Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 Jun 1885, p. 1

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 Uxui. latter 114** 3l0«r 306" 408 « 43S» 44fiH «87m 630ra Mile*. 630uri 7 26'« 7 54«» 8 35'« 9 00" 9 45" 10 45 • 11 50 » 1215p]B J12 40- 1 26" 2 03 • [N, E, It. ES. seMt and x-Xo. 249. ». MAEKDALE, ONT., JUNE 18, 1885. CopuB or TH« Staihabd Fm oaaxB BACH. lOD TIMEKEEPERS. ine Waltham, Elgin and\ W. ingfie/d Movements. ^rind- l,$ Bey »" Stem rs BO%v ou hand. s IfafcAes ^5.50 to $16, iUitaUe for teachers, being close timers; Watch Cases, 10 to 3 ounces. Hunting and Open Waltham Screw Bezzii. Ol}Sr PfiOOF KEPT IN STOCK. lock of I!oll- l)late Ciiains and Seals. Wctldin3 and Gem Kings, Roll-plate Necklets, Bracelets, LttC Gents' Cuff and Coll ar Bnt- Miisical Instruments, Violin Best line Fis hing Tackle in town. Ilfferidnn €o. Silver Plate It and Hollow Ware. \tCH REPAIR IMG CAREFULLY DONE U and Work Warranted to be as Ileprisetiteil. 1 and fee my stock how complete 1 pet my close quctiitbtis e"re you RELIABLE JEWELLER, â-  A. BROWN, IARKDAI-.E:. Mother Items. IS in these column!! intended to benefit fidualor Socii'tif leill be charged ten ine for the lirs't insertion and five int'eachuh'eqiient insertion. klOth, is IShelburne's civic Irsal bad a §150,000 fire r p notes always on hand nt the I office. 'iLsoN Benson will leave on a llreland shortlv. Iall of the Dundalk Herald iacallou baturilay. ' K. Flkshek is now viBit- fnds at Parry Souad. [name of Cbarleslon station bebangoa toCidodon. BALs clieeso factory is turning Iboxes of cheosfc per day. Liox siiflVi-ed by fire last Satur- jtbe amount of '^7,200,000. County Comicil meets in Owen on the 2£i;d rjtt. at 7 p. m. pwoKTH will celebrate Domin- â-  »Dd give a c.r.acert at night. p court vill hold its next pmMarkdalecu ii.e 19th iust. |5- ilcLhOD rf ijruce Mines [Visiting friends :i^ this vicinity. [Jails. Hmn„,( talker Bro's, a [^y â-  CoLEMA^• leu on Thursday trieuds at Sauls Ste Marie, Fob Lath, Lumher, Flooring, Sash, Doors, Frames and Moulding, go to Grant Co., Markdale. Mns. Mabt Bxttledge, Atcheson, Kan., will accept thanks for Atcheson and Si. Louis papers. 15 or Newel Posts. Stair Balusters, Hand Bailing, and Table Legs go to Grant Co., Markdale. Statute labor is the order of the day this week in Markdale, Mill St. and sidewalk is tipsy turvy. A cfooD top buggy, nearly new, for sale, or trade for a horse» Apply to Walker Bro's, Markdale. D. B. Ellis, 9th line Euphrasia, has 100 bushels nearly Bose and Beauty ot Hebron potatoes for sale. Another lot Check Lawns the neweat and handsomest goods in Markdale, at McFarland's. Large Envelopes suitable for mail- ing cabioet photos kept for sale by Jast Hamilton, photographer. BbVi S. Ward and Mr. A. Turner are this week attending the synod of Huron l)ioce6e at London. National Pn.LS are sugar coated, mild but thorough, and are the best Stomach and Liver Fill in use. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieye Croup Whooping Cough and Btonchitis. Sold by A. Turner Co.x A NtMBEB of wounded yolunteers passed through on Monday per steam* boat ei^rsss train, also the corpse of two. A Nasxl Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's (Jatarrh Bemedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by A. Turner Co, .X We had a friendly call last week from Mr. J. G.Blyth of the Chatsworth News formerly of t)ie Markdale Ex. poator. ShUiOh's Catarrh Bemedy â€" a positive cure for Catarrh, Dipthrie, and Canker Mouth. Sold by A. Tamer Co. x mills The semi-annual meetmg of Artc- mesia District It. 0. L. was held in the coming ISth at Bbxwstes's Lakk. â€" Mr. Jno Large, of Bhelbame. has leased Brewster's Markdale last Saturday. They decid- Lake two and one half miles from Sing ed to celebrate Flesherton. Park lot fn Matftdale for sale Beautiful location, will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to B. Free- bom, Williamsfofd, or enqoite at this office. 126-tf S3, Putty, c, save money. If otur vUlage has ceased to celebrate the Queen's Birthday, or Dominion day, how would it do to take up the 4th of July Be either Canadians or Americans. Fob Dyspepsia and Liyer Complaint, yott haTe a printed guarantee on ovefy bottle of Shiloh's YitaUzer. It never fails to cure. Sold by A. Turner Co. x Broken Abh. â€" A little girl, dangh- ter of Mr. John Sanderson, of Melanc- thon, fell from the hay loft on Tues- day and broke her arm above the el- bow.â€" Fr*e Prtss. Fever colic, nnnatnral appetite, fretfulness, weakness, and convulsions, are soi/e of the effects of Worms in Children destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. Over eight thousand lbs of milk were received at the cheese factory last Saturday. The average for the week would be nearly 8.000 lbs per day, â€" Dundalk Herald, Parties who contemplate going to the Old Country should see Mr. Csnar, Station Agent at Markdale, he being an agent for two of the best eampanies can give best rates obtainable. The Bev. Geo. H. Thatbb, of Bourbon, led., says; "Botii myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumption Core." Sold by A. Turner Co. x hampton, for a term of twelve yeats. Mr. Lartfe intends fitting up tents and making it a summer resort.â€" Fr«e Press. Mb. Thos. WiLLiscBorr of Williams- ford is agent for the Maesey Manu- facturing Co. agricultural implements. We believe Mr. Williscroft is a thoroughly reliable man, and for the machinery turned out by the arbove Co. they are second to none. See Mr. W.'s advt. in this paper. W J. McFasland pays cash down for his goods. He goes to the fountain head, buys nothing but clean, fresh goods. He purchases so largely that he makes it in the interest of the manufacturers to sell him cheaply, and he is contented to take very small profits and make enormously large sales. Away for a Visit. â€" Mr. H. J. Middaugh and wife left for Indiana this week, ou a visit to relations there. The hotel will be just as well con- ducted as ever, during their abjence, as it is under the able management ofjUr. Archie Butter, who is deserved- ly a general favorite. â€" Durham Chronicle. We had an interview with three re- liable men last week, one had been to Colling wood another via Owen Sound to Alleufcrd and a third through Chesley and across the township of Brant, and in none of their travels does the crops equal in appearance tbose of the district surromiding Markdale. MoviNo. â€" Mr. Cliff Sons, started their engine at their new woolen factory in Durham. The engine was found to work very satisfactorily, and I this week we expect to hear the hum Of the thirty-eight members of the 'of the carding machine in full opera- Wellington county council there art tion. â€" Grey Review. The above engine two preachers. No other council in was turned out of Moffat Bro's foundry the province can make such a showing. Markdale, recently. -!/«. Forest Repfesentative, j^^^ ^^^^^ FACTOBY.-Singhamp- fi«t-class \^. J. and Mrs. "ieir dau sbiuglos and lumber Howe, Barrhead 146-4W Ciuuiiugham are i'ter, Mis. H. D. ^fice stools. ^Vhatnots, PUe us 'â-  flat c" to Graut Co., ^^^^ Assizes ^^'a Orar,geviUe will on the com- 12th Ne at to of jtes. J. p neJ[?^^^°^e'-.^'° Bakery "^^^andies. Lemons and brifc^5/°i renewal of subscrip- Obangville woolen mills have champed bands and is now in full blast with Mr. F. A. Clarry as pro- prietor. Abmstbong Bao's. of this village are going into the manufacture of cheese boxes. They have orders now in for 11,000 boxes. Use Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap for Prickly Heat. Nettle Rash, Scaley Eruption, Itch^ and all diseased con- ditions of the skin. It is said that lovesickness checks the growth of young people. We don't believe it. They increase in sighs all the time. Mb. Wilson Benson bf this village, informed us that in one hoyr and a half last iriday, he caught 111 trout. Who can beat that Why Will You cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and $1. Sold by A. Turner Co. x OwniG to our staff going to Toronto on the excursion, Wednesday, we publish on Tuesday evening this week mstead of Thursday morniug. Miss White of St. Vincent has been visiting at the residence of Mr. Reynolds for the past two weeks. Sije fetumed home last Saturday. At the meeting of tiie grand councU of C. 0. 0. F. in Toronto last week Mr. Douglass of Owen Sound was elected Depttty Grand Master. Expi'ess Wagons, Walking Sticks, Rubber Balls, Base Balls, Fishing Tackles, c., splendid new stock at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. All parties indebted to me by note or book account will oblige by settling the same at once as I am gomg to Ireland and need the money. Wilson Benson. The Hbctic Ffe^sfi, pale boiiow cheeks and precarious appetite, indicate WOTms. lieeman's Worm Powders wUl qtiickly and ^ectnally remove them. i.-T » Abb You Made miserable by in- digestion. Consumption, Dizzmess, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's VitaUzer is a positive cure. Sold by A. Turner Co. x Notice.â€" All parties indebted to the undersigned are hereby notified to settle the same not later than the 1st July, at my old business stand or my residence, Mill Street, Markdale, W. H. Rutledge. A full line of samples of the At- lantic Publishmg Co's adveitismg cards, comprising over four hundred designs, at this office. We haye se- cured the agency for this distriet. Call and see them. Some elderly maiden about town don't like us because we occasionally call them old maids* That's no sign we don't like them. Why, our own wife would be an old maid if she weren't married. Garden party. â€" The L. A. Associa tion of the Markdale Presbyterian Ch- urch mtend holding their first garden party at the residence of Mr. Thomas Murray on the eyening of the 28rd inst. Admission 16 cents. 100 Me'i Felt Hats, half price, from 25 eenta 600 Gents' Summer Scarfs 5 cents 10 dozen Men's Braces 25 cents, worth 40 cents; 7«0 yards Cashmere Twill Dress Goods, 20 cts., all at McFarland's. The illustrations in the Garment Advocate for June is, in our opinion, ahead of any thing in previous numbers. This able and independent farmers' journal richly deseryes the support of all progressive agriculturists. The Fledierton Advance is four years old and bids fair to live and flourish. There are but few better local journals it is crisp, newsy and comes to hand neat and dean. We widi Mr. Fawcett continued eoccess. MESSts. W. McCullongh, G. E. Middleton, W. H. Steiuhoff and J. Gibbons were out on a fishing excur- Bion on Saturday last in the direction of Stayn«, and brought home about 300 lbs. of fish. Good, for one day's fishing.â€" Dundalk H«r«W. ton now boasts of a well appointed cheese factory, with nearly 150 pat- rons on the books. W. B. Anderson Co. haye just supplied them with a complete outfit of steam fittings, cfaetese presses, curd mill, tin fittings and milk cans of the most approved pattern. â€" CoUingteood Bulletin. Pic-Nicâ€" ^The ninth annual pio«nic under the auspices of the B. C. Churchs' Congregations of PricevxUe and Glenelg, will be held at the Irish Lake, on Thursday, 25th June. The usual athletic games will be competed for and prises awarded. Refreshments served on the grounds at 12 o'clock. Music provided by Parks Bro's. New R, C. Church. â€" The site on Third street, given by Mr. Tiros. Long for a new Catholic Church and parson- age, is now being prepared for the erection of the latter. Mr. John Long will give the new parsonage to the chuish, at an estimated cost of $2,800, and this will secure to the congregation in CoUingwood what has long been a desideratum, the presence of a resid- ent Tgirieut,â€"-Collingwood Bulletin. Something wbong.â€" We are inform- ed, that a certain vacant lot, l-5th of on acre near the station on Mill street is assessed for $500, while McFarland's elevator and stove factory is put down fcr $600. One. property wok^ say $900 and the other that many tibousand. If this is correct (and we have no doubt it is) it's time to ap- point an assessor who has common sense, (x integrity. CoBRECTioN- â€" The following portion of Holland Council minutes re Court of Bevbion repcMrted last week tdiould read real in every ptace where personal appears. "John Murray too high on personal properly, reduced $100 T. G. B., too high on personal property, reduced $1720; Michael Matthews, too high on personal property, reduced $50 James Lyons, too high on personal property,- reduced $100 Frank McCann, too high on personal property reduced $100; Wm. Hamilton, too hi?h on, personal property, reduced $200; Daniel Blaney, too high on personal propei ty, redueid $160." Sunday Tbains. â€" During the past three Sabbaths an extensive freight traffic has been done on this liae of railway. We were in hopes the first time this Sabbath desecration occurred that it was a case of necessity or emergency and that it would end there, but now that is becoming the rule, at IS time a stop whr put to it. We hope the authorities will take the «natter up and deal with it with a firm hand. Change in Businessâ€" W HButledge has sold his butcher business to R. Buruside who is now in possessioo. Mr. Rutledge has not fully recoyered his recent illness (inflamation. of the lungs) and his phyoician strongly advised him to give up business and rest for a season hence the aboye sale. Mr. Burnside is well and favorably know in the same business having followed it here during the past year up to a few months ago. An excellent whitewash for fences and buildmgs is made as follows Slack half a bushel of fresh lime in a barrel with boiling water and cover it meanwhile to keep in the heat^ Afterward strain through a fine sieve and add the following Seven pounds of salt dissolved m hot water, three pounds ground rice boiled to a thin paste, onehalfpoun^ of Spanish whit- ing, one pound of clean glue which has been dissolved in water and boiled finally, five gallons of hot water, and stir well. Keep it covered a few days. When used it should bs made and kept hot. One pint covers a square yard. For a dark brcwn color add burned umber. A THUNDEB storm passed this way last Monday during which the Gleutlg agricultural hall was struck with lightning; several holes were made ia the root and one end of the build* ing slightly damaged the door was torn off and a portion of the door frame torn asunder when the fluid entered the ground beside the steps. The hall has been occupied as a â- barracks by the Salvation Army for some time, and some insinuated that this fact is sufficient reason for it being struck by lightning, while others say "how fortunate it was that the hall was occupied for such a good purpose, as it might otherwise have been a complete ruin." Wasted in Law. â€" A Mount Forest papar gives the result of law proceed- ings oyer the insolvent estate in that Town. It says â€" At last the affairs of the estate of Thos. Swan of Mount Forest has been wound up. Tl e Trustee Mr. A. Lament, has issued a printed statement declaring the dividend of 6 cents on the dollar. After the long course of legal war over the estate there is $628.22 to divide among 74 creditors. The foolishness of humanity is clearly dis- played in this matter, as the total receipts fioDi the estate were iu the first place $7751.08. Instead of the creditors agreeing to divide thisamouot recourse to law was had which together with other expenses has only lett the tmall sum stated. rytiMt^^: We have received the eleventh number of The Canadian Pietoral and Illastrated War News: A Boyrl Grenadier's Chance for the VictoVia Cross Views at Qu'Apelle, N. W. T., from sketches by Mr. R.B. Unn^ton Gamp Denison, Humboldt, N. W. T., from sketchesby Trooper E. Kershaw, G. G. B. G. Sketches from Battk ford, by Lieut. Wadmore, I, S. C. The 62nd Batt. (St. John Fasileers) called out for service in the North- west, Crossing tiia Market Square en route for the Intercolonial Railway Station, from a sketch by Mr. Johii E. Miles. Also A fine Two Page Supplement, being a splendid portrait for framing, of Major-General Aliddle- ton, C. B., commanding the Miliria Forces of the Dominion, from the latest photograph by Topley, of Ottawa. The paper sells at 15 cents per copy, obtainable from local booksellers and from the office of publication. McGbegob Fabke's Carbolic Cerate is invaluable for Woandj" Sores, Salt Itheum, Gats, Bams, Scalds and Festers, as a hea'ing and porifyins dressing. Do not be imposed on with other naekss preFaratioos, recom- BWiuled to be as good. Use only McGregor .^:^ Park's Carbolie Cerate. Sold bv Hill l^^JW^S.. • •. â-  2 1; E'l â- \^t i " â- â€¢.! "45J^i! â- 'r. r â- â-  -\n. j,^ f :-hS'i »diJ.Jt '.^ Mi. iiU^ â- â- Hii n,

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