Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Apr 1885, p. 5

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 l»!-*"'"7^1« iiiferm«*««. fat k. *****ton Byerson ToOBg. who bM '•^jJJ^ Mcthodiit missfam Wo* in '"'""rthWert for many years, gsre an "" • -ieewreintheC«ntral(Bl(»Mtre8t) "tt Chareh, 23rd mB»., tKa •obj«et " "BejBini^nces, incidetita, and n- •*** jrtheNorth.We.t.and ci Bid." E^e lecture was introduerf *« tba l***^ Bjt M»nly Benson, the «hnr '^Jnvie'of hymns and B«t. Mr. Srpeyi°8» ^*«^ "'°** " **** ""• ,,nd general conditions of our great •^•Wm». Mr- Y*""" "" **** Indians in !!sortb-'v^e8t were compftratirely speaking, Ijl in nmnber. He did Hot sapfMne thet« more than 3(X0OO Indians in the J^h-West, and they were wretchedly poor. i ' jij not wish W offend any poB- iins, wid he did no wish to be severe «n I flio were in pov^tsr « had bten in pqwar, I [J ),P wished to say that THK ISDIAN3 TO DAT OTrein a deplorable position; they were j^iHj, t.) death ahnoat. Some time ago iiie sJkatchewan Valley was like a large latcber shop, where the Indians could go sttong the buffalo herds and get all the food ilK needetl and also clothes. When the vthitemen came into the land the old Indian uanie cnst«ms were disregarded, and the kffalo gradually became very scarce. What W the GoTemment given them instead? Ilie Govemmeut had given the Indians $5 a head, and in some reserves small quantities „f rations were served ont so them. He vatposed the Government had tried to do ijlit, hut they had not sent out the right ^riof njeu. Those men who had been sent „:it to deal with the Indians had tried to make as good a thing out oi it as possible lor tliemselves while there. The lecturer related au incident of an Indian living lisnJreds of miles west of Winnipeg with his ttife and six childi-en, who had commissioned iiiir to draw from the Indian Commissioner ii Wiuuipeg 840, which was the reeular .jiilowance at ?S per head, and which the I iovernment officials had promised should be ;di on Lis order. The Indian Comnussion- ;:. wleu asked for this money, had said that Ircoolduot pay it as the money was all ;«ll\ When the Commissioner had treated wvernl iiitlueiitial clerj^ymen who had I iJ.eil on him about the matter in a very .1 -cmirteons manner, Mr. Young said he j; '.tat the Government woujtl chisel the 'ihans, These wcro reftsons why the 1 iliims liad been iistuuii}!,' to Iliel auJ had ii^'.tteii their loyalty fur the time being. v.::.!;;]! the past few .vears the country had â-  'ui Qver a million dollars on the Indians. 'â- ""'â- ".Ill,' that thiTf' were 33,000 Indians in â- â-  N-nh-West th'.i auioimted to about $30 ina,l.auil the couiiiry had been paying â- ' ' .1 hi;ul per Luliaii to the offiuiuls who â- -â- "'Ut.Hl this allowau'.-e. -I:. lIAU'liliEEDS UKl'.E NTCVER LOYAL. â- }" 0-it out to thoNi'rt'i Vv'i-'.s I immediately â- â- â- -ie battle of tiic r.iiins of Abraham, '•'•lUuu.lerUie hiii;::!iation that France â- 'iifeivud a^ the liauds of England. •-•â-  of tLu riomaii Cailj )!ie Liissionaries â- â-  -i.lba'asent out to them were from â-  -^.^v. and wen' uot I.v.al Britioh subjects, ':.i not preach British h)yalty to the â- â- â- lieeds. The lectuier salJ ke t'lought '^vas a couibiuatiou of egotism and """to. He was a man who had been in 'â- â€¢'â- :i'm for several years. He imagined 'IhIi a Rreat. Napoleon, and thought he '^aU be Emptror of the country. He had • "Wbt Kiel would make a desperate ;-yle to get into the woods or get into ti^e *^ of the stars and stripes. Speaking oi -^snevauces of the Half-breeds, the lecturer V- '""' '^° " "i tlieir scrip in ;-0"a for ne^t to nothing and had |:^arJY"'«'^^'JJuck Lake and other •;-^fWkerwest, w.re not entitled 'to [--patents for the lands taken up. But :, T\" ""'"y '1^0 liai just claims which l^-br/"""' time- and again, and |.- ^ad been ignored by tlie GoYernment. â-  y quantities of land had been- given "'^elands had been turned aw^y. «e He ^^^"" ^°i^W be mnoh of a "fonaer tT" â-  " "°"^P«g at the time of l^soitjrr^'""'^*^^" "^®* ^^ l^-" r^'l^' forces Vi' ""^^'« '^^are of every r^tl'fees "7"=^'i. and fled in twos h" Mian's 'u^^ *^^* ^^^- Half-breeds '•***'»tothis'j '"' '^^* '^^ " K«t '^P'nenthi ^^ ^°"i ^ould taKe means "*«^Jr,r*l"' ^1 the Half breeds ^oith a dozen of '*«renot "â- '"' Toront """" ** '"^^' °* 'lie '""^^'^3 Indian '°^'^*«'" Of the ten ' ^^ North v?"""" Methodist training â- ="" 8te,i."'*^^"^**l°°t been the "^^"{the^ ^°° " disloyalty shown by '^^J?'"»^*»«'iadia» ., uva Winnipeg, whera to •ticaatrj, Ageatlamaii in ty m^Kmhh, apked .flro taWwwr wliat he pV ii i i u j fa to da^viA |ka flUfbrMds after diqM«iag ol the luSmu fii tbemaniMr propoaed. Mb. Torso mid he inteiidtd to ksfe ih* Balf-bnedatothe ' ' •akad: Anothur neDtlflnau In "And what «m wedo with the QovemmaBt r "Leave them to thoM who bavw rMm ' aaidUr. Toosa. A vote of thanks waa tcndend to the leetaser, and the aadienoe waa dismiwed with the benediction by the Bev. Manlv Benson. SfnopsM «r m. I^ettcr Fmm tmm Bla«k,rMrMerir •! CHmmIv. Morrison. Iowa, Apnl 26, '86. Seeding is finibbed here wtth the excepbion of com. Weaker fine. Had a yerj cold. Lard winter, bat s«e you an worse off than we are. Things are livening np sodm now. All the Canada folk are well. Father and brother John has bought 820 acres iu Minnesota, and have started to break it np this week, and think it is an improvement on the bash farm». A GOOD TEST. For over sixteen years G. M. Everest of Fore3C. has aold Hagyard'a Pectoral Balsaui and its sales are steadily iu- creaniusf. It cures coughs, colds and ail InD*! complaints is plesant to take and aiwavs reliable; Trntta Stranger tban Ficaon ONE OF OUB CiriZBNS Ilf LUCK. THE BECBET OUT. Th« seer^t of MaecM of Bwedodt Blood Bittera is tlMH il aotonpM* *• bowels, (he livar, tb4 IddiMfl. and the Mood i«monai and imparting btaltii mm n|ac« »JMi« Xwi^htcp^Tboa^.c^tamS^ Ion.. 1 " • Fm%. Adam Wiae/ ^^ Jwuor DivisioB-^Leua Wioe, Bamaei Hannah, Janes Otfeoft. AuvA U. HonoK, Teadier. A GREAT MISTAKE ., ' • fff^t mutake to sappose that dyspepsia can't be cured, but must be endured, and life made gloomy Mid miserable thereby. Alexander Bums, of Goburg, wafe cured after suf. lenmc fifteen years. Burdock Ulood Bitters cared him aditMMi oC tb* " Urn It I my. Many of our citizens will remember â- W. J. Woods, a lumberman, who formerly lived ou the St. Vincent road near the railway track, and twelve or fifteen years ago deserted his wife and family. It now turns out that ha found hib way to Colorado, where he married a^am without the formality of a divorce. In 1880 he was one of the three discoverers of the celebrated Emma Mine. He died in Ootober of that year, and his supposed widow there sold her own-third interest in the mine to Maoijy Co. of New York. The mine was afterwards found to be immensely rich, the profits for some time past, over ail expenses, $100,000 per month. Recently. Mr. Moody of ColoradD, who acted as solicitor for the supposed Mrs. Woods there, discovered that she had noclaim, as Mr. Wood had left a widow in Canada, somewhere iu the vicinity of Collinj[wood or Uwen Sound. He immediately startled for Canada, and when he got to CoHiugwood discovered that he was sliadowed by Piokerton detectives in the interest of Macky Go. From there be telegrapiied to Owen Sound, and discove.ied that the person he wi^nted resided here, gettino ail answer from the former Mrs. Woods, who in 1882 was married again to Mr. Wm. Billings of this town. He took the train for Meaford and stage for Owen Sound but the detectives in some way discovered his telegram, were on the ti^in with him, and takini; a special rig {pom Meaford were here ahead of hiiQ. As soon as he got here, he vcen^ to the telegraph offiice, and paid the «aessage boy to show hi J I where th«» lady lived who sent the telegram to (Jolhngwood. As thej were on the way, when they tiurned a coorner the boy pointed tu a man coming the other way, and said, "There's a man who got me a few minutes ago to show him tlie sam.a place." The wily detective had got abaad, and showing Mrs. Billings hi% badge as a Hnkerton detectiye, wun,Qd. her that there was a man coming to, try and cheat her, but to have nothini^ to do with him Thus perplex^ between the iwo, Mrs. Billings waa pnzaled what to do, but tlie result was that the detective came out^troontpttfu^ for the time, and got a qpit d^iua d«ed made to Macky C^. for SLCompatative • ly trifling amount. However, there is likely to be a big lafw-suit growing out of the affair, and it is to be hoped Mrs. Billings will get the fortune which of right belongs to "'r-^here are several children of Mr./Woods, who have moved awaj from town, and they will be entitled to an equal share with theuTjnother.-^tnwwSoiwrf 2t«sfcf Scotch Highlanders have the habit when talking their Engliah of inter- spersing the pervonal pronoun "he" when n3t required, such as "The king he has come." Often m eonse- quenee a sentence is rendered ex- tremely ludicrous. A gentleman says he lately listened to the Rev. Mt. who be^an his discourse thus My friends you will find my text in the first epistle general of Peter, fifth chapter and eight verse. "The devil he goweth about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour." Now, my brethern, for our instruc- tion I havc diided my text into four heads. Firstly, we shall endeavor to ascertain who the devil he was Secondly, we sh°ll enquire into his geographical position, namely, where the devil he was going Thirdly, who the devil he was seeking And fourth- ly, and lastly, we phnll endeavor to solve a question which has never yet been solved, what the devil he was "roaring about." Maylslibf^ilk F BoweHAO».,ofM««lOTkir^ ' that tlMM ftin liittriai^ ' pMKidieida pqIiImW^I Steles aii4 GuMd* qt Ibeee ft|ie United Stetes baa 12,978, an averafo of oae pi^ir lor ev^iy a,af7 pmow. Iiil8S4 the total aamlier of bmts- papanwak kasby WS than at present, and while the gain this year is not so marked aa in some preTious years, it is stilt considerable. Sansaa shows tha greatest ioorease, tlie nnmber being 78. while Ulinms with a grain of 77. it IS ennous to notiee that ]Mew York, the. seene of so much political aetiviky donng the last campugii, should have only abont one-third as many new papers as the State of Pennsylvania. A» an index to the comparative growth and fnros* perity of different sections of the country, eqMcidly the territMies, the number of new papers forms an interesting study, and may wall oecnpy the attention of the ouri^^us. ^-' ^ilk^ SHINGLES FORSALE. CHOLEBA PBEVENTATIVE. In Older to withstand Cholera and .such like epidemics a perfect purity of blood, and the proper action of the'stomach are required. To insure that end, in the cheapest, moiit available and complete manner, x^ie Mcv-rrcg- or's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia, and Impure Blood. There is no purer, safer or more reliable remedy in existence for indigeptioii. Dyspepsia, Costiveoess, etc. Ask your neighbor or any person who lias used it. Sold by Hilt Bro's. Trial bottle given free. 1 The Gatling Oun. THE Snbseriber wiihea to inform the publie that he has a large quantity of Cedar Shinffles («f the best quality at Sparling's Mill, near Vanddeor. for Sale JOHN\l£BEB, Vandelenr. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 2«-49 NOTE LOST. Bepaiied bgr myieU and aatislMtiaa ffoar- asit^ tar MO TBOUBLR TO SHOW GOODS.. CS-iv« me a Oali*. JaitMS O. Russell^ Watdmaker, JewdTnt 817-269 FkahertoB. H AC YARDS YELLOW OIL woM powdssb;^ Aiepl hweativa. totaka. Contain thalrewat Is a safe, sim, and in CUUbnai 4 MRE CHANCE NOTE of $24.00, drawn by F. Kempt Holland Centre, in favor of B. A. AS Scott, dne about nnxt June. Any person finding same will please leave it at the Stand ABD office, Markdale. All parties are hereby warned against purchasing said note, as pay- ment has been stopped. 242-44 MBS. B. A. SCOTT. ACRICULTURAL IMPLEJHENTS. Farmers will save money by. bnying their Agricultural Implements from Legate Carson, AGENTS FOB L. D. SAWYEB CO., Hamilton. A. McGILL. Chatswortli. BBANTFOBD BINDEE. MANX'S BROADCAST SEEDEE AND HAliKOW COMBINED. Wssncr's SpringrTootli Harre^r. Sbow^ Boom â€" Kay's old stand, opposite the Standabd printing offiqp. J.H. CABSON. T. LEGATE, Also agents for the Walker Patent Back Llevator aud Lucas Lock Block. A CHOICE VILLAGE LOT in Warkdale. for sale, oppomte the Staitpabd office, MiU Street. Has a comjortable dwelling house, shop and stable and good well. A small pa3nnent will be takon down ard bal- ance to BuH purchaier at a low rate of inter- est.. For further particulars apply at thi^ office, or to W'M. WALKEB. 232-39* MarkdaleP. 0. Fine Farm for Sale. MB. EDWABD DAVIS offers his farnt for sale, being lot N. J 21, con. 13, Artemesia, better known as the 'Sfeafonl Boad." This is a choice clay loam fprm of 80 acres, 75 of which is cleared and fit foi- any machinery to work on, and well fenceli with cedar rnls has a fine bearing orchard of three acres a good larse frame barn and. out -buildings, and comfortable frame house the place is well watered with mnning stream; also a saw-mill in good running order and doing a good trade â€" run by water-power. This is a very desirabfo farm, J mile from school, one mile from church, 6 miles from AlarkiUle and 6 from Fleshertou, good road cither ways is situated iu au excellent lc caiity. and is u g od site for cheese factory. For ti'iius And further particulars, apply to. EDWABD DAVIS, MORTGAGE SALE O' It weighs about 1,500 lbs,, and. is precisely of the same design as the ordiuary cannon. Tbere are ten chambei 8 that revolve in the barrel proper, and each chamber has an indepeudeut lock. Tlie main barrel is eight inches iu diameter. Tlie sizQ of cartridge used is that of the ordinary 46 government riflfl calibre Each feed drum contains 240 rounds. The firing is done by o^KtoXdx?^ a crank the cartridge is exploded by ii hammer which works with such greoit rapidity that 120 cartridges are firod t Close to Berkeley Station, on T in a nainute. The moyement of th guu can be so adjusted as to make it either stationary or oscillating, so that the gun practice can become either scattered or centrifugal iu its ex- ecution* ^^ 700 yards the gatUng gun haabeen known to hit a 12x16 ft. target 896 out of 400 shots. At 1 ,200 yards 418 out of 600 shots have struck' a 9x25 ft. target. To show the rapidity with which the guns can be worked, it might bj explained that the time oQcupi^d in coming to action ^out £coiQkti^ot e^od firing is 10 seconds; ^mbesrev^ mount and off, IS seeondi*. ' Fa valuable oil Bcie Farm in the Town- ship of Hoilaud, being Lot 68, liau;re 1 South W^est f Toronio and Sydenh im itoad at the Bcvere Hotel. 9Bnrk- dale, on Tuesday, May «(th, at one o'clock p. m. About 40 acros cUarad, fuuced auJ free from stumps, remainder i hard woo. I bush. Thn soil is a gor.d loam. G. B. B. B. Fur further particulars s«c posters, or apply to the Auctioneer, Geo. Noble, Markdale, or to HENOEBSON fc SilALL, Vjsxdobs' Solicitors, Toronto. Toronto 16th April, 1885. 241-42 239-41 Markdale, Ont. MORTGAGE SALE Wayne, Du Page Co., Illinois, HAS IMPORTED FROM FRANOE- PerAeiwB Harae* TBlned ac S3,000,00eb ' whlck includes 75PERCEIIT0fAtLHIIt8E8 MTiir of Mood is Agjibnihoi br tMr MdicnM ft the STUD BOjOKS OF PRAMCB. JillPOBTANT. When yon visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Express and Cartiage bire and atop at ' the ' Gruid Union fi't«i, opposite the Grand Central Depot. Elet^aat ioobh fitted up at a cost of one million doUaia, re- dnsd at 91.00 and apwaxd^ per day. European plan, i21evator, BeStnrant snp^^ with the best. Horse cars, stsf^es |^d elpvat ol raift'Oiad to aU depots.' Faaiilift can .pvfSr Iwfit^ f or lese money at tbe Ctiarid 0nioii~ Hotel than at any otber first elass' ^tid ' id thsteity. VEjR IMPORTED TO AMERICA. STOCK ON BLaMIH liffM Iroot wbm, to^staittn^ OF valuable farm property in the town- ship of Euphrisia, in the County of Grey, under power of sale contained in .i mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale. There will be offered for sate by public auction at th' Bevere Hotel; Xtiorit- bui*y, ou Fiiday, the 22 nd day of May A. D. 1885, at 2 p. m., all that certain parcel or tract of laud situated in the township ol Euphrasi.i. containing one hundred. acres more- or less, composed of the Bast half of Lot number nineteen, in the twellth Concession of the said township. There are said to be upon, the premises a log house and barn the soil clay loam thirty-three acres said to b i cleared, the balance well timbered with hard- wood. Thi" proper,ty will be sold subject to a re- serve bid. Terms and conditions made known on,(^y' of sale. For further particulars^ apply to E. M. CHADWICK, Yendors' SoUcitor. BEMTTY, CHADWICK BLACKSTOCK GALT- No. 68 Welliagton Street East, Torcnto. Dated this 17th day of April 1 OOCOLTSk WELL TO BEf£liIB£C. i^etitehlnliuiemyeaniiM. 8enoa^ le^to -oft faltow ii negleefc •£ :go9 sk^itlied bewds anl hpt 4ila^ liSL* OMllBeaM of iw aMt«( MM noor4ia theSMa^* aOBSE jicft ^% tMs, office^ A. D. 1884. ' 241-44. Strayed or Stolen. ABI S ao^ ' l^te eow in ealf 5 year;S. old, ' from lot fpnr, con. 6, £ni»liraKia\' about Ba.nrday. die S6t)i of Aiwil, was last 8 !«ti ou .ot 3, eon^ 6. Any person giving such infmifut^on as will, lead to her reeovery will be tto^teUy xewaidtidN W. BILBY, ' 'â- '•â-  â- " 2i2'H. Yi.ndeleoif^v^-9. -^**V .-A ::ti. 6.T -â- 0 ^rECTORAL "f i-a fife â-  K ' -â- 1.

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