Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Jul 1885, p. 2

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 ^^ff rw^\ *; .^i f â- :â-  i \l \i- r 1 i :|| SCIBIITIFIC AHD VSEFITL. Tharmonuter Wbaa 1mt» to be •d.i^TliiaMqiilxM»j«arort«o. Whin ld«M k new is eh«Bgea,'«spaadi, eoatarmoli •nd wariM alnuwt m badlj aa graenwooa. In Garmaiiy thaj an novtayingacaai- poaifeloa of ei»k,' land and Hbm, moldad Into brioki, for tho wnutroetlon of Ilj^t partition walla. It ia aald to exdada aoond better tban ordinaij brickwork, while being light and a good noncondae- tor of heat. Experimenta have been made In France with electricity aa an agent to present the Incmatation of boUen. The paaaage af a enrrent throof^ a boiler not omj e a nae a the impnritiea of the water to set- tle aa a loose powder, bat detaches the eld inenitation. The railroad sjatem of Japan has at- tained a length of 226 miles, and is In- ereasing steadOj. It has been mainly bnllt by the Japanese Government with native capital. The bosiness resnlts ap to the present time have given no cause for dissatisfaction. Some time i^o the discovery was made by M. Oh. Montigay, by the means of a beaatifol insjniment called the sclntillo- meter, that blue largely predominates in the twinkling of the stars when there is mach water kt the atmosphere, and that the preponderance of green or violet is Indicative of a great dimness. Salphoric acid will remove spots from brass that will not yield to oxalic acid. It may be applied with a brush bat great care mast De taken that no drop of the add shall coma In contact with clothes or akin, as it is ralnoos to garments and to aatide. Bath brick or rotten-stone may bo nsed for polishing, the latter being preferable for delicate work. Mr. F. W. Clark has exhibited in Lon- don a new system of gas lighting for pri- vat* hoases by means of recaperatlve lamps. By a ventilating arrangement the lamps consame their own smoke, and the bomers are so formed that the requi- site air is heated to a high temperatare and admitted into the lamps at the point of ignition. Mr. Wolff's treatment of writers' cramp seems to be making steady progress In fopular estimation. It consists of a com- ined application of massage, gymnastics, and caligraphic exercises. Any sufferer from that annoying and distressing species af cramp can devise a special system of relief by noting the objects aimed at by the method adopted by Mr. Wolff. When tempering cold chisels or any other steel articles heat to a very dull red and rob with a piece of hard soap, then Snlsh heating and harden in clear, cold water. The potash of the soap prevents the oxygen of the atmosphere from uniting with the steel and forming rust or black oxide of iron. The article will need no polishing to enable the colors to be seen. This will be appreciated when tempering traps, dies or various complex forms not not easy to polish. Never " upset" a csld sbiseU It is sure death to the stepl. Paper slippers are the latest form in irhich paper is introduced in new inven- tions. An Englishman has patented a system of manuf Mturing slippara, sandala and other coverings for the feet out of paper. Paper pulp, or paper mache, ia employed for the upper, which is moulded to the desired form and size, and a sole ia provided made of paper or pasteboard, leather board, or other suitable paper ma- terial, which la united to the uppers by means of cement, glue, or other adhesive siaterial. The upper ia creased, emboss- ed, or perforated at the instep or sides, which renders them somewhat pliable and prevents their cracking while in use. AS ILLU8TB ATEP HIBIOB^OF BKBETiLTOJ. ' **iujnauxaD waA mwa." w"!|k An Unexpected Result. At a recent sham fight in England the commanding officer of the attacking force, which was expected to advance airectly against a strong position, departed from bis instructlona, and, taking advantage of a heavy mist, out flanked and dispersed his opponents, driving them pell mell down hill. The result was precisely the reverse of what had been arranged for; but aa it was a good deal more lue war than the scheme laid down in the instructions, the Government does net feel like censoring the daring officer, who, by the way, be- longed to the marines. As the assailanta were mainly salloris and .marines landed from a fleet supposed to be hostile, the whole affair was roted by them to be ** a jolly lark, " and an Instructive lesson to the amateur soldiers who were defending the position. Everybody has laughed so heartily over the affair that the Goverment professes official ignorance of it. Seas «n the Anstrallan Ceast It is said that theseas On the Austndian •oast are heavier than anywhere eMe in t^»^ world. For hundreds of miles IdiAsk, beet'-^ ling -cliffs from 400 to '600 f«et U^hj te^ tend without an openfaig of ai^ Und'info^ which a distresaed ahip ndght tun for safety. Bound the baae o^ theto eBils the crested hiUs of angiw' ijnvea naorge and roar, swept along irtw. tatfclbla lioroe by winds bom at the aouthon pole,: and which, otteering over thooMnds of viOm^ of tea, have Maoouttfcered famd here foif tile first tiae. Who Wonldn't he a Lawyer?,: â-  A.t the close of prolmged litigation over theaffklrs of the Columnla Ufa InMranoe Oo«npany, the depoaitan got $105,137 and tihe lawyers $221,720. This is nutty sood for the West, bat we can do bmtar here. In the Marie-Ganlaoa salt, wUeh kaa jost been settled, the lawyera for the plalntiir got $93,760 and the eoondl lor the def Mice $450,000. Utigation na^f%e pieâ€" ant, but it la an ozpenatre luxury. AasMsaalbaoosMryiB i«i nsoal peaoaabf who taloss an fafsrefk in hia teeandUatiaytrilliie hioihif oift lor â-  history oltiwxeoeniteoablsain^i^ Kortb-. Wisst which hsiva been the ioaroe otaowMch uudaty to thonsands and thecaoae of nnttfd snffering to manr thoosanda mora. Antiol' Kting tiiis demanil, the Or^ Printing and iblishing Company of Tmnto have de- elped to snpply the want, and have adopted a some what novel and interssting plan for doing so. They propose to issue two grand souvenir nnmbers of«ie Canadian Pictorial and lUastrated War NewB, vdiich wl'l be a complete letter-press and iUostrated history of the late rebellion. The first of these parts has jost been Issued and otmtains a complete history of the rebellim from its in- ception np to the Battle of Ilsh Creek. Be- sides the letter-press history, it contains a large number of very fine illnstrations, amongstwhichare th«folIcwing â€" "The Bat- tle of Duck Lake," "The Sacking of Battle- ford by Hostile Indians," 'Escape of the McKay Family through thelce," 'Captareof White Cap's Band by the Govemor-Grener- al's Body Guard," "How Her Majesty's Mails Travel through the Hostile Country," "Tbe Battle of Fish Creek." "Murder of the Priests by Wandering Spirit," "Heroic Defence of Fort Pitt." Also a grand alle- gorioal two-page Supplement entitled "Ca- nada's Sacrifice." In addition to these illnstrations there Is given away with this first part a magnificent plate In three colors of Generl Middletou and the commanding officers of the different Battalions on duty in the North-West. Amongst others in tiie group are the follow- ing: â€" Major-General Middleton Major- General Strange, Lord Melgnnd, Col. Otter, Col. Van Straubenzie, CoL Williams, CoL Montizambert, Col. Ouimet, Col. Grasset^ Col. Miller, etc. The Illnstrations, which have been made specially for this publication, have been compiled at great expense from the most authentic sources, including sketches from their special artist who Is accompanying General Middleton's expedition. The ar- tists engaged in the preparation of the illus- trations comprise the best talent available both in Canada and the United States, uid inclade the following: â€" W. D. Blachley, J. W. Bengough, J. D. Kelly, J. Hnmme, W. W. Wesbroom, A. Lamport, Wm. Bmi- gough. The hiatory ia from the pen of Mr. T. Arnold Haultaur, M. A., the author of " The War in the Soudan." There is no doubt that this illustrated history will be by far the moat valuable of any that may be publiahed, and when the two parte are bound together they will form a very attractive memento of Riel'a second rebellion. Li the yeara to come thoae who are fortunate enough to poaaesa a copy will have a volume that will be atudicMi with in- tenae interest by both young and old. We advise all our readers to lose no time in securing a copy of Part 1, and giving their order in advance for the 2nd Part, which is in preparation, and will be ready In a short time. The price of each part is 50c., which we consider is remarkably cheap, as for ttis price the publishers have compiled a work of which the letter press alone would make an ordinary book of about 150 pages, and in addition give 12 fall pagea of litho- graphed illuatratiouB. It is only by a very large sale that the publishera will make any profit, and they are certainly justified in anticipating a great demand for the issue. We have no doubt their anticipations will be realized. The souvenir number can be procured of all newsdealers, or from the office of publica- tion direct. ^SnSt^trSS^mT^ •^^^"^ffLCS^i^S^ treatiafr Mental and la blteUiif ;ak In ^g,-. wSlaend you fdlpartlorfanibf iu SL ^j We eensm* the t""""*^. *i JJjS?! whenweaietheriotima; we find iteharm- ing when we are the objects. •• la thna netalm in GfflMdl Is then no ptayrioiaii tlieiw r Thanks to ir. Pieroa, there it balm In hk •• Ghiidon Medioal DlaoorMy' -• «' balm for every wound" to h^W^â„¢* colds, ooogha, oonsumption, teendUMa, and all ehronio, blood, lung and llTeraf- feallona. Ofdmatlsts. The essence of education is the education of the body. Beauty and health are the chief sonrces of happiness. Best French Brandy, Smart-Weed, Ja- maica Oinger and Camphor Water, as oombhied InDrl Pierce's Extract of Smart- Weed, is the best remedy for oollo, dlar- rhcei, cholera morbus, dysentery or bloody-flux; atao, to break up oold^ fevera and Inflammatory attaoka If oaed early. The higheat mark of esteem a woman can give a man is to ask his friendship and the most signal proof of her indifference is to cffitr him hers. se: roRCir- marand stat=: requi^,, " 1 4-1 'WS FIRE nil: BOiULR FEEDS ' ^, PUMPS FOR ALL PURPqse;, httanni-A new Treai Fariiaps the most extrarprdlnMT aoUeved In modem â€" taaa besa aoUevad in modunsolaaoe baa been attained bv the Dixon Treatment of eatanta. Out of vm patients treated dnriac tte part six aurais. fwr ninety per oent hare been Biz Booflis. fully ninety per il of ibis stnbbom malady. TUa' tbo lass startling when It tornumbendUial not Ave per bent of the patients nre ss nHng thonselves to the regular praottBonor are benefitted, while the patent mediolnes and oOer advactlsad oarss never reeord a enre at aU. Startiag with the claim now generally be- lieved bylhe most sol a n t lfle men that this iHnnasf la due to the prsaenoe e( living parasites in the tlasnss^ Mr. Dix- on at ODoe adapted his onre to their exteimination t this aooompllahed the eataxth is piaotloally onred, and the permanency Is na- questioned, as cures eflteted by him tour years ** " else " *lbvt of eyery one hundred and nine female aohool teabhera," aaya an exchange, "seven marryerwr J^- »«» ^^J **^i* the remaining 102 many Give na all the faota. A magarine writer am the Indians are itt- ereasing in number. Thia must be an error. Not nearly ao many Indiana are standing In front of dgar stores to-day aa Aere were twenty-five yeara ago. Women love always When earth slips from them they take refuge In heaven. The day of small thlnffs la fcHwrer. It ia nob the gremt dl£El- cultlea of life tiiat try xm bat Idie amall annoyanoea that ceaaeleaaly wear away patience and good temper. The amaUeat grain in the eye, or the pricking of a pin, even an aching corn npaet as comoletelT, and therefore it becomes onr dnty to pro- tect ouraelvea against the leaaer eyila which grow great by repetition. To re- move corna aU that u neoeiMurj U to pur- ohaae Patnam'a Painleia Oom Extractor. It wUl very quickly remove them, and without the ibghteat pain or diacomfow. Putnam's Bz^Taetor like othar articleB of merit hai nomBrooi imltatora. Be on yoar guard agalnat auch. Aak for and get Patnam'a latractor. A.P.335. ?*â- *â- Â«Â« SI 1^ J â- "â- â€¢â- â€¢wetiw^* »4imbisDrtvInKBaUi' leaUataaadDlaoouiia No has ever at- Lake Mistassini. When young Mr. Bignell returned from Lake Mistassini last fall, and con- firmed the rumor that ib was a very large body of water, a few sdentific gentlemen of Canada treated Ids story as a sensa- tional yam. They were sure his report was grossly exaggerated and they were rather amused by his statement that tiio lake they had visited wasLlttle Mlstassini, and that just beyond it was a vast inland 8e% called Great Mlstassini, of which the Canadian Survey expedition had never heard. Mr. John Blgnell, late leader of the Gavemment exploring party, has just re- turned,in aeoorcumoe wltiihis Instructions. He confirms In every particular Uie infor- matiH]i which hia son brought home last fall. His party have not been able to cir- cumnavigate the lake, but they believe It to be at leaatalx times as largoaa Little Mlstassini, which they have found to be 100 miles long. Mr. Blgnell says that in the portion tiiey have explored aeveral islands, about twenty miles long, each contalmng lakes of considerabla aita, have been discovered. The directora of the Canadian Geolc^cal Survey will pro- bably admit before long that they nanow- ly escaped making a great diseovety yeara ago, and the report which the exploring expedition will submit when its work is done, there is little doubt, will amply jnatlfy young Mr. Blgnell. There was no reason In the world, except profeeaional jealousy, to discredit him laat fall, aahis had the reputation of bdng a cotnpetent surveyor and a responsible man.. We wUl perhapa know soon how neuly this Inland aea approaohea in Ita- dimen- sionathe greateat of our lakea, If indeed it be not found to equal Lake Superior In siae. Toong Mr. BUindl atteted for Lake Mlstassini fiMmiQnebeetbeotharday wUih a. party of gentiemen, among whom la Pr^. LaFkunmei thegedogiat, ho wkosia efforts ia largely due the aeodhig' out of the expedition that ia now exploring the great li^. A New Yorker advertiaea: "Gtave- stones for Bale cheap, todoae uo an Mteba. " Now la the time to die. ^^ A flaan kaa applied tm the poaitloa of " aexton " of the Poatoffice Department. Thb la tomb mach 1 Wesospecthewants to Inter the dead letters. ^^^ â- go are onres stllL tempted to oore Catarrh In this manner, and no other treatment has ever onred Catarrh. The applloatlon of the remedy is simple a n d .o a n be done at home, and the p r e se n t season ot the year Is the most favorable for a speedy and permanent onre. the malorlfar of oa s es Being onred at one treatment Snfllarers s'lonld cor- respond with Messrs. A. H. DIXOh Ifc SON. » Kij«-street West. Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp tor their treatise on catarrh-â€" JfCnCreal Star Everyone loves power, even if they do not know what to do with it. No MAN ever smoked " Myrtle Navy" tobacco for a fortnight and then took to any other brand iu preference to it. It bears its own testimony of its qualities, and it is testimony which ia always convincing. The smoker who uaea it ia never annoyed by getting it aometimes of good quality and sometimes of bid. The arrangemehts of the manufacturers for keeping ita^ quality equal are very elaborate and complete, and are the results of many years of experience and close observation. ' Of all things that man posseasea, women alone take pleasure in being possessed. If^at 10 Cents will Do. A 10 cent bottle of Poison's Nbeviunb will cure neuralgia or headache. A tea cant bottle of Nerviline will cure toochache or faceache. A ten cent sample bottle of Nerviline Is suffi- cient to cure colds, diarrhoea, spasms, dysentery, c, Nervilhie is just the thing to cure all pains, whether internal or external. Buy at your druggirt a 10 eant sample of Nerviline, "the great pain cure." Safe prompt, and alwaya effectual. Large bottles at any drug store, only 2o cents. T fOK aaUL-UUl Mada Band for Uak JonnJ.PALnT. Qealsh. inCa. OaLunrAS k Oo^, Oottoa, Woollaot eus. tJa pat. a«a ITorated ahattls MaSata. Oandaa. Oa ASK TOUB QBOOCB WOR IMPEBIAL FBENOH SflOB BLACKING aodSunn AftplytoLAIDLaW D. LAtDLAMTt Toronto. EbBSiLB-Steluma in Nottawaaga dale, with orwithontoniio. A AICOL, Saajnar, or J. PUJtlt luaat AyKBWTHIWloraMe, twooowi, iwo feMUnfctaeitaa and one bull. Witte for imattr nun, grioe Mia pedisree to Q. Baxmi,- ttafalga*. 60.000 aone of improved and nnimpravod f»mW landa Send for our Keal Eatate JoornaL FOSTAI. Wt CREITH, gvart, Michigan. 1|HB Buuxo •fflioMd aifift.â€" traoae an KqiuMMi n â- siWUUami- Aie Water, It eorea aU aaaaaei of tnegfe Umi an eatable, erea Ooioi BMndneM, aak four Orngglsta (or it. Whoteu kb by I«man Sons Od, M ontreki. Bend tor eirouUr to aee the marvalona lorei eKeeted In Montreal to GBO. WiLLlAlUi, 709 St. Mwranoa atreet, or at QhhDiStt'a Dms Hton, eor- ner MoUU l and JStat n lame atreet **CBIlJ»OJUUnEX!» "" The Boyftl EngUib Hanu and j»tue Linament, and wash toriiomettio Anlmaii jost introduoed trom Jfing- Una, wbere ic Hu uteu iu use u*er iz isaia. Oona ail â- km oueaBM, beali oati), Uniaee, aodepiaina. Onrei niaiige ou ougs, and when used in the batb, (about a teaap .oofa^ tu a batn) positilTbly deitroya fleM, uoe, and ail iuceota oa doxi, poultty aua utner 'â- nim^.i^ Bottlee 26o. SOo. and ai eeoL Oroolan free write for them. UKid a UO., 769 uraig ai., lAontreai. A^enU wanted eTer,«bere. Uood induobmenta to good men. JLgjtlt at once tor tem u and p artienla ». I^abmOob sale. 1,200 Aorea of Highly Improved Farming Landa for aae in Wellington, tetJi, and Qtej alao lirlok Block In Jit. Forest. For JJesenptive Olxcular write to SAMUEL ROBERTSON, Harriston OUTTHiro The BTew CqIqii -^â€" IS THB- BBBT IN THB HswBTAxat mmn Latest Improved Attacii i£ents price for siilari Our price only )25 JlTMaolilnea guaranteed for ««„„„ J Any lady wuUng a maohlne wUl aoi«U THE 00-0P|RiTif|1 Sewing lactbl M JAMBS S T. SOUTH. HAimj R. U.~AWi THAT tbe Lorillard's Clinuji paring a red tin tag;tim _,, -Boae Xeaf fine cut tlSt te beat and oheapeet. qnaUtr aoiSIdT PBI BUDGE. BOÂ¥AL CASA EXPERT, KAJMOABOO! 60 2nd-handl Tricycles. tf" Send;for Ua Send 3c. stamp lotka alogueever iBsuedh^ A. T. LANE. Mont CO FOR FLBASANT â€" USB ONLY- SBWINQ WATER A Dog's Pecnliar Trick. Tbere la a postman In onis of tbe suburbs of London who has lately been put to serious inconvenience by the extraordi- nary conduct of a gr^hound belonging to one of his Beighbdnb No sooner does he start onhb rouKls than thd dog seta off also. When the poatman dropa a newa- paper into the box thie dog atOps atilL waits till the postman li a good distance Off, then en4epivqr8 to force his way Into the houae. If the door is looked he ioUows his friend again^.and wialtalds dppbrttmitF for making a aeoond attempt. Atlemrth he Euooeeda. Ho«teA*te!i4^.fahis mouth, and darts off at full apMd. The postn»n haa ii*mbew=bkl(o:,dl|Miover wlAt hedoM W!^ his stolen goods. He followed Wm pnoe,; but tho dQg.ana ,too quick in hla movements to allow ^MU to be caught. Thto conduct is extremely awkwMd for the poor postman, who, on more thaiione otKaalofior baa h^ to^^^Im- bntae th€ cost of the' ^j^ W the iiaeei subscribura. '^: â-  ^f Clapperton's Spool Cotton I Warranted #UIiIj liength, autt to ran amootA un ant â- eWlug maotalne. itoe taat Ui.4PpjcsT0Jra name u be la oeL JHTSWa ale o » aU i"T 'ja» Oenun. STAR AUGUR 980 Per Say WELL^^BORINQ baa no raperior; 20 feeT 'per ~bour liand br~hon» power oombmed buriog and roos drilling maobine ' grand aaoooH fint prlaea and dlplomaa. Send for Cat- alogue. as aaurr gtreet, HamlltoM, CMtaa. THE ALLODMi. ARQU8 GMvingvaluableinformattott tainteaOlngpiinbaaeH ol landa and bootee. ft. W. PRITTIK CO., '^^^*1.'^^| Oommiaiionen, Yalnaton. Iiiu. teea,.8nd Sinaaaial Amntk. BOOH a.-ABOADB YwgeStieet, Toronto. ^^m^m^s^ Be-jo aet etamp tot aeapy bf the atore paper. Dominjon Line ot Steamsljip Bun^iBOonnaatlOBWltbth Cbaal^ttondcMlwk Ike admmermoatluf^ (roa TSnUSSRSiS^n aar daring tha wtat^aoatba. '--"â- ^^^-^'^^^' 4|melMe« nth Jane Wr^ dhdj MMstreoI, IStliJiiiy SaTSSaT'Wiiae; laarkedtkna: ia felt, and no oattleoriAeasI iMKliir duing winter from Fioatlaad '«d Aiti u:m. iii TaTTiJ iflfnshlpi. Diedâ€" I|ijihe totN(ti of, XJolianbifc "^helbwdpwtaktoiJhti^^ nadde thejgiuid|;arentB werocoualniand botiiwdre'^BWliSldbbHr *rfl*?SSI2 grandaaofktea te'th^'inotker'aiiEdw^Ute ^•Meat^««toda«ilkig teihJX^ fiM2ier'aai7ua^3SS on tfaemolAier^a aUUivJiHi ^i ui double tttda to: Hh* Mtta/MaOuSimS. father^ dde i1iiBwS!ga^S5m«i tile fWA^r-a dde wS^SnSfS 'Bom: Unea wiH __. nauMr betwanOUaagSwi t Ibu. JOrk:H. Bonnier. "'» T Waalb itO: ' The El [III Washer a r Wishui Teuiedlliiiid vomin oin TeusoU,! ihe use olid )oard,ciii«i|l vash U uaf n one hiin. wanted lU* »(3a. Eo trial and territory eiven. Lailies mslre gaid agectiiB^ clothes, and every lady will buy after trjinf t' to wash calicos in five minutes, cotton poodfl in ^M 10. or no sale. Address, FERRIS A- CO.PatfntaiB taetaien.78 Jarris Street. TOI!ONT0,Caiaii OAUTIOII MYRTliNiilllJ Jt MARKED T. JMffi ITREI oml] .iCooBtiT- JtorekaepeiB and oOtenBUj^Si nektaas'Bkttw^ Und It to tbeb' osatlie iSEUBRATED WALKER BlimR^ 1 BpeoialBiaatOrvseol fanneit. P""'" •nlais seat oa application to JAMEg PABK Btfllf^l S « to «T.«B. tA^VKNCn MARKKt. W^TJ bf-;Dealer8 who of- fer«iwt Sell Jm Conviction kferior Oil of »Of6rior Oil OTv. O Manufacture «f liiu«ka, Clflnder^BoIf â-  « eutOag Wool mis. I ^« nie byaUleading dealers. ,th to leave theL ahaTelBlepcw| kote, ere \V^'*}\ pdien woke and â- Â«*'JiK

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