Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Mar 1885, p. 5

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 JEWi week, cnugi) LES, PIPES, ^THINGS, etc. a/ways in ttoei. and ^^welh^ sat?«iactk» ffota- SHOW GOODS. a CalU jssellV aaker. Jeweller,. Ilesherton, Airs WDERS; Contain tltelr om ire. and elTeeteak ;:UiildrenorAdaUft Her Mills. leave to announce tc aiidiug co.ntry that eqaal to any other Ic the grist is leiiig cale of exchange â€" 1)9, -11) Ihs. Flonr^ 3y " • 3.S " "• 37 It. .1. 36 " '•' 35 " " to amount of flour. f;ht of new wheat to- and the most of it, lid weigh 61 or 62 to. S£EBS ITED â€" " RDSN SEEDS your Seed? is ai iR'S, DUSiHAM. er Shop. country can prodocih LL PARTS OF RE ORDERED. itrouage respectfoUT* n ^Nea's block. RUTLEDGE. 'i .SKIN, First-Olass [ABUSHMENTi,. (ed a want long f%] SHROUDS, Inishings rteu notice. Irate ratei. RANII noUM. [educed jtFactories. mi PURciMSERS THE BEIIEFIT. SWISS LEAVRS, jewelles, Silver Hunting Cases, ^9-50- LCIM MOVEMENTS, Coin Cases, $12.00 4 S14.50; 5 "z. §17.00. O'i P ^mM -AND THE ISXGIXBlffiiiT CAUSED BY- ccHrriPiuEs 1 oz oz MOVEMENTS KEPT IM. \X Close Cash Prices. 4Cr* Slltl Comlttg WAmmkmik ttumttl mn To take P HOTQGBAPHS is rapidly increasing. X* o^!r^^*^^ h^t\xQ best chance you eyer had of securing Ufe-Llke Pictures. Mr. Still the celebrated Photographer, wiU arrive on the llth^dreSam until SVlSS March. â- â- *â- â-  ivm IS- Don't loje this rare chance. Bring the babies early in the day. V The worst drilt of tlie Reason was CD Monday last. Trains were serionsly delayed, and all roads were more or less blocked. Varrrffits and 2 lobars, a c cor dim/ to Grad^^ Clocks iSilver- jfiure, and Weddififf lock in otJier tines of ffoods, \Difficu/t Repairing a Special'y. JEWELLEB, M A K k: i L 1-::- I Notices in these columns intended to benefit 111/ iadividual or Society will be charged ten Is a live for the first insertion and Jive ts a line each subsequent insertion. Stacks of cottuuades at J. E. Trim- les. F.uiH to rent or sell, apply to J, Markdale. G. rvm^ Ex Liouteuaut Governor, Canclion, Manitoba, is dead. V/fi regret to learn that Mr. John yth M, P. P. is ill. SiACKSof Denims, Blue Brown and ipeil at J. R. Trimble's. jA profitable plant: a s;'riug ad- |rti.swiiitijt lu the Standard. l«t your eny lopes and iiota paper Mlly printed at the Standard office. Aaron Wyvill returned recently m visitiug friends on Squj^bg Island IFkimp. drvfr nnd limotliy Seeds, Medical Hall. A. Turner I Stacks of cotton sliirtingc Factory bitcii and Bleach Cottous .at J. B. riiul)le's. IToh Lath, Lnmber. Sa*!li, Doors, jareos and Mouldings, go to Grant X'K :ind Eva Allen, of AUenford, he iiei.'n visiiing friends iu this ptiict tiie past weeJj. IFor Bedsteads, Cribs, Cradles, iittrasses, and Spring Beds, go Grant Co. |Tbe handsomest Dress Goods in pks, Ottoman Cords, and Cashmeres W. J. Mclariand's. IThe big rush still continues to [alker Bros, for Sap Buckets, Sugar |ttle?, etc. pARKDALE lodge of A 0. U. W. Jve decided to reduce their initiation ' from §12.00 to $8.26. 22 lbs. Vozetta Currents $1.00. it. best quality under cover, $1.00 barrel at McFarland's. Che Joseph Hill works at Oshawa, [ued at $33,000, were sold at auction ^n cents on the dollar. hliZ ^^ *^® ^^°^^^ ^^ ^°y yo"' Sap n M^ ^Yg^lljgj^, £j.Qg jy,g SClling Pacnoap. ^tPHBAsu CouEcil meets the last poraay in each month instead of iiist Friday as in the past. --AHEs Button Boots for $1.00 ^7*^ J- ?• Trimble's. Those goods worth from $1.50 to $1.75, 1Mb. and Mrs. ale called ThotiiRs were sud away to the funeral of Ahomaa' brother at Hespelar. I lban5 f\°^?""^«^»'«' Bitters vt **„?°"*^ ^^« barber's, and p are selhngoflf fast. â- J- R. Tbdib: ^aigauient t!*d Bidu. I* has received a large of mens Ready-made w? WQrth doubl, the money. Will the party who took a \ialking cane from the Methodist Church last weeii. kindly leave it at this office, as the party is known. Mk. and Mrs. Turner visited friends in Chatsworth this week, returning uu the last train before the snow blockade uu Mc^day. Money WaNIed. â€" On the best of security, tor a term of years. Com municate with G. S. BowesiMarkdale Secretary, for" particulars. '•Penny wise and pound foolish " Purchasing highly colored trashy Teas, whfn you can get a pure natural cup at McFarlaud's, direct importer. Oxen for Salb.â€" A well matched pair of oxen rising four years old, well trained. For particulars apply to Geo. Ireton, one mile from Ban-head Mills. 134 36 Rev. W. H. W. B0Y1.E, Paris, will please accept thanks for subscription to Standard. His many friends will be glad to learn that his health is improving, he having passed titrough a severe illness recently. J B. Tbimble has purchased part of the Bankrupt Stock of Boots and Shoes of Jiihn Garrett Co. of Ham- ilton, and is offeringthem to his cust- omers at exceedingly low figures for apjtt eaxh. J. H. Hull is agent for Flury'e Sylvester's and Wilkinson's af^ri- cultural iirplements. All kinks of repairs for the awove mia.nufacturers kept always on baud. Shop on Mill Street known as Hull's coioper shop. Even Money. â€" ^Fare for eoluists from Montreal and all points West on the C. P. B. iiicluding stations on the T. G. a 13. by ait-rail route to Winnipeg for $20. Call on the station agent for full particulars. Ms. Hamilton, the photographer, is tery fortunate io being able to secure the seryices of Mr. Still for a week. Mr, S. is an excellent artist. He arrived yesterday (Wednesday) and will remain until the 19fch inst. Mb. Beaty, M. p., intends to intro- duce a bill prohibiting the sale and manufacture of spirits in the Dominion of Canada. This is going to the root of the evil stop the manufacture of the article and, doubtless, the sale will be greatly lessened. NoTics, â€" The contract for hauling milk to Markdale Cheese Factory for season of 1885 will be let by auction at the Markdale House on Saturday, the 21st March, at 2 o'clock. AH interested parties will take notice. B. Coleman, President H. D. Irwin, Bee. Wb are pleased to notice that J. B. Trimble, Esq., of Markdale has purchased the Imported Clydesdale Stallion, Garfield, this it said by com- petent judges to be the begt horse of his class in Canada, no doubt Mr. Trimble has had to pay a handsome sum to secure such an animal and certainly deserves to be well patron- iced. Commenced BusmsBS. â€" Mr. Dan McFarlane wishes to winoancd to ths public that he has opened out a black- smith shop opposite the Markdale House, where he will be happy to wait on the public. Having giyen the best of satisfaction to enstoniiBrs while in the employ of others, I feel satiified I can do the sameiww. Dan Mc- Farlane. Owing to my hea-vy loss at the recent lire, and the ex- pense^ of staf^Bg' businesss again, I positively .request all who are indebted to me either by over-duo 'Bote or account to settle tie same at cope. Do not lookitcar tether nc^ice, I will be found in A. Turner's Drug Store, where I will loiep my bo^. D, f. SKanahan, Farm to rent or sell, Apply to J. G. Ir\Tng, Markdale. WoKDEB whose duty it is to clear the sidewalk opposite the late fire. It's high time the rubbish was cleared away. Enphrasla Conncil. The social held last eyening at the Methodist Parsonage was largely attended, the house being literally packed. A very enjoyable time was spent. Proceeds $23. This is the last of the season. The report in last weeks Advance to the effect that the tools of the A. 0. U. W. were burned in tiie late fire was incorrect, the fire not being near the hall. The Markdale correspondent to the Durham Chronicle says: TheSTANDABD report of the number in attendance at the assembly was incorrect. For our part we have no idesi how many were present, but were informed by one of the gentlemen who was present that there were 17 couple. The above carrespondent says there were 27 couple present. Which will we believe Give it up. We had a brief but very pleasant call from our esteemed friend Mr. E, D. Wilcox, formerly Jeweller of this village. He has been three years in the North West and has returned to make his home iu Ontario. He has not yet decided in what town he will hang out bis shingle, but wherever it may be, the community will have a desirable citizen and an honorable b'lsiness man. Mr. Wilcox did business iu Markdale a number of years, and his departure from our midst was exceedingly regretted by all. The Magnet is a new reading paper, published in Toronto, and u th j spiciest paper published on the con- tinent, containing the best selectiouiv from all the best fun papers in the world, besides rich original matter. It is for sale by all booksellers. Price 6 cents, the maomet fbsb puacHASiho AGENCY. In connection with the Magnet, the publisher has established an agency for the purchasing of goods of every kind, and in any quantity ,for parties living anywhere in the Dom- inion outside of the city. The Agency buys anythiug that any person wants at the lowest prices,and ship the goods by mail or express, charging nothing for the seryices. See particulars in the Magnet. Address Magnet Purchasing Agency, 88 Adelaide St. West, Toron to, Ont. Town Une Ten-IHeeUvff. A very successful tea-meeting was held at the town line Methodist church on Wednesday eveniug last. Tea was served at the house owned by Mr. J. Hamilton, a short distance from the diurch, :he tables were loaded with the dantie^ which the ladies of that neighborhood are pro- verbial for supplying. After tea all adjourned to the church to enjoy the entertainment which was to foUow. On motion Mr. G. S. Bowes took the chair. Short addresses were deUvered by Mr. D. B. Ellis, Joseph Hawkens, E. W. Moore, Bev. T. Grandy and Bev. W. Casson Mrs. Casson also gave a very homoroas reading 00 young men, and several others select- ions were giy^i in a very acceptable manner^ these were interspersed with mnsJQ by the choir wbich was renderbd very creditably, l^e Misses Stinson also saiig a very fine piece accompanied by JQir. McDonald and Mrs. Logan. After the usual votes of thanks the meeting elosed, all hemg %/ell pleased with tiieir evenings enjoymait. Proceeds $81. â€" Gov. The council met pursuant to ad- journment on the 28th day of Febnary, A. D. 1885. Members all present except Mr. Boyd. Minutes of last session of council read a nd c(Mifirmed. The Committee appointed to enquire into the vilidity of the Treasurer's securities laid their reports before council shewing that all matters in relation thereto are in a satisfactory and safe condition. The council approved of and adopted said report. The Eeeve and Mr. Hurd were appointed to ascertain the cost of building a bridge over Beaver Bivey at lot 6, con. 5, and report at next meeting of council. The petition of B. Johnston and others relative to 12 13 side line, laid over for further consideration. 500 copies of minutes of council for last year to be printed, by C. W. Butledge, Markdale. The collector was authorized to strike off his Boll $40.06 returned in error as arrears against lot 17, con- cession 2, and charged to Thomas Harper. The time for the collectors to re- turn their rolls, was extended until next meeting of council. The Jleeve was appoioted to employ parties to protect the bridges over Beaver Biver when the ice shall be breaking up. The clerk was ordered to call on J. Myles, to fill up an excavation forth- with which he made on the fourth line, and also ordered that in case Mr. Myles should lail to comply to lay information before a justice of the peace. By law No. 848, ledueing the statute labour was carried through the different stages and passed. The Treasurer was ordered to remit to T. B. Gilleland, Esq., P. L. S., the sum Of $7.00. payment for surveying deviation at 697 side road in the 8rd and 4th concessions. The Treasurer was ordered to remit to Messrs. Bousell Hutchinson, Toronto, the sum of $30.58, payment for stationary up to date. To remit to J. Butherford Owen Sound $12.78, payment tor stationary up to date, and to remit to J. Farewell, Thornbury, $10.50, payment for printing. The Beeve's orders wers issued on the Treasurer to pay as follows, via â€" Abraham lolden, $2.50. repairiner road scrapers James Arthur, $1.19, pqyment for plank John Gibson, $9.15, repairing bridge on 5th line Benjamin Kenzie, 75 cedts, repairing road soraper George Longhead, $4, rapairiog bridge and culvert H. Hurd, Esq.. $5.00, ior relief nf J. Feeny. Indigent John Blam, $180.00, part payment building bridge B. Dunle| $8.40, registering births, marriages and deaths J. Boss, $i.Q0t removing stoue on 7lh line. Council adjourned until the last Saturday in Mardi next. BOBBBT DUNLOP, Clerk. MARKDALE, • THIS NEW Patent Process Flouring KUi Is now completed at great expense,, on the M:ost .AJb*I»JROVaEI plans, and with the best' ma- chinery manufactured, mak- ing it, in every sense of the term, "A lodel nil." 1 am therefore in a position to give the public a SUDSrior Irtieie of Fiour. A fair trial respectfully so- licited and I have no fear but the result will be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for good bard Wheat. IS" Flour, Bran, Shorts.etc, etc, for sale wholesale retail. ,„ UGUS PLEWES. FMaK FOR SALE LOT 22. con. 11, Glenel««»boat 100 usjxa, mostly cleared and nAder ooltiTatioa. This farm is three miles £rckm Markdale, and will be sold on very easy terms. For full particulars apply to Geo. S. C. BETHUNE, Toronto, CHaS. KING, Sbelbame, or GEO. NOBLE, Markdale. 384 NOTICE. 1710B SALE â€" Af;ed working horse and span young maie." also about 25 tons prime timothy hay iu barn. 233-35 WM. BBOWN. â- Â»*«.--•â- 'â- .••*,-* Ji; t 'balsam Has no equal lor the pn-manent cure of CvNfflu, C*ld*. R«rr ThroMt, Anttkmtm, CjfMHH Vfhâ€"pimtl C-«avb, KMMChlUa, mmA â- U Laac DUeaac*. 49* Etctt iMitle cnaruitccd to {iva lat i ifxrti â€" T. MlLBURN CO.. ProBrieten Tenia • IVOTICES OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP â- â-  » GOOD ADVICE. If Qur readers will accept proffered advice,, they will always keep a bottle .of Hagyard's YeUow Oil at hand for use in emergencies, such as Bums, Scalds, Woundis, Lamenese, Oonp, Chilblains. Bhenmatism, and all varieties of aches, pains and inflam- mations, it will ever be found reUable. UNITED A YDIGE FROM THE STATES. I hvn ftcfipred for the last 90 yento mtii Dytpe^na and Ctoiurai DetiSfty, anS trlsd nuu^ rfOMNSbs, bnt wifii little^nms until I need. Baidock,^,. _. ., --^^ Mtdparmaoest. i»I((| gnW i j g lwJ flio«llil7Bep«rtorS. 8. No. ff. GtasB^-Cbariie Sobeon, 287 Fl»bmary-!-4* Botom 868; J«ba Marvnt MeNab, 809. Atd Class^Asa ' WiUk Sank*. $57; dass-^ABiwia IkSSa^Wki K^tiB'lianiD, SOt; HWittek !«. 1st CJaiii M^iji^: H^fcia, U»; Sett. BobtoD. 259; JSmt^ KelsoB, NOTICE is hereby given that the partner- ship which has for some time past been carried on by Samuel Sarjeant and Bob«rt Lnmside. under the firm of Baijeant Bom- side, at ibe viUage of Markdale, in the County of Grey, as butchers, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. As witness our hands this 24th day of Febraary, A.D. 1885. S. 8ABJEANT, X». BUBNSIDE. Witne8a-0. W. ButusboBv P. S. â€" ^The business will be carried on in the premises occupied by the late firm in Markdale, by the undersigned, to whom all accounts and debts due the said firm mvst be paid, and all liabilities owing by said firm' will be paid by him. SAMUEL SABJEAKT. NOTICE. ALL parties indebted to me by Note or Book ae-sount, or Due-bill, are request- ed to settle the same at once with Adam Turner, as I must have these accounts straightened up. I can't do without the money. My books and accounts are left witii him, and he is authorized to receive the i«oney and giv» receipts. T. S. SPBOULE. A RARE^GHANGE. SAW-IMILL FOR SALE. uiiv '.- 'A 'n THE undersigned having lost his health, wishes to dispose of his Saw and Shingle Mill, whinh is situated 4^ miles West of Markdale. There is an abundance of splendid timber very convenient to the miU a good buniness his been done, and an ezceTlent duuiee is iu store for a good pusbing man. The mill is mostly aew, being erected three years. Maobineiy in fiiM condition. Steam power 30 hone. Teims ea^. For further particulars Itpiily at this omee, or cd Ae premises. J. A. DUNCAN, fSOtf Markdale P.O. FMRM FOR SMM. â- ^:rnf*i ~\*r â- â€¢ii-s'i'f. orl^Mttt, lit' 100 asnatii Ui'wmmt-^" liiraiiriffrnr'iii-nkn wniiJaittmrn i,i^jt„:^mi^mtaim

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