Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 May 1886, p. 2

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 I* m '.* ii :r "â- l:d i â-  w' \Z\\ fHiili •'â- I ' m It;!. i O'vi HOUSHOI.D. lattlA FwplexitiBi. A hMiekMptr who Ukw m MBiibla •f «h« ainm triAla of a wtmaa'i Uf*. wxitaa faDowiag for ttaii otdnan Why oaaMt «m hopMfcâ€" p^teelthi^ hmc VMHtoB ii • Bobl* Mie, and aofe MMrdiagly I Why d«M ibm ao many timea look upon iiar- adt aa a drndge T " Womon aw B tat ta ai en" oftfanaa in ik5x managOBMat of affain, evon is khakitohan^afatm-hoiuo; and if (key would look aponthamMlTOB aa nidi, avoB whan waary and oaiowom, they would bo happy. It ia not tbo laigo mattaia of the hooaehold that worry the woman aa mnoh aa the Itttlo parplezitiAa of oTory day life the waahing, iranhig, ohaming and bakiag are all ezpeot- od, aad paaa imootbly along, but ^he dut and dirt often make the woman long to pitoh ttiinga out at the window, aalid Tuerean, to get rtd et doatiiig. Bat what need orfrot- ting 7 After one haa oomo to yeara of ma- turity, aha knowa that life ia fall of little triala, and aha moat piepare lo meet them pleasantly. When I nrat kept hooae I thought the meala moat be eaten the mo- ment they ^ore pUoed open the table bat I find there are worae thfiigato be met than a oool baked potato. I find It it the wo- man'e plaoe to have the meal ready at the oanal time. Hid if the men-folka are behind time, lay nothing and they will not. And another thing, I find it an exoollent plan to keep boay when waiting tor the men to come in, inatead of running about doing nothing but wonder why they don't oome you can wash the cooking utenuLs you have used getting dinner, the try-pao, potato ket- tle, etc tnen you can do the work up quicker after dinner. Whenever about the booking you are dene with a diah, fill It wjlth water whereby a minute or two may be aav- ad in washing it. Keep oaim and^cool when hindered lo that when dinner ie at lautMrv- ed yen may not be a **roaited lady"aa Charlea Lamb tella about, letvedwitn every oearae, but may make up by oar pleaaant manner and witty lemarks any defidenoy that waiting may have made to ahow In the food. It freta a woman leaa to have dinner wait a few momenta than to have the men wait for dinner. The latter atahd round and hard- ly know what to do or aay until the weloome voice oalla them to the Uble. Have a paper, book er magaaine at hand, and if you are getting fretted and nervoua, go to reading and forget for a few momenta your trouble. Thia ia a carious world and we moat learn to make the beat of it and take all the com- fort we can if we are-farmer'a wivea. Breakfaat Bills of Fai» BBEAKFAST NO 3. Codfish in cream. Pop-oveia. Dry Toaat. CoffeOi yolk, DKTtU FUTTnra the falls to wobx. gpiUf e BMILEB. Cqbdlkd Egos.â€" Pour boiling water on to freah egga and remove the diah containing them to the back part o^ the atove where the water will keep warm and let them remain ten or twelve minutea. The white of the egga wiU t^en be coeked unifexmly with the )U^ and tiie whole will be anperior in •TVS aua uigvauuuiiy fo an egg wlucn uaa I boiled. CoDnsH IK Cbcah. â€" Pick up into amall plecei, fiah that haa been aoaaed in oeld water over night. Heat milk or oream boil- bg hot and aad the fiah with a apoonfnl of floor that haa been mixed amooth with a lit- tle oold milk. Aa aoen aa it boila up, break a freah egg into it and atlr juat long enongh to cook the egg and then remove it at once trom the fire. PoF-ovxBS. â€" One cup of flour, one cup of milk, ene egg, a piece of bniter tlie aize of an egg, and melted, and a pinoh of aalt. Bake in gam pans. Makette mixture per- fectly amooth and free frem Inmpa, by add- ing the milk very alowly to the flour, and sttrring conatantly. Beat the egga and add last. Have the pans hot and battered, and fill them half full of the mixture, then set direotly into a quick oven. Fifteen minutea will bake them, and they will jnatify the name by rising far above the limita of the pan. The aeoret of having pop-overa just right, ia to have everything ail ready betore yon begin, and then make quick work of the mijdng and baking. Iheae arealao aome- timea called egg mufi^ub BBBAK7ABT NO. i. DioppedEgga. Fiisded Beet. Biked Potatoca Cold Graham BrauL Coffee. Dboffbd Eggs.â€" Have a frying pan filled with boiling water allghtly aaited. Lay in muffin rings and into each turn an egg which had previoualy been broken into a cap. Aa soon aa tiie white is aet they are dene. Cooked in thia manner they are net broken in piecea aa when dropped into the water without the ringa. Frizzled Beef. â€" Have the dried or imoked beef ahaved very thin, place in a atew-pan with enongh water to cover it,- and when it boils add a apeonful of flour made amooth in a little cold water. As aoen aa it thick- ens add a generous piece of butter, a little pepper, and turn into a hot diah. GsAHAM Bbxad.â€" Make a batter at night of one pint of milk or water, one pint of flour, and one-half cup of yeaat. In the mornhsgadd one pint of Graham, one-half onp of augar, one temoonful of salt, beat- ing it in tiioreugltly. Turn it into two pans. It will be a little alower In rlsmg than white bre ad. GkMtly DisooTuy. The other day a ghaatiy diaooveryjraa made about five mllea below Clarkaville, Tenn.. by two hop. A h^E^ead, whkh had been left in a field by the late reoedbg waters of the Oambertaid, waa «oandto oentabi the mutilated and much deoomposod bediea of a man and a womb, suppoaed to hTMsroea. The «»• o* *• »»*• ^»«" iJa appazantly beens^ed fa two. The Sulla Sfboftwewmiaring. Th-P-P^ belief is that the bediea are subjects frem So medical college at Nas hville. hia Vac I he r»w» ef â- lO Wkeela. As a bnrleiqae npen Yankee bfaBulty. tt to be said fa the oomie papan Oat Uaola Sam wOold aome day pat a wlieei under Nhsara Falls aad mnalltliamadhfa- ery fa the eenatry. BIdionlemaa flila aoomed, Yankee to»»»*»ybaB devtaedeeme- thfas very like it, and ablU to pat tiie aohnmo into praotloo haa reosvtty paaaed both Hoaias ef the Lq^statare. The bill says that the oompan? is formed for the purpose of construoting, m ai nt i Jnfag and operating, fa connection with the Kiag- ara River, a hydranlio tannel, er subterran- ean sewer, for tiie pobllo uaeof sewerage and drainage and for fnmishfag hydiauUo power for maanfacturing purposes fa the town of Niagara. The capital stock is to be $200 000 at first, with %b» right of Inorease to 13.000,000. The plan iaa sim^a one. A great pipe or abaft ia to be out throngh the reck cloaa by and paraUal witii the Niagara River, 160 feet deep uid rnonfag half a mile or more back from the falls. The open end ef this littie shaft or tunnel is to empty oat of the roAatthe fallaa.feot or two above the level of the water below theoaaoade. Whenever a company wants water power It may sfak a vertical shaft frem the surface almost down to this horizontal shaft. In the bottom of thia verlioal shaft a turbfae wheel b to be placed, and below this a smaller abaft, for a tail race, will carry the water from the wheel to the great horizontal shaft, which will then work aa ia waate pipe to carry off the water In order to get the needed water to drive the wheel it will only be necessary to bcild cut a short pier on the river shore to catch the edge of the swiftly flowing cnrrent and divert a little of it, by meana of a ditch or p-pe, fato the vertical shaft, and ao past the wheel and through the great subterranean shaft and back fato the nver agafa below the falls. These vertical ahafta are to be big enongh to admit ene or two of the workmen, who muat plaoe the turbfae fa porition and after- ward attend to It. It is said that a wheel ai big aa a man's hat will aupply 200 horae power, thoogh thia waa aaid oareleaaly by the reporter's Informant, who acknowledged nnoertafaty as to tiie precise amount. The plan is to sell to manufacturing oer- porations the right to sink ahafta aa cloae together as praotioable along the Ifae of the great waate shaft. A glorious success is prophesied for the company. It ia said that cheap, steady, reliable power is so great an item fa manufactures that a committee of Connecticut mill owners declared that it would pay them to remove their mOls and factories to the town of NiagMa. Freshets, droughts, and ice play misohief with those fatere»ts tbat depend on water power throughout New Eiigluid, but no such an- noyance, it is said, attends the use of Niag- ara water power. The Niagara never freezes, never overflows, and never runs dry. Soetoh dominie. refatfag to A Soetoh dommie, aw""â€"" •" â€" .oars the itery el A»«^ -dSapphIra, SedtiMB •• why Ged «* r'SjiT'SL iMdv dead who told » He." Aftsra long jE2i"S. iSli. www tjtte^his feet ezolalmed: "Butmam, mx, to anybody hft." Somebody m^ *• ^•'^K^^ ^fTdfaMmoaUeJaoatbto a eeldkr la • SSSSTirMaybe, bat who. • sd- Fiar FICTDBE OF FABTBTJE. How the Inoenlatlon Apostle Ippcata In Bvtrr Bay itre. iraaiKur, the lion of the day, la, • u Gravy, a Franche Oemtoiaa. Uohas the fatonatien m speakfag of the Pieaident of the RepnbUoâ€" that is to say, he drawls slightly and emphaaizea strongly the leadfag words fa eaeh sentence. There is an fade- lenoe fa the walk which ariaea from an fa- com|detely cored attack of hemiplegia, from which aome years ago he waa dangerously 111, He manatee ODtte limp, although he haa to drag the left leg, which is not of so much uae to him as a cork one set en an active thigh. The eyes ef yellowidi brown, with less brown than yellow of a topaz hue, aie sot fa biatrcua lids, and appear too muoh fatigued to aee without firat befag well rubbed. I dare aay they are what they look. There are vertioai wrinklea fa the brow and queer unnatural orow'a feet about the temple. Cencentratfag attention ttirough a mioroicape on the falmitely amall animal- cular world haa produced them, Pasteur's countenance betokens orlgfaal^ and the whole man shows sturdy strength and grit. He must bo kfad aa he is unaffected. The outer man is abort, thick-set, deep-cheated and a maasive head ia set olose to a pabr of broad shoulders. The face is fat though not glabre (you have no English word I think for glabra), and the beard, which is short, scant and grizzled, dees not ocrtafaly adorn it. I like the spoonMll nose. It shews character and fatrasifies the homlfaeas which keeps company with hia air of fatel- ligence, and vhioh shows freedom from small conceit. But if Paateur ia not aelf- anfficient and aolf-conacious, he ia not with- out quiet degmatiam of manner, auoh aa one finds fa old French country cures who have long been looked up to by their flock. The servant of the Rue d'Ulm ia genufae, bat he meana tp turn the altar of science to good account, and haa for many yeara turned it to good accennt m procurfaig an facome for himaoJf. The homely kfadneaa ii dev^d of aenalbility. It coats him no pang to immo- late dogs, rabbita and gufaeaprga on the altar aforesaid. The Poisonous Lizard of the Pacific Slope. At San Franolaoo some one- had caught a large heloderma and bad tied it to a post, and there waa usually a crowd about it. Among the lookers on was a drunken fellow, who was amusfag himself by stirrinff up the reptUe and telUng the orowd that he did not believe that It was poisonoua. Some of the men took him away several tiinea, bat at last he began to call everybody oowurda^ fa drunken fashion, and before an v one ooald step him he thrust hia hand fato tna animal's meatfa aad was severely bitten. I never saw a nan sobaced so quickly fa my lUe. In a abort time he began to feel aharp paina fa hia arm, and t afore ksig It began fee swell, and he waa eiiHged to Uo dswn. He was sobered ooaapiately, aad thoagh they poned all the liqaor down hia th^roat ttat he woald take,ithadaeeffisetnponhim. Soma one started fora deotar that lived ten or twelve mUee away, bat tiie man died wham he fall, right to tho street fa the middled the town, ' liya orowd ti aa whita-iaoed laaattaaeo. Howantuta Itwaaatartiblatight Aa aa he becni» eeaaalsaa ho would beg aama «neteahaothiaa,aadaeBiowenfa favor of It, baft tie majadlv ruled, aad he died fiwn thepehMlBlM»aaaBBheariflwhe was SS haTbMB 'Ootalief Igr • ballet enoe er fewiae he ohangoa his mfad. easterner (fa «**»^Ti?%rlSL^ tUaitsakiateotoogh to eak J^*^^ "Sorry, sah; Isetoo busy to argoa W daSSkno;.^ I*^'r"'i^Sl'^o' waiter 'bent do roughness eb steak, yo IS?^ fa whan d?M«. rash i. eher.« Awomanmayboaahemoly aaadrovew oamela, and aa unfatereoting aa a oountwfolt deteotor, but aa soon aa her husband is deotod t! Parliament, and it ey take uptbelr rosidenbe fa Ottawa and give J»o^»«»°»» she beoomea ••handsome and fawdutiiV â€" fa the newspapi^. There ara no bbnks. A colored child had a fall from a Moond â- tory #liidow, the etiier day, andhiilnenier, fa relatiag the aooidsnt at the grooery-rtore. Mid '• I)«re dat ohlle waa a oemin' deini feet fust, wid every ohanoe ef tefa' ^killed, when do Lawd he tomod him ober, do ohUe struck on his head, and dare wasn't so much asabnttoieA" Ciematien la evidently making headway. If rldionle oonld have killed this method of ,1ijp««i«fl of the dead it would have suo- oombed to the oartooa prfated some years ago, dej^tfag a small hoy with a tfa oar in his hand standing at the door of a orematwy and askfn^ of the proprietor, '• Please, rir, is dad done yet ' **I'ae got a oomplafat tor make," said Jim Webster to hia employer, a merchant. •• What is it " " Da book kc eper kicked me." " Of course he Idoked yon. Yon don't expect me to attend to everythmg, do you I loant look after all the little de- tidhi of the busfaess myself." HaU» Journal of Health says " fatenae thbstbsatUted by wading fa|water." Hero Is an idea theatrloal-managera. should im- medfately act upon. Let them provide a pool of water fa their respective houaea of amusement, for the benefit of young men whoae fatcnue thirst drives them out be- tween acts. Managers should spre no ex- penae to cater to the wants of their pat- rons. Members of the Shakespeare class (read- fa|)â€" « The sixth age shifts fato the lean and slippered pantaloon " Another member (a young woman of hot tix culture) â€" " I woulfCiuggest, ladies, that ' pantaloon ' the word 'trousers ' be substitiUed as less objectionable and moie fa harmony with the present age." This suggestion waa unani- mously adepted. Mlas Cynthfa Mushroomâ€"" Now, pa, do be careful at dinner and don't mortify as before Mr. Stnyvasant Oturtevant." Mrs. M. â€" " Yes, Phineas, do mind your manners, and remember your instiactiona about ett- qoette." Mr. M.â€" " Well, that's aU right; yea kfa go ahead, and arrange tilings to suit yourself, but I'm hanged if I'll eat pie with a fork for anybody." If you are unlucky enough to break a oherished fan or a paper knife, put It to- gether carefully ao that the break won't ahow, and leave it lyfag on tho parlor table. Seme guest is sure to pick it up, and when i* unm In two pieces, if von preserve a dis- creet silence regarding the former mishap, he may thfak he broke it, and be induced to get you a new one. " I wish I were yen star," he aaid dream- ily. " So do I," she retamed promptly, herooially awaliowtag • yawn. " And why, dear one 7" he aaked Impulaivaly, •* why do you wiah I were yon brilliant orb t" •• Be- oause," she replied fa oold, matter-of-faot Boatonese tonea. " beoauoe yon brilliant orb la jast 11,760,971 mUee away." And tae]faded silently out like mist betore a Sam- mer san* The other evenfag, at a ooaoert, a long- haired pianist was punishfag the instrument with epileptle gestures, and evolvfag what was supposed to be descriptive muaio. An old lady went fato ecstasies of admiration. " How fine f she exclaimed ** ene can hear the roar of the cannon the town has been taken bj aaaault they are fighting fa the streets the soldiers are already gmng themselves up to pillageâ€" the " "Ohr sighed a neighbor,* "if the soldlera could only carry off the piano I" An Eaatera man, who was travelling fa the Southwest, oame aorosa the railroad which waa pwing many of itsemployes, less than aeven^-Bve cents per day, and he en- quired whytkey did pot strike. •'Only makes matten worse." was the reply. "Bat hew could it!' ••WeU,we tried it when we were gettiog nfaety cents a day, and the president got up together and made such a speech against labor grindfag the life oat of capital that we hired back to the company at seventy -thiee. We amt the sort of fel- lows to get at it and aqaeezo the hie blood outof a corporation pay ins its nreaident only $25,000 a year." " My dear, " said Mrs. Snaggs toher hus- band this momfag, '• I don't thfak I know your Mend Mr. Pott, do I?" "Pett!" aaked Mr. Snagg fa aurprise. " Yea, Mr. John Pott." "John Pott? I don't know anybody of that name." " Oh. you surely must know hfan very well, for you talked about him fa your aleep laat night, and oaU- ed him Jaok as though you had known him all your life." "Jack Pott I Ab, I moat have been drMuning about a soheelmate of my boyhood iays. I had almost forgotten him." And Snaggs went down town ood- tatfag en what a narrow eaoapa he had. Taot b the labrloant that makea rfMiâ€" down the balastar ef Ufa easy. She hadtM adomers, an^ as Is aaoal, lialted biilaeaii toro oi^nbna Hany loved her wall, bat r^SS* .r5??"°« rf memoriaa,»Uied LBome, "why I oan remember wheii I uMd topfay witii^^and make mad-piTfa «ds4ned tbe fMllsh Harry, aSSSy "^â- b»wl T[eadsrfultore2iJittarw8£ eoonrred ao few yean aoa r* aiMkaaMM^ â- pekafteharshesBabbedhlai. ^^ FAYOBITE «h NO SNOWDRIFT ^BAKING POWOEB Dfiia Oa. "^i.'Sisr23rbsrSLs FRtE FLOWERIIG PLANTS BTMAIL. IS for n ee I Ai* nsar ttciuR, aad^ wMh eraer • " 5 DoHaresda?. an aawf^ aghno. S •• W I aatbamnmorMoathlyBoaevnEBi The Beit 8traMiberrvPlanU,teeti.mDoten, I gnanutee Hants to please and to arrive in good Older at any noal office la the Semhiion. Uiga idaata by f relgnt or e^raaa- J. P. Coekbnni, flortot, Onunpe taken). QaAvmHoasr, vn ABMSTBONG'S Patent Tempered Steel Bog^y Carriage Gears. Our "Jump Seat" Bod; on Bolipse Gear mseta with a raadv aale, and aoakaa a light, htndaome, durable and naetnl ooaTeyanoe. Rldaa easy with oae or four iiasasagnta. and oluuigad from a slogle buggy to a Sooble ounage quickly and ooaTenieDtly. A» yoni o^iage maker lot partloiilaia. Oatalogne mailed oo api^aatlon to J. B. ABMSTBONC Hfff. Co. (LfD^ GUELPH, CANADA AWNIN Awning.llag.r"' • 1«» Toeg« WOOD ENc^R? ^nbaMBK KNIVBB, nAVK OOTIBH. BTaV JL Jointer, oheeae box, venaer, leatlmr apUtting Dookbuulen. moulding, tenoniiig, and other machine knives o* beat quality, manufactured by Psna Hat Gait Maoliine Knife worka. Gait. Ont aend for prioa WATCHES fietailed at WliolesalB Prices. Below we quote prioea for Crennine American Watcbes* Waltham, or Elffin. Pat np Im 8oUd 3oa Cofn BUver rasca, naat^proot. Movement and Oaae- fnlly gnaiantced by special oertMcate, giving nomber, gnde, and qoalltF of ailvar. oa Open Faor, dnat-proof, Broadway 8 00 2| OS Open Face, duat proof, Klsln. 8 00 3 ca Hunting Ckaa, dnat proof, BioiMlway 9 00 8 r z HontlBg OaaiP, dnatipioof, Blgln. 9 00 3 ca Hunting Oaae,duat-piocf, P. 8. Bart- 3 oa Hosting Caae, dnat proof Appleton,. Tiaoy h Oo 2« 50 3-OB Hnntfng Oaaa, dnat-proet. Dominion, (same grade as P 8 Battlett) 9 00 8 OS Hnnting Case. Peerless Chicago, (laaegradeaaPHBartletl)......^ S 00 CHAS. STARK, 62 Chnreh St-t Toronto. Manofaotutwa, Imporleta. Wkdaaale and ISO page Oatalogne, with 1,000 ilhutratlosa I free on i^jtUoatiott. CONBOT'S CABBIACB TOPS Are the Beat and Ohcapeet in tlie llaikel Otdei one fram your Carriage lUter. Take no other kind. Bend lor Catalogueâ€" 407 King S t. W., loaono, DEFORMED AND RUPTURED. Ton cannot begin to enu* neratein one adrertlsement the ills that flesh ia heir to I 'hioh may be I'ooiedr rallevi. lated by me. olMDkal treat- ment. Club Feet, Spinal DiMote, Bau) \Leg»,Rv,pturt \ete. None of theaeoanelth- |eibe leUevad [or oared by ny othei Jmeana than Imtohaaloal. Somedooton advertise that they oan hold _.^_Tâ€" T â€" -^_â€" theae tronblea wiuout a tenia, and condemn Traaaes. 1 meet many wUtentt toAo have been treaUd by these doctors, but 1 meet nonetoTto are cured by them. The dootoia al- ?2!ti*!h JI'SISL *•"•" "" •^ovtJonal euaa, and want toaentheir tenaaea at exorbitant pitoao. I wlU pay your retwn ticket up to 800 mnea if I oan not hold you mptura, tt rednaaUe. Bead e ornta tor book on nuptm reaad Human Frame. Addrssa, CHAS. CMTHB, USKlng^atieet Weat, loroalo! """• IJURE FITS I m» ud then have them ntnni addn. I mwa • radical "Jjonfcr mt now raeelTtnc • cnra. 8nd at oae* tor a '^raw ud FMtOmca. It ooau jron nothlac far • tcUL «*iwm«««iu -idd««DB.'H.or5S3^;""â€" Braicli (ice, 37 TQii][e St., Toronto. «*aoe»Aloo.tteD. "™°*w«'«fiS| For fnlllnfpnnatlon (which win k. 'I ^aige) about the l«e« lS?Jd !*)» J to JOHN H. KOBiKT ^NSl weatem Oanadiam Pin^iu!.*. ^I GeSSSr?.,^ Awni. ^»ya^l Toronto Mention This ^sott W£BSTE£| With or without Patent LmiT^ ' • IT IS THE STAHDABB Authority with the U. S. SupnDeComitfk I â- Â«Â»e Gov't Printing Office, 80^18 JSS bytho SUte Sup'ts of SehooU in « SWr I To Its many other Talnablefeataieaniai h m Id g JUST ADDED AHewPnnonneiiii OAZETIEIll OT.THE WOBED, Containing over SS.OOO TMhiU^ I deseriEing the Countries, Cilie^ Towns, and Natural Feitani i OF EVERY PART OF THE BLOK. It is an inraloable companion in eTeI7 W and at every Fireside, â-  « G.ACHEBBIAHCO.,Pub'rs,SpriiigfiilJ,)hi ONTARIO PDIF (III (United.) Toronto Ont BcTeateea Slzea GEARED WniDMILLS, ftorn 1 to 40 b. p.. o' Pumping Water, runnlog Grain Omshers. Straw Out- teia. Boot Pulpeis, ot any other machineiy op to a 40 h.p.OiiatlUlL HAYINGi TOOLS. iFallliK' e-THE BESlI I X L FEED mix guaranteed to (filnd from 10 to 20 bushels per hoar, aMsordlnr to tlze. Iheee Mills are tbe moat dniable, peitert and oheapeM Iron Feed MU yet Invented. TANKS, From the amallest mp'jo 8,855 bbla. PIPE AND KW-U'I Pipe Fittings, n-g*;* "J In taot a foil line of Water Snppl/ Saad na yonr address on sft^il^ •aSdrm mw innatiatsd «*«^ ra-H^' An mad* a^ at UiiLQaeeB City Oil WorkSs wd 1»^ tha bit tiirao jaan SIX GOLD MED_ iMdlotMavlaliaml. UttdonaaliaaraaalWaolHywawaipaylrtl*'^^ SAMUEl. ROGERS CO., SOFnmttt'

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