â- fi[ i- 11 rl v ^]-hiÂ¥. m YOUNG FOLKS. Some Bemaikable Fanoti HMmj and tn^tlMi toU u « moat nnarkabk panrvti. Ib th* i toasfeh OMtary, duiag O* gsvtmiiMBt FriBM MMiriM in Bradl, ha had heurdaf Ml aid punt that wm mnoh Mlebntad for MimwiDg like a ratinud onaton many oommon qnaatkna. Tua parrot waa at a groat diataooo from hia roddaaoa, bat m much b ad booD tald abont It that the priaoe'e cnrletiiy waa arcnied, and he di^poted the bird to bo lont for. When pretty Poll was introdaoed into the room where die prlnoe waa sitting in company with several Dntoh- men, the bird Immiediately exolaimod in the Brazilian langnage, " What a ocmpany of white men are here!" They asked, " Who is that man!" point- ing to the prinoe. The parrot answered, "Some general or other." The prinoe was ignorant of the language, and when the attendants oarried tlw bd to him, he aaked it throngh the modinm of an interpreter, " To whom do yon belong ' The parrot answered, "Tatk Partngaeae." He aaked agaln,\ " What do yon there " The bird anawerod^ " I look after ohiok- The prinoe laoghod and exclaimed, " Yon look after ohiokens t" The parrot in answer said, " Yes, I, and I know well enough how to do it I ' clock- ing at the same time in imitation of the hen to call together her yenng Early in the present century, there died the celebrated parrot of Colonel Kelly, who lived in Half Moon Street, Piooadilly, London. Tbis wonderful parrot sang a number of songs in perfect time and tune. She could express her wants and give her orders very muoh like a human being. She oould repeat a number of senteuMS ud answer many questions put to ter. When singing she boajk time with all the appear- anoe ef science, and she would often oorreot her mistakes in singing. This parrot died at the age of thirty years. Parrots frequent- ly Uve to the age ef one hundred. In a bird-store once upon a timoi the keeper of the shop taught his birds to say onto tilings, and when a young lady called to buy a prrrot ho brought out a green par- rot that waa small and meek-looking. The dealer asked the bird to " Say something sweet to the pretty lady." The bird, to the surprise of all, rolled one eye knowing- ly and creaked out, " I ain't as green as I look." A common gray parrot having been iMrought from Oninea by a sailor with a ooarse, rough voice, and afflicted with a oough, the parrot learned to imitate tiie exact tones of hia master, even to the cough, so closely that the sound ot his voice waa often mistaken for that of the sailor. The bird was afterward taken in hand by another InBtmctor and taught a softer tone, but it never forgot the harsh voice of its former matter, and often amused by-rtand- ers by relapaihg into sea-slang, interspersed with the oough of the sailor. While Dean Stanley was a canon at Can- terbury, a gentleman who had been Invited to breakfast with him found all the servants assembled in the garden, where tiie master's parrot was at large in a tree. The master oame out at that moment. The parrot look- ed down at him, and said, in a low but dis- tinct voice â€" exactly like the dean's â€" " Let us not pray." The bird was eventually cap- tured by the aid of a fishing-rod. A grey parrot was stationed in a nnraery, where his greatest delight was to see the baby bathed. The child becoming ill, the puret was removed to the kitchen. Iliero after a time he set up a terrible cry ' The baby I the dear baby I" All the family rushed down to find the parrot In a state of the wildest excitement watching the roast- ing of a sucking pig. A gentleman in Yerkshire waa attacked with a fever abont Christmas time, and hia parrot was ren:oved from the dining-room to the kitcheuf where its voice was less like- ly to disturb its master. It remained there for several weeks, during which time it stole the ralains Intended for a plum pudding. The cook in anger threw some hot grease at it, and scalded its head. When the gentle- man got better the parrot was removed to the dining-ioom. Tbe master came in with his head newly shaved, whereupon the parrot turned one eye upon him, and slowly said, ** You bald-headed ruffian I So yon stole the cook's plums, did yon " A parrot belonging to a hotel In PhUadel- ^ila walked about on the window ledge one night. The window was open and the l)ird lost her balance and fell on the pavement below. A polioenuui picked up the bird, and as he oarried Polly into the hotel, she " PoUy'B dok." Bleed triokled from Its green feathered head, and as the cffioer handed it to the clerk the bird said again, aa it dosed its •yaa, •• PoUy's sick." While its wounded head was being wash- ed and bathed, tlie parrot repeated several times, " PeUy's aiok." For an hoar It lay perf ooUy quiet with ita eyes oloaed, and than suddenly repeated again, "PoUy'asiok." A moment later the parrot fell over dead. For staffing purpeees pine shavings are now largely used, there being at Pestti, in Hungary, an extensivo factory devoted ex- dnrively to the predootien ef snoh shavings, and these, by the aid efmaohinery» are n- dnoed to such a degree of finenew Oat the nrodnct deeely reaemUea tow. Shavinw of â- kind are saporier. It b MMttod, to •yery other snbatitnto for heiae hdr fa can- BMtien with upholstering pnr«»a, alihaas nguda elaatioity, sottnoaa, and duabOily fw bedding tiiey an reoemmended en ao- o^d!^* r2n eontalned in tha wpod bo- fas^ Tdfocinal piavantiva 9i vsrasin, toe ^iS dto^-M^risl in tUaline. eapeei^ for hMpital and Urraok gnft' ^fc^ been aafi«rto«flytsjted toe Oensa. Govemmant. ^^,^JrL^ E^^berenavatedbybeliv^paaed to tt-esnnoralielghtaBad tote I ttiitt tihaBMNd Dontuwu^â€" â€" •sPllla, Salt8,ft«.. Caiaon'a Btcinsoh «-«•- ag^oBo wdann ttrj Ittso tram tha ifatMB and pweaadeooL " â€" "" Iks rmd ef Mw by AiUknpkobia, the dread ef aw^^^ iO0hed aneh a dagna in som feDew « Ged** VtoMagsnt en Barto' MB. to fear toe riaka of eaptivity »«• »». too oartalnly ef annilalatlsn. na atariaa abont tha nuNmtain ahaopbn^ ingtfaafanaefafattbydiappingon thab hnna are totally iabulaoa; the shook would reaot ontfaairnaekaand break tfaaor votebrie aft any dislanoe «voeedlBg forty laeft of pw- pendtoalar IL Bat Nil tma toat toeb oloven hoofa and stout feet break the speed of a descant from anything but an overhang- ing olifi a troop d big-homa will soramble down the steepest slopes as a bear slidaa down a tree, and readi toe bottom amidat a olouda d dust and tnmbling stenee, but wlto nnbrokon Umba. The Osage Indians have a onrions traditfon abont toe dm- maren; at the time d the great flood (whi3h, after all, makt have been some- thing more than a freshet of toe Indus), when the pouring rains drove all other ani- mals to the toelter of toe oaves, toe big- horn toeep took rduge among the olouds and guided the Indian Adam to a place of sate^. The mountain sheep has oertainly a marvelous faculty for roughing out bad weather. Evan In midwinter toey stiokto toeir highest haunts. In 1849 a caravan of Mormon rdugees attempted to cress the Wahsateh range in a snow-storm, and were on toe paint of perishlDg wito cold, when toey were saved by toe diacovery of a olm- maron camp," a snug cove in the pine woods, where a herd of wild sheep had stamped down the anew and browsed off toe branohea aa high as th^ oould reach â€" " A tabernade in toe wilderness," as Eldec Millard desoribod it, and in stress of strains, perhaps, a more desirable shelter than toe dreary pens of an Indian wigwam eould have offered to toe neoessltons saints. Now and toen, toough, toe oimmaron may be doomed to share the experience of toe Swiss chamois, that oooaaionally find toeir, graves in sndi winter-quarters by remain i ng snow-bound till toey succumb to frost and hunger. Ordinary storms toe American mountain toeep weatoer as easily as a Ir^ would snr^ve a flood. No wUrlatorm short of a tornado can didodge toem frem a van- tage-ground in toe rooks, and toeir thick fur coats ward off blasts tiMt knook toe mer- pury a good way bdaw sero. Anglioized Oliili- The Ohilians oall toeb country toe " Eng- land of Sonto Amarioa." If a native makea a promise, and witoea it to appear unusually binding, he says, " On toe word of an Eog- lishman." Shonld he desire an. appointment to be kept en the minute, he says, " Be as punctnsl as an Englishman." The traveller dlaooven tiiat wherever he goes in Chill toe highest respect and warm- eat friendship are entertdned towards Eng- land. The explanation d toeae feelings Is to be found in the fact that when toe yeung republic was struggling to threw off toe Spuito yoke, many Englishmen served her with as much ardor as toey would have serv- ed their native country. The upper classes of Chili iinltate toe Eng- lish aristocracy. like toem, they are re- served, fend of a good joke, appreciate wit, cherish family prUe, and make ' sode^" strict and exoludve. The women of this class imitate the better sort of English women, and never dress for church as if toey expected to go from it to a ' reception." They dress in plain black, with a black mantilla over toe head, and their example is followed by toe women of all classes. TUs custom ot wearing a pldn dress for churdi is such an excellent one toat it might 1)0 adopted in this country wito advantege to purse and piety. The following story, which narrates a fact, illustrates toat the poorest women among us are not disposed to Imiteto toe ridiest women of Chili in respect to dress. A putor in a New England town, whose oongregatien wasmade up from toe "oommon people," noticed toat one woman, a church member, had absented herself from toe meetiog house for severd Sundays. Calling upon her to learn toe cause, he found her at toe wMh-tabâ€" toe supported herself by washing. Her answer to his ques- tion was, â€" " Well, six, I have not a dress fit to go to chufoh in, and I'm wdting until I lay by money enough to buy a blaok sUk. When I £t i^ yonll find ma at chnrdi every Snn- y, if I am well, and It don't rain." On the West Coast of Afidca. My voyage along toe ooaat and vldta to all toe prindpal plaon have aitonitoedma profoundly. I lowed forward wito pleaauro to a stady of toe influanoe wlifaih a century of oentaot with dvUbatien liaa effiMted m the barlwrona tribes d too seaboard. The result haa been anapeakaUy disappointing. Leaving out d oeulderation the towns af Sierra Lesne and Lagea, where toe cend^- tienaliava been almonnal, tha tewdenoy Jum iMon everywhere in toe line ddeterianmen. There is abadutdy not a single place, where toe nativea are left to tliair awn free will. In wliito toere is ttia dighteat evldenoe of a desire for lietter things. The want vioes and diseaaes d Enrepo hiava found a oongan- Id sail, and toe taato far spirits haa rhan oat d all prapartian to thsir dedra for dathea â€" tiia oritorion wtth many d growto in grace. ... In toese vuagea men, wo- men, and children, wito aoarcdy a rag upon toeir persona, follow yon about lisawiomiifl for a flttia gin ar tobaooo. Etanally gin, tobbaoco, «r gunpowder Ihaae ara the sale waata aronaed by a century d trade and of oontaot wUh Borapeana I And yat haw Is tois redan renreesnted in |higi»^«i1| t Why, aa a field â- * whMe unto liarvask" The Afrwan U deeorlltad aa laoklng to our Gov- emmsnt for a mwe settlad rnla aa oryini totheOhurohes, " Cema avar and help as " to our meroliants, ** We have eH, and rubber, and ivory give na In axehange your deto and your onitiery." ' Ya sea na naked, and ye clatoa us nal " to Um phUantiuepist, **Wa ara able and wiHIng to wato, only oaaM and sImw as toe way?' Pray bantoh all snoh rultfaito from your mindia. It is simply myth.â€" /osgift I^lomson, J" S. O. S. 1 llwMa. â- * The LaaA ef Flewen, A WmMIbc Present Of pnoMod impnrt a nw s woold lie abettia d toe only enre-pap aecn amaâ€" Potna'a Pain- laoB Cam Ezlnotorâ€" wUto oan be liad aft anjdragatan. Aowttaa MMBiiiiiltkafaMTald byHiaaa. Bawaiad i. • pandba far tiM !â- «"*• •S^^S ••Fboffid Yanft"wa •" ••W"" bahidinonadltafocaat^adsa. »"»•• d many eananmpttvas, ^a find bevfitinhar ganid '""â- •^•S,;5*«2S flowats. The ««»»?*•*• "Ti* "fS .at naceoaarily co so far •«{•"• |*J friandatoget rdid. For U not In toalart rtsgea dtoa disease, Dr. B. V. Hss«.a '•Ooldan Medkd Disaovaa wffl «**»• to«fe«thadUi. F« »»«•«-*?/ 1" andlnng diseases It Is a most reliable sped- fic- By druggists. The lady teatoer d the Infant dasa In one of our Sunday sohoola braaght a fancy Japmse bowl to take up »„«»?««|J"»^. Upon his arrivd hams one little kid w«a atoed what he did wito his penny. "I put It in the spit-b«x," waa toe pardydng reply. Mother's Smiles are the Sunlight of Home. There wodd be fewer cleadi and brighter aunahine in many houstoolds if every dis- pirited suffering woman realised what a boon Dr. Pioroe's " Favorite Preaoriptfon ' is for all weaknessee and maladiea to which hw aex la baUe. No lady who gives this wonderfd remedy a trid will be disap- pointed by the result It not only aota promptiy upon all f unotiond derangements, but by ita rare nervine and todo properties strengthens and repairs the whole feminine system. Price reduced to one dollar. By druggists. More than four toonsand device far coup- ling liave been patented, and yet toouaanda of baehelors and mddens go It done in this country, It outrivals allâ€" Dr. Sage'a Catarrh Remedy. A.P. 285. M S KNâ€" THBEBâ€" aadtwo ladlesâ€" as OanTiMeis (oodpay. H. B. KasMSDT. Toranto, OnL 8VPBBI0B riLES AHD BA8FBâ€" WAXKANTBD equal to best isiporled aU dads ol lo^nttlar. Gall rUe Woika, naDsaioK Piasur, CMI P.O. AHD BAW MAOHINBâ€" AUi HZB8â€" LAXBBX B _r» InptaTaaMBti biacket band lawsfw attach- Cf to posla: neat, ohran and dniabla j send for Sanlanr^JOBIl aiLUU 00.. CailstaBFIaoa, Qui RVBBU STAMP. wUh yoof name, nd^ S6on marks Unan, pifols cuds, ala.. SOOO strias. AnDtswaatdTaicnlaiaffaa. MODU BUBBKR 81A1""" »-«*- »•â- • ' AMPOO.. BaHcHd. AXniAOB KOBBUS FOB 0ABZBB8. wholesale houses, nuunifaolnrMs; flisi prise Oentiml SWis. Address M. 9. Hausaui, IUbuIm- Infer, HaaalHoB. A OEmB FOB NBW PABALUL FAMILT J\. BIBUESâ€" laige tope, s^endld tattgt, btantl- tunihistntioai: eontafna 4,000 qotstleBS and aa sweii OB BiUe Ijniios llbeni tenna. Inlenallonal Book and Bible House Zonoto. Ont, A OBHTS WAHVBB-IH EVEBT TOWH AND J\, oowrtjr, for the O. K. Paier and SUoer. Best umg out sella at sii^ saoifla Koife sent on noevi d price, 16o. Q. D. DAT, Agent, 40 ttrnga at Xoteato, Oat. BPBBnMTATrVB In aaoh oouBtr to aell "Pso- poaal aad EtpooMl"â€" a book oo Lsre, Oooil. BatrlinoBy and Uadted thamei. Write loi ebeulaiiL InliniatloBal BoiA aad Bible use, Totonto, Ont. fl^Tfin 80 Aera Vatm-Osao 60 Acre Kana W I UU â€"1 mile ffom Dnndalkâ€" 100.000 aoUnc mmy, IS otnts i 100,000 6 oaat mule iBStraments balf-ptloe. BTTTLANO, 87 Kliig^l. W., Toraato. A â- ABOBAWOHABWABTKBINBYBBT JBL townAlp. to seU Dr. Xalmace's new book, "Uve Caala.** The keeneet and most vlsofons apedmaa of oiatoiT ever written neariy 700 pages ody IS; full paitlonlan ot ttis aodothai new books rass. SdinTlerSnilthfcOo.,PnbltaheiB,Londaa,Ont {If /v OOMIC TBANSPABENT CABD8, 10 OTSj O" 30 Gold Fringe and Imported Kmboeeed Oaromo Oaids, 16 ots. or 50 taaof OhiomoOaida^ Uota. SendsllTCf. No two alike. Nanu in orna- mental icript. Agente wanted. Sample hook with eeeh 260. Older. BxcelaiorOaidOa.OedarDale.Oat. SraCIAIi MOnCB.â€" OBAND UTDUOBIIBNTS oBeied to yonoir Ladies and Qenllemea daring May. 81iottluHMLBookkeepiBg,OommeroialBnilneaSk Baj^iah, Olaariod or Bathenuitloal oonnesb aepaiate 01 all t^athet. at haU the legnlar toltloB fee. Ad- dreae Immediately, Zmi Zoaoaio Boaaaas Oouau, Zoranto. Ont. Teachen and Btndenta, on SMnthand, DrawlBg ot FalnUng. All who oan abonld oome. Bend Immedl. ately for Bp«olal dzoolais. Ibs Unoi Shoii- BAisBBS* AOAOBHT, Ansde, TonBto. VWLVBi BBUflBH COUniB, Qnelph, Oat. TooBg men and wobmb thoranghly ptepaied for poeWona aa Book-keepen^ Shorifiaad Writais, Oallgiaph or talecnph Opeidois; stodeats tion Bine Pnrlaoes sad Btstes la »**â€" '-int wttUa a year; giaduatea jdaoed In oemmerolal oaatres d Oasada and the United Btatn; ntta modeiate! f adlltlee exoelleat lastmeHeB IndMdual r ' etc.. address, B. MacOOBMIOK, Priae^tal. SnciAK able apend your time Bhoi ei tloal seooied. paiHonlais. AITBBTIOV^BBWABB of naiall- â€"lend adTOrtleHMBta and do not aad moaay fornolhlBg. Bngoush's 1 Inrtttnte kdd aadiKily ody to w h e is who are piao- --emydepartaaeal PosHims ptthonl ntea ehana. Wflle fot Tnnn rsrnmmn ISealiliiil. a H. BsooKS, " A6BBT81â€" TOU OAVt FIND A BOOK THAI glresbettitestlrfaeMcBorthatyeu â€" ^^ J\. ghresbeHetes t l rf ao t lC B or that you eaa make aBonay tasliv wUh than â- * Weildli TTniweis.- BeUslo an nfeiaea OhriaHana aad Infldal^ "*WitHfle aad Protaataat^eld aad yooagjOM anala who tove act oaavaased for yeaia an going Inw the fleldwHh act oaBvaased for yean an going Inwtha It; aF. JeaUnaioMlSSthaaistweek:! b^im sayst xfhe flnt week Witt- Woadan" ^^" oae hnadnd aad ' ' 1 I „ vaasaia, write foe tema. Bbambt Oo. â- " " for aaeaqkged_ pewoae; onMt fne to aelod ma, write t^ ABBlACB dt WACOF n^wmai d Mil ITililiialed BUILFH AXLK W0BI8 ^^, T. PEFPBR ft 00« Gueiph, Oat! DAIRY SALT. Flaeilbnads d •diyBslli la iagtda, aba tte fuu iâ€" Se'StJ'SS"" PABKASOB. QUnUIPTIOIL Ikm«aMMt*«raMrrer â- ST* tMB ima. fiiini M •neMT, ttrt I «m aSrWD JJ»« VAUJAiin â€" T.A. ftiBdiQfiBo«.8r lEB^Si.TaNito H.W. MONEYjrO LEND FradaotiTeToim,7i]ls«B 4FsmFropartj. ». nMBBUBaBOBAIBh Banlstaiw • Vnlan QUELPH OA^ET WORKa J.A.ABMSTfiOMGOM HmFionjBBBS or WOOL, UNION DAMASK 6ARPETS, Of Cndpfe.Ont. WATER STAB AUaXTB OBnParBny^ WELL BORINCl Has BO superior I SO f'd per hour j hand or hpm power; o^blnedboriBg and took drilling maoUaai naadsuooess; flrstprisegaadd^lomas. Bead foi Oatalogua •8 Marr St.. â- aaantan. SNOWDll Thai* la NOBEnER the Baow Drift 1 .ni\ j:u TOROK I B. SPBNCE CO., OoBSomeis wffl Had It to their advaatage to aSk the tnde for our oiake d Files aad Baspa. Ba-CatMB« a l^adaltj. Bead for price list and teima. HomiltOB, Ontario. f BRANTFOR P fi OLD WATER RICE STARc H NEVER FAILS- IhB Bojal lannfiustiirliig Oompanr, • Putt St.. nmuah, .Bb L a wiDEMAN oa, â€" mmtaoiuBBBS orâ€" Itopxaved Paaally anB Bann«vy Hansles, And all Uada d Lanadiy AppUaaeaa, Bunlar. Prod inadow-Ba* Looks, Step Lsddsia, etc, ste. Modd-BaUag, llOl-Wrightlag aad Oaipeateriag Wo*. BTSniD MB FBiai;Lui. Aaents Wanted. t Huihlna wllf. ibLffT'H'HtOM l»7*h book.. kdvea w ^„ GaltBaohiBe lid low Orloans Road Gart Co'i Winters Patent Road Cart, Basgles. CarrlasM, SloiCkSf Ae. for Oatalogua. #. wnrrsBSa Ctelt, Out. Irelan A Also tram Balttmora. via wi H. F., to Liverpool fOrlalghtly daria Che ilia III wi ot the OHaasow Uaee Allan Idne Royal Hall Steamslilpi. BaUlM dnring winter from Port an* every Sbaraday, and HanfaT every Hatorday to HverjoA and In enmmei from Qnebee every Batnrday to Uveivool, eallins a* LoB- dondewy to land aaafli and p aii e aje r i fOr H eotla n d and â- â- '-• •a^alifai and Bt John's. during """.w^ ttoathc UneeeUl dnriiMtwintai to and from HaHfax. Portland, Boatoa and Philadel pbia; Bod dnrins mmmer beloee u Olaasow aad Hon irekl, we^ly, Olaasow and Boatoa, weekly: and GHaa sow and Philadelphia, fortnightly. For frdght, pasaaae^ or other Inftnmadcn apply to A. Sdiumaoner k Co.. Bdtlmore 8. Ciinard ft OOm HaUfax; SheasOo St John'a N. F,. Wm. Hiomson k Co., St. John, N. B. Allan ft Co.. Chicago; Love ft Alden, New York H. Bouriier, Toronto: Allans, Rae ft Ca, Aiiwiii roniana tsoston. Montreal LINTON, LAKE CO., Call, Ont AzlbahdMa. OBiHB Soasv WoBKS. Car- riage fe Wagon Azlca, Iron and Steel Set Je Cap Sonwa^eto. a.-j^--^j.* OB applioatloB: nOKlKCST.WL^T^ ToRpN ro For ful Mention Thia fkon Bend tercatalegae. TENTS, FLAGS, HAMMtHl AND CAMPING GOODS Macnair's, ««»»•»«« f^Byery eeqaUy eheeifaUy wiwewd, TONltt. DALLEYS] i I 7,yi FINE ecu C0U3 tXTRACTi TRJE FRUITS EXTRACTS. ABSOLUTELY M FROM SELECT FRUIT. SOLD EVERYV/HERE Automatic Swing ft Hamiock M Bnggj and Carriage Ciears. **DiFIAMOK." nis Gear supplies ths desBaadel thoDrMscPub. Bof or low haaglBg bngclas, sad eonUaas with this niAlMiB. ease of bwOob, great rtraagthaaddma. MUty. Ptieee wy m odei a to. Wheritflwd wHhouv poBble lUage Bteel Tire wear tol^ four Umas ss l OBg ss tt ew. with oidfaMgy tisa stssl Bead for our dtaoMlveoiNiiIat. J. B. AWUnMV« vrg Co.. U.), ««el9k, "" THIS OHAIB 8 the bert and olw«pni •"«*jj tothepobUo lor wild eoiotoA ui«n,» difleia from aU othere, beJne « Chrii. w"IJ" hammook ormblned Price $3.SS. it-»ni^ MaBulaotared only by I CURE FITS! Wb«n I â€"J core I do not mMP nurelj to »; '"J. MmvMtd tton h»Te them retuni .^n- » '!?"*S3r â- B* I ha*. iii«l. the dlieue of riTS,KPILnOT â- »{" no BIOKNISS • Ilf*-lon J «udy. I wmtuI M^TJ to ear. tb. wont cm... BecoM o*""" "".Tifcrt IMMBftir not now re«.l»ing. "«:,,*'"l!j5r«" iTMtlM and • Fre. Bottle ol my '•'•"'"'^r^SirtL BipnH ud Po.t Offlc It coiU ro" "£St •ad I WUI can TOO. AMnu DE.B.0._t O^' ^^ BnilSllOi)e,37TODll!SL,Hl L D. SAWYER CO.. HAMILTON OUT, "L.D. S." ENGINES. ^P'^^J^" PBBl. 1886. at ProrlBolal Walt, sate: Oeirtial Pak, WamBtea. aad Ncithm Pair. Walkaitoa. â„¢" "â€" «anMia "Grain Saver" and "Peerless" SEPARATORS. «*«iSl««a«U HANUFAOTDBBBS AND IHLLBRS WILL SAVE MONEY BY HcColl's Lanline Haddoe Oil by tt eaeo sad y«u wT uas ao alhat. Waanih "lit* Cyltaiiara Breiy Banal Barima. W««l aad HamcM ^Om- â€" â€" • vjiiaaar, â- agiaa, Waal aa4 Hani«» ""T-rtirrtl McCOLL BROS. CO. TOHP *T Oar O aa aaiaa 0ml 00, ••SUIILIOBV" Brand. fJ«^