Jou8. ^^ »• iaotel wpotta that k I ?P of war47"»«J ^l^"y giving SS*»«1 out, thouchZ.u^*» number of fatra^ ^^ cider drmk„Tt\" ofeeaor Young the cmJ J » ProVably irth7^ °^'\«iv of inoondeSl constitutes thecorowl roial temperature of J ba5 of a moderate «^ nted by 1,008, and 3 rhkecircumjUnceawoJ ine heart is overwott represanted by the lati 3 of 250 experimeatao ' explosive compon March by MM. Bertha le Academy of Seisnq he amount of prenurej loment of explosion, cad, and the specifis h« cially those of the i ious temperatures, )n the emotions of jil_ va itself the mmuteach teres 5 in other thingj id when, though it t to its mouth, it doeal tongue is the finest exercised organ of toatj hild handles things, loa ilk them to pieces, andl s itfelf. reloci cy of clouds nu; I ms of photography. l) d 600 feet apart and itaneous shutters, wh ictricity at the same i a of incrmtioQ of losicion of the clondi has obtained, and umj erations give theheid data. reveals that there uscles in a caterpil a drone contains 1,1 |e spiders as small a hey spin a thread 30 1 -e 400 of them to q^ hair. Journal of the Sq6^\ \e, bitumicons coal 3 at 482® andanttii ipoDtaneous cotnbost to the presence of I recenu txperimenti joals absorb oxygen, i the sulphate, and tl rption depends entirj re and other conditiir the S1Z3 of tne coale. iggist recommeadj re of severe scalds ijured parts freely 1 .n be severe apply â- ith a plentiful die 3 on. and fresh oil i When this covei • ill have formed, and j 1 is also regarded uj rathe skin JsnnMO*^ ig taken to exolnde jpart. les to thebeUef fact of the too* Lctually oonsnmei ed up recentty « obin, Scotland. »» ,owthatitbadbee»J ay, and this, ««r^ ,f the members ci London, tow^i ,he gna'^^ 'JS3 rn are such w *»" 1 ciforaofthelowtfJ' lervation seen» w ., Niws say* *J* fowna-cbamp«^j f recipe, m»de •• Jan hour^[ It may arne- Ipcsuble.. »ad«5 I. add nm? TO find the ]«««• J-' dozsnlemonfc and »ft«'"*ii Linger mayjr^ itlen)»ng«i"' ,utbema.t**' I judge by £^ hifti Vone too'^/^i .â- â- ^mukK.i-s-,. Kjn^iiur^^-t^iiMMim^- a«k«»»«*w.-«»»*6 AjW**«s'K*«»iio«wC'*^ â- *«*â- .^KUmmJi^ wsaca* ,^?^ A' GRICL'LTUEAL. rsK th« nnmber of cittle doei not "ply decrease in the anaonnt of r' a very many suppose, bat Tgro'^^g in the number oi bnahela of *H"*!rtin8 ^°^^" ^^ maans jnoreaae i**' ant of grain grown, wbeneTer I *«*^ is exercised in- Lto" -»„allv on a less '" is exercised in the care of the nsaally on a less acreage sown, '"" Id be w» Icoane tidings to the farm- °"'° V well knows that the main dif • i"^tweenthetoit of labor expended \^ crop and a poor one mainly con- J^Eba^cliDg^ -jism^ it is of tte utmost imnor- i"" ike the most of the pasture-land 1*'°" Mia 20 it as to eet frcm it the 1:010'"",, ^„ 7bl«"retnri s. Many portions cf "•j.-j piisessing a soil of undying jcf-' comparatively valueless from "' Mo.^p We feel cnribus to get an • „„t lu^^. of the amount cf land -tur^ge in the I»( minion that is 'â- "'niaiaier lying waste. At some '^; e drair.icg of th^se lands would be â- V viith mich diffijulty from their L i 'a £1'-*^ excess of moittnre but I "'uriDg tl"« months of September and r-^'^v.h'-n there is leps of water on or rftf scrface then dnrirg any other L i '^F t'le year. Draining should there- il pushed viLorously forward during o"*bs, as 113 jnvtstmsnt can be made r^J! so wf 11 repay the outlay. It is all iie'i to spend a few days at fairs, but f ^jj^iy a serious matter to spend weeks at a season when a greater variety of Ljn be done, to better advantage, than o ot^'er. Prizes may be paid for at too ijiate. It you can do nothing more, f j{ jcastoae main drain, which C3tnnot r nm the result to stimulate to higher Earthing np Celery. Le is a way to earth up celery to L; First, the earth is\»o ked up to Tjjj, the hands, the leaves being held close Uer with one hand this is whit is U hacdJing. Then it is allowed to Xiora week or ten days, when common In wrapping paper is wrapped around liUlks and tied with twine, and the earth loiked up to within one inch o! the to| L paper. In about a week or ten days iwrapped and tied as before, and the 111 is partially worked up to the top of Ipapr, In a short time it will be blanch- Jsrfi ;iectly f )r use, which may be known lite b'anched stalks growing out at the :! the pape r. For crispness, t endf rness, tine flivcr, I think Cilery grown in this If csduo' be excelled. Certainly, it takes Istj riean I wrap it, but I think all lovers IhKexe-jlleiit vegetable will feel repaid Vic extra work when they have eaten it W in tiis fashion. Keep the Best« l-e Nt 'V York Tribune says that one V-^ cr ovâ€" because a waste of capital on liirniâ€" is to k .pp poor ho:ses and cowe. is horse is not worth one-fourth as much lae Ihit is worth §100. It will eat as iciand ccs' ;: s muuh for harness, ?ni will Itctr do as i:iu:,h work nor live so long. \f.\i cow, that makes three pounds of jiierJEa week. co=t3 as much tor every- itg, labor and utcnsiila included, as ona irtb^lOO that makes 10 pounds a week. bixr trror is to work poor land. Many Ban has br ken i,ii bsc'i and lost his heart (apcor farm which he has suffered to run by bad management. He has spent labor and cnpital over 100 acres, when, iJn-nrj him-elf to 25 or 30. he might le beocme happy and rich. The way to p such a capital error is to begin with iQeld and get that into good condition, [cet the rest lie, and fo go on through eiiim. One rxh field will then make it to enrich another or two and while plejiiiniDg is fclow, it is downhill work, iasthe end is nenrly reached prograss is • 52l The worst cf all capital irsie for the fa: mar to neglect his own |r5vemer t an-l education. A man who ls?!0 0{0 ia a farm and stock, may easily ^etwic^: as much in himself and make his 'â- ^F^/ 10 per cent, on his value. He is Jfgrfateft part cf his capital and it is the litest of a 1 errors to misuse himself. Ensilage. 'ten s tho question of the value of en- ^« to b3 cetermined The battle still piaB itain. and America, as to its com- T»*ive value, between the friends and op J*- s Oi this system of curing fonder. ifa.msnls lave been conducted by lead • peaojVn';h sides of the Atlantic for Y ' and are we now, we ask, any nearer p;teEf.s3 t'.- an we were long ago? Nu- r'psa :mprovemeDts have been carried on piiS to show that ensilage fodder is in- ^Esable in dairyings while other experi- '8, made by perties equally able, go in 3* the oppotite direction. Whi1e*^we f 6 every faith in the propriety of calling 'te aid of science in farming and stock- J?i) vte at the same time should ba very Fcna in recaiving the conclusions of «ice where these are contradictory or even f concurrent. The idea forces itself upon r^^^ii tbat this quesfon will be settled f'6 by a certain clsss of farmers than by J^ntiats and that it will resolve itself into Ptter of dollars and cents, the degree of L^^^ to be determined by those men r.sopDehcw have a wonderful tact in de- ^ining what pays and what does not. "'"gued for years, some do ye€, that «!img cattle does not pay, their figures amg this matter seeming most concln- l » they d^jit ^pjjjj ^Yxe comparative l*«.of gram ani beef and the valaeof the JJ^avolved. The answer that those cn- J" t'le fattening bnsineaa gave waa, racy grew rich by the buBineaaâ€" a very ito u ?°«wer. If there ia virtue in en- r= " will be discovered, and the value of L ^°°d adjunct may by and by be f afely by the number of silos erected and *iW *^°i«!bout the land. If we may (..,'"« an opinion it is this, that its prin- ce o« J '^^ " *0"*»i as an adjunct to jnred foods used in this cotuntoy in the ijj^ season, a less proportion being re- y^r^- Britain, on the principle that I^norticn of turnips is CcneficiaL It "iood *° ' '^* '" *^ «1* climate Willi ' j°° ^°' ™°° *°*^ "'*â- ** should 4j y differ in winter and summer. iHitj. '^* '1 a manner indispeneible in of Vl"' cw climate, but who will say t,5 ""I ih winter? However, where '=^y Hood and Sir J, B. Lawes we not agreed, it ia doal«l«ai Um i»ut of wi. dom,„„ to stand unoovSd SVmpTS.' fal distance ana maintain • Bwd^tS^ We msy add that the avrteTsSL iTt ^^ffiSS^ " Bri^ffwe SScltiij â„¢tiSf„ "'^J*P*'iâ„¢'«*»*°" derived te Sli^i S.**? "• ***^ advertisiTwliS silos are bwjommg more and more nuSenms. â€"[Canadum Stock Raisers' Journal. ^^ More than a Spectre Bark*' BeTfu the Sea, The lumber-laden schooner Msggie M. Rivers which was abandoned wat*logged near Cape Hatteras, on January 7. stiU oS- Uvea the ragmg Atlantic gal«. 'a vessel arriving at HaLfa last week rep jrted pas- sing this derelict on the 11th in^t. in Sti. tnde 37 deg. 05 min. north, longtitude 64 aeg 16min,weat, dismasted and covered with barnacles. After the crew left her sk e drifted 3iX) mles in an easterly direct.* n right across the Galf Sir«am current, then altered her course, travelling 120 miles due southeast then for forty days moved to the northeast. In May she was heading for the Fonda coast; ia June she turned towards Savannah, and since then she has been tw!c 3 reported drifting to the north- eistwari in the Gulf Stream currtnt. She is now protably aboit 250 miles Eoutheast from New York, and having gotten by^he aid of ocean currents fairly within the •« anti-trade" wind b4t, she will be speeded by combined wind and current agency into the greit ship routes between America and Europe. She is not a •' spactre baik," but an almost solid mass of limber, and hence a grave menace to navigation' which may for years survive the disintegrat ing power of the waves unless someoie b?ows her to pieces. The government would do a good servica to commerce by dispatch- ing a naval steamer to find and smk. or else to brring into p )rt this seenaiagly inde itruc- tible rover of the deep.â€" [New York Heral 1. CURRENCY. A Kansas woman and a bulldog and a club drove four cowboys a distance of two miles and then she let up bacause she stuck a sliver in her foot. It is estimated that $50,000,000 has been squuidered in trying to solve the problem of perpetual moiioa. It's a good thicg to keep a man home nights. Tne h( rse of a Rossian pessuit is first in his estimation; then comas his cow; then his dog, and if he has anything left it is bestowed upon his wife and children. A Daluth mui who was jealous of his wife hid her bustle to as to kee) her at home,and the paper J spvak of it as "an outrage wor- thy of the dark ages." A case has been found in Chicago where a wonrai was paying a pawnbroker $58 per year tor the cse ot $25 That's about tie av- erage ft male idea of finance, A druggist in a new town in Wyoming advertises a good opening for a doctor who knows how to read, write and spell. Any other sort will bs given the cold shoulde r. A Fhi^alelphia birglar has his opinion ab jut b trglar-alarms in hou(e=i. He says that not more t lan one in twenty five will ring in f u (.larm aHer tha house has been occupied thfHti months. Ne-v- York's death rate comes close to a thcueand a wees, and they are wondering hour long they can continue to spare a good- s'zjd city out of their population each week and keep smiling. The wtm n who wants to look utterly flat and siliy in the eyes cf common- sease paoplc hes only to pin a sun- flower to her left shoulder. It answers just as well ai if she earned her tongue hanging out. The doors in Japanese dwellings are made so email that -a person must turn sideways iind squeeze in. Tais is the reason why a Jap throws his wife out of the wind ow when sh gets c n a pree. '/Im a plumber!" acswereJ a burglar who was discovered in a cdamber in a house in Cinc.naati at midnight, and the owner turned over in bed with the remark: •'Oh,l was in hopes it was a burglar, and he might lepve ma scmathmg," • After half a dozen pejsons had died in a fine looking dwelling house in Washington, e an investigation n as demanded, and it \(as found that the pluitblng had been done with- out a sing'e t; ap. The owner saved about $12 by leaving them out. Neirspapers Afloat, O a board the Hecla, one of the ships be- belongicg to Cipt. Edward Parry's expedi- tion in search of the northwest passage, a paper was printed called the North Oeorgia Gazette and WiiUer Chronicle- The first number was dated the Ist of November, 1819, and its twtnty -first and last the 20th Mirch, 1820. The Great Britain steamer, which started for Australia on the 21st of August, 1852, may claim to have inaugurat- ed the practice of publishing a newspaper on Voird ship, as a papar, entitled the Cheat BrUain Times, wai puUished every week during the voyage and distributed among the passengers. At the present time these seaborn broadsheets are a source of consid- erable amusement and go a long way to re- lieve the monotony of the passengers, At the present tiine these seaborn broadsheets are a source of considerable amusement and go a long way to relieve the monotony of the pas»age, as the passengers not only read but supply the articles. TBurlesque telegiMM, i .MS made by the passangers, and aU the news, whether social nautical, or personal, of the vojage, are pnbUshed in tneir ool- nmns. Plaatatien PUIosopIiy. Br tired mind kain' hab er rested body. No matter how healthy a tree looks, rf de asp ain't right, de fruit ain't gwineter be ***'Ligion sorter 'pens on sarcumstanoes. 1 doan Vlebe dat er hoagry man ken sen up «putty er prayer ez de manj^at hab had 2SS nwaTai'ha. erputty good ideawhar ha^ ffwine ter git de naixt one. if^ whut span's his «me in groanin' bout de wickedn^o- dis hear wmV may cut or bigger fijjger at-er camp maotong den dehistliT-ort o'feUer^tbe -n'tgwin^ raise niffh so much cotttm. Er little sweat SS^ Sith •' Oh, Lawd. g» »- ~»»* hens de cau«» mightily.- [Arkanaaw Tra- Twleri Whataiethelarth Dr. B. B. Tkylor made mmm remarks before the Amenran AsMMSiatian on North AmmaaanMMsaiidoiTilimtkMi. In attempt 1^ to answer the question: "What ue the North American Indians?" he stated uat whenever he had been among the In- dians the ttooght had always stoaok him v!5V-° **V** P**?*® *•" dressed np as Ariatics, there would be little observable diffarence. Admitting this supposition the next question that arose would ba " How ^e tliay here " To answer this question. Dr. Taylor warned his hearers that they must beware of takuur £« ifianted that the physical geoeraphy of this continent has not ch-tnged. The next question would be " How it is that among tribes, physically so similar, there should be such a diversity in language as we find among the North American Indiana?" For the solution of this question, we must look to the geologists to prove the antiquity of man. Dr. Taylor remarked that evea if the North American Indians was the result of the migration of one stock to this continent, the remoteness of the time when that migration must have taken place, would fully account for the great diversity in speech. We are to accus- tcmad to consider toe patricharohal eystem the only natural one, tnat we do not look for any other, yet the matrimonial system which Sir George Gray found among the Ai STalians is also prevalent among tne la dians. This system is not ro tincommon as may 1 a 8uppose1, and lingers in many curi- ous customs. Tnus among the Kaffirs of South Africa there is a cusccm by which a man is supposed to completely ignore the existence of his mother-in-law. If the two should meat ia the street they turn away from eich c^her. Tnis cus';om, traces of which, Df. Tiylor thought, existed among fie !^p irtans in historic times, points to a matriurcaal ^ysten of society in which mar- riage 1.1 surreptitious aad nnracognizad, Tntsa speculation were strangely confirmed by the report during the past yeu of some Dutch residents in Sumatra. Tne inhabit- ants of that island stilt live in the matriar- chal system. When a man and woman marry they do not set up housekeeping for themfclves, but both stay in their mother's house, Tne father has no control whatever over his childien, \he heid of the family being the maternal uncle. It would be con- siderel a grave offense against his wife's family were a mui to undertake to reprove or chastise his children. The curiotis state of affairs which exists in Sumatra is the key to customs, common to the Kiffirs of Soith Africa, to the hill-tribes of India, and the Indiais of North America. Don't Worry. Oae of the crimes of the age^and it is really a crime â€" is the hurry and bustle with whicti nearly everything is done. The busi- ness and professional man, the farmer and mechanic, hurry themselves in their clothes in the morning, hurry their breakfasts into their s'omachs, and rush off to their work as though it was their last day on earth. A certain amount of energy is always to ba commended, and the sin of overwork is better than the sin of laz'nass. Bit among those who earn their bread by the sweat of their brows there is entirely too much worry, for they ara the men ani women whose lives should be rolonged as being beneficial to the community. The lazy, trifling person is of no consequenca, and it really matters little whether his good-for-nothing form re- poses on a dry gcois box or in the grave, but no m^n or woman can be in a continual stite of worry and excitement and do a full day's work without soon breaking down. In v( ry many instances the useless worry and excitement in regard to tasks to be per- formed is mach harder on the vital forces than the work itselfâ€" and the premature gray hairs which adorn the heads of most middle aged men cui ba attributed to need- less concern and mental strain in regard to their daily tasks. While attending as strictly ai possible to work, let all worry as little ss they can in regard to their various ocoup»tions and matter concerning them. â€" [Datroit Coaff. GEMS OF THOUSHT. Nothing so cements and holds together in union all the parts of a society as faith or credit which can never be kept up, unless men are under some fo'ca or necessity of honestly paying what they owe to one another. What a vast deal of time and ease that man gains who is not troubled with the spirit of impertinient curiosity about others who let his neighbor's thoughts and behavior alone, who contines',his inspections to himself, and cares chiefly for his own duty and con- science. The only way for a, rich man to be healthy is by exercise and abstinence, to live as if he was pior which are esteemed the worst parts ot poverty. We can be thankful to a friend for a few acres, or a little money, ani yet for the freedom and command ot the whole earth, and for the great bsnefits of our heing, our Ufe, health and reason, we look upon our- selves as under no obligations. Nothing hinders the constant agreement of people who live together but vanity and selfishness. Let the spirit of humili^ and benevolence prevail, and discord and dis- agreement would bs banished from the household. Daiect in manners is usually the defect of fine perceptions. Elegance comes of no breeding, but of birth. There should be, metfainks, as little merit in loving a woman for her beauty as in loving a man for his prosperity both%eing equally subjected to change. Men of quality never appear mwe amiable than when their drea is ^in their birth, rank, title, and its appendages an at best invidious and as they do not need the assistance of dress, so, by their disclaiming the advantages of it, thqriake tiidr superi- ority set more easy. Keenness in a man isnot always to be taken as a sign of opacity, for it is gemntUy oh* aerved the most in those who are selfish and over-reaching and his keeness generally ends in that kmd of penetration into other people interests which will tend to benefit his own. Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without news- rkpers,or newsps^ers without a govwnment, should not hesitote to pt«fer tha latter. Hext to tte ClergTauui. **Aze yoa tiie Ber. Dr. B.ra yoong man inquired of a dtiaeii on the atra^ "No, air, hot I am frequently taken for him. We reeemblo eadi other eloaely. I am a lawyer, and make a specialty of divcnoe cas es. Has your object in finding the Rev. Dr. B. any oonneoBon with mat- rimony 1" "Well, yea." the yonng manblnshingly acknowledged. "H'm, I thought so. Just put that card where you won't lose it." Catanrbâ€" A New Perhaps the most extraot dinay sncoes that has been achieved in modem science has been attained by the Dixon Treatsseat of catarrh Out of 2,000 patients treated durins the past stz moatta*, rally ninety per cent, have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less staitlins when it ia jremembered that not five par cent, of the patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are benefitted, wliile the patent medicines and other advertised cures never record a cure at alL Starting with the claim now generally believed by the most scientino men that the disesse is due to the presence of living parasites in the tissues, Mr. Oix« on at once adapted hif cure to their extermination this accomplished the catarrh U practically cured, and tne permanency is un- questioned, as cures effected by him four years ago are cures still. No one else has ever at- tempted to cure catarrh in ttiis maimer, and no other treatment Ixas ever cured catarrh. The application of tha remedy is simple and can be done at home, and the present season of the year is the most favorable for a speedy and permanent cure the maiority of cases being cured at one treatment- Siifferers should cor- respond with Messrs. A H. UlXUN SON. 305 King-street West, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise on catarrh.â€" Jfontreo^ Star. JJeiih, the great overiaker, prepares the way for the undertaker. Those who bare Tried it Say The best proof of the great power of Pol- sou's Nerviline over every kind of pain is obtained by the use of a ten cent bottle. Nerviline requires no puffing; every bottle tells its own story. It cannot fail, for it is a combination of the most powerful pain-subduing remedies know to medical science. Nerviline is equally useful in external or internal pains. Try the great remedy. Ten cent bottle at any drug store. Large bottles only twenty-five cei ti. Tiow tbrae King! ouli raise the deuce in EiropB if they teit so di-tposed. Toong Men Iâ€" Bead This. Thx Voltaio Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Eleo- TBO-VoLTAio Belt and other Eleotbio Ap- pliances en trial for thirty days, to man )yonDg or old) afflicted with nervous debili- ty, loss of vitality, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other diseases. Complete restor- ation to health, vigor and manbood guaran- teed. No risk is incurred as thirty days' trial is allowed. Writs them at once for illustrated pamphlet free. Is it any wonder that "boards of alder- men s'lould Btmatimei be wooden-headed " Have You Thought of It ILWILLIUiS. SLATE AND FELT ROOFER. Ifanufaoturer and Dealer la *ane«VeU,] tmrtftt Velt, Acatlewcst 4 ApiLAip a 8t. Eabt. « ToBowto, ^V. F. p. Currie Co 100 Grey Nun eti. MontoeaL ImportsMof rerUamd Ce^MBt. -_-. -- aada Oiim»t, Yank untao, WMcrla, ItnaOonn, frbitiw, IIieBriaki, Flaater of Puis, IbeOby, Bonz, Boman OeiMiit, Ohina CBay Maaafsofearen of mer Steal aoca. Obmir Bad** Sprtni IE!!* The Beady Mixed faints KAKUVAOTUBXD BY A. RAM8iT ft SONS. IQJITJIEIL, •TO ground in Para Linseed Oil and Turpentine. The Amerioan Hixed Paint* are to a l»ixe extent groond with SiUoate of Sodk, and mn dear at anjr priua. Aik for Bamaav's, and see that you get them. Apply to your local dealerB. 1 will supply two year old vines of the WHITE GRAPE without any conditions whatever at Two Dollars Each. Agents wanted, apply to D. W.iBeadle, St. Catharines. Allan Line Koyai Mail SteamsMpg. Bailing during winter from Portland evety Thnndaf, and Halifax eTery Saturday to Liverpool, and in sununer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Loo- donderry to land mails and passengers for SooUand and Ireland. Also from Baltimore via Halifax and St John's K. F., to Liveipool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Oliutgow imea sau during winter be tween Portland and Ghugow, and Boston, and Qlasgow alternately and daring summer between Quebec and Glasgow and Boston and Olasgow every we^ For freight, passa«;e, or other informatien apply to A. Schumacher ft Co., Baltimore; d. Cfunard Ck Halifax Shea Ca, St. John's N. J" Wm. Thomson 4; Ca, St John, M. B. Allkn Co., Chicago Leve Alden, New York H. Bourlier, Toronto Allans, Rae Co.. Quebec U. A Allan Portland, Boston; Mon- treaL ^^ Dominion Lioe of Steamships. Bunning in connection with the Grand Trunk Bail- way of Canada. Sailing from Quebec every Saturday, during the summer months, and from Portland every Thursday, dnring'the winter months. Sailing dates from QmCBBC TO LIVEKFOOL Brooklyn, Aoc 83 1 Montreal, Sept. IS Toronto. Ang, SO 1 *Vane*nver Sept. M 'Oregon. Sept. S Bates of passage Cabin. Quebec to Liverpool $60, 960, $65, $80. Betnrn,$90,$m$U7,»44, aocordhigto steamer and berth. Intermediate S35, Steerage, at lowest rates. The saloons and staterooms in steamers marked thus are amidsliips, where but Uttle motion is felt, and no cattle or sheep are carried on them. Por further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Bailway Agent or local agents of the C!ompany, or to BATID l«KMANCe A CO.. General Agents, Montrea For four thousand years, or more the world groaned, suffered, and fumed about its corns, for there was no positive relief â€" no certain and painless cure until Dr. Scott Putnam gave to the world his great Corn Extractor, if there is suffering now it is a result of carelessness, for the rem- edy is at hand. Try Putnam's Com Ex- tractor. It Is sure, painless, and prompt. Beware of substitutes. N. C. Poison Co., proprietnrs, Kingston. BWk.«j f ISl^somlj The widow of a Hinio3 is about tie only individual whose carjer really " eud^ in smoke." ImnortanU When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Expresaage and Carriage Hire, and stop at the Gbano Union Hotcl, u,ipo8ite Grand Central Depot. 600 elegant rooms fitted up at a cost odoue million dollars, tt. and upwards per day. European plan. Elevator. Restaurant supplied with the best, Hotse cars, stages and elevated railroads to all depots. Fam- ilies can live better for less money at the Grand Unioo Hotel than at any other flrst-class hotel in the City. "Afo shrouds classed as kilt suits 7" aeka the Pittsburg Telegraph Wa have heard them called "sp'.rii; wiappers." Although they are intended f jr the close of Ufe they they ar j not designed for the clothes of life. A. P. 198 Coleman Patent Harness. ImpMved. works without whiflletrees. Oonl, light I durable, mech easier on man and teams. This ha~~ is a specialty in orchards, as no ires* can ba iaji wnrking qualities guaranteed. Price tip. Territory lor sale in United Stotes and Canada. Addressâ€" J B Dewey Co. CoLBOBys. Onb GUMEYS WARB, PHBBNOIiOQY. EXAMINATIONS GIVEN BY W ALLACE MASON, at362 YongeBt.,Toronta GRAND OPPOBrCTNirYjFOR A PARMtSB ItB tiring and able to command from $12,000 to $20,030, large city estate, embracing about 30 houses, wlU bring smch reatal aa wili give good interest on investment and handsome return for ueceisary attention property c ampact. W. Ha miltox, 2{1 Talbot street. Lonion. £jBi,DIX(N 3CO. '""l^jWsnafaetnrers of S tar Klvet Leather Belting I r^J IW IMng Mtreet, East, Toronto. ati«irge double Driving Beits a apeelaitr. Sen for Price Lists and Discounts SMOroSAUSKiS i^raemoat ooavenien^mea^o^arma^^m their Irasyl season. These meatai are cooked an4 ready for use Sold by grncars thieoch the Oolninion ' Send for price to W. gLAB g f O. Bo3a tIentrwJ- B BITIgH JAIffEfflCAI I TcmONTO. finest roomi in Amtrisa. Practi- cal in fvery departmsot. Teachers pashing and ener getie, aM know what they teach. Endoned by the leading buiineaa me« of Ontario, its Graduates are fill- ing positions of trutt ia every city, town and vtUage oT Canada. Sand for new oircolar. O. 'ODEA, SeOKtary. 81. STAllEBSCiLES. THE BEST, THE STRONGEST, THE MOST RELIABLE. Unrivalled in material, construcHon and flaUh. per feet in accuracy and unequalled in duraUUtf. unar aateed to give entire satisfaction. THEY EXCEL ALL OTHERS. eAXIAOAD. WAREBOUBB AHD IDUi â- ms* AJam Money Dramnu l^y UUID TOK XLLXTSEKAXBD aUElTE YS â- WAKE. TaE NEW WIIsIilAMS ffigh Arm Maehine is now reoognked m the 88WI02 lachine if flie Fertod. n is U^t and Basr to Htart aa« â- ••â- « In aMveMenll WUam am* Ua»le t* UmnH It is strcmg, duraid^ and well built^ the very best material that money oaa bay or skill prodnoe. It wne awarded five medals and three first priaes at the Dominion Exhibition last Ootebar. Il is rapidly superseding all tli« old ftwhioned makes everywhere. See it try it, buy it, and make sore that yon ^et it. THEWILLIAMS'MFGGO. 178S Notre Dame St, Montreal, and ^Kiqg St., Wes^ l-oronto.