Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Nov 1885, p. 4

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 ..» c~ i«""i'*lp'"«""*^^ f i « si TJta Standard. MABEDALE NOVEMBEB 12, 1886 APPALLING DISASTER. iixlt. i-f The C. P. B. Steamer Dnven Ashore. Algoma ABOUT THIBTY LIVES LOST AND THB BOAT A TOTAL WBERX^ The Canadisn Faciiic railway Co'b. Bteamer, Algoma, which left Owen Sound on Thursday the 5th mst., went ashore in a blinding snowstorm and gale of wind on Isle Eoyal, Lake Superior, at 4 a. m. on Saturday. About 8 of the passengers and 25 of the crew are supposed to be lost. Among the names of the lost thus far are Captain John Moore, First Mate Jeseph Hastings, Second Mate SicLard Simpson And the passengers saved are W. J. Hull and W. B. McArthur also Wheelsman Henry Lewis, Watch- man John McNabb, Fireman H. Mc- Callagar, deck hands E. Stephens, James Bolton, Dave Langton waiters John McLean, George McCoU, and John McKenzie. Full particulars aie not yet received. Mr. Beatty, the manager of the lake traffic, has sent out tugs from Port Arthur with instructions to search the island for any that may have got ashore, and pick up and take care of any bodies that may be found. Tbt tags are now at the wreck. JiyoK odr (NfK convqrMubia. A CHAPTBB Of AOOIDIIITB. On W«da«aday last Mrioaa teeidents befell some of liie men at work upon the Metbodut drazch hoe. Daring (he early part of the day Mr. B. Whit- ten received acme bmiees by falling brick from a scaffold under which he was working. About 5 o'clock in the afternoon a more serions accident happened to John Edward Whitten by the scaffold, upon which they were at work, giving way. precipitating the men to the ground, a distance of over 20 feet, both men receivmg severe injuries. Edward Whitten is rapidly recovering. John, whose injuries were more serious, under the care of Drs. Sproule Christoe, is doing as well as can be expected. An Agsd Suffebsb. â€" Old Mrs. Thompson, now over 90 yeara of age, living with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. W. Thompson, baker, during Thcrs. day night last rose- from her 4ed and wandering from her room, feU dojrtf %, stairway, and in the fsill broke lieif right arm and received other severe bruises. Dr. Christoe was at once summonsed and set the broken limb but, being so advanced in years, little hopes are entertained of her recovery. A large number of cattle changed hands on Monday last (fair day), but at very low figures. naxw^ell. â-  lA'f- THE ATHABASCA DISC0VEB3 THE WBCCK. WiNNiPEff, Man., Nov. 9. â€" The first known of the disaster" was when the steamer Athabasca of the same line arrived at Port Arthur late this even- ing with the rescued, consisting of thirteen sailors and two passengers. The Athabasca, which left Owen Sound two days after the Algema. 3ame upon the wreck at Isle Boyal, and found those saved in a perishing condition. The wreck had been dashed by the wayes against the rocks, and had finally beaten against the shoie of the island. The boat con- taining the rescued was washed over â- several times, but righted again while the' men clung to her sides. They succeeded in reaching land almost dead from exposure and exhaustion. The storm continued to rage fariouslv all night, long. They remained on "the beach watching the wreck beating the rock bound island arid seeing the dead bodies dashed in the surf against the shores. The Athabasca, set sail for Port Arthur, where she arrived about 7 this evening. The Algoma was a splendid Clyde steamer lighted by electricity, Gross tonnage 1,780, length 270 feet, breadth 38 feet. The furnishings were luxurious, equal to the finest tjcean steamers. The vessel cost $460,000 and is understood to have been insured for $800,000. It was one of the three steamere, Albtrta, Athabasca, and Algoma, purchased' two years ago by the Canadian Pacific railway for the lake traffic, sirice which time it has been plying steadily between Owen Sound and Port Arthur. LATEB. The following are supposed to be lost â€" Henry Gill, Markdale. Edwin Frost, wife and one child of Owen Sound. Mrs. Dudgeon of Owen Sound with two children. Thomas Snelling, waiter. John Scatt, L. Bates and Ballan- tyne, deck hands. • Mrs. iihannon, ladies maid. Two brothers named Baohuian. Charles Taylor, steward. Mclntyie. Capt. Moore, badfy fanrt. From our ovn Correspondent. Weather unfavorable, as we may expect at this season of the year. Boads very bad, almost impossible to get around. Business very good considering the very low prices for grain. The Gospel Army of Dandalk is expected to be here tiiis week to held a series of revival meetings. We are looking for a rich harvest, and trust we shall not be disappointed. Halloween passed off rather quiet, no damage being done by the boys as usual, but gates, ploughs, and even the great big boot walked off a short distance, but was found without much trouble. Joe went out ' shooting on Friday last, and while loading his gun, the ramrod stuck in the barrel and he was not strong enough to pull it out, so he fired, the gun giving him a bad kick, making him feel somewhat sore about the shoulder. He says tie ram- rod light between Badgeros and Hom- ing's Mills. " D. A. Holman has moved to the opposite side of the road, the place formerly occupied by J. Miller, and has fitted his place up quite toney. Perhaps he will take unto himself a partner now. He needs one. ~W. H. Cclquett, ouv lively imple- ment man, intends leaving here and taking up his abode in Flesherton. Mr. Sandford Tuck has been ill for some time but is getting around aqaiii. Mr. Alex. Clark is building a frame house on Centre St. Guess he means business. Mr. Thos. Gamey of Manitoba, son of our respected Eeeve, is home on a visit, and is looking well. Phiz. ^S"^^^^- law. TIm treosorer was ordered to pay as foUowB, TiK For ideotion (rf jarcn, T Gihray. fmiw. $4 J. Clugston, aue^ sor, $4; B. Dunlop, elerk, $6, and IcMT epeoial eenrices, f 10. The reel's orders were issned on the treasurer to pay as follows, viz: John McAtthur $22.75, work on 12 and 18 side line, con. 8 Henry Ellief $26, work on 4th line at lot 6 J as. Stinson $46, work on Saufceeu hill Thos. Hutchinson $18.60, work on 8 and 4 side line, eon. 6 Boger Bowser $46.56, work on 21 and 22 side road John Cook $28.40, work on 7th line at lot 30 Geo. Crabtree $5, plan and specifications for town hall John Joseph Thompson $1, plank and blasting rock John Mnrray $1, work on town line Hfdland, Holland coun- cil giving an equal amount; Heniy Hard $6, repairing crossway on 4th line; Geo. Yeaddell $8.90, work on 9th liner Geo, Emery $2.50, repair- ing road scraper LJsbp S^'v^ell $5, Wflttigb^apill ^.\if9pn,Mwror f(» $2.7v, prinfihg James Boyd, Esq., $15, for relief of Hamilton Malcolm Joseph Boyd $5, wosk on 24 and 26 side line Dr. McBride $16 part payment for medicine for the late Mrs. Jas. Neil Joseph Shepherd- son $1.60, repairing bridge J. Fare- well $87.42, pubhshing road by-laws, notices -thereof for posting up, notices of tenders wanted, and notice of court of revision before the County Judge. Council adjourned until the last Saturday in November next, then to meet at Dodsou's Hotel. BoBBBT Dunlop, Tp. Clerk. '-.i?i^^ TO l^E PUBLid -co:- We have opened a SHOEMAKER SHOP in with our business, under the management of Mj^?" known as a superior workman, and purpose turn class of goods of unsurpassed excellence at pri'"' cannot be beaten. ^^ Repairing Done Neatly, Cheapli Eip -:o:- We continue to sell our genuine Dry Goods, Boots " c., c., at figures which astonish the shoddy m make such loud "blowing." J "lea, vs- N. Buâ€" Salt only 70 cents per Markdale, October 20, 1885. WM. BROWNif CI ^* ^^ tuvrzn^v Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. A PROFITABLE LIFE. Few men have accomplished the same amount of work and good in this world as the celebrated Dr. Chas. Over 500,000 of his works have been sold in Canada alone We want every person troubled with Liver Complaint, Byspepsia. Headache, Kidney or Urinary Troubles, to call in at A. Turner Co. and buy a bottle of Dr. Chase's Livet Cure, it will cure you. Medicine and Becipp Book 1 Nut. Treats a// Diseas- es of Domestic Animals. ~^r~ Horses Em For SmiK^l EIGHTH OF THE EleTen Frag Lake Marderen to be Hanircd Nerember 97. Wnnnpso, Man., Nov. 6. â€" Judge Rouleau, of Battleford, arriTed here last night. The Judge tried fiity-a|z Indian piumen. Sixteen of thesf were discharged, twenty-nine were sent to the Penitentiary for periods ranging between tw«ity and two years, and eleven were senteaoed to be hanged Noveoiber 27. ^tbm» were saidtpba eoneerned i^ceotJ^ in the "Piog Lake nuusaenec Of (he eleven theJndgesaya that mght will be eertainly hMa«ed, tet he lliinke tiia â€"ntene e of tub w be Mmmated andpoeubly thai of a llimL WONDER WORLiD. It is demonstrated by history that the Ancients in many of the arts, notably architeoture, far excelled the present ago, but it is reserved for the present decade to produce the eighth wonder of the world, i. e., West's World 8 Wonder or Family Liniment which IS infaUible for Rheumatism Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Sores and all psoases requuing external appUcation Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle' Sold by A. Turner Co. Nov*. Eaphiiuia rabetael SyaKe. %t^ The council met pursuaat to ad. joumment at MeOonnel's Hotel Rock Jyn, on 81.t Oct., 1885. Members all present. Minutes of last session of council read and eonfirmed. $3, charged in error for statute lahf» By-law No. 358, establishingSrvS: ard and 4th eoncestions. was carried though the different ^^Z^ â€" By.k,r No. 364, establishing vallev »^. was carried through the mm? •tertages and passed. ""'â- Â«*»'• •»• tx. Smg. p. L. 8.. 14. ftH; New and Renewed Subs. We purpose publishing every altern- ate week the names of new subscribers as also these who have renewed their subscription to the Standaed during the forlBijl'ht?' with thd date to which their sflbafiription is paid. Those not marked n«c are all renewals. Many thanks to all those whose names a,ppear below. Who will add to the list next two weeks Rev. W. Casson, Markdale, July 9 1886. • 0' Charlie Lawrence, Markdale, (new) Jan. 81, '86. ' Mrs. Popham, Markdale, (new) Jan. 1, 87. Wm. Summers, Vandeleur, (new) Jan. 1, "87. ' v J. Lund, Berkeley, Sept. 17, '86. Rev. P, Flint, Singhampton, Jan. 1, '86. Jas. Stewart, Eugenia, .Tan. 1, '86. J. A. Jamison, Eugenia, Jan. 1, "86 Jas. Mower, Walter's Falls, Jan, l! 1886." Thos. Townsend, • Glascott, March o, o5, Thos. Symes, Markdale, May 20, 85 •â-  » «tandard Sale Register. tS' Parties gettmg their sale bills printed at this office wiU receive a tt?srAS:LS"""'°*"°"°^-«- Saturday, Nov. 14th, on lot 24, con. ^.Euphrasia, Mr. Wm. Curry will seUhiB stock, implements, o.. c" rai. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms on rams ayet $5,:, i^ months crSt ^epherdso|;iid0i^^^;; ;^ .^• coft's^^f^' *« lit 7»: S**^"*^'**- *«• Te^ iZmontheon approved naoer m^ in P*rdtot. off for ^.Tai^oNeeli® proprietor; Qeo. Noble, a^ontjl VETEBINABY MEDICINES KEPT DISPENSl CAI.LS PBOMFTLT ATTENDED. CHARGES JnODEBU OlSce 4 Infirmary Hf/LL ST., Opposite Standard Office, NiKM $|(Oir##l $t#ir$9 I Cook Stoves, $i6.5oTrimmed Parlor Stoves, Coal Stoves, Box Stoves, All equally low-. Hardware, Lance tootiS Buck Saws, Hands Axes, Nails, Glass, Puttfl At bottom pii P2" Intending purchasers will do well to give us a call we cannot be undersold. WALKER BRO;S, Markd.u 3m "^^NVi' \i\^-\\V.^ Spectacles and Eye-Gli â€"ARE THE ONLY GENUINE ENGLISH ARTICI-ES ^IN THIS iJAlSJLITJL]S MARKET. SLte CaoOT, W^EDw OotJOH and Bron ^nre. Sold by A. Torner Co. •^*«* iU|WIRt«« Rfltaf -«rr- are kept In Purchasers, to, prove Mi- Genuin iiedi Th^ a^ reeoquia«|iia by and teitimonials have been President, Vioe-Pra^id«it,,Ex-Pre8ident and Ex-Vice-ProBt.'-f.v;.^! Asiooiation of Canada^ ttM Preiident of the College of P^7l?ZS;i geons of Qaebee t|t |)eao of the Medical Faculty of I^aral VdJ^i Prendent and Ex-It«rid«i8 of the Med^eal Council of Nova Scot* â- ^tP- tlieir T«ta fS.^^â€" •••0 80 g*^ •••^â-º4». ....... la ••.«*•"•*'••â- â€¢ n u to to to U to to, te '"'tft, «e 10 85 85 58 56 28 14 It 40 K »'«• 4Ti It Theae icooD»mendatioiM onghA t^ be suffioien| to prore fcnt If forthar proof in needad, call on A TU/imil ACo., Chemists and M-AJf^KIAJL.Ii:, OIVT The only place in town where they can be oh Spectales' fitted oa scientific principle. ^WHY EMPLOY DOCTQBS. "onu 9i MateiM f1 rpumll A. .!i;--.^ ^OT. Store to Bent in TEE store in Bfy^lft' JOHN WHITB, Bt, 14l.tf. nmr^i lurdkBcCHltfv •fgii ia evidently one of ^gUtioni tbat admit of a va is^tm' In other words, a pi trbidi ia*7 1 the best for one on jnay not ba eo for Another, be 4he eonditionB are far from f^gfNflh To keep the ground i ^ji^btlrd Mnstantly under cultiv and prodtieing crops which ai MKv«d annoally,will soon exhau fertility of the richest soil, « soma Hnd of fertilizer is returnc sake good the amount taken a The frequent stirring of the breaking up, disintegrating, polyerizing, are beneficial operat ibr, by keeping the surface open loose, we aid the admission ol and moisture, both of which coi certain elements which are abso by the roots and go far tow making up the bulk of all cultiv plants. But as a rule, orchan do not thmk that they can afforc plow, harrow, and keep down nox ireeda in the orchard for no porpoee than to benefit the trees improye the quantity and qua ef tiie fruit consequently, when t plow, it must be for the purpose sowing or planting, and the orcb is kept constantly occupied with sc annual farm crop, or seeded down xloTer or grass. To show grain any kind in an orchard, except very moist soils, or in a humid dims «ldom fails to check the growth the trees, because the growing gn will take the moisture from the i ht the very time the trees need most.â€" A. S. FuLLEB in Amerk Agriculturittfor Nov. LIVEE COMPLAINT. A faint, weary, sick and listii fsehng. with aching back and slio, ders, and irregular bowels, proclai a diseased liver. Try Burdock Bio, JJitters, which cores all forms of Hv (Complaint. Best Mode •rst^rin^ ice. If one will need ice next aummej f mnet prepare for it now. Th first thmg to be done is to gather few wagon loads of sawdust-abon Mven hundred bushab will be require, â- wS«fr'*K"*u°°' "o procured,^ a; jaste tan bark IS equally good; dr ZT^. ^°"' """t I^^ves, cu buUn «;"' " "' S"^^ substitutes' but an open air space is only abou of these substances. A house twelv ^wt square will hold a mass of k fcxrf^tror^^ S cool ^r ^T^f^ P^'^ds of ioe LfoI?deree?'J"°^'""*^' ^«^«^ty- kSeses S..!f'L-^*"^° *° thirty-two IS-l tJ«^f* °^ ^^*' fr«^ ti-e *«/iasTSre^,."*H°^»t« ^oyr much Lfbct Th,f "'".^ for any specified U^ndT of lSr/°^^'e^ and ten l«mdradli?*?°"' '^^^se "ven I twenty ,1«--N. " pounds cooled itlwasand to?1S ,. "^^ fourteen l*^ae?of^^'^^J?dred units. In |wSin^°°,°'y'*»«ol the milk Ityaeanarf^M 3f,P*""«»o"ible, i?'"^Ttt .21! "" 'P^S water. t^^^ wareo- |uftrt dairy, or l2^J?^' than, one ' «ff^i?«»"inberequired jNofcetS.* "^y*^ necessary, "^•S Jl^' •'*°°' f®^'y °' i?^AS2^ J«noax.,.-It is ****** tta?A*.ilI!!"^*"^°« to "'*^St^"'*Co.,our ^« thaeSS^i "" "^wed the ^t^^Weat's Cough "iftawl-'^^P^*^^ that S if^ » 9°«^ter of a ;^^i»lieT«»eoughUke •*« «f^ P^Prietora have -*-l.^*2»oat flattering 1 ttn^S^"^* that haye i^^***^ "sease, ^^««f early stages, "•^ff-W per bottle. Ci"V maa

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