Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Sep 1885, p. 4

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 Tbe Stamlarxl. MABKDALE SEPT. 17, 1886. W. WARM HOUSES FOR WINTER. The way to make a honse warm for winter at a small cost is what many would like to learn, as there are com- paratiTely few really warm and comfor- table dwelling houses. Building paper, or tar paper, has been for many years extensively used in the United States and in Manitoba. It is used both dry and tarred, and ia airtight either ways. It is used in flooring, being put between two thick- nesMB of lumber, also on the' roof and afotliid the body of the building. A few frame houses in Markdale were made warm by its use last year, tad. the occupants are unanimous and very strong in their praises, of the benefits of the new idea, and state that they could not haye been made to believe the improvement it would make, and the comfort secured by this cheap mode of keeping out jack frost. Lad tbey not tested it for them selves, and that, during the coldest winter on record. The battons are takeu off and the tar paper put on, window and door cassings should be iprung out sufBcient to let the tar papci' iilip behind them, then the siding (which is made for the purpose) is put on and should bo well painted immediately afterwards. The dry paper is equally as good as that tarred, except that the latter is a good disinfectant, besides vermin will not csme near where it is. They are about the same cost. The cost for a house 18'x 24 and 14 feet high is about as follows 1,500 feet of lumberat $21 ... Tar paper ... Carpenter work Nai s ... $32,00 6.00 14.00 1.00 Painting, including windows cornice ... 20.00 Total ... .... 73.00 It is considered warmer and more healthy than a brick house, and per- fectly dry, a very important point. The tar paper can be procured .at Haskett Bro's, or almost any well regulated hardware store. Grant' Co. make a good class of siding, so that those in our distnct can secure theirmaterial athome. %»»» or «â- Â»â-  ^nii| »^^,-^f R. Fleaher, Esq.? luiT agab taken his departure from our midst, having on Thnrads; Ia«t left hmLn rnttt for Liyerpool, Eq^Und. On^M eye of his departure, onr Braaa Band, with beautiful torch'ligkt proeearion, serenaded him at his reaidenee where Mr. Flesher, in his nanal Uiongbtfol and liberal manner, conbibnted hand- somely to the band fund, which was gracefully aekBOwledged and dnly ap- preciated by every member of the band. On Batnrday last the Yolmitetn of No. 6 Gompmy (Flesherton) aeeembled in the Drill Shed here for drill and preparation for camp at Niagara. Lieut. Field put the men through their drill in. good style, when all left for their homes to re- assemble in the same place en Monday evening when all were present to answer to their nftmes. On Tuesday morning, under command of Cspt. Campbell and Lieut. Field, the men marched m military order to the depot, and there boarded the special train for the conveyance oi the troops from the north to the front. Mr. Guss Sproule arrived a few days ago from Mexico, and is spend ing a short time with his brother and friends in this village. Captain Madill.of Corbett on .preach- ed in the Presbyterian church here on Sabbath afternoob last. A reception service was held in the Methodist church on Sabbath morning when six new converts were received into the churcUr 6kn»/if fail Shorn PHxt list lat 9aA. IM. SpanOaDenlPiBpaaata.00 tlJtO •l.OO Spaa OaBJage Hoeaea a.00 IJSO UIO BiuKy Bene ... USO 1.00 Sa^ HoBse ... IJtO IJOO Maze, foal by her aide S.00 IJOO ^ringOolt^en. puq wa e 1.00 SO " roadster 1.00 60 Colt, or I^, a yeaa Qeneral Pnzpoae 1.00 60 Colt or Filly, 1 year Oeneial Poxpoee IM GO Colt or Filly, S yean Boadater ... UOO 60 Colt or Filly, year Boadstec ... 1.00 60 Speeding in the Bing, for beanty and speed 3.00 1.00 Ciaaa 9r-eattlC. Bull over 2 yean ... 2.00 1X0 Boll under 2 yean... 2.00 IM Dndiam Cow with pedigree ... 1.60 Cow, giving milk, Orade 1.50 HONESTY THE BEST POLICY, An htin@st medicine i« the noblest work of man, and we can assure our readers that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the only reliable, but is almost infallible to cure Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Canker of the Stomach and bowels, and the yarious Summer Complaints, whose attacks are often sudden and fatal. 'Wlliiamsford. WHEN THE CAT'S AWAY, c. The boss is away to the Exhibition in Toronto, so I'm going to be editor for this week. He may not be home until after the paper is printed â€" I hope not anyway â€" because he is very careful what goes in the paper, and of course if we can just have it out End mailed before he returns, he can't recall it, and I will risk being dis- charged. I would'nt for anything get the bounce however, for he is the best boss I ever worked for, and besides, it is a tiptop office^plenty of good material, and wages sure. There is other attractions in Markdale besides XXX. Botheration, a fellow can hardly get started to write when, here comes a batch of job work to be done immediately if not sooner, and the boys want copy â€" dear me. â€" Well, it's mail time, and here's four parcels of work for Osproy township which must be forwarded, because the boss is very particular in having work from a distance done and forwarded with dis- patch. Let me see, where did I leave off â€" 0, yes, the attractions of Mark- dale. â€" Pshaw, here comes a man who wants to advertise stray cattle. He says his neighbor lost three head some time ago, and put it in the Standard, which was the means of his finding them. AU right, Mr, â€" three weeks for $1.00â€" thanks. That's one dollar â€"say, boys, let's have a peck of apples all right, is the unanimous vote. They have good ones at Ben- son's. Quick now,' we must ge"t this job work done and the paper up by noon to-morrow (Wednesday). Here is a batch of correspondence, now we'll have copy â€" here's Flesh- erton, he's a sensible fellow who ever he is, we don't have to rewrite his manuscript., and besides, there's always some sense in his eorr. Here comes some ladies wonder what they want there's going to be a social 111 bet. Good evening, ladies. Good eveuing is this the photo gallery Oh, no, this is the pnntmg office, the gallery is up stairs, next door. Well, I don't wonder so many take this for the picture gallery, for we have more pictures than the ordinary photo gaUery. Well, well, this won't do, I must return to my subject. Christo- pher I here comes old man Plewes-^ that'll be a half hour lost. â€" I know the old gentleman don't mean any harm, but if you give him any en- couragement at ail, he would talk a fellow to death; I'd rather see the ladies come any time. The old man is so well informed to, on any subject, that it does one good to listen to him; but then sure I can't understand half what he says (he's a Yorkshire man). Dear me, here I'm off again I can't see how the boss does his writing â€" just think of having a score of matters to attend to and people to talk to while writing one short editorial, it's no wonder 1 have got mixed. I wonder what the readers of the Stasdabp will think when they read this. The boss SDmetimes says that "a little nonsfinse now and then is relished by the best p{ men." So mote it be. W. T. J, From a Correspondent. An entertainment of a very pleasing nature took place at Berkeley in the Presbyterian church there on Monday ni^ht, that being the closing evening of Mr. Dobbin's Ministry the people assembled to enjoy a farewell meeting. After the good things provided by the ladies, had been examiued, a lengthy programme was carried out. Bev's. Messrs. McAlpine and Dobbin were the speakers. Readings wore delivered by Miss. A. Horton, Owen Sound, and Mr. E. Aison. A duett by Miss Smith and Mr. W. Smith was well re- ceived. At the close of the pro- gramme Miss Stewart, Miss Vandusen and Mr. G. Fleming stepped to the platform and in the name of the con- gregation Miss Yandusen read a farewell address to Mr. Dobbin and Mr. Fleming presented him with a purse, Miss Stewart then addressed the Student in the name of the con- gregation it Williamsford Station, and pre.' cd him with a purse from the people there. Mr. Dobbin replied in appropriate terms. We may add that the purse given by the Berkeley people amounted to $23 and the one given by the WiUiamsford friends $17. Last Sabbath day Mr. Dobbin preached his farewell to the congregations of Williamsfor and Berkeley. Notwith- standing the threatening state of the weather quite large congregations turuad out to hear the last words of him who has labored so earnestly amongst us for the past few months. The farewell was preached from the words "Whose names are in Book of Life," Phil. 4, 3. Yours. A Fbiend. Williamsford 15th September. 1.00 1.00 60 60 60 1.00 1.00 1.00 Heifer, 2 years, ... 1.00 " 1 year ... 1.00 Spring Calf ... 1.00 Yoke Oxen Pan: Steers 2 years old Pair Steers. 1 year old Glass »•â€" Sheep.â€" Loso 'Wooi.. Aged Bam ... ... 1.00 50 Shearling Bam... ... 1.00 50 Pair Shearling Ewes ... 1.00 " 50 Bam Lamb ... ... 1-00 50 Pail Ewes, raised Iambs '85 1.00 50 Pair Ewe Lambs ... 1.00 50 Class 4.â€" Stoeepâ€" FniK Wool. Aged Bom ... â€" 1-00 Shearling Kam ... 1.00 Pair Shearling Ewes ... 1.00 Bam Lamb ... ... 1.00 Pair Ewes, raised lambs '85 1.00 Pair Ewe Lambs ... 1.00 Class S.-^wlne. Berkshire Boar, aged ... 1.00 " Spring Boar ... 1.00 " Sow, aged ... 1.00 " Spring Sow ... 1.00 Suffolk Boar, aged ... 1.00 " " spring ... 1.00 Spring Boar any oitic kind 1.00 Suffolk Sow, aged ... 1.00 " " spring ... 1,00 Class 6.â€" Poultry. SPRING AND SUMMER, Prepare the body for health and vigor by taking Dr. Chase's Liver Cure. No Spring Medicine equals it. It stimulates the Liver aids digestion, and purifies the blood. Large bottle and Recipe Book, $1. Sold by A. Turner Co. Sept. niealord Boad. Best col. Fowls (five) 76 50 Pair Geese ... 60 26 '• Turkeys ... 60 26 " Docks, large ... 50 26 " " small ... 60 25 PlymotbBock, Booster 25 20 " Hen... 26 20 Leghorn Booster ... 26 20 Hen ... 36 20 White Brahma Booster 2fi 20 " Hen ... 25 20 Dark Brahma Rooster 25 2o Hen ... 25 2o Buff Cochin Rooster 25 2o " Hen ... 25 2o Spanish Rooster ... 26 20 " Hen ... 25 20 Hamburg Rooster ... 25 20 Hen ... 25 20, Class Y.â€" Uraln. Bushel FaU Wheat ... »Z.0O Spring Wheat... 3.50 Barley ... 1.00 Peas, large ... 1.00 Peas, small white 1.00 White Oats ... 1.00 Black Oats ... 1.00 Half bushel Timothy Seed 1.00 Six Ears Indian Corn ... 50 Collection of Beans, 8 var., 1 peck of each ... 50 Class 8.â€" Roots. Best col. Potatoes. 6 var. â-  6 ef each variety ... 1.00 Bush Potatoes, early rose 1.00 " any other kind ... 1.00 6 Sweed Turnips ... 50 6 Turnips, any other kind 50 9 Mangold Wnrtzels ... 50 6 Blood Beets s.. 60 9 Field Carrots ... 60 6 Early Horn Carrots ... 50 6 Parsnips 60 8 Roots Celery 50 2 Heads Cauliflowers ... 50 2 Cabbages 50 6 Tomatoes 60 Oallon Seed Onions ... 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 50 50 50 50 60 50 50 25 BaJrWodc M OentB Viae Start, hand znade IMt Bag mat Sp Any a« var Hat ... 60 6 yards Bag Carpet ... 50 CoBfltrfian Flowen ... 1.00 Bonqaet Natural Flowen 6o Mamme Laoe (or Twine-iradi) 60 WaxWoi^ ... ,.. 60 Ornamental Leather WaiM 60 Pencil foawing ... So Special Prixea. Bevere Hotelâ€" best walking team, three times around the ring, Irt, tS. Sod #1. J. B. Trimbleâ€" ior best 2 year old roadster stallinn, sired by bis stallion "Clear Oiit Jr." •5. A. Tnmer â€" beet 9 Sweed TiimipBt2. W. A. Brownâ€" best 5 lbs butter, for butterdish (silverplate) value $8 HiU Bros. â€" for two bushels beet spring wheat. t2. W.J. McFarlandâ€" for beet tub but- ter, fifty lbs, $2. ThoB. Mathewsâ€" for best carriage team. 'Whip, valne 91.50. J. E. Marsh. M«â- '^f'^^t1^^ Honse-^best single driving horse. 18. Jas. Bryan â€" best pen of sheep |8._ Geo. Noble â€" ten per cent off any im' plement wanted by exhibitor, for beet spring roadster colt. Wm. Dnndasâ€" $1 for peck onions from Dutch Sett, Ist 75c, 2nd 26c M. Sullivanâ€" for best Sir CoUn colt $2. Robt. Montgomery â€" pair Ducks 50 c, pair Game 50 cents. Wm. N. Haskett §o cents for best. Best Cage Canary Birils. John Mercer â€" ^pair Brahmas 50 cents. Bobt. Askinâ€" for best looking and largest baby under 1 year, photo Srame, »1.5" C. W. Rutledge, Stakdabd 1 yr, 91, for second prize baby. James Hamilton â€" choice of half doz. photos or its value in a framed picture for best Gents Knitted Gloves. » 60 26 26 25 60 26 26 26^ 36 25 ti^^S^T James C. Russefs ftOTBf J£WEU£I^ S^^^' Is the place to buy fTofcAes, Ciocks and Jewellery. A large assortment just to httd. A I Solid Silver Watches, FuH JewcHed, from $8.60 op to $26, worth from $10.60 to $88.00, war- ranted from two to five years. It will pay you to ooma twenty miles to have your WAtoh or Clock repaired by Russell. 13- Satisfaction Tguaranteed every time. 217 269 JAS. a. RUSSCLL. A MALARIAL NEIGHBORHOOD, People so unfortunate as to reside in a malarial region should dense and thoroughly tone up the system with Burdock Blood Eitters. that promptly acts upon the Stomach. Bowels, Liver and Kidneys, thus pre- yenting Ague and all Bilious Com plaints. An ounct of prevention is worth a pbund of cure. IHontbly Fairs. 91.00 1.00 50 50 60 60 50 60 25 25 Markdale â€" Saturday before Flesh- erton. Chatswcrth â€" Monday before Dur- l ham. Dundalk â€" Tuesday before Orange- yille. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orange- ville. Orangeville â€" The second Thursday in each month. Priaeville â€" Monday before Durham Durham â€" Third Tuesday in each month. Hanover â€" Monday before Durham. Walkerton â€" Last Wednesday in every month. Mount Forest â€" Third Wednest'ay in each month. (F-oni our eorregpmident.) Injubbd bx a Bull. â€" As Mr. A. Johnston was driving his ox team, (one of which is a bull) from watering them, the bull made a cliarge at him, knocking him down and giving him some pretty bad bruises nad his brother not heard him call and came to his assistance, he would have been killed. A MAN OF NERVE. We all admire a man of nerve, who is cool-headed and equal to any emergency, but nervous debility is the prevailing weakness of most people. Burdock Blood Bitters is a good nervine and general tonic, which re- gulates acd strengthens the whole system, imparting bodily and mental vigor. Exhibitioif Ifamker. ibitioif ifiiml Uibe priutiBg The GltJbe pridtiag company, Toronto, issued a monster exhibition number of that paper on Wednesday the9th, inhonor of the 41st anniver- sary of the Provincial Exhibition. The papier contains 88 pages and a four page tinted cover, and may safely be said to be the largest paper ever issued from any Canadian prrss. Thirty-five thousand copies were prin- ted and the weight of the paper used was nine and a half tons. The copies, if laid in a pile folded as they coma from the press, would reach half a mile high and 276 feet beyond. If laid in a eontinaons string, pa^a by â-  page, ther would reach nearir 856; ^S^^ Wool, no* ceiaed mitek,' or as far as from Toronto pasi Lake Ni2issiug to Lake Tenus- eamingoe; or from Xfanatp ia an mt line to fif^ miles b^(»d Detroit. Gallon Onions, any other kind 50 2 Squashes 60 2 Pumpkins 60 6 Cucumbers, Pickling ... 50 8 Citrons 50 8 Water Melons 50 Class 9.-Fmit. 6 Winter Apples 60 25 6 FaU Apples 50 26 8 var. apples, 8 of each var. 60 26 12 Crab Apples 50 25 4 var. Crab Apples, 8 of each 50 25 6 Pears ... 60 26 8 Bunches Grapes 60 25 6 Blue Plums ... ... 50 25 6 Green Gages 60 85 6 Plums any other kind ... 50 25 Class lO.â€" Dairy Tub Butter, 50 lbs. ... 2.00 1.00 6 lbs Batter, rolls ... 1.50 1.00 Cheese, home-made, 10 lbs 1.00 50 100 lbs Wheat Flour, must be shown by manufacturer 1.00 50 2 loaves Bread, bakers 1.00 60 2 loaves, home made 1.00 50 5 lbs Maple Sugar ... 1.00 60 6 lbs Honey, in comp ... 1.00 60 Half gallon Maple Syrup 1.00 50 Class 11.â€" nanofactures. 50 50 60 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 •25 25 60 60 Farmers' Wagon Democrat Wagon Buggy Sleigh Single Cntter ... Double set team Harness, 92.00 91.00 2,00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 '86 1.00 Double Carriage Harness, '86 2.00 Pair Mens Boots, coarse 1.00 Pair Mens Boots, fine ... 1.00 Set Horse Shoes, unfiled 1.00 Pump ... ... 1.00 Speeunen Cabinetwork. '86 2.00 Panel Door, 1886 ... 60 Widow Sash. 1886 ... 60 Specimen Cooper Ware. 1886 1.00 Tinware. 1886 1.00 Marble Work, 1886 1.00 drawing ... fiO fenmanahip ... 1.00 under 16 1.M on Hiotographs 1.00 5 yds. Pull doth, home made 1.00 6 yds. Satinet, home made 1.00 Fancy Flannel ... oo Pbun " ... 1.00 Pair Blankets ... i.(X) Pair Blankets, horse ... l.QO Class 19.â€" Latfes Work. Pair Woollen Mits Pair Mens Socks Ladies Stockings ... Patch Qnflt Fancy Quilt Log Cabin Knitted Counterpane Crocket â- * Embroidery in Cottcm " in Slk BetUn Wool, raised Fancy Kaittii^ 3ottao KaitCT Knittiaa, Wool ^^MimnginC^on Knitted Lace MIeetiQaB«iim-W)d( -60 60 60 76 76 76 6o 6o 60 60 60 6tt 60 60 00 00 60 1.00 60 60 74 1.00 60 60 60 50 1.00 25 26 60 60 86 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 26 25 26 60 60 60 26 26 85 86 80 86 linpOKTANT. When you visit or leve New York City, save Baggage Express and Carriage hire aud stop at the Grand Union Hutel, opposite the Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fitted np at a cost of one million dollars, re duced at $1.00 and upwards per day, European plan, Elevator, Besturant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and clevat ed railroad to all depots. FamiUes can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first class hotel iu the city. IN SEASON. It is now the season to warn onr readers against the sudden attacks of Cholera. Cramp. Colic.and the various Bowel Complaints incident to the season of ripe fruit, vegetables, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry is the grand specific for those troubles. Noticet of Births, lldmages, and Death; twetnty five cents. BIRTHS. HoNTo6»sBVâ€" In Markdale, on tbo lllh inst., the wife of Mr. Bobt. Montgomery of a daughter. DEATHS- BouBOEN â€" In Markdale, on thn 13th inst., Mrs. Flon Bonrden, sister of Mr. Donald McDuffie, aged 78 years. mavltet iUt«vt«. MARKDALE. Fall Wheat 90 80 to Spring Whoat 78 to Barley 50 to Peas 55 to OaU 29 Butter 10 to Eggs 10 to Apples 60 to Potatoes 30 to H»y 00 to Fork 5 00 to Floor 4 25 to Wool 17 to (0 85 80 67 58 12 00 76 40 8 00 « 00 4 75. 18 Fail Shows 188 S. Industrial. Toronto, Sept. 7th to 19th. Gleuelg. Markdale, Oct. Ist and 2nd. East drey, Flesherton, Sept. 29th and 80tb. v South Grey, Durham, Sept 29th and 30th. North Grey.,â€" Owen Sound, Qpt. and 3nd. Enphrasipt, Bocklyn, Oct 9tb. â-  Osprey. Maxwell, Oct 8th. Hollland, Chatsworth, Oct 6tb. Proton, Dundalk, Oct. 6tfa k 6th. Holland Centre. â€" Holland Centre, Oct. 6th. Artemesia.â€" Priceville, Oct. 6th. FARM FOR SALE OR TOKIIT. LOTBvihi i6oatke4Uh nnnnesiiiwi., HoUand, lOQ sores, 70 sens daeiad. SOaoras in gtai state of eatttratieB, the baUaeebvaadpaetam. Hmm i» ipb Iba fiata«aodIoglMaseandinMJM .kit^i^ a Roadaita Mar Iba hooie al^ a log, banu Mat to a tanned jean udMe hmm^ BientaiarraBt.«c will sail. 'on. taa,tmaiuk 3. Ij-A-Tn2-^2Src^»Q Spectacles and Eye-GJ^ ARTICLE,! Canadian Pacific r. n. OIVEIt SOUND BRANCH. TIME TABLE. Taking eifeet Honda/, August 3rd, 188S. GOING NORTH. aTATIONS. Toronto.... Leaye. Cardwell Junction. Caledon Orange- r Arrive... ville. /Leave.... Orangeville Jun. Shelburne Dundalk Flesherton Markdale -Williamsford Chatsworth ....... Owen Sound HaU. Exp. 4 45pm 630 " 6 45 '• 7 03 '• 7 22" 7 34 " 8 04 " 8 80" 8 65" 9 10' 9 32 " 9 49 • 10 20 " GOING SOUTH. STVTIONS. Owen Sound Chatsworth Williamsford. ........ Markdale Flesherton Dundalk Shelburne OiangeviUc Jun Orange 1 Arrive villf.. I Leav§ Caledon Cardwell Junction Toronto Arrive .. Exp. Mail. 5 20am 5 50" 6i)5 " 6 27 " 6 42 7 06 7 31 8 00 8 12 8 35 8 55 9 07 10 45 " I 2 35pm 3 10 '• 3 30" 3 52" i06" 4 31 " 4 57 " 5 23" 5 35 " 5 55" 6 13 " 6 30" 8 20 " Special Steamship Express leaves Owen Sound on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays for Toronto and Points East, on arrival C. P. B. Steamship from Pert Arthur and Points in Manitoba and North West. STRAYED. ABOUT July Ist, 1885, from the prcmii^cs of the subscriber, lot 17, con. 5, Tp. of (ileuelg. Three yearlings, one heifer red, two steers,'One spotted and the other a brindle color, f artic* giving directions as to their whereabouts will bn suitably rewarded, JOHN McVICAE, 261-63 Pomona, P. 0. STRAYED. ryiO the premises of the subsoriber. Lot i North half of 22. and 23, con. 13 Artemesia, about the loth August, a Ewe and two lambs. The owner is requested to prove property, ppycharges and take them. DAVID GBAUAM, 261-64 Vandeleur, P. O. J J DALTON. DOMINION TOPOGBAPHICAL SUB- VETOB, P. L. S. Ontario, aud civil en- gineer, Chatsworth Out. FOR SALE. A GOOD horse for sale, or exchange for cattle. For particulars apply to W. 4 J. ANDEBSON, 260-63 Orange Valley. Store to Rent in Marlcdale. rpHE store in Beynold's Block to rent, 1_ Application as to terms can be obtained from Johr Lyons, Markdale, or JOHN WHITE, St. Vincent, 143-tf. Strathnaim. P. C, Owaer TENDERS. ^ABE THE ONLY GENUINE ENGLISH ^IN THE GAJSATH.A.1S IVtAIilvET. o Real Pebbles are ke p in stock. are given to Purchasers to prove Gen Tests 'UUlij SEALED tenders wiU be received np to noon the 30th day of September for the purchase of the old Methodist church, same to be removed from church grounds on the completion of new church. Apply to G. S. BOWES, 260-68 Markdale, P.O. Dissolution^ Partirersliii^ THE partnership heretofore existing be- tween Henry Sparling 3. P. Sparling has this day been dissolved by mutual con- cent. J. P. Sparling pays all debts and col- lects all aoconnts. Witnessâ€" William Hamilton. HENBT SPABLING, J. P. SPABUNG. September 2th, 188S. Important Auction Sale Of Valuable Village Property. THEBE will be sold by Public Auction on Saturday, October 3id. 1885. at 8 o'olook p. m. at the Bsvere House. ICarkdalo, the following Village Property One-half sere situated on Toronto Street, opposite the Markdale House, adjoining Hill Bro's Blook, and within eight rods of the Post-Offioe. 'Alia ii a v«iT daaiTaUe {ireperty, and initebls eiiiMr for a raaiiMas site or for private dwoU- ia«. Mag aitoated ia the oentrs of tite mil. an: a^ win be aold either in oae penal or dnj£ad to aait imrahsiar Tauia a« 8uB.râ€" One-fooiih ef paNfaaaa 'gpamblBaitiawof laU, faalaaeetobe ^iVaif f tnwammal pajsaants fewa efsalstiaaapardikaer: tebesaeuad ^feniealan nw^rUt aEOBGB NOBLE, iM44e.l|«^i4, Has. T'ley are recommended by aud testimonials Lave been recclvsiL I Presiuent, Vice-President, Ex-President and P:x-Vico.p,osi.ient„t,i7i Association of Canada the President of tlie Collc-e f,f Phrsiciat, geons of Quebec the Dean of the Medical Faculty of Laval t " T «;.3.Mn» anA TT.'v.PrcisiflAiifR of thfi Medical (!onnci) /.f V â€" r President and Ex-Presideutp of the Medical Council of â- 0 These recommendations ought to bo suiiicicnt to prove tLcir but il further proof is needed, call on ' A. TURNER aCo.. -â-  Chemists and ka iM[ATeKrA.L.K, o:nt. The only place in town where they can be obtaincj i Spectales fitted on scientific principle.^ Ctirtis Dizziness, X ms ifApjictitc, Ldfjrsi.,:-^ Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Affcciio7is of (ha Liicr-cndh -u Pimples, Dicfc/ies, JiuJs, Humors, Ball Jihcmi li'rr Erysip'ilas, and all diseases arising from. Immrt Ll Deranged .Stomach, or irr:-jultr acliim of Hg j;.-j,-;i YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE Per any of The FOLLOWING PAPERS AT THIS OFFICE: Daily or IWeekly Mail, T':rmito. Daily os Weekly Glebe, Tiri)iito. Daily er Weekly News, ToioDto. Daily World ----- Toroiitd. Family Hi'ralil aud Weekly Star, Moutiuil American Agriculturist, MoutUly. Farmers' Advocate, Monthly. IS* Subscription can eommencc at any lime. STANDARD OFFICE, MARKDALE. LAND FOB Smii THE nortli Lnlf c.f hi c-ieU, Ij J cession. ll,lIolkni,lI„„.^,j„ ,3 of Grfv, containing,' Kill acrfj^ \\-.;'!i all licavv l:ii]l,i-iO(l with 1,c«l' Kiftl'i l)a?s\vonil and licnilK-k, and is '--tnikik-' 4 mi!rs fnmi Bcik.y, fifom TCa^- and y fioTii Maik.lftl, tatfc, J Toronto. (i:\y an.l lirrco liailwav. a" For ic ri'is :iril [if ,t:fii!iirs ninl'r ;; c- S. iJOWES. i;Mi..-lIiiO.Jale,(n;il:,a siKncil, i. GAKKUW .â- . ri;iJlTiFOOT. BanX'Ti. 253-ti Uiis RUPTURED AND PEFOEMED. rilAS. CMJTHE, the iii()t practical and x peiioiicod man on tliis â- Coiitiutnt f or relieviufr ana curing Klipllire aud DefOl'lltilirs of every dcscriptiou. It will be to your advantage to call on me. 4.3.000 TrH»sos ad- jiistcdiupcrson.TliOns- andSoTDclormcd treated. Establish- ed 15 years. I will have a fall supply of thesq tcleliraled Trusses with me at the foUowiuR. places â€" Markdale, ITIarkdale House, Monday, Oct. 26- Oranecvilic, Paisljr House, Tnesdny.'Ocl. ST. Send (ic. stamp for registered lUustra'.ed Bmik on Huptnre and Huinin Frame V.v^ ;UJtS. ff-UTHK, Surgical Maeliini t. j 118 King Street West, Toronto, Oi;t. ' BRITISH WORM SYRUP. T~riITISII WOKM SYRIT i-tlrtf^ ~) \vo!i:MxtcrniiH:it'r. I::fpltii:, t:iki' rtcini:i:J nn i â- .i'::slive, saisndtfa al. and tak'-5 Ii;it Uw Jose '.ole Afrdit. H. PARKER, o .I'n:.:;s. H TSipElEBH«Tn FARM FOR SALE i\f\f\ ^CBES, within one mile of W"il /C\J\J liamsford Station, beiug composed of lots 38, 39, 4:5 44, iirst con. East Toiou- to Sydenham Boad, township Uollaud, Co. Grey. On lots 38 39 there is 91) acres cleared, well fenced, and uuder good cultivation a frame house 22 s 32 ft.; kitchen 18 x 24 ft well fini.'.hed good frame barn, driving honse, straw house, concrete stable, cjittle stable, open sheds, aud all necessary build- ings two good wells orchard of .3 acres of healthy young trees all bearing. On lots 43 44 there is 20 acrrs cleared, well fenced, with gocd stream runnir g through it balaucc well timbered witn maple, beiHili, hemlock and cedar. Good title aud po^sesiou given at once. For particulars apply ou prcmLses if hy letter JOSEPH FANNING, Williamsford Station, Co. Grey, Out. Foi Sale by IVallcer Bi "OS. McC rdine a S 3! ^P^ f BRdS. chine ni jlMi 1^ § •T ~i r HAVE YOU I Liv«_Con,^'ai..,, 'Vl|};2;if 1Sn;lS. Jaunoice, Hea.:a-hc, i""'"'=^^' /^ o*-' liver, Dr. Chask's Liveb Ll-RS »â- " '°^* and certain run '.y. _.,-*« NATURE'S KntOI The unquallfi..' •:- -f '"""k; CT compounded fr â- " "••'""=^ """=S"S* Mandrake an.. 1),m.euun, «ff«? "^^^ other ir.v.V.::.i.ic r =; .:^ki '""IJrBwJ powerful effect .)â- . tk= KuUo S'»-*"" Elood. 500,000 SOLD I Or..r onr.A.!fj.iW;-n Dr. :*^^'*^"l mre sold in C an.i.M "•'"• ' ' â-  i far* â- u,aman ar.d child -..ko trn.hd !.'.« " flai-ittotryth:!tx:ci:citremcd!. SOMETHIHONEW. ClW"*!;"!!.!;, Wrapped around ev.r!»t'JeofrT.rj.i -^1 is a vSuable Hou«hnld Med.ci ""^^1 Book (84 page,), :,'"'f'»'"f,'=:j"aS^^i' pronounced i.y r,..-.i.r:il "'«,"• "»»» able, and worih t n t,mes ihe pnce "' f^ji THY GHAS£'3 CUTABBH CUBL .4sal.«»l^ -emedy. Price. 2= cem.-. THY Chase's Kioketa»d UvmPius. «»• SOLD BY ALL DEALERS » •DHAMSOH CO., Sol* Af"*- •'^^ Lumber and Shkj^ THE uuder.iLnicaUascoDSM*»_^ aUWin.Won-^-»^^^ shingles for s;ik' Jliu-'.} " Markdale, lltli line l^""""" .^, 250-(!3 FOKDi-Sro*- SpeddingsSpeem THE GEE.\T ON-E ^-^Lft*"' HAS uo equal, average «'S°gj,^ boy ten years of ase can rM '^k*! sawed 3 cords of harJ "O^ » ^^ I andforty minutes, ^.f^^^^ i**] culars and secure """'"'^u- WOEKS. I June 3OII1, '85. ARK DALE. HACYARcTs YELLOW OIL CbPtS RHEuiMATiSM BAxPuuljIv Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVE mUOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, wosx dtnE:B;B2 A A Mia. nnk » ia CUMn««nftdallft DYSPEPSIA, mOIGESTION, JMMDICE. BKYSIPELAS. SALT KHEVM, MEARrBURN. HEADACHE, Vt\ Ale! BBof r lusuf c. eerforl Bts, au| I aud fUle, SJ DROPSY, FLUTTERIHQ OFTHEHEMI ACIDITY OF " THE STOMACH t DRYNESS OF THE 8KIH And «v«rv aoecles of dlMSM arMns tmm diaordsred LIVER, KIONEVa STOMAOli BOWELS OR BLOOO, J.--; â- â€¢"^i*-.. .â-  a Vwr-i â- s^kt«-i' JUUm **â- â- â- % ^r --.X.- â- s-*i»^ -SJiSI*..:.,-.

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