Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Mar 1885, p. 8

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 r 4 I m ';; ml a a iv. TIME tabi^e:; " rait/fli7 effect Moiukij^'(f6f^i^r^^4^. 1S94., GOING NORTH* â- iU STATIONS. ^oconto. .. .Leave 720wn GaidveU Jonctkm CbarUMtoa^ Oiajpige- 1 Azdve. ville J Leave... Orangeville Jan.. Shelbame DondAlk f^sherton. ...... i^kdale Wiliiamsford .... -Ohatswortb Owen Bound... Mail. 9 07" 9 2-;-" 9 50' 10 a?*' id 17 •• 1045" 11 10 •• 1186" 11 51 " laoSpm 12 28 100 Bspc 4-iOpm 6 27 " 7 03" '7 22*' 7 34" 8 04" 8 80" 8 65 " 910" 9 2-i" 9 49 •• 10 20" Mixed. 1145am 1230pm, W56" 114" 910" 8 05 " 4 06" 4 33" 445" 6 37 " 630pm GOING SOUTH- STATIONS. -Owen Soond...... ]liatsworth Williamsford. â-  Markdale .Flesherton Dnndalk ' Shelbame Orangevllle Jan. OranKe Arrive. ,. ville..) Leave... niarleston Owdwell Junction. Toronto Arrive Exp. 520am 5 60" 6 05 " 6 27 6 42 7 06 7 31 8 00 8 12 8 35 8 55 9 07' 10 45' Mail. 2 4opm 3 15 3 30" 3 52' 4 06" 4 31 •' 4 57" 5 23 " 5 35" 5 65" 6 13" 6 27" 8 35" Mixei. !?.:!* KOf I ' • w â- â€¢:*i:- a'fti'.v 630am 7 25" 7 54" 8 35" 9 00" 9 45" 10 45 " 11 50" 12 15pm 12 40 " 1 26" 2 03" HEW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WITH Plewes' Flour and Feed tore. Having just received a tihoicee^ Fresh and Select stock: of Teas, Sngax-s, Tobacco, ScCn Which will be sold VEEY CHEAP. I Respectfully solicit the public's patronage. 193 J. PLEWES. Patent Fivcess Fhunng MiU Is now complefted at great expense, CD ^e ?\f:o8t .AJ^i»ROVE:r plans, and with the best ma- chinery manufactured, mak- ing it, in every sense of the term, "I lotisi wn." 1 am therefore in a position to give the pubHc a Superior Irficle of Flour. â- " A fair trial respectfully so- licited and I have no fear bul" the result will be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for good hard Wheat IS" Flour, Bran, Shorts.etc, etc, for sale wholesale retail. AHOUS PLEWES. 219 And^bsreeuM hM 8a|fluda|«n«iti ;. and dffi -, I. FUliBiM. FHMIiHMtl ampplisd an khaaliorteaiiotiM. A. Sileiidid Keajrse for liire at moderate ratett ' â€"AH Jkicdt ofâ€" PIOTURE FRAMtllG Done on short notioe. ROBT. ASKIN. in«K3oaMtt .«» «M»f W iir^O Half wliii»..u.^v. BS^Oft^^i^ pea?!© 06 QiMirt«rtelaaB»^.H ^, ^15;00 MiOfr « Oft TwOtHSOb «tMWii. ,.k*-;J*iJP a ^J^^fk .. r,,1 v»t^^m^lP.iiiÂ¥fAti per |^,,4P||idi^lSHa^^ ia^fraoq/nouwetl mmnuw. ^,^^^^ '^Edif^ial ^tuiteB.. tr: i^^OMl iloea) eol- «dm 10' iS^tt ifer liiire fil^iniaiion, 6 Wia$ ^â- eh' itebseqneats iftaertittti. ' ' ' ' 6lraTsminal8iS»;.MTertfaMed8 #^ for 91i tKe adVittiBeiBent ^dt^ «lHtoedt#«lve Hum: â-  'â- ' ' ' â-  â-  â-  â-  Ho iwpw disaontinved^ natiL all airean an paid enqpt atthe aption etthe publisher. â- :• â€" â-  'â-  â-  â-  a 'r-r • j^lfohwt^nk the day Wa^iMdf 7rin each month for tC' of hifiproiesRion. ' snl* 'iurr Kl^iritlCHARDS l^QILfiBRwCOliXBACTOB ft ^\J XBCT. Ifbrkdale, f -JOB PfttNTINC.- liiUfflp t l. LAMPS I A P In Minnesota: North Dakota. Mon J l^na, Idaho, Washington and Oregon From Xjabo Mnpcrlor to PaseC Sennd, i pr'i EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLath Mills Having mad« eqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALi^AYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing nnd Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Buitornut, "White Ash, BlacJi Ash Bass wood. Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted Sly. M. AKITT, Eugenia. ic3S ranglni chkryfrriin?2 to f8 per acre. to 1 3 vRars*^ time. This is the Best Country jr securing Good Homes now open for setMenicnt. P*SS Sf" 'f^ 3 3 O arTes of Govemment '" P?B"ff" Land Free under the HomentwMl J H anaaiBtai anirriinberi'ultnrel-nwg. NOTE -in.f!l8.433 Acres ©B MORE THAH ^lACt' of Jill tfie Public La;;ds dispoBetl of in 1883, â- rt- 111 the .Nort'erii Pacific country. Books ana rTapv sp'rt I"RKE, dencribintr the Mortli«rB 3'M«'il 'ounti7,tne Railroad Lands tor Sale and thvK'UiSiiiiuvei'ninent I^nds. Address.CHAS. B. '.A M nori.N. Uud (Jom'r, K. P. B. a., St. Pa«l, IObb. I i MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all kinds of PUMPSv A RARE_GHANCE. SAW-MILL FOR SALE. THE undersigned having lost his health, wishes to dispose of his Saw and Shingle Mill, whirh is situated 4J miles West of Markdale. There is an abundance of splendid timber very convenient to the mill a good business has been done, and an excellent chance is in store for a good pushing man. The mill is mostly new, being erected three years. Machinery in fine condition. Steam power 30 horse. Teims easy. For further particulars apply at this office, or on the premises. • *^ J. A. DUNCAN, 230 tf Mailsdale P. O. and Cylinder, Drop Valve Cistern Pumps. Iron Plumps Svipplied Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction gaaranteed. Also Agent for Sargent's PATENT LOAD LIFTER For Glenelg and Bentmck townships. IS* Orders by mail promptly at- o o W o M o a B Hf cs B* cs â- n i o CD lip ST (D CD Thx S^axsabd office ha* a qtlendideqniis- numt of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial atteotlou to orders by mail. Orders filled with dispatch. EDITOR AND PBOPRIETOR. ^0al« HAflDS, EGHLIN GARVIN, (bUCCESSOBS ,TO LADDEB( hands), BAIIBISTBBS, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, Conveyancers, e. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 16 King Street Eaat, 199-251 ToBONTo. o CD J. MASSOn, BAERISTEB, MASTEB ANDDEP. BEG in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyan^ oeTf Ac. A KUMBEB OF FABtf 8 FOB BALE. Offices â€" Owen Sound, iii Vieker's Block Pouiett St.; Branch office in Markdale, oVef MeFarland's Store, on Friday and Satm;b,y CTery week. 57-ly tended. 219 SEEDS SEEDS â€" IMPOBTED â€" FIELD UD 6ARDEII SEEDS The place to buy yonr Seeds is ftt PARKER'S, Drugstore, DURHAM. BfflMK Blood Creasor m" rrison, ABBI' .. -xcs,SOLICITORS. CONtET- ancei, e. ». Offices in Owen Sonnd, Dafferin Block, ofer W. F. Wolf 'b Store and in MARKDALE; Over W. J. MeFarland's Store on Thursday and Friday of eaeh weeik. tS'Fundsto lend on reasonable terms. JoHM Ceeasob, Q. Duncan Mobwon Markdale, March 15. 1882. 79-ly \TITBLLDIGGKB AND DRILLEB. VV orders promptly attendfedto deoM -^'{faiider's Hiil Owen Sound i* COMMERCIAL HOTEll PRICEVILiLiE. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Good Bed Kooms, fec. The Bar and" well sdpplied with the best the mark fords gbbd Staling and attentive Hoi;! THOS. ATKINSON. PropriJ JOSEPH GIBSil COHTRACTOR. JContracts taken for all kirds of BRICK WD STONE l^S^ Plain Ornamental PUtaterim;. Calsomininq in all Shades and .(„ Charges modenrte and satisi'a»/.V), antee'*. Orders left at ahe Siaxjia.;; ' will receive prompt attention. ' .1. ISAAC STIJÂ¥SOr:. BuHder and Contracts In all kinds of Brick and S'.ouo vork. Estimates given. All work Kuarantced. Orders by mail promptly attemlfd to. 195-6m' MAEKDALE P. 0.1 Alexander firoim. ISSUEB of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Oommissionei in B. E. c. Conveyancer and Licensed Anetioneei; for the County of Grey Farmers Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- XeaAeC to and charges made verv moderate. Prieeville, Sept. 17. 1880. " l-y WILL CURE OR REUEVE mUOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, OYSPEPSIA, INDIQESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every specie* of dftasM arising dl«ord«^ LIVER, IClDNEYa STOINACHU BOWELS OR BLOOO, T. MILBURN ea, "^p^^^SSSHTot DROPSY, fluttering oftheheakt; acidity of the stomaoh, DRYNESS OF THE SKiM, Wm. BroTiii, XSSUEE OF MAEEIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner in B, B. c. Conveyailcing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Eeal Estate se cnrity. JOHN NOBI MARKDALE GENER'LEMSI HORS^SHOEIN A SPECIALTY. Also agent for the celebrated CHATHAIM WAGONJ OFFICE OF THE »s M 'tt "Hz MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. CITY HOTEL, jME AR,K:r A L.E, John MeAleer, Proprietor. This house is fitted up in good style, sitn- arted on Mill street, where the travelling pub- lic may depend on the very best accommo-. dation. Union bus to all traizre. 194 Mnsrr s, me. LOR Sy denhai^ Street* MARKDALE HOUSE, StABEOAL^, •; (Mt, J. £ Marsh, Prop' MarMale Roller II The subscriber begs leave to announeef the farmers of the sarroanding couutrjti he.is turning oat flonr equal to auy oi roller mill. No mora waiting \fbile ^e grist is 1 ground. The following is the. scale of exchange:-! Wheat W««hing 62 lbs, 4U lbs. 1 61 " 39 " " •• • 60 " 88 " «• « 59.. 37 " •♦ 58 " 36 •' " .. 57 35 a witii ofFal in proportion to amount of floni I find the average weight of new whe be 6U lbs. to the bushel, and the most 1 if properly cleaned, would weigh 61 or6J| the bushel. John W. Ford.! 'H Ci »â- -,,â- ! v^-L All kinds of rvfarble and T\f oniuiietlt^^AVol?ijl»^ «ncli as Monameuts, Tomb Tables, Headbtones, Coanter 'jin'fl !ntUe ^^-â€" in American and Italian Marble, and made on sUort potidieC Ali Hf^tittaB in Marbld and Marbeleized State, ej, c. V 1Sa.t}i«»ta,cti.oii 3raa.T£Lnteel in Every iJ^^eBpeot • 3-JJ ii^. f cf ;lv.i*" Fa,sliipna,1ble A PERP C T IFIT GUABA NTEBD. ' I ' ' ' Send six cents for postage, and receive free.a costly hot of -goods which willhe^) aH, v- ,, *** either sex ta more monev ngW away than anything ebe in tldti wdrH F«rtoneBawartite workers absohitely sdt« At onee address Tara Ce.^Augurta. 1^ -PTTT-ggr; {-' KCFAlLC ESTffli,[8HED-19 YEARS. New Batcber The best meaftfr the country can pn kept on hand and DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS THE TOWN WHERE ORDERElfl A share of public patronage resp solicited. Bememher the stand-in McNea's bl W. H. RUTLEDGi TO 86M0t_Tl"^^' The undented £s manufacturing *°] eeHent sswMrtment of ISbliool Furaiturfi OaiitaiifingtrfSOaOOL SEATS and S« TitmSEBliymSSSB, etc., of tiie ctesigsand most aiqnwTed pattern. reeoailDteiided^by Seluwt Trustees and ei*. ftiir^die^^eMtodmfort and comp« |idi««r«riBi. ,AAaMortmentofFsiy ^dMdiBeUsJiqpialvayB on hand. toC^Maworth P. 0. Wt e f ;• AKDEW McOD IX, Glenelg, about 1 and under ef omMark*»L Ifee-S.C.BB' lata, Sbelbwoe, ggngwmii. idUiijil

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