Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Dec 1884, p. 5

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 AITS C»**ta thai, owl "«• «»d effect SKEDi ^um see| your SeeJs i ISf ER'S, pURHAi â- t youns man to ij I -Tfwelkry bnsii y win l,e ^4'btly i EKOWN.. -yarkJaJ i coi^iiajr caupro \LL PARTS :re ordilrei). ).u.ori,'[,'e ;e-,;iecti ill McNrp\ bloctji' rutledge] f Toreros, coaQgna 42, l^.t EustT. Aj i, oin Willi.imM(| cooil ^li-;:e, lit to 1 ;,ooil oiehavd, iulo. '-â- liaidandfiii I iiilPtl inside, go* .♦oil Viarii aud o tiumsfers {vo'h ti .I'.nilais apply oai r.OLJEiri CLAB iO. 209â€"211- I SJEWELEM y week, eoDsistiaS .CLES, PIPES, j always in sto and Jewell^ satisfaction gua| TsHQW GCODJ a Call- issell, ^1 akei. Jeweller, IleshertoB ler Mil -e to annonnca ling coaiitiy t| equal to any oi| the grist is tel nle of eschanse:f 40 lbs. Flo'4 3i) •' :: S 36 pmor 1 t of fio°| of 1 -^^w i- xfheii WCl; ost oi gia 61 or I ^^/. Ford. YSTOl |x ^VITH feeff leceiv' tori iCCOf i kt the P*^ flT 1? i^ M aai lEDDIM RINGS AND PRESENTS. Stock complete in all lines I'jr Holidays. See tny new goods, and get prices before you invest. W. A. BROWN, Markddle. ler Shoii i Mj SWiS Local and other ems. NocicF.s in, the-ie columna intended to benefit any individual or Fiocietii icill be charged ten â- cents a line for the first insertion and fi,ve cents a line each snbieqttent insertion. Splendid sleighing the past week. Seven more days to propose. Now ^rle. Bulk Oysters arrlvinj^ daily at Banbury's. Mk. CharUe Porter looked in on us this week. This is the season of the year for J'ovl stoma^hs. Miss Martha Weisht returned from Allenford ou Saturday. A MEKRY Christmas and happy New I'ear to all our readers. Mr. Johu Ford, late of ^Artemesia, f^aye us a call on Monday. We may expect several marriages tiiuring the next eight days. For Sale â€" A number of well-bred Cows m calf. M. Armstrong. ' Miss McLeod, formerly of Markdale, spent a few days here last week. We had a pleasant call from Mr. Jenkins of the Chronicle on Monday. Menlbol Pencils,â€" Instantaneous «U5e Jar headache for sale at Medical Hall. Don't fail to procure the noted $1 JBoot, laced or bottoaed, at Dundass. The Standakd wislies all its readers a meriT Christmas aad happy New Year. J. E. Trimble paid$2,3S for a turkey on Tuesday, and it was a dead one at that. What about the open, mild winter which was universally expected. The prospects are fading. DcNDAS is selling 5 lbs. first class Tea for §1. Ladies, insure your tea-pots. Makkdale skating rink was opened on Saturday last. Tke rink will be open ou Christmas afternoon. IIaneury keeps .the purest Wines and Liquors in town. The people say so. Mr. JoLn Fleming, Wolf Creek, .â- Vs.-!iiiboia, N.W.T., will accept chauks :oL- subscription for 1884 aud '85. No fi-io lid -ship in business, procure â- hii best value for your §1 give Draulas a trial. }.I:^s. Wright is now visiting her uar.glitor, Mrs. Holliugshead. We :u\' pit ass-d to see the old lady look so ... ,1 ---.A. who wish Xmas Cards will be Pk:'..s. d \vilh the fine assortment at W A. liiviwn's Jewellery Store. O.ving to Christmas and New Years l-y e,)i.;iug ou Thursday, the Stand- Asi) ^^ill ue published a day earlier ciich \,eek. Fnojr now untill the New Year, I Will give ii, fine Xmas card with ev f ^ery article purchased from my lines '[^ -f !-. W. A. Brown, Jewell?}:, iliil uai Fob Christmas goods, Fancy goode, Toys, Dolls, kd.kc., go to the Medical Hall, See •advertisement, A. TuToer Co. The theruionieter registered belnw zero the last three days of last week, and part of the time down in the twenties. Violins, Accordians, Concertinas, and other musical Roods, also fine Violin strings at W. A. Brown's. Jewellery store, Markdale. Plewes is shipping roller flour to Halifax. Mr. Hull expects to work up his large stock of staves into flour barrels for this new market. Fine Seth Thomas and Ansonia 0. G. weight clocks just arrived, and will be svjld at close cash margins. W. A. Brown, Jeweller. Markdale. The Daily Neics is the spiciest paper published subscription for morning edition $4, per year. Clubbed with the Standabd yon get both for $4. You cannot send a more suitable New Year present to a friend, than the Standard. Think of 52 copies to any address in^ America free of postage for $1. Nomination of Village Palice Trus- tees ou Monday next, 29th. Bring out your incorporation men. The township nominations cume alsd' on the sSme day. If Markdale ward does not bring out a candidate, Mr. Thos. Sullivan will offer his services. He is a level- headed staunch farmei, and will poll a heavy vote. Hamilton, our photographer, has finished up the finest lot of photos the past two weeks wo have seen any place. They compare favorably with the best city Work. The Chrut (Church Sunday School Christmas Tree eutertainment will take place on Tuesday, Dec. 30ch, in the Orauge Hall, to commence 'at 7 p. m. Admission 15 cents. A PUBLIC meeting of the ratepayers of Ward No. 3, Gleirelg, will be held at the City Hotel, Markdale, on Satur- day evening at 8 o'clock, to choose a man as a candidate tor Glenelg coun- cil for '85. A FULL attendance of Koyal Templars of Mrtikdale Council No. 142 is re- quested on Friday evening next in their Council Chambers, Rae's block, at 8 o'clock sharp, for the election of officers, c. Next Wednesday, the 81st, will be annual school meeting. Mr. B. Cole- man is the retiring trustee in Mark- dale section. He is a first-class man for the position, aud will likely be re- elected, if he will not object. Mr. Benson has opened a grocery store in his new block, where oysrers can also be had, served in any style. Apartments are fitted up specially for the latter. The business will also be continued next door to the Medical flail. The first number of the Duflferin Post, late Gazette, is to band. The paper is well got up, has a neat ap- pearance, is all home printed, and presents throughout a creditable as- pect. Is independent in politics. We wish the proprietors, Messrs. Ketchum McGuire, abundant suc- cess, M. W. AriQstrong have their new steam saw mill, in this village about complete and mil be sawing in a few days. They are now prepared to contract for the supply of any quantity of lumber, also custom sawing for cash or on shares. Will also, purchase any quantity of good sound logs. AccTDE.»iT. â€" While assisting to re- move a large box stove one day last week, Eoberfc l^enson had one of Lis legs badly bruised and cut. He was walking backwards down a stairs when he tripped and the stove came down on him. It was at firstthought his leg was broken but fortunately no bones were fractured. He is about again. ... Selling- oil at Cost. â€" Duudfis IS selling his entire stock of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware at cost. You can save at ^ast 25 t.o 5t^ per cent, by buying above lines j t Dundas' His stock is fresh and good and well bought. This is no sham .sale. I purpose giving my .whole at- tention to the Boot Shoe businesF. Don't miss this opportunity. It will pay to come 15 miles to get watches, clocks, silverware, wedding rings, c., for your holiday needf-, from W. A. Brown, Jeweller, Mark- dale. Bay a substaniial present for a few dollars, and the many years of wear it gives makes it a ^ood invest- ment. Thishoids pood in ny lines of presents. W. A. Brown Jeweller Markdale. TEA-lfifiiffNo. â€" The Presbyterian church 4)niti4l tea meeting will be h-.ld on Ifew Years day in the church Markdale. Tea will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock after which addresses will be delivered by.several Keverend and other gentlemen, also vocal and mstrumental music, readiofis, reid- tations, e. A.dmissiou 25 ceiA'i, children 15 cents. Use PaoF. Low's Uulpheb Soap for I^ck- ly Heatj Nettle Ifash, Scalev Eruption, Itch, and all diseased conditiou of the Skin. In reference to the communication from the pen of Wni. Brown in last week's Standabd, aneut the Canada Presbtjteriau, we may say, the article referred to was a dipping from To- ronto 7'rM//i (not credited). We con- sider Truth a very reliable journal, aud have no doubt there was a great deal of truth in the article further more the fact oi a new paper being established in the intrests of the same denomination, strengthens our opinion in the matter be that as it may we have no desire to discuss the question. %te Mer Mills^ MARKDALE. THIS NEW Patent Process Flouring Mill Is now completed at great expense, on the plans, and with the best ma- chinery manufactured, mak- ing it, in every sense of » the term, "» Model Hill." 1 am therefore in a position to give the pubHc a Slipsricr ArHcle of Flour. A fair trial respectfully so- licited and I have ho fear bul^ the result will be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for good hard Wheat IS* Flour, Bran, Shorts, etc, etc, for sale wholesale retail. ANGUS PLEWES. 219 ksrieai ipiurii 100 Columns and 100 Engravings in each issue. 44th Year. I 50 a Year THE RECOGNIZED READING PERIODICAL OF ITS KINO IN THE WORLD. 100,000 CYCLOPyEDIAS FREE. Every subscriber to the American Agki- CCLTUKIST, Old or New, English or Germau, whose Hubscription for 1885 is immediately forwarded us, together with the'price, #1.50 per year, end 15 cents extra for postage on Cyclopffidia â€" making #1.65 in all â€" will re- ceive the American Agriculttirist, (English or German.) for all of 188$. and be presented with the ahebican aoricultpbist family cyclop.s;dia (just out), 700 pages akd oveb 1,000 ENGBAViNos. Strongly bound in cloth, black and gold. FBOM THE TENTH CENSUS.VOL. 8 JUST PUBLISHED. "The American Agriculturixt is e-ipecially worthy of mention, because of the riiTark able success that has attended the unique aud untiring ofForts of its proprietors to increase and extend its circulation. Its con- tents are duplicated every month for a Germau edition, which also circulates widely." Send three 2-C3nt stamps for mailing you specimen copy American Agricultiiriat, an elegant forty-page Prem'um List with 200 Illustrations, and specimen pages of Family Cjclof'fEdia. Canva-sers wanted everywhere. Address Publishers Americau .4g:riiilturist. DAVID W. JUDD, SAMX BUENHAM, Pres't. Sec. 751 Broadway, Netr York. 9nmtr mwtmA'^9 UA»»X W^W X^J^M* ^fTTTTl lfftt««f«t«tlfftl To our patrons and all whom it may concern V Owing to the increasing demand for Christmas aflci Fancy Goods, we have bought a much larger stock than usual, consequently the selection is greater, and we are in a position to offer finer goods and lower prices than ever. The following is a list of a few of the numerous articles in pur stock: â€" Photo. Albums, Auto. Albums, China Cups Saucers, Moustache Cups, Mugs, Cigar Cases, Cigar Holders, Pocket Books, Wallets, Vases, Toilet Sets, Canes, Ladies Dressing Cases, Work Boxes, Companions, Writing Desks, etc., etc. We have purchased a portion of the Bankrupt Stock of Jas. Campbell Son. These goods are all newly imported, having been taken out of customs after the assignment they are of the best English manufacture, and will be sold much lower than ordinary prices. Among them will be found Silk Woven Book Marks, Silk Woven Pictures, Silk Perfumed Christmas Cards, Silk Handkerchief Satchels, Silk Glove Satchels, Silk Match Holders, Poems, Story Books, Childrens' Picture Books, Family and Pocket Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books, etc., etc. Christmas Cards choice collection. we haye an extra large and Toys Oolls i^ endless variety. lis* Call and examine our stock an efficient staff of assistants always in readiness. A. TURNER Co. MedicaJ Hall, Markdale. Ot^FlCE OK" THE U Ue E3. •V^^i-XTZ-A-HiTT, All kinds of Marble aud TVfoiiumeiita.1 "\Vorl£S^ such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headbtones, Counter and Table Tops, â€" in American and Italian Marble, and made on short uotioe. Also Mantles, in Marble and Marbeleized Slate, c., c^ Satistaction CSriiaranteed in Every liespect Wayne, Du Page Co., Illinois, HAS IMPORTED FROM FRANCE Fercheroa liorseo valued at $3,000,000, which includes 75 PER CENT OF ALL HORSES Whom parilT of blood is established 1)7 their pedifn'eM recorded ia the STUD BOOKS OF FRANCE. EVER I MPOR TED TO AMERICA. Vj3^,i!^^^^^^^ STOCK ON HANDt .^^i^i^^^^^. ISO ^Iiponei Brood laies, sso Iiported stallions, Old enongh for eervice, I too COLTS, fTwo years old aaA jooDcer. 'BeeogBlxlDK the irt 'pie accepted by ail aiieant breeders tbtit, "liowever well-bred anlniala 7^ 'V^^H^^^^' mar " to be. If tbelr vedinaee ai* not neotded. and eamiot ba autlMBtieallr SrSitbeTihaiildbaTalMdaalyaicnMle^ I wUl seU aU JmaorUd StaA t* 9ra(la Priem •Sen I canaot toaiih vftS^the aaiaud add padlgia* ^«Uad by the orf-^* FnoehcertitteataoritainBbaraBd record in the Stnd in Fiaaea. 14* PMW-Catal«Kaajem.free. ROBT.S.RAE, ^1 TAILOR, :,"y*«-!-Ht"4C«l*l,' 3ISZ3imSSE3i^S ^ri£"the animal add padlgiM ^«Uad by tba orUnal ' rrttannnbaraBdreeotdintbeStndBook lUa^atad wiasu pSf aSSj^I^^Wrty of th« nbmitm yiidhniii i oT fiaMa. 1884 par* by MTw. Dnnkaa, â- nd drawn from life by Rom. Bnhenr, th. iwmS â€" ' «(bI1 animal paluten. PUMPS POMPS Well Pumps, Cistern Pumps, Long Pumps, Short Pumps, • All kinds of Puinps, The best Pump, Manufactured by J.T.QLTNN, Successor to J G. Irving, Markdale. Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaQtion gaaranreed. 219. ' The undersigned is maiiufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of ^cliool l-*^tii*iiittire* Gonsistiri-; of S(3 OOL SE A.TS and DESKS. TtlAOHEES' DESKS, elc, of tne latest design and most approved patte.n. High;y recommended by ScJiool Trustees and Teach- er.... for cheapness. comfort a;jd co^Ilpa('tueB^, wherever tried. An assortment of 1^'nrm and School Bells kept always on liaud. bend :or catalogue to Chatswoitli P. O. 181 ANDREW McGILL. ' Berkshire Boar. JlS'E ihcrong'.1)red )ipar ' ^rcm'Ya 2\. «'ld. for rcrrice £t his "pan v?^^"!*^ "" I of Markilab I 2:! 'I'^n^iSâ€" 76 ttnts eaJ-li.

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