Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Jul 1886, p. 4

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 I-; ilir X m t^sid latoltmm^Mi tdt ht»bmd B»bi»gl»d\ bfUo vM ibMta aoHo;' '.-mfr-'i • I he'T: KffiMa » •! I I ij 1 â- ggggggaggass!^ 'atin 2 Wmdkt €5arra8patJ^daw)B» NonoB.â€" We wirii it distinetly nnderstood tluit we do not hold onrsehreB responsible foi the opiniens expressed by OUT correspondents miSH LA££ PJCKtC. The tenth vftmaal ^pieaic of Trieer ville and Glendg B. C. Ohofohes wa» held,li^t Wed^e^^2fl^a,; irad, tho' thediy was o^enSttJ^ aadzittii threatn- ed, keeping many froib: attending.tbera wasa latie g^tiattrng. Itey/'Fatiier Gassin of Mt. Foster,. tiie forme; pas- tor, and Bev. Fattier Feeney were present, both of whom are yerj popu- lar and sociable. ^^^^ Ample proTision was m»aefpr theL2e"^^;^;;;"effected" wants of the inner man and served. â- ""**/. The duieing platform was tiie centre of attraction, and was largely patron- ized. Parks Bros., string band, assist- ed by Mr. McDonald with Highland Pipes, prodooed excellent n»isic which was highly appreciated eren by those who did not join in "tripping ^e lig|it fantastic toe/' The contest for a gold-headed cane between Dr, Lander Ai, M. P., Dr^ Jamieson and Mr. Jenkins of the Chronitle, was interesting but not ffli- -citing. Mr. Jenkins won the prize by about HO votes. Dr. Jamieson was unable tp attend owing t County Council duties, the^onucil being in session. Short addresses were given by Dr. Landerkin and Mr. Jenkins the latter made a Bad exhibition d^ want of com- â- man sense in the use of ahnsive per- sonalities on the oite, band, and an overdose of flattery oh tha other, caus- ing many of hie friends to turn away with disgjasli. Had Mr. Jenldns stop- ped at home he would, certainly have be6n a stronger •political candidate to-day. The games were competed for and prizes awarded. The financial result of the day was one of the most succesafur yet ' held which may be attributed largely to the energy and business tact of Bev. Father Feeney. B*V lA? a»it! woI7 1itrldyfBiM|0b;«tf; ttfllilS tteaatandaattfrMKasoaiiBi he wi»iB!ifci»««itar^v«wt»ib Mm*-. tation':;4, consWfer^vejuMnep.^^^d tnats paHei^ .peiMcmi^y v • ki 9Sf' sonally reaponsible to aii; «, trtats parents by the hiontb, and islrt-ibnly reasonable monthly paymentti, in car- der tibat all may feel that.fetmi^ which is ODly reasonable m daaling with a comparative stranger 7 asks the citizens to read the teatimonals in the circulars and condnde for yoor- selves of the nnparaUed merits of the new method. Diseases" treated oan beseenJn-thiscircidar.and some of Bemember the old adage, "Procrastination is the thief of time." Ootoe early, coiisulta- tion free. todi 'tUtij i ',Tf a MAxtUw ^.,jro»»-; tVH «i.jj, '^filS Vnioja of the 4bvc«he8. At a meeting of '9\oronto' Anglican Diocese, whidi concluded last week in Toronto, union with other Christian bodies was introduced by Bev. Dr. Bay in the following motion, seconded by Bev. John Langtry;: "That this synod instruct its delegate to the Provincial Synod respectfully to request that body ko a{^Miui« conmittee of represent- ative men to oonfer vith any similar com- mittee appointed by other Christain bodies, for the purpose of ascertaining the possibility of union withsn^h bodies, add, if snch a union be fonnd possible without siaoiifice of essential Christian prineiplea, to fmrnulate a scheme for effecting sneh union." The resolution was carried enthusi- astically after being discussed, and the Bishop appointed Boy. Dr. Boy; Bev. Jno. Langtry, Canon O'Meara, Hon. James P«tf»n and £. M. Chadwicls to drtiw up a memorial po the Provincial Bynod. v .^-r v WiABTON, Jane 28, 1886. To the Editor of the Standard. We the undersigned having noticed sMUe gross misrepresentations in one of the local papers representing a ease of Small Pox which appeared in Wiar- ton. beg leave to make the following statenient In the early part of the month, a young man by namei Gla^, a£Eected with fm9 pox, was Shipped from aneigbbpring tpwn to our yiUage. Shortly after his arrival the local Board of health was apprised of the nature of the disease by the attending Physician. The affected man died a few days after bis. arrival, Every possible percautiona was taken, both before and after his death, to prevent the spread of the malady, and so thoroughly were those preeausions carried out, that we have not had an- other case in our yillage, and as the time for the developement of the disease has more than lapsed, we ure warranted in offiicially stating that the village is entirely free from it, and there is not to our knowledge any case or cases of Small Pox eith«r in our village or withm a radius of twenty miles. â-  T. D. Galloway, C. V. Faske, Sec'yB. ofH. Chair. B.H. B. M. FiBHEB, Medical Health Officer. ly Cft"«r HIM iUrOa a 9t4 ^^•^^ TOPMl. which hg tb^-^^hito rfuAfag KrtHntpnandPet««t,.ss; Wd^s ««^J and more immediate neigjibprtâ€" »? he ifc8 weU and laTorahly "known aU along ihoee laltes as a oompetemt and trus^ seaman, and had,M alwtya, many warm friends, The text 6om which his funeral Bermon waspreaehed, was one whjdi he often told his peoptehe woiild like, and the one from which tbfc funeral somon of the h^ Mw- Pickell, his former wife, was preached, ra., "There remainsth; therefore, a. rest for tne people of God." ,. ' xv i,„ ^B tho Sahhath jaeoedrng ifis death, he was as usual found at his post ip the Lord s house, and that day a friend said to him, "Mr. PickeU, you are kx^dng weU^after your iUness. but you are KaWe to be cafled hence any moment." Bis reply^as, "tlj, lamn m truMnedaadbumiJ^.*^ ,T|iosewhoa.e left to nouxphave the assnraoce, that thejr loss is his gain. Heart disease Was the cause of his death, .^e was 60 ^«%irs of «$e, before his iUilMS Ja«t wjntwr.,. wa# a hear^ipan.; ^?. •in 'wBPiMg^^mfW^^ CASH. " iwiLLISCROn 808 â- J 9-«.w' and hale. Eaphnwt* Clapipcll- Osprey. (From our iSeprey caxrespoodent.) Times are rather dullih Feyersbam at present. The cheese factory is clbS6d this summer, the cows having struck lor higher prices. Mr. Wood's, shoemaker, is erecting a comfortable frame dwelling, which will soon be completed. As B. T. McGirr and Lra H. Peri- ^de were returning irom Maxwe*! on Tuesday evening, their buggy oolhded with Boberison Bros, buggy, who were returning from Feversham. Both buggies were upset, scattering the occUptofts'in^' different directions. Last Sundy Bev. Mr. Ward^ filled hts (appointments in full for the £rst Bbe hik recent acdd^nt, iibbugh not ^^early at. himself yet. pe.pre:ichiei|^«H»Ra4^W aVHfxweil at 11, Eugenia at j8 .and Mariidale ai 7 -o'clock. ' -z • -;: ' t^tfV: Mt. ^flsOnTre«feh*d in Mea- ford while. Bev. Mr. "Coulter of. Mea- ford Med the pulpit of the Ptesby- terian Church Markdale at 2.80. The audioice being large and^ appreciative. In the Methodist Church Mr. W. H. Irwin, son of the late Thos. bwin E8i preaclied at 10.80 Mr. I. is a yery promising young man. At 2.80 the quarterly review bfthe S.S.was lacgely attended' and well oondurted' Bev. Mr; Cassou' preached Ms fkrewelliat 7 to over 600 of an atidienee; h|B gave an able and appropriate disiprarse wluoh was listened to with great at- tention. FnuiH«aitl Bep*rt Of Markdale Qneeu'f Bir^iday Sp»ts Committee: _f. i f Tn halwiin imlitiil! fibtf Uwl jtw. .tl7.31 Subscriptions i... .....%.•• 70.76 ifialaaa4 ^hooth. weeipts. ..Jai j»»-.i. 98.45 lit sw i£ ii 1 ^Jay i p«Maf %rMiiif JufclMB'dei " M^i WM ^ne#««0r«|DLtto°Be«M *i v«c i '-.vl w»* â€" ' i n nui i i l iaK i* i .\ tsut ' of sUntt A few «r Mr lUrkdala irirle an Mn MoGinr. who was badly stunned and had one of his arms brdcisn below the elbo#v Dr.'Eeri:wa» called and set the bone, and he is tiow dohig weU. Tbe buggies were raiher sorry looking spectacles. This should be a vriamlng to ^ose who are ftlways driving at such a break-nieck f^ait, they will hit some times. 'The Presbyterians of Maxwell, Feversham* and McIi|itiyTe intend holding a union picnic on July 1st, in E[inner'8 grove^ east of Maxwell,wher« all wM be welcome. Mr. DeAxgent will remain in Os- prey another year, his labors having been approved of by the Genezal As- sembly, whidi he attended in Hamil- fott ksft' week. H« is JicoMed by^ai' body to b^tise, many and H'Ti'"'*^ tiie sacrament. Mr. De- Aigent is «a able q^ker and an eameek worirer, and fai8 kkon mm bighlyjtpprecu^ by the people of Ifri'i. Hnabhr. lOtfa line, k »lrm p4 iTfwv^ oiig^^d; " ' ^e Council met as aXtourt rf Re» vision on June 16t*i^l^86. 'M;enibefs all present. ,: _â-  John Shaw's assessment confirmed. Corrections were made in- the dfefe- cription of property 'tfssefssed ;^^tO Wml Wiley and John Wiley John W. Curry Assessed for N- E, part of lot 19, con. 7, (15 acres) at a yaltiadon of $800. said laud taken from non-resident );dll. The assessment of John Curtis on N. £.f of lot 10, mmoeMion 4, con- firmed. I vi ' On motion of Messrs. Ers^nne and Fawcett, the roll was then confirmed and the clerk ordered to certify to the same, as required by statute. The court aro^. The council arose at two o'clock. Minutes of last session oi council read and confirmed. By-la vs Nos. 870 and 871 carried through the different stages and pass- ed. ' l^e Beeve and Mr. Boyd were ap- pointed to take action in reference to an application ma49ior the building of a bridge on the 9th line, at lot jSfo. 2. -â-  ' â-  Mr. Boyd was instructed to get re- pairs made on 7th line^at lot 29. William McOonnel, pathmaster, was authorized to expend $20 in gravelling the 4th line in his road di- vision. Creorge Yickers pathmaster, was anthorized to expend $15 on 27 and 28 sideroad, con. 4. Twenty fivie dollars was granted to be expended on hill of tawijUne of Euphrasia and CaUingweod,ai lot 19, oh condition thkt.CJollh^ood council expend an 'flqual imiouht at that place. ' "... •' ^e Beeve'a orders weso isaned w the treasurer to pay m follows c 'Shot. AbereroaiibiQ, $6. ^v^ for roaff j It. Carruthfura, $6, iepairs.^ ^.pn road; Yeoman's dr Little,' $i50, payiaeni oh hall; J. B. Fawoett, $9, builcbng eul J^aying ereoied'^«^ filt^BR «?|'ey!9«y detail a Sash, Door and tory, ooi^aiBiB^ all tbe ^latest aod^ nost aiproved inachiiierT tr bemg newi I adff'iio#'^prepaveA'tir4«*D ont^ ' And 'every thiilig needed^ in the bniding trade, in a. manner eeoind i 'Canada, and ha^fc||' engtfged" iBqpferior mechanics in every lt ;»!?vui4j'W^»'^;^" resp^^uUy.j^^ pubhc patronage. Every Effoiii; itade to fill Orders Promi 4lM l^v^lloM^-tSCh'iine. yart atid fnmiBhing Gilbert. $8-60, buH^ culvert; M. Howe, $6.70, road wor^ a^ot- 1, 9ph. On motion being made aqi^bm- onded, the council Jii^bamed. ^til Friday. July 2d. /T/^V "^:' BoBT. IhrnzAP, Claris DEATHS. Znsnâ€" In Attaaeida, pn tiki M(h*^ Auttaasos^li TriJ^yi*' (Mi Hij m ieHr]i8aii#iAbaVagit4#;ibfS" •'â- i.*^. jut. PI N E LiriH BtER Dressed and Ihtdn Direct from North Shore, iul sizes, on hand. Plain and Fsncy Tomiiigiii,! Careful Aftentitih to Orders from a DisimcB, 808 THOS. McNEA. MASSACRED! Eyerything mai'ked down, to suit the hard times Don't throw aviji by buying at another man's figures, when you can save from IOmS per cent, by purchasing your Groceries at ^ViAPi^^^ #£^-««- Startling Yalue in Teas and Sugd 150 dozen of Canned Salmon, jliobsters, Maokeral, Sardines. ToiDab)ei,Ca| Peas, fears. Plums,' Strawberries, Peaches, e., to be BacrifieedalN«p»| Flour and Bjaoo n Oheap as the Cheaf A large stock of Confectionerf, Fruits, Cigars and T» ALWAT^ QH BANPâ€" VKltT CHEAP. f;.U f ^, Ai IJUICW STOCK OF â- ^' ;^^-.^;;;;^",;;Mi«t«l»^^tl»place if you want \.- ..^f l' LEWIS KW^ â- i".:'l â- lUk.^ â-  â- i -i'hf it mWlmd W 11 Hi-Jb. D:'iO:-N"Ii '^BLOCK- til. i- 1 I 4^ rZ Bfev.lHii -Mlt. dfiNiiis d?IW U^«da bat ^ai „,,^ Htm MarkdaU and tar- ff"V050 « B-^i99 •i9n« r- a Statiooery and tUbra fat Dunlop's Block. Sif^*^,|litoaof puhbo Patro- intei u uMwe sasy tnilj, ,!l:-.-t»s», t««^U«i » mm. MtilwY ?v.twiffj;"sr MAB^ Xi^:^: MStiiiMik .y..:^r..-- ..V. -:.ij|^

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