Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Jul 1885, p. 4

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 mm â- \.-h.--i-*.'jmJh- if I' K • I 'if '1 â- â- fc-i. ":- I'i-.. .f: ^- i»i..., ;:;-'l V The $iai)(dard. UATtirn AT.w JULY 16. 1886. MABKDAIiE BAND GONCEBT. We wort in ckrabt m to the raeeete of onr Amatenr DnmiAtte Olab, from • the fiaet that the dob eompEiied neariy all the manbots of the Bnwe Band. Howeyer, we were rery agreeably die- appointed last Monday eTening, not only at the exeellenee of the mnnc, bat the delineation of Nature, and Natare't Laws, as described by the Tarions actors in the Tarioos scenes which has crowned the native talent ' of If arkdale with an nndying sneeess. There were not less than 800 persons ^present, being the dU$ oi out town and the programme, whidi was ahnost exhaastiTe, was enrried oat s a oee ss fally. John Lyons, Eso., was called to tiie ehahr, and gat* a loeid d sa uti^ ' tion of the enoUinc infl a eaee of mvne upon hmnan ehaneter its patridie deyelopment upon nation a l â- entimeat, and the seciu elevation ci it* in flaence. Biin.â€" onmno* Beeitation by Miss McDnff, descrip- t tive of an amusing family scene, where- in Irish wit, hnmoor, and the usaal burlesqne, were mtzodneed in the scene of Mrs, Babby was rendered, us was eyidenced by the enthusiastic ap- plause of the audleoee. Violin T ^.o by Mr. Currie, accompanied on the organ by Mr. Jones, and was well apprecia^d. Duett, by Mrs, B. D. Irvine and Mr. J. Cesar, in the play of "Mr. Mrs. Wnght," was a rendi- tion of too many matiimonial infelici- ties from extraragance and its excel- lent manner of description "brought down the house." Beading, by Miss M. Dundas, was highly appreciated. Song, by Miss F. Ford, with piano 4iccompaniment, possessed a thrilling tenderness that enchanted tbe audi- ence. Musical Duett, by Messrs. Jones and Mason, was rendered in a manner which elicited the applause of all lorers of correct instrumental music. Song (in character), "The Dandy Young Dude," by Mr. W. J. Benson. This was the "take down" of the first part of the programme, and 80 "took" tbe audience that en- core came from all parts of the assem- blgae, to which Mr. B. responded by singing a rare comic, which even brought down higher applause than its predecessor. After a short interlude, the Jiand opened the second part of the proceedings with .an excellent march tune, and executed it with ad- mirable precision and musical abihty. Musical Quartette, by Messrs. Jones, Mason, Jackman Armstrong. As far as musical talent was comprised in the entertainment, these gentlemen acquitted themselves in a manner equal to the best practitioners we have heard for many a day, and gave the audience a medley, which, for sweet- ness of tone and soul-speaking melody, lias never been equalled in Markdale. The Orchestra gave a very enlivening air on vioHn. organ and cornet. Keci- tation, by Miss U. McDufF, who gave expression to some excellent bits at many of the youthful absurdities of the present day, interspersed with oc- casional glimpses of genuine wit and j humour. Song (in character) by Mr, W. J. Benson, "Miss Fogarty's Christ mas Cake." The applause of the evening was hearty throughout, but Mn Benson evidently "brought down the audience." Beeitation, bvMr. B. £. Currie, on tbe serious aspect of a battle-field, recounting tbe scenes in some of tbe engagements in the Crimea. Mr. C, even as an amateur, possesses rare histrionic talent. But, perhaps the best part of the perform- ance was the burlesque of "Courtship iu the Kitchen,"Mis3 Johanna (Mr. A. J. Truss) acted the part of daughter, a seeking spinster. The sex was un- discernable in the anxioun maiden. The coy youth was well sustained by Mr. Benson, in his cool repartee to the supposed boarding scheol miss, and shook the ratters with their ap- plause. Our Band, and Dramatic Club de- serves the commendation of our citi- zens. Our efforts in belialt of tbeir organization is well worthy of the patronage bestowed. Let onr youths work, and they will meet the approv- ing "Slap on the back" of an approv- ing public. Tbe Band played "God Save the Queen," and with thanks to the Gbair man, whose abablv and well-timed tie- marks, added muck, to e en^ofoient of the eveniiig. Al|[ departed w^ pleased witn the ieveniiig's entwtaiu- Frooeeds $50.. ' ' T^ tht BiUar of ik» Bt»amuu MvUble, Joly 18th, imS. This is to certify that ctaitinwtd' ons chattiM, which haye be«^ ttais against Prof. Johnston in ttM Dur- ham rlibtmieb are withonot thith or fonnda^ so fsr as I hsTO bes naMe to inTestigate, and that he has alwi^ coodueted himself in an upright bum- n«r sines he came to this plaoe. QkobosNobli, Cnief Goastabla. to the Edttornf tlu Standard. Tobermory, July 14th, 1885, DiAB B, â€" According to promue I sand yoa a few jottmgs gathered since I came to this Peninsula. I left Owen Sound on the 8rd inst. at 4 p. m.i azriTing next morning at S a. m. Tha boat by winch I eama. nunely, tha Ifartktm Bills, is a very fine boat, wtuak mms two inpt wedd^ bctWMo Goilingwood and dM ManitouKn Is- land, eaUing at this hafbov Friday. This k considerad tha fresh*water harbor in Canada. Ho matter how roi^h the kka is, the huvest Tsssels can find shelter here, and accommodation between tha two harbmrs for at least 60 vessels of the largest tonnage, and will float the largest vessel in tha world, having a depth of firom 40 co 80 feet. At the big Tob. there is a light-house now nearly completed, which the Oovem- ment have erected. This will be a great benefit to vessels coming into this harbor. Tbe Ugbt-bouse, when completed, will cost about $2,000. Quite a business is done at this har- bor. There is a large steam saw-mill owned by Messrs. Bickson Co., Owen Sound, with a cutting capacity of 20.000 feet per day, also shingles, lath, etc. This company own quite a piece of laud in this township ^St. Edmunds) wooded with splendid pme, maple and birch. There is also an extensive business done in the fish Ime. It is very pleasant to look out of my study window and see about 20 of those fiihing skiSs sail out of the harbor te their fishing places across the bay, and then in the evening w next day return loaded with fisb» which are taken away by steam tugs to be sold at different points. The land in from the harbor south-east for at least five miles, is well adapted for agricultural purposes, but after that until you get to Dyer's bay, the land is very rocky, unfit for anythmg bat bears, which abound in great numbers. There are no doctors here. The peo- ple tell me they don't need any, for they are never sick. My congrega- tion at the harbor is composed of fishermen and millmen â€" EngUsh, Irish and Scotch â€" very respectable and attentive. A number of them follow me to my' afternoon appoint- ment, 2^ miles out. They return and go back again to the same place to prayer-meeting and return tp tbe har- bor in tbe evening^lO miles all on foot â€" Beat that at Markdale ox Mea- ford Boad. I have not got to the- other end of my Mission yet but in- tend (D.V.) to try it next week. I am told it is a desperate road. Mail matter is very stale when it arriyes here. The man who carries it has to walk a distance of 60 miles m two days. It is some consolation to me that be travels tbe same road 1 do when I go to the distant part of my Mission, every two weeks. He carries a small rifle and large knife to defend himself from bears and robbers. More anon. Yoars truly, Philip Spaxlino. vfaa eaia brsted in .^"" tha Lodces of 'mk proton aoi JBgremonW#t#^ itamd ot flbtab. The shower 6nw mA% BtaviDM bad laid ihe d«M limf i^t£ dW^Biiig of the ^fii b^ bright and prominhg hit %Uih(^. imsik^ ieit their hpm^i 3MAip their raost'eomfi^rta^l«'^aÂ¥aia^ritra|e. Tni6 imiloitt lodges had asseihbiM, eoming in bom the North, Bonfii, Ellst imd West, between il and 12 o'clock, and after the usual stiihpede on'tik auflmt square, iftnd had just been di t rn frâ€" for dinner, clouds be- gan to appear in the i^,, and almcet withoiit a pacmeilt's warning the rain began to pour in torrents, bnt the monster gathering of people all found shelter, from the many doors that ware thrown open to receive them daring tibe shower. All wtfe aUe to refresh the inner man at the varioos â- pnads that bad been prepared for tliem.bj Mrs. Tllompson who hid made provision for a large nnmber also bv ifat Pkisil^terieii Ladies* Aid, who also aalwedtotfae wantooT tbe many who Tinted their tables; and onr popalar hcrtel^keeper, Mr. Hhn- shaw, pleaeed all who visited liini. ScHDM niid said accommodation eontd not be had for so large a gathering in fleshertbn, bnt that fear has been dis- pelled, as oat of tiie thousands present there did not appear to be any bat were load in ^eir praises for the treatment they received from the people of Fieshsrton. About ^o'clock tbe cloods passed over and the rain ceased when tbe people assembled in the grove and tiien listened ta several stirring addresses especiallji migbi we mention that of the Bey. Mr. Ayr,. Methodist Minister^ and Bev. A. Wil- son, Presbyterian Minister. After the addresses, the measter gathexing formed on tiie Square again, and afier the usnai cheers for Queen and country (eq»ecially was the cheesfor onr volunteers in the North-West heartily gwen), when all separated for their hamea in a Flesberton-like loyal, sober, %aiet and peaceful manner;, I and wetrost the pleasant memories of die day may lingor long in the hearts and muads oitkose who wese fortun- ate enough ta visit on litUe town on that ausfiaioue occasion. A hand- some four-square arch was erected on the centre of the square, which was elaborately draped with suitable bunt- ing. Tbe various business places an^ a large number of private dwellmgs displayed a great many flags and ap- propriate bunting. The CJoncert in tbe Town Hall in the evening by the Bairnsfatber family under the auspices of the L. 0. Lodge hero was a grand snoeess, both ia fin- ances and programme. We Lhink the Srogramme was carried but to the de- gbt and satisfaction of all piesent, and'tbe hall was crowded to tbe doors. Should Mr, Bairnsfatber ever visit Flesberton aqain, we believe he would have tbe pleasure of appearing before a very crowded house. Ow^en Sound. Notes by the "Wskj* The farmers along the town-hue of Holland and Euphrasia deserve praise for the improvements they haye made on the road this summer. There re- mains only one hollow to be filled up. It is almost impassable in the spring and also daugerood. Early ou Monday morning a steam tug left the Nottawasaga river with a raft of over IQQO l(^s belonging to Mr. Train of Mesford. but on her' way a strong wiud sprang up blowing from the main land which carried them fiir out into tbe roiurb waters and com- pletely breaking up the raft and loos- ing all the logs. The grass around JVleaford was bad- ly withered until this last rain of Monday eveoing. ' [Tbe above was crowded out last week En.! .â- ii»xy\ fSi* ffH: (From an oeeeuional correspondent.) Weather a little chilly. Town and country gardens -looking fine, large crops of hay expected this season, also fruit bids fair to a large crop that is if "Jack Frost" dops not CMne around too early. Steamer Athabasca left Saturday 4:45 p.m. with 50 first and 118*)secoud class passengers and 450 tons freight. Alberta arrived dowu Sunday morn- ing 7:20 a.m. with 75 first, 30 second class passengers, 15,000 bush, wheat, 8 cars flour, 20 tons mdse. An arch ol a beautiful pattern is under construction on the passenger platform in honor of Gen. Jliddletpn's volunteers which is expected to -arrive about 'Wednesday. It is understood that lunch, straw-berries, cre^m, c., will be giyen them on their arriyal, provided by the town. Tables- will be erected in the fi-eigbt shed of the 0. P. B., which it ts thought will aflferd a^cotttnodation for the' 2,000 volun- teers'.^- • "â-  ^nlBtmday last we bad the pleasure of seeuif; Mrs. Delaney and Mrs. Gownleek,' who arriyea down by the ^Z6«rta gomg east. They looked very muck fretted and worn out. Th^ were ei^ias, idiich aronsed the s^n- pathy^ of tbe crowd of onlookera. i Troaghton, Joseph XeHiiUaal Second Olasa^SoiWâ€" • â- i*«*- Dangerons iits are n^en iDaiised by Mrm». " Freeman's. Worm' Powders destn^ Wnrmp. wrarms. Hbe9^ataeBeinfi43r. IwMfor two lUMiitiia amppte, orabfe tp get oat o! tbe W e from aaaxm. OnebotUe gave tm inatajat relief udpbeediiie on my feet kaua. I h.n dn*eii£wirteea i^aa, tMjay .aomeUaaj i |o^4 notjwMaWj have done wtr« it E»t for 2a£^^- '^.^Scent.perbotUe- Hmmn^. b«tlBrtwM«ifeMM»«Hifl» ' o.Mwa-.^ ^egipaen.^v/Owr Jmby ». m apiiidiqg her hoUdli7»ili4hM! AmmU AjOtvu (Mxd Btratffffd.^ u^A '"" ^^^^^ 'â-  â-  MB.'GiajuEB IS' prinspaeiing^u tha bowels of the earth fur water peP' perimps he may Bfinke 0(dfll;wlBoM hli^OoalOil, bet if iM «aas an abiindaat aapply of water hsi mil be Satisfied^ Mr^ Wm. Bradley had a^ vary saceesafrd stoning bee^ endinf with a tr^ of the light fantastic at night. Mr. E. Hannah had the sawing machine for two days raaninf at lightning speed, trsinsformiBf • great portion of his sogar p l a nlati cm into fuel. Mr. John Ddane of this neighbor- hood died recently, and whMa the frmaily weve absbnt a tte n d ing lua ftineral m Ghateworth iOiBe wnfeshed saonadral aniered thahonM,. and took thAi«6«iB tba winding iheola deoMUMd. a India ibcMtei #T in cash. Thiaia one of tba most dmholaaal acts on reooi^. The corps areiooking veiqrifomiiing in this h)ttlity wheat is s h pg on^ neas and potties in bloody HEAPACHI. Hesdache Misne ei. tbose Trhwln that dqiendsvpou secwos iiritatioii, Sad droolation, or a diBorderad itote of the stomach, liver, bowels, ete. The editw of Canada Presbyterian vas eared after years of sffering with headache, and now terafles to the virtue oL Burdock Bkod Bittns. »» OlTla|oia€;«nr«; From the Chatiworth New$, The sittini^of the Division Court held here on Saturday last did not occupy much time as it usually does. Several cases were adjoamed and a number of judgement saite disposed of which we deem advisable not to mention. The followmg is a list 9i cases: â€" Sargeant vs. Winfield, at al â€" Ad- jpum«i until next court on aeeoant^ o£ the inability of defendant to be present. W. Masson for defendent B. Coleman, on behalf of himself and all of the shareholders in Mark- dale cheese factory vs. CbarleskBoydâ€" action brought by plaintifi^oa amount of breach of contract by defendautt to draw milk. In this case the defend- ant set up fraud on the partof the plain tifl but failed to prove fraud, and on cross exammation swore he could not read or write even bis ownname,when council for plaintiff produced notice of dispute signed by defendant. On the production of this document tbe examining counsel dropped tbe de- fendant like a hot potato, stating that if all his evidence was as true as this statement it was not of much account His Honor fixed the- damages at $20. but reserved judgment until the production of an acpreemeni between the patrons of the Association W. Masson for plaintifft';: A.. B. KJien for defendant. Harvey vs. Campbellâ€" Judment for plaintiff $136,94. W, Masson,il(» plaintiff. Turner vs. Wolfileâ€" Fred Lspslne, garnishee. Garnishee discharged. W. Masson for plaintiff. Gerolamy vs. Davitt-^judgmMi^for plaintiff. J. M. Kilboum for dafend- ant. P«»My y»i^ nSi^'Wlnak.. to •- 78 •• SO itff»«»« •• (5 29 10 10 50 30 000 oOO 3 75 17 £t ^*4 a • e • • • « V VW ••••••« l^ •»•••••â-  S3M^ ••••••••â- â€¢ vViOOl' %â- â€¢ mp • • m it Â¥oter9\ List for U Mantclpality of the iVi N .T OTICE is hereby j^iven flut 1 1 faransmitted or deli vered to tkei msntioned itt the third aad fcwtk L of "Th« Voters' List Act." the eoiid edby said section to be tiiaDRmitled(9 j ed of the fiat made, pnrsoant togajj SU persaitft app««riBg the !â- ( AmbmwwS BoU of the- said Maninniit.^ b»«Htalfedto vote in. said Mar=^' SbetioiM for members of the â-²ssmably. and at Mnuioipal Eieetitai^ Mid list waa peatod iq at my dOaeakd Ooa. 4, Townakqi) of aiancOg, oa ^^ ^7 of Jvi§^ Ji885, and nmaiu th^T iametien. "' off EheCon aa» sailed upon to â€" i^ ssid Hst, and, if any omiitiona or an «S(Mrssnf(NUMltlMi«ui,tetriBi ~- ,7l gnceeedings to have tha iSKtamni aMMtding to Am. JOmrSLBEiAC^ (BIbrk of tho-said Mtaidpl Dated the IMltiilnj oft Jkdy^ jt Si SpeddkgsSpeedfy THE GSBJUr ONE HANS SAWjl HAS noeqaal, average weightS^T boy ten years of age can run it. One J sBSMd 3i ooidaof hard wood in threehgtl and forty minutes. Acents write for pBil onlars and saonre territory at onoei AUgi SfBEDT SAW W(»KS, f Byi^ fi-.0., Oit JtaneSOth, '85- is DisoMoDofPartneisi NOTICE is hereby given that the piiti»| ship heretofore sabsisting betwenl ondersigned, W. J. McFarland A J. EBI under tbe style or firm offMcFarlaBdEil ia this day disscdved, by matnal conaat, Dated this 7th July. A. D. 1886. W.J.McFiBLillII,i J. H. HULL. Wteess, B. Di BioaxB. VV AUCTION SALE /^ VALUABLE FARM. PROPEBIH \y the Township of Glenajg. Under and by virtue of the power of i in a certain mortg(ige from Finlay Mul to the Vendors,, which will be prodnceiei the time of sale, and on default, of panel of the moneys thereby secured, there wll 1*1 offered for sale by Public Auction at Maisi-I Hotel in the village of MarKdale, onWedDe^| day, the 22nd day of July A. D. 1885 atil o'clock p. m.. by A. S. Yandusen, Anetioceej Lot number. Twenty-two m the Ninth Cffil cession of the said Township of Glenil oont^ning 100 acres more or less, atwafil of whiSh are said to be cleared and about ^J free from stomps. On the premises area to be a frame house. The lot is speoavi adapted for a dairy farm. .1 TsBMS'â€" 10 laer cent, at time of sale, 1| per cent, withhi one month, and the batol to be secured by a mortgage of the premiss j payable in 5 years with interest at seven ;J j cent, yearly, or such other terms as r be arranged at time of sale. For further particulars apply to MOSS, FALCONBRIDGE BkHm p ToroQito. Jane 30th. 1885. Tears of experience and sacoeasfal trik have proved McGregor fe Parke's Carbolicl Cerate the most complete and saiisfMtory compound for healing Old Sores, ^eateriogs. Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds. Bofns. Frost Bites or Felons, and for keeping out the cold apd to cleainse or prevent proud flesh, slonghing or decay. Insist oh having lifoGregor A Parke'« Carbolic Cerate^ sold at 26c. by Hill Bjo'h. » t^t Mk; Mk, Honaviieii, Tbe following is the Honor ItoM of S. S*No. 4Holland,for Jnn^88Si The BianleS bfeihj: arraAj^ed^^ mBtei JPdtirtb Classâ€" tliwibis'X Troiitfiii'^il'v^^ r «citil toi Mftggia C. Farfq^rSoieSSS "alifi therefore in a posi^ ton, Au^ia H^nnaiu .^^\ =to give the public a SUpi^^ Thnrd Cbws-Edbert Low. 8anii.ll|^Clt d. ^lour. i^ fair trial respectfully' ^c^d and I have no fean ther^ult will be emineJ"' J3wlg«*5»W8 M "imply a marveiloai.r^^«y' A^toeKVMS,|fam^ Second Class -Jumpr,-.t*oa WoiS' Grace Garbdtt, Hara Qbinn. ^^^ First Bookâ€" JSemor,â€" Wi Lellaud; Joe VV dice' ftichj^' FItst Hook-^ Jtilifi^.^G^ Annie Irwilf. ' AUETU iiieiiir., ARK DALE ^THIS NEW â€" â-  Patent ^iocess F/ourlng ""I Is now completed at great exp on tbe plan$, and with the bestm?] ciiinery manufactured, nij itig it^ in every sense, of* fSwi paid for good hard " '1^ Fbur, Bran, ShortSj* JeSt^Jpf^ wholesale f^ II had for years beciii pm Dyspepsia, and tr Idthebestmfidicalsk It still grew worse, ni ^ng without great f Tii of work. I began ' hope for me. and th ken, like a drowning pw, I determined Ndy Cure a trial. I a FTe so rapidly that ir lUasI had ever bet rERS LEAMINrjTOX, ee trial bottles 1^ U8US PLE*^

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