"fssBSMi^aaes" -g%^0m^ 93}H 1020 23apQ 310- 3So 352 '• iOC" 4 31' 4 57" 5 23" 5 35" 5 55" 613" 6 30" 8 20" Toinnto.1 Toronto.! TOTOIltO.1 Tora MoB^retLl MonthljJ MontUf.! SAW. ht 351b8.. I One Bi«B| three hon)Rl for l^tfH o.-No. MAKKDALE, ONT., OCT. 8, 1885. I Conu or xn Sxaxoabd I Fnx GSNX8 Kiicn. I iUios! iierican Watches, IClocks, jewellery, Silverware, Spectacles, lujical Instruments and Strings. It? Warrants honestly kept I roods or work. I A. BROWN, The reliable Jeweller. aDd Oilieri teins. LncES in tlufe cohtmns intended to benefit [inJiri'hi'il or fiocietij vill he charged ten \i a Uiif U'l- the t'lrs't insertion and Jive liiilmeach suhieijtient insertion. tsE Wi'fldy G^/ofee to 1st Janufury flH?: V,Vek!y 3fa'7 to 1st January is; for SI. flHE Weekly Xfirs to 1st January IsBGLE barrel gun ior sale, apply to litli, the barber. IMiis. Montgomery returned last tfromAlleiiford. E. Salyerds, of Teeswater, ie guest of Mr. Thomas. [ati yo'i seen the elejrant stock of lliuery at McFatlaud's IIb Sr.vxD.\RD to Ist January 1887 Intff subscribers for %1. cash. [Fob Bedsteads, Mattrasses, and igBeJi, go to Grant Co. Pe bad a call ou Friday last from TtsKeefer, now of Forest, Ont. |fe Clara Biexs, of Toronto, is ^h% a few days iu Markdale. cases Boots Shoes, all solid â-ºiliet,r8ttlmg value, at MeFarland's. Ife iJixME DouKLAS retumed from FUj friends in Toronto on Monday. |-ii.EnF.r. from James A. Rowe, to hiuid and will appear next KS. "SI Grey prize list is crowded out ^lUavetoIay over until n«xt }^ uext sitting of the Division "ij^ilUeheldin Flesherton the ^w'lober. [foj a Floury. Wilkinson, or McGiU r!!"' S° ^° '^^' Jackson, opposite aJDASD office. }^ We, of Shelburue, ha» ;J5'*a another fine new boat for *t shake. J* Low's Magic Sulphkr Soap is ^^Jrecommeuded for all humors â- diseases, L^H'asbmeres 25, 35, 45 and 50 ,r 'i"rcii at Corbetton wm "inesday, the 29th ult. 'Jlj'^lySf^rforSl. toend of le ^^°- ^ea^'e your subscription °^iaore of those papers. ^St\ ,^°™ Powders are f»5as t..' "^^ expel all kinds "°«i children or adults. NSo q!"^-^^""^* class cooking f^6.5o!;T?^,°^e^ and complete National PiLt.8 arc a mild pnrf^ative, acting ou the Stomach, Liver and Bcwels, removing nil obstructions. Me. S. J. Lake lias received the appointment of junior Judge of the County Court for the County of Grey. Shiloh's CtiBB will immediately reheye Croup Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by A. Turner Co.x 800,000 Shingles for sale at Spar- ling's mill, near Vandeleur, by John Weber. All shingles warranted as re- presented. W. McLeob has just opened out a choice lot of Boots Shoes which he can and will sell cheaper for cash than any one in the trade. Mbs. Maky Thompson, of Toronto, wa« afflicted with Tape Worm, "8 feet of which was removed by one bottle of Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. Say, bosB, how is it McLeod sells his Boots 60 much cheaper than any one in to*b Why, because he buys for cash and gets the discount. Loss BY FiKE. â€" All the outbuildings on the Guelph Model Farm was des- troyed by fire on Wednesday, the 80th ult. Loss $12,000, insured for $8,000. School Books.â€" A com- plete assortment of new Beaders and other School Books just received at the Medical Hall. A. Turner k Co. The person who took three paint brushes from Wm. Douglass' house oh Sunday evening, will please return them toR. 0. Whitby and save trouble, as he is known. A Nasal Injectok free with each bottle of Shiloh's 'atarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by A. Turner Co. ' X Mb. W. F. Doll passed through this week for Port Arthur, Winnipeg and the North- West. He intends going through to B. C. by the C. P. R. before returning. Shiloh's Catabeh Remedy â€" a positive cure for Catarrh, Dipthrie, and Canker Mouth. Sold by A. Turner Co. x Mb*% Josiah I'aynk, sister of Mrs. J. W. Ford, late of this village, died at Watshaw, Ont., on the 2nd inst, after a short illness from cold, followed by remittant fever. Why Will You cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and $1. Sold by A. Turner Co. x Fire. â€" The Glandore Mill, near Maple Yaliey, built by the late Mr. Plewes 26 years ago, and recently owned by Mr. Wm. Reid, was bnrned on Sunday the 27th. The Rev. Geo. H. TnAiffiB, of Bourbon, Ind., says; "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumption Cube." Sold by A. Turner Co. x We noticed an excellent cut of Mr. M. Richardson's new establishment, Flesherton, printed on dodgers at llie East Grey Show. This is enterprise that will end in prdfit. Pabk lot in Malrkdale for sale Beautiful location, will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to B. Free- born. Williamsford, (* enquire at this office. 125-tf Mb. Andbbson says it pays to ad- vertise, he having advertised a horse for sale recently, and had a customer who purchased m less than a week 'after the «idv. appeared* Foe Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on overy bottle of ShUoh's Vitalaer. It never fails to cure. Sold by A. Tomer Co. The beautiful warm weath« of the last two weeks terminated for the present on Satnraay last, when, showers of rain followed on Monday by flurried of the beautiful were toe ord^. »•.'•â- -*â- -,•?«*" • Saturaav was very largely stkinded and anoadwfil^lHiyew'were wm* and bought .«p a grert ««y^; ia i^oak AB faoai; Akb You Madb miserable by in- digeitiou, GonsumptioD, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite," Yellow Skm? Shiloh's Yitalizer is a positive cure. Sold by A. Turner Co. x W. J. McNxA has taken first prize for roadster team wherever shown, and in fact his beautiful bays would be hard to beat. Any person wanting such a team ^should see Mc, as he wotdd sell. Ir yon want to buy or sell a horse say so through the Standabd It is becoming a noted medium for reaching the pubUe only fifty cents for one insertion, and twenty-five cents for each additional. Wobk has been commenced in over- hauling the furnace and otherwise fixing up the Flesherton Methodist church. The parsonage was recently received a much neeeded amount of Wm. Lamb of Glenelg, a highly re- spected young man of 26 years, passed away last Monday after an illness of about three mouths. Dropsy was the disease. This is four out of that family within five years, each death taking place iu the month of October. Cbisdit Sald. â€" Tuesday, October 15th, on lot 65, 8rd con. East T. S. R. Holland. Sale at 1 o'clock. Farm stock, implements, c., c. As the proprietor, Wm. Jackson, has sold his farm, the sale will be genuine, Geo. Noble, Auctioneer. The Ladies of the Presbyterian church held their annual bazaar and dinner on the Agricultural grounds on the second day of the fall show, and did a successful business. They wound up the day's doings with a concert in Haskett's new hall, the proceeds nf the day amountins; to about $75. Mas. RoBEBT WalkUb, of Holland, died on Tuesday the 29th ult., at the age of 41 years. Her remains were followed to their last resting place on Thursday by the largest concourse of people ever seen on such an occasion In that neighborhood. Rev. D. Perry preached a very impressive sermon ou the occasion. HoNoa Roll, S. S. No. 8, Abtemesia. â€"2nd Classâ€" Elsie McKee, 91; Sarah McKee, 70 Elanor McEee, 63. 8rd Classâ€" Mmnie Morton, 215 Hannah Stafford, 179 Charlie Staf- ford, 174. 4th Classâ€" Alice Nichol- son. 280 Bella Thompson, 175 Esther McNally, 121. Elsie Inkster, Teacher. SoNOB Boll. â€" The following are the names of those who received 60 per cent or over, in the ' st division of the Marbflale public school: Class Vâ€" Herbv Brown, Herbert Henry. Class IV, Sen.â€" Annie Cunninfcham, Harry Large, Charlie Casson, Elijah Jones, Lottie Mann. Class IV, Jun â€" Ben Coleman. Class HIâ€" Jessie Grant. Two hundred pair fine Specks and Eyeglasses now in stock. Concave and Convex Crystal Lenses, Lazzarus k Morris $2.00; same in Boss. Adamantine Lense $1.50. Cases furn- ished. Other Imes well finished 25 cents to $1.00, Near Sight and Sun Specks. Every pair artistically fitted and warranted. W. A. Brown, The HeUable Jeweller. Last Wednesdav night 80th uU., the safe in J^oster's Woollen Mills, Thom- burv, was blown open by burglars, who forced an entrance by boring through the door of the factory. Between $400 and $600 was secnred. The tools were taken from an adjom- mg blackamith shop to force the outer door. Besides the money valuable papers were also taken. The Grand Jury for the connly of Oxford, has given a unanimous deliver- ance expressing gratification at e decreaM cif drunkenness and crime m the county under the Seott Act, as shown hy the fact that since May let, when the Act came into force, there have been only seven persons com- mitted a» drunk and disorderly, whU* during the oortej^nding period rf 1884i «bd« lieoiBe. there were 80 'Ibvthit " Captokbd. â€" Oovemment Detective Murray arrested Archibald Drinkwater about 80 miles from Chicago, HI., and had him extradited to Canada, and took him last week to Owen Sound to answer several charges of forgery. This is the notorious apple- tree agent who did a rushing busmess through this district, and especially about Walter's Falls last winter. McGregor parke. Of Hamilton, Ont., are the numnfaetnrers of the greatest healine and purifying oom- potind known for Sores, BomB, Cuts, Scalds, Salt Bheom, Frost BiteF, etc. It is called McGregor ie Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Be sure and get the genuine McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate sold by Hill Bro's. at 25c. a box. ^6 We have heard from Mr. John Richards, of this town, who has been attending theOntarioBusiuess College at Belleyille, which is so well and favourably known throughout the Dominion. Mr. Richards is greatly phased with the College, with the beautiful city of Belleville, its lovely bay and its charming girls and it would seem that the latter are equally pleased with him if we are to judge by the invitations he has been receiving and the number of times he has lent his aid at sooial gatherings. Belleville sent two companies of volunteers to the North-West. On their return the boys told Mr. Richards tbalf the Markdale girls, whom they caught a glimpse of on their way home, are fair to look upon. HAMILTON HAPPENINGS. There is now being manntactored here an article for iustantly remoYing pain of any acute external nature, and it is certainly the most perfect cure for Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache and the like that, has ever been tried. It is called Fluid Lightning from the rapid manner, in which it acts, and is manu- factured by McGregor Parke. Sold in Markdale by Hill Bro's. 5 Golden Wedding. â€" One of those pleasant gatherings to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of a marriage, f which are of rare occurieuce. took place on Saturday last, at the farm of Mr. James Bowes, Sr., (father of the Reeve on the 1 1 th con of St. Vincent. Eleven children, forty-eight grand- children, one great grandchild, to- gether with numerous friends, made up a large company on the occision, and the old couple were the recipients of numerous presents, as well as con- gratulations of their friends. Both of them looked as if they might yet see together many more anniyersaries of their wedding day. An interesting feature of the occasion was the baptism of six of the grandchildren, the Rev. Mr. Perry having come from Meaford to officiate. â€" 0. S. Times' A SURE INDICATION. Whenever there are festering sores, blotches, pimples and boils appearing, it indicates an extremely bad condition of the blood which should be speedily cleansed by the best of all medicines Burdock Blood Bitters. We were very much pleased to meet Mr. WilUscroft, who was accidentaly shot recently, at the Holland Centre Fair on Wednesday. He does not suffer any inconvenience from the wound, and is quite recovered. The bullet is supposed to be in his lungs. FATAL ATTACKS. Among the most prevalent fatal and sudden attacks of diseases, are those incident to the Summer and Fall, such as Cholera Morbus, Bilious Golio, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, etc., that often proye fatal in a few hours. That very reliable remedy Dr. It'owler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, should be at hand, for use m emergency. Owing to the unfavorable weather, and being indisposed in body, we fi^iled to put in au appearance at Friceyill Show on Tuesday. We hope however to give a report of it next week per- haps steal one from the Advance. A SAD CASE. The poor victim of Chronic Dys- pepsia apparently suffers all the ills of life, Uving in continual torture. Regulate tiie Liver and the Bowels and tone the Stomach with Burdock Blood Bitters and the dlyspepsia troubla is aooagOBeT hooKtMut amiomMeaettt to the ;piiUie. SeeWm, Brown's Adr. in umUmc eofannik Bum Grey Fall Show. We »^T.e last week a synopsis of the out- side exhi^ at the above show, but for want of tone and space left the contents for this week. On entering the hall at the west end we feond a very creditable display of Photo- grajdis eihi^ted by Mrs. Buhner of Flesher- ton and Mr Hamilton of Markdale tlie latter was especially large and the pictures lifehke, m fact we have saen very Httle city work to surpass that turned out by HamUton of Markdale. Then came a very good exaibit of hame^ by J. Gordon of Flesherton. Boots were good, especially potatoes, which were simply immense. The grain was good with the exception of spring wheat, which was a decidedly poor quality, but the quantity on show smaU throughout. Butter was a good quahty. but not much of it. Fruit below the average m quahty with about an average ex- hibit. In ladies' work there was a creditable showmg. A very fine display" of plants and flowers were nicely arranged, giving the in- terior of the haU quite an attractive and tasty appearance. The crayon sketches and scen- ery paintings were yery handsome and credi- table. An addition has been erected to th« haU at the east end, for poultry, which is a needed improvement in this department a decided improvement was neticeable, and a good exhibit of very fine poultry convenient- ly arr-inged, R. Montgomery of Markdale taking a hon's share of prizes. The brass band did their part most efficiently, which contnouted in no small d^ree to the pleasure of the spectators. PKI2E LIST. Class 1. â€" Hoeses. Pr. Draught Horsesâ€" S Stokes. Draught Brood Mareâ€" Wm GaUopp, D G Binnie. Draught 2 yaer old Colt-Wal NichoU, Jas Knox. Draught 1 year old Coltâ€" Saml Greg- son. Spring Foalâ€" D G Binnie. Wm Gallopp. General Purpose Teamâ€" Geo Dinwoodifi, Alex Mercer Jr. General Purpose Brood Mare â€" Wm Henderson, Thos Stambuskie. Gen- eral Purpose 2 year old Coltâ€" Geo Glazier, D G Binnie. General Pur- pose 1 Sprmg Foalâ€" Duncan Camp- bell, Thos Butler, A Kenney. Pr Roadster Horsesâ€" Dr Sproule M P Pr Carriageâ€" W J McNea, Jas Heuder- Ron. Buggy Horseâ€" A R Hannah, Thos Kells. Saddle Horseâ€" W W Trimble, W G Pickell. Heavy Draught Stallion 3 years and over Messrs Trimble Pickell, Trimble Pickell. Gen Purpose Stallion 3 years and overâ€" Henry King, H Kenueda. Roadster Stallion 3 years and overâ€" A R Hannah, J R Trimble. H King, Special Colt from Ribantâ€" Sam Greyson, Jas Knox, J Richardson. Judgesâ€" FBurten, John Golden, Wm. Henry; to be continued next WEEK; "WHAT SAY YOU TO A PIECE OF ROAST BEEF AND MUSTARD?" Well, there is much to be said. The question being asked of the banqueter at the average boarding house, calls ud reminisoenccs of close contiguity to the horns, and beefstake three cuts south thereof. He, of cours«, will pass unless it occiu-s to him that he needs a hinge for his trunk. Should there be any suffering, the effects of an indulgence is such sinuous fare, use McGregor's Speedy Cure, a sure and effectual remedy for Dys- pepsia, Constipation and all affections of jthe stomach and liver Sold by Hill Bro's. Trial bottles free, 5 Holland Centre Show. Holland Centre Agricultural Fall Show was held on Wednesday and was largely attended. A lai^e num- ber from Markdale were to be seen at the fan:." The Show was, on the whole, a success. A large number of horses were exhibited, other kinds of stosk were not so plentiful. The exhibit of grain was good, spring wheat being very much superior to any we have seen this season. Roots were- also good, especially potatoes, which were immense, Tne best samples of fruit we have seen was .-.Iso at this show. The Ladies work wa» very creditable. Owing to want of space we are compelled to be brief but will endeavor to give further details next week. The secretary, Mr. Smith has done very much m makmg the show ' a success, and is justly entitled to a great share of credit. CERTAIN OUUE. A Cube fob Cboleba Mobbus. â€" A positive core for tins dangerous c:m- plaint, and for all acute or chronic ' fonoacrf Bowel Cemplaiot in^knt to SuflEuneraod Fall, n. feted hr fk. ' Fowler's Extract olWUd. I^wbeny to be prodBtfl4 firasRi M|i|;dni|p[j^, ,; ;! :-4 ^mffiB'f. ler; V Ir, mi'i I I ti un\ iM. ii r • i ' i â- ; u-t V â- y-.M •â- \- IT, • s- i.n;: mm