Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Nov 1885, p. 1

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 BLb. \l '^•' No. 270. MAKKBALE, ONT., iSOy. 13, 1885. Oot m o i' raa SzAsnABD Ji'^rMiiijoods nofv in. S20sm| 5 50 " 6 Oo " 6 27" 8 42 " 7 0« " ..7 81"' .. 800" • • »12" ..I 8 3o"i â-  8 55 " i ..| 9 07" ..10 45" xpress leaYcjj irsdaysandSij East, on aniTi Arthur ind j Wfst. th ilr« Icaa Watches, Lllery. jsiivenvare, Iectacles, Instruments Strings. PoTATOB buyers are loosiDg money. Yaccikatiom is the order of the day. Thebk 18 an advance in express and Warrants honestly kept or work. S CHURCH. I ath at 10:30| ednesdav eva ilson, Pastor I dent. aUKCH. tth â- ^t 7 D. m 2oth, iC:3flJ 10:30 audf Hid 7 29tL, cnt. i, The reliable Jeweller: th. iOtlieriieis. in rates. ' Shot gnn for sale, i^ply to Smith, the barber. A PAIS of good Horse Blankets only $1.25 at McPwland's, Applss are scarce in town. A few loads would find a ready market now. The weather and roads have been all tliat conld be on-desired the past Thsee is a gratifying decrease in the death rate from small-pox in Montreal. ol CHUECI at 10:30 s.\ at 2:30. eT'ening frcJ astor; (r. S.j Ladies' Aid f Secretary. -»«(â-  cnbmns intended to benefit „;,.)• ^metijKill be charged ten M- the first insertion and five i:h iubiequent inxertioff. psYDEx has §50,000 to loan, i; for sale. W. Jackson, ice. ivttittti B*" ^^'^^ ^^^^ cheap at the No. 78, m« ug at 8 c'cloci k. Yisitjrgl No. 141 block,eTen| clock. A' 1 lodges i 0. 1045 meets ef ore full ffl«( Master; ir. J- IMS! wd Feed receivq uiDce. Lie Turkey is tried, tie more Tik of Greece. JnsDiRD is unsurpassed as a U only 81.00. Sit Act will bs voted triiies on the 19th. on in jlicit the I Pity â- r- [^ D7GI yoO â- STr •iVDAED to 1st January 1887 ^Sstribers for §1. cash. PiKKEi of Durham had Rti killed by dogs recently. icffiueiiuen paper always Ji'iiis office for letter heads. s look here, you can buy a iCatter for $10 at Jackson's. I^iis and Letter Heads very I'ieap at tke Sxandakd oflce. â- iliree teacliers have been •i and' a fourth advertised I" s "oEM Stkxip will remove f'f Worms from children or "^6 fair on Saturday last was [â- Â«p«cted; the largest and H8«SS0fl. P«THofOrangeville had two- ps cut off l^tweek. f «m Suits, Sideboards, h-ouDges aEd Cradles, go Pkilarkdale. Njs in Markdale will be L^kwsday the 12th Novem- ^? 4 public hohday. 1^ from 4 to 5 cents per ltn,/o"^y P"°^«^ by the rtieSTisBAitD office. '^^oiiM Powders wo safe lia. 7 ^^^^^°y and re- pm children o; adults. ""hT ' ""'ss cooking „,;gmed and complete '^alker Bros, Markdale .»?«"" «^=tanges that 18 eacour- la a sausage '••n. This laBS"^«r8aleat Spar- Our brass band has re-engaged Frof. E. Jones as captain for the com- ing year at a salary of $200. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by A. Turner Co. z Blank Notes put up in books of 20, 25 and 50, suitable for auctioneers add farmers, at the Btandasd office. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is Bold by A. Turner Co. on a guarantee. It cures consumption, z FoBTY thousand packages of Eeju- venator Bitters sold in four years by its own merits. Sold by Smith, the barber. Miss Susan Davis has resigned teaching school for the first six monts of next year on account of her mother's ill health. Mr. W. G. Crosson and family re- turned to Markdale last week. We imdersland he has come to stay; Glad to hear it. Without doubt the prettiest, most stylish and cheapest Dress Goods are to be found at McFa^land's, Direct Importations. To poUsh stove pipes, ;rub raw lin- seed oil on them with a cloth. This is much easier than polishing and is equally as good. Sleepless Nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy lor you. Sold by A. Turner Co. z Haskett's three new stores are nearing completion. The centre one will be occupied by Benson's groceiy and liquor store, Hekbt Warp Beechke was robbed of a valuable gold watch as he was en- tering the elevated train in New York one day last week. Mr. Cook, tax collector for Ward No. 3, Glenelg, will be at the Eevere Hotel. Markdale, on the 25th Novem- ber to receive taxes. Prof. Low's Magic Rulphkb Soap. â€" Healing, soothing a cleansing for all eruptive diseases ot the skin. De- lightful for toilet use. Hons* and lot for sale on Georga Strest, Mariidale. For partdcolarB m apply to Peter McArthur, Travsn- ton pTo., or to this offica. 266-tI Natioical Pills are unsurpassed as a safe, mild, yet thorough, purgative, acting upon the biUary organs promptly and effectually. Will You Suffer with and Liver Complaint Vitalizer is guaranteed to Sold by A. Turner Co. The scholars are delighted and the people highly pleased to learn that Mr. Porter, Markdale head teacher, has been r«-engaged for '86. Two YSA« old Bull, with pedigree, for sale, cheap for c"ah or good mark. B. Freeborn, one mile from WilUams- ford. Al«) two good Colts. 268-tf Jomi MoBRisoN, a CoUingwood boy, brakesman on the Kingston A Pem- broke railway, was mn over *nd m- atantly killed on tii« 81st mt. Trachicbs wanted, see adv. eolomns. Ws pablisb one day early this week, Thursday bemg a pubUc holiday. We have ai much need of rendering thanks as oar neighbors, and will uerefore close up. Just AB»rvKn. â€" At McLebd's ihoe store Boots Shoes, all styles and sizes, the best viJae for the u^ney to be had in Markdale, at leasi M the people saj; ii^,;, Mabkdals cheese fitetoty flilronB are shipping this week nearly 000 boxes of cheese, being the lastabipmenfr of the season. Catarrh Gtntsn, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Pnce 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by A. Tuifher Co. z Fire, â€" Webster's saw' mill on the 9th line Euphrasia was burned early last Thursday morning. We under- stand there was nothing saved. Or^^ of tbe fire not known. Union thanksgiving services will be held ui the Presbyterian church at 10:80 a. ra. by the Presbyteriaas and Methodists of this village, on Tharsday 12th, thanksgiving day. A VAN named Andrew Pickens fell into a threshing machine near Hast- ings last week while cutting bands, and was instantly killed, his head be- ing severed from his body. FiRE.-Thos. Hill, lot?, con. 11, Euphrasia, had his house burned last week. The contents were mostly saved. No insurance. We did not learn how the fire originated. W. McLeod is doing a fast increas- ing business in both readymade and ordered work in Boots Shoes. The people say it is the cheapest place in town to get booted. Call and be eon-^ vineed. j^ Instantly Killed. â€" Last PWday a Dyspepsia Shiloh's cure you. z young man named Thomas Cochrane ofKmgstoh^, second waiter on the C. P. E. steamer Athabaaka, fell from the main deck into the hole and was instantly killed. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for (Consumption, lAsss of Ap- petite, Dizziness, and all syijptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 andv7| cents per bottle. Sold by A, TWBier Co. ^- 2 It is estimated that there ai^ 85,000 newspapers and other periodicals nubUshed m the world. The United! States has a total of 18,494. while the Dominion of Canada has 644 and Newfoundland 9. "♦•^B are pleased to learn that Mr. Crosson has decided to make Markdale his home, for he is indeed a desirable citizen. He has entered into partner- ship wilh W. H. RutJedge m thj butcher business. Mb. F. Pobtbb and Miss F. Ford, first and second teachers, haye, been re-engaged for Markdale school at a salary of $480 and $260 respectively, and a Miss Brown of Hopeville as third teacher at $285. Mr. Thos. Foster fell from a ladder while working on Davis" mm bnok house last week. He had h^ wUar bone broken and was otheipWBjWiy shaken up. He has bt«ila« np gince, but is on the menii. *^ .;^ RliuyEHATOB BlTTBRS aS8i8t#^1»r»' and removes the cattseof diaeaiwIiEWn the system by keeping the Kidney^ Liver, Stomach and Blood.pnre and nature's channels free, then Youhave health. Sold by Smith, the barbsr. Anv quantity of monet; to UWttr^n real estate on the v«7 ^f ^^^^ Low rat*s, easy t«rn«. and dugA^ inputting through loans. Btaiom strictly private and Apply at the SiAOTABP dale. Ths wreek of the Algoma bat If other merehauts wonld follow, W. J. McFarland's example mltireet Importation of pure Teas, Hi^ woold not hava to envy tiie heavy- ran on his "Friamphant Tea. and in order to bottter op a tottering basineas, resort to falsehood. PaoHOTKD. â€" The efforts of an agri- coltaral gentleman, in supplying tiie Mt. Forest Repreuntoiice with choice vegetables, have been so satisfactory and appreciated, that the pabtisher has promoted him to the position of agricoltaral editor. Wb saw a man the oOobt day go down street without a hat, but we would Idle to see the man that can go barefoot this weather. Go straight to McLeod's for any kind of Boots Shoes.; you cannot but be satisfied with quality and prices. Barrhead MilLs. â€" Both the Grist and Saw bll are now in full blast and in a position to turn out better work than heretofore. Farmers will do well to remember this, for no per- son is more honorable with his custom- ers than is W^. J. Bewe. Sentenced. â€" Martha Purdy, of Singhampton, who was senteneed on Oct. 11th, to two years in the Peni- tentiary for burning the barn of her nephew, Andrew Neff, was conveyed to Kingston on Monday last by Sheriff Smith, of Barrie. â€" Free Press. Markdale S. S. Anniversary wiU take place on Thursday next. Tea in the Orange Hall from 5 o'clock. Chair taken at 8 o'clock. Splendid pro(;ram. Addresses by Rev. W. Ayers of Flesherton and the local ministers. Admission 25 cents. Come. Machinbry. â€" Two carloads of machinery arrived this week for Mr. J. S. Plewes' new roller mill, now in course of erection. Messrs. Goldie MeCullongh, of Gait, have the entire contract of the^ob. Eight men are I BOW engaged on the work. â€" ^Shel- bnrne Free Press. 1 can't understand how it is our eat oonifidiiitMiL office, karl' leaves us every year on the approach of wmter: We never can get a cat to stay with us, said Mrs. B. Just ex- actly the same with me, says Mrs. W.; but I believe the season for making sausage has something to do with the disappearance of the cats. Some men have conceived the un- reasonable idea tbat if they subscribe for the Standard for a friend at a Idistacce that it will entitle them to their own copy free. If we would ;K)ftly comply, and had five hundred such patrons, we would be bankrupt in less than twelve months. The Tichborne claimant's wife, whom the Wappmg butcher styled "Lady" Tichborne when he was en- gaged iu his great perjury act, is dead. Since his release the ex-eonviet has not lived with her, because when he came out of prison after ten years in- carceration he found an unaccountable increase in the number of his family. .^HoNOB Roll of S. 8. No. 7, Hol- land, FOB 0CT(»BB; 4th ClSSS â€" Ist, Mattie Bailey; 2nd, Eddie Bailey. Srd Glassâ€" 1st, Maggie Price 2nd, James Ewing. 2nd Classâ€" Ist, Willie Spears; 2nd, John Fitzgerald and Ada Roulston. Part 2nd â€" 1st, Albert Ronlston 2nd, Thomas Eemp. Part lit â€" Johnnie Armstrcmg and Frankie Eemp. Lizzie S. Moore, teadter. The Tarmers' Advocate for November is to hand, every column of which contains useful and practical interest to farmers. This periodical is too well known to reqmre any puffing from us It has deservedly the largest circula- tion of any agricoltaral paper in Can- ada, yet a hundred per cent, increase jin its circulation woald be a direct ban^t to snbsqribers «s weU as the publisher. ' Ctoitveiil«noe.â€"i^ yo* '^} tOMMoribe for or renew yoor sub- seriptien for any of ths following PADinf^^ Sms, frbai whatfver oanse, may ba quickly reUeved by Hagyard's Yallow Od, which cores all manner of aches and pame, and all soreness and lameness of the flesh apphed.and taken inwardly, Thb following is a list in order of merit of the pupils of 1st division Markdale Public School who obtained 60 per eent. or over at the last monthly examination; Class Y â€" lizzie ThibaudeaO, Geo. Bowes, class lY, Sen. â€" Jbhn Ducdas, £. Jones, Lottie Manttj Wilhe McFarland* Class lY, Jun. â€" Mary Stevens, Frank Bryden, Herbert Hull. Class niâ€" Bessie Moffat, Ada Reynolds,- Jessie Grant. F. Porter, teacher. A Hearty "hd Off."â€" On Satur- day last, Messrs. Cliff Sons left Tiaverston for good. Mr. E. Kennedy the owner of the mill, who is now go^ ing to run it himself, entertained tiie Cliff Bros., their men, and a number of friends, with a sumptuous dinner, and before leaving, Mrs. Delaney, the storekeeper, invited them all to a fare- well lunch, which was served in the same generous manner. â€" Durham Chronicle. We learn, from a letter to his brotdier, that Mr. James Blair of New Lenex, Illinois, formerly of Artemesia, has been to Scotland the past summer and brought over nine fine Clydesdale staUions. He lost one, however, on the passage from Glasgow to Montreal. He passed through on the* C. P. R. 'â- â-  from Montreal to Chicago via Toronto^ Mr, Blair has now fourteen stallions and has more coming this winter. The many friends of Mr. B., who is- brother to Messrs. WilUam and Robt. Blair, of Artemesia, will be pleased to hear that he is prospering m his busmess. Orange Concert.â€" Last Thursday night was very dark and wet, and the roads were in a shucking state, yet the concert in the Orange Hall was fairly attended. Dr. Sproule, M. P., presided and gave a very interesting address. Revs. Casson, Grandy and Mr. W. J. McFarland also addressed the audience very suitably. The Misses Ford and Misses Dundas contributied in song. Mr. Porter gave a recitation, and Prof. Benson brought down the house us usnal in comie songs. The brass baud *was in attendance and contributed very materially to the enjoyment of the entertainment. All passed off Tory pleasantly. ' U J^' «,a.edgeneral^tementttro^ J^Tyen can-do so at this office tiieoountity. Sirs. °5,2J^" â„¢g: |md thas save the taronble md risk oi Sebious AccmENT.^On Saturday night last about half past six Thomas MoGann, aged abent 22, son of Mr. Michael McCann of Holland, was driving across the railway at Berkeley when an engine going north 6ti*uck the hind part of iJbe buggy, smashing the vehicla and seriously, if not fatally injuring the young man. He was badly bruised about the head and had one leg broken in two places^ Drs. Sproule and Carter of Markdfde were called on and attended his injuries. He has been unconscious Up to time of writmg (Monday), audi not much hope is entertained of his recovery. The engme had whistled, and the bell riaging at time of accident, so that no blame can be attached to the engine- driver. The horse escaped upburt. Later the young man died Wednesday mornings v Post Office Robbbby. â€" No sooner have tiie people of Tbombury got oyer the excitement occasioned iy th% burglary of Mr. T. R. Fo- to. s safe than they are startled by robbery of our post office. On 88nrt»v morn-' ing about 10:80, Master Fred h itchiu- son,' clerk in the post office, enter- ing tfhe building waj snrpris to find vinegar on the floor, and or ;)ingt)f the apartment used as a p ^Wi^t found letters, papers, c., .â- â€¢.^m-^SiL, over the floor. Heammedii.u^ y oent ' for DrV i^uirlburt who -waa hurcb. On lottlMr •xaa^atioii' ii ""'a dig- ' covered tbtttiae^^i'^egisiiei' l^|;^-s vexe taken,, ao^ j^jjaiail i .v sipped opw with a knifsfc^ ^Hba^^^" â-  ' " Irom m*' 4.ini V' Mil â-  »j M fi' .â- 'â- 'â- â€¢"!.£ i i- «

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