Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Sep 1885, p. 4

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 ^T* The Standard. MABEDALE SEPT. 24, 1885. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION NOTES. Haaes Brown of Owen Sonnd took let prize and Silver Medal for Stallion fonr years and upward, best telenlated to improve the breed of horses in Canada. Single horse (gelding or mare) in harness, nnder 16| hands, J. B. Hannah, Flesherton. J. Bowes of St. Vincent took let prize for matched farm team, and Dongal Smith, Meaford Srd. Fair of ponnies from 13i to 14} hands 1st Bav. A. Wilson, Markdale, 2nd Angus Plewes, Markdale. Mr. Jag. Noble of Meaford took a first an^ E. T. McGirr of Feversliam 2nd for » trotting race for $50, first 75 per cent, 2nd 25 per cei.t. The above ware, we believe, the principal prizes m horses taken in this district. Mr. J. E. Trimble's Clear Grit Jr., took 2nd prize in London for best carriage horse. The comptstition in the various classes of horses at both Toronto and London was very keen, and a vast number of fine animals were exhibited. EAST GEEY FAEMEES' INBTI- TUTE. A meeting of the directors of the E.'G.F.I. was held in Markdale on Wednesday the 23d inst. at the Mark- dale House, when the following were present " Gilray, President. T; Kells, Vice-President. A. Turner, Sec'y. Treasurer. DikECTOBS â-  Dr. Bproule, M.P. N.McColman, M. P.P., T. Sowerby and Wm. Norton, Holland W.Pringle and J. Sparrow, Sulhvan Geo. Richardson and D. R. Ellis, Euphrasia; J. Blakely, Arteme- sia: and J. Clinton, Osprey, being all the directors but four. Important matters were discussed, and a deep interest manifested in the success of the Institute. A committee was ap- pointed, consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Geo. Rich- ardson and D. 5- Ellis, to make ar- rangements for the first and second public meetings, to be held in January next in MaikJale and Chats worth re- spectively, and to secure some of the Professors from the Government Ex- perimental Farm at Guelph to dehver lectures on different branches of agri- culture at said meetings. It was also decided to have the annual meeting in Markdale on the day of the first public lecture, the exact date not known un- til a reply is had from the Professors. A MAN OF NEEVE. We all admire a man of nerve, who is cool-headed and cqaal to any emergency, but nervous debility is the prevailingweakness of most people. Burdock Blood Bitters is a good nervine and general tonic, which re- gulates ard strengthens the whole system, imparting bodily and mental vigor. The Finuunl OMriet Meeting of the Owen BaaoA JDutnet. held in the Methodist draxeh hen 'Wedneedey mniThaxaiaj d]M/k wtA me well attended by mioiaten aiid r epw t ea ta- tives. The whole ieewm wm one oi pleasare and nraeh ^ofiL On the evening of the flnt ia,ir, a Sabbath School Convention was h^ ik» at- tendance was not aa large a» expected, bat those who were fortunate enough to be present enjoyed a lieh treat the whole proceedmge wne unusually interesting. After tiie singing of a hymn the Bev. Hr. Stephenson, of Heathcote, (CoUingwoad District) led in a very impressive prayer. After an antbnm from the choir the Bev. Mr. Howell (Chairman of the District) delivered a_very instructive, interesting and practical address on Sabbath School work. The Bev. Mr. Ayres next followed with a very carefully prepared paper on "The field ite ex- tent," which was listened to with deep interest. The Rev. Mr. Auld, of Eugenia, then delivered a brief but pithy address on "The Field its pos sibUities," which was also very iU' teresting. After the addresses from the platform several gentlemen in the audience gave short practical addresses with some very good snggestions in regard to training the young. The choir -enlivened the procced^ss by several choice selections. Second day and evening, a large gathering ot children assembled a 4 o'clock and were addressed by several ministers with remarks and language calculated to benefit the children. At 8 o'clock a grand Mass Meeting was held, the church being well filled. After several addresses, the question drawer was opened and the questions asked were all replied to by the Rev. Mr. Godfrey in a very interesting .manner. The Rev. Mr. Howell thanked the people of the village for their kindness and hospitality to a'l, during the session so pleasant, also the choir for their very kind services nt all the public meetings, when the benediction was pronounced and all left for their resting places. Mr. Wm, McMulleu^ of Flesherton Station, an old resident of this town ship, was taken ill with some disease of the liver about three months ago After a great deal of suffering passed away on Monday evening last. LADIES ONLY, The complexion is often rendered unsightly by Pimples, Liver Spots,, and Yellowness. These ' it is well known are caused from an inactive Liver ani bad blood. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure purifies the blood and whole system. See Recipe Book for for toilet recipes, hints and suggestions on how to preserve the complexion. Sold by A. Turner Co. Oct. Arrangrements Completed maxwell. From our ovn Correspondent. Weather favorable, and harvest al- most completed. News scarce, but as we have not written lately, and don't like to be be- hind, we have concluded to send in a few lines. Phiz has often ^loticed that when his correspondence failed to ap- pear, that correspondents of other places have been the same,so he thinks he will try and write oltner, and see if others will follow his example, Mr. A. Sharpe has returned from Ottawa, where he has been spending several weeks. He is looking well and as fresh as a daisy, and for the past few days has been visiting in Singhampton. A number of residents enjoyed themselves at the Toronto Exhibition, and returned homo right side up with care. But Mr. Allison complains of haying greatly suflered while under- going a painful operation on his eye but is getting around again all right. Mr. Robert Gordon lost a fine horse lately, valued at about $150. One evening this week as we were returning home after a long journey, and having tD pass through a long swamp, what should cross our path about ten feet ahead of us, but aâ€" something, and as the clouds shaded the moon at that hour, we could not discern what it was at first took it for a man, but as it jump»i « High Anca close by wiiJou' touching, we knew it was'nt that. On catching a glimpse of it as we were trying to draw near to it crossing a field, we took it for a black dog, but on hearing the brush crack so loudly in the woods we came to the conclusion that it was a big bear, and that we had better make tracks, and we lost no time in making our way home. Phiz. FOK THE DOUBLE SCinj. SACS BETWEEN COURTNEY, CONIiET, HAXLAN AND n£E, Tbot, N. Y., Sept. 22." S. M. Hickey concluded ari'angements with Court ney's representative, Bpellman, and a double scull race between Courtney and Conley and Hanlan and Lee will be rowed off Pleasure Island on Tuesday, October 13, at 3:30 p. m. both crews are practicing on the Laureate course. Hanlan and Lee are in splendid form, and the betting, which has begun, is largely in favor of that crew. Courtney is a bit over- trained and looks thin, but Conley is in prime condition. The race will be for $2,000 stakes, $1,000 a side, and a $8,000 purse offered by Mr. Hickey, two-thirds to the winners, the remain- der to the other crew. The Teemer- Hanian championship race of October 25 will very likely be rowed on the Pleasure island course, which Hanlan says is the best in the country. A. MAliAKTAL NEIGHBORHOOD. People so unfortunate as to reside in a malarial region should dense and thoroughly tone up the system with Burdock Blood Bitters, Uiat promptly acts upon the Stomach,' Bowels, Liver and Kidneys, thus pre- venting Ague and all Bilious Ccm- plainte. An ovnce of prevention i» worth a pound of cure. HONESTY THE BEST POLICY. An honest medicine i« the noblest work of man, and we can assure our readers that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the only reliable, but is almost infallible to cure Cholera MorbuSj Dysentery, Canker of the Stomach and bowels, and the various Summer Complaints, whose attacks are often sudden and fatal. IxVPOBTAKT. When you rait or leave New York City save Baggage Express and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fitted np at a cost of one million dollars, le dneed at »1.00 and upwards per day Earopean plan, Elevator, Bestnrant supplied ^th the best. Horse cars, stages and elevat ed railroad to all depots. Families e«n live bettor for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first class hotel in the dtr. Cat Tbie Ont. A PBEVENTITE ANS CUBE FOK THE SHALL- pox â€" VALUABLE BECUC _____ » Several years since a correspondent of the Stockton (California) Herald gave the following concerning small- pox and its remedy. I give it as pub- lished, "i herewith append a recipe which has been used to my knowledtre in hundreds of cases. It will prevent or cure the small-pox through tiie pittings' and flIUng. When Jenner discovered cow pox in England, the world of science hurled an avalanche of fame upon his head but when the moat scientific school of medicine in the world â€" tbt of Paris â€" published this recipe and panacea for small-pox it passed unheeded. ..It is as nnfaiUng as fate, and conquers in every instance. It is harmless when taken by a well person. It will also efcire scarlet fever. Here is the recipe as I have nsed it and cured my obildr«i of scarlet fever and small-pox. Wh^ learned physi- cians said the patient must die, it cured. THE BBCIPE. Sulphate of zinc, Igr. foz-glove (digitals), 1 gr. i teaspoonfol of sugar. Mix wiUi two tablespoonfnils of water. When thoroiighly mixed add fonr ounces ot water. Take a teaspoonfnl ereiy hour. Either disease will disappear in twdve houig. Sot a child, smaller dose aoeording to age. For a preventive take a teaspoonfnl befrae each meal. Children less quantity acacmtiiig to age. If countries would iaompel physidaos to this there wu1d be no need of pest-houses. If yon value adviee and expetuofie nae tlai for that terrible diaease.- The writer ha* ipren the abeve leeipe as a prsventive when â- maUTpox was pnvsiliag,' and found it to earrespond with the abmm statements; itisflieiisNreeaMedadaaM^r a enre but a T aewa iti )^ B is keped Oe papers: will keep the tfdfe More the poKBa. 8FBIN6 AND SUMMEB. Prq^aia the body In healtt" agiia vigor by taking CSiaaa's larar Can. No Spring Ifedidme eqguiM it. it stimolatin the Lnor aids digeatioB; and pozttea ttM blood. laM^s bottia and Beeipe Book. $1. Sold Ij A. Tuner ^Go. Sept. Saw-miu. BnuxB. â€" On Satmday last at noon boor, Foid Stinaon's saw-null, cm the 11th lino Eophiasia, was dMtroyed by fire, together with about 125 cords shingle bolts, and from ninety to one hundred thoosamd feet of lumber. The hands had been cutting shingles, and all was safe aa far as was seen when they left for dinner, but they bad not sat down more than ten minutes when the alarm of fire was sounded by some parties who were hunting, and oame oat uf the swamp at that place. The con- tents were of such an inflammable character that all efforts to stay the devouring elemen t were in vain. The women turned out and rendered valu- able assistance in saving the contents of the yard from being consumed, and succeeded in saving some 125,000 feet of lumber. The origin of the fire ap- pears a mystery. The loss is estimat- ed at fully $e',000. There is insur- ance amounting to $3,200 on the mill and machinery. We understand it is the intention of the proprietors to re- build, if the insurance turns ont all right. MARVELOUS. One dose of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure will cure Sick Headache, Dizziness, and Sour Stomach. 1 to 2 bottles are waiTented to cure Liver Complainji, Indigestion and Biliousness. Sold by A. Turner Co. Oct JuuBO. â€" The death of Barnnm*8 Monster elephant, "Jumbo," at St. Thomas last Tuesday, the 16th, was the subject of a lengthy notice by all the leading Canadian, American and English papers. This was certainly the largest elephant m the world, and the tidings oi the accident causing his death was received with much sorrow- by all who haye had the pleasure of seeing the monster, yet docile animal. Barnnm purchased him from the London Zoological Society some years age for the sum of ^£2,000 and has never disguised the fact that Jumbo was the greatest catch he ever made. He was struck by a train while crossing the track on the evening of the 15th inst, at St. Thomas and died shortly afterwards. His hide will be stuffed for Tuft College, Massachusets, to which it has been presented by Bamum. McGBEGOE'S SPEEDY CURE. It is popularly admitted everywhere that McGregor's Speedy Cure is the safest, most reliable and far cheapest remedy for Con- stipation, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Im- pure Blood, Loss of Appetite, and all similar troubles. It is not necessary to tale a great quantity before any result is produced. A few doses will convince you of its mcritSc Trial bottle given free at Hill Bio'i). 3 I Haskett's ^ew Hall. â€" This hall wac opened for public purposes on Monday evening last by a concert un- der the auspices of the C. 0. 0. P. of this village. The weather was most delightful, and the entertainment well attended, Dr, Sproule, M. P., occu- pied the chair with his usual ability and free and-easy manner. After briefly reviewing the evidences of pro- gress in our village, such as the organ- ization of the brass band, and the hall now being inaugurated for pubhc purposes, he (the chairman) gave a short sermon on the benefits of the Order, tafeing for his text Friendship, Love and Truth, or the Three Linkx, after which the program was carried ont, the brass band leading off, follow- ed by, B. B. Currie, a song, also a recitation (Dutch character); E. D. Empsey, a traveller, gave a variety in English; Irish, Scotch, Dutch, Ameri- can, French, Chinaman, Nigger, Dude and Old Maid characters, giying a good caricature of the various customs and dialects named, which was indeed smusing; Miss N. Wilson, a song; Miss McD.uff, recitation; Miss Dundas, a song Mr. Anderson, song Mrs, Trimble, song; Messrs. Jones and Jackman,. a duett on brass instru- ments with organ accompaniment by Mrs. R. D. Lrvine; Mr. Anderson, another song; also Mrs. Trimble, a second song Miss Wilson, (Thy voice ia near); Miss Rorke, a song Miss Dundas, song; and National Antbnm by the audience. The best of order prevailed throughout, and the mem- btrs of the Order snowed every courtesy and attention in making those present feel at home, and the entertainment enjoyable. It ia need- lets to particularize in regard to those who took part in the program, as all did their part well. The hall is now open for the public and is very suitable as well as convenient of access, and w»liope to see it well patronized. A SENSATION. An unparalleled sensation is being created all over Ontario by the wonderful and un- equalled manner in which Neuralgia. Tooth- ache. Bheumatism, Backache, Headache, ia removed by but one application of Fluid Li g h tai i ng. No afFe^isive, disgusting drugs need be taken for days. It is an instant care. Try a S5o. bottle from Hill Bro's. S If other nationalities followed the â€" -i^"' â€"- 'I •â€" jriiwg^a W*1SSS JGHandg. Markdale. Oet. 1st andftiS. IBm^nvf^ flesherton, S^t. SMb Soatii^ny. Do^udb, S^it. S9tb andaoyu Nwdi Qiey.-^Owen Soimd. 0«tlBt aDdSnd. Eaphrasia, Boeklyn, Get Sth. Os^ey, IfaxweO, Oct. Sth. HolBand. Cbatsworth, Oct. 6di. Proton, Dnndalk, Oct. 6tb 6tb. HoUand Uentre.â€" HoUand Centre, Get. Sth. Artemesia. â€" Prieeville, Oct. 6th. mt tuo9ikt DOITT BE DECEIVED Beware of any dinggist who win try to indues yon to take anything in plaee ol HcQregnr fe Parke's CarboUc Cerate. It is a mand of healing for Sores, Cuts, Bums, etc. No bmily diould be wiUiont it. It haa no equal. Get cGreeor A Parke's, and have no other. Only 35c. per box at HiU Bro's. J r g IN SEASON. It 18 now the season to warn our readers agaust the endden ai tucks of Cholera, Cramp, Colic, and the various Bowel Cumplaints incident to the season of ripe fruit, vegetables, etc Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry is the grand specific for those troubles. Notices of^Birtlu, Uamaget, and Deatht, twetnty five cents. BIRTHS. Bowxâ€" In Manitoba, on the 24th of Aug., the wife of Mr. John Bowe, of a daughter. WiLLUusâ€" In Markdale, on the 22nd inst., the wife of Mr.' Hugh Williams, Singer Sawing Machine Agent, of a daughter. STRAYED FBOM the premises of the nnderBi.uned lot 17, con. 5, Euphrasia, in May last a two year old rod and white steer, large spots. Any information tht will lead to the recovery of the above beast will be suitably rewarded. TH03. GILBAT, 363 65 Epping P. 0, E STRAY. CAME to the premises of the undersigned lot 6i con. 7, Euphrasia, about the mid. die of September, a heifer about 3 years old. tied head and foot color red, spike horns. The owner is requested to prove property and' take her away. D. E. ELLIS, 263-65 • Kimberley P. 0, STRAYED.. FEOM the premises of Thos. Muxlow, lot 20, eon. ll,.Enphrsia, about the 20th May last, seven yearlings, (four heifers and three steers) one heifer nearly all red, one heifer light brindle and the others spotted red and white. Any person giving such in- formation as will lead to their whereabouts will be suitably rewarded. THOS. MUXLOW, 263-3 Goring P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. LOT 20, con. 10, Euphrasia, nine miles from the]flourishiug village of Markdale, and one lot from Post Office. This farm is well watered, solid clay loam, contains 100 acres 45 of which is cleared and under cultiva- tion and the balance line hardwood timber, also a frame bam 36 z 56 thereon. Terms easy, for particulars apply to THOS. MUXLOW, Goring P. 0, 263-72 Adjoining the premises. Public Notice. IN the matter of Henty Foster, of the village of Williamsford, in the County of Grey, general merchant. Insolvent. Take notice that the above named Insol- vent has made an assignment to me under the proyisions of "The Ontario Act" respect- ing assignments for the benefit of creditors, and you are hereby notified that if you have any claim or claims against the said Henry Foster, you are rcquestei to file your claim or claims with me duly proven within one msnth from the date hereof, and lso attend a meeting of Creditors to be held at the Albion Hotel, in the City of Toronto, on Friday, the 23th day of September instant, at 10 0. m. â-  WM. LUCAS, Assignee. Markdale, 18th Sept,, 1885, 263-66 t/oH^ffndmtte of Ontario Veterinary CoflZ^' James Ci. RuMcit's M07ED JEWELLEKT STOK. F C-. E S HE H T O N, Is the place to bny Watches. Clocks and Jemelhiy. A large assortment jnst to band. A I Solid Silver Watches, Full Jewelled, from f 8,50 up to $26, worth fram $10,50 to $82.00, war- ranted from two to five years. It will pay you to come twen^ miles to have yonr Watch or Clock repaired by Bussell. rS* Satisiaclien guaranteed eveiy time. 217 269 JAS. a. RUSSELL TntOsa/IOissas osefBamst» Mnmdk. VETiaEtt^A BY MEDICINES KEPT d ispt«^ CAiMM rwtoMrmsK attbblded. charges SmEMHAMST.. Opposite Markdale House. :^ Cmadiin Pacific r. r. OtVEN SOUND BRANCH. TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday. AuguttSrtl, 1885. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Toronto. .Leave. Cardwell Junction. Caledon. Orange- 1 Arrive. ville. (Leave.... Orangeville Jttn... Shelburne Dnndalk Flesherton Markdale Williamsford Ohatsworth Owen Sound HaU. 730am 9 07" 9 25 " 9 50" 10 05" 10 17 ' 10 4S " 11 10 •' 11 36 " 11 51 ' i212pm 12 28 " 100" Bxp. 4 46pm 6 30 " 6 46" 7 03" 7 22" 7 34" 8 04" 8 30" 8 55' 9 10" 9 32 " 9 49- 10 20 " GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Owen Sound Chatsworth Williamsford Markdale Flesherton Dundalk .......... Shelburne Orangeville Jun Orange 1 Arrive ville.. I Leave... .. Caledon Cardwell Junction... Toronto ...Arrive Exp. 20am 50" 05." 27" 42" 06" 31" 00" 12 " So" 55" 07" 45" Mail. 2 35pm 3 10" 8 30" 3 62" 1C6" 4 31 " 4 57" 5 23" 5 35 " 5 55" 613" 6 30" 8 20 " Special Steamship Express leaves Owen Bound on Tuesdays, Thursdays aiid Sundays for Toronto and Points East, on arrival G. P. B. Steamship from Port Arthur and Points in Manitoba and Nortli West. STRAYED. ABOUT July Ist, 1885, from the premises of the subscriber, lot 17; con. 5, Tp. of Gleuelg. Three yearlings, one heifer red, two steers, one spotted and the other a brindle color. If artie i giving directions as to their whereabouts will be suitably rewarded, JOHNMoVICAE, 261-63 Pomona, P. C. Lumber and Shingles. THE undersigned has constantly on hand all kindh of lumber and first-class cedar shingles for sale. Mill 3} miles North of Markdale,~llth line Euphrasia. 250-63 FOBD A STINSON. STRAYED. FARM FOR SALE OR TOJENT. LOT North i 16 on the 11th concession, Holland, 100 acres, 70 acres cleared, 30 acres in good state of cultivation, the balance hay and pasture. There is on the farm a good log house and frame kitchen, a good well near the house also a log barn. Scnool and Post-office on the next lot. Will rent for a term of years and take improve- ments for rent, or will sell on easy terms. For particulars apply to JAMES BBUCE, Lilly Oak, Or to William Steele, Ionia, Michigan. TO the premises of the subscriber. Lot North half of 22. and 23, con. 13 Artemesia, abent the 15th August, a Ewe and two lambs. The owner is requested to prove proiierty, pnycharges and take them. DAVID GRAHAM, 261-64 Vandeleur, P. 0. \\ \\V\\\\^^VL w:.\ji% Spectacles and Eye-Glass ^AEE THE ONLY GENUINE ENGLISH ARTICLES â€"â€"IN THE Real Pebbles are ke p in stock. given to Purchasers to prove Genui Tests are They are recommended by aud testimouials lii^vc bceiu-cccivcdfronfcl President, Vice-President, Ex-President and Ex Vict-PiosiaGiitoftliellel AsBocifttion of Canada the President of the Cullcije of I%siwaii8aiiil5».| geODS of Quebec the Dean of the Medical F;ieii!ty of Laval UmversitT- 4| President and Ex-Presidents of the Medical Council of Xova Scotia, h.,A I These rccommendatiou'J ought to be suCicient to prove tkir qniliti| but it further proof is needed, call on TURNER Co.. Chemists and The only place in town where they can be obtained li^ Spectales fitted on scicntilic i)ri:iciple. .si TTFRC Cures Di-Zineis^, L .-cs i f A^tp' lii 1 rruj'-^trAi, Ui'Mtj^is^ Dyspepsia, Jaundice- Affcci tun/! rf he J.u\r end KUncm, Pimples, Bhtclics, hoils, humors, ii.il't I{ha:i«,Smj]k, Erysipelas, and all disMscs cri^'ng from, Inquire Bk Deranged Stomach, or irrfjuLir artlon of the Boicek. YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE For any of The FOLLOWING PAPERS AT THIS OFFICE: Daily or Weekly Mail, ... Torouto. Daily 06 Weekly- Globe, Toronto. Daily or Weekly News, Toionto. Daily World ----- Torouto. Fanuly HcraU and Weekly Star, Montreal. American Afiriculturist, ... Monthly. Farmers' Advocate, Mmithlv. Subscription can commeuco at any time. STANDARD OFFICE. MARKDALE- LAND FOB Smi J J DALTON. DOMINION TOPOGBAPHICAL SUB- VEYOB, P. L. S. Ontario, and civil en- gineer. Architectural Drawing and Levelling, Chatsworth, Ont. FABM FOB SALE i)f\f\ A^CBES, within one mile of WU liamsford Station, being composed of lots 88, 39, 43 44, first con. East Toron- to Sydenham Boad, township Holland, Co. Grey. On tots 38 39 there is 90 acres cband, well fenced, and under good cultivation a frame house 23 x 32 ft.; kitchen 18 x 24 ft., well finished; good frame bam, driving house, straw house, concrete stifle, cattle stable, oipen sheds, and all neoassaiy build- two good wells oiobazd ot 8 acres ot rlfr o£ the FreDchCaoadiaDB, ^t a happy family we ihoald be. inng ibut when a Sootcbman was prison all the Scotchmen in try should take no the cause UfilA.^'iJ'^i!^;, ^^ sist on his being p'ardoned ^.t^^"^^ "^-^^-^^"^^ or their representstives would ^^ainst the GoTeniment. Or supposing that every time an English-^ man was convicted for a serions offence EfainBt the law all the other English- men m the community got np indig- nation meetings and made an exhibititHi of themselves elamoting tat tan re lease. The Germans, too, why dioliiS notUiey folkw tiie ezun^e of tiie hot-headed Fremii and m^ am: oat- ei7 weiy time itjianei them to im s^e that thdr to^ltiftheMittbdiea OA9 The WtmAhCmii^ua io jM â- earn to uadontand that tha knpta ai» for all alike aoA thi^ thoaa friwiriafatta Htm most take ^« «aa«|^enaea no ioia ' On lots 43 '44 there ia 20 aares deaied, well feneed, wiUt good stream running thioi^[h it; balanoe well timbered with m^de, beeeh, hemlock and cedar. Good ti^; and possession given st onoe. For paitioaUurB aophr on premises if by letter JOSEPH FANNINCl, WiOiunsford Station, Co. OnVi Ont. aw QaaukX HAS iaMd.t eoMscC efod. average titgemm 0IQL-, KNS -.gAW. .IT it t B t e.. a cB».iti Ob* .smii m ot i in tbnekqan JUmtUrnvte lot ||M»ti- -â€"-tmitaqr^t'oaea. JiWiws BFBEDT SAW WOBKSk Biw f jO.rtet. Store to Rent in Makdale. THE Store in Beynold's Block to rent. Application as to terins can be obtained from Johr Lyon s, M arkdale, or JOHN WHITE, St. Vincent, 143-tf. Strathnaim. P. 0.. Owner TENBEBS. SEALED tenders will be received up to noon the 30th day of September for the purchase of the old Methodist church, same to be removed from church grounds on the completion of new church. Apply to G.S. BOWES, 260-63 Markdale, P.O. DissoMion^PaitDersMp THE partnership heretofore existing be- tween Henry Sparling J, P. Sparlinx has tliis day been dissolved by mutual con- cent. J. P. Sparling pays aU debts and col- lects all accounts. Witneuâ€" William Hamilton. 8citaDilu 7th, 1885. HJfiHBT SPABLma, J. P. SPABIiINa. Important Auction Sale Of Valuable Village Properfy, THEBE will be sold by PnUie Auction on "Saturday, October Srd, 1885, at S o'clock p. m. at the Bsvere House, Itokdale, the following Village Property One-half oeie situated on Toronto Street, opposite the Xaricdala House, adjoiniiia VESL Bio's Block, and wiUiitt eig^t rods rf the Post-MBeis. Una is a vary desirable pioparty, and snitaUe aitiier for abnsiaass site or lor printts dwell- iag, bei^ ritatted in tlui centre ot theYiB- •ge; M^wfllbesold other In'^na panel or ttfiiacl to snit poidittiar. tmtaa mr Sua. â€" One finiith of fwn ftn i^H ' maaijtfiiiJBiie st^ibne of safe, tak^ie^ pmlMiiii ooe or two aniindpayaAaiiMiii rr^ -* milt tr inrit imr-htTrr -^ '•n tn slenieif by aiMi^ wiik'iiiiarMt M« par enili vtr ^Otbidbpablile. Vor-fniC ^asoaoB NoauB, Xukdale. Sept 14, tiSSS; RUPTURED AND PEFOEMBD. ciiAs. CLvrnE, Ihe most practical and ex- perieocrd man .ou tliis Continent for relieving an rl i^ curing Kuptnre ami iVDefermitics of cverv ' .ilOKCriptiou. It will bu tn your advantage to call oii me, 45,000 Trusses ad- jiistedin person. Thons- antls of Deformed treated. Establish- ed 15. yeais. I will have a full supply of these celebrated Trusses with me at the following places â€" Markdale, KlarkdRlc Bonsc, Monday, Oct. 26- Orangeville, Paisiy Honse, Tuesday, Oct. 27. Send 6c. ttamp for rcgislerpd Illustrated Book on Bupture and Hiimin Frame by CHAS. CLUTHIJ, Surgical^ Machinist, 118 King Street West, Toronto, Ont. THE north liiilf of lot immltt If, i»| cession 11, Holland TuwnEhip, CfflSjl of Grc.y, '(ttitiiinin}; lO'l acres. This lot il fi\l l'.t:av.v tinilH-roil ^vi^]l loidj maple, di,l bass^vood iinJ htnil'K-k, aiidis .situated aWl 4 miles fi-i-m Borkili-.v. (ifroa Wii!iftiiistai| and U fioui Martdalo ftatioDE, on lk| Toronto. Givy and liruce Railway. For terms and jirfticiilars n|iplv to GEllI S. BOAVES, Ksij., Mar!dale,ortotheraik.| signed, G-UIEOW i I'EOrDFOOI, Bamstcrs, 253-tf (JiAii BRITfiSH WORM SYRUPI For Sale by Walker Bros. ^trnMUAM-JE^ T1UTIS1I AVOKM STRVP i^ tbe Wl J y worm cxtfTiniiiahir. It if ple««»l»| take, rcq'.iirip no f.u pative, safe aud e al, iiiitl take? b!:t few doses. Hole .\cr( nt. H. PARKER, Druggist, Dm ham. aE/y£LEtRATEDa|l HAVE YOU Liver Co,np:uiM, r.v.p.p=ia. Wi^fi. W Jaundice, H«-" :»-'"=v"""SiM " • *V liver, Dr. Cha-si.^ IIvek Llbs wu and certain nm ily. ,,_ _-uEDY NATURE'S BEMEBi^^ rcrCvM ,lkilk| powerful effect on the Kidnej' b.om." Blood. 500,000 S Over mcJiai'f mniim 'f Br. j- ^^ffdjlj I mrc sold in Canada "TtrcJ:Ui '" ' ' ^nt to try thU ^Mclknl n^/_ Wr»rped.roundcveo-bo»^'£-S^l4 U a valuable HonsehoU }^ „ B*' I Book (ft, page-,), cona.m«^,j„^«»*l prononnced bymeuical """"^erfB able, and wortlitcn tin'«"'^. ^^JP TBT ClMSf3 Catarsh MB- remed*. Price, 25 cent*- ndH"" .T««HASE'SK.ONErA..ll««W*^' JTsOLD BY ALL DEAU»^ r^f.S HACY/\RDs -OWOIl S r"'Hi:UMATISM AMBtaMfettolkka. Oiliilii fhatrcim BiTTE RS CURE OR REUEÂ¥S i OblMmi«AMH» WILL UUOUSNESS, orspsPsiA, MDIGESTION. JAUNDICE. BirSIPELAS. SALT RHEUK. HEARTBURN. HEADACHE. And «»ery apecte* of dli Suoi^MwiXivER. Kir BOWELS OR DIZZIHEM, DROPSY, FLUTWVm. 9114 AC DRfMiit â-  .ii, â- I :3 ,m.~m,£iL \.:^.^: â- i â-  .-^i It tUese columns intt I or Society tcill r tlu; first inset h mbicqaent in ett Act lias been jxt aitting of t 1 De Wd in Fie ber. J'lenry, "Wilkineo: [go to W. -Jacksc Jackson aslt i East T. S. Jobu Bitdik .â- w, dM mtk

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