Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Sep 1885, p. 2

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 :-^l^in'*JWJJvi3J THE HOUSEHOLD. â- â€¢imrH*L* â- UT*. Cheew, when exoeo'vely «cM, b likely to prodnoe elfmlng gaaUo-intaatiiial iirite- tion. Cold tea ehonld be saved for the vbegar barreL It â- oun OMily and giree color »nd Savor. A pound o| ingar ia one pint, an otmoe of any li(iuid U two tebleipoonfaCs, a pint of lif^aid weighe aixteen onnoea. Hot wood aabee applied to a itove when cold will remove greaae. Cover the ipot entir. ly do not be ipaiing of the aihei. Silver â- po:.na that have become diaoolored from contact with cooked eggi, may be easily brightened by robbing with oommon salt. Lemon jnice will whiten frosting, cran- berry or strawberry juice will color it pink, and the grated rind of an orange strained through a cloth will color It yellow. Mosquitoes, flies and other pepti will no enter a room in which 'the caator-oil plan Is growing or, if they should enter it, they are soon found dead beneath the leaves. A simple test for the detection" of lead In drinking water is provided by tincture of cochineal, a few drops of which will color the water blue. If there be the remotest trace of lead present. One of the best and most convenient re- ceptacles for table cutlery is a canton flannel knife case tacked to the inside of a cup- Ipard doorâ€" to be so constriicted that there will be a separate compartment for each knife or fork. A lump of gum camphor in the clos--t where silver or plated ware Is kept will do much towards preventing tarnish. Coal gai, and the near presence of rubber in any form are two things that cause silver to tarn- ish ijuicklj-. Any one whe doubts as to the best way to have clear jelly is assured on strong evi- dence and many p'oofs that to allow the juice to drnln through a flannel bag without 8|uee/iDg it, will render this matter easy and satisfactory. Better than an Iron spoon for mixing sponge for bread, and for similar uses is a " mundle " or a piece of oak shaped Into a round smooth handle at one end, and the other end llattened like a thick knife blade, tiien Band papered smooth. In a damp closet or cupboard, which is liable to cause mildew, place a saucer full (t tjnick lime, and It will not only absorb all dampness, but sweeten and disinfect the place. Renew the lime once a fortnight, or as often as it becomes slacked. When a knob comes off a door-handle you can fasten it on again by filling the cav- ity of the knob with sulpher, then heat the iron end of the handle which goes in the knob j nst hot enough to melt the sulpher, put the knob in, and let it cool. It will be lirinly fixed in place. The Sc'fiilific ATMriran states that plush goods and all articles dyed with aniline col- ors, faded from exposure to light, will look hriglit aa ever after being sponged with chloroform. The commercial chloroform will answer the purpose very well, and is lc2s exponsivd than the purified. If chil Iren are hungry between meals give, them bread or biscuit, aa these will " stay the stomach " and not interfere with digestion. I knoiv a family of children who have as much dry bread as they wish be tween meals, or an apple never butter or jam or preserve, and they are aa healthy and rosy as heart could wish. Wax beans make a delicious aalad. Choose your beans, remove the strings, break in iuch long pieces and cook in salt and water. While bt!!T warm cover them with a dressing of oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Be sure and remeu-b r in mixing salads the old saying. "A speuJthift for oil, a miser for vinegar, a wise man for salt and a mad man for mixing," Use at least twice as much oil as vinegar. Free and Easj Manners. When girls assume a swaggering manner upon the street, use coarse expressions, and greet each other with a rough "Hello," they cannot expect much deference from their male friends. A lady's manner alwaya con- trols that of a gentlemen and if ah 3 does not respect heiself he will not rrapect her. When boys and girls, young men and maid- ens, are allowed to fail into the absurdities of low foolish, meaningless talk, it seems to dwarf them intellectual y they can find nothing of interest or imp rtance to aay, and therefore make up for sense by filling every sentence with needless rxc'amations, exaggerations, or misused acijectives. It requires much patience to be compelled to listen to half-a dozen folks and hear the strange inappropriate use of language. They will assure each other that it is "aiitfnl" warm, or the concert "a,wful nice the aer- man "horrid" dull a young lady is "awful pretty," but her dress "horrid ugly " the teacher "horrid strict;" such a young gen- tleman who called had an "awful aw«ll" team of fast horses. If young peoplo could hear themselves as others hear them, it might result In their reformation. Beflnement In â- erne amd Eaelety. Kefinement of feeling and perception baa a much broader field In which to manifeat it- seli in the narrow circles of home than in the wider sphere of society, where there ia so comparatively little to canae friction. And she who ia not a lady in her deport- ment to father, mother, daughter, acn, ala- teror brother, cannot be anch when ahe enters the larger arena of aooiety, no mat- tet what suavity of manner or poliah of ex- terior she may bring to bear with whicli to charm and delight tboae about her. "Sm is the inner refiBsmijt spdtstf of at aJl inoon- alstent with deciaion^of oliaiaoter. b 4^ the one'posssssing It U th* aeqaaintaacas or lisaaz; wha eadd xm- templata tham aa hnabandat I liaTs always thought ttat if I eonid fiad • jeoag i-m at all like mj ba I ooaU lors bin and many ilia, init tliat achool et ataa Iiaa vsn- iahed firom tlie yooiger raaka. WMacBsrtha lUwo. The yooag menpf the fntsrs Iiave got to look sharp. In the seminuries and oollsges whose doon have beenopeosd to giria it iaa notable ct that the girls tills year have got away with the honors, liy a large ma- jority. Aa there ia no institntionthna open- ed whidi will dose its doors against tlie girls, yooog men would do well to take theiT l esso n in time. The girls havs knock ed the doors open to stay, and, what ia more, they are there 'o make good oae of their opportoniUea. A OISL'S WOXDESFTTL EIBTTBAVOE. living f*r Tkree ITeeks Wltkent Feed. A remarkable inatanca of endurance and of the poasibitity of living without food for three weeks has, the Melbourne (Australia) Argus aaya, recently oome to light. On the 13th of May a girl named Clara Crosby, twelve yeara dd, waa loat in the bnah in the Lilydale diatiict, about twenty-five milea from Melbourne. The locality in which she disappeared waa wild and moont- ainoua, and after aeveral aearch partiaa had unancoeaafully aoonred it, it waa concluded that aha had perished in aome inaoeaaible apot It ia probable, however, that ahe would have been found promptly had not erroneous information been given to the aearch partiea that ahe had been seen proceeding in a certain direction. On the 2od of June, just three weeks after she was lost, two men, who were looking for a stray- ed horse in some dense scrub in the locality, heard a faint ' ' Coo-ce, " The men aearched, and aoon aaw the little girl tottering to- wards them in an nlater, without shoes or stockings on, and in an emaciated condi- tion. She was, however, strange to say, quite sensible. When she lost herself she was proceeding from a house where she had been staying to her mother's, in the neigh- borhood, and she subsequently gave the fol- lowing account of her adventures " I got out of the paddocks on to the road all right, and went on a long way but I did not see' mother's house. I followed some sheep, and they ran awsy from me Hay down and had a little sleep Ly a pith in aome long gracs, and then I went on again. I got to a house where there was a cart in a shed but there waa nobody at hoive. I didn't atop till I got into aome rashes, which cut my legs, and came to a creek with a tree across it. I lay down in the mshea for the night, and in the morn- ing I croaaed the creek on the log. Near the other aide a branch broke, and I fell in to the water, but managed to cling to the bank. Cloae l)y I aaw a hollow tree, anal waa tired and wanted to sleep, so I went in there. When I woke up I could not look for my way. I went down to the creek five times for water at first. I used to sl^ep a lot, and as aoon as it waa night it waa day, and when it waa day it waa night quick again. On moonlight nighta I heard people firing gnna, and I heard them knocking- making a fence but when I coo-e-d they did not hear me. I used to aing Salvation Army hymna at first, uid pray that some- one would come for me. The cows used to come and look at me, but I could not get any milk. I tried to chew a bit of bark, but spat it out, aa I thought it would poia- on me, and I got weaker every day." Auatraliana are famUfau' with the agoniz- ing experience undergone by people lost in the bush, and know that in such caaea adnlta, aa a role, do not maln t-jiln their men- tal balance, and that the difiBcultiea of their position are conaequently greatly enchancedi Thia little girl, howeverâ€" who, by the by, was not accoatomed to country lifeâ€" waa actually able to preaerre a mental record of the exact number of days during which she waa " out of humanity'a reach." THE FAKK. -^?! ikMaadaptsd, J rf h„ d««nM olp«eoeptlon, to be firm for the right and ag^nat the WTong, in- slating upon the former in every case where, by virtuo cf her poaition in regard to it, ahe may in any meaaure be responaible for the wrong.' Sbch a one rules her home with a gentle grace which, while it records a tender deference to inherent right and wrong in all their relations, inaiata upan the formar, SlalndlnaUH M Hany. 'â-  It ia true," aaid a young lady, " I ly know a girl who wanta to many. Tbaf are learning aomething that will intsrsst them as well aa aupport them, two rtim in which huabanda juat now fail. The troth is we are all acared away from any daairo to marry by aeeing how wretohad those who do marry are. Where wonld we loolc for hnsbanda! Among the anipes and â- porii and characterlaaa young men tliat fiU oar draw- ing-rooma T They are inmAndde â- â-  TkeDeadSsa. The Dead Sea ia an old and dsorspit salt lake in a very advanced atage of evaporation. It liea aeveral hundred feet below the level of the Mediterranean, juat aa the Caapian liea aeveral feet below the level of the liaak Sea and aa in both oaaea the surface nuat once have been continaona, it ia clear that the water of either aheet must have driel np to a very conalderable extent. But while the Caapian haa ahrunk only to 85 feet below the Black Sea the Dead Sea has shrank to the enormoua depth of 1,292 feet belon the Mediterranean. Every now and then aime enterpriaing De Leaaepa or other projeaaa to build a oanal from the Mediteraneai to the Dead Sea, and ao re-eatabliah the old high level. The eficet of thia very rewln- tionary proceeding would be to flood theen- tire Jordan Valley, connect the Sea of Gali- lee with the Dead Sea, and play the diclena generally with Scripture geography, tothe infinite delight of Sunday achool olaawa, 'Sow, when the Dead Sea firat began its in dependent career aa a aepaiate aheet of witer on ita own account it no doubt oconpiedthe whole bed of this imaginary engineer'ahka â€"^spreading, if not from Dan to Beerahdw, any rate from Dan to Idom, or, in ofaer worda, along the whole Jordui Valley, fsm the Sea of Galilee and even tiie Waten of Merom to the aontfaem deaert. (I willno inanlt the iwader'aintelligenae and orthodccy by anggeating that perliaps he may not1e pieoiaely oertain •• to the exact poaitic^of the Waters of Merom bnt I will oonunaad him juat tojrefreah hia by tomisg to hia a A" *. aa portoBity which mui m,i igil"' Tba modara Dead Sai^ the last relic of auch a eonalderable andeail Ita waters are now vary concentrated aad â-¼eiy nasty that no fiah or other self-repeot- ing animal can eonaent ti live ia them, ind ao bnoyant that a man can't drown himself even if he triaa, beoanae the aea ia aatunted with salts of varions aorta till it has baeome a kind of sonp or porridge, in whicl the swimmer floats, wHI he. nill he. P«toia in thanai^borhood »rtio wish to commit an- iflide arc tiianfoM obliged to go elaeiriiete • mnoh as in Taanania, the healthlart cbnati' in the world, pei^e who want to die are thsnfore obliged to run across for • week to BjdMyw MelboimM. The qaesUoB wiiiiBtast hvimnj^m^^tM- Olzed oooaaanitj i% aa* eanaeowbeaudato i^T^, M wOlBhegiveon oidlaMj ImI. i||Jf prisinglyfew faiMers know innch^baati: They think, pethape, that they know, iMt their knowledge is based npon a da^cU? Une of fasts. A cow has aUg, fleshy.showy udder, and milks fairly. She is set down aa a Ug milker aad aa a paofltable periiapa, reolcaardaathe most profitable oow in the herd. Near her staada a littia oow, wHh a moderately aiaed udder, and giving a fair mesa of mOk, wLieh slie kea^ np ia quantity all throngh the aaaaan, aad wliieh in qoality and real valae makes her yiali folly f quid to the larger pcodnot ef tiie Ug ahowy oow. The farmer doea aot Imow thia fact, and may never fiad it out, nalaaa he takea paiaa to laarn ittiya aystem of weigldng, and testing the milk of differaat cows. We have never known a herd to be carefully tasted in thia way, when the aati matea of the proprietor and hia men, who do the milking and handling tf the oowa, liave not been proved to be inoorreot- often great- ly to theb aurpriae. The syatem to be followed in tasting b about aa followa The milk of each oow ia drawn aeparately, and aa soon aa drawn, the milker takes hia paU (which ahonld be of tin), to a good aoale, and weigha it, pub ting down both the gross weight and the net weight, after deducting the weight of tlie paiL The pail should, by the way,be weigh ed twice a week, for variations oonatantiy occur. Faila are waahed and fpquantiy acQured, ao after a few daya a alight reduo tion in we^ht will be almoat alwaya noticed. Aalate may be need for recording theae weighinga, and it ia well to have every oow'a name written plainly, and acratched in or painted neatly on the alate, and linea ruled for the morning and evening milking. The slate ia taken every evening to the office, and the net weighta tranaferred to a book, care being exerciaed to aee that they correct. If nothing more ia done than to keep thia record for a year, the information obtained will be invaluable but thia ia not enoughâ€" far from it. The relative ricbneaa of the milk of different cowa ahould be known. This may be ascertained invariona ways. The whole of one day's milk of one cow may beaet, ripenid, and churned whole evrry diy-^ taking a different cow each day, and being anre to teat each cow four or five days before cr after she oomes in heat. Thia ia perhapa the beat plan, bnt it takea a good deal of milk and conalderable time, both of which cannot alwaya be convenientiy apar- ed. Beaides, a aingle teat for each cow has littie valve, comparedwith aeveral, for there will almoat alwaya be found vaiiaUona in the amount of butter yielded by the aame oow, even when the amoont of milk ia the aame. A amaller quantity of milk carefully weighed, will give very accurate reaulta. Thua, eight pounda of milk" weighed when fresh, put into *. two-gaUon bottle and left unstopped until sour, and then churned by shaking, will give very good reralta. Half the quantity of milk in a one-gallon bottie, will do very well, but the reaults are leaa accurate. The beat way to mar age this bottie churning ia, to faaten a atrap around the bottie, by which, and a atont cord, it may be auspended at a convenient height from the ceiling. The well atoppered neck ia taken in one hand, and the churn awung actively back and forth. After a minute or two, the atopper muat be carefully removed to allow liberated gaaea to eacape, aa ia uanal ia barrel churna. -_ Hli Va* of Bawdast. The amount of aawdnat made by portable ateam aawmilla that have been travelling through the timber aeotiona of our country haa encouraged farmera tontiUze it for farm pnrpcaea, bat the opiniona of ita value are not agreed. It haa been aaaerted by some that ita abaorpUve powera were excel- lent, and that for bedding purpoaes it aerv- ed an excellent purpoae, and it haa been largely uaed In that manner. Bnt by aome it ia claimed that ordinary damp aawduat wm abaorb bnt little. One who had tried the experiment claimed that aawdnat that had not paaaed through any atage of decom- position, when apread upon mowing land, had killed the graaa, although aaturated with urine and juicea of the manure. If tiiis ia ao it is a matter of interest. We had alwaya anppoaed that if aawdnat waa used aa an abaorbant and waa well mix- ed with manure it would become charged with the chemical change of the manure in its decompoaition, and ao become available with the manure. It ia a aingnlar fact that aawduat ia very alow of decompoaition when left to itaelf, And thia haa been verified by one who placed a large quantity in hia bam yard in the anppoaitioa that it wonld oome out in a littie time fanitable for mannrial purpoaea, but which, much to hia aurpriae, after remaining there abont one year, waa found to be abont aa freah as when firat placed there, and of no possible use as fertilizer. It would seem aa though aa duat well dried wonld make an excellent dryer in the manufacture of domestic phos- phate, and that the add wonld tend to re- duce it to anch condition aa wonld at laaat prevent any injuriona effeata upon growing cropa. It ia pkaaant to nae for numy por- poaea. Tlirown under a ahed in winter where hena are kept to get at the aan, it afforda a mndi warmer footing tlian tlie frozen eartli. for laek of food, thaj wHl the preaeat gain, AafaahOati.an shoaldbsle^sa:; to be wiatinT ««r. kept ia good oosiditiQa. Hii^ol^fd •MMtaOdwit be fsfglita^tril I£DBTBI80WI80I. A aai»H !â-  a waaas Maaie •vcr a Baas •i â- aaiiasiis. The oooaty Mortia, N. J. haa aaotiier mnrder caae, wliiiih, followiag ao Moaely after the killing of Jamea Lan eat by Saaa oel Wade, caaaaannnswdrzoitenient. Thoaa «aSmith, aboBt45 yeexa ofege, was toe fanner who miaafad White Mesdows, the country lesUaneevrCoanty CoUbeter Mah Ion Ebagkuid, ahoat two arilas from the village of Rookaway. He ia very ezoitable aad hot tempered, althoagh aot addicted to liquor drinking. He haa a aoa aamedXodi, aged eighteen years. Late the other even- ing this boy came iato the village aaid gave himaeU np to Conatable Daaid Morgan, with the atartUng information that be had killed hia father. The atory of the franti dde whioh tlie young man gave ia as fol- lows i y la the evani^ his Mlier aad mother, Bdfdget Nolaa, the work ^V â- " himseU aat down to play dombioea, the two former and the two latter being partnera. Tb firat game waa won by the boy and girl, wldch BO incenasd the father that he swept the dominoes from the table. The leoond game was won' by the father and motiier, wbiohpnt the fonner iaa mora happy mood, but hi the third game the boy and girl won, and the fathers anger beosme nncon- trollable. Ha agdn a wept the dominoea |rom the table, and atrnck hia wife. He al- so caught up from her chair a littie girl who waa altting at the table, and threw her to the floor. The acn fled into another room. The father followed him with aatick of wood, and deolued with an oath too horrible to be repeated that lie would kill him. The boy ben drew a 32-calibre revolver and fired at him. The father turned and mule a move to come toward him. The boy fired and aaeoondtlme. Still the fatiier oame on then the boy fired a third ahot. With thia ahot the father feU to tiie floor. He lived only a abort time. He ntterrd noth- ing but groana. One bullet had atrnck him in the left shoulder, another in the upper part uf one eye, and the third went into the forehead. The boy then started for Rockaway at once to give himself up. He expressed re gret at what had occurred, and aaid nothing bnt a fear of danger to hia life would have induced him to do what ha did. He had alwaya been a quiet, well-behaved boy,, and waa much liked in the community. The father waa a war veteran. Coroner J. P. Stickler next day commited young Smith to the county jail at Morriatown and pro- ceeded te hold an inquest. During the pro- ceedings Smith made a volnnt ry atatement to thfl jury. The other msmbera of the family corroborated hia account of the homicide. The procecdinga were adjourned until next Tueaday far further teatimony. The acn aaya that hia father had on aeveral other oc caaionaabnaed hia family and had threaten- ed the Uvea of all. Some time ago they were compelled to flee from the house in the evening and they remained Ud in a bam throughout the night. BSILUAHT8. A aaarly perfect akaletoa of the lao- aaaamoswaa ncentiydiacoraiedni ^ffwny ar Mods, in the provinee of TTihsiil. Bdgiaai. It has aa aztaordiMiy laaftt « 66faa*9faHhaa. Ttislii baiaaaaiiail htha Natoral History Mnaeam, AMcBd •• tke â- an B ecdiBC Whaa the pastores begiaio hll o«,f fiMidahanUtbe ptoWOed for all the â- took, bnteapedany the ooira. Hones ua always well oared for, bnt ths oows are too often neglected, both as to food, aad a sup- ply of pore water. Those fanasn who liave provided aome sdllng crops, win Bad the benefit of the freah greea fodder; these who have not, will now see the diaadvaat^s of being ahwt of teed just at this timmi. It is very easy to aeooietiiia supply of food far tiie short saaaon. Every farmer has neglected piece of land, whioh iabiiagiBgia nothing, and wUdicooldba madato pra- dnoe a very profitable orop of gma feed. Sndi aaopportaaltyshoald Mt hoaaglaoted. Where the aappiy has baaaipwviaad, a Ift:: era! feed ahonld beghras daily. Uttv take to aappaae that it is batlar la food lor wiatar, aad apu«ttatlklaasasa« Whaa aay aabaal Is kept akaHaCfoaO. It goaa bask afldty, aad asra issd wfll ha (•â-  qairsdtaB*kaap«is loal waddlMi*akat*as Us is ICtiMM an psnalMsd ta falladf I Expect nothing from him who promises a great deal, A pleasing countenance is a silent com- mendation. Have not the cloak to make when it be- gins to rain. The moat manifeat aign of wikdom ia con- tinned cheerfulneaa. Love ia like honealyâ€" much talked abont bnt little understood. No degree of knowledge attainable by man ia able to aet him above the want of hourly aaaiatance. Yon may ahrink from the far reaching aoUtndee of your heart, but no other foot than yonra can tread them. One who ia content with what he haa done will never become famona for what he will do, he haa Iain down to die. PUto will have dfs^ipler, bnt Soerates wiU have adorers because if the one knew how to think, the other knew how to die. The Winter's frost must rend the burr of the nut before the nnt is seen. Soadverdty tempera the human heart to diaoover the real worth. Thoao who, without knowiiig na, think or apeak evU of na, do ua no liarm it ia not na they attack, bnt the phantom of their own imagination. Politeneaa may prevent the want of wit and talenta irom befaig obaerved, but wit and talenta cannot prevent the dlaoovery of want of politeneaa. The beginning of hardahipa ia like the firat taate of bitter f 3od-Jt aeema for a moment unbearable yet, if there ia nothing elae to aatiafy our hunger, we take another bite and find it poasible te go on. skmchy-lookiag ana stoppsd a»«hs gats aad aakad K the prsadar livad thasa, ••Imat «B he BMrrled." he expiaia^ "aad r^t away, too." Thepreaeher atedtogetTCadyatoMSi aadgeta aaat the bride witt the groom. " Yaa asedat laiBdj^ttia' on nothia' or gM^omimH^^lf^n^ i ... ".Bat ifM'*^JMde tf â- } ,f ff ••4BM right her*. I lMi4HW â- *- ley tilll oonld find you. She's a taekward sortof gal.aadths(a'sBO nsetryingto get hertoBoeharsherialaaoparlor. But tiie license is all righti aad yon oome along and tie the knot," By one of those f ortaitons dronmstaaoes wUoh â-  oltamn met*d provMentisay to aha roportorial frataraf tr« • fV*" '*^ pened along, and waa called aa a witneaa. Hefollowedthe ooatleaa preacher and the bmooent btidegmom t« tiie head of the al- ley, and (ha groom eheerOy oaUed to "Clarie" to oome out. The papers were ex- amhied. the bhuks filled out in full, and the wedding ceremony performed then and tliere. " Do yon have maay calls ef tiiis Idnd T was aaked tt the preaoher. A great many more thsa might be anp- poaed. Very often these-qniet parties come tomyhonse, nanaUy having firat notified me, and are married in the preaeiue of a few witneaaea. I had a caae ofthia kicd thia week, and very reputable people they were. Not long ago I was stopped on the stoeet and called np into a block to marry a oon- ple. After pronouncing them husband and wife, in accordance with my custom, I aaid 'Let ua pray.' The groom abandoned his bride left her atandiug in the middle of the floor, and walked acrota the room to a bed, where he kndt throngbont prayer. I ad- mired a aentiment which prompted him to a return, no doubt to a boyhood cuatom, but in pity for the lonelineaa of the bride 1 made the prayer nnorthodoxly abort' "It hun't been ten daya aino" a bride and bridegroom drove np to my door in a delivery wagon. The groom wm the regn lar driver, aad npon hia rounda heodled for hia Dttldnea and "thought Ita'd jaat fetch her right np to the parson 'a.' He waa in hia abirt deevea and work dothea abe was dreaaed in white, with a great cluater of red ribbons knotted at her aide. She looked and acted the part of a bride, but he waa more like a laat year'a groom." Brown's Little Joke. " Why, Brown, how abort your coat it," aaid Jonea one day to hia friend Brown, who witUy replUd "Yea; but it wiU be long enough before I get another." Some men spend ao much for medicinea that neither heal nor help them, that new clothea ia with them like angela' vitita-few and far be- tween. Internal fevera, weakneaa of the lungs, shortness of breath and linge:ing coughs, soon yield to the magic influence of that rayal remedy. Dr. E. V. Pierce's " Qolden Medical Diacovery." The V ahaped ooraage ia very popular in Paiia. $500 Beward. Tdo former proprietor of Dr. Sage'a Ca- tarrh Remedy, for yeara made a atanding, public offer in all American newapapera of $S0O reward for a caae of catarrh that be could not cure. The present proprietora have renewed this offer. All the drngglata sell thia Remedy, together with the Douche," and all other appliuiaea adviaed to be uaed in connection witii It. No ca- tarrh patient ia longer able to aay "I can- not h» oared." Yon get $5001noaae of failure. Bdta to be f tfhionable mnat be very wide, â-  â-  â-  Striotnre of the urethra in ita worat forma, speedily oured by our new and im- proved methoda. Pamphlet, referencea and terma, two three-cent atampa. World'a Diapenaary Medical Aaaociation, 663 Mafai Street, Bnffido, N. Y. Green in varioua anbdned ahadea will be a leading color in fall and early winter a. 8 ooBH AO*m* *^ pojimav SBl.fcafwâ€" "' â€" «-«»odlii»fca*a tr 0.*.«*la nS.iiii.« jaaiaja id.i.scjyta_ Onada. lot ST, H ooMssaaa ct tbUwi em*, atoot t MisisM iilesiil sart nndst cwyvatlosL aad tos rsat bosh: lbs qoaUtr •IttM soO is azoatlait, Mbk a riA ^7 loam: the ontodldfajj. bysa. ate., «» Smuh: ohMpsat tarn yrt tSmi fa ths lowlltir. Foithar paritadaia, a»l7 to Jia. Ouvsa. Easex Cwilra. OnABIO TRERIHABT anas 81 Toioato. M â- aasiaa (taanana In luoccaiu^^ â- . â- taitaetd tsaehtia. 8ttfoBS!i'^^ STAB AUOUB WATPR •'tf-iiS Ifll I LR WELL BOB FOB FLBASAHT SBWINQ Clapperton's Spool Cotton Warruted FDU LsmMlmI tonasMOlb aaar •swiM â- MiMns as* fliaf OLapnasara asas Is fc« UM. aVVarsalelwaUV JAMBS PARE SON, Perk Pae kers, Toronto. L. 0. BaeoD, RoIItd Mos Bacon, 0. 0. Bsooa, aiaagow Beef Hana, Snsar Cnied Hun. Dried Beet, Bteaktast Bscea, tauked ToociMa, Maas Pork, PiidUad Trngnee, Ohasaa, Family or Havy Pork, Laid In Tubs and Palls. The Beat Biaada ot Boc- lah Una Dslrr Salt In SMok. .â€"ONIABIOâ€" AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE WILL BE-OPEN ON FIRST OCTOBEB, KxiHiKATioiB n» Aomsaica oa Sbd Octosbb. Oonne of instmoUon 8PECIALLT ADAPTED ta wants of fanneisTsons. For olrcnlar g|v4«*tiiloniia- tkmas to tarms ai idmlssloii, ooaS, oovr- ' study, eta, apply to JAMES MILLS, V H, (If gnu thit paper PndbdDt Onelph. Fnnten' Emn in Biblei. The recent re^isiaB of the Bible has oaU- ed attention to Bibles geneiaUy, and eepe- dally tiioae famous for thalr oorloas mis- prints. The earliest is tiie « PbMe-makers' Kble,"Wated at Genera ia ItBI, ia iriiloh thalatferl wasaabrtitrtsd f^aaa^tiia sevanA hw a H l uJ a. The "VUlgarBSa" was published at Oxford in 1717, the *«rd vMMyanf being miapriated eme^or. la-tfaa " Winked Bibl^" only foarcoplssof whidi u«aowin«zi8t«nm,theaegatiTawas left oat of the aevanth oonunaadaant^ aad tiM priater^raa flaed £3,000 by AzdifaMiop Uiid,ttioaghitlsMid tahava bMn mated to £300. Ihe"ParseaatiBgMBtata' BUde," ia vriihdi tiie Ffeafaaiat is mads te say hava eaaaa,"datsafHniI708. lbs** Bails"waa pciaMst Oxford Mrtyia tiM *a ss euiiag ha Matih vzB. 43^ and aalsM^^ ^hm im,tmmt6nmi t»mwntdJUm,M KmUal »â- . IQ, lata MBaasa*a:«fthaa«haa dTAlma Ladies' College, St Thomas, Ont., haa full ataff and complete ornraea in Literatnre, Mudc. Ffaie Arta, and Commer- cial Sdanoe, Re-opeaa September 10, 1885. For 50 pp. annonnoement, addreaa Prind- pal Anatin. B.D. All gray gre*na will be much worn. Prevention Better Than One. Many of the diseasss so prevalent in these days are caused by using soap containinc impnre and infeotions matter. Avoid alt riak by nafaig PxBnanoir Laundry Soap, whioh b abaolnte'y pure. Aak your grocer for Pkbvbo'ion. Mannfactoied only by the Toronto Soap Co. Bnatiea have probably reached their maxi- mum in aize for at leaat aix montha to come. Thereia not and there cannot be, any amok- faig tobacco anperior to the "Myrtie Navy" brand. A wrapper of bright appearance and higher price it ia poaaibleto get, bnt all wrappers are very poor smoking tobacco, aad but a single leaf ia wrapped round a phig. The atook oaedinthebody of the'MyTtle Navy" ping ia the very beat which monry can pnrdiaae. The powers of the Virginia aoQ can prodnoe aotning better, and no other aoil in the world can produce aa fine tobaooo ai that of 'niiihiia. Wliite frookaara worn to ezoess â-  in Eng. oUsndtaittorflTnLtalta,,,,.. iCi dotha, ud niT\^mlbSi!**^ u.wMhadtoo«to»-.iiBSIr2£?' tM «»mm.n Jgrli Stteet. TO Miijg*. ftay orireaway and deitnv iiS. 'â- * tmpaitloB » dellKhtfuI snd ddSl,' clothing, carried or woninpS^ W hy taeli peweifol cciioeBt«S4li£5'i d dlawM, giving oB at tbe «ti»ito*^i Id odor; made entinly ol^SSiW '•* very pretty, nniqne, acd iiMr?*lfl| bare tbam. l-rioe lOo. e«ch~tI-7?' kS. "" ^L,^! «"»« EnirtSriS^'a Map, awaided the irr.ld m^,ii^t**li Unte cakM, price 15c o' 3SciiiS?Ki pcstsg. |»ld to .n» ^drw £i?"lffl' Addroa Tbtmo-Cbssol Co»mrra,?*3 a»4}naol ptepuatiou m»a(dt« " AgMita warned. Write fortnii, "' Allan IiinB Eoj^Oair *«Ji*nfaf a^whoa fa^^ iMSi QoabM STOf eStaSii teuS!*Hi aaasRi to land naUi ud mmZSMK jsland aiintiosiBaltlmetriirEglia M.V.i toIfcvpoolloitiildtfbaS'^wi Ths steaaian ot the ObunwSZ'J* to and Imm HalUu, PmUbl£!' t^ Mk â-  aiid dubia mmnui MnnaS.*a MjWnUr ausnrud BtafaSga^ ud niiadsiDhIa fortnliMii. "aisis apm to A. 8ohniuu*L nTi N.r. I WuL Thomsoa tc n? VMl Allan A Oo., CUcaaoTlIi; ri9N York H. Bourll^Xiatriiai Quebec i Wm. BraoUaTHuSUH Allan. ProBrieteiBMtmSiS*'*^ CAU110X Each Plngertkt MYRTLE IS HARKED T. In BroDze Lettm, NONE OTBEK (il GUM£Y($;W STANDARD SCALB CUT THIS OUTI The Hew Go-OperatlTe S ewing B acMHe! IS THE BBST m THH MABKBT. â- sw BTAsn I nw nminiBB Latest Improved Attachments Agents price for sinillar maclilne SOD Our price only 125 eacL 8' (ore burin* sand oi ituap (oi our elecant Bliol gruA and uunplei ot lewisit. flntaaUDMiuanatndtorthnersui ul sant o aiaL An Ud wuHa a auehku will do weU to eiits te THB OO-OPBRATIVB Sewing Ha^iune Co. B JAMK8 ST. 80DIH. HAMHiTOH Are the Rnt. At- tested by Ihr Furl ' thattbere are more of our Bcaips In uoe in tbe Dcminkin tfain ot all Oiber makes oomblned. lliij. Stock and roal 8RaIr«, Fariiipni* Sralv and Dairy gcalrB,Gi*nn'M Scales, Scales for UomesUc Cm. Honsebeepero, Coii8DltT«irl Interests By pnrcbasing a «c»le, Mil In bajtaf arij to tret the beet. Our srala »n Wlj «•* every particular. All airea Rsile,Wai aad MUI Trnrlis. AUrwHMCTr For sale by the HMJmm I««J" lostiated Catakigne and PiiM U» Ii""*l GURNEY«feWAl| HAMILTON Waeiboubssâ€" Hontoeal ud WimlW SAMUEL ROGERS CO. ESS -MAMUFACTUBERS OF ARS OTHER iL O X M- XI O X Xa S^ OOLD MEDALS ANB FIBsi PKIZESIWHEREVER IZHIBIIKD. Oueen City Oil Works, Toroi $10 Reward lor the Conviction Of Dealers who oUKM^r\r\i i lOferior Oil ot(] fer and Sell In. IVI C W U L L. O Manufacture I LARDINE Bnreka, Clylnder' Bolt Cuttins Wool Oils. For sale by all leading dealen- BcCoBBri*' Tor«l* j TkeBlnei. DaVlt* an va oaa dok than ia dark ahadow oar Avoid bapei|iind â- aat^ mca^ aToul eoreMoti heart aliaBldlie, Patatm'a FhUaaa Con E: wmn^Miamad jainleaa remsdy ia tke forooiu. Beware of anbatitatea, cotntar' Mti and Imitationa. Sold by dmggiik and dealen ia medioine e^rywbere. Hnge bridal bouqneta are ao loiget in Togoa. ' â- rerybodyBetHoI Bead tiila oaiefally. If yon or an] bland ' ly kind of pain inter- P«Imb% (riBTl- Ker^Uaeii OMiÂ¥ OS.** Ibe oheapeat in the' Biaiket. Warranted firat. claaa, or money re- funded. Send di root to manufao' tnrera, or procure from yonr Hard- ware or Houae- Fnmiahing dealer, flamilton Ldnstriai Examine Their Supe ca-XTxuxrzi NEW HARRIS flOT A] or Q l»oiel»»l«*»*»"'" 1 1 melt- ehonld not k gun and os» kind of a atcaeaadfor aUpurpo gm barrel olamped ii it ita bnlleta ao cloae t _Qi Barkaman ahoota it fa«t exandae juat be] laay aaaa^ aeore. I will bare the aame e imnxaleof agnniaal i BO oooaidered, one at t of bebig careleea with It ia any (aay matter to (isulsoftoahootonU I tbaaeerrora ahonld be abet fired. â-  ahonld ba aeated c of fulminate, an 1 oaia ahonld betaken t [tteiaage of avy that ma So one who ia afra'd of tl I make a good aoore. Ne I are bnrt; there ia plent t afterward. f ot CM lialf of the gnna t • by far Ott greater nam gh lack of care or on a y tfa^ ownera. na your firearms fr [roat haa begun to form. I la er a nt ruat rather than re I away from damp wal I them in poeitiona tba I atocka. |ln ahooting, the longeat ra be taken into consi: elf: Where will the bul abo uaea a long range i line tree, ia either v ' ignorant. I A gun may aboot poorly tx 1 with fine aigbta, a fact I ia not fully appreciated, ope, apirit-level and v te the aioouracy of a gn k the power of directing sh Sold your gnn In the same lit ia fired that ia, with I to theahonlder, and do I to the ahonlder at one tim f tba ahoulder at another, T to hold tbe centre of the bn oolder. I Iha man that doean't leav I ia the one who anccee d t aiiooting, whether in the fiel ^before the target. Do not I you are eaaily excited I to keep cooL Try a 1. a; perhaps your excital ily a matter of habit. I Powder is very aasseptible I aay kind and will be materl I laft azpoaed even for a sbo atmosphere. The residi sbaraed powder remaining ithe aame affinity for moist I ia effectually softened by met in the barrel, aa by tbe a POMTS OF HI8T0 lla 1607 Virginia was coloi Valttr Baleigh in 1608 Cham i Qoabcc; and the folio win; ^trk waa aettled by tbe Dote: Bta, in 1620, waa adr hnaetta after the biatoric • "Pilgrim Fathera." Horaoe Walpole rclatea tha â- lifnl Counteaa of Suffolk a Ithey were both ae poo i te Hanover, before Qt • to pay oonrt to the fc ly. Having a party to diaappointed ef a remi; â-  waa forced to aell hor i k tha entertainuent. L ng â-  iafaablon, aad her hair, ifina, and fcir, produced ^a, according to Chineao " diaoovand in the 18th cc j,-""'*»»pUoednponitby tl t^"*g «n 781. It waa intr, W^ from China in the 9sh cei Itshiatoodnced it into Europe M aitd h Eagland on aome rai W ta US7, Bad waa aold at "•parpoimd. MiUionaofpou â- *^ Vorice, and aah-tree "»^yiw mixed with Chineoe I 1^ "°°«d oonanmptioc .•*«â-  •» 30,000.000 poc •«Wthe reat of the cMI *««anl to 22,000,000. ^^y»ttampta have been mi *fcLt?"'*^ by infernal mi j,^?**'*^ directed agait Ij^^lMt aovoreigna. Oa ,»"2*" ^8«nt tried to bl „^y*^»«tha barrel of ., ^^ grape ahot 1 i* w!^^ Ut 73 others, t,jVJ*»*Ml the life of Lo â- ^^..a*. 1835, by firing ** *ke King and his sons "V* the Nalaonal Gua; iJ2^*«plaL "Hie ma ^J^*"** fixed iti • """wia miaaileay? » "^y'lyatralinof â- ttempt t lyaeana of hand g, Wiled aad .My wonaded ad, loeal, erastaMl, try ua, tha taM fM fda « aMoltta MaTaleSi^ ei

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