Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Nov 1885, p. 5

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 -*K^*«-V.*i«»,^-i-*r^Wr-j IC Conner •Kay.i ^H OQ ices wi) .â- ;H,,-- 111" f men r harrj €0j //e^re. â€" 0â€" rses Exami\ or Soundnmi Certificate Ginn. ISPENSi lODEBiTl IIMDIIE rdware, ice tooths^ :k Saws, HandSi ;, Nails, ss, Putty] bottom pria â- e us a call s, Markdale I'S- jjj^^ J Orchards )bt Be CMcivmiwi; jjjjg is evidently one of those n«gtioDi tba* admit of a yariablt liwer. In otbfir words, a praotie« bicb inay be the best for one orchard, not be BO for ^another, becauie Se conditions are far from being Lforffl. To keep tiie ground in an orchard constantly under cullivation) and prod'ucing crops which are re- ffioved annually, will soon exhaust the fertility of the richest soil, unless' some kind of fertilizer is returned to make good the amount taken away. The frequent stirring of the soil, breaking up, disintegrating, and pnlverizing, are beneficial operations, for, by keeping the surface open and looie, we aid the admission of air andmoiiture, both of which contain certain elements which are absorbed l,y the roots and go f«ir towards making up the bulk of all cultivated plants. But as a rule, orchardists do not think that they can afford to plow, harrow, and keep down noxious weeds in th orchard for no other pnrpoee than to benefit the trees and improve the quantity and quality el the fruit; consequently, when they plow, it must be for the purpose of Eowicg or planting, and the orchard is kept constantly occupied with some annual farm crop, or seeded down to eloTer or grass. To show grain of ary kind in an orchard, except on very moist soils, or in a humid climate, celdom fails to check the growth of tlie trees, because the growing grain will take the moisture from the soil !it the very time the. trees need.it most.â€" A. S. FuLLEE in American Ajiriculturistfur Nov. LIVEK COMPLAINT. A faint, weary, sick and listless feeling, with aching back and shoul- ders, and irregular bowels, proclaim a diseased liver. Try Burdock Blood fiitt«rs, which cures all forms of liver (ComplaiDt. Best Mode of Storing: Ice. eitedlH IVni**^;, 'Scotik*" thei' If one will need ice next summer, lie must prepare for it now. The first thing to be done is to gather a few wagon loads of sawdust â€" about seven hundred bushals will be required for a bouse twelve feet square, and ten feet high, to giye an ample supply. If sawdust can not be procured, dry TOste tan bark is equally good dry swamp muck, foiest leaves, cut straw ehafi' or chaff trom the threbhing machine, are all very good substitutes but an open air space is -only about lorty pa' cent as effective as any one of these substances. A house twelve feet square will hold a mass of ice to feet square, which will give about ive thousand pounds of each foot in liiglit, yielding a supply of one 'iBndred pounds daily, for about two months. One hundred pounds of ice "11 cool one hundred pounds of 'ater from one hundred and seyonty- foar degrees, down to thirty-two â-º agrees, absorbing one hundred and lony-two degrees of heat from the J^ter.ui the glow process of lique- ^hoB alone. These figures will enable ^1 person to calculate how much «e may be required for any specified •^^i^- Thus one hundred pounds of '«. absorbs fourteen thousand and »o hundred units of heat, and we ^ant to cool seven hundred and ten » of milk from sixty-five to jny-hve degrees, we shall find that I ^«ea Will just do it, because seyen J^red and tea pounds cooled thlc "®^' ^auals fourteen J and and two hundred units. In r"°^^=6' it "therefore seen to do»n f • "^^o^y. to cool the milk b7 1. ^°' *^ " apointas possible, kC^"'^^:'^^ or Boxing y.^t^, kdrlf ^^? "'^«' *ll«' 0°« i *J ^unds of ice will be required HoDtL^l^"' *^c season of eight _ia »1, â-  """ " '**«*** lieUn'w '°*'"»y*i« necessary, ^nfte ,quar, of ice should ba ;T^Wt feet, which will aUow for fifw '^7^ « ^roaUy about forty or 'â- Â«Â« "" *^« fiTarage.-^^ hi'tti^n!?^^""'** DauGGiST.-It ii I *^S }** ' T°™«r Co.. our l^evont '^fP"" Ii" 8««ared the yS n- "^^^'atod West's Cough n«tiodtrx" compound that "cn^* " *° unfailing and â- ""tin Tt 'mi^ *^°»* «°d lung l 'ani !? -®'^^^« » coagh Uke SndTof proprietors liave ?*«naii»i.i ^® â„¢o»' flattering ^S °^"^«rersthat bft7« disease, stages. Price 25 with XJ'riah Ketihttm and Wiabod were law-partnar.; th«r rign r«id U. Ketchum and t. CheatomT nonucdl phenomena these iTeaings ?•' tlitiVTV*** S"'*^"" I neter tried ttt^ta ttmsb-melens is my favoriti All iHsh oonotry diHjtUr, conyetsbg ith a inena about the high rate oi mortality then prevailing, remarked Bhure there are people dying who never died before I" Minster: "My dear brethren, in tins warm, oppressive weather, I can excuse a little drowsiness during my sermon, but 1 do wish vou would try to keep awake while the coUeotion is being taken up. " The Boston Couritr reporter asked the supermtendent of schools the other day How does it happen that there are so many old maids among the school-teachers " And he replied, "Because school-teachers are as a rule women of sense, and no sensible woman will give up a sixty-dollar position for a forty-dollar man. iiTlFORTAWT. When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Express and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot. El^ant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, re duced at $1.00 and upwards per day. European plan, EleTator, Besturant supplied â- with the best. Horse cars, stages and eleyat ed railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first elass hotel in the eitv. Thb Foub Cabdinal Points of re- flating the system are the stomach, the liver, the bowels and the blood. With a healthy action of these organs sickness cannot occur. Burdock Blood Bitters acts promptly upon these organs, restoring them to a healthy action. Cheerful Women. In marrying, men should seek happy women. They make a terrible mis- take when they marry for beauty, or for talent, or lor style. The sweetest wives are those who possess the magio secret of being happy uudSr any and all circumstances. Rich or poor, high or low, it makes no difference, the bright little fountain bubbles up just as musically as their hearts. Mothing ever goes wrong with them â€" no trouble is too serious for them "to make the best of it." Was ever the stream of calamity so dark and deep that the sunlight of a happy face falling across its turbid tides would not awake an answering gleam Why, the joyo3s tempered people don't know half the good they do. No matter how cross and crabbed you feel, no matter if your brain is foU of meditation on "afflicting dispen- sations," and your stomach with medicines, pills and tonics just get one of those cheery women talking to you, and we are not afraid to wager anything she can cure you. The long drawn Unes about the mouth will relax â€" the cloud of settled gloom will vanish, nobody knows where, and the first thing you know you will be laughing Ah, what a blessing are these happy women I How cfien their hands guide the ponderous machine of life, with almost an in- visible touch How we look forward through the weary day to their fireside smiles ISo one knows, no one will Una Aoib.â€" WlMo the Liwr and SidiiiTafailinthcif aetioB, thia ioid mneaM is thrown inta tha bldod. •Miamg BhetunatiBm and othar pain- m eotiditionfl of blood poisoning. You may ears this eondition by a prompt ilssort b tbs ptttifyinf re- gilatmg remedy: Biirdock Blood Bitters. ' Tm PA»d OF tniiBA«di aohiag baek and hips, with idl weakness and sors- ness, urill speedily yaflish iindei' the treatment of Hagyard'sYeUcwOU, a remedy which may be taken internally and applied externally. It is a positive cure for pain. BERKSHIRE BOAR KEPT for Berrice at lot 18, con. 14, Artemesia. Termeâ€" 75 cents at time of semce. Sows reburned free of charge. u.. i â-  J.HANSON. 270-77 WVNTEO. 3rd class commence 1st Mo. 7, Holland. MALE or Female, holding certificate; duties to January, 1886, for 8. S. State salary. THOS. J. SPEAKS, TiT-11- Sec.-Treas, WiUiamsford Station P. 0. 1^ Imporlajit m. OiTY Hotel, MABKDALE. The subscriber begs to inform the travelling pubhc generally, that he has leased the above premises for a term of years, and hopes by catering to their comfort to merit a share of public patronage, Bar and Larder well sup- pUed. Good stabUng and attentive hostler. D. McLANE, Proprietor, Markdale, Nov. 12, 1885. NOTICE. THE High School Entrance Examination will be held at Durham, in the Pabiio School building on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 2l8t, 22nd S3rd of Dec- ember, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. each day. Candidates are reqoested to send their names to the trndersign^ on or before the 1st December. Jamks Wihtebbob'hb, Head Ma3ter, Durham Public School. IlBlIIU-:-HlLLS Now In Full Blast. ever know until the day of judgmentt?--^:::Ji-°^„?eif/Ji^^^^^ reveals, how mucu we owe to tnese helpful, hopeful, unfiomplaininl; happy women. Mrs. Robert Hpoper, of Kinloss, county of Bruce, in a letter, says "I have been troubled with Pyspepaia and X4v6r Complaints for, a imralierof yaaiB,8iKtiungladtosay t« the public as weU as friends that MoCWgor's Bpeedy Cure brought ma aroood, and I am now all right, thanks to McGregtHr'a 8pee4y Ciue. Hnndreds of like testimonials are freaaeatbr received, and are dafly proving that thists tmty a wondezfol lemedy, enrmg Shicnib liver. Bilious Headache and Cos^rraess, where aU else ftulsv Sold at HillBro's. Trial bottles given free. 4 eaa That Hackdjo Couoh quickly cnred by Shiloh'a tJnre guarantee It. Sold by '"" Co. be 80 We Tomer ft ',50ce„r'"™». *3- Price 25 b *=«»*«. and 1^.00 per bottler n It Win Tafce Place !â-  tke !•' Faosre. A certain yoimg couple of our town woreJooking cauriously Qjor the pages of a^mn book the other evenmg, when the young man paused for a moment, and pwnted at a hjpm «; titled "When rfiall wa emwaa*' Presentty the young lady, » JH^^i to this miestian, turned *c tte ^ow familiar hymn, "Jn tto si'*?* Jyt»~ bye." We suppp^ there wiU Da » match seou. Ha vine: raised my mill-dam five feet and thoroughly overhauled my grist mill, I am now in .a position to turn out all work in a satisfactory manner. Bring along your logs and we will give you your lumber home with you also Shingles cut on short notice. Gristing and Choppuig done better than heretofore. 270 W. J. ROWE. Health 7 is Wealth! I take this means of inform- ing the public generally that I have opened in MABEDALE An Agency for the sale ot the famous SavE MoneY By buying youx Watohes, ClftckSf Jewelry, Spectacles, ^^ Pip es, Ac. JAS. 6. RWsEUS^ FLESHERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Select from. i( DOHERH ORGAN " And world renowned "%SeiajKaiie." The Doherty stands at the top of the list as either a Par- lor or Chapel Organ. For strength and variety of tone, as well as beauty of finish and durability, it stands without a peer. The Singer Sewing Machine is known all over the continent as the most perfect and dur- able machine in the market. Those who anticipate purch- asing anything in the above line will consult their own best interests by giving me a call before closing a bargain else- where. Office in Dunlop's old stand, Markdale. HDGHWILUAMS. IHERIUN A6RICULTUBIST. lOO CoHimn$i aad lOO Engrar- iugs in each issue. 44th YBAK. *1.50AYEAR, GIVE HIM A TRIAL. Every job warranted ta give satisfaction. JAS. e. RUSSELL 217-269 FARM FOR SALE n A A A^CKES, within one mile of JWil- /Cl\J\J liamsford Station, being composed' of lots 88, 39, 43 44, first con. East Toron-. to Sydenham Boad, township Holland,* Co. Grey. On lots 38 39 there is 90 acres cleared well fenced, and nnder good coltication a frame house 22 x 32 ft.; kitchen 18 x 24 ft., well finished good frame bam, driving honse, straw house, concrete stable, cattle stable, open sheds, and all necessary build- ings two good wells orchard of 3 acres of healthy young trees all bearing. On lots 43 Sc 44 thare is 20 acres cleared, well fenced, with good stream running throngh it balance well timbered with maple, beech, hemlock and cedar. Good title and possession given at ono^ For particulars apply on premises if by letter JOSEPH FANNING WiUiamsford Station, Co. Grey, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. LOT 20, con, 10, Euphrasia, nine mileff from thejflourishing village of Markdale, and one lot from Post Office. This farm is well watered, solid clay loam, contains 100 acres 45 of which is cleared and nnder cultiva- tion and the balance fine hardwood timber, also a frame bam 36 x .56 thereon. Terms easy, for particulars apply to THOS-MUXLOW, Goring P.O. 263-72 Adjoining the premises.. M p. â-  i;t V-.' Mi ftH! HIGH SCHOOL ENTRINCE EXAMINATION ..v::* n â- j !;i ^^SoA 9K Dk. E. C. West's Hbbvb and Brain Tbeat- UNT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Head{iche, Nervous Frostraljjon caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression. Softening of the Brain resulting in lusanity and leading to misery, I „.._,,-„„- MMirpirMU smirm TiiintT decay and death, Premature Old Age. Barren- 1 rUBUSHEHS AMERICMH Aefi/GULTUmST. ness, Loss of Power in either eex. Involun- tary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by Send three 2-cent stamps for Sample Copy (English or German) and Premium List of the Oldest and Best Agricultural Journal In tbe World. Address, indulgence. One box will eure recent casee Each box coataine one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or mx boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of priee. We goarantee six boxes to core any ease. With each order received by ne ior aix boxes, se- companied witi^ fivg^oUan, we will send the mirnJuser oju writtw^^JpunntM .tarafnni tile modS^' the ti'sument db«a-B(«raect a cure. Gniuhiateefe iiMlS only by JdHM 0. WEST k GQ;^ Sol* J^!^ri^artt iSl 18 W. JbdiJOD St.. C]SfiacQ,.lUi Sold by A, TtonarACo. 270-ly 751 Broadway, Nevr Fork. We will club the AgrieiUturitt with the SxuTDABD giving the two for 92.â€" £s. Siaxd- ABD. Peck's Sun MILWAUKEE, WIS, Shropshire Ram THB and-iq|giMd having pnreluieed from Mr. Thod. Sills, Qaem's Valley, one of histhomngfa bred Shn^nUre Bams aged, will h«Te him lor eervioe on lot No. 4, eon. 7rBapbnaif Tonns, 75 eirata cash. This nin is so sxcellent stock getter. Also for sale one fiisiMaw Bain Lamb from ahove â- hsep. and « thorongh bred Leioester Swe. Will sell re«.sonable. JOHN UUSEtN, Proprietof Tandelear P. 0. Ei^brasis, Not. 1st. 18W. 368-70 CWORCE W. PECK Editor and Proprntor. Th9 Funniest Paper in Amen'ctg What Tieeinatio* Is te SmaQ-poK fscRf* Bum is to ths bhios. PBOEnS SON is oqe tf ths aost. wiWjr read andpopnlar papers in the oonatay to-iqr. and stands without a pasr in iiaspadalty. Ths Originator of tha odebiatsABftO BOt' PAPEBS. 8p*dmvt Copht Fn» ttMiiy /M/^ii. Bear la mind that bj sanding lh P Gaid to this ofQce a ^aamlf eqjg^^ pi P^ak.* 8nawattbemailad7oa,KtMV ,,,. DonHnegUet to e«MlatL*Dfle,aacMdl7aluj nais^ibaa to. â- - i-i-ii •'^â- ' %i Worth e«F,,]^,;i^; Addiew OKOML.^ Bniinssi' «( llanufa I^,OB3SfBal|;iit»««tlo*i NOTICE is hereby given that the. Entrance Examination to High i for tlie County of Grey, will be ^9f^^°^^^j^Mi IHonday,'Tuesday and WednSfeV 'p^fe^^Oft, day, the /•T«fe^A^% .VA 31st, 23nd and 33rd DeceiBlfer, 188.~i, at the Town Sound, the Village of Marl the Village of Tliornbury It is requested that the probabl^ Candidates from each locality bl to me one month autecedenj of the above dates. THOMAS GORDj Markdale, 27th It f-i* STEA OctoberJWSf./^A/ie-ffla**/^*.^^ " FBOM tiie premi6 lot i9, con. 10, last ef June, twe ewi ewe hus^. Any. perj as to their wheit warded. i.r y^ FSHAiaS ' duties' for 6,8. Apidieaficnit; Noramber. li'K' kittJUHMHi iiiM

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