30S 44a" I 637" 11 6304O • I 7 2.V. • TU' "8 35" " 900" '• 45" " ii0 4o" " Uoft' "|12l5pi;i " |12.40" " I2(i" " ' 2 03' iMINI VOL. 5.--N0. 257. MARKDALE, "ONT., AUGUST 13. 1885. COPIXB OF TBX SXANDABO Frva cmrs bach. ImE. R •eet« ISTI Iring 3B' 5 Co =0 (a o- o o o §§ §8 O Q 00 O z I Iâ€" I en o w td w r o o H O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o At. WAYS Bequhwdâ€" A good cathartic medicine. National Pills will not disappoint you. Obadiah Habman, a farmer in Flos township, was gored to death by his bu!] last Saturday. Mr. S. M. Smythe has returned from his pleasure trip minus his lady howeyer. W. J. Noble, who had his leg broken some time ago, is now able to be about on crutches. at grumbling seldom good Local and Ot her Items Notices in ihcs'-e c.!di;itu intended to benefit J JM/ indiiiduiil or ^ocietn reill be charged ten â- tii-: iln-t insertion and five centi a line iinti aline ?;. â- ly-^nt insertion. School opcna next Monday. HiSKEi'b new block has a tin roof. Esq., is home from W. K. Flesber, Hnglantl. Best Bouclcss ilcFarland's. Bacon, 8 cents, at XiiiosAL Pills will not pn*ipe or siekea, Tet are a thoroiigli cathartic Thi barley crop is greatly darkened by the receut heavy rains. Mt. and Mrs. Harris, of Durham. 1 fisited Markdale last week. A VERT large and fine skating rink â- ^9 being built in Shelburne. ^EN. MiDDLETON paSSCd tUTOUgh on the home trip last Thursday. HoLuxD Toters' List for '85 is now I^M, and iu the hands of the public. ^IS8 Maggie Mxlleb is spending |amenth with friends in Owen Sound. I y^ Ullage police have made a I '^*^ '^««P of the thistles this week. [hi remains of Gen. Grant were I"erredlast Saturday at New York. |ij"^SixPHi-P. So.« should be found l.^th every toilet. is cleansing and tue i*" "«t"ito ^^ '^^' subscription to A *â- ^all at this office and new horse-rake For secure a ** ilT P i^^ksfot ,!^f^^ -^"'^^-^ '^i^l accept P^Weet '"'•"'^^'^1^3 advertisement 1 F 1 r^"fi'?°°'"^^'liatnots, Hat h^kdaie ""^^gotoGrant Co., tifl*. ipCS? ^^"^*=^ ground" l%\ t... *^* ^ery neat and in taste- ^J kept. Ms, p "«^e y burned; loBBf 4,000. if" Thosb who are good and fault-finding, are for anything else. Thxrb nre strong indications that England is preparing for a permanent occupaiiou at Egypt. " No extba duty charged on Teas, Sugars and Tobaccos, at J. E. Trim- ble's for spot cash. Fbeeman's Wobm Powdeks are safe, sure and speedy to remove worms from children or adults. 1 or Newel Posts. Stair Balusters, Hand Bailing, and Table Legs go to Grant Co., Markdale. Thi post-office authorities have consented to change the name of Lather village to Grand Valley P. 0. Amotheb case of large clear Bacon just opened at F. Sargeant's butcher shop. Sold cheap for cash. The" Fall Assizes will be held iu the Court House, Cwen Sound, com- mencing ou Monday the !. 9th October. All kinds of lumber for sale or sawed to order at Berkeley Steam Mill. â€" James Lackey, Prop. Fob Bed Suits, Side Boards, Bureaus, Tables, Lounges, and Camp I Stools, go to Grant and Co., Markdale. Mb. Mabbb is doing a rushing business in rack lifters. We oyerheard him say he had sent out five hundred this season. 800,000 Shingles for sale at Spar- ling's mill, near Vaiideleur, by John Weber. AH shingles warranted as re- presented. WoNDEB who is going to replace the sidewalk opposite Haskett's new block. It's a stiameto have it in snch a state so long. Mr. Joseph Hawken, Jr., and wife and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hawken kave been yisiting friends in the vicinity of Angus recently. A great quantity of rain fell on Sunday last oommencmg about four o'clock in the morning, and continuing until late in the afternoon. School JBoola:s.â€" A com- plete assortment of new Headers and other School Books just received at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. QuiTB a number of our exchanges have been taking a holiday (a week without a pa5er). We expect our time will come before the year is out. Thb Hectic Flush, pale hollow cheeks and precarious appetite, indicate worms. Freeman's Worm Powders Will quickly and effectually remove them. Park lot in Markdale for sale Beautiful location, will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to R. Free- born. Williamsford, or enqmre at this office. 125-tf ARMsTRcwa's cheese boxes are giving great satisfaction. They are pronouuc ed, by cdippetent men and manufacturers, to be the best market. If your neighbor's dog injures one of your chidiene, yon can collect damages, Ifhemjures one of your children, you cannot. Moral. Eaise chickens. Mr. Grbbn, who edited and publish- ed the Gonie£ntm»rMe^ recently left with his wife for Chicago, where he deserted her and went off with a yorog l»dj who he formerly employed ia la» office.â€" Walkerton H^raW. cheese in the GEOKGBlENooN,a tailorin Lneknow, was arrested on a charge of stealinj^ two letters from the Lneknow Post- office. Denoon plead guilty and was committed for trial. A GOOD Umbrella 60 cents, and Gents' Colored Shirts 75 cents, worth $1.50 Paper Collars 2 cents per box; Gents' Silk Umbrellas $3.50, reduced to $2.50, all at McFarland's. Beuabkable. â€" In the orchard of Mrs. Griffith, near Fairmount, Eu- phrasia, a cherry tree was last week in bloom, the same tree hayim; borne a crop of cherries this season. Thb Port Elgin Bum Times and Free Press, have come to the conclusion that one paper is enough for the village, and so they have acted sensibly and amalgamated. â€" 0. S. Times. J. B. Tbihble will make a great slaughter in the price of ail summer goods for the next 80 days. Mine friend, keep your eye open look out for great bargains. Terms spot cash. Nbw houses continue to be er^ted in all parts of the town. The build- ing operations this season exceeds those of any former season in the history of Owen Sound. â€" 0. S. Adver- tiser. Shiloh's Ccbb will immediately relieye Croup Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by A. Turner Co.x New Wheat. â€" On Tuesday, August 6th, Mr. Thos. Ellis, of Euphrasia, brought the first grist of new wheat this season to Plewes' mill the wheat weighed 64 lbs. to the bushel and was a fine sample. The Scott Act convention held in Owen Sound recently decided to make a third attempt to secure signatures to the petition and to have the vote come off after harvest, so that the Act can come in force next May. Mr. T. Williscroft. Williamsford Station, is domg a good trade in agricultural implements those within reach of him who require anything in that line should see him, as he handles first-class machinery and is a reliable man to deal with. There are two things which the wise man neyer tries to do. The first 18 to shave himself with the razor which his wife uses upon her corns, and the second is to convince her that a razor is not improved by being sharpened on a butcher's steel. Fatal Collision. â€" A fatal accident occurred ou the C. Y. B. at Streets- ville on the 5th inst. Two freight trains collided with feariol force. The cars was piled up on top of each other and smashed. C3ndacter Murty was killed and six others seriously injured. What every person says must be true. â€" They say that J. B. Trimble has the largest, best and cheapest stock of Beady-made Clothing and finest Tweeds of any merchant doing business in the County. Don't yon buy one dollar's worth until 70a have seen my stock. Thx wife of James Welsh, a watch- man on one of the Michigan C'entral car ferries, gave birth to triplets at Amherstburg 31st ult., and on the following morning still another ad- dition was made to the family. All four of the infants died. Mrs. Welsh is 88 years old. Gen. Middleton is in luck â€" ho has not only $20,000 from the Dommion Parliament, but has also got promotion, Although he held the local rank of Major General hexe, he was only a Colonel but now he has been pro- moted to the rank of Major General in the Imperial army. Bear Shot. â€" At Mr. Jas. Lunney, of Griffin's Corner, early this week took a shot at a large beaf in a berry patch. The hall from the rifle struck bruin in the side and keeled him over, but unfortunately he got away into tne thicket where it was impossible to trace him.â€" Renew. AKaaal IiuxcTCHt free with ea^ bokUe of Shiloh's Cfttanrh Bemedy. Piiee 50 oenti. Sold fy A. IHuiier ft Co. X Our Brass Band appeared in full force on the streets last Thursday and Friday evening playing a number of tunes which was higUy appreciated by the citizens. We understand it is their intention to give a semade on the streets every Saturday night. They look immense in their new caps and torches. Gaudbn Pabty. â€" The Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church will hold their annual garden party in the Agricultural grounds on Friday evening, 21st inst. Befreshments will be provided tor the occasion. The Markdale Brass Band will be in attendance. Admission 15 cents. Come and spend a pleasant evening. Sandy Mitchell, who was stabbed by Allen Bowie on the 20 ult., has just passed along the brink of the valley of death, and is scarcely yet out of the shadow of that dark passage. During the past week he has bled profusely, but with skilful attendance on the part of the surgeons and good nursing he may recover.â€" Chatsworth News. We have space on our list for 199 new subscribers, and in order to have it filled we make the following starthng offer, viz: The balance of the year 1885 for 25 cents. This offer is only to cash-in-advance subscribers. Send one or three cent stamps for change. Now then, be alive and secure forty cents worth for a quarter. Be sure and send your name. FiBB AT Alliston. â€" The AUiston cheese factory was burned on Satur- day last. The building was owned by the Driving Park Association, and was worth $1500 insured • in the Western for $600. There was about $1800 worth of cheese in the building, which was insured in the Western for $1000. The other contents of the factory were worth about $1000, insured in the Eoyal for $500. No- thing was saved.â€" Shelburne Free Press. The Flesherton Advance comes to hand now in its reduced size, which is quite large enough for any country paper. Several others have signified their mtentionof doing likewise, while nearly all in the County as well as several out^de^lksrve spoken favorab- ly of the idea. We have the matter under consideif^on, and may in the near fntmre adopt the wise course; if so, the improvements otherwise will, we truslefully make up for the small deorea%arin size. A FEW weeks ago, we noticed in the Standabd that our esteemed citizen, Mr. J. B. Anderson, had an invitation to take part in a program in Toronto at an entertainment to be given in the Elm Street Methodist Church m honor of the returning Volunteers who belonged to the congregation. We have since learned from one who was there that there were over two thousand present on the above occasion and that Mr. Anderson's renderings of "Bule Britannia" and "The March of the Cameron Men" were applauded in a most eutusiastic manner, our noted vocalist being enchored in both instances. The Bust Burglar Again. â€" During Mr. Wm. Carrie's absence from town last week burglars broke into his residence, by prying open one of the windows, and ransacked all the rooms in the house. On his return Mr. Currie found the pockets of the garments he left at home turned in- side out, but as he had taken the pre- caution of putting all his money in the bank the thieves failed to fiud any booty. Two horse blankets were found spread out ou the hay in the stable loft where the miscreants had evidently taken a sleep. This ease together with the attempt to burgalize Dr. Cotton's residence last week proves that there are bad characters in the neighborhood and would be well if our citizens took every precau- tion to ensure the safety of their effacts.â€" Mt. Forest Bepresentatiik. Wkt 'VITiu. You cough when Sfatbh's Cure wiQ gite immeite relief. Price 10 etc, SOets., ud fl. SoU-b7 A. Tuner Co. x Mr. Harrt WmTBT is home spend* ing his hoUdays. Mr. ^tthew Irving, of Manito* waning, arrived on Monday last. Wr werei pleased to meet Mr. John Trelford in Alleuford last Tuesday also Mrs. Ciphei. CoLBRA and dysentery are causing great mortality among Bussian troops on the Afghan frontier. Twenty-eight thousand Bussian infantry and 16,000 cavalry are now in trans- Caspian territory. The New York World has completed its task of raising $100,000 for the pedestal of the Bartholdi statute. The shingles provided for the new Methodist Church are supplied by Mr. John Weber, and are the best we have seen from any quarter. We regret not having time to call at the E6lw wnile in Wiarton Tuesday, having only ten minutes to catch the train for Allenford. The Loyal Orange Brotherhood demand an investigation into the alleged persecution of Protestant solders by Col. Ouimet. Bemember the lawn party in the agricultural grounds on 2lBt inst., by the Ladies Aid of Presbyterian church. The Band will be in attendanee. ^o pains have been spared to make it a success. The London Society for the Sup- pression of Vice has employed detec- tives to shadow every member of the House of Commons and report the places visited by them. The members are naturally furious, but are power- less to resent the more than implied insult. H. B. Harrison, of Uie Owen Sound Marble Works, leaves that town per S. S. Campana for Port Arthur on Friday evening with a large consign- ment of monuments and tombstones. He takes one monument at a cost of $1,000. Jt is St. George granite, stands twenty feet high, and one block weighs 5,500 lbs. Mr. Harrison's oiit- put for this season has averaged $500 per week. The MaU winds, up an absurdly optimistic article on the state of the country by remarking that we have come out of the ordeal of financial depression "poorer than we were in booms and bladders and bubbles, but rich in experience." Oh, yes, we have a perfect welth of experience. Had our contemporary in mind, we wonder, the family story about the two busmess partners, one of whom contributed the money and the other the experience. The country is a good deal in the position ol the former when the connection was dissolved, we have the "experience," and the syndicate monopoUsts, salary grabbers and government favorites have the money. â€" News. A. 0. U. W. Excursion. â€" The ex- cursion to Owen Sound and Wiarton last Tuesday under the auspices of the Shelburne lodge of Ancient Order of United Workmen was a grand success. About seven hundred went on the trip, over fifty getting on at Markdale! The whole trip was pleasant and very enjoyable, especially that part of it from Owen Sound to Wiarton, The water was very smooth and weatber lovely. The Citizens' Band of Owen Sound accompanied the excursion from the latter place, and discoursed selections of music along the wav. A game of lacrosse was played at Wiar- ton between the team of that place and Shelburne team the latter won the game. The committee ol the ex- cursion did all in their poaer to make things generally enjoyable, and were eminently successful. Tffl! Rev. Geo. H. TkiYKR, of Bourbon, Ind,, says "Both myself I and wife owe our lives to Shiloh' Consumption Curb." Sold bv a TumerftCo. x 'â- t .*i Vt.l â- i â- ' ' r â- 1 â- !' ' ' ' i-i- .^::m' iV 15 sfuH-v^.-S I