Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Jul 1885, p. 2

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 â- !8WSI^?*4^ -; J*^ â- â- "-='•"•?" "T^s* '"'mfwi^Wil^" â-  M 4 n\ ri '1 â-  â-  â-  K ' M ^ii • â- mM 4j| 1| a Wh«« Mr. OkdataM ml ,_, wen dfllntodfai the HooMofConrnM afew weeks ^e, aad decided to ntire frwB offioe^ the fint thing tbe Prime IfioM* fidwM to tnederto tliT Imrni tlin rndfluliiMw of ell the membete of the Ckbiiwt. The Qaeeo, who wu at Belmonl, in Scotland, tale- gnphed her MoeptHoe of the nngnationi, and mmmoned the leader of the oppoeition, the Marqnif of Saliabnry, to confer with him. When the Marqnia arrived, the Queen " co mman ded " him to form a new miniitiy, which he thereapon proceeded to do. Bat the Qoeen might have aent for and iMoed the same command to any other etatesman of either party. She was not compelled to aend for Lord Salisbory, hot in doing so need her own discretion, while at the same time she followed the nsnal course in such mn Many people, who are well informed in most matters, labor imder one or two en- tirely different mistakes as to the position of the Qaeen, or the sorereign, in the £nglith political system. Some persons are nnder the impression that she exercises a great deal of royal power, and in many ways actually directs the government of her realm. Others re- gard her as a mere puppet, a useless orna- ment, with no power whatever, and wholly subject to the will of hw ministers. Neither of these views is correct. The truth lies midway between them. Many of the powers and functions which the Queen apparently and nominally exercises, she really does not exercise at all. For instance according to the laws of Enghmd, the sov- ereign has the power to declare war or con- clude peace, to make treaties, to create peers, to expend the revenue, to summon and dis- solve Parliament, and to veto bills. But each and all these powers are really exercised by the ministry of the day. The Queen only does these things on paper. Her name is used and her signature given to all these acts. But she is obliged to act in re- gard to them as the ministers advise her. Should she undertake to do any of these things against the will of the ministers, she would probably provoke a revolution. On the other hand, the Queen is far from being a nonentity in the English system. She has, indeed, no real, arbitrary power to direct the policy of her State; but, as Mr. Gladstone has pointed out in his " Glean- ings of Fast Years," she has a very great " influencs." She reigns, but does not govern. While she cannot really command, she can do much, by reason of her exalted place and 87cial supremacy, to influence the course of political events. The Queen is always Informed of every step her ministers intend taking in public affairs. She discusses these steps, and gives her views upon, tnem and her views are alwayslistened to with deferenc. Ministers will strive, if possible, to accede to her wishes. Though without power, the Queen thus has an important influence. This influnce, too, is largely measured by the personal qualities and character of the sovereign. Her prudence, experience, zeal for the welfare of the people, and familiarity with public aflairs, if such qualities she has, will greatly increase her influence. On the other hand, a weak, foolish, dissipated, ca- pricious, or inexperienced sovereign would have much less weiirht in public affairs. Queen Victoria has reigned so long, has shown such sensible and patriotic qualities, and is known to be so earnestly devoted to the well-being of her empire, that her opin- ions and wishes are an important factor in British policy. Should her successor fail in these traits, he would be far less influential than Victoria now is in the English realm. A Sea Monster in (klway Bay. A party of fishermen have captured with great difSculty a sea monster which was in- spected by thousands of people. It is about nine feet and a half long, about five feet in girth, and weighs close on three cwt. The mouth is like that of a shark, the upper jaw protruding about six inches beyond the low- er, lo additioQ to this a long pig-shaped snout extends from the upper jaw about eight laches. The eyes are large, and re- semble those of a cow. There are five rows of gills on each side, divided by a larger of grizzly flesh. There are two rows of teeth, each tooth is about two inches long and as thin as a wafer. Each tooth laps over its neighbour. The skin is of a silvery colour and underneath it is a number of spots known as buttons. These diminish in size as they near the tail. The tail is fan-shaped. There is no dorsal fin. The buttons are half- an ioch in diameter at the head, and in the centre of each is a thorn a quarter of an inch long as sharp as a needle. The Dublin Science and Art Mnsuem have obtained poe- session of the head and tail of the monster, which proves to be a fine example of the spinions sharkâ€" one of the rarest Irish fishes. Only one other specimen of this extraordi- nary fish h«s been obtainedi A natnrally selfish dispoaitiim may be ooo- tinnal, but gentie influence be fanmi^t to rejoice in another's hai^insM and to wodc for it, while a naturally gMMrons heart may be coldnenâ€" be shut up from its own waAn fautinots. toChMlsaR. BMibi%ht«fT«fk,F^, by eggs ttat are pore wUte on one elde and a beantifia â- tnwbscry oolor m th« other. Mn. John Wood, age 67, and the motimr of twelve dfldren, eloped from her home near Toledo, Ohio, with WDliam Bradlej, aged 21, and went to Detndt, whore they were eventoally obliged to go to the poor- hoose. When Annie Leon left New York twenty- two years ago to attend her hnsbond and son, who were mortally wonnded atGettys- bug, she lost her two-year-old daoghter. TIm girl has just beenfonndin a Uind asylom at Colombns, Ohio. The son of the Scotch millionaire, who has beoome greatly interested in agriooltoxe, has hired himself to an Illinois farmer for $15 a month so as to leam the Aneriean methods of fanning. He agrees to labor two years at that rate of pay. David Reedy, a colored man, living near Marietta, Ga., was struck while working by a whirlwind, and, as he said, "whisked into the air to a height that made the trees look like little brushes." His descent was so easy that he was not in the least harmed. Frank Smilie, a drummer, was in hlacon, Ga., recently and was handed a letter dated April 9, 1884, that had travelled thousands of miles in hundreds of mail bags while vainly pursuing him. A year ago he left Cincinnati witiiont a certain perfumed letter that was expected, bathe gave instructions to have it forwarded. It arrived the day after his departure, and was forwarded. It kept right behind him, and followed him into Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and Missisnppi. All this time he wondered why " she did not write." About a month ago he read a marriage notice in which the writer of the misplaced letter figured as the bride. A Sa4 Case of Poisonlns is that of a man or woman afflicted with dis- ease or derangement of the liver, resulting in posisonons aeonmulations in the blood, scrofulous affection, sick-headaohes, and dis- eases of the kidneys, lung or heart. These troubles can be cured only by goingto the pri- mary cause, and putting the liver in a healthy condition. To accomplbh this result speed- ily and effectually nothing has proved itself so efcacions as Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medi- cal Discovery," whioh has never failed to do the work claimed for it, and never will. Feather-trimmed suits are very stylish and young chickens are discarding their overcoats for them. Wh|it can be more disagreeable, more dis- gusting, than to sit in a room with a person who is troubled with catarrh, and has to keep coughing and clearing his or her throat of the mucus which drops into it 7 Such per- sons are always to be pitied if they try to care themselves and fail. But if they get Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy there need be no no failure. A Chinese girl is easily recognized by a double joint in the left knee. ' â-  ' Rupture radically cured, also pile tu- mors and fistulas. Pamphlet of particulars two letter stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Association, BufEalo, N. Y. There are ladies, and fashionable women, too, who utterly refuse to we«r tinsel, high hats or bonnets, bustles or high coiffures, but they are the exception, not the rule. Complain as we may About our lot in life, we cannot deny that any are exempt by their position from tiie oonmion lot of pain and suffering. The high- est as well as the most humble must be ever on the alert to take advantage of such means as will relieve, when pain makes a relief a necessity to our comfort. In a letter from " Government House, Ottawa" asking for a supply of " Putnam's Com Extractor" we are reminded of two tilings â€" the first, tiiat corns are universal, and secondly, that Put- nam's Painless Com Extractor is recognized by all classes i^ the moet certain, painless and non-poisonous remedy for corns. Be- ware of the article just as good, and use only Putnam's Painless Com Extractor. It la stalled as a remarkable fact that fleshy people never commit soidde. In the manufacture of tobacco from the leaf, sugar and molasses and gum of some kind are used. In the manufacture of the "Myrtle Navy" brand the sugar used is the finest white loaf, known in the trade as gran- ulated. This is a sugar in which there is seldom any adulteration, but to guard against the possibility of it, all sugar used in the factory is submitted to careful tests of its purity. The gum used is the pure gum arable. Everyone loves power, even if they do not know what to do with it. AslfbyHacIc This u always the case when Poison's Nerviline is applied to any kind of p^n it {ssureto disappear as if by magic. Stronger, more penetrating, and qmcker in action tiban any other remedy in the world. Buy a bot- tle of Nerviline to-day, and try its wonder- ful power of relieving pain of evoy deecrip- tiom Pain cannot stay where it is used. It is just the tiling to have in a hoose to meet I a sadden attack of illness. Only 25 oenta a bottle. 8an^ bottles cttly 10 oents, at any drug store. V mOm sMl el llM flit] SAI»-1M sfliBS » aiu flf SI.»osMS. Ite Tumamm aoHis- XJ. Lwfc Me w â- â€" m. â- â-  PFevention Better Ttian uure. yfll tt dfc issii SB f«r w«»««*faMMS»da|SiMi» jjmHorrBOnON. M si mf S nC eSflBlyhy THE THRONTQ SOAP CO. ' STARAUUUH WMhtor FOB FLBA8ANT BJiwiNa .-.unoHiiTâ€" Clapperton's Spool Cotton I JAMBB PAKE SON, Fork Pac kers, Toronto. T r Ruion. Brllad Spice Baoon. C. C. Bacon, otaiwWBSSf Hams, Sugar Cuied H*m. Drlea iWTeal^t BSSTnoSk Tongue^ «« PojJ. Filled TT»gue». Cheasa, FamOy or Navy Pork, Lew to Miand PmI* The Bm* Brands of Eng- llih tlae PaiW Sal* in Work. hiiask iimi) jujai nau fiwaiaiuupiii BtJOSaK deltas wto»arlK»Pof»laBda»e»fTtoBBaa a^Mullun5r Saaudv to Utc^ooL and ta BUBBM ondewf *o laad malU »pd paajwWOT^M^Bgwaaa^ ;:dPliUadeli*la(arkiisMI|r. ,.-..,,„^-, ftar freightr passage, or other iafonnattn am^ toZ SobiuBMher ft Co.. Baltimore; a ffltt* fcOtfc^allfax Shea *J3ft »• '^^ N.F.iWm. Thomson Jfc Co., g»- JS5i^ wfb Allan » Co., CJUoago i Lore, AiMn, Hew York ;H. Boariier7%onto: AUm* Ra* fcOo. Quebeo; Wm. BrooUe, 'PhlladdiiUa i H. A Allan. PWBdelei Boston MontaesL J. J. TAYLOR, TOBOSTO SAFE WOBKS. BSZABUSHED 1866. MANUFAOTURERS OF FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. BIBBKTAIIITS, TAOIiTl COlUINAnOM BABKMMSS. FriwB Locks, and all kinds of Fire nsd Boivlar Proof Secnrities. Patenlaas and sola maantaotania of nfa-pioof Safes, withHon-Oondnoting Steal Flange Boon, wtaloh hare been demonstarated by actnal tests to be the beat llre-fealsting aatea now made. A number et Second-hand, Fin-pioof Safes now la stock, at lew piioeaâ€" alao. Five Seoond-hand, Bunri^pfoof Safest â- nitable for Private Bankeia or Jeweflen. FAOIORT AND SALESBOOX. II7 119 FRONT STREET EAST TOROHTD Th« Xa^Ie Steam Waiher u tbs onlj Wuhing Haefaina in Tented that a weakl; irl U woman or airl li Sari old, wfthoot e ifte of a w as b- board, can with eane waah W to 100 piee» in one hoar. Ageno wanted all umCa... ada. Sample lenc {• I trial andtenltary glTen. Ladles maKasoodagentajno weir 'i elothea, and erery lady will bay after trying it; warrantr- to wash ealieoa in fl-'eminatea. cotton eooda In ao,bedcU'th.' 10. ornoaala. Addieia, FERRIS a CO..Pate nf ea and Mam tai:tiiren.78 Jarrii s«rM tobokto r«ii»da OAUTIOW I MYRnT NAVY I T. B. mf iTiD OUT THIS OUTI The Hew Co-OperatlTe S ewing Bactme! â€"â€"IS THB BBST IN T^B MARKBT. Latest Improved Attachments ApntisriGsfiDr jEdlarmaeblna 160 Oikr]ndG8Qii]y|25eaiaL iedo. B JAMWa 81, BOUTB, EAMlLnni. NC^IHEV ^cC. MJROMTO, Q. ^-â- ^EAH ^Vy?Z F. RE PUMP- TOILER FEEDS JmPS for all PURPOSE^^ FRTASIO kiBIES* WOLLEGE. ONT. vna leopen' S i pto sa b ar Sid, 1886. _. popntariir aad snooass of this bi^atfoa majr lieao- oomitedforhr its ptsssaat smI healttlal locattop. its alegaat balV|ii«s and cnmds. its medeial a (dutgest and "" • «- â€" Xha iaweas l ng -Job nugrboao- ito ptsssaat sad haslttfol locattoo, JVUm umI craoads, its med eiato ^aiMa. aad Us smeilor faoUtles (or aCoadtof a finiaSed eduoatioa in Uteniy, mnaiaid. aad fine art stadias. Foni Piolaiseis. aad tan lady *••««â- % all spaolalMi hi their dapaitBaaats. basidesa teadwr o(walkbif.rldhur,aDd oaMathenifls, aiepaeparadto do thorooi^ wwS, and meet the raase n a b la expeota- tions of the best patRUiage. Stndents are pre- fer teaohais asd in^lonlation. e Tsn i ln a Mon s J192 aeonie board, laondiy. aad taitkmtai,EniJidi. modem UagUMes. mnaic. diswtaic, aad c al l rt henlj a for one year, nose desirinc admiaaiOB riionld^inake eaafy and deflattoappl M. 1. PiiadpaL ra^o^ea to BEY. J. J. HABB, CANADA PERMANENT KAH A SA V»CB COMrAHT UrooaroBAXBD A. D. U8S. BUB80BIBBD OAFITAL MigOiWO PAID X7P OAnTAL. f 00,MO BESBBYB FTOP if9i!!! TOTAIi ABHIfl'M ,.,, Fat, SALBâ€" A FIRST-CLiiB! A0BB8. loor mOei iSLlLj' down paymaata easy. Apirfyif^ !««j mss STANDARD OFnCBi-€e7*s mOglhTufmU BU, Teraato STRAIGHT LOANS, OB CREDIT FONCIER PLAN. The Oompany baa a laif e amonnt of BUtaat to lend oa BealEftateaeeniitUa at the lowMteairaatnto otln terest, repayable either bx one ram or by turtalmant' aamaybedoairedbytbebairomr. Appaeatlona may be made direct to the vnderalgnad by letter or otberwUe, or to the UMal nmaantativea of the Oomnaoy throoiOioiit Ontario. Aa the Oompnv alwaya haa lands on band no delay need be espeetaf â- zpenaes redneed to minimnm. Mortgagei and Munieipal Damtum Pmnkcmd. 3. HBBBXBT MASOH Uanaglas Sirectoi Are fhe Beat. M*. tested by Ibe Fact' thattbeie are more of onr soalea in use in the Dominion than of all other makea oombined. Hay. Mock aad Coal Scales, Famirrs* Anttv aaid Dairy Scalea. Craeen'di Scales, Bcalea for IteinegUc Vm. Honsekeepen, ConsnltToarlil iBterestg By pordiaalng' a scale, and In buyin; o to irat the beet. Our ecales are iollr «^ OTenr partkmlar. All sizes BaUread,ira aad Mill Tracks. Alarm Maacj I For aale by the Hardware Trade (ou, histiated Catalogae and. Price List lomiU J appUoation. GURNET WAI HAMILTON. Waksbousbsâ€" Montreal and Winnlpef, ^10 Reward for the Conviction Of Dealers who of- fer and Sell In- McCOLL'S ferror Oil of I Manufacture I LARDINE Eureka, Clylnder* Bolt t,^ .... .„ ,. HcCoUBmi^ CattiS Wool Oils. I "' â- Â»*« by aUleading dealers. "^-^ xoront*] BIANnriLCTURERS OF -AND OTHER- GOLD MEDALS AND FIBST PRIZES WHEREVER EXHIBITED. Queen City Oil Works, Toroi A.l^iaiS:iSL V COLLEGE (In AFnuATioK with Victoria Uhivehsitt, Coboubo,) Bellevillk, 0i^ Thit Oollegt, fonnded hi 1854, has had in atteadaece orar 3,000 different stuleoti. It oSan noRV^ tlea for " senerai coltnre" kod tor mfttrienlation in Arte. Law, eto., at • m64ente c »t. Tiie/^l'Sil â- mbraeee both " matriealation worJi" and aeleoted studiei In Sciaaoa and Ptaaoaorhy The A^m'i liaaaw«rded2i4ipiomaa otsnduaUen Inthiejyewa. It was nera ao oop'l«r mdow Teew v-i it uader the diteoUoe o ' a piaetiouaoooDntant. Ornamental,Feimianthip a Spedeltf. Tbe 8ciiw7 afB'iatlon with tea Oatario Sohooi of Art, and teachei iUejoraaa. .i. ii«l O" A Special eourai of leotaraa for eonfetenM atadenia of toe Methodiit C :nrch, in which 'O^b^. mao. Jiff «â- , tbe Bar J B. Oluksoo, HA and othsiat^e part, will be feirea dviog the «i^' "Tj tS" A rednctian in fee* o( 10 per eant. (inttoad o; a defloltP imm m forme ly) is granted t" naw or moreDepaitmenia. itoth ladtea and sentleBen admitted. Fall Term begini Beprember Sdi. FOR •• ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT" AND CIRCULARS, AD: REV. W. P. DYER, M.A^, JOHNSTON'S FLI It ia the only preparatloD of the Ua' ' tidna all the nntritioua. tontber » *j ins properttea of beef, and the onlT^^ the power to snppiy nenriehment tor Mn andmoBOle. Ezamine Their Superior Meriti NEW HABRI8 ftOT AIB FDSNAd â- fi^w';- T-T L â- W y to ' M l^J.eatabtortslrti^rlBioghiatwiaiieeecwi.^i -a «^i THE E. C. GURNET C' .(UnXBD.) i?*», [eeopto,^**®* .jiS down* I 'the bride jaxoeirt^y ;iBhto«dwi l« Resented a ae lord her I Astiiecapt '^yi^tto wltnes at, V^ »*â- * •* ^mthe rural d Uo the height of I decked out Inf ^^ht for the s«l [Si looked rounJ hen â- â€¢Â« frigidly d jtteneMWsfcbend I was supposed, ^1 it was not 1 LpoB whioh horad [test of her oostur ^of ablachr l^^h one of the ,j.»' She wore a keltawdty-lookin while bowi [^«lj«Ted the soml taoubined for th ridal duuracter to toUet. They with huge rose extremitieB, w proportions, w lit woollen stock k a trifle inoongnu aed her, and tool he sat speechles hying in his own, I lost in admiration of the slippers. J them in the same |still casting loving I the newly wedded met by an old by the way t em, were set dew The former took t ad, who reoeiTod The girl tic â-  newly made sistei rely permitted, not r deliberately wipec 1 pocket-handkerohi I kid shoes they wer owner trudged up kot August aftemoor cuts FOB THE T I respect gray haii e, when it visits olc upon snow it is i I forget the origin of ttbers it we remem' 5 first love that entei leave the memory, t truth about our n what people sa; â-  and what we i Eatodesty. re the intellectual I to distinction. 1 »»ae seashore whii ^••tsr. 'â- "horn experience -»tau|^tbyittoi r •â- â- â€¢â€¢â-¼or tomove by J^hodiflbrjnage, it to alitoBtJ the oonoiseness witl It is a grain of s »dRp of water. HowtoEidea who rides sbjMiaiia JJ;^We«. •coomi a!?y*^Bk«»'t( ^^]^f««^ lik %^iingidn] '^eahoiaeb •BC iBdairtth Widkdi "'^J*- %!-*= *^«Ji s -s

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