Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Mar 1885, p. 4

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 ^u?*^. -.- V' lU ill â- j iliil .-â- Â«- h Kt NEW ADVERTiSEMENlS. TbB standard. MABEDALE MaBCH S6. 1885. BUILDING OFERATIONS. mm ftdeqaato and viritd. "There.w* H^ few !»••, #,,, in which raoeess e« be »fep^ without the aidof neWbpapeni. Tn«r9 u Bothiog 80 eSeetive in pre«entiiig Oie merits ofac.alti^M*B«tkrMtive •dvertiaeDMni ifcieaohes maoypeoplA whoes atteotitm cannot be eomeuuided in any bdier way, aiA who are finely inflaenced by Hba repeated annonnee- ments of the presisteot advertiser." The proBpects for baddmg the coming summer in Markdale are good, considering the financial depression. The Methodist chnrch will be a very fine stmctore, to be 42 feet loug by 72 wide, built of soUd brick with stone basement, seating capacity 600, and will cost about $7,000. Mr. Wm. Douglass will build a fiue brick residence almost opposite the iletbodist church. Haskett Bro's expect to build a large brick block adjoining their hardware premises. John McKenna is preparing to eretit a large addition to his shop for a carriage making establishment. Mr. Irvine proposes removing the oooper shop now occupied by J. H. Hull, and put up a large building on that corner. W. J. McFarland expects to im- prove and perhaps enlarge his mercantile premises. Moffat Bro's will likely enlarge their foundry to at least double its present size. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. "By cap. 86, Revised Statutes of Ontario, all Births, Marriages and Deaths which take place throughout the Province of Ontario are required to be registered with the Clerk of the Municipality in which the occurrence takes place. Refusal or neglect to make these re- ports or any of them within the spacifi- ed time, will subject the persen or persous so neglacting or refusing, to pay a peualty of $20 and costs." The specified time is, after the occurence, for births 80 days, marriages, 90 days and for deaths 10 days. Each Post OflSce is supplied with blants for this purpose where they can be procured without cost, and are carried through the mail free of postage. The clerks o^the surround- ing municipalities, who are tlie registrars for their several townships with their address are, for Glenelg, J. S. Black, Pomona P. 0.; Artpmesia, W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton Osprey, Wm. Milne, Maxwell Holland, C. Price, Williamsford Euphrasia, R. Dunlop, Griersville. MARKDALE CHEESE FACTORY. The result oi the last year's op- erations of the above factory were on the whole satisfactory, and we are Teiy much pleased to see a much grater interest taken in it the coming season. A number of new patrons bavebeen added, and old ones are increasing their patronage, so that already the number of cows promised is double that of last year. This is iudced encouraging alike to manu- facturer and patrons, as the great expense of the past season was the cost of hauling a comparative small quantity of milk from a i;iven territory. This difficulty will in a great measure be overcome as the expense of getting the milk will not be increased while the quantity will be doubled thereby decreasing the cost of hauling fifty per cent. ^e patrons are well awire of this, »ud are therefore very hopeful of the results of the coming, summer. We only wish their most sanguine expectations may be realized. THE QUESTION OF THE DAY. "What is good for a cold " is a ques- tion often asked, bat seldom satufao tory answered. We can answer to the satisfaction of all, if they will fol^ low our advise and try Hagyard'e Pectoral Balsam, a safe, pleasant and certain throat and long healer. Bold by all Druggists. â-  â- â€¢â-  « MintM for letter- WritiUK* Letters should always be written in a neat and distinct chirograpliy. The sentences phould be constructed with such thoughtful care, that the meaning intended will be readily undei stood. Gummed envelopes are now in almost universal use nevertheless, a neat httle seal of red wax for a gentleman, and of gold or other fancy colour for a lady, are elegant and appropriate, and give an appearance of refinement to a note. Letters of introduction or recom mendation should never be sealed. In letters of business or ceremony, do not write on both sides of the leaf. Letters of compliment should be written in the third person. Avoid all erasures and blots, even though you should have to "^re- write. Neyer write letters of frendship on a half sheet, and always write /with ink. Monograms should always be in black or white â€" never in coloars. In commuuicatins; bad news, take care not to do so abruptly. In sending letters, don't enlarge much on your own misfortunes. Make your letters cheerful and never ill-tempered. All letters should be civil in tone, otherwise they injure the writer more than the receiver. No gentleman will send an anonymous letter. Only cowards and knaves do this. Your paper may be either ruled or plain, but the latter is the idore elegant. Letters in regard to one's own affairs should always contain a stamp for re- turu postage. A still better plan is to enclose a stamped and addiessed envelope. Every letter should be dated care- fully and distinctly, and should always bear the address of the writer, and the name signed in full. Should the writer be a married lady, she should iovariably, except in the most familiar missives, prefix "Mrs." to lier name. Persons in mournmg usually write letters on mourning stationery, but this should not be used in writing letters of congratulation. Your letter-paper and envelopes should correspond in colour and quality. White should be preferred, and especially wlien addressmg a lady. Ladies use no other. Good black ink is always to be pre- ferred. Coloured inks are in bad taste. Take care to affix the proper stamp. Don't depend on others to do this. Nc!ver fend money or other articles of value in an unregistered letter. When dropping a letter or paper into a street letter box, see that it don't stick fast. Never eudose any writing m printed matter. When it is desired to have letters returned in case of non-deUyery, the name and address of sender should be printed on upper left-hand eomer,^ with request to the effect. JJlJttAftL Nexm. s :^^fl|»faraeia, Uaink9^^ Dw» Sni.-r-Pl*ae felfcert thefimiry iQg ..-^.^upiuksia folks, beware of the Indian who represents hrmself a? » Doctor, bat, ia only a quack. who is endeavoring to cbart tbe girls. Enphracia. Beware of him for has a wife and five children who live m a sbimty, and in one end of the shanty there lives a negro. His fiunily are desfatute while he tries to appear well off. He is a worthless wretch, accustomed playing corpor- ation fiddle for a living beware. Onb who knows. of McObboob A Pabks'b CarboKe Cerate is invalaable for Woandf, Sores, Salt Bheam, Cuts, Boms, Scalds and Festers, as ahea'ing and purifying dressing. Do not be imposed on with other useless prej arations, recom- mended to be as good. Use only McGregor Park's Carbolic Cerate. Sold by Hill Bro's. 2 TEEi^e^ ihiSl» t^Bkthtt JfomafM, and ti» P ti fta ipi i i i ifc" talwii from e 18185 7 CD iB36 74 Jjj6 97 4940 167 04 105 12 8128 • •• •••.«•,• AAwice t« A^lvertisers. Well written, trathfnl annoonce- UMaks pnqaoriiy displayed. bHsg safe setoms. The beat medinm is a newspaper ttathaa a ^bod list of intelligent and lipw^i imjiug sabseribers. .^- Advortiaainehts will arrest the a tt eitf o a in proportion as they are teadtaad seasonable. V* Mnftmii^ is k» iHuineas what food mto^xiplfuioe. It ehoda be iffolar. ij!^ .si Bangs, on a girl gives her an unruly look, like a cow with a board over her fsLoe. Yon take the gentlest oow in the world ^aad pot a board over her face, and tarn her oat in the pasture and she eeta tiie reputation of being unruly, and you would swear that she would jump feuees «nd raise merry hades, and yoa wooldn't give so much for her by $10 only for beef. It is so with a girl. If ahe wears her hnr high on the forehead, or brushed back, or even frizzes, and has a good look, you will fio your bottom dollar on her, and feel that she is as good as gold, and ihtki when she tells her joong man that she loyes him there ia no teeoont on it, and no g^sfii^ back bat -take the same girl with I^r ,front hair bangfd, and wiMn she |coks It yoa yoa fiael jast as though she woaid hook, and you eaii't ttiut h«^ She has a Isnee jonnnne look that makes a yenog mn toAm thoa^lw #mi!d aoibea^. â- Si Gravenhurst, March 17th, 1885. To the Editor of the Standard DisB Sm,â€" As promised I embrace the first opportunity of noting for your valuable paper a few of the interesting features of the town of Gravenhurst, which is situated m Simcoe County, Muskoka District, where 1 have been working for the past two weeks. After leaving you at Cardwell Junction on the 3rd inst. 1 took the Hamilton Northwestern to Allandale » suburb of Barrie. This section is a first class farming district and thickly settled with (to all appearence) well-to-do farmers. Barrie has a population of some 5,000 inhabitants and is situ- ated as most of your readers know, on lake bimcoe, Then we tooK the Northern Railway for Gravenhurst, passing Orillia, and having lake Simcoe on my right for over 80 miles up to the narrows, the country between those two towns is mostly good for agricultural purposes aitho' there is low swampy lands where the "Canad- ian Band' warbles their music to the great amusment (or shall we say annoyance) of the inhabitants, of a summers evening About 6 miles from Orillia I came to Liongford where are situated the lumber mills of Me'ssrs. Thompson, (pome of the largest in the district) at which many million ftet ot lumber are to be seen tastefully i piled. A few miles further on I got a sif^ht, the rocks of which the Muskoka farmers have such an aversion. There was nothing further to break Ihe monotony but rock Rock !! Rock W. until I arrived at Gravenhurst, after a journey of 155 miles occupying 7 horses certainly not a veiy ex- peditions rate of travelling. This town has a population of 2,000 On arrival I soon made my way to one of the Hotels, of which there are five and, as it were to cuntpract their infiaence there are^r« places of worship, if I may include the Salvation Army Barracks as one. The latter iiaving been here about seven weeks, and one of the chief amnsements of the place is to watch the soldiers on their evening war path. Gravenhurst, tho "Sawdust city ot the North" is, so to speak, in the midst of waters, (that is where their is'nt rock). On the I West is Muskoka Bay on the North- east Gull Lake on the South, Spar- row Lake, aud on the North a chain of lakes unknown to fame. There are some 17 saw- mills giving employ* ment to about 500 hands the usual proportion of Stores a carriage works, foundjy c. The town depends chiefly on the lumbering business, and aJPter the lumber has been culled out, (which will probably not \h many years hence) except tne iron minmg develops, of which there is a good supply, tne place will sink baek into eibUvion. The Northern B. Co. are extending their line fixm this I^aoe ap to the Nippissmg, 112 miles North, the opening of whieh is expect- ed to take place early in August, when no doubt tliere will be an ihflax of immigrants, as the land is said to lie prolific in thtit direotiun. The winter has hem, and isettll, very aavere here^ it's no woodw, if the wmteis mere like thb, that oil tlie m6rawaUe occasion two yeniB noce the whidMy froaeap^herei of e^arse 1^ needs no ex{^ation to a Gatupdmn. Witt best wiahee r tJ^jM^ci^ ^Imr papQr,Iam«4e^ Allan park.. AlsfeU^ ^., ,. j,^; ... he I A.oaiai^«*i*,*.«.flg^ A rnott m'in •...»••••• ASiiiey.. •«. ..'..*««»» Aytoti ..'..' if H ^^" •.* «• Badjeros .;... Bayview .1.:..:;!^.. 60 70 Berkeley.:..... 10106 Blantyre 78 68 Bognor ....:... 182 27 Brookholm......... 72 41 Bunessan .i..: 5787 Cape Rich 25 62 Cedaivilie... 119 08 Chatsworth 665 80 Clarksburg 602 03 Clavering 101 54 Colenso 29 40 (]orbettoii 66 77 Coverl4 18 02 Craigl«ith 75 26 Crawford 55 91 Cnnckshank... 2*^18 Desboro 110 87 Dornock 72 53. Dromore ........... 141 76* Duncan........ 28 28 Dundalk... 1816 03 Durham...... 1780 50 EastLinto-n 19 52 Edge Hill 86 75 Egremont..... 64 23 Epping .. 61 33 Eugenia..... 184 23 Fairmouut 84 a7 Feversham 165 13 Flesherton 5 quars 1396 75 Flesherton Station 1 52 50 Garryowen 25 95 Gibraltar 47 56 Glascott 27 36 Gleneden 47 67 Griersville 89 21 Hampden.... 60 56 Hanover 1119 35 Harkaway 18 11 Hepworth 308 35 Heathcote 238 54 Hoath Head ..'..... 89 17 Holstein 827 62 Hopeville 112 88 Homing's Mills.... 366 35 Jnistioge 40 73 Jackson 82 07 Jesaop ville 1295 Johnson 66 61 Keady. 99 74 Kemble 115 60 Kilsyth 236 99 Kimberley 97 15 Kin{,scote 14 13 Lady Bank 36 67 Lake Charles. 85 31 Lamlash 4143 Latoua 68 58 Leiih 93 11 Lily Oak 34 19 Lauise 87 00 Mclntyre 179 79 Maradale „... 1409 65 Marmion 34 27 Massie ......... 9961 Maxwell 284 02 Meaford 8461 74 Melancthon 100 96 Merritt. 7 69 Morley 16 21 Mnrdock 10 05 Nenagh 210 00 Nenstadt 816 49 North K%pel 184 95 Orchard 119 00 Owen Sound 6991 75 Oxenden » 101 50 Oxmead 41 04 Peabody 42 61 Pomona 2711 Presqu' Isle........ 124 06 PrieeviUe 61614 Ravenna.. ......... 112 84 Redwing 83 16 RivervieW ' 62 98 Rocklyn Shelbarne, 6 qra Strathnairn... 97 70 2084 08 2172 SulUvan .......,, 224 610 •••••• â- ad iMteahnaeu 'HBttk |w^ all TbomlKuy TraverskMi ... Vandelear .... Varney. Wa^ Falls Wareham Wiliiamsjfjrd Stat Wobeley .;.,... Woedtord ... Xeotfl .......... *«*»•... 1178 64 08 86 02 146 4^ 261^ 224 05 S2 9SI 2«B 06 81 48 EoUowiof^^is thft. pritifl^ ettiM'%if aoth Jane, 1984: Montreal HamHtott. taioo 28 00, xnoQ 49 00 ;s«oe 260 OOi 89 00 18 00] 8(2 00 48 00 26 00 60 06 4100 50 00 18 00 42 00 162 00 298 00 24 50 19 00 27 50 10 00 22 00 80 00 12 00 J;4 00 84 50 69 00 10 00 565 50 740 00 16 00 27 60 38 00 30 00 65 00 42 50 58 00 638 50 67 60 10 00 19 00 12 00 20 50 46 00 84 60 470 00 10 00 64 00 107 50 10 00 109 00 67 60 106 00 24 00 29 00 10 00 21 50 64 60 36 00 80 00 4200 10 00 13 50 10 00 24 00 62 00 38 00 20 50 13 60 64 60 620 00 20 00 85 50 120 00 1120 00 88 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 80 00 147 00 60 00 68 00 1880 00 46 00 18 16 19 00 14 00 48 00 269 50 47 00 16 00 20 00 84 00 682 60 12 50 86 00 46000^ 27 00 24 00, 86 do; 50 00 1000 80 00 10 ao 91 M 81 88 of the [jfaeotapâ€" 'lit W J is s " AHhe'Mange. on ' TMay. iBUitti^ier^titfi^. a. tllWHto fc^Mte a4th i»% at the lesidt, of the Iwide's fatbw,. (i«orge E. HickH Ejai^uasiR, to- i^t^ *»ne 4bercrombie. gOLiKi McJUKTHPB^l^ tlie Eev.* Thon^i (irandy. ou tha 84,i.b im,t., ot the rpsid^l of the pride's uiotbsr, Edwiu Cuiurjl Epphnuria. to £liga A. MoArthur of y^ I same jdace. p, .DEATHS. WniET â€" ^In EuphiAsia, ou the 25th i^i .: Sarah, belnved wife of Mr. li, H. T?iW I aged 23 yean. ' BoBiNSONâ€" In Glenelg oa the 20th inst., Mr Boblnscm, mother of Mrs. Thus. Towiueii{ ag^ 92 years. file 24ih Gibson â€" ^la Artemesia on W, H. Gibson. mst. Parktt ^tp0t%^. MARKDALE. Fall Wheat .50 73 to JOCO Spring Wheat 7B to (H) Barley â€" • 50 to C7 Peas 5*1 to rg Oats 34 to 3^ Butter •â-  to Oj Eggs 20 to (K) Apples â€" 50 to 75 Potatoes IS ty 20 H*y 00 to 12 00 Pork ..5 00 to 5 00 Flour 3 7a to 4 25' OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORm H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUBEB OF MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMfNTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. JUST RECEIViEP, 3 Carloads Finest Variegate] Mapble tS" Lari;est stock in the Dominion b select from. Personally selected at the qmi ries in Yerment, Will be sold at piiccs which de^y competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- 1 stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze, j H. B. HABEISON. n^ttcm The undersigned begs to. inform the pubUc that he hen hia SIW AND SHINfiLE MILLl In full operation now, and is prepared to PAW all kinds ot liumbcr aud Shingle staff, aud giye you your Lumber ShiDglesi home with you dur- uig the winter season.. WHI saw on shares or for cask Cash for Good Logs* Yours truly, W.J. ROWE, 222.8m BiBB Head Mills. MARKDALE FDRSITORE STORE.! STOCK CQMPI.ETE -ni- (MmciOTHSWTS, BEDSTEAm SimffiBEDS, WTTRASSEil vs-.,-.ji,4," • *»• •«• »tf, Exii^apD,;6idev^QeQ«er. Fall-leaf ao'l V^Ma^n Tahle«,8idehoards,Bres8- .: tqg^ Cknee? liOOBfea and ♦ Orfcdlejs^Ad;' c. I£«»imviB'iLfe whiijrttW want weoi -htfve-lt -da ebort notice. Doois. Door FraOJ* ' Et^iiig, and atteiM)|«t hj)9tr lis. vt^^mm ^ai£i .^a^^^ifcd-. â-  .â- S^.^^i.-i...... '--rfimmiiKi

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