, but he}h(qed that some day they might all decome one people. He could look fordwud twenty, thirty, or fourty years, and Imagine the United States Government, wi h lexer's eyes, look' ingftmdly towarbs the has maideit Caaadaand making an' offer of ma* rriage, whtle Miss Canada would look across the water and say "Ask MotherU' Thx Bay. OiEO. Tsatkb, of Boorbon, Ind., says: "Both myself ud wife owe our lives to Shiloh's CoNSDifPTioN CvBS.'Tor sale by B. L. Stephen' Druggist, Maricdale. A. Wonderful is the effect of Weirt's World Wonder or FanMly Liniment in TOiwnmatimw Sprains, Cats, Braises. Barns, Soalds and all diseases Veqairingeitemal applications. It stands without a lival. I^ca 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by A; Turner A Co Druggists Markdtde. Jnly A Midnight Axabh. Theie is scarcely any frghtmore alarming to a mother than the ' ominoas soand of croup â€" so liable at the hoar of night. When Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam (for the throat and lungs) is at hand, croup and distressing coughs lose half their terrors. It cures coughs,, asthma and bronchitis. MABKDALE. The P. 0. will be opened from 8 o'clock a. m. to 7 p. m. every working day. Mails dosed as follows, viz C. P. B., going North, 11:40 a m, and 7 p m " " South, 8:30 p m, and 7 p m TBAVERSTON. Tueoday, Thursday and Satniday 12;30 noon.^ HARKAWAY. Friday, 12:30 moon. For roistered letters and money orders, fifteen minutes earlier than above. The P. 0. will be open on HolJdayB from 9 to 9:30- a. m., and half an hoar after mails arrive. W. J. HcFablahd, p. M. A HSATT BUBDEN. Mr, Oerage Bossell, of Aurora, iDnt., says be was a great sofierer from a running sore of the worst description, which baffled the best medical skill, and his life was a harden. He was eared by B. B, B. to his great joy and Borpiise of his friends. Why Ekflot Dcctobs. Co'isnlt a doctor, for a R or 8 oz. bottle of medicine $1 â€" consult A. Tnme. Co. and he will giye you a 12 oz. bottle oi Dr. Chase's Liver Cure for fl'anda valuable Becipe Book free. July Smiion'sCATARBH BiimnT â€" a positive core for Catan-h, JMpheria and Canker Month For sale by B. 1j. Stephen, Druggist, Mark- dale, A Abx You Miins miserable by Indigestion. Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizci- is a posilive. core. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Praggist, Markdale, A Dahoxbous FiTd are often cansed by worms. Freemans Worm Powders desb oy worms. For Dtbpxpsia and Liver Complaint, yon have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Yitalizer. It neyer fails to cure' For sale by B. L. Stephen, Droggiiit, Mark- dale. A Fnnnr* Bnt Important. "Gome, doctor, yoa are very skillful I will give yon the honot of earving." "Witii ' pleasure^ Madam." And immediately tiie doctor begins his task. ;He is vety absent-minded, and whint-liehas finally made a deep cut in tke jedge of mntton be stupps, takes a roU of linen and some lint oat of pocink and careftiUy banda^ the woitna. Then, after regarding it criti- cally, he remarks, with profossional giKvitgr, while the goastsaro stavc^ef witti sBtoBiidiaMnk "(HieKe, wi^ rest andftood cmre, tiiere is notlung tofu^." Thk Cholxba. Possibly the cholera may not reach oor locality this season. Nevertheless, we shoold take every precaution against it. Dr. Flower's- Extract (rf Wild Strawberry is a sore core for Cholera morbus, CoUc, Cramy^ Diarrhoea and Dyspentera. Is It AcnHo BxoHTf If yoa are troabledwith inactive liver, yonr oompleetion will be sallow, frequent sick head- ache, aohiag sholders, dizziness, wearness. irregolar bowels, and many other serions complaints. Bardock-Blood Bitters regulate- the liver and all the seoreotions to shMlthy actten. Skip Youb Hovse Guabbed. Keep yonr house guarded agamst sadden attacks of Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Dysentry ai^ Cholera Inbntum. Tney are liable to come when last expected The safest, best and most reliable remedy is Dr. Flower's Extract of Wild Strawberry. r- IHonttaljr Fairs. Orangeville â€" The second Vhursday in each month. Dundalk â€" Tuesday before Orange- yille. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orange- ville. Markdale â€" Saturday before Orange- ville. Durham â€" Third Tuesday in each month. 1; J' i â- 'â- f â- i â- i r â- i -il â- i' \.t\ â- }' -1^ of â- , -if it Have yoa Toothache Use Floid Lightnittg. Have yoa Bhumatism Use Fluid Lightning. Have yon a Stiff Joint Use Fluid Lightning. Have you Neuralsia? Use Lluid Lightning. Have yon Lumbago? Use Fluid Lightning. Are you troubled with Headaohef Use Floid Lightning. Haye you any Pain? Use Fluid Lichtning. It will cure you the instant it isappUed. Try it, 35c. per bottle at B. L. Stephen's Drug Store, luirkdale. 1 BE ON YOUR GUARD. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely develop itself into Catarrh when you can be cured for 26 cents. A few applications vnll cure incipient Catarrh. One to; two boxes will core ordinary Catarrlu One to five hops will cure chronic (3atarrh. Dr. Gusd's Catarrh cure, Sodl by all ;: itaien at S^ cents per box. 812 I, SmuMi^CoBB win immediately rdieyeeroup Wbooainfqgh, and 'Bronchitis. For sale byB.I.dtMhfD,EN88istMai|Eas]»:., A- -J j. iii.",.. ~m. .•,:J«/^.,.. -.tv .. •' â- i-iJj -^jp â- 11 mmmttM