Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Jan 1885, p. 5

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 â- Â«â- â-  JMA.TISM [ire. and tUteVtmtf â- r.v â- .-. U,ttt»:.-.-iistiQg « (.'HA INS, .\ 1'iMNv.i.S. etc. U aJivdjiS in stocki, 5 etnd JevÂ¥ellerf\ iii.l .siiti-factijou KUSF- iO SHOW UdODB. ' :x CJall- Russell, â- hiiiiiker. Jeweller, IRD.N SEEftS yunr Seed? is at country can prodti ML PARTS 0( -;re ordered. ixiti-onnr;e respeot in McNea's block. RUTLED6E. SHROXJDS, lerate rates. riM MMMai E .deiuactories. 1 1 15 G PURGHISERS THE BENEFIT. ISS LEAVRSf jeK, Silver Hunting -es, '950. aViOVEMENTS, '12 00 4 ji KKvv iuot-« of ibotie vntiisbloHorae k;.,o« ••K^od:.irs T eatiss on tbe i'.or-st^ niid his GiPcns?8" left, one of v.|;-e^ '.mI: bo :.'H-r.n hb a premium witii ')«• Stamoakd to fVe:v IMW hTx: ^:X'^.e v.ii" paVi oaij ui advMice. IviK. Alkx. Bkll ;:.•^^bct^li ui pointed oi Cii.^uriL;. Lclv\»ri Kutl- liii- M}}lit:aiit8 aud »:-,v ,1 u iif- ;iiid Bell ii- c^stiir- vtite in -â- y:«»K.a;- w* i!'i** ^* " i i'Wi l -: i w .. w « a *«i "i l ,W l l l jW l |M iifci ' l » ii^ vIlMIH^^a)! bi: liJ ••'as â- : fa i :.V.- ;afr- it'i.l, :i ' U.-V6 tlieir !iii« villttge be sawiijg in â- ses, 5 oz. $17.00. VailiiiB ail Spftsli MOVB»lEN'l8 KEPT II* At C!ose Cash Prices. Wmranfs «r«^ 2 Years, accordi?iff to Grade, ClocA'g,Silver- ware^ and TTeddrnff ^hM- in other tines of ffpods. Difiicult tiepairihg a Speciatiy, JEWELLER, 31 yv K k: I A L. K. â€"I local and other Item. Notices in thexe columns intended to benefit nny individxial or fioeietjf Kill he charged ten tenU a line for the firgl ImMrtiati and Jive ee»U a line e.*ch suhieqmie$elt iwtertion. Dfi. Sprcttle, M- p., will leave for Ot^n\^sl next wet-k- (t(vid Aonlile barrel Gun for sale. Apply to Srnitli, the bArber. Obey Division Grange No. 2 will eaeet in Markdale on the 29th iwfit. Don't go to McFarlaiid's if you ar^e in search of cheap traahj auction goods. Miss Cahpbeljl, Milliner, MarJjcUte QB W^diuesday on a home. I'HE -gith of may and the 12th July both comes on Sunday this year. PoucE Trustees for 1885 â€" Geo. Grant, Tbos. Maihews, and Win. Brown. Foi- Sale. â€" A first-iclass one-horse sleifh, new, cheap far cash. A Turner Co. Mrs. B. McCoNNELif, Alpena, Mich., vill accept thanks for renewal of uubscription for '85. Ssicliool Books, a full assortment, also a complete line of Stationery at the Medical Hall. A. Turner 0o. One of (Oior pork bay^s, W. J. Mc- Farland. has purchased this season over 140,000 pounds. Big 8tock of Bbjuvenator Bitters on hand at Smith the barber's, and thoy are selling off fast. McFarland is offering great bar- gains in Mantles, Dress Goods, Shawls. Blankets, Twseds, Silks ^qd Velveteens. Come right along to tbe old reliable house all fresh, cle^n goods at McFarlaud's. SuBSCBiBESs at a distance, who wish to discontinae the Staxdaiu) can do so when all arrears are paid, by re- j«ismg to take the paper from the Post Office then it is the Pr st Master's duty to notify us at once. Mr. W. F. Dou. has been .spending a few days in Markdale and ^Flesherton. He has been almost every place since his lastrisit here, except New Orleans, and. he intends visiting the great Exposition there shortly. A oooD working Wilson B Sewing miachine« $10 cash, or ten cords good dry wood. Double drawer, extension tai)]e, extra attachments. Call aud see it at W. A. Brawn's Jewellry btore Markdale. Mb. Thos. i. A, W. A nev. r;t\-ht)i »iW Ut'iU Cfi;u|i t?' :i n f I vv •My-., Thtn' are nt.w prepared '•. C'ci.'Dtot for the supply of any qu:iiiiity 'f Iniiibev. also custom sawiiic for chkIj or on Kh^ires. Will hIko (iurclmse any quantity o( good sound logs The boomJL the wheat market still c^ntnutes. The little bionde may be seen HI hII tiHies of th« day at Mnck*8 corner floUiishing Uih heail tongOe, tut. he has a ^ig UUl to climb and had better not watite his energy. An entertainment will be given in tlie Orange Had, Maxwell, on Wednesday evening, the 28fh January, in Hid of the Bell Fund of St. Mary's Church. Eetrf^shmi-nts at 6 o'clock. Concert to commence at 7. Tickets 25 cents. Mr. J. B. Trimble announces a cl' ariug sale of store goods on Thurs- day and Friday, the 29tli and SOth January, and Wednesday and Thurs- day, the 4tli and 5th Febiuary Unpr'^cedented bargains may expected. No DCLL timfs at J. B. Trimble a business rushing my cash sales are increasing every day why, simply because my goods are No. 1 in quality, aud sold much cheaper thiui any of my competitors tbat sell inferior goods. The Manitowaning Exvoaitor of^e 10l)h inst gives a|fttU discription of fhe new school honee, which was opened the \st of the year lu ttiat village. It's a good sign to see the educational inter83ts of a place in me\i h pros- perous condition. The Globe has sAcnrcd the right to {;ublish the great Baptists sermons, and will give in future one of Mr. Spnrgeon's sermons each week. This will doubtless be highly appreciated ky the public, ;»od at tbe same time left profitable to the publishers, visit AmtwaamiM.umtmffk \3mumm immm.^^ At ll|« ttiBiHil OMeii^or Um Attemei^' Loyal Orsn|(e HiiMlek Lo^fo,. wiiidi wiSj^eld in Fladi* ton cm tlie 18tb intk, the foUovifeg ofieen were cleeted lor the eqtfteng year:â€" -Broa* J. firodie, D. M W. Wright, D. D. M. A. 8. Yandtteen. Ch^. J. A. B«feea, Beo-See. l.Bdand, fin. Sec.; J. A. Blakely. Treas. W. H. Johnson. D. (}. C. Brodie, Lecturer. â€" Con. £i.BcnoM o^ OFFiCKBa.â€" At a meet- ing of the Ladies Aii of tbe Markilale Methodist Chtfrob, heU in the vestry, on the 15th ibst, the following wera etectcd officers for the euivent year â€" President, Mre. Mark Armstruiig; Vice President. Mrs. Casoon 8«'c., Mrs. Thos. Hill Treasurer, Mrs. Cornwall. Directorsâ€" Mrs. Bowes, Mrs. Ennis, Mrs. McDougalland Mrs. Autton. The first of a se^es of socials will be held at Mr. Torry's on W^'dnesdav, tbe 88th inst. New £Naijun.^-The Temperance entertain mettt^ held^in the Methodist cburdi on Thcflbday evening, passed off pleasantly, fhe chair Was filled by Mr. E. £. Hieks and a good pro- gramme of readings, recitations and dialogues were rendered in a very pleasing stylet Addresses by W. A. Brown of Markdale, and the pastor, were very appropriate. The singing by the ehoir under the leadersliip of Mr. Jessie Dowden, enlivened the proceedings and was well received. â€" Com. A colored man sat C^DtOSAWHENOS. t-.i.f.. be The k^-lmr to gnutlt bontti bf f86, 000 to the fifoektiUe, Westpoit, A Sanlt St. Marie BaUway was sab- Ihutted to the peoplraiid carried by s vote of rat to 80O, The towltlbips of Rear YoDge and Eseott ynt^Iast Toesday 18th, for tb« same railway, aud carried tM buuws by a large najofky. P. T. Bftamnt haa ofbrea €feneral Ofanlone han^ked ihonsiUd didlars for permissiou to exhibit his trophic* relics. Salt has been diseoyered at Both* well at a depth 1,406 feet. Tbe salt bed is over 90 f eft thick and very pure. Owen Sonnd has now a fine roller skating rink, sixe 72 x 40. The nurnb^ of vessels entering Toronto Harbor in 1884 was 1.780. A mispEaeed switeh caased a costly collision on th» C. V. B. branch of the C. P. B. at StreetsvUle last Tnnrsday. Bev. John Straith, pastor of Knox cliurch, Shelbume, dieid on the 10th inst.. aged 58 years. Ten years ago there were but four school houses in Manitonlin Island, and they were little 1(^ ones, now there an about forty. The new one just ofenca in Manitowttning is a down to dinner at a country hot«l ««^" «'»*' prosperous vitiage. together with a number of otiier travellers and a few boarders, when the landlord thought to himself be would have a joke at the expense of the colored traveller, and requested him to say grace. Sambo was eqaal for tbe occasion and fixing his eyes upon a tough looking roast of beef, commenced 'Poor old ox what brought you here You've drawn Bswlogs for many .a year, Â¥r ith Kicks and cuffs and sad sbnse, Aud DOW jrou'r here for traTellers use.' •^tm SuiudUird Sale ICesister* Monday Jan. 26th, on lot {hi; col. 2, East T. S. Boad, Glenelg, com* luencing at 12 o'clock, a large quantity of Farm Stock, Implement:*, tio, 13 ^^^^ .uonths credit Marshal Beard. pio-i;;;Vrj75;whitenosron furnTtnre^^ prietor Geo. Noble, Auctioneer. ^goo. no msuranoe John Trelford. Mr. McGill of Ohatsworth is doing an extensive busiuess in the mannfactare ofscbool desks and sea's combined. Those who have used them speak very bijfhly of them. Elsinore has a brass band. Fiax rx Taba.â€" A disastrous fire oceuned about two o'clock on Tuesday morning 18. resulting in thedistruetion of Vandosen A Shannon's block. The following are the losses â€" W. Van dusen, loss on building about $8,600, insured for $2,000 Isaac Shannon, loss on dwelling, shop, aod stock, al'out $6,000: no insurance J. H. Vandusen, hardware. Iocs on stock about $8,000, insured for $1,000 P. A. Vandusen, general merchant, lossabont $1,500, covered by insur MARK DALE, THIS KBW Htitmt Ptofm Fhmr in g MiU Is now completed at -great expense, on' the plans, and with the best M'a chinery manufactured,* mak- ing it, in eviery sense of the term, "I g«M im." 1 am therefore in a position to give the public a SvfriOf IrHdt of Flo«r. A fair trial respectfuify so- licited and I have no fear bul^ the result will be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for good hard Wheat IS" Flour, Bran, Shorts,etc, etc, for sale wholesale retaiU llfiOS PLEWESi. 9l» We are pler.sed to learn thsit Lillie Walker and Bobt. J, Brown, tbe two pupils of our public school who at- tended the entrance exsimination at Owen Sound, have been successful. The latter taking second and the former third place among those writing at the Sound. While the standard rule at McFar* land's IS to sell cheap, yet there are special lines and seasons when, in order to reduce stock and make rooiu for spring imports, special reductions have to be made. Sweeping reduc- tions in every department at McFar- laud's for the next 80 days. The C P B. is giving special rates to the great Winter Carnival in Montreal, which tokes placs from 26tb to the 81st January. Tickets to Montreal and return, from Markdale for $9 75 from Saturday 24th to 29th good to return up to 8d February. Bemember the C. P. B. runs right through to Montreal. The Christian fiuardian, the organ of the Methodist Church, published at Toronto, begins the new yea^ in an enlarged and improved form. It con- tains sixteen large pages, eleven of which are solid reading matter, the other five advertisements. In its new shape it presents a handsome appear- apce;we wish it abundant succeid. Social. â€" A social under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Methodist church will be given at Mr. Bobt. Torry's, two miles west of Markdale, on Wednesday, the 28th inst. ' Teams have been engaged and will be at McFarlaud's comer at 6 and 7 o'clock to convey those, who wish to go. A good time is e^i^ected. Admission 15 cents. SsATiMo CAsitivAi.. â€" ^The fitst masquerade of the season will be giyeu on the Markdale rink on Tnis- fihe 25th January. A long listSof prizea are offered, nearly all m easH. The popular proprietor of the rink, B4 O. Whitby, has evwythingin good shape, and will have refreshmento and other comlorto provided right op to the handle. Admission 8fi cento; ticket holders 16 masquers free. At* yoa tfooUaa wiflt Bolt Bheom, Hands, or Old Sons of maj IdrnXlihA be beakdr Erw iboe^ it to d stasAiiilt MeGfSBSr APtaks^ CMMiB CsseSs wflleaiaii. it is tbe b«st haiiliiig On Saturday, January 24th, Mr. J. li. Triiuide will sell byi aucuon in Maakdale, a number of fine horses, carriages, robes, horse clothing, o., Ac. On Friday, January 28rd, '85, on lot 28, C3U, 11, Euphrasia, com menciug at 12 noon, Farm Stock, implements, Ac. W. J. C. H. Morrow, proprietors W. J. Sbep herdson, auctioneec. On Wednesday tbe 28th January, on lot 11, con. 2; Euphrasia, com mencing at noon, a very large quantity of farm stock, implemects, bay, grain, househld furniture, Ac. Wm. Kinner, proprietor; W. J. Shepherdson, auctioneer. Sc^MTlet Chapter JHeetlnir* A â€" â€" At the annual meeting of the Arto- mesia Eoyal Scarlet Chapter, held in the Lodge room of L. O. L. No. 427i Flesherton, the following were elected officers for 1885 â€" Comp. Sir J. Brodie, W. C^C. •• K. Clark, C. C. •• J. A. Blakely, Chap. " •• A. S. Vandusen. C. d. " W. Butledge, C. T. • " " C. Brodie, S. H. K. A. " T. A. Strain, I. H. " W. Wright, 0. H. It was resolved to bold the first meeting of this Chapter in the same place on the 14th of May next.-*'CoM. McNxA, one of the police trustees elected for Markdale, having declined to accept the position, a new elecuon was called for and Wm. Brown, Esq., was elected by acclam- ation on Monday last. Sleighs A CunSBS. â€" ^The balance of our stock we will sell at, redoeed pi ices, we have onhand'a number of Cutters, pleasure akdgha, mwkek __ gleighs, and lumber skigfai, p. J. B«ls,_rsstsnais. Iwstaiii|,J*iw 5?.«iV tii,« _-!»«.« BBll ^banahan. Ttoabb, aie aUks SSeeotsbgrpUKo^s. lnr 9m»^ Tara Leader â€" Early in the season, a young unmiurried man named Albert Smith, hailing from Sullivan township, riented tie Pye farm, a short distance westof Arkwright, from J. M. ^1- gonre. Smith took possessi m and moved unto the fiurm about the ^st of November, and worked away industriously patting thmgs is shapb for the winter, until some ioni weeks ago, when he suddenly disappeared. Tue neighbors noticed )iid absence, but paid little attaution, as they thunght ue had retnrue«l to SqlUvau for a time. La^t week several young boys in rarabiiag around tlie premises, visited the bam and discovered Smith's horses dead. The puor Ivatos had been left loose in the ban, }jtat had starved ta defttb^ M thay «mld get nothing to eat hot atnur and na water. Sa r aa eanld be learned, no oae waa tefitltt. elMifa of the aiumals, and Smith told no ime sf hit ptopoaed abienee, and tiM ftnding of ttia lenm in tins (Btihdition gave jri||„^ hts^ V^purding fate. " loss on furniture and clothing about $800, no insurance W. Bfisnett, tai- lor, small l66s no msurauce. 'I'he cause of the fire is nnkkown. Mr. John Ttielford is he wbowns'a resident of Markdale the past year. We regret such a 'misfortune sbonld befal him, and that so soon after taking np honse«keeping. ISntmwae ExanalasitloBa. The following are tbe names of tbe successful candidates at the lato High School entrance-examinations in this county. There were 88 candidates at Owen Sound, 48 of wbome were suc- cessful; BAd 86 at Dtirbam. 17 of whome were suooessful r-~ Owfn S«mMfâ€" Elisabeth Walker 408, Ida Burritt 890, Ida Grier 878, Sarah Bumstead 867, Fernie Waites 861 Marion E. Brown 858, Annie Maud Scarrow85d, Alioe E. Forban 849, Josie Parker 847, Annie E. Godfney 889, Mary E, Bawtenheimer 887, Maud Chapman 886, Maggie Douglass 881, Annie Glass 8S1, Belle H. Struthers 830, Carrie V. HoUiday 828, Victoria E. A. Quinn 828, Mary Campio.n Taylor 818, Christian M. Johnston 818, Lizzie Whito 812, â€" Harkness 81). Alberta M. Norton 811. Maty Scott 805. Lucius Eeogh 420, Bobert Jas. Brown 409. David Don- aldson 879. Washburn Vandusen 859. Edward Clarence Brown 352, Wm. Stirke 845. Thos. Penton 885. Wm. J. JohnM»ua88,Bobt. Clark Bn^sell 830, Wm. James Henderson 829. Bussell McDougal 828, Frederick C. Sherman 890, Wm. Murray 826, Wm. Jackman 822. John Carston 822, Geo. C. Sherman 820, David H. Andrew 819. Wm. Evans 816, Wro. Struthers 812, Wm. M. MUbir 811, Wm. J. Crane 811. Arthur M. Dowley 805. Durham â€" Janet B Fitygibbon 484. Hattie J. Banks 480. Maiy Bull 896, Christian Jane MlUs 870. Florence J. McKenzie 862. Lizzie Young 889, Lydia Msle 881, Mary Watejn 820. Archibald McPougal 886, Wm. Vair 881. Frederick A. McKenzie 877, Hy. F. Hill 871. James Matthews 867, Herbert O. Lake 848, Joeenli MeCol- lougL 82i, Jas. A. Hmitar 817, Edgar Elyidge 90.â€"nhromieU. BUCXLBN'S ABVICA fU^VE. The bsstaslvsiatbeworidlpr sil s Jinri ss s ,sslt sliiMnB. fCT«rsdiis.tettar, shamed baais. ohiTWsins. eems. and sO sUn flBuMoBs. aM posttfTdyenias pj^ or â- o pay iMnatieJ^ It is gaanpitsdl to five 100 MumiM and tOO Cngruring* in mcA i99U9. 44th Y«ar. 1. 601 a Year THE RECOOMIZeO HEMIMB HemODICAL OF ITS MIMD IK THE W0»L9. 100,000 CYCLOP/EDIAS FREE. Bvery subscriber to the Akebican Aobi- CDLTUBiBT, Ou OB Nsw, English or German, whose subscription for 1885 is n(iaEiiATXi.T forwarded as. together with the price, |l.50 per year, and 1.5 cents extra for postage out |Gyolop(edia â€" making $1.65 in all â€" will re-^ coive the American Agriculturist, (English or German.) for ah of 188S. and be presented with the AMBBICAM AOBI0DLTDBI8T VAMILT CYCi.ov.sriA (just oat), 700 rAass and oycb 1,000 BNGBATIK08. Strongly bound in cloth, black and gold. FBOH THS TENTH CXNSDS.TOI.. 8 JUST POBUBBBD. "The Atnerican Agriculturist is especially worthy of mention, because of the rt-maric- able SQcceKB that has attended tbe unique and untirinR offorts of its proprietors to increase and extend its circulation. Its con- teqts are duplicated every month for a German edition, which also circulates widely." Send three 2-cant stamps for mailing yon specimen copy American AgrictUturitt, an elegant forty-page Premium List with 200 Illufttrations, and specimen pages of Family Gyclopffidia^ CanvaDsers wanted ereiywhere. Atdress Pnblisbera Ansericaa Agrirultarist. DAYID W. JUDD. SAMli BUBNHAM. Pres't. See. '731 Broadway. New Tork. Sciendflc -:- Aiericao. ESTABLISHED 1846. The most popular Weeklt newspapOT devoted to soiecoe. mechanics, engineering,, discoveries, inventations and patents ever- published. Every number illustrated with, splendid engravings. This publication., furniahes a most valuabld e'neyelopedia of, infoimAtiOB which no person should be with-, out. The popularity of the SoiBMTnic AilBKiCAM is such that its circulation nearly eqaals that of a:ll other papers of its class combined. Price S3.20 a year. Discount to^. Clnbs. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN A CO.. Publishers. No. 361 Broadway, N. Y. H A "PP U TO ^°°° ^^- " *^^ rH I Cn I Om ' ThIBTT SBVENr Ybabs' practice before the Patent Office, and have prepared more than Onb Hundbed. TBousAiio applications for patents in the United titates and foreign Qouutries. Caveats, Trade Mftrks, Copy -rights, Assignments, and all other papers for secarinK to inventory their rights in the \}nited State-i. Canada, England, Vrance, Germany aud other foreign countries, prepared at short notice aud on reaoori^e terms. luformation aa to obtaining patents cheerf td]y given without diarge. Hand- books of information seat free. Patents obtaiued through Munn A Co. are noticed in the Scientific Ameri«Mi free. The Advantage of such notice is well understood by all persons who wish to dispose of their patents. Addre«« MUNN A CO., Office SciENTirrc AnBicAS, S41 Broadway, New York. NEW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WITH Phwes' Flour and Food Siore^ Mee 16 esnta m Having jusi received a ChoteH* Frnh iM Sthcl STOOK OF' Vn^ wiU be MdiifW^H GHKAP. 1 xespeetfuli; solicii the fvk^'%.

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