â- MM "SJE-t^' f \i-l\ Tbe Itrkdik mM «.. •is aivMM; »L»tf Mt pud irittda thiiM â- oaOa. IDHB MIUB OIM IBMI r. varjmt, M. 1 TB. 6 m. t m. fSOOOtSTSO lis 00 S7 00 15 00 10 00 l' 00 10 00 6 00 700 400 10 00 SOO CmiuI adrertisemeBts 8 eeote perHne first inMTtkm, 3 eents per lii*e «adi rabteqnmt iastrtioB, iMniiw«d meâ€" re. Cditoiutl aotieee, or notieee in kwal eol* ' wan 10 eeate pw line first insertion, 6 eents each snHseqnents insei lion. Htray animals As., advertised S weeks for •1, the adrertisemeat not to eueed twelve 'Wholaeofaunn.. Half eolnmn... Qaarter eoiomn Two inch spaee. Three ineh spaee "Wii-^^y 1 r^tRftomiiB No p^er diseontinoed antQ all arrears are paid execpt at the aption of the pobluher. JOB PRINTING. Tn Stabsabd ofliee has a splendid eqoip- nnent of poste? as wtO as fine job tjrpe. 8pe- eisl attention to orders bjr mail. Orders fined with du^ateh. C. W. RTJTrEIGE EDITOB AND PBOPBIETOB. BolsL UiiidWaiBesdurin tiaa of JusarafMaioi ov TOBORfft msaoOb win ho atHwIlMiMli OBtfaaUlaMd IhMliM- ith thadfor each wmihbK thaywa ilJI«^t-^ W. G. RK^umps, BXnLDBB. CONTRACTQB. ASCEI- nez. Markdala. iUtal. HANDS, EGHLIN d GARVIN, (buccxssobs to laitdkb a habob), BABBISTEBS, Solicitors, Proctors. No- taries, CoDTcysncers, e. Modct to loan st lowest rates of interest. Offices 16 Sing Street Ea»t. 199-251 ToBOBTo. J. Iff ASSON, BABRISTER, MASTER AND DEP. BEG in Chanceiy, Notatj Pabtio, CooTejanl ' eer, Ae. A MlfMBBB or TABMS rOB SiXB. OvTicBS â€" Owen Sound, in Visker's Block "^Ponlett St.; Branch office in Markdale, over 3feFsrland'B Store, on Friday andSatnidsy «Tar|r week. 57-ly Creasor dr in«irri9on« BARRl" .aB,80LICIT0RS. CONVEY- ances, fec. bc, OncBS in Owen Sound, Dufferin Block, over W. F. Wolf's Store and in MARKDALE Orer W. J. McFarland's Store on Tlitirsday and Friday of each week. tS'Fnnds to lendon'reasonable terms. JoHK Cbxasob, Q.Q. Dukcak Hubmon Markdale. March 15. 1882. 79-1t Alexandler Brotvn. ISSUES of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commissionei in B. B. e. Conveyancer and Licensed Anctioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tendeI to and charges made very moderate. Priceville. Sept. 17. 1880. 1-y Wm. Bro^im« ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Ac Commissioner in B. B. e. Conveyancing in all its branches ptomptlj r attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se ourity. GOMMERGIAL HOTEL PBICBVUjLiE. Ont. Large asad •ommodioas Sample Booms Good Bad MeoM. «e. The Bar aiad laHe weU swpplied withihe beat the maikei af fords goodStaiiiag and atteative Hostler's TflOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor JOSEPH 0IBSOH CONTRACTOR. Contraets taken for all kinds of BRIM in STOW won, Plain Ornamental Plasterinc. Caitomininq in all ShatU$ and Colon. ^** to a? ai s i Charges moderate and satisetioB guar- antee^. Orders left at ahe Btabsabd offlee will receive prompt attention. 136-17. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. CITY HOTEL, John MeAleer, Prvprietor. lliiB house is fitted np in good style, sita- ated on Mill street, where the travelling pub- lic m^y depend on the vory best aocommo- datiou. Union bus to all trains. 194 HARKD ALE HOUSE, ISAAC STllVSOlf. Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. AU work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 195-«m* MABEDALEP.O. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE GEMXByCKSMITH HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Also agent for the celebrated CHATHAM WAGONS. NeÂ¥ Batcher Sbop. The best meats the country can prodooe kept on hand and DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN WHERE ORDERED A share of public patronage respectfidty solicited. Bemember the stand in McNea's block. MABEDALE, ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop\ W. H. RUTLED6E. A RARr CHANGE. SAW-MILL FOR SALE. OYEB UACFABIJINd'b 8T0BB. A PERP CT FIT GUABANTEKD. iMi Send six eents for postage, and receive free,a eostly bos |of goods whioh wiUhripaU, of either sex ta WMire money right away than anything else ia this Woild. Fortunes await tbe worlnn ahaolirtely snre. At once address Tain A Co., Augusta, If sine. 187-239 lARNESS EIPORIUI ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. -â-ºâ€¢â€¢ THot.UTTIEWIvNtprMN' NotlnBg b«t gpai ««Dek oatcl aai ilM back mechwiw emplo^^ei* A •took of Banhle mA Sui|^ 'Bmnf MiA Ligfak IfiHiiw alviyiiBlNMi. :*ho Whips, Tnnli. Valisi^frtinliiit, THE nndersigned having lost his heslth, wishes to dispose of his Saw and Shin^ Hill, which is situated 4} miles West of Markdala. There ii an abundance of splendid timber verv convenient to the null a good buniness has been done, and an excellent ehanee is in sttee for a guod pushing man. The mill is mostiy new, being erected three years, llaehineiy in fine eoiuUtion. Steam power 30 horse. Tarns eaqr. Vvx taiiba particulars apply at this office, or oa ttie premises. J. A. DUKCAN, SSOtf Maricdale P. O. FAfiM FOR SALE LOT S2, edu. ll,01endg.aboot 100 aen mostly elsaredand under cnltivatkHB. This farm is three miles from MaAdale, and will be sold on v«ry easy terms. For foU appty to Geo. 8. C. BITHUNS, GEO. CHaS. KIKG, Oh e lbmu e, HOBLB, Markdala. EUGENIA Grist, SafandLatblis Having Biaua e^ftensiva â- lyGnstlGIl I leal tain €0ODaOilRAUIfAYS ON HAND MARKDALE. JiMttMliiW* •*^**^" 'T^.Z^^ s J Mimntr afiiiiiii oaa^ tnd'i I «* ttaM rXlMXS TABLJS .^ •• M 58 ** W ** ** with oflal in fCiqwMon to amoanft of floor. I find |h»avm«B wel^t of new ^bmt to oeOOIba^lolliabiMhel, andthsfmoa* •! i», ifproperiyekaaad, wonkl wei|* «1 « « to tbaboahdt John W. Ford. %Mig^9lhetW6Mlaf, itorembtf 24^, a-!C- OOlNG NORTH. ^J^OKS. «^-i- TTTELLDlGGlCftANDDBILLEB. A£L W otdeis P««P$r •ttjndadto. Barf -Snidar'aHgi Owen Soonl ISI-Sf ABSTRACT STATEMENT OP THE Treasurers Receipts and Expenditure -FOB THE- TOWSJHip Of EUfHR^IA, "Fof the TTear Sndingr 31»t rec.. RECEIPTS. To bslaace on hand from 1863 ... AssesBiiients «. IjiceD86 Fond Clergy Beaerve Fand ... ... ... ... Drainage immey from Government, nil Land Iraprovemeut Fund, " Municipalities Fund, • County Grants, •• Grants for Schools, {Legislative) ... ... " • " (County) ... ... f aUCO^ f OvSf WwC-y •â- • ••• ••• ••• ••« Debeutnre Account nil Money Borrowed on Bills Payabk and Debentures ' Non-resideut Taxes from Co. Treasurer Union Schools, nil JLOvCX^CBwB ••• ••* ••• ••• •*• ••• m»a Miscellaneous i.. .,. ... ... EXPENDITURES. By County Bates paid Cauuty Treasurei ... Boads, Bridges, etc. ... ... Salaries and Commision ... School Sections Debentures redeemed Interest on Coupons Debentures, etc ... Sinking Fund Sheep killed by dogs nil Jbjlection expenses Taxes refunded OUcvFlUcD .••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Printing Postage and Stationery J-Jni ** £ CcBy GvC* ••-« ••â- -••• ••• ••• ••• Public buddings, etc nil Insurance, " Bills payable redeemed ' Drainage, " Miscellaneous ... .... ... Baliance on hand 81st Dec., 1884 In hands 'A Treasurer At Credit in Bank ... ea e •• • • ••• • • sea â- ... 906 46 ...10776 61i ... 103 85^ j .,, 22 65 ' so* •.« a e • • 489 GO 420 00 10 00 ... 1190 28 ... 405 00 17 00 $1:8590' 35f «,^1507 72 .,.2174 95| ... 988 00 .. 608 88i .. BSa 75 .. i4ao 00 888 81 .. 82 40 5 00 ..28 16 .. 208 71 89 25 66 48 18608 06 87 29i $18690 85^ ... 29i nil Note.â€" It will be observed that Um ot that the totals of Abstract fitatement exceed those of Dttftiled fitatemoit. is cansed'by ttie amount of Legislative Grant, ($489) not having beins entwed in the Treasurer's General Acconnta. It was, however, dnly entered in the School Account Bo OFFICE OF rrHE: Isi Sruiit AU bads of M^irble and Monumental IVorlc*. j«ah M MoBiuneniBfTomfei Tables, w^"^Nwf. Coostar sad Ibbls Tops. m Msrhls sad Mssb ehis s d 8l»ts, As., te. ...^v^.r ' Toronto .... Leaye Cailvei| Junetkni Charie^ton Otaag^r Anrive.. villa- (LiBaTe... OrangeviUtt Juu.. 8hdbnnut Daudalk Floeherton....... liarkdalti WlUxaiBBfonl .... Cbataworib OwenBoand Mail. 7 2;iaiiil 9 07 •• I 02:; "' 9 50- 1005' 10 It ' 10 45" I 11 10 " 11 30 " i 11 51 •• i 8 03pm I Exp 4 40pai C27 J5 45-UH 7 03 " 7 22 " 7 34' 804* 8 30' 8 5d 910' 9 2-J' 12 28 '• 9 49 •• 1 00" Il0 20" QOINC SOUTH- STATIONS. Owen Sound ChatBworth f 4 WilliaiBBford. .â- .. Markoale .^ Flesherton Dnffdalk ........ Shelbnme Oi-angeviUe Jon. Oraniie Anive... TiUe..j'Lf«aTie... CharleetoD. Gardwell Junction. Exp. 520am 5 50" 6 05 " 6 27 «42 706 7 81 800 812 885 8 55 »07' TM-Mito Arrivo'lO 45 " I 8 3o Mail ?45pm 3 15 '• »%" 406" 4 31- 4 57" 5 23" 5 35" 5 55 " 6 13 " i 1 j 6 27 " I til ---v.^v -rA} im^iSSi^i^^ EOBT. ASKI] ]vrA.iti£rAj^E, Has ope'a««koat a FirRt-Clasi UNDEBTKIIiG ESTABLISHMENj Anr the? Mure has supplied a want long [| COFFIKS, CifSKETS, SHROUDS. and alls FUNEML FURN ISWiei sapplied on the s^oiteK notice. lor hire at moderate ratei. â€"All kindi ofâ€" PICTURE FRAMII Done on -short notice. ROBT. ASKIKI |NoTicx8 tn ilitse coli I individual or Soei fntta line for the fi â- ti a line each Buhse^ Plowing has con Ms. John Bxn Bk. Fabx to rent or i ;, Markdale. Ma, G. S. Bh rkdale last weeli MjuCraote of le last weeV â- Pi m m m ^^ m^^m^o^^ia^ md Mt TAI LORn* '"""" ROBERT S. RAI Sydenbtun Street MARKDALI I BIiTIEBII PlClfll IR. R. LANPSi miSt Sehela. S***! ffyttettte tton Ona^ranteed fn'Eiv^ry R^mfeot the 5;«rfs'tf?as^i?t£ifi 'x- -leiaraew epea tof w** Tt 8GIML nasi is â- anniaefei^'f 8«lfcol Fnmiti «r SCHOOL- SEATS •»** I, ete., of i»i •dpatt«»f lgrietiaalTnite««a «•, Isr i|MBpMM.es8ifort and 4 â- whand- P.O. Amtw