iP*flilPPW!lfPSR^!WW^ in! â- -♦, ^m ;m UTTLB LAVCniSn. It maf nol be genanUy known that Anun I,!f[m» is a Frenehnwn by birth, and w«a bom in Uw jear 1832 in a unall hote^in Btman. Hia father dytng a year or two afterward, hia mother numried aa Alexandrian merchant in 1837,half French Mid half Egyptian, of the name of Ounan Digma, who, taking a great faniqr to yoong 0«man («t that time named Al- phonae Yinet), insisted on havlDg his name changed to hia own. and dying in 1842, left him about 600,000 fiancs. Af- ter the death of his step f sEher he was left to the guardianship of All Khana, a kind of half pturtner of the elder O^man, a Mossulman, who, at the death of Mme. Digma, in 1844, took yoong Odman into his hoase. His religion at that time, be- ing very much of the Christian unattached type, was soon converted into Mohamme- danifiip. Ali Khana was a very wealthy man, and lived in great Oriental pomp and splendor. Though intending to be very kind to youog Oaman, hii undness was of a very Spartan order indeed. He had numerous professors for various branches of learning, aod would often be examined by Ali himself, who, if he did not consider that he had made progress, would have him severely bastioadoed. At the age of 16 he was sent to Cairo to an ex-French officer to be taught the various methods of European warfare. Capt. Merai had some fifty boys residing in his house studying war in all its branches, two or three of whom have since become famous, not least among, them being Arab! Paslia. It is strange, as illustrating the old saying, that " the boy is father to the man," that both Oa- man and Arabi distiuguished themselves as leaders in the mimic bittles fought in the grounds of Capt. Morale, the former in a dashing, swooping, kind of way, car- rying everything before him, the latter as a tactician. The consequence was that a rivalry existed between the two, both having about an equal number of their schoolfellows siding with them. Oaman remained here until his nineteenth year, when he was sent by his guardian to France on matters relating to All's busi- ness. In 1866 he obtained the command of Us regiment, but shortly afterward, of- fending the Khedive, he had to leave Egypt, and had his property confiocated. He then went to Snakim, and entered business as a ship chandler and coal agent under an assumed name but, while on a hunting expedition, he was captured by a roving band of Arabs, and was sold as a slave to the man who at present calls himself the Mahdi. The Mahdi was charmed with his new slave as a man of unbounded learning, and who would be able to train his numerous Buppoiters in the art of war. He gave Osman his daugh- ter in marriage, and has ever since treat- ed him like a son. -• m^ â- â- Coats of Hail Worn by Arabs in the Soudan. Coats of mail are still in uae among 'Some of the Soudaaeae Arab tribes. Whether origiaal or a 'copy, says Col. Colbourne, in speaking of one of these coats of armor, it was undoubtedly the dress of the Crusaders. The hauberk of mail waa fastened round the body by the baltan, and formed a complete covering from head to foot. The long two-handled ' double- edged sword was borne betweer the leg and the saddle. The wearer of this med'aeval garb was Sheik Moham- med Sebekh of the Halawin tribe of Ba- garra Arabs. His brmor had been in his family 810 years. The horse's head was encased in steel, and its body covered with a quilt thick enough to turn a spear. It was shaped like the armor one reads of in Froiaaart. It haa been asserted in connection with this curiocs subject that the practice sur- vives in the Soudan alone. It may, there- fore, be well to state that it ia also found among the Khevsur people of tbe Centra Caucaaua, who aiill habitually wear chain armor, shields and helmets, like medraa- val kn'ghts. In fact, it waa formerly general among all the Caucasian tribes, and the Chechenzes of Dagheatan still wore coata of mail down to the beginning of the present century. The armor does not appear to have been forged by these people themselves, but was handed down, as among the Soudan- ese Arabs, aa an heirloom from gener- ation to generalion in the families of the chiefs. Hence the inference that this armor dates everywhere from the times of the Ciusades, of which it may be regard- ed as a remarkable reminiscence. flow Fahrenheit dot His Zero. Fahrenheit was a mathematician and knew that a circle was divided into 360 degrees. He foand that steam and ice were the most natural fixed points in temperature, at oppneite poles. He theriafijre naturally divided the distance on his glass tube between ice and steam into the number of d^;rees in the diameter of a circle, which is 180. He wanted an instrument which could be cheaply made and which would measure above steam and below ice, so far as would be used in everyday life. He found that artificial cold could be produced which would cause the mercury to fall j ost thirty* two of the spaces he had marked cff on his glass between ice and steam, and he there, sensibly or not, placed his zero or point from which he could count. Hence, ice or freezing is 32 degrees above, and steam or boilUig water is the diameter of his circle or 180 d^^rees above ice, or 212 d^rees above zaro. Ex-Preaident Hayes is just now eape* ^sUy enoagedinprodncinga croas between a goose and a guinea fowl. He wants to liear what kind of a Toice it will bmve. A ti^ plaeeâ€" Tha a p ee ta a okr In theae **Bhntiingdowii" tiaaa itis evidant thafc tMK milbdo nofenak* aioent. It ia ta haaband ni tba woraan ^^ anoiaa tliat hia ^MB^ of time f or midniglit refleetionB. ** Oleaira to me," aha nmrmnrad to her CMOrt at the theatre. And as aocm as the enrtadi fell lie ciore. There's no trouble about twisting the tail of a sleeping bulldog. The disagree- able part comes when you let go. Jones, who is visiting the Gallapagoe Islands, ^writes to his friend Brown that thes^daty ladies there area "shifdeis set." A new idea for a maequerade costume Give yourself a good coating of grewi paint, and go aa a pickle. This will take the girls. " The way to sleep," says a sdenteat, "is to think of nothing," but this is a mistake. The way to sleep is to thmk it is time to get up. ** Tou seem to have plenty of business here," said a drummer to Miss Fitz, the dressmaker. "There's a heap more bustle than business." was the lady's re- ply- " I do love dress 1" exclaimed a young society balle. "Then I should think yon would wear more of it," returned the pyni- cftl bachelor friend of middle age. ** Were you ever caught in a sudden squall t" aued an old yachtsman of a worthy citizen. " WeU, 1 guess so 1" re- sponded the good man. I've helped to bring np eight babies. Adam had a joyful life, inasmuch as his wife's mother did not live with him. but on the other hand he missed the pleasure of being present at her funerai. Sorrow and pleasure always go hand in- hand. If Adam and Eve did promptings of otmnge evade When to sin he waa gently persuaded, To temper the same this excoae can be made, Hia evasions weteaurelr Eve-aided. Miss Parvenu " I was almost sorry, mamma, that you spoke so rudely to that poor little Mrs. Wilkins." Mamma " Well, my dear, pray where is the satis- faction of being in the first society if you cannot snub those that are out of it " " Did you notice, dear, at the party last evening how grandly our daughter Clara swept into the room Y' Husband (with a grunt)â€"" Oh, yes, Clara can sweep into a room grandly enough, bQi when it comes to sweeping out a room she isn't there." "Yonrsge? ' asked the judge. "Thirty- five, your Honor," replied the woman. Judge â€" "But you were thirty-five the last time you were here, three years ago. ' ^he â€" " And does your Honor think I'm the woman to say one thing one day at d another thing another t" " Oh, George I How superlatively i till, clear and beautiful is the ni^ht 1 ' she whispered, leaning her finely veined temple against his coat collar "how soothing, how restful." "Yes," here- plied, toying with her chesnut tureole of hair. " What a night to shoot cats 1" CatarAâ€" A M«w Tretttment. Perhaps the most extzarordlnary auooess thai has been achieved in modem science baa been attained by the Dixon Treatment of catarrh. Oat of SjOOO patients treated during the past Biz montha, rally ninety per oent. have been cared of this atabbom malady. This is none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per oent of the patients preeenting themselves to the r^ruler practitioner are benefitted, while the patent medicines and other Bdvertised cares never record a core at all. Starting with the claim now generally be- lieved by the most sdentiflo men that the disease is due to the presence of living puasltes in the tissaes, Mr. Dix- on at once adapted hia core to their extermination this accomplished the catarrh is practically oared, and the permanenoy ia on- aarationed, as oarea effected by him four years ago are cores atill. No one elae has ever at- tempted to onre catarrh in this manner, and no other treatment haa ever cored catarrh. The application of the remedy ia simple andloan be done at home, and the present season of the year ia the most favorable for a speedy and permanent core, the majoribr of oases being cored at one treatment. Sofrarers shoold oor- reepond with Uessrs. A. H. DIXOk SON, 300 Eing-etreet West, Toronto. Canada, and endoee stamp for their treatise on catarrh.â€" IfoiUreal atar That which makes all women equally pretty â€" Patting out the light. YouBC Men I Bead TlUa. The Voltaic Belt Co., of -Marshall, Mioh. offer to send their oelebrated Electro- Voltaic Belt, and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality, and all Idndred troubles. Also for rhenmatiam, nenndgia paralysis, and many other diseases. Complete leibor- ation to health, vigor and manhood guaran- teed. No risk is incurred as thirty days' trial is aJowed. Write them at once lor lllnstratod pamphlet free. Beau ** Why do yon prefer a wood fire?" She: " 'Cause it pops." Make a Note of This. Pain banished as If by magic. Poison's NsBviLiirE is a positive and almost in- stantaneous remedy for external, internal, or local pains. The most active remedy hitherto Imown falls far short of Nervi- line for potent, power In the relief of nerve pun. Good for external or inter- nal use. Buy a 10 cent sample feottle. Large bottles 25 cents, at all druggists. Mrs. A. **I do love to heat Mrs. Alto sing her swell is very line.' Mrs B. " What are you talking about 1 That ia no swell he's her husband." The Stins Within. It Is said that there is a rankling thorn in every heart, and yet that uone would exchange their own for that of another. Be that as it may, the sting arising from the heart of a oom is real enough, and in this hmd ot tight boots a very eommon oomplaint also. Ptmraic s Pannuss OoKir ExnuciOB la a nevw failing remedy for tliia kind of headache, aa yon ean eaafly pcoTe if aflllrted. Cheap, sure, painlnaa Try the g^Aidne and oaa no otiiar. •^ Ure mw better tt««M«B." mag to bring 1»«k rcmm toajj dMMkaaadilielichfttolMr eyaai JWt wMMoaiMiaBoilarlng from "JT^"*^ biUfty, tbe WBolt of famala w sa knwa fA bSe of Dr. PiMoaa "Fawnta Pre- ;^on" win brighten ««• |!j*,iSS iiSVrad new life through ftafc wartmg form. If yon love h«r. take heed. Why ii thave nothing like leatiherl Beewue itia the sole support of man. How Pale Yon He I is frequently the exclamation of one lady to«2ther.'The fact is not a ptoasant Sie tohave mention, but -tiU «* may be a kindly one. for it w^ tiw ^e addressed to thfaJdng. •?£«»• »»«®*^ fact thatsheia not in good ^^^ leads her to seek a reason therefor. «i- lor is almost alwaya •ttendantupon tte first stages of consumption. The syrtem is enfeebled, and the blood »â- »«»I»^«Jf " ed. Dr. Piercea •Golden Medical Dis oovery wiU act as a tonic upon Om ByBtea^ will wirioh the impoverished blood, and restore roses to the cheeks. There is probably no better iUustration in this world of the terrible weight of erave responsibility than a five inch dog standing on a box with his f orepawa on the tailbord of a four-horse express waggon, alertly guarding its passage thwijsh the streets of a crowded city. If you have catarrh, uae the surest remedyâ€" Dr. Sages An exchange contains an account of a man dying as he waa shovelling off a side- walk." A sidewalk is generaUy put down to stay, and the man who undertakea to shovel it off deserves to die ^^ tbe at- tempt. It is easier to shovel off the snow than to shovel of the sidewalk. The OrMteat Bona BreedliiC VstaMMi- B^^cKT^^Ieitâ€" Oneof tbe mai» wondertia WaTOe^niZsSiSea fromOhicaim. HUtopor- totl^'oYlfiiSh^n horaea *«»mâ„¢^^fe tAveiuKresatedthelmmenaeaom of es000,00(k Sd a^BpiSSit time »» "OS^JS' ^wA rf the cboiceat apeoimena of that »«?t »«»S2J5S Teo^dedwitbthSr pedlgreoa in the PoroheroB BtSd ^kofFrance. can be aeen. wM» «iJgsa cSoradtorangea are i.WO mma awl 88 Imported r erclieroa staUioas in breedlsc "Nurse," said a penitent Western miner, as he lay in hospital after an acci- dent, "I'll never draw a revolver on a man again as long as I live." The nurse expressed her pleasure In this moral re- solution, when the patient went on to say "Guess I'll go for the galoot with a two-scatter shot-gun." Important. When roe vlait or leave New York Olty, aava Bftnsn SxpresMce and Oarriase mre, wid •topat tha GaavD UHioRHom, oppoaite arand Oentnl Depo*. 600 elegant roomsfittedup at a eoat of one million dollan, U andnpwardi perwy. Xnropean plan. Xlerator' Beatadrant anppUed with the beat, Hnie «b, atasea and elerated lailroada to all dspota. -Vam- Uies can live better for leaa money at theOranduniOD Hotel than at anv other flrat-olaaa hotel ih the Oity. iEithetio philosophical lecturer to his hearers "People deride skeptickm. Can you tell me what skepticism is ' Unter- rifiad optimist, with idiotic literalness 'I suppose its dj^nying a truth that you don't nnlieve in favor of a lie that you can't bellevd." Many people are not aware that it is the wrapper of tobacco which gives the color to the plug, and are, therefore, often deceived by a bandaome outside appearance. The wrapper ia a aingle film of leaf wrapped round the plujr, and is never good amoking tobacco. It ia costly only because of its fine color. In the "Myrtle Navy" brand the chief attentionia paidtothe "filler," thatia, the inaide of the plog. It is this which de- termines the smoking tobacco. A tobacco can be made to look as well as the "Myrtle Navy " without much trouble or expense, but at the sam^ t^me be a very inferior ar- ticle. A Western calf has four ears. This is fortunate for the calf as he will not be mistaken for a dude. A P £21. THOs. 0AU.0WAT a Oo., Cotton, Woollen, Bilk, Ca- pet an d Worsted Shnttle Makera. Dnndaa- Qu e. SBBDSBfENâ€" GOOD PAY TO MBIT WHO WIUi work. OHAaa BaoTHKBa, Nnraerymen. Lakeptnt, Ont k g\i\£\ Acres farming land! in NorUiem'Mi±i- Q\f \f\J\J gan f or ss-a Sjme iir proved twma. Term!) caay Atfdieai MERBITT CHANPLBB, Cba- boygan, Mich. oiWHOiia 'nATSLBSS CHlLDuiKlH-HOW IT CAK BE W^ (eoomplitheo. Seaiea ^aitlculart, 3e- Samitast Pdb. C o., Oaradlan Dgp-'gitory, Tororto, Oacada. CASH (aid tor EEdawment Inturacee poUoies. For partieal«r«, addreia, with deteription ot polic j. F. G. BTTSBBIJi, H»rtCord. Oonn., Box 423. PB BALE-dMBEB, OOAL. AND lOS OBB landa at ook, fmlt and tmek tatna, orange grovea ranebea In all Sontbem Btatea. Addrera W. B. BTUAjaT M Oarondele»«t New Orl»ana, Iioolala n a. A trs psaaov ajfuotbd wiip ohbonio /^ BHXUltATJiBM WiU hear of aometting greatly to their adrantage bf aending their addreaa upon a poa- o aidto the Bm ckatio Bauxr do.. OolHaswood.On 1 'vln^^HBI SOLID BBiCfl"' on the Onk 'â- 7H)B Sale CHEAPâ€" 30 acie« ot lani, initaVe for P market garden, jnat ontaide tbe eorporaiion of BjwmanTllle. Title good. Terma easy. Apply E. If., Bo. 33 Belierne Pl»ce, Toronto. MANITOBAâ€" «OB BALE -TWO HTO'XS. AND two gniia famuâ€" 160 acrea each: all improred; totu milea from Danglaa Station, on O. P. f., foorteea mile* from Brandon. Partiooiara from B. IBBXTOB, TTrmtton, Dong aa P. P., Manitoba. ONLY 21 omns Look herel Upon receipt o( SO •enta, ailver, and o»e oent atamp, w'll aeod to aay addreai a oomp'ete receipt of tiie Paal Brott'era' eele- brated writing ink, alao a uunber of other ia kreee ipta. Give yonr addren p.ainly. AddreM, W. C. MBDUiL, HaatOB. Ont. ABU FOK BA1X.-Icte 21 and 28 on the seooad cocctseaioD, Towushipc^ Oreeooc^ CbunT f Brsoe aXI acres. There are a sood frame hoosa au two good bams on the puce. There are 190 acres o'eareo, in good state of col- tivatioo thirty aoiea alaahed. This is a good farm, and Will be sold cheap and on essytvms. Appl y to L T. O aaiiT. Woodsuek. THE BLIaD fefflleted SEE-â€" Thoae are K VJcatadto get Wminm^ Eye Water, it onea all rjnaaaa ot • beKye that are eaablc, erea Ouioi Btindn-a^ aak Star dinggkta for it. Wlioloaale 1v layman Sanaa Ob,, lontroai. Bend for eirenlar to 'ee the marrdoiM com eSeeted in Montreal to GEO. W III Ia]I9, TOO St. Lawrecee atR«t. orat G^ DN SB'S Drag B*9i«k ao*- am MoGUI and None Daaoe ' V TREES TREES I TREES I wmnstUkMX Aim â- wwaiv^ nte fllllne cf ardtn troaa dealctn -p-HfllT aoHcitad. Weh.Ta ample ah ok and fSoiU Its lurUaiaK out ia laiia or iBaU rniantitfaa. on abort BottreTa eaacn; aaortment o( r-x» and duMcMal baaa, y|i.w. MBi^s Boaea. Bwniiian Mn batty. te. Bailtcadtoon â- . â- . â- NW.WI MM, rirarietets. Halloa NuwiJrKifeital^OBi Real Estate A^l^nt. iN'iWAsniwI obBboIb^! ,liWHT». AwTl yA/. F. p. uurrie Cc inHQrey Nun Street, ll»treai. iBportenel r»wtlui4 ocBseBSt OUmiLqrnwi. Caaaiaoaraa*. ^Jftgi"" lire Brirta, Plaatwol Paiia m» JT. Bnt^w, Soman Oemaal Waa* rat """• ManBfactar«o* _^__,^, FOR PLEASANT SBWIKG Va ONLYâ€" Clapperton's Spool Cotton ^g^aSJ" ja r Jor aale by an Dg^iooda Ppalcra. NEW CO-OPERATIVE SEEING MACHINE PRICE $SS CASH. Our new macdilae is now ready, and is si good as any sold by Agents at 9o3. 8EE TBSTDi«IfIAIi LowBRvnJiiB, Deo. 17th, 1881. Machine arrived aU right, and it is c^«dnb weU worth the money you ask for it, with Ito present improvements. I prefer it to m 'â- Singer," •'Wansep' or any ether make at •V each. Tours truly. ^^ AABONHAWKnre. Hew Attaclimeiits, Hew Fumitiirp, Stand. Send stamp fOr samples of sewbuc ^d on; legant descriptive photographs 01 »• machine before buying from Agents. MACHINES SENT ON TRIALi BONUS !â€" From now until March SUrtjlffit we will give to any person sendmg us 9U.K cash In advance for one of our macnmes, a handsome combination table and bracket lamp comitlete. These lamps are sometbjns new, and the maker wants them introduced. If you or any of your friends want a maohlnt don't delay, but send to j Go-OperatlTe Sewing HacMne Go,, m St. Bontlu BamUtoB, Ont. Island Home Stock Farm. asossf I8U. ucs. ^Imfortbd Pbkcb. BKON HoKSMb All stock «elected I from the get of sires and dams of estab- t lished reputation and registered in the French and American Stud B^ks. We have a very large stock of imported stallions and brood mares on hand. Prices reasonable. Correspon- dence solicited. Send for illustrated catalogue, free by mail. ..Address Savagb ft FARinni, Detroit. Mich. " â€" OlXTU B Pattenlng and bringing Into eond B lon, Hora» Cowa, Oalvea., ShaepaadPlga. TheYoBKaEi jA.rxLM'WmmBKK ia oied and reoommwided b* fl'al elaaa breedeia. Milk Oattle prodnee more mUk aai batter. It fattena in oneJonrththa naual time, aai aavea Pood. Prioe X eeiila andjl per box. A dollar boa aoslat iOOPeeda. HVOH MTTiTiKB and OO4 Aeaionunnui, Chuubisi " 1ST Kirg St Bart. XoionR Vor Sale by dingi^atB cvar;where. GONSOIIFTION. Zbave a positive remedy for tbe above disease; by Ita B*a tbotuands of cases of tbe worst kind and of Ioii|| BtaBdlnK bare been cnred. Indeed, so strong la my faitn In Its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLEa FREE, to- getber with » VALUABLE TKBATISE on tbU dlaaaae,te •ojaaSKeE, Gl-reEzpTeasandP.O. address. DB.tA.i UU, in Pearl8t.,NMrtork. H AND STAMP METAL RUBBER DATERS. SELJF- ..AT.»Jg^fPI f BANKING STXIuf- NOTARY SEALS, C. agents WANTED. ?s KENYONiTINGLEY STEWART MFa CO. 72 KINQ ST. W EST. R. U. AWARE~ THAT Lorillard's Olimaz Plug bearing a red Hntao; that Lorlllaid .r... K4»ee XeRf fine cat that LorlJtardS NaTT CllMinsa. and that Lorinard'a SnaflaTan the beat and obeapest, Qnallty conaldered :iiinr Boyal Ml iSetlQjSaeMriBataMw toUrS^iSfcf*' Ju adB HyJ plaa^:**^ apd iDaaaenncae t» ]S^uh jUo trq^Balt'Biwe.via HaUf»t » « KPK7 tMaTanMW fownighay daring wm^' f ne ateameta of the ($'«agow lines ssu TzT' to ard frrm HatifaT, Paitlvnd. Bnnton t^i jiblm ad dnnng junmer betwnes 01aa.o tr al. weekly; lasgowani' Boston, weeWL-JSI and m n -dV thia. rriti ightly. " "•*« Vor trW*^ passage or other ith. «ppiv f .ft S-Timaoher Uj., siTf; â- , dnusid. Go. Halifax Shea Ck) » 1 ^U^- '^^ •I'toomsonACn.. St Jofel AUan k Go.. Ohicwto; love UilV Qu« be' Wwi. *rockie Phi'rdp'nw,. " boimniUiiuneuii^teaitisii Baiudns In aooneeHon with tbe (^ranlliBA J of Canada. Sailing from Quebec everp ^«tUL. the nmnaer aaontha, and from PoitUuileMB« r viiv the wlBler montha. Sibling dsteibgj* POBILASD. Danalnlem .March 5 Toronto i^ Montreal March 19 Montreal Brooklyn March 2S £*»« of nasaage; Oao n, « ebec to lirenoc S66, «». %Btmi. «» 9108. «U7, 8!i4 ' â- teamer and "Ha IntenDei.ia«e ^jS, 1. loweat ratea. Hie a tlcona and gtaterooict CI marke^ tlna: an amidabipa, where cnt \\^z felt, and no aatUe or sbeep ia carried on that ' tber parUonlara apply to any Onnd Tmnkj Silent or local agent ot the Oomtaay, or tc ^^ MAVI9 T»KK.t JfCE 4 Oeneral Ageak, y caution! ___ Each Ping of the MYRTLE m IS MARKED T. In Branze Letter^: JjONEJTHERCEIIUllEj PKfmiER, BUD6E. BOTAf. CANASL BXPEBT. KAltClAROn 81 60 8nd hand^BiCTdai Tricyclfa or Send for M A. T. LANE Mont iRHililE'S SEEDS arsllafLiil jQlostratod Ca{ii.lo;;trc f.»r l^-itS icontaining' description aiiJ pri'-e* of the d ic-H JFIELi), GARDEN FLOW£!l SLII^ 1 Mailed free. Every i-r.r:nc7 'iifi ..ir-' I have a copy before onkviji^ !.; •â- "â- •â- â- r mm^ COKBOVa CAKKIACE TOPS are (b(1 and rheapcat In the market. Ordrrj from yonr Canrlace Maker. Take ac kind. Wayne, Du Page Co., Illinois, HAS IMPOR"!SD FROM FRAN Percheron Hot m« Talaed at $3000il hich inclndea 75PERCiNTOFALLH0Rt Whose parity of blood ia established br tl^ir E recorded In the STUD BOOKS OF FRA EVER IMPORTED TO AMERlQ f^lgB^SXOCKO^^ ssoj Old eDonpi ilOOCOUl [Two y»n *l yount* I Becognlring •! •^le accepM*" ' weU-bni be laid to tjj padigreea aN not teeeided, and eannot m»^^ glTCB, dtey aboidd ba Taloed only aa gradei, 1 «",! Smorlad Stoefe ol thad» Priem wbien I^^i with die animal aold pedigree â-¼erified by HI'S French cert U le a le of ita number and record Id 'O'^Zf fa Franca. 140 Paare (Catalmue sent fn» I tUnatrated with Sfac Pcfie Horaea of^the Ex^^J SoeMs muffOf PardkarauM of Frucc, l»B*jl cbaaedby lew. Dnnham, and drawn from »^ Bonheari the moat famooa of all animal f~^ JOHNSTiiirSfLUfBi It la tile onlT prepcratfen 0! the k!t£f| omtalns all tbe cntiltlcot, tozcthtr ^J Btimnlating. pr^pert!e^ cf teef, acd VT one wbioh oae t3"e power to BUpr'J " maat tor brale. rnd oons. and ipaaclfr The Temperance Colonization Society Free Homesteacls. ""ftJslsl.^' g^fatSi:* SPBdAi; ABTAXTACWgt "** "" h2!2i/'Sil'i'"^. ^^i «»»1«»»»« rtw piwiag tbrtdgh it: aober, thriftT. mo-»l ' anpply Mote hi the oolooy: Loated hi eautn of twiSle belt. M-HBS T f3LCPB 8I0N TO THE GOLOBT, ABOUt APBIL iSS.' nmvuut ucmuom to n^tj^Mans thb hbasojt. *^# the (WoBy and OU,, aod an Jaf«Mi|^9QiUad on application. Hj KKADOmCS. liT^^j^^t West. '.„:- W.'iPBiBtelOIf PACE, i^^ -a^