w .H^ ^ec^noMe ?: M BCUHOE. One of the propertiea conducive to dar»- bility in timber ia ita odorif erouancM, which repela insect foea aa a rale. The procns of curling feathers consiats in h*a.ting t' em slightly before the fire, then strokiDg them with the back of a knife, when tiiey will curL The increase in strength due to seasoning of dififei cat woods is given as follows â€" White pine, 9 per cent elm, 1-2 3 per cent.; oak, 26-6 ptr cent.; ash, 4 4 7 per cent; i)eech 61 '9 per cent. Dr. ??ydney Thompson suggests the fol- owing formula in erysipelasâ€" Fluid extract of jaborandi, twenty-four parts laudanum and glycerine, each four parts. This mix- ture is to be painted over the affected sur- faces every four houis. A good substitute for ground glass is made as follows Work together equal parts of white lead and common putty un- til quite soft, then form it into a lall, and roll it over the surface of the glass, and a ground -glass appearance is the result. S Doe -dressing Gum-shellac half a pound, alcohol three quarta diaaolve, and add cam- phor one and a half ounce, lampblack two ounces. The foregoing will be found to give an excellent gloss, and is especially adapted to any leather the urf ace of which ia rough- ened by wear. Persons who use braaa letters on glass windows or doors are often troubled by their droppbg off, from unequal expension, or from too violent efforts on the part of the window-cleaner. The following ia said to be a sure cementâ€" it should be mix«d just before u.sing -Litharge, two parte; white lead, c ne part boiled linseed oil, three parts gum copal, one part. The following mouth-washes are recom- mended for sick persons, whose teeth and gums often become unhealthy through in- su1ti jient nourishment, medicines or want of cleansingâ€" One part per manganate of pot- ash to from one hundred to one hundred and fifty parts 1 1 water, to which can be added some cam| hor, as the metallic taste is die- agreeable or a solution of baracic acid one in twenty or thirty; or the followingâ€" tinc- ture of benzoin, ten parts tannic acid.twenty parts alcohol, thirty parts oil of pepper- mint, a sufficiency. Put ten or twenty drops into a glass of water. A Heartless Case. A gentleman in the west of England, who was possessed of large estates, married a lady who was supposed to be a widow, her husband having left her many years before, and died â€" it was thoughtâ€" abroad. After several years of married life, the second hus- band, as he was believed to be, diid in- testate, and soon afterwards the lady also ' died. Then the brother and heir-at-law eame forward and claimed the estates and his claim being resisted, on behalf of the children of the deceased, the marriage was proved to be void, by the production of the lady's husband, with whom che brother of his succ-jssor had been in communication for many years. The husband, it appeared, had in the tirst inbtanoe come back to Eng- land in order to claim his wife but having been met with by the unprincipled heir, the latter persuaded him to make no sign, but to subsist upon a weekly allowance from him }the heir' in order that the supposed hus- band might go to his grave in the belief that he was the lawful husband of the mother o: his children for the brother knew that no will had been made, and feared that if his elder brotherâ€" then a hopeless invalid â€"knew of the invalidity of his marriage, he would make a will in favour of his children and their mother. This scheme was success- fulj; the gentleman died without making a will, a neglect which is always foolish, and often wicked. The heir succeeded to his brother's estates, both real and personal, beint: the sole next-of-kin as well as heir-at- law; and the pior children were left utterly destitute. • Teeth in His Nose- A small co'ored boy in Biisseterre, West Jndies, has two large teeth in his nose. A portion of his nose having been destroyed' by ulceration, he was put under medical treatment for that disease, which soon heal- ed with application of iodoform of potassium. The doctor's intention was to have made a new nostril for the boy, but while awaiting to make sure of the cure of the ulcer these leeth began to make their appearance. They seem to be the two central incisors of the permanent set they spring from the floor of the nostrils at the sides of the bony aeptum, are freely movable, and are appar- 'ently attached to the mucous membrane only they have little or no roots, but large srowns. Eat, digest read, remember earn, save love and be loved. If these four rules be â- trictly followed, nealth, intelligence, wealth, and true happiness will be the result. Itis kindness thatmakes life's capabilities blossom and paints them with their cheering hues and endows them with their invigorat- ing fragrance. Whether it waits on its su- periors or ministers to its inferiors, or dis- ports itself with itaequals, its work is mark- ed by a pr jdigaUty which the strictest dis- cretion cannot blame. Knptare, Breach «r Hernia- New guaranteed cure for wwtstoMee with- out use of knife. There ia no longer any need of wearing awkward, cnmberswne, trusses. Send two letter stamps for pamp- hlet and refeiences. World's Diepensary Medieal Association, 663 Main Street Buffalo, N. Y. There is as much wisdom in bearing with other people 'a dejecta as in being sensible of their good qualities and we should make the fpme«i.of others rather a warning and an instruction to ourselves than a subject of mirth and mockery of those who commit them. Is It Not Singalar th»t consumptives ahonld be the leaatappre- henaive of their own condition, while all their friends are urging and beseeching them to le more careful aleut exposure and over- doing. It may well be conaidered one of the most alarming symptcma of the diaeaee where the patient ia reckleaa ;and will not believe that he is in danger. Reader, if you are in this condition, do not neglect the only means of recovery. Avoid exposure and fatigue, be regular in your habits, and use faithfully of Dr. Pierce'a " Golden Med- ical Discovery." It baa saved thousands who were steadily faUing. The giraffe has never been known to utter a sound.. Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit, and dia- gust everybody with your offensive breath, but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy and end it. On one of the Azore Islands, St. Michael's the people invariably drop the family name, each being known by entirely different un- like titlea. The same namea are alao applied to either sex indiscriminately. The Raw Cutting Winds Of winter bring to the surface every latent pain. It is one of the strange things associ- ated M ith our physical well being that the very air, without which we could not exist, is heavily laden with the germs of disease. Rheumatism, neuralgia,,lumbago and, other complaints of a similar character hold revel at this season of the year amongst human muscles. There waa a time w hen fortitude alone could make life tolerable, but now with the advent of powerful, penetrating 8knd nerve aoothing remedies pain becomes a thing of a moment. The bt st, the most powerful and inost certain pain cure is PoLSGN .s Nerviline. Xoihing equalsNerviline for penetrating power. Xerviline is beyond comparison the grandest diacovery for the relief of pain tffered to the public. Druggiats a 11 a sample bottle for 10 cents large bottles mly 25 cents at any drug store. It ia aaid that the crime of parricide was unknown in one of the atates of. ancient Greece until a law was enacted for the spe- cial punishment of such a crime should it oc- cur. The experiment which Meaars. Tuckett Son entered upon when they commenced to make their "Myrtie Navy" tobacco waa this: to give the public a tobacco of the very finest Virginia leaf at the smallest possible margin lieyond its actual cost, in the hope that it would be so extensively bought as to remunerate them. By the end cf thr:e years the demand for it had grown so much aa gave assurance that the success of the ex- periment was within reach. The demand for it to-day is more than ten times greater than it was then and it ia still increasbg. Success has been reached. Swans have been known to live to the age of 300 years, and Cuvier thinks it probable that whales sometimes live 1,000 years. Fun for Everybody Fun is just what every person ia look- ing for, willing to pay for, and finds hardeat to secure. AVe want a new process mi.l so that fun can be ground out by the ton and sold at close cutting prices everywhere. How would this be done The first step is to re- lieve all who suffer from pain, and Putnam's Painless Com Extractor stands in the very front rank in this respect. Sure, safe and Painless, causing no sore spots, nor produc- ing the slightest discomfort while in use. Try Putnam's Painless Com Extractor and beware of aubatitutes and poiaonous imita- tions. Prevention Better Than Cure. Many of the diseases so prevalent in these days are caused by using soap containing impure and infectious matter. Avoid ail risk by using Perfection Laundry Soap, which is absolutely pure. Ask your grocer for Perfection. Manufactured only by the Toronto Soap Co. • A. P 239 FaBMB~KB~B]^=aU~Undk:=8rad~ for lis I JoMf J- Daut. OMlph. ASK TOUB OKOdSBFOB IMPERIAL FRENCH SHOE BLACKING UHBBBSDAYB8HIBS8forMle: twoeowi, tW VwUai beifan aod one bnlL Writetor deMrip- prioa Hid pedisne te_0. V.Baxu, TntelsuT VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE-10O~»c»«ir34 mfles east of the city of St. Thoiras. FoJ parttcaUie aMitm J. J LKWI8, New Ssrum, Ont. Washer U th« or.l WsktaiiiK Haebinen Tenteathat awpiu.. woman ox gii. U years old, Kitbou I the nseoi a waul' board, can with ea.-. vssh H to 100 piKr in one boor. Agrut. wanted aU cnrCan ._.â- .â- t: r _. „ ' ada. Sample tent r- Mai (odtaRttoxy ^yn. Ladies stake |[Did airenU; no wear or t^^ S? •'"y.'^y '"ll boy af:« tryiii it; ynuma^c f2:^^i2^, *5^«^ FERRIS C.Iitente«aa«Hlanu iaesann,TS Jania Street. TOOKTO.Casada ^SSuiSi' on dogi, pcn.faT. «?J»2t^T.IS^%t« tor ^de4J^£s°"c^S3S?' »• *«^"*- ^J^ .t ^L for tarm. «"d P»^~»»»- jams8~pak: aON. Pork Packers, Toronto. T c Baoon. RoUed Spioe Baoon, C C. Baeon. liahFine Dairy S alt in Stock __U8B OHLTâ€" Clapperton's Spool Cotton I J^3LiLj3r »or sale b» all Ir»-CkKat Daalan. haisboL mint vV^ELL BORING BUY THE STAR. WUlbore 9 to»'indh "hole «and or hon«-poi^ » leetper hour. Our eombinad »n«ur and Book Dgl » viM^iu^ worked br steMii or hone-power. Send Oi'iTABio LiDiEs' College* WHITBT. ONT. WIU reopen September 3rd. 18^. The increwlBit wmnUrt^ and rocctSBOf this ineUtution may be ao- SK^orbyTt. pleasant and healthful lo«.tion^ its elegant bulldlnsrs and grounds, its moderate chargesTand its superior fsclUtiM for •»»««»«» flniahfld education in Uterary. mosioal. and fine art studies. Four Professors, snd ten lady teachers, M f peciallats in their departments, besides a teacher of wSune. riding and calisthenlos, are prepared to do thoroulh work, and meet the reasonable expecU- tions (rf the best patronssre. Students are P»ep»red lor teachers and matricuUflon examinations. $192 secures board. Uundry, and tuition in Engl^ and modem lanKuages, music, drawing, and ^listtenios, for one year. Those desiring sdmlss'on â- *"*?"»« early and definite appUcation to REV. J. J, HARE, M. A Principal. ' CUT THIS OUT The New Co-Operative AUCURS \mm ll|a«MHe8 1 ARE THE BEST IN THE MARKET MKW STARV! NEW FTKNTrOtB! Latsst Improved Attachments Agents price for similar machine'SBO Our price only 125 each. Before boftnc lead ni stamp (or onr elefant photo graph and tample of lewtos. tSF Maohinei Koarantaed (or three rears and ssnl w trial. â-²nr ladr waoUni a msehlns will do well to writs to THI CO-OPBRATIVS Sewing Maehine Co, W .TAMWS R SOU H. HAMTTjTOW ALMA, LADIES' CJLLEGE, _______ SI. THOMAS, ONI. Ibe Fir est Bnlldings, Furnishings and Cronnds for the purpose In Caniada. Tall f taS of (IS) thiTougal; qualified teaohen, and compete cjar-co lor g^dnatioD in LITERATUEB, MFPIP, FINE ARTS, COMMEB- OlAL SCIENCE. Rates from i20 to PH per term, for board, room, lithr, lanDdijr and tnitioo. RE-OPBKS SEPTEMBER 10th. 1885. Fc r SO tp. aDDonrcement, addreH, FRiN'cirAL Acs- Tis, BJX GUMEY WARE'S STANDARD SCALES Are the Beat. At* tested by the Fact thattoere are more of onr scales in use in the Dominion than of all other makes combined. Hay, 8t«ck and Coal Senlea, Farmers* «raf» aad Dairy gcales, Graeers'ABatehcn* Scales, Scales for Domestic Vsc HoBsekeeperg, Consult To«r Best iDteregts By purchaslngr a scale, and in bDyiag one be Bora to set the best. Onr scales are f uUy wananted ia eveiyparticalar. AU sizes KaUroadiWarekMua awl Mill â- nmeka. Alarm Money Drawers. 5m sale by tbe Hardware Trade generally. D^ itu^Vd Catalogue and Price List forwaided moo appliostioii. â- " â- " GURNEYWARE HAMILTON. WABiHonSBsâ€" Mbntoeal aad Winaipes. SE NS FOR CiRCUL^Ri^ND STATE REQUIREMf,, MORTHEY^C? ToRON-nD, 0^ BOILER FEEDS P U M PS r O R ALL PU RPOSES OBTIY 93.00 The cheapest in the maiket. '^v a Warraiited firat- class, or money re- funded. Send di-' rect to manafao- tnrers, or procure from your Hard- ware or. Houae- Fomiafauig dealer. Clotbei \\ ' " of ar ;: 'â- ^y»ici' aiko Ml l|o!ler, pMticuUn,' Hamilton Ii Austria] Works Go., Manufacturers, Hamilton, [said V O^XaXaSO-B (In Affiliation with Victoria University, Cobodrg) Belleville, Oxth This Oo'lege, (-rande1 in 1854, has h\d in atteadaoce OTer 3030 dtff ereat sta4enta. It o9en ootnrM. J ties for "general cnlturu" aid for matrscalatiia in Arts, Law. eto., at a irodert coat The C]U»iu!"!l embrace! both "mUrieaiaMoQ won" and selected etuliesiaScienoaaad Philoaopby. Thi AcvI'mTj haa awari^ed 26 dip'omM of gradnttion in throe rear*. It was nerer bo imDuiar as oow. The Bu'iZa Uaa"erth3oireeti'Dif apractioalaco uataot. Ornamental Penman hip a apeaialty. The Scaool ii in afBliai ion with the Ontario dchool of Art, aod teachst its courses. ' IV A ip^cial coarse of Ipctures for co'-ferenoe students of the Methodist Chur«h, in «hieh th-Bei l^ man, Jeff n, the BeT- J. B. Ciarksoo, M.A., *Dd otfcers take part, wiil bekiren during tbe irinteinioit^ 10* A 'ednotioo in (eea of 10 per cent, (inatead rf a defini^ mm a* former'^) is granted to •tudnti or more Departments. Both ladles and gentlemeb admitted. Fall Term begii t September 3:h FOR " ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT" AID CIECULARS.ADDRjSS $10 Reward for the Conviction Of Dealers who of- fer and Sell In- McCfOUa'S ferior Oil of Manufactun; LARDINE SAMUEL ROGERS CO. -MANUFACTLTIERS OF- â€" A^^) other â€" ia-XIX .^1. O EE X Zy Zl X Xa -» GOLD MEDALS AND FIRST PRIZES WHERE\'ER EXHIBITED. Queen City Oil Works, Toroij MERIDEN ^^^^^^^ CAUTII BRITANNIA COMPANY. FINEST Electro Plate Goods stamp«dl ien SUverPlrtl ire »w ow nM^I /on wantrelUUe! ofilst on getds;' nade by the MEBIDEN BR NIA CO, HamiltoBi Examine Their Superior Merit NEW HARRIS HOT AIR FISNACE ^N ^^^^ i»»*«ll The MMtBircctlTe, dean* 0mable find Ceononifcal Heaters ia the INarkft '"' ventilatiD^ Churches, Schools, Public Bnildlncs, Stores and Private Kcsiiirnff^,, constmotion and easily mani^red, capable of (riving more heat with less conf umption cf '"" ' heatiog apparatos /O" Absblntrly Cas Tlabt. -^tS Seven sizes are made and c»° °!j.j( Briok or Portable Form. Correspondence solicited. Foi Catalo^es and ^urtberioiori"" THE E. C. GURNET C0| (LIMITED.) CAUTION I â- aehPlai«ftt« MYRTLE HAVY I 18 MARKED T. B iBBMBieLettanb: NONE OTHER GENUINE /ONTARIO VETERINARY '?Go^«' tJanceSt.. Toront-). Pa'^^iie BOii' aft, Lient-Gov. of Ontario. Jf' (ygi Veterinary Institution in Am*'"':*t!ce, dred grsdaates in successful p»' snced teschers. Stssioobeins j, Fifty Dollarg. Princip 1 j ;Rg£: â€" iiian yne Joyai flaujt SaUing daring winter from Fow^«^ aBdHil(ax every Baturdaf " KS5o3.t Iron Qnebee "»ery Batorday W^^' donderry to land mails and pMje°|^r rrdand. Also fromBaltlniore,j«"J^ BTr. »oLi»erpo3l(ortni«M^««^ »• tteamen oTthe OJwfP'V bJiWLI toand(rom Haiifsx. foti»aA^g^ Dhia aod duriag «mamer "^w^W" treaUweekli:aJi«ow»iJl »«»«• and PhUadelphia. (ortcightiy. ^1 â- pplr to A. Sohnmaclier «i^c»,8 N.». jWm. Thomson OJ^ It lf Allan ft Co.. CUoscro: ^fTiiiia!" ftii»H, Portland. Boston. W" l,mca4Chape ijer Paqw**" jlissioB »t Musk loes to a repor leUtea to f ac _. inteRstiog, espec own words:â€" .Ob the 18th of Ma I^nrent,4ina«fro gominntes before going to sleep, son „_ It was Louis Ri Ji him, Dnmas an jkson, who i think je mission at the ti be began to say, in ,visoire is declared, wners already!' ' )yedtheold Romain ,, Archbishop Bou « You are to o Id never obey him. replied, 'the church ,y will stand empty.' sous tilings lie said I have an affidavit get some Indians red there two hours, and calling on the calling out 'Toi go J^nd destroy the it I will go and desti eyes were like the ,this Riel he has a v extremely|wicked " *• Some hours after he it, in factâ€" I left and e ive the news that Ri government, and so t i and a massacre. Th -breeds, s 3 1 haid noth ^k, and told him to te rl bad left. In consei of mine, which was in I was afterwards con ly the council. Crossing ig at my mission, I ,e. On the same nighl olios'â€" including that of ossed the river from c )ved me to my missi from the 19th of Mai .Twice during that juette continues â€" "half place from Riel to get On the first occasio] )ph Delorme and Bap to my room with load« they were sent by 'th* ling the rebel governmc asking me if I thoug! Id give them up. I said il would see the chief. ' lals,' one of the envoys i we will leave the pec me day, seeing these i g in the distance, I :h bell it had been ig that signal at any t make off to the woods I knew where to find th( Brme and Ouellette, 1 1 ifandtaldhim. Riel sa 't give up your cattle he »y men and fetch both ox which he replied that t JRo with Riel, even if ^vised him to go tj the Best cattle, leaving only i •0, and I told the two h â- itoe were all that there took the nine and wen .The Indians then came 1 •get their property, an â- *»way again to the hill y. Only my hired m 'Ion. On the 7th Ap ji an Indian from Ba1 I tte I had better run on horseback from I srts had been kUled ;°'^f«niUe.withme1 5«dl»aathe more ^ttleford Indian, had "^Mmelaat summer a *»*» my store, «,yi •aumerouBtheywoi, J^*king the most pre ^«dlockbgaUthe, ^W, where there i went. ^Ji^J-g at the Hud«,n •* the clerk to load up h toIlTrn^^'^P"-^" ^i::2:gtrc- Tj***^ to go back djt^yedaUthe ^^ WMited to t ••itbt^^^^'jbut '^•f, to wh