HearM^l ata ntM. ;^^ -*«l«»«S«W«-«««i;j»^,-ii-^,' and 1009 TIMEKEEPCIIS. Genuine tMiham, Elgin SpnngHeld Movements. Kef jir/ss batches $9.50 io t16. Very »«»»«« for teachers, being doee timers. 26 Watch Cases, â- make), 2 to 5 ounces, Hnnting airf Qp« Face, Waltham Screw Beial. FMrS DUST PROOF KPT 10 nOCK. stock of Bol}-taate Chains and ftwilii. line of Wedjaag and Gem Bings. Sets* Roll-plate Necklets. Bracelets, Ping, «e Gents' Otig and Collat Bnt- Clocfeft, Musical Instromenta, Violin Igent Best line Fidiing TaekU in town. Dferidan Co. Silver Plate Flat and Hollow Ware. Lf WATCH R£PAIR//te CMREFUUrOOUE \l Goods end Work Warranted to *• a* Bepreaentei. |iy Call and see my stock how I, and get my close qootktiona e'»e ^u licbtse. THE BELIABLE JEWELLHK, A. BROWN, M and Other Items. Paov. t««^ 8«iFHim fkxu is • O^igtrtil toOffCliuiiyM weU M » fadd ttmrtlre for Ws fcifok to notice lut veek^ a frieoAljr MtU from Mc..A. fi. Fawoett, of tiM ' The body of CoL liidlancL B. Hll|QII|ftl SoncES in these columns intended tobenefit I imlividual or Societi/ leill he charged ten • a llr.e for the fiiat insertion and Jive aline each suhiequent insertion, IMs. Thistle of Owen Sound looked on us last week. IMiss Maggie Burns returned to puto kbt Friday. ISheleurue is to have public bath pms. That's sensible. Mk. H. J. MiDDAUGH, of DarhatQ, returned from Ohio. atiosal Pills will not gripe or sicken, I are a thorough catliaitic. )oTN.â€" Bread is down to 10 cents â- loaf at Moutgomery's. ^lE. Thos. McXea left on Thursday on a trip to Fort William. flie finest stock of Tweeds, and li'Jugs at Kicliardsou's Flesherton. SAMTEL WiLsox retumcd to \idence Bay last Thursday. ti^eed Suits froic $3.50 up at' ^liardscns, Elesherton â€" see them. lis. James Botisett and daughter • tbis week for their home in Jteeda. Is Sweet As Honet is Dr. Low's Pleasant P Syrup, jet sure to destroy and expel:: ^Hi should an editor wear a long ptacbe? because they have so plip. •' [?;°ffice stools, Whatnots, Hat ^s- J. W. Whitby and wife ,«J4 for Providenee lea^e Baj, â-ºÂ£iS^'°^^« to try Freeman's Worm yetfoi"" "" '^^^^ is ailiag, feverish Elijah Jones is 'vacation with ' broker. spending his his parents at acceoflf to any address the tgno^^'yearfor50eent«. Come [5 pjj^^^er when torpid with •^«c, sugar-coated. anti-bilioQS as. â-º' William. left here on ' .om her husband at tor Newd Posts. Sl^ Bafa sters, Hand Baiting, find TalieljefB m to Grant Co., Markdale. â- ^^-^^'^--^ Mna Emu Wbiohi arrived home ftom AUenford Ooll^ last week to opimd her vacation. ' '*^*f^f^^^' Foa Lath,Lumb9:, jPloorii^,^ ^udi, Doors, Frames and Moidding, go to Grant Co., MarUhile. Bbcsitkd ibis week renewal of sabaeription for ki'85 from jbhn Williams, SaaH fit. Marie. Fob Nettle Bash, Summer ^eat, Bniptions and general toilef purposes use Low's Salphor Soai^;; '"^If Mr. Andrew HiHand la^j have taken advantage at -the Bo3ral !]^em- plars excursion to Niagara FaUs. All will rLXASED. â€" The ehfldren Uke Dr. Low's pleasant Worm Syrop and parents n;jjone over its virtoes. Mr. Fruk Porter leaves to-dair^fo' Sand Hill, where be will remain till the Markdale public school re-opens. Pajris Oreen. â€" The only reliable potato bug antidote â€" for sale attheMedkalHaU. A.TonMrCo. Ite editor of the Moont Forest Rep. is holfed because nobody has presMited him with any strawb^ries. F(tt Bed Suits, Side Boards, Bureaus, Tables, Lounges, and Camp Stools, go to Grantiuid Co., Markdale. A steamship Exjnress train made the run from Owen Sound to Toronto in three hours Hud thirty minutes recently. Forty thousand packaiges of ' lleju venator Bitters sold m four years on its own merits. Sold by Smith, the barber. /^a^ ;.';. 800,000 Shuaglea for sale dar- ling's mill, near Vandelenr, by John Weber. All shingles warrairted as re- presented. â- ;-.^ -â- "^i^^^-Vr ' Ebv. a Wilson preached an im- pressive sermon to.il cirbwded honse on Sabbath mornint; last,-' being the Orangemens' service. Musical goods. â€" New Concertinas, Piclo'e, Harmonicas and Fifee, A 1 instruments at W. A, Brown's Jewel- lery estabhshment. Mr Joseph Jacques of Gleijelg arrived home yesterday after a visit of several uKuithavtO^Dglab^Jie had a plesfen^ timia Iv'Kiile 'awajl" â€" Grey Beview^]i!l â- ;., ^, ,..•,. • TfiB -^iecTic Fi-ustt, pale bellow cheeks and precarious appetite, indicate worms. Freeman's Wor^ Powcfera. win fuickly and effectually ^emtfve them. • :- ' ' Mb. SdconPlewes has moved---to CreenKMEe where he eaiel^sed a flour mai recently. He' wiftmences at once to overhaul the mili and' pat 'in the rolls:. "'-^ '^.^ " "â- 'l"' Thb partnership her^ofore subsisti ing between Campbell Cross of the Wiarton EcJu) has been dissolved, the latter ronaining at the heln|;-i»i that joii^al. ' 'â- *â- Bichardsons clearing sale of Sum- mer Dress Goods and Millinery com- mencing this week, offer a rare oppor tunity of getting really cheap uood^. Flesherton. ^r C\ • Mb. W. L. Young leaves for ai-^trip to the Old Country on Satnrdaiy. j^iWe wish him a pleasant b:^ imdfsitfe return. Mr. J. Mdntyre of Dundalk bank takes Mr. Y's place m his absence. yeetwdajf A iDompltte isMfteient o^ tools at Biehaidsons Ha^dv*^ Bton, Fkaherton, V^; Ifim^iounA and Hollaiid eonnoil minutes and other Hudtar enrnded out this week. 8 4Searing sammer fooda* at voy low prieee th«s wedi and naatak ittdMffdson's, Ftesherton. r Mas. tM. AtiirarBOKo ia tha guest of Mrs. W. J. McFariand. bW leaves next week Inp Pact ArthnBi ._. k "if" Bbv. Mb. G^MOif preachwl:* very ihil^lTr^me^ the Prof. Johnston was in town on Mondity laist;' he will /yint this place again shortly, .â- â- •';â- --^ Another shipmrat Laee Curtains just r«o^ved,.Lnporfeed Dinet, only, ^1. 86 per pair at McFarianda. Thb CAromeZtf of last week spM^s of eei-tain actions of a Profeasor Mar Markdale, bnt gives lamself away by guying tiie informaate name. Thb Meaford Iftrrar man bad a mess of new potatoes presented to hua the 4th inst hope he mil survive his egg, strawb««ry and potato pienie. Fibx.â€" An old roogfaaast house which has been vacant and delapidated some time, situated on Elisabeth Street was burned down on Monday night. iPiBK lot in Maikdale for sale Beautiful location, wQl be sold oa reasonable terms. Aj^y to B;. Free- bom, Williamsford, or oiquize at tins office. laSrtf A good horse for sala choice ci two, one 7 yrs. .old, and the other rising three. Apply to J as. Nash, Irish Lake, Markdale, P. 0. Makkd4.i,b cAieese factory baa made this season G50 boxes, or 21 tons of cheese, the half of 7hich has been sold and shipped, being the season's make up to the 20th June. New Goods. â€" Ladies Gold Watches Rings, Necklets, c.. Gents Boll plate Chains, and Guff Buttons. Fme goods marked iu fair figures at close prices, W. A' Brown Jeweller. Mb. Kilganan, Engineer, of the Pubhc W^orks Department, Ottawa, and his lady were the guests ot Mr. D. J. Shanaban their brother-in-law, last week. Mk. and Mrs. W. J. McFariand went to Owen Soimd Wednesday to attend the weddmg of Miss Lilly, daughter cfS. J. Lane, Esq., Q. C. to Mr. Mfuiley, druggefet of Meaford. Glenelg voters list for 1885 is out, being printed at thi|S office. The coun- cil are highly pleased witli tiie job. We compliment Mr. Black thp Clerk for the excellent maB^tri(itt pro;^^d for the same. EEJuyENATdB Ktters assists nature and removes the- oansa of disease from the ^ys^^n. By keeping tiie feidaeys^i Uv^Tve^mach apd blOod pure and ua^|«e'j8 chauiiela ' fjcep, ^en you have health. S44 .hy Sinith, the barher.3;t â- ' f :Â¥pyT;H1^^4.: MABKDAut was ajTmost cofkipieway desejrted on Monday, the 18th., ,1^ ^ril# :bii|d left Sdufyin the: infm^ for Flesherton, also Markdahr L. 0. L. ww^'Se: citunanp yra^i east, west, nor2b and so8#, ko^ ret|iirn?4 i*, â- eveniBgi"rigfat side up^witii care.' iMsiMniABT FiBB.--On Thursday night the alarm bdl sounded and it was tooa discovered that the saw mill of Mr. 0. Julllffts in flames. Tbere was a good deal of deli^y in bringing the hose to ||fl^ Msr^f fire, and the mill was soon destroyed. Tliere is no doubt but tlw was the. w«k of an incendiary. Mr. JuH is aa earnest Bupporter^flbe Seott Act, and we l^am thai tUr^t^ weraiaadi» i g i inet itifc The able eermon on Sunday morning kat for the Orange men, takii« fw; bis text the latter part d wbb a. Chap, ft li^Enuk ««Bethoustfong^e«efoie, idN^rSwtf a man," '^- -»*-^ I vaa^iiowded. The chnr lose of Mr. inn iaieanona,. m .Umm was jn losiiiiwrteMwati «eU d «f liowkn* JBofdand. i* eecdnif about Htm last week m JuJiy, aja^ol cmhmukni Bmnfat rm|od ouer implement. Those jileairdiiB of engaging boys should «#ply earbr ta Mr. BdwMd Doff, SnpariateadeDt, Hani Biae. Peterboroiy^, Ont A BxaAWBiBBT FkacivsL will be held on Mmday evening next, (Jnty SO)attlMre«dneeof]fr.a. Walkor in Aid of Christ Omrch Building Fund. Tue gnmnd will be illuain- aled. Music, Games, and menta provided, gate op«i at 7 o'doek Admieeion 16 eents. All ace cordial' ly invited. Abb tou onb or thbk â€" ^We have just teken a look through our Sub* Bcription list and find 806 sabsoibers in arrears. Now this is a very nnsat isfo^eiT and embarraang irtate of affairs for us. Will each one kindly come forward with the needful, and thereby show us that you will not be one of them any longer. Important to whom it may concern. All aecotots and over due notes pay able in my favor and not settled eith- er by cash or satisfactory notes on or before the 26th day of the present month, will be placed in court for eol- lectioB, positively no exception, do not look for further notice. D. J. Sbaxahav. Wa learn from the Durham dWwitetf that James Edge, Esq., is retiring frotn active life. Mr. Edge has been a successful farmer, and an honeiraUe and efficient man in public sffiiirs, which latter he has been identi- fies witii for thirty years in various degrees from Township Councillor to County Warden. KmxBD.â€" While Mr. Thos. Banks, of the 2nd Con. Glenelg, was attend- ing to his horses on Friday last, one of them got loose in the ' stall and oftheOrang«aM8 Saaitij aorviaa- was in part iaeorreet, aa one of the lodges wonhipped in the Pnebytarian dinroh. The eixor wae not oura. hswevsr, as wa knew noUiing of tbf •nangemenie until a promiikSBt i member of the order called and wished us to make a note of the serviee, irtiich we gladly did. pieeisely as stated to us. Abb You Madb niaeraUe by in-' digestion. Consumption, Diiainess, i^^i^P'^AP^'**^' ^«"o^ Skin? Shiloh'iVitahaeris a podtive cure. Sold by A. Turner A Co. x Bbab KniLBn.â€" -A bear was seen in the vicinity of Mount Forest on Satiirday a weak ago, and about twenty-five huntpmen turned out. After an e»ntiiig chase the bear was shot by Geo. Wait, and the party returned home with dangling from a pole. The carcass was made into steak and the «kin and head given to A. McEwan. who win have it stuffea and set up in his museum. â€" Grey Rmiew. Thb Bbv. Gbo. H. Thavbb, of Bourbon, Ind., says; "Both myself and wife owe our Uvea to Sbiloh's CoKsuMPnoM Cobb." Bold by A. Turner A Co. x Fatal Aocidbitt. â€" Three young men named Henry Newell, Edward Stiver, and Win. Moore, of the centre line of Osprey, went out shooting on Satur- day last. Newell, the deceased, had his gun standing beside hia at foil cook, and Stiver was standing at his nde engaged in loadmg his gun when it accidentally struck the other and disdiarged it, the whola diarge enter- ing Newell's jaw causing instantaneous death. The deeeased was. about 22 years of age, and washighlyrespeoted. The funeral was held on Monday last. Thd services were conducted by the jSons of Temperance of he received a rather severe kickinthe!_!.|^hefburue Frl^Fre^^^^ member. face. His jaw bone was slightly fractured, and it will be a few days before he is able to resume his usual labors.-^Grey Review. Miss Laura Borke, is prepared to ^ve lessons in music on Piano or Organ, also iu Drawing and Paintinc: at reasonable terms. Having mads a speciality of these studies while at- tending Out. Ladies College. ,,She re- sp^iiftilly solicits the patronage of the pe^R of Markdale and vicinity. Booms at the residence of Mrs. Aus- tin. 268-4 Th£ Ladies' Aid of the Markdale Methodist church will hold their an- nual garden party on Friday evening, the 24th July, at the residence of Mr. Wm. Armstrcngi adjoining the village. This is perhaps the most beautiful location for a residence in the County and is well arranged for a lawn party. The Brass Band will be in attendance, and a splendid time is expected. Tbqiblb's Imported entire horse "Garfield," presented a magnificent appearance and attracted a large crowd of spectators as he passed thro^igh on bis last round last week being completely deluged with ribbons of all shades and colors. Mr. Gilkinson, the manager, is a first class horsemi^l, as shown by, the excellent conditiott ofi^e animial at the' close of the season! Wb have received the fifteenth number of the Canadian Pictonal and IlUutrated War A/saos. The publishers have reduced the prica to ten costs per copy thus placing it witiiin the reach of all. It continues the follow- ing illustrations Gallant Attack on Big Bear's Band by a handfol *of Mounted Pohce under Inspector Steele and Squadron. Sergt.-Major Fury; The Steamer Marquis Pohng off a Shallow mthe Saskatchewan, from a sketch by Mr. F. W. Curzon, Special Artist of the CoNAiMm i^ictortol, with Gen. 'lfiddl6t(Mi's Ctnamand; PortrBita of Interest; The 91st (GbL Scott's) 'Bl$ttia^^n of infiintry on Sohrica; Wtary Yiews at Battlefiad, from Aetehes by Idoitenant B. Lyndhust Wardmcne. " Cdn^ix^ iidbntry Sbhool Corps. TiltcWMBik t^p^ FF eqfj, pbtiunii)^ frcnn local boif^- asStts foottctlM^offifla :e£ie|MAM|^ The School Festival of the Town Line Church, held in Mr. Hawkins' grove was a most successful affair.. The superiorquahtyof the good things provided reflected great credit on the ladies. After the young people had enjoyed themselvea with swings and games, Mr. E. Moore, Superinten- dant of the School took charge of the Programme. Excellent recitations were r»ndered by three of the children Short addresses were delivered by Messrs. Lyons, Moore, Martm, Hhw- kins, Logan, Brown, Grandy and Casson. The choir sang some very choice pieces. The proceedrngi were closed by the Natinal Authum. Pro- coods about $18. Ajjotheb old Maee. â€" Mr. Jas. Dow- sett of Leeds.County, Township Bas- teid, writer to us and says that he ©wened an aunt ot Mr. John Whitbys old mare for 29 years and she worked 28 years of that time, and died three years ago, in her 32nd year she was also wijihout blemish, active and smart until death. She spent the last nine years of her life- time in haul- ing milk for her owner to the cheese factory, to tue value of three thous- and doUarn. Mr. D. comts short of owning her as long as Mr. Whitby by two years. Strange coinced- ence that thoE« two mares has been drove together many times in Leeds County Banquxt. â€" About forty sat down to a sumptuous and toothsome spread ui the Markdale H(»use on WednesdHy evi;)iiujj CO do lionor to Mr. W. Ij. Young on the occasion of his dejjariun' on a trip to Scotland. After tUt- wants of the inner man were replen- ished, Mr. A. Turner took the chair, which position he filled with credit lo himself aiid fatisfHctiou to all, and tl^c^. usual toasts were drank, iu eold water, .and responded with more than ordJij. aryabitity, fee^soned with a supem bondance of wit an?! hnmor, dariun which the guest of the evening wiia. presented bv B. S. Bae. Ssq.. on thv part of Markdale C.aO.P.. of which Mr. Young is a worthy member, with a Iteaut^l Oddfeilow'« Seal. Timo luid space prevents OS dcaog justice hi\ ,our report, it ^u bow«v^ a grand soecetp throo^^nnt, ^iriij^ t^ dei^ustra*ion.tbO:bigfi resj^ct ol th^ .d] fi ' I Mi i3 i^l .;iril i.K^fl^S!| • M li HU m, 1^ iBisjjjiii sfe??#isfr S!t,ip;? 'iri \S-:^:i^: .;«ni xfSes^/.;; J.a.-; "iiw