Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Nov 1885, p. 1

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 m Exp, *SOpitt 630.. 7QSn 722 .w 734* 8 0i-. 880 8S5 • 10 9 25' 9 83' 9 49 • l0 2o 235pjn, 310- 330 •• 3 40" tS2 " i 06 « 4 31" 4 c: " S23" 5 35" j5 55 " 6 3C" 8 35" rO*i. e.-No. MAKKBALE, ONT., JSOV. 19, 1885. {Copus or xmi Skxdaxd Fin OKHIS KAOH. I Inn I j)0 Goods now in. lAnierican Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, |s;pECTACLES, Musical Instruments and Strings. {S Warrants honestly kept I^D goods or work. f A. BROWN, The rehable Jewelter, telandOtheriiems. SoiiiT? h the^e columns intended to benefit UmmUiUiual or ivciet;i icill he charged ten Li'(,(i Imt un-tJir fir^t insertion and five liaitiii line (hch i^^Ji-ii'ijuent insertion. Smallpox is diminishing in Montreal. DrRHAH 1.-) likely to hav« a roller I rink. Me. Jobs McIxtyeb is home on a I lisit. EiPEEss rates have gone ap nearly alialf. Eb(t gun for sale, ajply to Bmitk the barbtr. llEiFORD literary Boeiety is in zeadi- I ness for wiuter. CoLLixGwooD it to have a general I and marine hospital. Thb Don?inion Parliament will meet on the '21st January. Mss. T. Hill of Foreo, Dak., it visiting friends in Markdale. EiELs execution took place on llonday morning, 16th, at Begina. Bed Squirrels, ebipmonks and snoH ,?ot a terrible chase thanksgiving d»y. TflE;«able8 belonging to Lemon's iatel.'tlweu Sound, were burned latt week. Ms. W, A. FsKGusojf has been re- fn?agecl as bead teacher in Chats- Dk. Low's Worm Sykup Trill remore »11 kinds of Worms from children or Mis. Mastkk J. M. Reynolds of Muskoka paid his pajeuts in Markdale a visit tiiis Week. Aboii eiglit inches (if snow fell on Jatnrday night last which has since finppsared. OvEKEOEs and EulAers in great ^«iety atilcLeod's, and cheaper than ^1 pliice else in town. Ikre are strong indicationt ef '"J'ter, and we may look for reports â„¢iittMiyaifoiTl)murder. ^or Bedroom Suits, Sideboards, ^npboards, Lonugag and Cradles, go « Grant i Co., Markdale. Those nobby Mantles, Bonnets and ««8 you gee on the street are turned °it by lIcFarland's Milliner. bJt" â- ^'^^""•*' °o°8tatle of Dnndalk, ,i.v,°^ appointed stipendiary con- "'« tor the county of Dufferin. ^BEEMAx's WoBM PowBEBS ar« Safe 1; Av^^^- '^^^7 destroy and re- â- ""e Worms in children or adults. 25^1?^-^'°" put up in books of 20, »nd ^^' '^itfi'hle for auctioneen '"mers, at the Standabb office. House and lot for sale on Oeotge htieet, Markdale. For particntort ^^ apply to pgjg, MoArarar, Tmnn- s? « to thia office. 96C-tf FoBTY thousand packages of Eeju- venator Bitters sold in four years bv its own merits. Sold by. Smith, the barber. 800,000 Shingles for sale at Spar- ling's mill, near Vandeleur, by John Weber. AH shingles warranted as re- presented, Tbacheb Wanted, for S. Section No. 6, Holland, for '86. Apply to Wm. Jackson, Standabd office, Markdale. FiBK.â€" The dwelling house of W. S. Jonnston, Hill St., Owen Scmnd, was burned a week ago last Sunday. Nothmg saved. J. E. Tbimble will sell you goods cheaper for the ready morrey than any other merchant in tJiie County, and don't you forget it. Mb. Cook, tax collector for Ward No. 8, Glenelg, will be at the Revere Hotel. Markdale, on the 25th Novem- ber to receive taxes. Pbof. Low's Maoic Sulphee Soap. â€" Healing, soothing a cleansing for all eruptive diseases ot the skin. De- hghlful for toilet use, Aft^b being three years in force, a by-law was voted on last week to re- peal the Seott Act in St. John, New Brunswick, and defeated. Natiohal Fills are unsurpassed as a safe, mild, yet thorough, purgative, acting upon the biliary organs promptly and effectually. Judge Eosb inflicted a life imprison- ment sentence in the Kingston peni- tentiary, on eight young men at Ottawa Assizes last week for rape. Haskett Bbo's have received their flue plate glass safe. The front of three shops will be plate, each light being 7 ft. lOJ in. x 12.ieet. The East Grey AgricuUnral Society will give a grand banquet at Munshaw's Hotel on Tuesday evening next. A large attend«Bce is expected. Two YEAB old Bull, with pedigree, for -sale, cheap for cash or good mark. E. Freeborn, one mBe from Williams- ford. Also two good Colts. 268-tf MuNiciPiL matters in Glenelg are keeping cool as usual. Mr. Davis, the present reeve, is going to retire from the glories of municipal life. A CAR load of fine poultry was •hipped frem Markdale on Monday and McFarland took in 1,200 lbs. of dressed poultry the following day. The union service! held in the Presbyterian church on thanksgiving day was well attended. Revs. Grandy, Wilson and Casson each gave suitable addresses. Just Abkived. â€" At McLeod's shoe store Boots Shoes, all styles and sizes, the best value for ths money to be had in Markdale, at least so the people say. The Advance man has declared his intention of charging ten cents per line for all notiees of socials, enter- tainments, c., henceforth. It's noth- ing mor« than a jtlst act. Ah annoymus communication from Williamsford this week without a signature was consigned to the waste basket, where ail such go, and from which none ever returns. A GOOD business is being don on the -all-raU route of the 0. P. E. to the Northwest, both in freight ana passen- ger. The traffic far exceeds the ex- pectations of the Company. J R. Tbimble has the largest, best and clfeapest stock of fineEeady-made Clothmg. and fi»^» P°' ^*P" J," Mantles m Persian Lamb and Astra- •han, that has ever been offered before in Markdale. The Globe offers • Yankee watch, and the MoU an American sewing machine to induce the P«hhc^to read their weekly productions but the Stamdabd is eagerly sought for at f i per year without ft bribe. J. B. Temblb has just retained from Toronto where he has bejm at- tendingthe great Trade Sales.«mdhM WconthedolW. Look out (« M bargain! in ft w dftyi. Manitoba Wheat.â€" A car load of wheat arrived this week per C. P, E. all rail route from John Haobury, Brandon, for J. W. Ford of Markdale Eoller Mills. This is the first over the all rail route to Markdale. Save Monet. â€" Parties wishing to secure a loan at a low rate of interest in order to pay one off which bears a high rate should consult us at the Standabd .office. All such business strictly private and confidential. Ebjuvenatob Bittebs assists nature and removes the cause of diseases from the system by keepmg the Kidneys, Liver, Stomach and Blood pure and nature's channels' free, then you have health. Sold by Smith, the barber. We saw a man the other day go doWn street without a hat, but we would like to see the man that can go barefoot this weather. Go straight to McLeod's for any kind of Boots Shoes; you cannot but be satisfied with quality and prices. Eehoval. â€" Mrs. Montgomery has leased Mr. Dunlop's shop, next door to the baker shop, where she has a large and well assorted stock of can- dies, biscuits, c from the best manufacturers. Bread and cakes always on hand. Fbou an advertisement in another column it may be seen that the Entrance Examination will be held in Markdale on Dec. the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. Candidates may obtain blank appHcatiOns froin F. Porter, Head Master, Markdale Pubhc School. We assure you that after many years' experience we find nothing that can coinpare to West's Cough Syrup, in the speedy cure of coughs, colds, consumption, asthma, bronchitis, in- fluenza, and all throat and lung dis- eases. For sale by A. Turner Co., Druggists. Why does Triumphant Tea continue to hold its triumphant way without opposition in this country This is due to its sterling excellence, and to the fact that the perfection tea can Is the package of all others best qualified to preserve this excellence unsur- passed only to be had from W. J. McFarland. Gome to M*BKTtT.E. â€" Mr. Donald McLean, of Amaranth, formerly of the Queen's Hotel, Shelburne, has rented a hotel in Markdale, and takes possession this week. Mr. McLean is a good citizen, and we can recom- mend him to the people of Markdale, as an upright business man. â€" Shel- burne Free Press. At the request of a good many, a subscription list has been opened for the benefit of Mrs. Gill. The list will be found with W. L. Young who will be most happy to receive any contri- butions. The following have very liberally subscribed: W. J. McFar- land, $10; Alex, Lyons, $5; Hill Bros., $5 J, E. Trimble, $10, The "2Vtp Hammer," published monthly by the employees of the Massie Manufacturing Company at Toronto, is one of the best edited journals we know of. Its articles are not only deeply interesting, but they are written with more than ordinary ahiUty. Fifteen cents will get it for the next three months. Ah extraordinary story comes from Portland, Mame, to the effect that a young man was buried there .about fourteen months ago, but lately his friends raised the coffin and were I about to open it when the young man himself walked in. It ie thought the body was raised by students, who finding signs of life, kept him till he was cured. â€" 0. S. Times. Gahadiah Pacifio Eailwat. â€" ^The last Steamer of the Canadian Pacific Steamship Line left Owen Sound for Port Arthur, on the 17th instant, for the final trip of the Season. T3ie All Bail Route, however, is open, and travellers can take advantage of a ihrongh GftDadian Route, thus sftving Uiemselyes the anoyance of Customs aomtiny «nd charRes, ftnd freqaei^ ehanging of Gars. Xhe Compaay nuu daily tnoBS bj the OftiuMUaa All BftilBoute. Shiloh's Cube will immediately relieye Croup Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by A. Turner Go.x Convenience-â€" w yon wish to subscribe tor or renew your sub- scription for any of the following papers, you can do so. at this office and thus save the trouble and risk ot mailing i-^Globe, Mail, News, Daily World, Montreal Star, Farmers' Advo- cate, or American Agriculturist. The balance ef this year free to all new subscribers for 1886 for any of the above weekhes or monthlies. A Nasal Injectob free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Eemedy. Price 50 cents. Bold by A. Turner Co, X Labgb Txjenip, â€" Mr. Andrew Mc- Quacker of Holland township brought a purple top turnip to Boimell Bro's store, Walter's Falls, which weighed 80 lbs after being trimmed; it measures 37f inches round and is perfectly smooth. The ground was thoroughly bowed on the 12th day of July, since whieh time this turnip made the wonderful growth. It is still on ex- hibition at the store of Bonnell Bro's. SShiloh's Catabbh Kebibdt â€" a positive cure for Catarrh, Dipthrie, and Cancer Mouth. Sold by A. Turner Co. x The dude has been analyzed by a scientiflc man, and these are the in- gredients and proportions which make up the fashionable dell :- Bicarbonate of cheek, 990,230; essence of gall, 2,500 nitrate of stare, 2,500 tinc- ture of conceit, 8,500; oxalate of cuffs, .270 protoxide of collar, .280 ecetate of tooth pick shoe, .267 sulphide of smirk, .500 chloride of coattail, .002 cyanide of brain, doubt- ful, .001 total, booby. Wny Will You cough when shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and $1. Sold by A. Turner Co. x HoNOB Roll for S. S' No. 5, Glen- elg, for October. 4th Class â€" Marion McNab, 157; Hugh McNab, 150. 8rd Classâ€" May Robson. 268 Eilla Kennedy, 220; May Edwards, 123. 2nd Class â€" Maggie Nelson, 217 WilUe Jack, 185 John Peart, 177. Ist Class, Sr. â€" Annie Davis, 167 Adeline Neil, 143 Jennie McArthur, 140. 1st Class, Jr. â€" Tommie Glen- cross, 168 Bertie Cook, 147 Ana- bella Blafr, 149. Agnes J. White, teacher. The Eev. Geo. H. Thayeb, of Bourbon, Ind., says; "Both myself and wife owe our Hves to Shiloh's Consumption Cube." Sold by A. Turner Co. x Post Offices. â€" Several of our ex- changes contain a notice of what hours their respective village or town post office IS kept upen on holidays this is as it should be. Uur P. M. would confer a favor on the pubhc if he would do hkewise. We will pubUsh such notice free; furthermore, we are inclined to think it ie his du^ to let the pubUc know in soma manner what hours the P. O, will be open. It is not at all pleasant to hang around for an hour on a cold morning in order not to miss tbe few minutes given for re- ceivmg mail matter. Fob Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on overy bottle of Shiloh's Yitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sol^ by A. Turner Co. x One of the most interestinsf little books that has ever been issued from the press in Canada is just out, under the title of "TWo Months in the Camp of Big Bear," being narratives of the adventures of Mrs. Gowanloek and Mrs. Delaney, written by themselves. Such mtense anxiety was felt through- out the country about the fate of these two ladies while captive with Big Bear, and so many different statements of their treatment were given after- ward, tiliat the public xUll now be glad to have an au^entie narrative from themselves. Besides the narratives of tibeur captivity, the book contains brief fketohesof tiieir lives. It is a neat yMHe.yohuner from the office of the Bsri^e, ISam, iiAd'irill no (Ut .hayeftUvgenb, ' .v^:--^^' Abb You Made miserable by in- digestion. Consumption, Dizziness,. Loss of Appetite, YeUow Skin Shiloh's Yitalizer is a positive cure. Sold by A. Turner Co. x We sometimes think and speak of Eussia as being only a sort of semi- civilized place. She has more sense, however, than to allow herself to be cursed by grog shops, whose only reason for existence is the retailing of more or less poisonous alcohol, and by her new excise law, which goes into force at the beginning of the year, all such places will be interdicted. The sale of liquer will be allowed only in hotels and restaurants, and licenses for such will haye to be obtained by the expenditure of not less than $825. Canada might ^ell take a lesson from the Muscovite bear, J. E. Tbihble can and will sell you a much better Tea for 30b per lb. than you can buy from other merchants from 45c to 50c per lb. J. R. Trimble don't get gulled by Chicago tea pedlars representing themselves to be from San Francibco, the way one of our Markdale merchants did, having to pay him about 15c per lb. more than it was really worth just because it was put up in tin caddies. Oh, but it must be the horrible stuff when thii same merchant has to acknowledge to a friend, "Well, I was beat by that Chicago tea pedlar, but don't say any- thing about it keep it quiet don't give it a.vay to the other merchants." Caved in. â€" Mr. John Collier, of the 2nd Con., Glenelg, has been digging a celler in under his house, and had the house propped up, and everything iready for building a stone foundation. On Saturday morning last the props gave way owing to the very wet weather, and the house tipped over to one side wrenchiag some of the furniture and damaging the front wall. Although Mrs. Collier and her child were in the house at the time they fortunately escaped with nothing worse than a scare.- The house can be re-adjusted, although as it is built of grout it will take a few days' careful work. â€" Grey Review. Wobthy of Patbonage. â€" A concert will be held lu Haskett's Hall on Wednesday evening next, at which our deservedly popular local talent will make their best effort. The brass band will also be in attendance. The committee are determined to make the entertammeut in itselt worthy the patronage of the public but, independent et this, tbe object will, we trust, meet with the practical support of the community. Mr. H. Gill being one of the lost on the ill- fated Algoma, leaves a wife and family of small children, in straighten- ed circumstances, and the proceeds of the ooBcert is to be appplied for their benifit. Tickets will be sold by various persons, so that those who cannot attend the concert may assist just the same by purchasing a ticket for 25 cents. Annivebsaet. â€" The Methodist S. S. Anniversary on Thursday was very well attended notwithstanding the bad roads and dark wet night. Refresh- ments were served in the Orange Hall after which all repaired to the Ghurcii where the literary part o^ the enter- tainment was gone through. The school did their part exceedingly well in Binging, dialogues, recitations and readings. The report read by the secretary, J. R. Mathews, showed the bcUogI to be in a healthy and prosper â-  ous state. Rev. Mr. Casson occupied the chair while Revs. W. Ayers of Flesberton, Wilson and Grandy, and Dr. Sproole, M. P., of Markdale, de- Uvered appropriate addresses short and to the point and, a fact worthy, of special mention, is that the program cbmmenoed fifteen minutes ahead of time, which was a great improyement oo the usual bthind tim^ c.utitom ia this place. PLEURISY ANIVLUNG FEVER Inflammatioii of the Lungs, or the ^eura eoverinf them, is the resiilt of sudden colds. Hagyard'a Pectoral Balsam rehe^es the sore chest, loosena and cures ihe cong^ and diffiso^ b Ti ft ttmi B,, and ftllfty* aU tcritatiea •raiDg ftoin eoldft. â- i'-i- in I!ll iiil 'â- W nWm ' -mmvm i n

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