Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Jan 1885, p. 1

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 '.â- â€¢ p.i *â- ' --^*^fUfei^-# ^^;^- ,V,*w»'!fe4^5*^^^^'!^v*'r***^ ' â-  ^s^^^.^*s^*. --/e**?ina»S^ ttfc' B Tf i J»t ii rf ' 'inta, Creiqt, ilie au«i »atr5faction. tors Toioiitc. VOL. iK-'No. aar MAttKDALE, ONT., JAN. 15, 1885. VlTBi r» ^K.'j»vj=«te.S£jr'^Aiflm Mta jgj" m I \m fika«A'eVe,y l^ursdftVN ^t tha ottee. Mill tiklfcii'^?! pyryeiiT in \t^««ifife; flv^ i I tMl pftid withiu three montttb. Professional «i^ ba»iiM^ oaixm otl« |MM ftnd auiler, ifer ye«r, 9ih 1 irik. 6 WK 8 KOi %Im1« eohimnv^ .. v.loO »27 «0 fl5 00 WW Column.. .-.v «7 C»d 1« 00 10 00 rOalu^r'ouiumn .. .. 15 00 10 t!K) « 00 I Two iifch siJiww.i. .\ 7 00 4 06 ThrMinch Hpaibe ..\\ 10 00 5 00 Cftnaal adverA^eilitA^tlK 8 dents p«fr^'« fiVst 'kQMrti^^ S Mnt« pefr ii)«e ^cnfeh tmslte^iaeiik J ^iMcitfdfh, nMite-eil iaeftsaiiB Siilotial ooticee, '6r ttdtft«« Vt local eol- ^mh 10 «ete\a per line fi't^t lii«e)rt)l6n, 6 Cent* I Vaeh tnbseqaents inseittota. I Stifty »niinal8 e., a'dvertiH^d 3 '"^s fdr J%it the advertiSemeili not to eUcH^d twAve No paper disoiMMMited ttft^il idl arrean W paid exccpttA^ action \!^ tbe^bUeAOt^. â€" joi I^rIntinCi--^ Th« Sta!%abd office hks -a splendid e^ttift- [tewnt of p6^V as #cll aa%«e^ob typii. '9\pit- l^aiti attenftioA to ^^dors ^y itaail' ^^'^ero IfiUad millb. dispatA. lo\ W- Btf JTl4l5rCHi: HANDS PERRY, (SlICCESSOBS TO LAUDER BAKOS), BAURISTEES, Solioitora, Prootora. No- taries, ConToyaooers, e. Moq^t to I loan at lowest rates of interest. OfSoeg i6 King Street East. tl0*251 ToBON-ro. cli«^VWNH% jvP. Marshall, l.d.S. g-^ ^bUAl^ TOBONIT) fiCfiPOOfe \T W BiSlitfBtt^, wUl tw M Batle^'^8 Sfktk, Matkdalc, on th« l«t And thfird Â¥/^- ^9CMikv\it each month ana «,teo4t 1W|iJHiba^S EotcA. Flesherton. the ^)f «61toiftrg ^a ll^ V^^nesday m eidKb taMMhIoir Wef^Ae iJM 'of bu profe^stobv J. Iff ASSON, BASBISTEB, MASTEB AND DEP. BEG Id ChNieeiy, Notary PqbUe, Convcyaii] A MviKSIIl: or rAUfs vob bai^b. OancBB â€" Chmi Sound, in Yiaker'a Block ilett 8it.; Branch offiee in MarkdU over Parhwd'a St«t(e, po Fridar »d Ektoiday rtwryweek. 57-17 OreasAr it M«trris«a« â-²BBl" .AS,80LIGITOB8. CONYBT. anees, im. A». OvncBS in Qwen Sound, Daffarin Bleek, W. F. Wall's Store and in MARKDALE: W. J. M«Farland's Store on ThoxBday Friday of 9aeh week. B^Funda io lendon reAaon^hle terms. CBBABOa. Q. Q DOMCAH MOBIMM Markdale, March 15. 1888. 79-1t AlexMider Jai«' 'IBUEB a( Marriage I4«enBe8, Fire and Life Iqairanee AgeQt- Commissionei B. B. (ie. Conveyanew and Licensed JMetioneer for the Coonty o( Orey. Farmers, ftnts, and Land Sales, PiuetiUklly at- ided to and oharges made very moderate. PrteeTill^, Sept. 17. 1880. l-y Wm, Brown, -SBXTEB UF MABBIAOE LICEMSBS.e ConuQisBioneT in B. B. o. Oonveyt^cing i)) all its branohes promptly ided to and owefnUy executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate ee ity. kUm HOUSE, MARKDALE, las. Bryan, Proprietor. IITY hotel" ^•hn ]IIcAleer« • Proprietor. Yhis honse is fitted up ia good style, situ- Bd on Mill street, where the traTelUng pnb- I may depend on the very best aceommo- fttion. Union bus to all trains. 194 ARKDALE HOUSE, taaamm DUfetoSB, CONTBACTOK A AltCttt* Mirk- 1241t VYtteli DWKJKR AND DBILLEB. ALL VVw**fi promptly attianded to. Besi *««N*^HSliidor"d Hill Owen Sound 1^38 COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICBVaajS. Ont^ Large and eouMjfpdions Sanvpte Boq^bs Oood Bed Booms, !^c. The Bar and ^de well BQi^lied with l^e best the mark^(^ af ford* gM»d Stabling «nd attentive Hp^tler's TflOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor JOSEPH 6I6S0H CONTRAOTOR. JContraetB taken for all kinds of BIWK in STOIE WOU, Plain Ornamental FlaBtariiac. C*laominin0 (*• all Skade$ mnd Colon, Charaas moderate «ad satisiaetieB giur- anteeW. Orders left m^ aha Sxabbam* olBee will reoe'Te prompt atte^itioii. ' l«6-ly. ISAAC STtlVSOlf, Bulliler ancl Contractor la all kinda of Briek and Stone work. Estimates given. All work RBaranteed. Orders by mail prompt^ attended to. l»5.6m* MABfltAT.R P. O. CNAT8WORTH HOU8K (lUlTB HOBBOW|h098B,) CHATSWOltTii, OmU TUCK A MeLBOD PsoPBinoBik The beet braad of liqwM and eigan ak ways in stock. Good meaU and enmf ortaUR rooms gaafi«teed. Oood sitabliag and ak- tentiTO hoetaer. 114 Farm for Sale. LOT 18, eon. IS, Olene^s. S milea fron Markdale, 97| acres, b«sh land, oo9- sistinKof hardwood, hemlooJk, eedar. Tke lot adjoins Duncan's saw-iaiU; and th« timber is worth the amount, asked for Mm place. For particulars applx- %X this office.. «4 MARKDALE FURNITURE STORE. • bAlH st^ my paflB^ ))riMa»t Pdii't strike m^ Vamtt xk ydt Â¥on klM the lilMa itttt Rttikkgmt, •ItM daUilM hl^ t« g«l t Tsiit \m little ki»aWt ttwMtXnMiWiAiis AM Mrape Mm Aubes together. toft.t^iH^ lor Me Uid yon. I Cai^k'tttilDrd to drop it t HuA fl doera't pay t^ do without a paper, ttttxrever others may. I bare to ask my peiif^bon To giye me theirs on loan They don't just say^^iMl bimui itâ€" ••Why don't you hare jww own " Ton can't tell how we mu»it. If it, by any late. Should lu^ipen not to reach us. Or «[pme a little late. T1en all is in a hubbub, And things go all awry. And printer, if you are^-warriect You know the reason wh|r. The children want tlisir stories* And wife is anxious, too. At fitst to glance it over. And t]^%to read it thiouf^ And- 1| read the leadm, And 09P litie book reviews. And scan the oorrMpondenee. And eiwr:j( scrap of news. I can bA do without it. It is no us* to try. The other people take it, And printer so must L L too, miwt keep me posted. And know tihat's going on. Or else I'U be aecoonted A fogy aim^^ton. Then take-itikindly, pitetcr. If pay is somewhat slow. For cash is not so plenty. And wants not few ym know ;• But I must have the paper. Cost what it may to me, I'd rather dock my sugar. And do without my So {trinter, don't yon stop it, Unlesa yon want ay frown. Butâ€" lost I miss a number â€" 111 plankitibe cash right down? So sen^the paper pronaptiy And rHiii*rly on. Let it bring us weekly Its welcomed benijwn. STOCK COMPLBTB -nr- MAKEDALS. ONT. HAIR CLOTH SUIS, BEDSTEADS, SPRIHSKDS, ktATR ASSES, Manned Ute. A good wife is the grefttest Muthly blessing. A wife neTermftkes ft greater mistftke thftn when she endeaTonrs to coerce her hasband with otbor wei^ns than those of love and flection. Those weapons ara a sore poll if he has any thing hnman left in him. Forbear matnal ipbraidings. lii writing letters, dojpng temporary separation, let nothing contrary to lofe and â- incere affsotion be expressed; such letters from a wife ha» a most powerful emotional eflfeet, sometimes Uttle understood by those ' who write them. It is the mother who moulds the character and destiny of the child as to the e^ctenors, therefore, let calmness, peace, affection^ and firm- ness rule her conduct towards hec children. CJbildren aregreaji imitators,, whether they hate scolding or peaeeful mothers, they are generidly snr^ to learn from tiie examples set bi^iee them, aoA thus the coneeouest jay or sorrow is transferred to ouev^fitmflies, therefoie let mothers take heed to their conduct. It is not possible to exercise judgment and prudence too much before entjsring on the married life. Be sure that the affections on both sides ara so perfectly intertwined around each other, that the two as it were, form one mind tbis reqnirea time, and a thorough mutual koowl* edge on both sides. Bend your whole powers to avoid deprecatory remarks, jibing and anger in every form, and specially avoid everlastingly dishing up any unsuccessful past action that was done from a good monve nd hoaewaid to a broken hearted wifi, wkoei noble self-sacrificing devotion to him seems to partake mon of tiie nature ci heaven than of earth. Never part, even for a j(mmey» with* out kind and endearing wads, and as a kiss symbolises umon from interior afiection, do not dupeuse with it on such occasions, repeatAig it when yon return. In one word^ list loxe rule supreme. l»rsUtM*n«s. The toUeinng ia a synopds. «i k. kngthy artiele whieih^;ear«d£Bitb«CUssgo-IV«teiw, cousuting 4 ia^«WWBiQfrit8 rapocters with the leading draft, hsne dsalan in Auerioa. It was headed aa follows "Breeding of Draft Horsee^One of the Important Industriee of the Day â€" ^E^arienee of Dealers who Handle 40,000 Horses Annually â€" Belatiye Merits of Pareheron, Clydesdale and English Hc»ses â€" Opinions of all Leading Dealers in New York and Chie- ago â€" ^They are unanimous in preferring the ^eneh Breeds over all Others, as th^ are more enduring, best flispositioned, stand the parements best and bring hidier piiees," The Tribune reporters were instructed to proeure amnions as to the relative merits I ol the difl0i3«nt breeds of draft horses being 'QHsed in, tlU^ country and. sold in their ntarketci. llhosexperienoa ^dsalerswho sell perhaps 40,0U0 horses annuaMf directly Xo those who buy them to wear out was thu» obtamed. This information is of immense value to those engaged in breeding horses. Mr. I. H. Dahlman, of New York City, said "I handle between 9,000 and 10,000 horses annoally. Of the draft hones I handle, the greatei proprntion â€" ^nearly allâ€" ara Norman-Pereherons. Thee* hwsee axe docile, intelligent, easily broken, steady in harness, powsrfnlandeompaatly built. They are short in the baek. deep in the body and broad in the ohest. They haye the best feet of any horses in America. I do not want it understood that oil Norman horses have these goodLQiu^ties. I have seen some im* ported thsji were as badly shaped horses as could be foivd. Long in the baek, narrow waisted and not worth their freight from Franeehere. Tbatdassof horaes is «ly imported by people who buy them to sell and not to l»eed.*' In regard to tha Cljdeadale homes Mic. Dahlman said: **I will giva yon noeritieisia. I buy veiy few of them. I prefer ta 12*** '**" slabla and say nothing about thm. From what I hava said the Trifnmt nsadars, I think, will understand what breed. a(. ttprses I woald leeonunend then to rav^"' C. A H. Baymsn. Best 14th Street, New York city aaid: "Wa nandla aboul S,00D horses a jaar, principally draft horsea of att kinds â€" Rrendi, Clydesdale. Kn^h and Belgian. We nandle mora of tha Freneh than of any the others becanae tha people like them better and will giya higher priees for them than for any ^er bned. Theiy have mere eadnrance and ara the best die positi'med honee we have.- Thej mature sooner and are ready for thaaiaiket younger than the other hreeds. The Glydeadalea ara not so well shaped nor are their feet so good. We advise tha ntrmen of the west to breed to the finest aad beet bread PereharonB to be found," The above t^nnions were the expressions of all the olAka dealen interviewed, with one or two exceptions. The objeet of all formers who breed horses for oae or for market, is to obUdu animals that will mature the eariiest and bring the most mone^. In order to aooomplidi this purpose with the greatest degrQ»ofcertainty thenseof the finest and best bred Perchoron Stallions is recommended I and sidvised by nearly all the dealers. The ' finest spedmenSi are reoorded with their pedif^ees in full the Peroheron Stud Book of F^poe. 126 nreaa Hot Slafld Tswltf. A note dated on Sunday is vvnd^ A note obtained by fintiul,.(« Ikom one intoxicated, is void. If a note be loat or stolen It doeant^releaeetliaaftktr, he mast pay it. An Midorasr of a note is exempt from liabihty, if not served with notice cmT its dishonor within 24 houss. of its non payment^ A note by a minor is vmd. Notes bear interest oulj when so stated. Priampals are reiqwnsible fur their agents. Each individual in partner- ship 18 responsible for the whole amount of the debts of Uie firm. Ignoranea of the law excuse no one. It is fraud to conceal a fraud. It is illegal to compound a felony. The law compels no one to do impossibilities Au i^ireemant without a consideration is void. Siflsnatures in lead pencil are good in law. A reeeipt for money is not legally conclusive. The acts of one partner bind all the others. Ckntracts made on Sunday cannot be enforced. A contract with a minor is void. A contract made with a lunatic is void. Written contracts concerning land must be under, seid^ Moathljr IHirs. Markdale â€" Saturday before Flesh" erton. Chatswcrthâ€" Monday before Dur- ham. Dundalk â€" Tuesday before Orange- yille. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orange- ville. Orangeville â€" The second ThnvdagiL in each month. Mount Forestâ€" Third Wednesday in each month. Prisevilleâ€" Mondsy before Durham. Durhamâ€" Third Tuesday in aaeh month. Hanover â€" Monday before Duriutm. Walkertonâ€" Last Wednesday every month. IB iJWPOBTAirr. IShen yo4 visit or leave New York City, sav«,Baggage Express and Carriage hire and stop at tho Grand Union Hotel, oppoaitt tha Orand Central. Da^. Elegant nxM9% fitted i4|,at a coat ojtope million dollars, tft- dneed at 11.00 a^d upwards per df^. Enrepflinplfui, Elevator, Besturant snppHadi with the best. Horse ears, stages and ^kw^K ed railraad to atf de^ts. Fainilies can Wf% better for l«ss moo^ at the Grand UnioR Hotel than at any ether first daas hotel ia fthedtj. Buskin ia the first great writer who has treated tbie subject of duf/m with due gimritys He luts shp^n us that a serious study thereof iis a needful I virtue, instead of a sin|u\ vanity, and that a harmonioosaud wdl^onstouctsd govm i» as much a work ef art as a picture or a statue. Neither can it be argued that the work is mean, since it is to adorn human beings, who are, after all, nature's masterpieces. Bis words are but the expression of an opinion held by all artists from time immemorial, and indirectly expressed by most of them. For there is neither drama nor printing in which costume, -» â- â- â-  People talk i^ut hard times and the great difBc«lty ielt by multitudes in making ends meet, bat after all hare the people in general not them- selves to blame Tbey drink whiskey and beer in sucn frightful quantities, and smoke tobacco at suoh a monstrous extent, that it is not impossible that there should be hard times from these two expenditures alone. Perhaps the people in the States drink a little more than we do, and smoke tobacco some- what more industriously. Tet after making all allowance we come prwtty well up. In the States there is con- sumed about li gallons of whiskey to 9.very man, woman and child lu thie country, and about 10^ gallons of •wine and beer. How can people be but poor when they waste at that rate?â€" 7ntfA. BUCELBN'S ABKICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world foron(a,bmi8es sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sorob, tettei-, ehapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eraptione, aad positively cures piles or â- o pay reqnii-ed. It is guaranteed to giv« perfect satisfaction, or money refnnied. Price 35 oeats per box. For Sale by A. Turner A Co.

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