p. itf «» «^ -- ja wiaa t -^rr^ •5^0 :n. "VflSt^PTff '^OSBBRS^fe^^ .?:•-â- - t5[3.-No^242. MABKBALE, OnT., APRIL 30, 1885. Cones w na Suhbabb Fnra oBim BACH. t. bfl. COMPLETE ^Complete Watches. r.\A and Silver Cases, Ladies and f;^,,. u.ove.Bent.. 7. 9, 11 itjewelled. Close time-keepers ;,a„ts cover all breakares. for 1 •.' rears- ?2 fm CLOCKS, Thomas other makes. RimTACID TEST. u Elgiu moveraeut, iinL S12.00. ,.„,a .Swiss Watch, 15 Jewelled, -use,S9.r;0. ^(f^ert/se Actual Present Stock, I ^K iu a position to give bel ter 1" time or cash, than any other ilri?. this section of Grey Co. Get ,t;os. comra'"' ^^'i*' mine, and IwmvstatemoKt. Long warrants I to sellâ€" very oftenâ€" inferior or litaoD watelies. I hold to the plan Loiiest representation of every Ifcacd give no warrants exceed- '•]7ears. Cash discount 5 per cent. wrji considerable to every purcb- r. â- l\m WATCH REPAIRING A Specalty. il WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. hV. A.BROWIV, Iweller, Markdale. Fob Bedstaadm Cribn, Cradles, Mattrasses, and Bpriag Beds, go to Grant Co. Paktibs Tranting Shingles hki better see Weber at Yandeleur before parchaiing elsewhere. Fob Dressiug Cases, BnreAu«, Side- boards, Cupbo as. Lounges, c., go to Grant Co., Markdale. A council of Ecyal Teuiplars of Temperance has been organised at liocklyn with 25 members. A LARGE assortment of Ladies, Misses and Childrens' Hosiery for half price at J. R. Trimble's. SuxiscRiPTioNs received from Miss Annie Milis;;p, Lefroy, and Mr. John Porter, Tehkujnmah. Tiianks. HiiL Bro's are giving bargains in Parasols^ Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, etc. Don't forget to call and see. Oil Calie^ unsurpassed for Horses and Cai tie, fur saile at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. i«i d and Other Hems. IncES m these columns intended to benefit li'Kiiri(fiiaI or Society will be charged ten n line for the first insertion and five ^ilmeeach subiequent insertion, lo'jier young winter on Tuesday. i for taffy pulls now. bely weather again. fi. Â¥hitbt finished assessing last j, ffi .\fghan difficulty is still un- hmm for a collectorâ€" "His work fair is next Satur- lar'idale cattle ?tli May. Nm to rent cr sell, apply to J. G. H Markdale. LiSED to learn that Miss Maggie R IS recovering. '^-â- â- lii- quotations h'J.R.Trimbl to cash custcm- es. PHne and Maple Flooring, go to â- ^^0, Markdale. ;^ to see W. H. Eutledge about -attet bis recent illness. P ^°°' ^ishiog outfit before May l^-^' ^\- A. Eion-n, Markdale. leJf^'if"'"'^^^"' Sash, Doors.; ^^and Mouldings, go to Grant! f«e*!mlf^i ^^'^^ to set two or I ;,^:" ^Is to leara Mantle and largest and Shoes ever lana i?ff « bas the ,^V" »f S«ots »eek S!M^°^^ °°e of his horses 1 Bower?;' °ftlie Stomach, Liver ES« Jio^alpiij. I"^°^P% removed by ex- late**' acpA, BUSfi-g "^•^teL'nf^'P^^^l^smuchim- the int^^P^^^ting and whiten. ^?«^«.~-Field and Garden A first-class new wagg"'n for sale, very cheap tur cask, or easj' terms to responsible party. Apply at this oflB.ce. The Mercatile Fire Insurance Go's business id steadily increasing in this iocahtyâ€" E. C. Bryden is agent. A GENIUS has invented steel knives which will cut cold iron. Now boarding-house beefsteak must yield. Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup -â€"An agreeable, safe and effectual remedy to remove all kinds of worms. Mr. a. H. Watson, formerly pro- prietor of tlie Meaford Monitor, has purchased the Port Elgin Free I'ress. The hotel at Primrose was burned last week, together with nearly all the furniture. It was partially insur- ed. The Pullman Car Go's repair shops at Philadelphia were Wednesday, 22nd inst 000. Mb. Bell, Gfenelg Assessor, was in Markdale this week. He is painstak- ing and endeavoring to do bis work well. The Ontario Franchiee Act, adopted at the late session of the Legislature, will not affect the Voters' List rf this year. J. R. Tbimble takes ike lead in Markdale for first-islass goods at lower prices than yoa oan buy poor tr*sb in other stores. Eggs.â€" ManKtk Light Brabmas, pure, for sale, one dozen feu: $2 or; two dozen for p. E.Montgomery,' Markdale. 242 44 For a nobby Felt or Straw Hat, Tie Scarf or Shurt, go to J. E. Trimble's he has the largest assortment ever seen in Markdale. A woman in Markdale asked lier three-year-old child, who sbe loved best she gave the pertinent answer, God *nd Santa Claus. 'Tis very easily tellinig Hats that are made by Miss Love (Hill Bro s Milliner) as they are the most «tyli»h and neatest in town. Waibben Tobey Go'« tawoery in Collingwood was destroyed by last week. Loss from $40,000 :$50,000. Insured for $27,000. The gaps on the C. P. E. north of Lake Superior are being rapidly closed so that Montreal and Winnipeg wiU be connected by raU by the 15th of May. The nobbieat Suits, Hats, Ties, •., in town como from Hill Bro b.-â€"' bo say the boys."â€" And it it a fact too, judging from the number they are selling. 1 1 A IJUWB advertisement appeared in the DundaU fl«-«^ .J"!,^ whicb was iodee^ /welilable to h^ Wm. Lucas It Co. faaTe any amount of money to loan on real estate se- earity at 6^ per cent CaU on them before b»rowing elsewhore. 288-tbi For lama baek, side w chest, nse Shiloh's PorooB Plaster. Pries 85 cents. S.ild by A. Turner A C!o. z Mb. Edwabd Bmiinn, a Markdale citizen, has purchased the farm recently oecnpied by John Saunders, 11th con., Glenelg. Mr. B. will re- move to it this week. Shilob's Cotjoh and Consumption Cure is Sold by A. Turner ft Co. on a guarantee. It cures consumption, z Oxen fob Sale. â€" A well matched pair of oxen rising four years old, well trained. For particulars apply to Geo. Ireton, one mile from Barrhead Mills. 142-44 Croup, Whoopino Cough and Bron- chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by A. Turner Co. z To THOSE who have not an oppor- tunity of reading the daily papers, the Standard is well worth $1.00 for three months for war news alone, and you can have it for 25 cents. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by A. Turner Co. z "Fishing Tackle."â€" A full line of Baskets, Lines Hooks, Bait Cans, Sinkers, Poles, Fly's, c., aUo Sewing Machine Needles at W. A. Brown' Watch shop, Markdale. Will You Soffeb with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint Shiloh's Yitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by A. Turner Co. z The Montreal Herald and Weekly Star an excellent family paper, being in our opinion the best family paper .-J,- published in America for ^1 per year. burned last j Subscriptions taken at this office. ' ' Sleepless Nights, made miserable by that toriible oough. Shiloh's Care is the remedy lor you. bold by A. Tamer Co, ' z See Miss Burch's Spring Millinery, choice goodie, Wools and Fancy Goods, Dress and Mantle making as usual receives special attentiosi. Eggs taken in exchange. 242-48 Ck^absh Cubed, faealth and sweet breath isecured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Eemedy. Price W cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by A. Turner ExcKuxxT QvunKo. â€" The aen lot ^ponto the Town Hall* Boeklyn, npoQ which a very comfortable dwell- ing house and a oonyenient shae-sbop are erected, can now be bongbt cheap, and on easy terms of payment. It is an excellent location for a shoe-maker, blar-ksmith, or other tradesmen. Apply to W. H. Dodson, Boeklyn. Mb. S. Little Sen. has resided for 16 years or more in Osprey and has reached the advanced ajge ot 105. Last week he left on a journey of nearly two hundred miles to visit his daughter. The old gentleman is remarkably active for his age. â€" Dundaik Hetald. We give this week a map of the probable seat of war between England and Eussia, together with an outline or brief explanation of the cause of the present trouble. Next week we purposo giying a large map of the North- West territories with a synopsis of the history of the same. Capt, Madill ot the Benevolent Army of Jesus, commenced operations in this yillat^e last Thursday, and has held meetings in Eeynolds' yacant store every eyening since. The cap- tain is thoroughly in earnest, and the services well attended. There is abundance of room for a good work. Mabbiei â€" Mr. E. D. Wilcox form- erly of this place but now of Uxbndge, has entered into partnership "foi better for worse" with Miss Emma, daughter of Eev. G. T. Eichardson of Oampbell's Cross, and sister of Mrs. Eev. J. Galloway, formerly of this village. We extend to the happy couple our best wishes. Thx inhal»tente of Markdale and sorronnding country will please notice that the stores will ckise at 7 o'clock p. m. on and after the 1st May. This has been customary tot a great many years now and while, thanking ^e many people who are aware of the great Sdvantoge Markdale has oyer o^ier phces to do their business in, we would respectf ally invite their at- tention to the above notice and make it a point to have their trading done between the hours of 7 a. m. and 7 p m. Signed by 17 of thb Clebks. Pbovincial Licenses. â€" The License Commissioner for South Grey met at Mr. J. Brown's office, Durham, pur- suant to adjournment. All the inembers present on Wednesday. The following applications for Licenses were considered. Normanby â€" Geo. Klempp, wine and beer license, grant- ed. Bentinck :â€" Peter C. Bye, Shop License granted. Glenelg â€" Wm. Hanbury, shop license, granted. E. H. Benson, shop license, granted. Jolin McAleer, tavern license, granted. J. C. Caldwell, tavern licensd, i^ranted. The application of J. J. Johnson of Bentinck was held over. â€" Chronicle. monthly Fairs. e to "^« icT ' *^® Medical Hall, *» Graham Co., tlie adyertiser, the Hirtdd office. Thb ^m«ncan AqrUulmiii fint-cUM agricnl umI paper believe the bsftt on ^ih*^ I'^to^Ve'^Ofnis without •"DEBS deitroy iujury to IS a we IXniieliean CootiDSBt. 8am0» ' JF^"^, seenafctiiiaoffioe. SubeenBtaoa^lw per year, or clnbbe^l»i both for $2.00. Co. Horses for Sale. Two good general pur- pose Horses, Parlncalars on applioati«m to A. Turner Co. 240-41 Shiloh's V^italizbb is what 50U need for (Jonsumption, Loss of Ap- ' petite. Dizziness, and all symptoms i of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cente per bottle. Sold by A. Turner Co. « Jaiqcs Lackey has lho Berkeley Saw miU now m good ^m and is prefiared to «ttjBply the public with any fusaYtity of 'limiber., batrd 'or -soSt-; a quaiftity Osgood lumber always on' hand About Timk. â€" A number of our ex- changes are getting tired of publishing school reporte. Teachers who wish to have their reporte published, shoald at least, subscnbe for the paper that publishes them. â€" Shelbome Fret Press. Correct brother, Cbxdit Saia.â€" ICr. Wm. Bielhy will sell by auction on his premisM lot 4, con. 6, Enphraaia, oa Monday next, itb 1^7. bif stock, iinplemflnte and household fnmitnre. Terms â€" d evwi montlis on «ocd paper far ra^^ fmt $5. aw. KoUe, ivenaneet /] J :^i gAP WaATH.â€" We ]eam«ith vsgM* the aflokleiital death of Mr. J^ia ^aok of GIsDalg, hrotfaer at J. 8. Blaek, Bn-* kwmship ^fsk. U peanhe was ia eoav«CMlkMt,«ith;a ^^aoNB at Fins liKfioii %fa«ift «l0n|Dfing" Mignia strive iesnit. ffiihi u^toir^Mr.0.1i^D(MMld«f lK0l|ihiaie icniiw ' '^~' Willi the] CO 03 i»n£flb5^ dAi^M An Act has been passed in the Local Legislature giving township councils power to aid individuals to build wire fences on the public highway. We hope this matter will receive the at- tention which it demands, both by in- dividuals who own farms where heavy drifte of snow are prevalent on the public road, and covnoils. Magistbatbs Court. â€" The winding up of the recent field fight, which was briefly nottced in these colnmDS, took place OQ Tuesday kst before a full bench of magistrates, with Squire Brown pi ending, and temnnalted in both parties being fined. At the con- clusion Mr. Brown addressed the par- ties concerned in an able and fovahle manner. At a hotel a short time since a g^rl inquired of a gentleman at the table if his cup was out. "No," sud he, '•but my coffee is." The girl was con- siderably oonfased, but 'determined to pay him in his own coin. While at dinner the stage drove up, and several coming in, the gentleman 88k«d, "Does the stage dine ihere?" "'No, sir," exclaimed the girl, in a sarcastic i tone, "but the passengers do.^' Cabbied Away. â€" Owrag to the rapid thaw which[has swollen all the streams in this vicinity to such an extent I lately that thespressure of the Pottewa- temieiriver was so^eat as to carry away the dam of Mr J. Wnght, and also the foaadatiwi «f the engine •house, on Tuesday ais^t. Mr. Wright made extensive improve- i»ents to the mull dam iast suBiOEier, iamd the loss will be a seveie one. â€" 0. S. Advertiser, UJBseBA. £egate it Oarsoa have opened an «{^ealtnrd ispleBseiit fliMW looas m Eay^s oldetand i^pesite the AtAsmMMD pnntuq; dfiea where tbcj ke^ »n haad for sate im^ettenta and maoittnei^ of tin loHawing BuuMfiictuiie, Li. D. Sawyer Co. Hamilton; A McGil, Ouibifrorth J Biantford Binder; Mantt'« ftmiaoiMt' •aeder and hanow ccBdiined; Wissw's Springtootti BaaroWi and alio igantt ior WaOEa^titliift Bade Efamter and £«aas Loek Bloc*. These «8|itleai«B are pa tt iBg Ihiir haaiiMM aad «M «l|^MBi9|i:e|ii fta fleliecT on. CaU iuid e»k^ha for «onrsd*w- â- -- --^--'i i^!;r;;-- CAN DBAFNESS; B^ ^:|UmZ» Mr. John Clark; of IfilUBI^, CfoL^ dafiana it ean,^ and Umi Banaid'a )imi. ft* p also- a^ Markdale^Saturday before Flesh erton. Chatswcrih â€" Monday before Dur- ham. V Dundalk-^^Tuesday before Orange- yille. Fleshertonâ€" Monday before Orange- ville. Orangeville â€" The second Thursday in each month. Mount Forestâ€" Third Wednesday in each month. Priceviile â€" Monday before Durham Durham â€" Third Tuesday in each month. Hanover â€" Monday before Durham. Walkerton â€" Last Wednesday in every month. WATBELOO NEWS. Walt^ Lin tori, Waterloo, writes that Hagyard's Yellow Oil has done great good in his family, his wife being cored of Callouse lamps that other mediJinee failed to rcmoye, he «lso states that a neighbor was promptly relieyed of fihenmatism by the same remedy. AMy E^Uted newspapers. The frauds and luuubugs seem to be gatherixig in Chicago. After having fleeced and swindled the public in the East, they go West to start anew, and as one of them modestly say^ "to inake a living for themselves and those who aie dear to them." They say nothing about how "dear" they have- made themselves to the victims they left behind them. Among them are some *able editors." One of these frauds dbims to "manage"the "ablest edited paper in the country." Some of tk«m are already in the ShenJETs. hands, and more are ^n dangev o£ malong a close acquaintence witii this official. We have already refiesKed to two or three of them. One is call the "Chicago Pott and Courier" another is the "Illinois Agriooltorist." The able editor who controla theso two papers is G. S. Mayo. This- seamp was arrested a few days ago â- by tiie U. 8. Marshal and held in. bonds for two thousand dollars on complaint of the Post Office Inspector.. Q%e inspectors say that ten thousand dollars a day is taken in by rimilar frauds in Chieago adone. These papers are lottwry esocexns, which offer priaeato«T«ty sobscnber^ varying i^ amount according to the numbei- c^ the snbscriptiolis.' 4ai«rwii» Aifri- CKtotrtirt /or Ma*, f' J^;i^*:- â€"^ â€" ,^r"^^' a t*:-^ i. J it*: l-';y t n Iks^ rbotfiariit' ^^ rji A- i ht ill iVl .i hA.W J