Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Feb 1885, p. 4

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 siv' ' '^- â€" 7^ ^:Mm li.; .115" "I- 1 ^11 i J 'I i,'l.. Is f^ J *â-  The $i»itdttv4 utmrmT.Ti! fKB. St. MSS. DISiSTROnS'mEl s lcl( to A S7,000 BLAZE. SUPPOSED WORK OF AM IN- QEHOmY. About half past one o'clock on WediUMiday morning fire was dis- covered in Mason k Shanahan's carriage works, and the alarm given bat not being promptly respouded to, owing to it being an hoar when mobt people are enjoying their first sleep, the fire gained sneh rapid headway that very little of the contents ^ere saved. The building was a very lige two-story all wood stmctare aud homed with terrific rapidity. Mathews' harness stop, a wooden building, came next, the contents of which were all saved, bat the baildmg was burned to ashes. Joseph Lamb's blacksmith shop and dwelling, which are both wooden stractores were in imineut danger and the contents all removed, but by well directed efforts the buildings wore saved. On the other side stood Pooglas' lante three story vaneered buildmg which stood oleae to the carriage works here the devonring element was f aught sneceaafttlly for a considerable length of lime, bat, finally gained headway, taking full possession. The contents were removed but badly damaered. The next building was Dr. Sproule's block which is a solid brick and was saved witiMmt any serious damage. I^SSES. dhanahan k Mason had a very heavy stock on hand, haymg material for about one hundred wheel'd vehicles about half of whicli were ])artly bailt. They lost almost every- thing even to their tools. Their loss will smount to $1,000,00 each, with half that amount of insurance. The building is owned by G. S. Brown and is we believe, fully insareJ. Mathews' loss will be whatever the building was worth, say $800.00, no insurance. Douglas' loss for building will amount to $d,50(rbo. insured for $1,500.00. B. M. Gnmmings was just commencing to work for Mason and bad got hiH tools in the day Xirevious and lost all yalue, $125.00. John Hill lost a set of tools, $100.00. Shanahan had $5,000 in notes in his safe, but It is not yet known in what state they will come out as the safe has not yet been opened. The night was clear and calm, had there been a wind from any direction the fire would have proved more serious, as there were buildings on all sides of the fire. OBIGIK. The origin is a mystery, unless it was the work of an incendiary, and there can be no cause or reason suspected for such a dabolical act. The fire in the shop was completely dead at six o'clock tbe previous even- ing tio that it is considered impossible for fire to have originated from the f'iOve. ,IATKB. Shanahan's safe is new open and all the papers are safe. DARING THEFT. On Saturday evening last Mr. John McAleer of tiie City Hotel of this place had oceassiou to draw on his cash box, which he kept in his private room (tins was shortly after dark) when to his surprise his money was gone, some $80. He at once made enquiry .of his children who were at the time up stairs. lu an adjoining room, if they saw any person in his i-oo u, they said yes. James Tweed, a boarder had b» en in. Tweed was got, uot being far away, and brought 'tMrfore the ohiltlreu to' soe if they would rcrooguize him when they all agreed that, that was the person they saw. He, (Tweet* tben acknowled ged that he look tho money, and at onee disgorgetl to the amon'nt of $70 a 1 he h; d. He bad kevs to fit Mc- Aleer 's cash box which be also gave up. T.'ie same cash box had been openeil aui aboit §85 taken just two weeks pravious. Tweed is a young man ot about 22 yt:.*.rs. and ha.s* been lookid upon as a -respeotable and honeit young maw^ and was never kno wn to be guilty crf'iucy sosh crioie, iarthenttoce jt is ^w pafwl o^inioQ ojEirnriiBT. We exceedingly regret tcfa^ve this week tpatinoonee^e death of ICrs^ I^weett. wife of Mr. A. B. Faweett, editor of the Fleaherton AixcMM. Deeeased was a y^T aoeiaUe- kind harted penon, ^an idkeUbnate wife, and a good ehristinn. Sh4 has been in ddieate health, and m^s t less predisposed to inflammation of tbe hmgs, for some time which was the eaoae of her priniatare dencise on Saturday eyening last at eight o'clock. We extend to her bereaved, and devoted hnsband oar warutest sympathies. Nonoa.â€" We wish it distinetlv anderstood that we do not hold oataelTes lesponsib'e for thii opiniciu •xprM8«d by oar oorrespoiidnita To th* Editor of the Standard. Deab Sm, â€" I have just been advised that oar representative lor South Grey, Dr. Landerkin or his supporters, have scattered broadcast, numbers of the Ottawa (Mien of Feb. 10th, pur porting therein, that the member of East Grey, Dr. Sproule, was very dereleit in the discharge of his dnty. in relation to a memorial, ordered by the County C!ounuil of Grey on the 29th of June last. In relation to it. Dr. Landerkin says "It thus appears that for reasons best known to him- self, the member for East Grey with- held the memorial and did not present it to the Government as he was' in duty bound. Thia doty cf a represen- tative is first of all things to look after the business and mterests entrusted to him by his constituents of whatever shade of politics. It is none of his business, to consult partisan conven* ience, etc., etc." Agam it may be noted "that while B. AJIin for North Grey strongly sus- tained tne action taken by Dr. Lander- kin, Dr. Sproale nevef opened his moutli." In answer to such let rae say Ist. That tLe memorial in question was duly handed to the proper clerk as soon as Dr. Sproale arrived at Ottawa 2ud. That during tbe debate, tbe Government made a statement of this fact to Dr. Landerkin. To any but tbe captious, such should have been satiKfactory, but in addition after s partizan press began to sound it, Dr. Sproule in his place in the House on a question of privilege re-asserted those facts, which statements were un- sballenged by Dr. Landerkin or any other gentleman. Now, Sir, 1 bold this whole proceed- ing was for some ulterior object and it must prejudice any man's case to promulgate an ud truth regarding an- other without an effort to correct it. It is very notable that Dr. Lander- kin has made himeelf rather rediculous regarding railroads and railroad reso- lutions. The Ottawa Daily Hun and the Owen Sound Advertiser will thn^ twice before they print the ignorance manifested by him on railroad topics, as exposed by the member for Niag^ara, Mr. Bykert, who turned theDr's reso- lution, by his amendment, to show that, by the neglect of the Ontf^o Government $2,000,000 were lost to the Province of Ontario. The Dri in his way, is a nice kind of a man but has learned to cator to the tastes of his supporters â€" name- ly, party first at all hazards but this time, as the saying is, he put his foot into it. Deep waters are not suitable for the Dr's heart the only marvel is that he attempted to swim in them ataU. After the genteel huidling o( the Dr. by Bykert, and exposure by him- self, it would have be^ down right fo% to have answered him farther. There arp some men, Mr. Editor, who neyer need a hangman, only give them rope, they hang themselves. Such was the fact with Dr. landerkin and B. AUin. VaoHCAittt. k:I 8^dg Wheat. -â€" JM!W(3r • • • • • • IMt 9 ••••••â- â€¢â€¢ Butcer wii^ lileai. B^ mn .HHtg^M^ "^^ fcoartfeft f yurr^y of aU^wttnA^ liy tat pwtla eootaiDMHli pfi jitalinif WaX 1 ftaiagii^ to Im WmTlfcQaalur'a vio^jmi «Q^to ii^neets. SioM Ukb, byoonverMug^ with thai gsntlMBaB, 1 ftud toat I was entirely mistakMi m attnhatins no1 OfHnions to him, bis knowledge of Jktie diff«mtiaiealealaB «tid kindred uuV jecta being very KmitoJ indeed. I thenfiwe offer a rrtraction and apology for tbe misapprehension, and hope it will be accepted. A week ago last Friday fcvening the Oddfellows of this place gave a con- cert, for the pnxpoeeof celebrating the first anniversaiy of their organization, and it was indeed a success. The Orange Hall was crowded to ite ut- most capacity. Mr. Alfred Frost, C. ^^ ,^1^, e. Attorney, presid«:d with that genth- 1 m Jl Street manly urbanity and grace which dis- tinguishes him, and said that they had met princi|wlly for enjoyment and trusted they would really enjoy them- selves. The programme was excellent and most spiritually carried uat. Messrs. Bush and Ferguson, the vio- hnists. could scarcely be Buri»ssed anywhere. Songs, duets, solos, dia- logues, recitotions, followe(' each other in rapid and pleasing succession. A great attraction of the evening was the ventriloquist from Owen Sound, whose humorous conversations with Sambo and Saily convulsed the audi- ence with laughter, especially tne younger part of it. The proceedings ended at 10 o'clock, when all pro- nounced the opinion that they had seldom spent a more enjoyable evening. yLT*'*«fc MAUEnALE. is to •^^ IS to •.V^ St tr «7 64 U f9 8» to 83 io to 17 20 to 00 « to 76 A RARE CHAHCE. CHOICE YXLLAGE LOT in \[arkdale opposite the STAiirAVD office, Ha,8 R comjortable dwelling hoone, shop abd stable attd good well. A small pa;m«ut wilt be takou down ard bal- ance to sQ't parehater at a low rate of inter- t«t. For farther partioolars ai^ly at tUi^ office, or »o Wa. WALKEB, 232-39* Markdale P. 0. imfiLEii, â- â- Mvm- fue^ airiviag e yei y ws ek eousiatiag WATciBBS. CL0CK9, CHAIMS. CffitBlfS, ;8k ECT4CLE8, NPES, PiritC^S, VIOLW STJEHNOS.etc 19 k: WaMiag-^'ngs alwuft in ttoek. Watchn, Clocks, and Jewelkiy Bepairad by mysKlI and satiafeetioD guar- anteed. lar N© T»5UBLB TO SHOW GOODS. Ghive me a, Oa:li. Jimes C Rtissell, Watchmaker, Jeweller, 217-269 Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE. F% IQB SALifi olland. onto rent, \c/t 14. eon. 12, 100 aores^ 55 cleared, c»m- fortable log house, barn lg and frame 32 x 50, firsit elaiis well, tea loinated walk from school and post offitM^, a decided bargain. Ajiply to F. TAYLOB, HarkawKy, or B. S. MeLAUtiH- LIN, Haydon. Pne«vill«. The principal publi-s gathering that has occurred here this season was the entertainment got np by the Public School seholara, under the direction of the teachers, Mr. W. L. Dixon and Mi89 A. Gunn. This memorable gathering assembled in the school room on the evening of the 18th inst. The weathsr was favorable, the roads good, and the house was filled with people firom the villiage and surround- ing country. The audience was orderly and appreciative, (as is usuul with Priceville audiences) and their attention was maintained withont flagging for 2f: hours. Over 50 pupils from time to time took the platform and acquitted themselves in such a way that if they get up another such entertainment they will be obliged to secure a larger hall in which to hold it. The proceeds which amounted to $14.20 are for school prizes. Mr. Ferguson, I. P. S., was in the chair Rev. McLeod gave a short and pithy address at the close of the programme. The songs, recitetions and dialogues were well selected, thoroughly pre- pared and rendered with animation and expression. The "Beautiful Snow" sheds its luster into our eyes, when the sun shines, which is not very often and it freezes into our outer gairments at times when we venture out. The Beantifol snow How we wish it would so I (The above came just too late for last w^eks paper. Write again friend Ed.) STALLION TO HIRE HAVINO a large farm to work which requires my who'e attention I have concluded to lease my Stallion* -Lord Byron" for the season iitf 1883. This iiia nueehanee for a reliable man, stock or good security taken iii lien of rent, the hHrse has proved himself a sureioal getter, and his stoiok has carried oft the highfcst prises wherarer shown. Lord Byrcn hss talcen first money 'in open races wlierever fiited, took first ^prize at Flesherton races in '84. For particulars apply to DAVI1 UADILL, Maxwidl, .where the horse can be seen. Farm for Sale. 160 acr ^s, being lots 42 and 43 second range West of Toronto and Sydenham road, HoUand, about 100 acres cleared and in good state of cnUivation, ballanoe well timbered with Maple, Beech and Hemlock, and about 10 acres cedar swamp- Good roughcast house 22x33 with stone cellar, frame bam 40x60 and good out houses, M. with stone foimdatious. Qoodjoang orchard bearing. The firm is well watered, two good weils, one at the house, a fine spriug creek oroses tbe farm near the rear. Duly two mdes from the thriving village of Williamsford, a station ou the T. O. B. branch of the C. P. B. This is a rare chance, and terms will be made very easy. For futher particulars apply on the premises to FBANCIS McGANN, 230^4 Williamsford P. 0. H AC YARDS YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM WOBM POWDEBS; lotaka^ Coataiathslr a wmU, wan, and laGhildzaa Markdale Roller Hills. The snbseriber begs leave tolOinouDee to the fikmers of the surronadiog eo.;utry that heistormng oot flour equal to any other roller mill. No more waiting while the grist is being ground. The following is the scale of exdiaags â€" Wheat Weighmg 82 lbs, 4U lbs. FIobb. •• •• 61 ** $9 " •♦ •« •• gQ t 3g It t •• •• ' £9 » S7 " ** •« u 5g i« gg .1 It •• ♦« 67 •• $5 « • with ofEal in proportion to amount of flour,. I find the average weight of new wheat ta be 60 lbs. to tbe bushel, and the most of it, if properly cleaned, would weigh 61 or 62 to thebnshd. John W. Ford. SEEDS SEEDS â€" IMP0BTE1 â€" HELD AND OMDEM SEEDS NOTICE. ALL parties indebted to me by }Iote or Buck ac iount, or Due-bill, are request- ed to settle the same at ouce with Adam Turner, as I must lutve these accounts straightened np. I oan't do withont the money. My books and acenonts are left with him, and he is authinrised to reoeiTe the money aud give receipts. T. S. SPBOULB. â-  lai I Walters Faila. From Our Own Correaponiint. It is my painful duty to ehronide a sad and fatal accident which occur- red on Saturday afternoon last Levi Taylor, a hid of about 15, and fngt^r boy, were ohopiung m Mr. llivldr's (hw father) bush near the vOkg^ r Levi had chopped « faiee tlinmgh and ran back to get oni of tlia way. when by »me nn«nti»ate BMiye«{iflnt li» ran directly in the ^^ta^SUan fism tree, which fell on £im wi^ ^^jSa *m «a«be# hi8m^ life wit. as l^yi^^Ntl^^Uia KiMbcrly. • From our own Oorreapondent. Married on Wednesday, 11th Feb., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Bev. A. Stronf^Buui, Aaron Drinkall to Misa Laeana Hurd, second daughter of Henry Hurd. Married, James McGee, on Wed- nesday, 11th Feb., to Hannah Matilda Ellis, eldest daughter ofThomas Ellis. Both marriages came off very quietly and sensibly without nnneoeasary fuss. Died at the residence of his son's, lot. 2, con. 4, Et^hrasia, on Mohday the 9th Feb., Bobert Stuart, aged 82 years. The deceased was a native of the County Tyron, Ireland, having comeio jGaaada aume 60 years amoe. Fire on Monday niomii%, Prf). 28. The bam and stable formarly b^tag. mg to Joseph How, lot 8, oon. «, Bn **lf^,7~ destroyed hy fire, wiA all Mr. How'a £urm implomrats and grain, two oows and a nomber of sheep. The fire was caused no ddobt by a lamp which Mr. How waa eany. ii|g ont o||hs itaWe when he sUpiMd andliartUljileU. He looked at tbe Wp. s^1lw,^aas was rat«ed a little bnt ^cN«l|tiaiiasrisiit He fini^ "^«W*^»w^ lamp to tbeber, •^ikm]^ tmoi tfltJ^iflsbe^* •lH*aii«i4%»niB dirtance; Si A RARE CHANGE. saw-miuTfor sale. THE undersigned having lost ids health, wishes to dispose of histw and Hhi»g l MiU, which is situated 4i miles Wast of Markdale. There ieanabni^anceof spleitdid timber very ccmvenient to the mil\ a good bnsiitess has been done, and an excellent chance is in store for a good pushing man. The mill is mostfy new, bcdng areoted three yeah. Madiiner y in fiiie condition. Steam power 80 horse. Terms easy. For farther particulars apply at this ofBee. or oU the premises. J. A. DUNCAN, 230 tf Markdale P, a. • r • Manulacturer of aJl kinds of -sPUWIPS^^ Cylinder, Drop Valve ^^d Cistern Pumps. Orders recpeotfoUy aolietted and ••^WMction guaraotead. Also AgM for Baqienfa The place to buy your Seeds is at MRKER'S, Druffstore. DURHARH. New Butcher Sbop. The best meats e eountry can prodnoo kqpt on hand and DEUVEREO TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN WHERE ORDERED A slum of public patronage respsetlaU* solicited. Baraember the stand in MoNea's hloek.. W. H. RUTLEB6E. ROBT. ASKIN. »M oMwd oat a ftat-dHi UNDERTKIM6 E8TABU8HIIENT. iAAdthsNlHBQ has wat^fHad. a wan* lon^ Mt, KkllPINS. SBBODDS. aadail* fMlt|IMi» t«« i»i5tA»a|Qds«ate,ia*ea. â-  â- ;!â- ; tK4 la ""ill ^m.

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