Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Jan 1886, p. 8

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 1 m j. Hie Iisl4ale SUidard Is iaraad evesy ThimSay, at tha offiec. Mill Street, Maikdala. !ritit8 â€" f 1 per year in adranee 91W if Bot paid within three months. Professional and bnoiness cards on* inch syiaee and under, per year. 14. 1 n. S xo. t MO. Vrhale eolomn f 56 00 137 60 «lfi 00 Half coliimn 8T 00 16 00 10 00 jQnarter column .. .. 1^00 10 00 COO 'Two inch space 7 00 4 00 Three inch space .... 10 00 6 00 Casaal advertisements 8 oratts per line first insertion, 3 cents per ^e eaah sabseqaent insertion, noniareil meaiare. Sditotial notices, or notices in local eol tunn 10 cents per line first insertion, 6 cents 'each subsequent insertion. Btrav animals (fee., advertised 3 weeks for fl, the adrertisement not to exceed twelve lines. No paper discontinued until all arrears ' are paid except at the aption of the publisher. JOB PrInTINCâ€" Tax SiAWDAKD office has a splendid equip- ment of poster as well as fin« job type. Spe- ^ial attention to orders by mail. Orders filled with dispatch. EDITOE AND PROPRIETOR. WILLIAM STUART, EIMBilBLEY. lasn*/ of Ifarriac* Lieenees. Mm^ to Loan on fiaal Xatate at knr rates.. NoT.6.'86-lj ftJ^UBl. WAJBDEIX, AT.T. TTTXLL DIGOKS AND PBTTJJtB. W orina piOB^ttly attcndetlto. dn*it -Snider'a Hill Ow«n Sound 132-86 Fa,sliloi:ia.lle nTailCKr, OTKB UkerAJOJkXD't STOBB. A. PBRFECT FIT GUABANTIED. ISAAC STlxVSON. Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Briek and Stone work^ Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 195-«m* MAREDALB P. O. EUCENIA fTy vWateaJa eqteDflivo impr^remenifl in myOn^^ I feel «onfta«xt 'I ean give goiod utitfaetioa. 6000 FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND chopping Done Every Day. Coatom Sasrmg and Bills FiUed on thai â- horttst lioiifle. ' LUMBER AN© LATH ifcLWAYS' ON hand: Clterry, Bnltsimiit, White Atk, -Blaak Ask Baiswood, Pine and Hnaleek Jj^ti -wanted IMri(r;Mc; lit The folltfiijiw im tk* aealo et aAugB for r mm- Wheat. 63 61 60 69 r 68 67 66 66 64 68 63 61 60 S »7 86 86 84 88 81 3» 36 35 •â- â- Mi BifB^Sborta, ., ... Ma:,..-. »».i •-•(• 91y. K. A£ITT. ttvffeai*. if :u ij .... 18 so .. .. 30 ••â- - ^-.IV f,lM :•â-  .•W ., .,. 30 J, W. FORD. CliilHU P|(j||:,7 T4ME j^^^ QOINQ NORTH. ;r9JtL I». 3XcCiillougrli, :tbareister, solicitor, c. officeâ€" oveb mcfarlahd's store. MAEKDALE. jMoney to ILo£i,n. 274 HANDS,: ECHLIN GARVIN, (STJCCBSSOBS TO LAUSBB HAMDs), BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, ConToyancerd, Ac. Mon.ey- to loMi at lowest rates of interest. bfaes 16 King Street East, '•1'99-251 To»o«TO. niASSOin MASSOIV, â- DABRISTERS, SOMGITORS, 4o. Ottices â€" Owen Sotnid, ki Viewer's Block Poulett St.; Branch oflace in Markdale, oyer MeFarland's Store, on Friday and Satuiday ' every week. 57-lj J. Massok, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Massoit. N. B.â€" Private Company's funds to invest at from Six to Eight per cent. B W. G. RICHARDS, UILDB8, CONTRACTOE. ABGHI- TKOT, Markdale. 1241T i«IjL« ^:'v VICTORIA R. B. PRECEPTORY, No. 282. Meets in Lodge Room of Markdale L. O. L. No. 1045, first Friday in each month. Visit- ing Sir Enights always welcome. Jakbb Bbodie, W. p. 275 Thokas Elliott, Registrar. Jllexander Sro'nm, ^TSSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and I Life Insurance Agent. Oommissionei in B. R. c. Conveyancer and Money to loan for the County of Grey, Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges mads very moderate. PricevilLe, Nov. 5th, 1885. 1-y Money to Loan. 6 to ft^ per cent. All business stricUy confidential. Apply-^ JOHN R. BAINES. Lot 30, Con. 4, Holland, 275-88 Glascott P 0. ^J^/«^^pi?*|| EOBT. ASKIN. IWOEirTAKER, FVNEML FUMISIIINaS •mppliod VD. th« i£iortei n^;fci«e. .^ v' JL. Si;lezidJed Heax-se for hiro •tandorata ratM. WM. G. GUTHRIE, Plain ft Ornamental Plaster Opposite the new Presbyterian Ghurch Mark- Arches, Cornices, Centre Flowers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Calsomining Lime Washing and Repairs promptly attended to. 308 Wm. Brown, JSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSE8, Ac Commissioner in B. R. dH. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly ' attended to and carefully executed. N. £.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estata â- â€¢ eurity. JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR, Contrasts taken for all kinds of BRICK AUD STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calaomininti in all Shadu and Oolon. â€"All kirds ofâ€" PIGTURE FRAMING Dob* on short notiee. ROBT. ASKIN. 91 Iff^of Roller MiHs, MARK-DALE. Xhe f dkwiog is the coal* of exdiange for floor-: â€" Bran it Shorts. 18 14 U .. 15 •••• 16 17 18 19 20 ..20 20 20 .. 20 Wanted, all the good Spring Wheat in the four townships, for which the highest price wiU be paid in cash. M ANGUS PliEWBS- Scale of Cristlngr at BARRHEAD -:- MILLS. WhaM. FkJor 62 40 61 S9 60 88 »9 87 58 86 57 85 56 84 55 ' 64 5S 30 52 28 51 26 50 25 Toronto.. ..Leaye Cardwell Junction Orange- 1 Arrive., â-¼ille, Leave... Orangeville Jnn.. Hhelbnrne Dnndalk ;.' Flesherton....... Markdale Berkeley ' " Wildamsford ....] Chatsworth ' Owen Sound...!"' 92a 1«05 1020 1032 1058 1122 1147 I2C2i 12 ]4 223.. 12. Sg.. 105' {«0V |8« ______Q0INC SOUTH. STATIONS ;pilij!lO Si). Exp. I Owen Bound IT"--' Chatsworth. \^' Williamsford. V^" Berkeley 'iS!'" Markdale " 1^}"' Flesherton "â-  ' ^J" 72«" Vol" 822" 8 30" 8 « 'â-  I 9 25" Dnndalk Bhelbume Oi-angeviUe Jun.. Orance Arrive.... ville.. j" Lfave Cardwell Junction...-! Toronto Arrive. ".."' "" Iiq 55 43» f55« 10" Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVC ULI0USNES8, DIZZINESS, J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. 1 DEIIVTIST, 1 GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, wilKbe at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the Ist and third Wed- nesday of each month and alf o at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month far the prac ticc of his profession. 122-47. Charges mederata and satisfaetion gnar- ant«e^. Orders left at ahc Siaksaxd elBca will receive prompt attention. 126-ly. QY8PEPSIA, INDIQESTIOM, JAUNDICE. §RY8IPELA8, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And«r»«TMMGia«efdtoeM« arWn( frMN 4UorderMl LIVER. KIOI^YSL SToUkSi BOWELS OR BLOOD, ^^^^ DROPSY, FLUTTERINQ OFTHEHE»m; ACIDITY OF THE STOMAOk DRYNESS OF THE SKIH WBKAT. 62 lbs. 6J " 60 •• 69 '• 68 •• 57 •• 66 •• 55 " 64 " CS " 52 " 61 •• 60 '• 49 •• wEiavnia. 41 flour. 40 •' 39 " 88 " 87 •• 36 " 85 34 " 33 •• 32 " SO " 28 •• 26 " 24 • 13 lbs. IS •• 14 " 15 " 16 " 17 ... 4« " •ao ••• «0 " i20 " 20 •' 20 m^tkhah ft^nnh ^mtkJ PEESBYTEBIAN CHUECH Serwces every Sabbath at 10-30 Prayer Meeting everv Wedne.,l J? "â-  I 8 O'clock. Bev. A." ^Jtt Wt Brown, S. S. Superintendent. ' " ' CHBIST CHUEt'H. Services for Jsnuarv 2ith at 7 I 3lRt 10:30 and 7. Fpbiwn- 74 sti.. HthntlftSOand 7 2t,=t ni 7 28 at S Sabbath school 2.30. J. W. md, C tendent.i ' Bcmember I give you all your small wheat home with you, which is considerable. 270 w. J. ROWE. • MEIHODIST CHUECH. Services every Sunday at] 0:30*. null 7 p. pi. Suiiday School at 2;30. hv\ Meeting every Thursday eTeninffrcafito} Ber. Wesley Casstn. Pastor; W A.Bro S. S. Superrntendcnt. Ladies' Aid in cm- 1 nection Mrs. T BiU, Secretary. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, .Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. MARKDALE HOdS, MABEDALE, ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRtOli'TlliijE. Out. Large and eommodious Fample Booms • Good Bed ±lo«ms, C. The Bar and larde vcU supplied with the best the market af •fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's TH03. ATKINSON. Proprietor City KCotell, MABB:Z)A3iiE. THesuhscriber begs to iniorm the travelling public generally, that he has leased the above premises far* term of years, and hopes by eatcnng to their comfort to merit a share of ,pnbnc paiiooage. Bar and Larder well sup- plied. i od stabling and attentive hostler. D. MoLANE. Proprietor, Markdale. Nov. 12. ISbo. ROBERT S. RAE, TAILOR, .Sjr denlmm 'Street* MARKDALE. H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUBEE OP MABBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, MantUt, Fumiturt Marblt, de. JUST BECBIVBD Carloads Finest Marble ' Laiwst Btoek Variegated «,»i^t T, â€" ?* *•** Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the qnar ries m Vermont, WiU he sold at which defy competition. prices SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. .t^ "Tm®^'" °^ Monuments and Head- «tW °* l'^â- ^^^^^•" °' 2inc, soldered to- eether, »nd oiled and Sandbbsted to hide uie imperfections, andcaUed White Bronze. H. B. HABBISON. MARKDALE len ils. Weaving done on short notice. Cotton warp supplied. Charges moderate. A call respectfully solicited. UB-iin F, J. RITCHIE. MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all kinds of Cylinder, Drop Valve and Cistern Pumps. Iron JPumps Supplied Ordtra respectfully solicited and satisfaction gaaranteed. Also agent for Sargent's Patent Load Lifter forGlenelg and Bentinck town- Bbips. Orders by mail promptly at- 1 219 ^^rtrttf 5iwct««|. tandad. Maikdalp C. 0. 0. F. No. 78, meets mj I alternate ilonday eyening at 8 o'clock iatiiBr I Hall, ifcDoagaira block. Yisitirg bretiiii welcome. Markdale A. 0. U. W. No 141 neetiil their Hall, McDongaHs block, even tltenttl Monday evening at 8 o'clock. 1 visit fn| brethren of reighboring lodges soliciieJ. MirsDiLEL. 0. L. Xo. 1015iiiee:dDiliiii| Bsll on Friday ou or before fall kcod M month. Thos. Ellioik, ilasiei; W. J. Blalf|l,| Secret;, ry. Peerless Oil!| IkeadofAilGompetittni Highest Honors Colii| Medal at Toronto. SIX GOLD MEDALS i;^ 3 YEAfiS'l BEST RECORD IN THE' Hearth Wealth "SKZut EUGENIA HOTEL EUGENIA FAUiS Ont. J. McAleer, Prop, ,TUBE BBAZILLIAir KBELE SPEC- i£ J/^-'i^""*^ by Prank Lazama. OTJy of HMtford County, now of No. 28 «ng.. can be had of W. A. Brown Watchmater. Ac., MaAdale. ""»»»â-  Brown, Thap«UieiB*7 lalT on r»eemnf eyery as abow. Frank Mr. LazaroB wonld beg to notify hia nnm- erona faenda and patrons, that he h^o connection with any other fimin thj^ neeeaaaiT attwition as to Baiabka, Drink- faetmer Optician. t8 MarrlanK BoLl W*r* IH. E. C. Wbst's Hkrti ato Brain Teeat- «XT, a gnaranteed specific for Hvateri. Dizziness. Conmlsions, Fi's. NervouVNâ„¢: bv uf; ^^^•'^••^.•"O'wProstration caS M-i^i n " "^^" " *°*'"««" ^akef ulne«^ Mental Depression. Softening of the Brain resolting in Insanity and leJi^ to mS"ri de^y and death. Prematnre OldAM.BiZn* ness.Loascf Power in either s^faS: tary Losses »nd SpenaatorrhoBrMnsS br oTer-exertionof the braiu. .elf-baw 0^0^ FiW**- ^°«'«»'rillonreracL/,^ Each box contains one month's trttt^* One dollar abax. or .ix boxes for tytSSi- Bent by mad prepaid on receipt of pricTwe gnarantee sir boxes to euro any ca4 With each order received by ns iar riTb^xea 1? eompanied with fly. d^r.. we^u ^d thi purchaser our written gni^tae torefunl the money if the treatm^atd^noV 5^^ WEST A CO Sola Prppriatonf 181 dTlS^ ' Cb:«,o, JU. Bold by A. »70-lj HACYARDc; YELLOW OIL CURES. RHEUMAT!^i SatisfaGiionGBMtri Ask for PEERLESS and Jm.H you get it, as there are imiW*! The geuuiue is ouly made by '^! BfiBWdB,.,, Queen city oil wort* I TOEONTO, ONT. WOXtM POWDXBS^ W. Madiaon 8t. TqmcrACo. TO SCMOLjrROSTEES. It* nndersigMd ia mannfaetnrinc «â-  tx- eellent aflsortmeat of ncliool 'F'lxmittire BJool Ban. ke^^w'S^Sit' ^i'SJ I!! AWDMIW McQn io ^tore to Rent m itakaah. #±- T?C*^"«» ••*«»*«»• «m b* okteiiMd Cma John I^viu, iOBK Jmudice. Headache, Dioui^ 6*JLj1 and cartain rcnKdy. prHtCDY r^i NATUBE'SBeiU.li^flJi Tht miqnalified success of IW-V^ j^fifl^ U««r (impWnt rests ^^Kl^^J^^ tamtooMAtA from nature swdl '^ifa^'JV* •tlKT invaluable roots. Sto** j,werfulrfectoa the Kidney -.p .. Over ^x^-kalfmimju^/J^- ^TW-J^O' fUdmt U try thU txctlUnt "^^ffijfgX lOWTIIWOHEW. Of^-,J^\ JSeTMd worth ten tun« J^^ ,* •^' I TfY Cll*ir« eATABW Wit j^l 90L0 BY ^l^'^*\^^|^\ .-^^S:

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