,L.5.-No.247 MABKBALE, ONT., JUNE 4. 1885. HE IK J9OOD TIMEKEEPERS. \enuine Waltham, Elgin and Springfield Movements. adcs Key and Stem Wind- ers now on band. lir/ss Watcties $9.50 to $16, suitable for teachers, being close timers. ' he Watch Cases, Le; 2 to 5 ounces, Hnnting and Open I Face, Waltham Screw Bezzii. \rS DUST PROOF KEPT IN STOtK. L stock of EoU-plate Chains and Seals. line of Weddinz and Gem Rings, Sets, BoH-plete Necklets, Bracelets, etc. Gents' Cuff and Collar Bflt- fcioSks, Musical Instruments, Violin Best line Fishing Tackle in town. Int IWcridan Co. Silver Plate iFlat and HelloMr lÂ¥are. VmKH REPAIRING CAREFULL Y DONE iQoois and Work Warranted to be as Eepresented. ' Call and fee my stock how complete I and get my close quotations e're you lase THE EELIABLE JEWELLEE, A. BROWN, AMIRH iuid Other Items. mcES in thesif columns intended to henefit IniiirirfKflZ or "Society leill be charged ten I a line for the first insertion and Jive I a line each subiequ^nt insertion. pHAM is troubled with fire-bugs. Im Saturday, Gtli, wili be cattle linMarkdale. psK notes always on Ihand at ^e pAED office. f M. Cunninocam left last we^ on jip to Manitoulin, USEFUL Dress Silk 50 cents per 1 at McFarland's. m old friend, Charlie ^Renter, gave ^pleasint call last weelc KiisGs SUAOc, 14c and 17 eta., lat value, at McFarland's. fiiT. WiMFiELn arrived from the ph on Tuesday on business. ^HE Chatsworth News is improving p materially. Glad to see it. J^ had a friendly call from A. G. '^ter, Esq., of Dundalk last week. JJ^"'-class shingles aad kmber u" V. J. Bowe, Barrhead) 146-4W Is 'J'^^^'^^ies of "luwber is bang p to the station from Sparling's fc "' ^« t^iWing an addi. Iteet. ^^^ premises on Georga ter'r*^" ^ill m.et at the tl5th!^ for general business on '^^Kfc*°-^" Whatnots. Hat »rkd^t^°'^«8otoGrant Co., rl^S w'^^"°^^^"es and Orieo- r "ttUnd'g "°* P*' y"d up, at n»«cDoS^, ^! Euphrasia and '^Cinr*"'?^ appetite. ' of twri*°^ convuWons. Thx tconble between England and Bnsaia has been peaoefolly settled, at least for the present. Thx Division Court Clerk's o£Bce at EincardiLe wan destroyed by fire on Monday night last. lor Newel Posts, Stair Balusters, Hand Bailing, and Table Legs go to Grant Co., Markdale. Rav. W. H. W. Bovt.K left Pane last week on a trip to the Old Oooatzy for the good of Lis health. Hasett Bbo's are pushing their new block rapidly. Messrs. Large Cornwall have the contract. Laboe Envelopes suitable for mail- ing cabinet photos kept for, sale by Jas. Httmltou, photographer. NxtioNAL PiiiLS are sugar coated, mild but thorough, and are the best Stmach and Liver Pill in use. 1,000 YDS. Cashmere Twills, lovely goods, direct importations, only 20 cents, worth 30 cents, at McFarland's. Shiloh's Chbe will immediately relieye Croup Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by A. Turner Co.x A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's (Jatarrh Remedy. Price' 50 cents. Sold by A. Turner " Co. ' X It is understood that Kiel's trial will commence in Jtiegina on the 22nd June before Stipendary Magistrate Bichardson. Wanted.â€" 100,000 doz. eggs at E. B. Curries Egg Depot Benson's Block for which he will pay the highest cash price, We notice in the Globe that Fannie E. Downs is a prisoner now in St. Louis. Some of our citizens will re- member her visit to Markdale. Use Pbof. Low's Sulphub Soap for Prickly Heat. Nettle Bash, Scaley Eruption, Itch, and all diseased con- ditions of the skin. Ekv. a. Wtlson will preach in the Methodist church at 7 p. m. Sunday next in the absence of Rev. Mr. Cas- son who is attending Conference. SEa.0H's Catabbh BEMany â€" a positive cure for Catarrh, Dipthrie, and Canker Mouth. Sold by A. Turner Co. x Mb. Theo. Hll, of tlhs Dundalk Herald, gave us a friendly eail on Saturday. He is looking well not- withstanding his arduous duties. He richly desearves success. Tax Hectic Flush, pale hollow cheek»and precarious appetite, indicate wonna. Freeman's Worm Powders will quickly and effectually remove tbezn. The proceeds of the Methodis bazaar, concert and corner stone col- lection on the 25th, amounted to $209.96 after paying all expenses in- cluding the silver trowel. Wht Will You cough when Shiloh's Cure will give inunediate relief. Price 10 cts., 60 cts., and f 1. Sold by A. Turner Co. x FiBB. â€" ^The furniture factory of Wilson Bros., Owen Sound, was burned on Monday night, together with out buildings and a large stock of lumber. Loss about f 4,000 insured for $2,^00. Sxofess Wagons, Walking StiekB,fiubber Balls, Base Balls, flabing Tackles, e., splendid new stock at the Medical HaU. A. Turner Co. A FULL line of samples of the Ai- lantio Publishing Co's adTettismg cards, comprisipg over four hundred designs, at this office. We baire se- enxed the agency for this distciet. Call and see them. A WIDE SPBEAD EVIL. ..^ !%• great sourea of eonsomption radofnig^ysorw is wrofiil* in bloo^ Bnidock Blood BittsCT pnn^ the entire system and core wro«|^ asw;Aa9 the in9f« oomaion Mooa Pask lot in Maikdale for sale Beantifnl location, will be sold ou reasonable terms. Apply to B. Free- bom, Williamsfotd, or enqidie at thia office. lS54f Mb. Douglas' new tesidenee ia now weU up on the last ttoiy. Mr. J. W. Davis, brick and stone oontractw, and Mr. W. J. Purvis, carpenter, are ex- hibiting superior skill as meckanies on this residence. Fob Dtspsfoa «id Liver Complaint, you have' a printed guarantee on overy bottle of Shiloh's Vitaliaer. It never fails to cure. Sold by A. Turner Co. x Mb. J. e. Mabshall, dentirt, is on a trip up the lakes and was unable to make his regular professional visit to Markdale this week, but will be here on Monday next, Stu June. Office at the Markdale House. Abe You Made miserable by in- digestion. Consumption, Dicsiness, Loss of Appetite,' Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalisrer is a positive cure. Sold by A. Turner So Co. x A BUSINESS man in Markdale was allowed to fill up his own ass- essment schedule, by the assessor, and afterwards appealed against the same assessment for being to high. Of course it was not changed. The Eev. Geo. H. Thayeb, of Bourbon, Ind., says "Both myself and wife owe -our lives to Shiloh's CoNsuMPTJON Cube." Sold by A. Turner Co. x Bbuin. â€" A bear has been seen in the neighborhood of Vandelenr, Arte- mesia, recently, and has killed two sheep for Mr. Summers and two for Mrs. Foley. A charge of buckshot was fired at him on Saturday last, but without fatal results. EiiLioTT Son's extensive foundry and agricultural implement works in London were nearly totally destroyed by fire Friday morning, with their contents of manufactured and un- manufactured goods, together with the machinery. It is estimated that the loss to the firm will reach nearly half a million dollars. Last Tuesday evening while Mr. Augustine Ceasar was driving with his wife on the 10th of Holland. tb»y met an ox team and turned out to give it room to pass. In doing eo the seat on which Mrs. Ceasar sat upset, and she was thrown out, breaking her leg. They had just been into the village visiting Miss McColman, who was injured by tiie runaway on Sunday evening. â€" Chatmorth Nevs. OuB Bubscribera will please examine the number following their address on this paper and see l»w it corresponds with the number of this issue which is 247. If the nnmber on your ad- dress is not 247 or over, then you are in arrears the sme number of weeks that your number is short of 247 if it is over that number then you are paid in adyance as many weeks as your number is aboye 247. If you are in arrears we would like very much to have you call around, or remit. Get Bkadt. â€" No sensible man should get angry because a newspaper man "dons" him for money. A dim is not an impeachment of a sabscnb- er's integrity, but is simply an out- cropping of a pablisber's necessities. For instance, tiuree or four hundred men owe us from one to two di^rs. We have to dnn tiiem in oider to get enough money to pay our expelMea. Instead of getting angry •nd«*8topping the paper" because the pnUisher asks him for what is honestly doe, the mb- seriber shonld tiumk tiie editor for waitinflT K patiantiy and pa;; op Uke a man. We are about to dnn ud don't ypn forget it Hmd I^l^faiiii ae^file,nBahlsloL DiiiatiiTs Oaebolttsi tadplaeedaa* «• agr offVBn urbmib eooUaoC] •tffl^tok's. A X.ADT letter writer wiata to know what a young man won't do when he's in love. Weil, he won't eat (wions, he irrak'tgive his attention to his bnd- ness, he^won't wear a poor^ laundered shirt, he won't go to see lua girl n he has oiled his hair nnd soentod his poeket huidkerchief, he won't leaye niB girl at night until he hears the step of her exasperated father on the stairs, he won't believe his girl is any- thing but an angel, for his never saw her hanging out the washing with bix clothes pi^s in her mouth at one time. He won't take no for an answer when he is parting with her on the stoop and asks for "just one," he won't â€" ^but what's the use of gomg farther. The ninth number of The Ganadiak PiCTOBIAL and IlLUSTBATBD WaB NeWS is before us. It contains the following illustrations In the Skirmish Line at Batocho (from a sketch by Mr. £, W. Morrison); The 65th Battalion (Mount Royal Rifles) at Port Arthur (from a photograph by Cooke); Lieut.- Col. Gray, M. P. P., commanding Toronto Field Battery (from a photo- graph by Hunter Co.); A Zareba in the North-west (from diagiam and description by the "Globe's" Corres- pondent); Artillery SheUing the Rebels at Fish Creek (from a sketch by Mr. E. W. Morrison). There is also a very fine graphic two-page supple- ment, entitled "Tie Bayonet Charge at Batoche." The paper sells at 15 cants per copy, obtainable from local booksellers and from the office of publication. Rockfobd in Rtjins. â€" Rockford Castle, which has lung been a prominent landmark of the Garafraxa Road, is now a desolate rum. About midnight ou Thursday last, fire was discovered in one of the upper rooms, and al- though Mr. Gibson and his wife had not yet retired, the flames spread with such rapidity ihat all tiiey could do was to save their children, leaving their furniture to the devouring elem- ent. Nothing but the bare stone walls (or rather three of them, the front having fallen,) now remain of the; hotel; while the stables, which were' fraire, were also destroyed. The premises was owned by Mr. S. J. Parker, and was insured for $1000, which will be about half the loss. Mr. M. Gibson, who occupied the house, lost all his furniture on which he had an insurance for $800,-0. S, Times. The revised version of the Old Testament, which was given to the public last week, has been received with every manifestation of approval and favor. Critics are almost a unit in declaring it to be an admirable and learned work undertaken and com- pleted in a broad, and yet conservative spirit, with the conscientious aim of giving to the world the true and literal interpretation of the original text. The revisers have proceeded, cautious- ly, rigidly adhering to the old version where it truly expressed the meaning intended to be conveyed. In the labor of translation the profoundest scholars of two hemispheres have been engaged. The result is eeen in ihe elegant diction and simplicity of ex- pression characterising the whole work, and which, apart from its valoe as being the Divine revelation to man, possesses a literaiy merit which challenges the admiration of Clmstian and sceptic alike. â€" Truth, TWKmr THSUSAKD UVK8 DBSTBOTB THBXAHnn TBOora. BT BocUyn. !Ehe farmers in tbb conunvuty have finished seeding, and a rich and benntifnl luurvest is expected. A sneak thief entered W. H. Dod- acm'B store on Tuesday last and stole $6 or thoteaboate, eat of the ca^ drawer, Mr. Dodson at the time being in anotiier part of the riiop. Strong â- nspieions, bat ho artaats. The 12th of Jnly will be oekbrated in Boekfyn, wh«i six or â- oven kx^ea wSl be preewiti A meeting wiU be hdd in W. H. Dodion's Hotel on the 4th mat, foe Urn pnrpoee (tf dSMnmng ibi). adfia*- iSm^^ caUhmting the left of in OoBViliige. As tine wHilia^lin int of «M kind for Bo^i^,ayHiiaiy^f ifigct mj be erj p irt id. The Chiro correspondent of The Paris Tempt has sent to that newspaper an aeoonntof the eaptain of Khartoum by an eye-witness. Ahmed Mahom- med Sakh, a leigeint of the Egyptian army, who was in the neighborhood of this Palace occupied by Gen. Gor- don, but has iost escaped from the conquered town. He arrived safe at A^uan on the 27th of April la«t. narration, literally tianslated from the Arabic, is as icUows â€" Khartoum was at the point of being reduced to famine. All kinds of food were selling at exorbitant prices- In the course of one night the rebels, numbering 25,000, under the command of Walad el Nogan, filled up the ditches outside the town. That oper- ation could be carried out in conse* quence of the trason of several of Gen- eral ordon's officers â€" ^principally Farag Pasha, Ahmed Bey, Ali Gelab, and Hassan Bey el Bagnischani. At day break while the inhabitants were still asleep, the soldiers of Mohammed Ahmed entered the town, shouting and began to massacre all those whom they met. Then they attacted the Palace of the Governor General, who after having killed two of his assailants, was over powered by numbers, fiis head was cut off and taken to the Mahdi. The slaughter and pillage continued until mid-day. Towards sunset, the Abahdehs, who act as spies for the rebels, warned them of the approach of vessels com- ing from the north with soldiers and and provisions. These troops coming to the rescue of the town, were obliged to turn back and two vessels were destroyed. If the English had reached Khartoum at a few hours earlier they would have saved the town, which was well fortified, and contained a garrison of 18,000 men. The greater number of these were killed. The Shaggiehs perished to a man m the slaughter. Three days after the occupation the rebels put to death Farag Pasha and Ahmed Bey. As regards the third traitor, Hassan Bey el Bagnischani he was spared, and has joined the troops o£ the Mahdi. The correspondent adds, that the women of Khartoum were sold as slaves, after a number had been reserv- ed by Mohammed Ahmed and some of his chiefs. The dead amounted to more an 20,000. The bouies, under the insteuction of Mohammed Ahmed, were lying anburied. The Mahdi lives at Omdurman, a village on the right bank of the Bahr el Abiad, commanding the route to Kordofan. He goes every Friday to say prayers at Khartoum. DRIVE IT AWAY. Drive away all poisohoi^s humor from the blood before it develops in serufola or some chronic form of disease. Burdock Blood Bitters will do it. IHontbljr Fairs. Markdale â€" ^Saturday before Flesh- erton. Chatswcrth â€" Monday before Dur- ham. Dundalkâ€" ^Tuesday before Orange- yille.. Flesberton â€" Monday before Orange- ville. Orangevilleâ€" The second Thursday in each month. Moant Forest â€" Tbkd Wednesday in each month. Prisevilleâ€" Monday before Durham Durhamâ€" Third Toesday in eacb month. Hanovor â€" Monday before DurhMm.. Walkerton*â€" Last Wednesday ia every montii. A SAD NEGLECT. Ne^eti^ a eoiMtipated condition oftiie boweb is sure to bring ill health and grsataaliRbg. Boxdoek Blood Bittefsn«al|totiie bowsip in a nafaual â- auMr.noil^mir th« Uood •od praoMte mbmai^mttnm vi the ctOiMidii^«sr, .iiieys and Mower â- " â- ' J y^jyiljjli iV'lUi,; w mil ;â- " 1' ^r m mMki ' f'yi Hi J^f.; Ui i. iMttdH j^. .f^„.,1^.3A^