(35000.00 lied '^^j^t^i^cny. From LUM AGAINST THE CITVFBOM ACROSS ^BOBDEB. iSENSATIONAI.I^TTEB-.- ^HENDlOALLTHISOCC^B?-^ CRANK BVIDENl-LY FOOLS AN ATTORNEY. uiincil Bluffs Globe. t99S«' [11. s tea »' "' moruing Mayor Bowman rc- ieiter, post marked Ortnada, ;;;ot giving the name of any city On Its face was tli€ usual t, siam" of the Canadian leniment, auU afiye cent re-isiertd boili ot wh'cii were caucelled. â- eitor ^^»s i,u nbered "273, ' and si'i' '•"" ^i" Worship, ili.^ 'r of Coa.icil Bluffs, Pottawattamie Jutv btate of Inwa, Uuited Statea Liu'rica.' lu reading tiie document, kvoi- Bowman was gieatly surprised "its contents. It was from an i,ri ev named McxMiUan, demanding kliecitv, ill' 8«ai of $35,000, for [l-aence on the part of officials for \mn" the murderer of bis clieut's tther! to escape. That the reader [v und..rstana it the letter is given Iakkdale, county of Gbey, Pteov- Millinexy Opening, oh Wednesday the 5th April, at yVe beg to intimate that we have secured the services of MISS McMULLEN as Milliner, who has had large and long experiance with the best Millinery Houses in New York City, Detroit, London and Toronto, and that our SHOW ROOM ^i^l ^e opened for the Season this week. Wednesday 15th, Thursday 16th, iL Friday 17 will be show days Our Stock is all Iresh and new, comprising the most desirable novelties of the Season, in all departments. INSPECTION INVITED. NEW STOREâ€" Between Molsons Bank and W. B. Stephens, Poulett St., Owen Sound. r J. IRWIN, GRADUATE Qi tlM Ont. Vet. GoUexe. Toronto, has opumd bluiiieas in Mark- dak, and k raady to aktoid all oalls. Office and reaidenfle qppoaite the Markdale House, Sydealuun St. Cbaboks Modbbatb. S88-tf â€" J5^I]VE- â€" WATCHES, CLOC/C H JEWELER} Enpbrasia CovmcU. The council met persoani to ad journment on the 28th March 1885. Members all present minates of last session of coancil read and con- firmed. Ttie Beeve was authorized to call S. to ,, orONTAKio, Deo. 7, 1883.â€" Sir t /^ o- ' u t Edward Morris, formerly of your j upon J. G. Sing i:.*q P. L, deviation and estimate the A GREAT MISTAKE It is a great mistake to iuppose that dyspepsia can't be cared, but mast be endured, and life made gloomy and miserable thereby. Alexander Bums, of Cobarg, Iras cured after saf. ferine; fifteen years. Burdock Blood Bitters cured him but now of our town, has placed claim against your city for the srder of his brother, amounting to l5,000,in my bauds for collection. US amount he iniorms me jour city cmiseJ to pay himâ€" through the llawful and negligent act of your Kersin allowing the murderer of brotherâ€" then m their custody to ike his escapeâ€" but has not been Id. Mr. Morris informs me that ;;stti of $5,000 has been paid by IrTdty out of this amount, to his ^rt If 80 it is correct. The balance the $35,000, Mr. MorriH now aands, under your promise by Iter, to be paid to him. iMr E Morris, it appears, employed, |me few years ago, two parties in 1)8 town of the name of Bowes cFarland to collect the amount for }, but they have not done so, â€" at list he (Mr. Morris) cannot fcf.t any jtisfactory information from them [to what tbey have done, and he Iw ignores any further act on their Irt. ° [I uow, on Mr. Morris' behalf, and I bis counsel, desires to know frou» ^n, as the chief officer of your city the matter stands. Has any uiiey been paid to auy person, sav? Morris f If so. to whom, and liat amount, and under whoes jthority The baluiice of the $35,- V) must be paid at once. Please swtr by return mail, niid let me low the cav\i:e, if auy, r.hy the amount jiiot paid, iwill await an answer Ifore moving any further. jl have the honor to be, sir, your (odieiit servant, I 13. McMillan. jlu conversing with several old citi- |iis coijcerning the matter they all «ed that the letter contained infor- fcition new to them. The matter liuu boiled down is probably the )rii of a crank who has been "play- it hue" on some attorney who juleutly has nothing to do. McGKEGOB PARKE. )f Hamilton, Out., are the manufacturers |tlio greatest liealiuK and purifying com- und kuown for Sores, Burns, Cuts, Scalds, lit Eheum, Frost Bites, etc. It is called K'lPgor 1- Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Be re aud get the genuine McGregor Parke's liboiic Cerate sold by Hill Bro's. at 25c. a Honor Roll. [The following is a list in order of lerit of the pupils of the 1st Division farkdale Public School who obtained ' per cent, or over of the marks feu at the monthly examination I Class Y. â€" Herby Brown, Gso. owes, E. J. Brown, S. B. Douglass. Class IV, Sen. â€" Janie Irving, mie Cunningham, Johnson Wilson, 'la Ouuniugham, Willie McAleer, 5bu Dundas, Richard Douglass, ^m. Coleman, W. McFarland, P. lubaudeau. IClass IV, Jan.â€" Herbert Hull, f J lie Leslie, Ben Coleman, Minnie Wilson, Henrietta Benson, Pyden. Class III.â€" Violet Ford, hevens. Hannah Steer, luiledge, Willie Mathews, Mmshaw, Bessie Moffat, Bella Iretou, Ida Reynolds. Percilla Dormer. It'he ^^ iiscu. Jessie Grant. survey a cout of cutting down the rock at lot 80, 11th line. Mr. Shepherdson was appointed to get 21 and 22 side road in 11th concession chopped out. The collector's time was extended until next meeting of council. The auditors report was finally audited by council and adopted. The Beeve's orders Wcre issued on the Treasurer to pay as foilows viz â€" Messrs. Tyson Son, 80 cents, lumber for road; W.H.Dodson, $14, salary as auditor George Orabiree $18, bureau for Treasurer's office; Robert Doulop, $40, part salary for current year; Agricultural Society, $50, amount of usual annual grant The collector was authorized to strike from his roll, $1, charged for statute labor to Messrs. Heming. lot 17, conceseion 9. The following named parties were nominated as pathmasters a By-law will be passed coafirming their appointment, at next meeting of council viz :â€" J. Rawlings, J. Howard, G. Emery, J. McCausland, T- Dookes, J. White, E. Carefoot, W. Pringle, J. Wallace, W. C. Smith, G. Bath. H. Conn, J. Millar, T. Julian. H. Loug- heed, W. Dales, J. Dales, J. Devins, J. Gilray, G. Gravatt, A. Way, I. Fawcett, C. Hill, T. Milne, R. Neely,- P.'Ferrv, W. O'Bryan, R. Millar, T. Hortop,'H. Hurd, Esq., J. Jones, H. Reid, T. Londry, W. Charters, R. Bowser, R. Lougheed, G Vickers, T. Wicken, J. Smith, J. Plewis, E. Gilbert, 0. Drinkal, R. Ball, W. Mc- Connel, D. Clark, J. Rosa, J. Ferris, D. Wallace, W. Baker, J. Mcrwood, J. Knotfc, W. Clark, W. J. Loughe=d R.Gardner, J. Fa Is. f. Gilmour. J Abercrombie, J Best, J Hutchinson, W, Bielby. J. Gibson, E. E. Hicks, C. Burrill. A. Crabtree, J. Cook, J. Nelson, W. Irwin, J. Lougheed, J. McArthur, J. Ormsby, J. Shaw, W. J. Boyd, J. Manning. R. Clark, J. Dayidson, R. H. Stinson, J. Wilson, Mr. Webster, R. Dunlop, J. Paterson, Esq.. W. Dookes, W. McCutcheon, N. Laird, D. Silverthorn, J. A. Hawken, J. Br'eadner, H. Patton, W. Curry, J. Patersou, Jr., W\ Marshall, J. Struthers, Esq., J. Stinson F. Eagles, Joseph Thompson 6, Honor Roll Of pupils in School Section No. Holland, for month of March Class 1st â€" Robena Browc. Part Second â€" Jennet Martin. John Brown, Minnie David, Mary A.Brown. Junior 2nd â€" Annie Smith, Willie Wilson, Willie Montgomery. Sr. 2nd â€" James Martiu, Brown, Sarah Lyons, Henry George David. Jr. 3rd â€" Sarah Brown, Martin, Lila Wilson, Emma Sr. 8rd â€" Maggie Smith. George J. McNeely, Lizzie Sanderson, Maggie Montgomery. Fourthâ€" Albert Walker, Mattie Gillespie, Thomas Ro we, Annie Martm Herbert Ewart. Miis. J. Watson, Teacher. NEW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WITH Plewet' Fhur and Feed tore. Emma David, Lizzie Ewart. WELL TO REMEMBER. A stitch in time saves nine. Serious lesults oft follow a neglect of con- stipated bowels and had blood. Burdock Blood Bitters regulate and purify the stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys and the blood. Take it in time. Having just received a Ghoict0i Fresh and Seleei stock: of Svg^a.x-s, Tola.CCO, SCGm Which will be sold VERY CHEAP. I respectfully solicit the public's patronage. 193 J. PLEWES. SEEDS SEEDS DfPOBTED â€" TIELD MD BARDEN SEEDS New gootls arriving every week, eonsisting of. WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS. CHABMS. SPECTACLES, PIPES.. PUBCES, VIOLIN STBINGS. etc 18 k. Wedding Ringt always in ttoek.. Watches, Clocks and Jewellery^ Bepaired \j myaelf and satiafMstion gnar- anteed. NO TBOUBLE TO SHOW GOODS.- CJrive me a. Oallâ€" James G. Russell, Watchmaker. Jeweller, .. 217-269 Flesherton, YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM monthly Fairs. Markdaleâ€" ertou. Chatswcrih ham. Saturday before Flesh- â€" Monday before Dur- The place to buy your Seedp is sX PARKER'S, Drugstore, DURHAM, MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all kinds of WORM POWDEHff^ AiaplaaMDttotaka. CoatalntbairowB Fvsatfva. Is » Mtfa. rare, and •ttoaUnX ' mt wmrwm ia CbUdraaorAdBllft Farm for Sale. PUMPS,i and Orange- Dundalk â€" Tuesday before yille. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orange- ville, Orangeville â€" The second. Thursday in each month. Mount Forest â€" Third Wednes('ay in each month. Priseville â€" Monday before Durham Durham â€" Third Tuesday in each month. Hanover â€" Monday before Durham. Walk^rton â€" Last Wednesday in every month. Cylinder, Drop Valve Cistern Pumps. Iron F*riiiips Supplied Orders respectfully solicited and satibfaction guaranteed. Also Agent for Sargent's PATENT LOAD LIFTER For Glenelg and Bentinck townships. JS* Orders by mail promptly at- tended. 219 Jr., T. Muxlow, J. Burchill. D. Mdlar, John Thompson, J. Steer, N. Curry, R. Artley, T. Rennie, J. Irvine, Burton. E. Elliott, A. Mordoch, F. D. last Frank Mary Edgar Lottie Squires, T. King, P. Prior. Council adjourned until the Saturday in April next. R. Dunlop. Tp. Clerk. WATERLOO NEWS. Walter Litton, Waterloo, writes that Hagyard's Yellow Oil has done great good in his family, his wife being ciued of Callouse lamps that other medicines faUed to rcmoye, He also states that a neighbor was promptly relieved of Bheumatism by the same remedy. THE SECRET OUT. The secret of su3cess of Burdock Blood Bitters is that it acts upon the bowels, the liver, thj kidneys, the skin and the blood removing obstruction and imparting health and vigor. A GOOD TEST. For over sixteen years G. M. Everest of Foresc. has sold Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, and its sales are steadily iu- creaaing. It cures coughs, colds and all luns complaints is plesant to take and always reliable. Fine Farm for Sale. w- HAMILTCN HAPPENINGS, here is now being manutactme.l here an |/«e tor instantly renjovmg pain of any le external nature, aud it is certainly the «J perfect cure for Neuralgia, ^ha^e and the like that ha Headache, ever betsu City, IMPOBTANT. sari?a^age ^-^r^,^0.^ h^e^d stop t the Grand Union H»tel.^opposixb th« Grand iDid Jl" "" 'l^i'i Ligluning from tlie tu« uranu Central Ieiwt a«IIar« w» fitted up at a cost of one °'l^/°^' with the best. H"r^«'"-j?iSe»cmn Uve ed raUroad to all .lepots. '""^^ u,yo«i bctt«rforlet» °»«°S^ •*«!?! J^Ihotel ' Hotel than at auy otber fin»» «"â- "«»" th«i city. EDWARD DAVIS offers his farm for sale, beinji lot N. 21, con. 13, Artemesia, better known at the 'M^aford Boad." This is a choice clay loam form of 80 acres. 75 of which is cleared and fit for any machinery to xvork on, an(^ well fenced with cedar rails has a fine bearing orchard of three acres a good lar:;e frame barn and ont-bnildings, and comfortable frame hunse the place is well waterad with running stream; also a aaw-min in gowd mnning order and I doing a good uade â€" nu by water-power. £kent rooms i This is a venr datdraUo farm. mile from re- 1 school, one mile from ehoFch, 6 miles from Slark-lale and 6 from Flesherton, good road either ways is sitnated in an excelleot lo- cality, and is a g od site for eheeae facttwy. For t'-rms and farther particatars, apply to EDWilBD DAVIS. 239-41 MiiMale. Ont. YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE any of the FOLLOWING PAPERS AT THIS OFFICE: Daily or Weekly Mail, Toronto. Daily os Weekly Globe, Toronto. Daily «r Weekly News, Toronto. Daily World Toronto. Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal. American Agricoltorist, • • Monthly. Farmers' Advocate, • Monthly. tST Subscription can commence at any lime. STANDARD OFFICE, MARKDALE. 160 acros, being lots 42 and 43 second range West of Toronto and Sydenham road.- Holland, about lOd acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, ballance well timbered with Maple, Beech and Hemlock, and about 10 acres cedar swamp- Good roughcast house 22x33 with stone cellar, frame barn 40x60 and good out houses, all with stone foundations. Good young orchard bearing. The farm is well watered, two good wells, one at the house, a fine spring creek eroses the farm near the rear. Only two miles from the thriving village of Williamsford, a station on the T. G. A B. branch of the C. P. E. This is a rare chance, and terms will be made very easy. For futher particulars apply on the premises to FRANCIS McCANN, 230-44 Williamsfolrd P. O. FARM FOR SALE, 5ilILES from Markdale station, on the C. P. R., Lot 9, Con. 11, Glenelg, con- taining 100 acres, 60 cleared, balance good timber well watered stone house and frame barns soil clay loam well fenced and in a good stat« of cultivation. Apply on the premises to GEO, STODDABT, 3. --39* TravsTston P. O. A RARE CHANCE A CHOICE VILLAGE LOT in Markdale for sale, opposite the Standabd office. Mill Street. Has a comjortable dwelling house, shop and stable, and good well. A small payment will be takon down ard bal- ance to 8U"t purchaier at a low rate of inter- est. For further particulars apply at this office, or to WM. WALKEB, 232-39* Markdale P. 0. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS Blood m WILL CURE OR REUEVE mUOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, 0Y8PEPSIA, mDIQESTIOH, JAUMDIOE. BKYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUH, HEAKTBORN, HEADACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTEBIMQ OF THEHEAUr, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYHES8 OF THE 8K:H, I of •OMCLkOR BLOOD, rilUDBIttOL, H. B. HARRISON,. MANUFACTUEER OP MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTOtJES;/ Mantlet^ FurnUurt Marble, dtc. JUST RECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated^ Marble IS" Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the qnar ries in Vermont. Will be sold at piice.-* which defy tfompetitkm. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. K B.â€" Bewure of Monuments and Head- stonea of Tin. pelt«r, or Zine. soldered to- gether, and oikd and Sandblasted to hide the imperfeetMHW, and called White Brouae. H. B. HASKIS09}. 1 m I I m m .-?aat