Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Jan 1885, p. 8

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 psppppispp Wr^mWW msr- S 'iif^i! ^•^ €FFlt3B Moloi tailniii Mo! feidBMUlIT. It All kinda of Aif airtle and IH onomental '^^*oi*]m« tMh M MonaiDMilB, Tomb Tables, Headiitonea, Goonlar and Tsbl« Tops.â€" in Ametiean and Italian llaible, and madt on ihort notioe* Also MaaklM jn Marble •nd.Marbeleised Mate, ke., ke. Wlati«ta,ction Guaranteed in Kvery Itespect =*=*= ROBT. S. KAE, â- â€¢ TAILOR, â- B Good Work Cuaranteod- -AT. FLESHERTON. and see samples of work which we ared not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at BT7r^2.CBSS'S. RESHERTON. FLESHERTON STATION. -oxo- Full stock of General Goods now on hand, and will be cosntantly renewed, in Dry Goods, Hardwaro, Crockory, Grocor* ioOv ProvioionSv Ac. t^ All carefully selected and well bought. ^s$ o will bo Sold Low for Cash or Farm ProOueo. Oasli Paid tor all kinds ot Orain. WILLIAM HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION. P. S.â€" My Saw-Mill at Little Falls is in full operation. Prompt attention given to custom work, so that owners of logs can get their lumber for return loads. 226-39 '3111(1(1(1 Bitters Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, BiUmuneaSt DyspepM^ Jaundice, Affections of the Lioer and Kidneys, Pimples, Blotches, hoils, Hvmors, Salt Eheum, Scnfula, Erysipelas, and ail diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irrsgular action cf the Bowels, Â¥, •tl PUMPS !__PUIiP8 Well Pumps, Cistern Pumps, Long Pumps, Short Pumps, All kinds of Pumps, The best Pump, Manufactured by J. T. QUINN, Successor to J. G. Irving, Markdale. Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. as9 The nndenigned begs to inform the public that he ban hia SIW UD SIIMLE IIU In full operation now, and is prepared to saw all kinds ot Lumber and Shingle fctaff, and giye yon yonr Lombor St ShuiKles home witii yon dar- ing the winter seaion. WiU WW on thqna or for eaoh. Cash for GootfLogs. Toon tmlj, W. J. BOWS, HiU»lfiLw. ,. ,â€" 14 k iliiys NUabb aad periiMly sals. ThMwifaMt female Ittiilimifthi in Eai^aad, til of whom aeliwlly swing heaty hammere and do mtt's woA. Woaan olioi caass ssriau AImbs. TIm em* is Dr. Lagr*t Wota Synip. tt ilmtttji •nd czpais Werau aOMkullj. 4 00LDEM onmoN. tfs.1ltfll Allan, of JbttOa, dssbMS tba IbK^ud's tta^em 00 is Um bsst honsshoM t^taeij ia Ihs WoiU for eolds, eroap, swrs throat, buns, soaldB, aad othw fiftiiifol eomplaints. H«r opinioB is w«U foondod. Boeton has thirty- seven residents sssesaed at Over $1,000,000 daeh. tttH BEST TET. fhs best Mood deanaer known to aiSUsslMiuMa is Bnrdoek Blood Bitters. It porifiss the blood of all fowl homorB aad liTss ttTMigth to ths wsak. Lnmbermen in the Ottawa ahauti?8 are greatly impeded by the mild winter. THE FOBCES STRENGTHENED. The vital fwees are â- trengthened and tho •lltirS system renovatod and built np by SuNti^k Blood Bitters. It sets on the bowelii liTer, kidneys and Uood. A faithful mother can do ttiore in one qnartcr m the education Of her child than a school master cah ac- complish in one y6iir. McGregor A Parke's Csrbolie Orate has betn tested by years of trial and has been fonnd the most eoiiTonient and effectual method of applying Carbolic acid. The greatest aatieeptic in use for Cuts. Bums and Old Sores. Be sure ^on get McGregor Jt Parke's CaiboUc CerstS. Sold for fl fients by Hill Bros. V.HJ. 6 GOOD lOK ALL. For an diaseass ot tliS Uoid. liver, kidoe^s aad bowels ^kaBodeokfilaod BiUsss. It is par^ TsgMahla, sea db no baaa, sad is ahrays bsiMSdaL A yoong mM blM^anad his moaataeb« with a lead 0unb. and then took his girl oat ibr a mMUHght strcdL When the ftir one appeand in the bright light of the ftiinily eirele, a ooapie of boors later Iter faoe looked IJce a railroad map. BATjTBHEUlIt Salt fihenm. Pimples or Blbtehss can be thotbagfaly rbmoTed bj a proper applisation of MeOngrar A Psrka's OSrbblie Cdfitoto the part, and a few dMi4 bf MeOHikor's Speecly Cure for imptire olwM: Be sof^ and Rthe genaina. Prepaittd bjr McGrst.-6r A ke. Sold at iS Mntf It HiU Tito's D.AJ. t â- IMMHHSSSSIhMMMMirfHHSIMafai^MSia^ ALBXKAY GuiMiii PfteiFieisiia OWiH SOUND BMMCM, TXM£ TABIj£. TakHtd IfseHhi^ilajn thHmb9r24tk, t8i4. miSt wet, ' Markdale JOHN NOBLE, MARKOALE GENER'LfiyCKSHITfif HORtKSHOtlNO SfEtiiALTti ttt iig.|]k for Ui. nelebntt-d CHATHAM WACONt. STATIONS. The Ontario Legislature meets on the 28tb iust. Msn is strong; w6man is beaotifttU Man has seieues; woman has taste. Man shines abroad woman at home. Msh prevents misery woman relieyos it Man has a rugged heart wumanasoftooei Manhasjadgment; woman has sensibility^ Manisgrsatinaetion: woman in sufleringi Msnissbsinf ofjnstiee] wofnas sn ailgbl of mer^, "Ah I George, did yod propose to Vivian " »*No she made the proposal beftvelhad a chance to say anything." ••She did? What did she say 7" "She poposed that I leaye the house immediately, and I ae^ted." Are yea ttoabled with BiM Aheaai, Boo^ Hands, or Old Serss ot aay kind that eaanol bs hea isdf E?en thoogfa it be of years sUndiag McOrsgwr A Prrke's Carbcdio Geiata wQIenreit. Beyond ths shadow of a doubt it is the best healing eompouad ever known. Boils, Festsrings. Frost Bites. Bums or any Skin TrouMs, are alike eared by it. Sold at SSemtsbyBiUBro's. D. J. 4 Dee. 90th, 1884. Hicklmg Orange No. 881 opened in dne form in 4tii dsgrse Full meet* iag. Minutes of fomNO' meeting read and approyed. The members ttien paid in their snbsenption to the People's Salt Co. Several dtteossions took place on the worldng of the Ghrange, when the following officers were elect- ed for the ensuing term â€" Bros. Jona- than Hickling, Master (re-elected 9th time) W. S. Inkster, Overseer H. Wright, Chap.; t, WhewUl, Sec.; W. C. Hopper, Tress. J. G. Carson, Lecturer; L. Williamson, Steward; W. Moffat, Asst. Steward /. Inkster, Gate-keeper; Miss A. Inkster, Ceres Mrs. H. Wright, Pomona Mrs. Hopper, Flora Miss ifi. A. Hickling, Lady Assistant; F. Wbewill, Dele- gate J. Inkster and H. Wnght, Ex- ecutive Committee; W. C. Hopper and J. Wbewill, Auditors. It is certinally one of the mysteries of life how some girls get matried, while others are altogether left out in the cold. Some of the latter are jont as nice as anyone could wish, and yet they seem never to get even a chance, while many of their more fortunate sisters have really notl.ing to recommend them, at least nothing that an unprejudiced on-iooker can see. They are not, pretty. They are not useful. They are not partienlariy good bonsekepers. They are not iitelleotnal.. indeed they have not two ideas m their silly heads to keep one another company. They may be idle, ^volons; vain, foolish, empty-headed, or even vicious girls, and yet they win the goal of every woman's desire a house of their own and a huaband. while other women with tw tunes more beauty, a hundred timea moie wit aad mtelligeaee, and a thouand liniM BMm MBoine gooteess •nd' )anrdiiMMordanuster,aii Mglatfted. -TfHlJI. â-  Toronto .... Leaye Gardwell Junction Charleston Orsnge- 1 Arrive.. vilJe. [Leave... OrangeviUe Jnn.. Shelbnme Dnndalk Flesherton. Markdale Williamsford OhStswthrtb 1 1 OwenSouild.t.... MaU. Exp. I Mixed. 1 780am 907 " 9 2.=; •' 9 60" 1005" 10 17 " 1046" 11 10 *• 1186" 11 51 '• i303pm 12 28 • leo' 440pm 627 •' 6 45" 7 03" 7 22" 7 34" 8 04" 8 30" 8 66" 9 10" 9 22" 9 49- iO 20 •• HACYARD3 PECTORAL 1 BAL'-AM 1 1146am 1280pm 1266" 1 14 " 210" 806" 4 06" 438" 4 46 " 6 37" esopm OOlNd SOUTH. S^^ATIGNS. â-  • • • • a • Owed Sound.... ChatSWOrth.K, Williamsford. â-  MMItdtus. 1 I f Mesherten .... Dnndalk Shelbnme Oi-angeviUe Jun. Oringe Arrive... Till?../ Leave... Charleston. .... Cardwell Junction. Toronto.. i.Jinive Exp. 620am 6 60" 6 06" 6 27" 1411" 7 06" 7 81" 8 00" 8 12" 8 86" 8 66" 9 07" 1046" MaU. 2 46pm 3 16" 3 80" 8 62" 4 06" 4 81" 4 67" 6 88" 6 36" 6 66" 618" 6 27" 8 86" MiliSd. 680am 7 26" 7 64" 8 86" 9d0" 9 46" 10 45" 1160" 131^ 13 40" 1 36" 3 08" NOTICE. A meeting „ „ ths Liberal CoDservatites of Boath Urey will be held in Durham on SaturdsT, the S4th Jaaaat:^, at ene cCdoek p. m.. for organizatioa mtr p o s ss* A fall attendance is requested Iran fibe tarioas muaieipalitiss of the ridiligi i«e|ndi Ar^mesia. Taos, SEOWK, Hm no equal lor (he ixi-iiianeni cure oi ., aH â- â€¢â- â- â-  INscaa^ MfLmjR laranteed to give liuufactiea. ftCO.. Pranrietiih TonM. MAllltDALe HARNESS EMPORIUM -*««. EtiTABLlSHED lg YEARS. TMos.iATTHE«S,Proprisflr Kothing but godd s^^ock used totl the best meohatiitis employlkli A stock of Double hiid Slnglei fieiltjr and Light HatHess always otl tiflnd. Also Whips. Trtlhks. YftliseS. Slttti Wi, Itobesi Me., alwuys iii stock; Riirdoc k B LOOD 8T0UIIJI0I8L $2S Reward. STOLEN from Wiarton, on ths 16th Des. '84, a dark bay mare alid Sutter, the beast has Uaek legs, bhMk mans aad tail, small star in forehead, small in bo^jr, and thin in Hash, (hitter squars box, old, with* out paint. The man Is sit feet high, slim, long fsse, thin h»g hos«« slijE^tly sNOksd, dark moustache, wares silh sap. Any person giving such infofiBatian as will lead to the reeovesy of ^hb horse and- eatter and arrest of the this| (his oams it OeoiKe Bock) will be rewarded as above. BENBT MOON. Wiarton. MtlNTING! Posters, Streamers, Dodgers, Circulars, Letter-Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Calling Cards, Bin Heads,. Statements, Funeral Cards, • Shipping Tags School Reports, And all kinds of Municipal Stationery done with neatness and dispatch at this office. WILL CUM OR REUiVB luurmiim, •F TMtmmu scmarof ^^ «F C0» ^^ap* %Ssi% ' nnsiQi The undersigned is maan^wtviac an s». ^client assortauat School F'cirikitiire* Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS aad I«^R TEACHEBH' DESKS, etc.," toehS design and most approved pattsm. bSS re»nuM«dedbT8eboolT^rtessSid Ts£[ en. for «heapne8s,oi»fort and nnaais 817^7 8^1 BeMs kept nhws on hand. Seadlw^ satakgue to Chatowordk P. O. ^^ â-  EUGEIMA GrisUawandLatlilills Having made eqtensive improvenent» in myOnstliiU I feel cunildent I eau gite good salistaetioB. 6000 FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Evtvy Day. GsmIosb Sawing and shortest aolise. Bills Filled on tbe LUlfBEB AND LATH ALWAYS OH HAND. ^SRsr. Battaonlt, White Ash, Black Afh m rn 'mt M i Km aad Heailoek Logs wsBttd 'â- ^!^r^n.};k(m;iAf- 0^ :. Vii. i: • .5** â- â- â- â- '..:'

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