garri)^ r^ tfBSlSy X. -^We wish it disanctly nnfyrttooi Sanci- ., ,^^^ ourselTes respoosib^^for t ** "' r .ressed by onr correspondelits nopio'-*"*^ â- ' â- â€" 'â- â€" â€" r-^ I'l" .^ Since the SaiTatiqo StB,-Si-ice Army I'?! tr..t th.y jilier ken are ,inie to JlKi-kdale, I belwvat^ ,,,;..eeie.! in doing some may continue lo, as ueeied here. But on the good. ilie influence han^ the purties who reteiid l" be sHvedrContmne in Iv of tho Lord, or Avill they drift '•^'-t tbei^ former ii'e This I con- •^r .,s^rii-n.s question, apd people IltlHiik Weil before beiBg influ- ^] i,v fxciteiiieiit Araong the Cbn- " I notic'i a 'ew wlio uever enter "\fnrpb door one wiio claims not lo l^U in a church tor over ten I tliiuk the" ministers are to £ here. Why did they not virit dprav with hia' nud try to perBuade tut erring brother to attend church, ' ° of leaning a th a view 01 iL'Miiiijy a. better and fflorefliiistiaii lilie life? Surely some f the clmrclies had a claim on him Uere is much to be done in Markdale, J I would alvisr the ministers to be I! and doiiii,' The Captain of the Aimy, who. I soe, is visiting and ex- iiortin'g with utaily all he meets, is doing now what the ministers ought to have doiu! 1 .iig ago, aud although jevill meet with Itfcrle encouragement from Boiue. he wiii be the means of jjriiirritjg others to the feet of Christ. I ijuowhe has uo d.-bire to see any per- son gu foiwiiid uuleRs they thins ttlmhaiid s^tiouhIv of the step they a;fc about to take. Am afraid such is not tbe c«be witn a good many. When Tonbear pooplo tay that they neyer cet any good in tbe churches, and then, after al tending a few of the Army mettiugs, they go forward, and on tbe followiug night, they stand up and tell the audiouce that they have ken saved, aud are sure cf it. Is this consistent with the true Christian character? "No," far from it. These same persons require to be watched. If tbey have never derived any benefit in the ciiurch. whose fault is it Why,. simply their own and they ought to ' be ashamed to tell it. People who are ilways grumbling because they cau't luiitbiugs in the churcti and Sabbath school as they choose, will nerer re- ceive tbe Krace of God in their hearts unless they moiid their ways. Ckris- iMDb suould do all they possibly can to belp ou with the work of our Saviour, by abo«ring their faith in Christ aud working heart and soul for Mm, instead of grumbling and trying lo Keep other? back in that great work. It would be better if the church had never seen sueh hypocrites. Then have the cheek to tell you it's bhe- minister's fault. This is cot written in a spirit of un- iiudnessâ€" "God forbid"â€" only if th« rernoiis referred to are sincere and ^ill help on with the work ulready be- m, then. I say, God be with them J' pive them streugth lor the hard wktle tbey are tvymg to fightr. Ibaukiug jou. Mri^ Editor, for above â-º[•ace. Yours,. c., CrnzBN. The well brtd Trottim^ Stallion "Pa«m«ix," siMd bf ' Clear iShit, the fontfderoftha family of Clear "Grit biotherti, dam grand daughter of Im- ported Glencoe, one of tbe besV thorough bred horses ever brotght to the United States, trill iravel this season for mares by the TiQagea of WAXWELL,DUNDALK,ORCHARD DURHAM .a PBICEVILLB, iriU be home every Saturday. This troi- iog colt is. the true blood of Old Cleat Grit. There is no doubt whatever of his being a natural son of Old Clear Grit, which he shows by formation, and broad flat clean legs, with good bone, long pasterns and splendid hoofs.and by his cliaracteristie and un- doubted Clear Grit style of trottmg. Bred and owned by Jambs O'Bboen, 243 45. Of Artemesia. in this ilna rilfite will j^o- 41 oon, 1 via Hot- jbeedfrdlB w^rrri^fcKEdii^HoiiiL^ fend Geap^, Â¥fahjf^ ean^ Andw. Irwm's aad Masiie to Whk Norton's for night, Tneidai^ iliilv Oak, Halbei^ eomwB J*, ^^lors ttid UUi •^Eue Eapj^asia t» Wiai»Taylors fo# night. Wednepikisr by wa^ of Bass- wood Tavern wad YacdeJenrto Flesh- ertonfofn^t Thursday bj^ back hue wests thicugh Snell's neighboi- hood and out Nesbitt's eiddroad to Beyere hotel ife^dale for night. Friday via Barrhead mills, Jdin Mo- Farlane's, 10th line Glenelg and Jas. Bell's to Andrew Freeborn'a for night Saturday by Berkeley home, where he will remain until the follomng Mon- day- .. T^io ^opM viiieh ia Inb V mwniiig shinf, i| How^^ high and fair a|d bru[ht .Qft' in their early lioai|i^!keUne, MIoEe eft* than as mere^lan hight, AuA bow befiiiB the ont^e^ bla|k. .5^ -te6 WAVians McQbboob (b Paskb's Carbolu) Cerate is inviilaable for WoandR, Sores, Salt Bheam, Cats, Boms, Scalds aiul Festers, as ahea^iug and pnrifying dressing. Do not be imposed on with other useless prsfarations, recom- mended to be as good. Use only McGregor Park's CarboUfl Cerate. Sold by HiU Bro's. 2 Just in %• morning eC las da^i Qut tro(ner*8 son weotcbwipitd^ine Hoooeforth in a lamil whtre noi^Nay, Nor Sim pn zeaoh, 0, lair th4 ^Ipie. %o we mi^ not iQonrn,bot looltabfive. Tiiough the wa; to the tomb §ras^d anddrear, :^ ^*^ |t was Ut by the lamp of a Saviour's low. â- ,-^ f^eyei dying love ^rhioh alcme lean cheer, Vi Sfe now in tiia Shepherd's fiild, Over there he does behold Never fading bliss untold. iJ»B aiiJ Uijj :^^1 «:^J £iS»H^'iJS« tlOTa|T BTBDTOffl, |t^^^ JfSimuJ Clocks am/ Bapitireff ly mjrseU aai anteed. nAc^il,' ..'X • ion goat-' S" NO t:eiouble to show goods..- C3-ive me ei OaU» James C. Russell, -.ra ♦ Watehmaker, Jewdler, ' ^17.269 PJesbertOB. Ciydesdafe Jock. This beautiful dark bay,now nearly three years old is owned by A. B. T. McGinr of Feversham, and is a fine specimen of heavy draught, pos- sessing heavy bone, sound feet, perfiect symmetry, and superior action. He will tray el this season as follows â€" Lieaving his own stable • on Monday each week will proceed to Maxwell for noon and via 10 side road and Gord- on's Comer's to Geo. Thompson's for night. Tuesday via Durham Corners to Flesberton for noon, and via back line west and out 180 side road to Sam Cunningham's for night. Wedoes- day by MeaCord road to R. Wariings for noon, and to Robert Hawkin's Eugenia for night. Thursday by 9th line to Feversham. Friday by 15th side road to Donald Cameron's for noon, and to McLityre for night. Saturday by 4th to D. Mclnois for noon. th«nce hixae to Feversham. Cupbraata Coaacil. ad- Clcar Grit, Jr. THB FBOrSBTT OF MB. 9. ICABXnAUI. B. ntncBLB. MeatordRoad. (F'OTO our correxpondtnt.) Mi. W. J. Holly, has been laid up »r some time with a severe attaott ofi Mr. W. Hutchmson lost a .vaixaiikr 2^ear old heifer last wiek. 1^ vJliS" u?^^®^* has. rented tha •^deleur blacksmith, shpp and p«.. '"'-Hemqaedinlastweek. «ecidlt ,.^'fe* ^»ve been a .^e^ons ^onAf f ^J'^^'day. be wasQjift ^td '^^'^? in.theEcliB?e8irF. Xt"°*^»«ghtwiththe;3trev, '^8eltmgar9uadall^xighji.4«in. •i" Wn^"^/*^' coptract, ft put- " a newpence across tl^iehool Ker.j. '^«^^nj*fe^*^°' c«"^fies:»Rr "•fl^Psia, anH^ ^^.^'^^^ troubled with ,?^»«lS'?HVtwith little it:^- t6 Sir.c§ or no ^e McftregMr's Speedy MDg the first botUo in. ... °^st medicine »"' 'â€" uiTaltiable extant medicine for for s^.'S";ssif- f^'^. Sold at HiU 3 This famous stallion is so well known, and his stoek how showing for themselves tiie exoeUeuoa ol their sire as a stock producer} it is imnecessaiy to add anything accept that he has won 26 ilsst prizes, 6 Diplomas, aud one Silvas Medal, which ia, mote laurels than has ever been taken by any othdr roadster or carriage Stallion of bis age in Canada. The folkwing is his route for tba present season Will leave his o«ui stable 09, Monday May 4th iu)d pv)- ««ed by 9tii line Euphrasia toBocklyn for noon, thence by 6th line to Boyal Hotel Heaford Dor night. Tnesdi^, via Woodtgrd, td Ajpiwican hotel Owen Souq4 for night. Wednesday will proceed by way W:Jtagle's .lJ*idlB. Msyth, TipUu'f ,fti)4u^AU«nfdnl to Queen's Hotel Tar« fofoiight. Than- day, via Dobington a94 .InriH' to MaxweU'a H#il OMfHteufor *}^ night. Friday via D^aSorb, anff Saubleto WUUaqasfon* SVstioB for night. Satordny-W his own ataUe where he will r^nwn uuoi ttw follow- ing Monday moniing. ¥•1 The council met parsuant to journmeiit, on 25th April 1885. Members all present. Minutes of last session of Council read and confirmed. The clerk was ordered to ask advice from County Treasurer, concerning 8 acres of laud sold for arrears of taxes and supposed to be improperly des- cribed. Mr. Shepherdson was authoriaeet t»i make improvement on 11th lice hill. The- following named genclemeu were appointed Poundkeepars and Fenceviewers, viz Poundkeepers, A. McKewen, N. Hewson, W. Wilson, J. M. Thurston, J. B Winters, S. Wiley, T. McConnel, J. Wilson 9th line, J. Stitt, T. Brady,.lji;. Curry, R. Elhotti,. W. 14. Artley.. Fenceviewers, i;^ Bahf. J. B. Soul, J^. K. Beid, N. j Hewson, G. Proctor, .T. McKenzie, G. Yickers, H. White, T. Ellis. T. Diues, H. Knott, E. Parker, J. Pickerin. F. Bnrch, J. Ferry, J. Cook, G JRichard- son, Ebq., R. H. Stioson, J. C. Pater- son, W. Patton, J. Stinson, Sr., S. Harvey, J. Curry, J. Manary, R, Elliott, J. Hal'i^rt, W. W. Artley, W. Dayman. By-law/ No. 849 appointing Path' masters, Poundkeepers, and FenM- yiewrs, was carried through the dif- ierent stages and passed. The Beeye and Mr. Hurd were ap- pointed to g^ improvements made ou deviation road at 6 7 side line. Tbe Treasurer was ordered to remit to C. W. Bntledge, Msrkdale the sum of $88.00 prmtmg and publishing up to date. The Keeve's orders, were issued on the Treasurer to pay as follows vis B Dnnlop, $20.00, transcribing and preparing tbe last yearn minutes of eonnoil for printer John Sjlain, $27, hallanee of contraat of building bri^e; A^M. MeLeiutb^ $1.00.rep^ving bridge on valey road.; W. Milligan, $4.64. taxes eharged-in error; Wv Cartwright $4, siat«AvlidK»r«bMged though per- fonnan. ;, On m^n of Mesang Shepherdson, and Bofti tbe oouneil adjourned un- til l ^efoek a.n., on Saturday, 80th Ifay next, and then to meetaaa eontt ofBervdon. Bon. DoMtiOv, Tp. Clork, Lam Smith Oa «*l»r" W.H. Hiile. The current issue of the Philadelphia Hetaid, edited by Lnm Smith, is un- doubtedly the best ever issued. The fearless exposure of W. H. Hale, '*M. D.." of so-called Health and Homtf Washington,. D. C, and of "Dr." Petzold,. 'JBaltimore, Md., are the leadiug aaticles, and will ii^o doaht prove of incalculable benefit to the press aad pubho. Thj Bead|ng (Pa.) ,DaU^ Timet editorially endorses Mr. Smith as follows "Wherever you'see Lum Smith, editor of the Philadelphia Herald, being abused in }iny paper, just make up your nund that ho. has trodden upon tbe toes of some pernici- ous newspaper publisher or rank fir^d. Mr. Smith makes his business to ex- pose this class to the public gase and no better evidence could be given that he is administering,^ the right kind of medieine to operatei than tbe frantic kicks of his victims. Let them howl." HACYARDS YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM WORM POWDERS^ AnplMMUttotaka. Coaftaio their own iTSk Is a safe, stneu and «aiMCaat ia ChildrMorAdaMa^- MORTGAGE SALE I t i I, A WIDE SPREAD EVIL. The great source of consumption and of uflly sores is scrofala in the blood. Burdock Blood Bitten piiiify tbe entire system and core scrofula, as well as the mere commoii blood humors. OF Taloable farm property in the to^rn- ship of Euphrasia, in the County of Grey, under power of sale contained in a mortgage which will be produced at the time- of sale. There will be offered for sale by public auction at th« Bevere Hotel, Ttaora* biarjr. on Fiiday, the 22nd day of May A. D. 1885, at 3 p. m., all that certain parcel or tract of â- land situated in the township of Euphrasia, containing one hundred acres more or less, composed of the East half of Lot number nineteen, in the twelfth Concession of the- isaid township. There are said to be upon •-. the premises a log house and barn the soil clay loam thirty-three acres said to be cleared, the balance well timbered with hard* wood. Thir property will be sold subject to a re- Berrebid. Terms and oonditians made known on day of sale. For further particulars, apjdy to E. JM. GHAD1Â¥ICM, Vcndon' 8obeitorc BEKTTY, CHMOWKK BmCKSTOCK A GALT No. 68 WdUngton Street East. Torcnto. Dated this 17th day of April 1 AJDr.1884.' 341-44« • »» old, ^raa h«44nr Mr. iSbmtf Wtotrof Mqno. ia yv^, highly apokra « by thbea who k^pw lum ainoa bo iWi » cioltasm^be â- eon hy iealmipinalo on large poatMW. Howiatravol tbls aeason as foUowa Leavo *2 S* stable, ManaiOB Hooaa ou w»»i.:^ May 4fli, wbA ^roooed Igrjra^ of ;^- he^ Mills; H McKoe'f. Thoa. And«f. ikiy Falra. Markdale â€" Saturday before Flesb- erton. Chatswcrth â€" Monday before Dur- ham. ^» f«rtg " Total aaaenmantof real aad^fenooal §,770^ l9«^iua» 10 Cattle. 4J02. lucvoafa ift v Shaap. 4A67r l^MCoaae 168 ;: Hega, S^JttSi Doro a a a a, 42? Horsoav 1^8. teOrtftao ^(» Births. 81, dieniiM, tf'jDoiithf. f 1,D^0»M^ PATENTS or a 00.. ef the it ' iaswriB AinBieAjr,«aa" for tlM Uaaad SMMTChi By.ete. HaadBoo^i tyHwvflayMn' aper* rbmilirikoaiMi r ctiealiiteil MtondSe Dondalk â€" Tuesday before Orange* yille. FleshaBtoDr-Monday before Orange- ville. OracgaaiSilâ€"TlM-soeond Thursday in each nwnt'.i Mount lT»ta«tii' Thisd 'WMfaea^ay in eachmenthtv Priaevillfer-MKidb^befiire Durham Durhamâ€" TkMrabeaday u each month. llaiioTer Minniiay baCare Durham. W«lknrfftn !â- â- â- * Wa^hm^w •lLCkMtoBeAdsy8ts»kn,o»,T.j.4|LI^i. wamettM»«^faaa» waoaeitfay " -por teiha :pn»faiys» see wwtiwi or:.imly every montV ^fOui-knmmmt, Oes. »riM^^i»»1»i»r HORTGAGE SALL 07 a vataMHe 60 aera Ftem in thk Towoi.-. •bm of Bdland. bMBC Loi 0S, BAife 1 iotith wast of Toreoto and Sydsnham Boad^ m$. tbm BcTOTW â- •tdt Mmrk- date, .mm Taeadiny, Msir icii*. at one o'dsdc p. m. Aboat 40 sons nTnewiiT,..!, faooed aad firea tom rtrmpsj rnaisiiiilii kardweod boalt. t!b«aeilis a-.-.flooi..loam« .. for nigl^t. '*^m^,^m^ 01«aalg And M eoD* oaMt KMUl and to east to **^^^ bopih to Goo.iiiffipiii:§ „^ town lino ' ^nm fHcBar*" M^ add You cough when ^U give imme£ata S; Nanl flil; tii( A 00ifl»SN OPIMIQNr Mry. Wnu Allan, of Aetoot, daalanw that HagvanlVtalbw Oa is tba kmi hooaefaeM reiBM^ in tiia wcri4 fer oolds^ oronp, sora throat, bvna, saaUa and o^er paieftil oottplainta. Her opittimk is w^fDondad. i^!--*" i PTaf$mr: **Why doeo a doelc pot hia betdnadcr w«ter r* PvtiMt**rtft ,«â€".-., „ pflia ii»4»aad4 ^^^^^^-.SOct. S#M« lie Si" s ^iriiftiiTi #t« toroato Ulb Aytil. ItSS. 4 fl41.4S NOTE LOST ANOTB of •94i». iumn bf F.^PMBot of HeUaiMl OoBtie. in favor.of JL A. Beott, da* aeoat ant Jon*. Aajr iwraan* iqdiiw aams wiU pkaae leaieitalllMSian- aBb Oflea, Mtfbdslt. All partfesrara beraby^ lMBs* pnw*Mi" aMdimts,as pay- [iJ4t-44. â- MBg.S.ASOQaif".,-, â- -n I â- :i=^ m .â- -.-£• -- nrT-n JMni