Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Jun 1885, p. 7

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 KHV •â- â- â€¢"»-â- " Jut oin^ bterKSJ leldolJT 3ea did ?0 wortk mere thai, i^ Beat out beenaoid ettlng, aqj )o.ooo,ooo. haafign,^ M develop. I of femin. Ived some. Jelle. The at city are the coraet*^ ji their ki. olsoQ, has ' New York le shoved yesterday -y. the iprl n wnich to td craatore ifc corsets ai il eatlinei. garmentsâ€" id of a deep 3 knees and ht floonoe )th, or mas' 1 by vertical sleeves and i of smootii ra the entire ankles. Fl- a undersnlt, il, and, like n the entire tting make he balmoral ner side of rters are at- foar gar princeue 1 â€" you have nor a bit lat is found the shcul- m the topi n and con- uouner dli- nd reduces ree. What le roly-poly d of an nn- t the same ider model she will [mass like a from the [1 teach her Loat corsets •e ir test. L Russia ra- il the Car Tlf he win it it is now led on the [The Nihil- constito* A copf QcessDoI- _ado wl- jthepN* jtitntioBt be intiO' hesTtlot jgy B onU In, ace d' vouldjhol agtodif bn. How .itUi i ni i tju w itstmm s^^t^i^mummatm^gm iqoires iflthe titm r..linlStotlon lathe Fat Ba»t ,«nireinent by which Bogtand m- Tie »"*j;!r,tation at Popd Hamiltoa. '^*ATao; Qaelpart, waa the lart '^^ "^ke rendered to hi. country by public M'^if ' J^. It WM at first believed ^^ ^f 'iJrangement entailed oar annex- that te »7*^^^,g cone-hkeialand of Q-Tel- »"f ° bat the flct is simply that we nave P^ ' Ta coaling station for cur ships Thd want of auoh a r ho.'iJngbeen felt, and no better h^tTc'uTdiave been selected than Port ^L* :-.„" the only advantageous anchor P^'^liSiter for ships around the storm. I 1 'fracf Bome a.tention to this ialand, \a fhe following description of its posi- »na i" may prove uief ul ai% well "\*±J.S';^tha pVeBent time. The V rri of Q Jelp^t. ^^^^^ ^^®* "'y °^®" nZt fr.m the southern coast of Corea TimHnda the straits between that "' .5a and Kiushiu, the southern la- P'ti' nf J ipan, his been termed " the Sicily Ti wS^of the E*3t." The comp«i- |.t Unotm.ppropnate. L.cal tradition cTth and at its widest point seventeen M broad. It is wail populated, and is "arai 'iuppoaition as colui having baen â- Mted by "the action of a sabmarine vd- 10^0 Tae island is about forty mllesin JleDL iw TloBd and cweful cultivation. ILreover, the awnery provided by ita Ideuse woods and lofty peaks is exceeding- llv beautiful, and the white rocks of Mount lAuckland, or, as the natives call it. Aula, Ithe higieat point in the island, 6500 feet, Lgjr the appearance of beUig covered with Iperpetail snow. The foreata consist of nin.aand a tree giving a red wood resem- fbliD" mah3g-»ny. There are large herda Jof cattle, and numerous horaaa of a amall Ibreed, which are in great demand on the ^inland. QaalparS produces numerous Icrteala, and tne islanders als follow the pnrsnic cf fisiiermen. An active and onrishifg indoscry is also provided by Jie mannfacbure of straw-plaited hats, ifhiehareia g:ner»l use throughout Corea Jielparfc had been frequently used as a ^enal station by the Coraan Government, jd therefore it is not surprising that the Islanders should have had an evil reputa- Eon. Their ferocity and animosity to for- fcigner" appear to have been much exag- terited, or perhaps their remarkable ma- terial prnoDerlty has toned down their linlts. By obbaining this advantageous Jin» station there can be no doubs that ie Government have taken a wise step flfards the further security of our naval BOBition in the seaa of China and Japan^ he hM hit BOO- bent Caf [hisnnoe' i him he* I into the lforgir«» Ithevef tepentB'" v "'•*? iwasJ»* radidHi [VikHf Tolscley's Adininstrative Powers Ii naa never been my good fortune to KCGmpany a force on campaign under the Jomaiand of Lord Wolseley, and I write, lierefore, nnder some disadvantage. Bat lie expedition which he conducted from Jialta to Cyprus when he went to organ- the British admiustration of that la- nd was at least of a semi-military raoter, and the opportunity offared of [ratching his methods as well as a com- Dwder, asa civil organizir and admin- istrator. His leading characteristic struck as eqaaalmliy. There were many temptations to irritation, in the defective ommissarlat arrangement, in the charac- lehstic obstrnctiveness of the Turkish ^nthority whom we were dispossessing, in te hazy indefiniteneness of the situation generally, but Wolseley, decisive, nay, in- iiive whan occasion demanded, never be- â- iyed a sign of temper. Thathe was en- getic one could discern, not leas than at hi* powers of hard work â€" and of Ntful hard workâ€" were exceptional; but liete was no guatiness in the energy, and palidthrcughhis hard work with apt, Inght dei erity. He never fussed; and he per entangled himself in the labyrinth " tnaaa. The absence of all friction in ladminstrative. methods stood accouaty I for pahly by his own idiosyncrasy, Imly-a phase, indeed, of tha other rea- li)n--be cause of the perfect organization N thorough interworking of his staff. Ravelled out from home with Wolaeley a Ilia staff The latter had been gather- together hurriedly, but ita membera psti blended, and set to work in the "oon carriage between Dover and CalaU 'It they had stepped into it out of a de- ^Jnent In which they had been co- «t»tmg for years. While they settled r^e slept serenely, easy in the perfect iS^ ^9d on experience that his WiT?*^ would deal with these as he °^cl desire they should be dealt with. ^» clear to me thus early,and the im- U "'^grew In disthictneas, that 9y was the man who decided, who centurion who said, "Do the Bin " J â- -â- â- w**»n*a4vix ywlxKJ BtilUf J-^v Kenff* v*^ ^® recruited for the ful- fcomK ,f ^oliests a set of men on ioted """ "^y a» intelligent and de- r^ executants, and to whom, there- loni L.i "^^ "^^ 'iid confide the func- T'tteS ®*°^' reserving himself P detair ' "^^ampered by a muitipUdty *° ^Periment " ^*" making He was sure of his tanti S* I hater jl used** 4dleb«»^ fked^, select^ **â-  °^ ^^^ construction he lWt2i^""y^°ga'^d pinion of it; __2^^e^rcAi6aii Forbes. ,^t»cle tolSf^ py wligion will be any r«pUedL ..^ »n» afraid it will," ^ti know, 'â-  *^*P* *â-  » Prohlbltlonirt, ^*»4«rn^?*""y- This makes '"*«»'»iS^"*- "'^^ money." -*"^iifi.P^*^®- Taatimeofa ' i^'ovideace whisky 1« not I J«ii4«^ HbMj)J2 MMl ailT It U elalmed Ouk a g«^ been im^r^ j ,tfca. ml^mai. Toni aocompUsliad in masio » negro be* by the namaof Aticam BiUsoK, aMseven. teen years, has the gumu to em^ in soulptare if opportani^is Bff.rdedldai. He was bom in Leawnworth, Kan, Ha has had only three vumths' schooling, bat can read tnd write fairly weU. Hi* gSierml intelligence omy seems to be about the avorage of colored boys of his' age His genius liesln his abUity to pick np m pieca ofcLty and model it ina few mina«s to al- most any form that angdests itself to his mind wiJi a life-likeness traly astound- ing. He has been at work down by the river bank for some days, and from the com- mon red clay there found in abundance, without tools of any kmd, without any models or designs, tte igrau h^ statues of men, his models of horsei^, dogs, cattle, men on coraeback, negroea with pipes in their mcutiia, and other creations that eugatest themselves to his imagination, wich a wonderful reality and no incon- siderable artistic talent. Theaa little models he sells at from 10 cents to 25 cents apiece,and the boy is making a fair liring from his art already. Hia creationa sngpeat wonderful poasiblitiea if proparly trained and developed. m ^tm "Yaj" obiarvai Brigga, "ahe ia young, unmarried, and haa over one mil- lion dollars in her own name. " ' Isshe handaome ' inquired Wilaon; ** Hand- aome 1 I aaid distinctly she was worth over a million dollars." The daughter of a New York milllonare has applleid f jr a divorce on the ground that her husband biaely deceived her. He assured her that he was a coachman, bat since marrying him she has discovered that he is only an editor. AU ** Played Out." 'Don't know what ails me lately. Can't eat well, â€" can't sleep weU. Can't work, and don't enjoy coing my thing. Ain't really aick, ard I really ain't weU. Feel all kind o' played out, someway." That is what scores of men aay every day. If they would take Dr. Pierce's 'Golden Medical Diaoovery" they would aoon have no ocoaaion to aay it. It purifies the blood, tones up the system and fortifiaa it agunst disease. It is a great anti-bilious remedy as well. The speculator who holda egga for a rise generally gets the worst of the eggs. « I Feel So Well." **I want to thank you for telling me of Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Prescription," writes a lady to her friend. ' For a long time I was unfit to attend to the work of my household. I kept about, bat I fait thoroughly miserable. I had terrible headaches, and bearing-down sensations across me and was quite weak and dis- couraged. I aent and got aome of the medicine after receiving your letter, and it haa cured me. I hurdly know myaelf I feel BO well." Many a dandy before marriage becomes snbdueid after it. Don't die^nst everybody by hawking, blowing and spitting, but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy and be cured. Distlllel water is gaining in favor for table use as well as in the treatment of diseases of the digestive oi^ns. Pain Cannot Stay Where Poison's Nebviline Is used. Oom- dosed of the moat powerful pain-aubdn- Ing ramediea known, NerviUne cannot faU to give prompt relief in rheumatiam, neuralgia, cramps, pain in the back and side, and the host of painful affactiona, internal and external, arlaing from in- flammatory action. A 10 cent aample bottle of Nerviline will give Bufficient proof of its superiority over every known remedy. Try Nerviline. Lu^e bottles 25 cents trial bottles only 10 cents. A scientist has discovered that drinking too much coffee will cause bald heads. No amoker who has evernaed the Myrtle Navy tobacco, for, aay a month, ever relin- quishes it for any other br*nd. Ita flavor ia rich and full, and it never bams the tongue or parches the palate. It is, in fact, the ne pltu ultra of smoking tobacco. Catarrhâ€" A New Treattnemt. Perhaps the moat extraordioaty saoorss that has been achieved In modem solenoe haa been attained by the Dixon Treatment of catarrli. Ontof 2.000 vstients treated dnringr the past six montlip, fully pinety per cent, have been cured of-thia stubborn malady. This is none the lees rtartlioR when it is remembered that uot five per ceat. of the patients preBenting themselves to ttie rsgular praotiWpner an benefitted -while the patent medicines and other advertised cores never record a core at aU. Startfrc with the daim miw aenarally beUeved by the most s aie n ni to me a that the dueiae la due to the presegaa of Uving parasites in the tlasoe^ M*'SSi son at once adapted hiB «™e^* â„¢S extermlnatiOB t this aoeampUshed the esMrn is practically cared, "jdtte potmwsjw tomj- Qoestioned. as oaMa efBBoted by him te nr ye ars SgTare OTtes atil, J« one^Sw J^s ever at- tempted to cure oatanrh in thismaimeiE. anOBO other treatmeat has ever f â„¢e*jS?SS':«^ appUoatlon of the remedy is sfan pleMjg eM M done at home, and the Pfnent eeMon « ne year ia tne most favorable for a s pc eay^wsa perAanent cure, the malqrl^of oueii mub ODi^t one treatment.^8nfllBrBi»rtM»ild_ Ktog-etreet West, Torokto. Cajaflj •"SJ^SSS BtiS tor their tBeatise«noata«rt».-Jroirtr«a Hanging on the ragged edge is now ren dered tottering on the BBK)«y b-nnk. From tbe Maritime FroTlnces Oomea »h«rt Sf tertimonlala aa to the Msgie Wa»t and Oem ««re--P»li«m« JSE Mr.Ti;i??hwi»o.1i«*fari^g Jc3*l- S hMim:^^«bm^^ up Ht a.'aeat oCoSiiiUlaB day. a* the -.- -^ ivatad nORoadB to tfl femfflea can live better i|ar lass n Otaad nmoB- Hotel ttin^ â- â- * daw hotel t« the e«t»^^ A ten stakeâ€" A blow with both fista. .Tonns Ken Iâ€" Keai TUfl. Ths Yoltaio liKizCo.,of Marshall, Mich., offartosendthdredBbratedEixo- tBO-YovcAta Bus and other Sueoxbic AppLiaircBs on trial for lidrty days to men (young or old) afflicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality, and all kindred troablee. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other dianssfin Com- plete restoration to health, vigor and man- hood guaranteed. No risk is incurred as thirty days' trial is allowed. Write them at onee for iUostxaited pamphlet free. iSf? r% rVPUMi. QAUOWAXftOO.. OlMia. Wi A chtaii^iiBWim^iwiMiiti .nMfcB.oi ;jiK lOQB) ywiHiR Wtm MtoMWa. Wttji (or ••am ۥ1* WAT! v4auxia Bir4 •wwA-S matA m SUflEWttCBl dheMw i «tih- OB oawl*. hjnMorafaeep; A. P. 230. gy'5 S-Sf«^j»«f:2^*1J^ Sarf, Oom gxtrasm JftT ^^ J *^ Kiiipioiii'piopH. Tlie Toronto Beneral Trusts OOMPANT, 27 29 WelUn^on St. East, TORONTO. PrMidentâ€" HoH. EDWARD BLKB. Q C., M.P. Vioe-PretidetUâ€"E. A. HKBEDITH, LL D. Managerâ€" J. W. LANOMUIK. IHreet0nâ€" Bon. W. HsMaster, Hon. Alexander Morris, B Homer Dixon, Amelius Irvlnir. Willbun KJ103, William Mulock, M. P., Geo. A. Cox, WllUam Gooderham, J. G. Scott, Q. James J. Foy, A. B. Lee, James Maolennan, Q. C, J. E. Kerr, Q C. T Sutherland Stayner, W. H. Beatty and Robt. Jaftray. The Company aota as Execntor, Administrator and Guardian, and rtceiyes and exeontes Trusts of every description. These various positions and duties are as- sumed by the Company, either nnder Deeds of Trust, Marriajfe, or other setU;ment executed during the life-time of the parties, or nnder Wills, or by appoint- â- lent at the Court. The Company alw natertakes the investment of moneyin Real Estate mortgfaeeMoniities; oolleotihir and remitting the interest for a moderate chanrs. It will either invest the money as agent in the usual way or should tha Investor pref-r, it will for an extra charge goarantee the principal and the prompt pay- ment cf the interest oa fixed days, yearly or haJf- yearly. Mortgages thus guaranteed and taken in the name of the investor, are the safest class of invest- ment, and specially commend themselves to Trustees, as well as to Moniuipal Corporationa and Pablio Com- panias dedroua of establishing Sinking Funds The Company also acts as agents for the collection of interest or income, and transacts financial bcsinesB grenerally, at tha lowest rates. Thethlrd annual meeting of the shareholders of this Company was held at its offices, 27 and 20 Wel- lington-street, east, Toronto, on Monday, 11th Inst. The chair was taken by the President ol theCompanr, the Hon. Edw.rd Blake, Q. C, M. P. A large num' ber (d the shareholders wsre present, including Mr* E. A. Meredith, the Vice-president Hon. Wm. Mc. Master, Messrs. William Eliott, William Gooderham, T. S. Stayner. Bobt..Jaflray, Sheriff Jarvls, J. G. Scott, Q. C, J. J. Foy, Q C, J. D. Edgar, M. P., J W. Lin muir, J. N. Lake, Arthur B. Lee, J. K. Kerr, Q. C, James soott, o., fto. Mr. J. W. Langmuir, the Managfer Of the Company, was appointed Secretary, and read the THIKD AKITUAL RKFOKT OF THB TORONTO OSlfBaAL TBOSTS COMTANT. The Directors of the Toronto General Trusts Co. beg to submit their third annual report tc^ether with the acoomnanyiog financial statements, showing ttie results of the Company's business for the year ending 31st March, 1885. The Directors have again to oongratulate the share- holders on the continued and growing success which has attended the Company's operations in every branch of ita business during the past twelve monUis. The substantial increase in the work done by the Company In its capacity of trustee, executor, admin- istrator, and other offices of a kindred character is especiaUysatisfaototy, as it fumithes conclusive evi- dence that the Company, as it becomes better known, is steadily and rapidly growing in publio favour. One of the principal objects in establishing the Company was to enable it, in the public interests, to accept and execute these various responsiUe offiues it being beyond all question that the security and permanency which a wealthy and responsible corpo- ration affords, alike to the parties oreatiog the trust and to the beneficiaries, are iofinitt'ly preferable to the uncertain security of any Individual trustee. It is, therefore, most tirAtifyingto your Directors to be able to report that the Cjmpany is so satisfactorily fulfilling the objects for whiuh it wa« called into ex- istence, and that in so doing it is laying the foundation of a large and rapidly increasmg business. The profit and loss statement herewith submitted diows in detail the revenue of tbe Company for the year and the sources from which it was obtained It will be observed that not only has the entire amount ' incurred for preliminary expenses been wiped out, but that all commii8ionB and charges paid for obtain- ing the Company's investments, includiag the balance due for these services for the two preoedhig years, have been fuUy liquidated After the settlement of all outstanding dtbks, as well as the current office ex- penses, there remained a sufficient amount at the credit of profit and loss to enable your direotora to declare a dividend of S per cent, per annum on the paid-up stock of the uompany, besides plaolDg the earn of $11,000 to the veaerve acoonnt, and canying forward to the credit of profit and lo« the sum ol S3 M4.Q0. At a special greneral meeting of the sharaholdM^ held on 6th December last, it was decided to make apidioation to the Lient-GoTemor in Ooundl for the Sue of letters patent to the Company, conferring ex- tended poweia upon It, eq^iaUy in dealing with se- curities aa agent, and. in aoooidaace with this apidi- oation supplementaiy letters patent iaaued to tha Company on tile 7«i day a Januair, 1888. ThediNpton have mneh pleasure in noordioar their entire eansfaiction with the manner in irtiich the Company's busineaa operatiana have been conducted doriaethe year by tha manaaer and hla aaaistanta. ~^ ' BvwAia Blakb, PrasideBt. Toronto. 4th May. 188S. Ia movias tii« adoption ol tha r*por» Mr. Kua oonKtatulatod the aharehoMera on the remaikable and uniform piogieaa of the Oompainr'B operationa, bTalso drew attention to the iMfdy hiemeedmim- ber of trust eaUtaa which had been placed in diarge of the Company during the part year expreMed the beUet ttiat the more theboatowa aad powera of to Oompany were undeiatood by the pnb Mc the m ora tt woS^ivaUed of ta ita (Mgrnsltj ottmatee. ex- •*Tl?V2Siution waaaeoowledby Mr. Mdbdith. ttw ^^Si2taSS^o«tiM«ka were pi-aedtotiie Pwaldent, a»er a«l saa« toRhoIr oataftil am* oUiKeBt disdiarfe al tiieir dutieadniing tiie year. dtaiNfii- ThetoUofwIag ahardioidan "2, "^S-I??:?? lor Oe eanhic year, via iâ€"Boa. BdwardBlaka^ Q O, MJ^THcT^.iliclt.ater. '^S^^SS^'Tr^^ SmU. M.P P Maaara K. A. Maiadlth. UiA: K KSm Dix«ii. \Emllta8^ Ir»iM. « 0^ OeOjA doj. Wi OwKlertini. J. O. aoott, ^j^f^J^!^^ A R T_i tTj- EMlol- I s mti •â- 111*--""" 'f " J g Ke5.?a;t^. sSwiBobt. Ja««jr. W-- â- â- â-  loefc. MP.; aadll ^* ?-?*?• .. â€" .. â€" -*11:^ Ibaoew Board ofDUawoiBBigt^aaaBo *A"ff'y tiiaHoa Kdwaid Blakfc Fraii*^ â- Â»Â« "-^^ MaiwUft: tte e- Ti i^Sa nt rjg ;»SgS^Bai;f^.':isar.;.tSE^^st mtmtum d«ti«iaaa aadtrete. Hon. M. A. OoAraaa. Addnaa HXS8 a Ti TSa Oraic GMd WATER STA AUGUR •M rer Sfty WKI*L BOBINO or hane*(-«er crandaaa n. wt pRdTie. REAt f STftTi MEiT, raff wty paapaftf. haa BO siii Mi l at » tbet par hoar, e atliiiied borinf and rook drilling L flnt nnsea sod diolOBBBa. H^nd for Catalogue. 8 MUUtT â- â€" cea BTBMtT. aABIILTDy. PANADA F. E. DIION ft CO., Maanf actnrera of Star Uvet, Leather Belting. Large double Driving Bdta a specialty. Wtmt for rriee Uau sail Diseaaats. KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. FOB FLBASANT SBWINO OSS ONLYâ€". Clapperton's Spool Cotton Warranted PDIiL Length, and to mn aaaooth oa aay sswiog iLaoUne. Sea that OiiArpaaioa'a name is oo t heabtL aritorsale by a ll Df -Oood8 Iteaieta. t. SB: ' GOLD SEAL" BAKIM POWDER FOR SALS BT ALL GROCERS The Healthiest, Poreat, and most whole- some in ttem»riwt^^GuManteed_Pore^^ AU Line Royal Hail Steamships BaPinsdnring wi..ier from Portland every Thuradai and Halifax erery Saturday to laverpool, and in snmmw from Q\iebee every Saturday to Liverpool, o UiigatLos dondeiry to land malls and pasiancersfor Be tiani an4 Ireland. A^so from Baltimore, via Halifax and Bt. John's N.F to Livsrp-H)! fortnighUj during summer months The s'^eamers of the Ol^gaw liuea sail during wiofc-i to andtrom Halifax, Psrtland, Boston and Fhilndel phia and during summer between Glaa ow and Mont treaL weekly: Olaaaawand Boston. weekly; andGlaagow andPhiladelphiarfortolghUy. .^ For freight, passage, or other informattoa apply to A. Sohnmaoher fc Ca, Baltimore B r imard ft Ck.. Halifax Shea ft; Co., St. John's, N. F.; Wm. Thomson ft Co.. oH- John, N. B.- Allan Co., Chloaeo Love a Alden. New York H. Bonrlier, Toronto Allans, Baeft Co. Quebec: Wm. Brochlei PhUadelnhla: H. A. Allan. Portland. Bnwron. Montreal. Dominion Line of SteamsMps. Banning incoanection with the Grand Trunk Bail* w.ty of Canada. Sailing from Qustieo every Saturday, during the summer months, and from Portland every Thnraday daringtba wintermtmlhs. Sailing dates troB BABNIA.â€" May 16, June 37, Aug. 8, Sept. 19. VANOODTVEB,â€" May 30, Jn'y U. AVM. 22, Oct S. OBJSGON,-Juae 13, July 25, Sept 6, Get. 17. Bates of naasage :â€" Cabin, Qu-bec to Liverpool fSC «60,«65,|80. Beturn.t90,$108,SU7.n44,apoordingte teamer and berth. Intermediata, $36, Steerage ai owest rates. The saloons and (tateroonu in steamen mMked thoa »•« amidships, where nt little motton is felt, andnooattle or sheep is oairied on them. Vol farther paitieolars apply tj any Orand Tinnk Bailwaj 4«ent or loeal asents of the Oompany, or to DATID TOBKAMCB A CO., General Axenta. Moatreaf. GUT THIS OUT I The New Co-Operatiye Sewing flacMne! IS THS. BBST IN THB MARKET. :HKW BTAMD HKW mtKITOKE Latest Improved Attachments Igents price for similar macMne (60 Qnr prioe only 125 eacli. Before buying send us stamp for our elegant photo- aph and sample of sewing. ilV Tfrff**'"** gnaranleeafar three years and sent ob trial Any lady wantfag a maehine will do well to write tr The CO"Operative Sewing Macliine Co. 22 JAMES ST. SOUTH, HAMILTON. 9X0IMW CMAIA PEIHAAKNT 1«AH « 84TWCB «e«PAIT InooaroaaxBD A. D. U8Cb RITBSOniBKD 04PITAX.. v*iDXie uafiraXb BXSBHVB FnWl) TOTAL ABaXTi •rnCB t -C*y*a Sldca. VMMile 8M STRAIGHT LOANS, OR CBJIDIT FONCIER PLAH. The Company has a larte amoaat of money to Itad en RealE titeseoociti* at tiie lowest oarant rate oCin- temrt, repayable either in one turn or by lii sttlm e nto M nay be a;.* ired by the borrower. App'ioatioos may ba maoe diieot to ths ugder rignmd bv iH'-.ttr or othc^rwi^e. or to the looal representatives oC the Oampaay thraagiiMil Oataito. As the Onsspaiiy always hM foods on h md no delay iiei:d be ex tfo o to t Xxpeoses rcduaad to m nlmnm. MortffOffeB and Municipal Debenturti Pm rtk mni J. HSBBEBT MASON Hanaglnc Dirsator LADIEI3' pILU wUeox. MLLS OF TANSY ^J^'^^ £Uad«lvhia.nk Sealed, BotOao Medicine Oo..Pblladeiihia. Ibavs a pwitiva Vemod; (or tbe alMve dUeise; b asetboQuuida cf case* of the wori^c kind and of 1 t StaBdlBff have boBii cnred. Indeed, so stronf? is KT IIU^ la Its emewr, that I will seTid T wo BOlTLKd FRKK, *•- getber wltb a VaUTABLB TUE ATISK on thio Tlls-Mi.f anysaSKee, OlveExpn-wandP. O. adnrp-ia.- DR. T. A. HI.OCDM. jKi r..»ri ^t.,KewTacW STEDU BKAM AITD I. c FMJ. a CO., •wmmm; R. U. AWARE THAT Lorillard's Oliaaac Fltt^ bearlnsared Mn tag; that LmiUardV Rose Xeaf fine out that LorlUard'fe NaTT Clinplngs, and that Lorlllud's Sw cbo best and oheanest. aualitr considered 7 PBEMIEB. BUDUE. BOTAL CANADIAH. EXPERT. KANttABOO.SAFETTe 60 Snd-hand Bleyotos aai Iiioyclea. Bend for UsL Send So. atamp for larnal oal. alogna ever issued inOaoada. A. T, LANE, Montreal. The Eagle Steam Washer is the onlr 'WashinK Machine in- vented tbat a weakly woman or girl 14 years old, withoat thenseofa wash- board, can with ease wash 50 to 100 pieces in one hoar. Agenta wanted all over Can- ada. Bampls sent for trial and territory giTen. Ijadies malce xid agentc;no wear on clothes, and every lady will buy after trying it; warranted to wash calicos in five minntes, cotton goods in alD, bedclothes 19. or no sale. Address. FERBIS ft CO., pBtenteei and Mann- factiiren.78 Jarria Street. TOBONTO. Canada COHBOWnS CAKKIAAB TOP8 are Oie aAd ehespeat te Hie Harliet. Otder •â- â€¢ flrom year Carrlace Maker. Take me etlMV klad. CAUTION I EAOH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY IS MARKED LETTERS. GENUINE. JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF It ia the only preparation ol the Und^ii* em- talM aUttienitSSua. toeeteer with the aUaaidat. ing propertlraof beef, aS the onlv one whiohhaa thepowwto aapplynoaiiahmenttorbraina. andbtM. andmatde. Farmers, Hill' Hen and all Oil Gonsnmers t T WILL SAVE MONEY BY USING ileaiera. iiJ^ mtitwLum.t fo.. ToioNTe MEHiMN i:\^lfi -fif-j^iTZAil' //* eirli 4n«*i'i' 'iir mum m \ti3J.T .. ;.- 'â-  'm0: i h* SectroFla CAUTION Of^iliiMifpirMari. SI1.7er Fkto Oo. jtre oat mA*, If ifk ii^ii^^ilils goods BBITAN* NIA CO,, • Om PI "il fl ;l;ii-.'l ilr:'r ' t ^^^i K t'M rr ••! £ifr ' ..:.â- .. -A *A.,.^-:..f--. ....-..â- â- :.- ^^^^^^Ijgjll^l^^gl^

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