-, Pif^bvtery of Orangeville ^*"'offlPO^'dof the following I*" 'and uiinisters:â€" Chnrleston |c Bcv A McP'aul; Claude and â- ' .T va-iiit; Cheltenham and ' ^%f n- A ciiala, and Caledoa East. ""^1 Tait- F^'-i a"d Osprinuge, Bev ' Hill burg and Prince Corn- ivaistioug; GranJ Valley u- laemu J^^v H Crozier; Shel- '^SkJalo ,.ad F lesherton, Kev A ,•:' Pricevlile, llev McLeod; Dun- h^!:^ngy JA iloss; Hornings MOU 'â- ^tHoD«T*' :i. J A McDonald; i«;r aud Kosemout. Rer R B and Mono itM« ne was a greu snftfrer inuQ^a zjaiuuiig sore of the worst discrptiou, which baffled the best medical aldU, and bis life was abarden. He was eiued by B. B. B. to his great joy Kev J Gilchrist; and suriiriBe of his Mends. Weafs Wodd's wonder or Family Uniment is* remedy that no wellr^nlatad bonsehol skoold be withoat, as it is a pjsitive cme for Bhennitttism. It is invalnable for Sprains, Cats, Braises. Boms, Scalds and all disAases requiring external application Price 25 centx andSOceuta per bottle. Bold by A. Turner Co. June. iMMfMMlM. y i ii/I C-L[UY ?LW -.n fc*,; rti ..-n Camilla ..jiBier *u "tne Corbfet! 'H. Osprey and Ball- "^, j'jjjjj.s i.^'hiimrtou and Maple ' wiiici' â- i" vacant, and Black's ersand '•â- niier, Mission Stations. I'^j^^jll rive 11) cliarges with about. i'iiatious, tto tetrritory along the C. ' K. of abou iiy miles. ,.a â€" »g MONEY TO LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission chaiged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. O. Lot 8, con. li. t^ndg, 100 aoes^ 75 deared imd ander cultiT»tim, balance bard- wood, soU cL^ loam, wcdl watered, log house and ban:, and ah oirehard of 136 good b«r- ing trees. ThJB farm is utnatedB miles bom Markdale and 4 from BerLetey, and is one of the best farms in fhe township. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For full particulars, apply to JAS." LAMB,'t^*~"*°"v 298-3in OlasoottP. 0. FARM FOR SALE bw?^ FmsR M Oiun â€"GO TOâ€" LOT No. 24, ooB. 4, N. D. B. Olenele, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy teisM of payment, for farther particolan apply on the premises, or by letter to J. 8. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona, P. O. I m: this MUi; I'ritt " Ahvav ,ii us that, we may expect !i( I from the terrible scourge. iiiin King ii- the remedy to .tilv for a sudden attack. cents. S'U1 l^y A. Turcer and Co. ISti- to BE ON YOUR GUARD. Dou't allow a cold in the head .;jnly ami surely develop itself into (.atarm wluic you can be cured for cents. A i(;w applications will cure eeipient Ciitiirrh. One to two boxes dl euro oidiuary Catarrh. One to 4e boxes will cure chronic (Catarrh. ilr. Chase s Cittatrh cure, Sold by all la\m at 25 cents per box. 812 liAPIES OSLT Thf pomploxiiiii is often rendered nnsiRhtly Irl'implas, liver Spots, and Yellowness. Ihis^e it is wi:ll known are caused from an sactiveLivi;! :uiil bad blood. Dr. Chase's LiTHL'iire purifii';! tne blood and whole v=tom. See lieciiie Book for toilet hints -aud suKgestions on bow to preserve the ..cmplectiou. Sold by A Turner Co.June The Imperial Parliament has dis-' .olvedand a new election is forth- cjininK, as a result of the defeat of tlie Irish Home Rale bill. 5o*t-(0fttce Jtirertiinr. TO RENT. A single shop next door to Turner Go's Drug Store. Also a farm 8 miles from Markdale with JO acres deared, will be leased for one or more years. Apply to A. TURNER Co., 194.8 Markdale. G. M. BRODIE, M.D., CM., MEMBBB of the Colkge of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. tS'Office and residence, B. L. Steph^'s Umg Store, Markdale. 298-11 MARKDALE. Tiie P.O. will be opened fiom 8 o'clock a. u, lu 7 p. lu. tvtiy working day. Mails fli'Siti :is follows, viz I. r. K., gouj.:,' North, 11:40 a m, and 7pm â- South, 3:30 p m, and 7pm TllAVEKSTON. T;ie.-ilay, Thursday iiud Saturday 12:30 noon. ilARKAWAY. I'ruliiy, i-J:30 uooa. Foirt^'btorcil k'tters ami money orders, ufietii niui'iii.s liirlirr than above. The P. U. willl'o ..i' u vii Holidays from 9 to 9:30 :i. m.. and ]â- :;:! -tv. W lonr after mails arrive. J-. McFabland, p. M. Ue POTATOES, wanted by J. B. TEIMBLE at for which ^hest price paid. MORTGAGE SALE! Of Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Holland, County of Grey. Under power of sale contaired in a mortgage, which will be produced at the iime of sale, there will be offered for sale, by Public Auction, by Geo. Noble, Auctioneer, at the Village of Markdale in the County of Grey, on Tuesday, 29th day of June, 1886, at the hour of two o'clock P. M, that certain parcel of land in the township of Holland, containing 100 acres, composed of Lots Nos. 72 and 78, Concession 2, South- West of the Toronto and Sydenham road The property is one of the best grain farms in tire townsh'p of Holland, about 90 acres being cleared, the balance a good hard- wood bush except 2 acres of cedar swamp, and the soil limestone loam.is in a good state of cultivation, well watered by a good well and creek running through the property. The buildings on the property consist of a small log house and log barn. There is an orchard of about one acre. The lots are fairly fenced, with rail fences, and are situated about 4 miles from the Village of Markdale and about 2 miles from Berkeley station, which places are easily accessible by good roads, and afford a good market for farm produce. A Church and School aie situated about one mile from the said property. The Vendor reserves the right to bid. Terms; â€" Ten per cent, of purchase money at time of sale, to be paid to the Vendor or his Solicitors, and the balance in one month thereafter without interest. For further particulars and conditions of sale, apply to CREASOR MORRISON. Vendors' Solicitors, Owen Sound or W. J" McFabland Esq., New Bakery. I would respectfully intimate to, the in habitants of Markdale and surrounding ountiy that I have opened in MONTGOMFRY'S STAND, wliere I will keep on hand a good supply of BREAD, BUNS, Of my own manufacture, also BISCUITS A CONFECTIONMRY. ORMMGES. LEMONS, A BEST BRMkOS OF FLOUR. Flour, Batter and Eggs taken in exchange. I cordially solicit a share of public patron- age, and trust by honest dealing and clobe attention to business to merit your confi- dence and support. My motto is No Credit. Yours respectfully, 291 w- M- speeIr. ilL ^IHi .ih; Â¥fatch«8t Clocks, JeMfelry, Speotaces, Pipes, Ac. -• -AT- -FOB- THE EMPIRE HORSE AND FOOD CONDIMENT, The Original Thorley Food. SCONS, CAKES 4 PASTRY DoriDg the season of exceptionally hard work, too maeh cannot be said in reference to keeping the working animal in proper condiUon. To meet the iuerease demand made upon thetn tiie spring work often leaves the stock run down, and tbey have scarcely tmie to recover before the harvest is full upon them therefore if you want to get your animal quickly into condition use the Empire Food Condiment. JAS. G. RUSSEWS FLESH ERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Select from. eoooooooo ocooooooo It IE a fact, as every one says, that CUSSELL is the man to repair your Watch or Clock properly. lOO e~o ooooo oooboeoooy' â- 'V^â€" V " GIVE HIM A' TBIAL. Every job warranted to give satis- faction. 217-269 JIS. 6. MSSELL Notice to Creditors. PURSUANT to Sec. 34, Cap. 107, R. S.O. _.. the creditors and all others haying claims agamst the estate of Mrs. Geo. Lamb, Sr., deceased, in her lifetime, of the township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, Widow who died on or about the 5th day of April, A. D. 1886, are hereby notfied to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Geo. or Jas. Lamb, Glascott P. 0., the Executors of the deceased on or before THE218TDAY0F JUNE, 1886. Their christian and surnames, addresses and description, the full particnlar.s of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any), held by them or in default thereof; and immediate- ly after sneh last named date, the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among tlte parties entitled thereto, regard being had ouly to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the Executors will not be Uable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim, notice shall not have been received as afore- said, at the time of such distribution. Dated this 19th day of May A. D. 1886. Condition Powdor, Condition Powdor, The Dprby Condition Powder, the best stock blood purifier in the market at The Jew Drag Store. OILCAKE, OILCAKE, always on hand. 98 30 GEORGE LAMB, 1 J, JAMES LAMB, y^^ecuiors. Glascott P. O. Date 1st June, 1886 Markdale. CUBE FOB SOBE THBOAT. A prompt and efficient remedy f.^a sore throats as well as croup, asthma, pain in the side, car ache, deafness aad many other common and painful oomplaints.'is found in Hagyard's Yellow Oil. once., theh will " ..â- A full line of Potent Medicines kept by Yonra respectfully, R. L STEPHEN. THE GENUINE SINGER CARSON'S Impleient Emporiiun. I beg to annoqnceto the public that I am this season better than ever pre- pared to supply your wants in Agri- cultural Implements «nd Machinery. I will keep on hand Self-Binders. Beapprs. Mowers. Sulky Bakes. Steam and Horse Power. Threshing Machines. Grain Drills, Single or Combined. Plows, eight kmds. Sulky Plows. Fanning Mills. Broadcast Seeder, Combined. Spring- Tooth Harrows. Iron Harrows. Land Boilers. Potatoe Plows. Gang Plows^ Bcnfflers, three kinds. Boot Cutters. Wheelbarrows. Hot Air Furnaces. Boad Scrapers. Wagons, Democrats, Open Top Baggies, c., c. Office at Markdale House, 291-809 RffARKDALE. THOSE IN NEED OF A SEWING :- M ACHINE Should be sure and gvt the oooooooooo o r o o o o GENUIIE NEW YORK SIWeER c c -ooocoooooooo The best is the cheapest, and this grand machine is certainly the best. 290 C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, Markdale. KNITTING. MRS. CRAWFORD has opened a Custom Knitting Factmry in Markdale, and is now prepared to do itll sizes and shapes of stockings and socks, in wool or cotton on short notice, and at reasonable charges. A trial respectfully solicited. Factory opposite the SiAKDABD office. 29i;-8 isw imnss sioF. i:H Examination. ^â- ^"oticc ,.,;iebj given that the ^igh Schoci Entrance Ex- amination ^^"' â- bo held in the TOWN OF DURHAM nu the â- ^^^'^ih7ih Days of July. 18^6. ^. jDtendin,. cvididates will please no- ^Krhaa, Ju K. J. HILL, Secretaiy S. B. n^ 4th. 300.2 in. ^^dvertiseinthe STANDARD. SPECIAL ATTENTIOH TO CuMRttftUML TRAVELLERS. Mathews* Old Stand, opposite Markdale House WJVI. T/tYbOR, PROPRIETOR. [OVEB WOOL WOOL! 15I22U Those having Wool to sell or manufacture, .will find it to their advantage to call at the FLESHERTON WOOLLEN -:- FACTORY. The machinery being now in splendid working order, and havii^g engaged a staff of competent hands, we are now busy manafacturicg goods usuaUy kept in stock. Any cuafom work entrusted to us vill r^eeire prompt and cajefol attention, and done at reasonable prices. tST DONT PADJ TO GIVE US A CALL. May 3rd, 1880. ^y. H. F'J-.ESHER. a B. CABNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- rounding count] y that he has opened a general harness shop on King street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to manufacture and keep on hand a large stock of LIGHT and HEAVT HARNESS, long and short tugs. STRAW COLLARS, WHIP.1, COMBS. BRUSHES. HARNESS OIL c. I will use only first class mate-ial aad those requiring anything' in the hamests Une will find it to their interest to call at the new harness shop and get prices before go- ing elsewhere. Repairing done with neat- ness and dispatch. Soliciting a share of public patronage. I am respectfully yours. FARM FOR SALE. BEAUTIFULLY situated within 4 miles^ of tho thriving Town of Meaford, bein^ south half lot 2(). con. 7, St. Vincent, 10( acres, 55 acres being cleared nnd in a good state of cultivation. There is a good youii« orchard, an abundance of good water, with suitable buildings. Price very loy. Terms easy. For particulars apply to J. J. JOHNSTON, 190-98 Chishohn's Block, Meaford. 190 R. CARNAHAN. WEAVING. Having returned io Markdalei in order to be more convenient fcr my cnstomcrs, I beg to announce that I am now i««iared io do all kinds of Custom Weaving. Reridence otd stand, opj^oaite Presbyterian Church. 283 ARCH. BOYD. ~6Â¥eB gent. Money loaned on Fiirm or Town Property at lowest rates of interest. Apply to k J. SPKOULE. Go|uneyaiieer and Postmaster, Fl^sheiton. R. J. SPROULE, PLESHEBTON. Gonyeryancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mort- gages, Leases and Wills drawn up and Valuations made on shortest notice. Cliafges very low. Apply to B. J. SPBOULE, Money Lender and Pueiraastcr. Flesherton. MARMLEBAKERy, â€" FOB â€" BREM, CAKES MD BURS, AT BEASONAliliE BATES. BISCUITS AND CONFECTIONARY of all kinds on hand. SOIREES 8URJ^fiIS£,PARTIES. Supplied on the Short^t \Notice. Wediii«eaki6ijteeialty. A call is respeotfiiUy^iolieited. Bread delivered in all rtafrU oif the tpwp^ PBCail9£8s: i Next OicKrcto.iiM iMit«r ititAU t^ •m EDWABD KGOKE. i i 'if ilr