Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Sep 1884, Supplement, p. 5

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 ' â-  "^-A-i n. ^^m- u I Flat isters, Fruit ts, etc. fapkiE 9ridon Is and NTS Bows 3-Cl3SS DELcer- rgans. s ri^ *^^; "i^ -,^- 'Mrr- '.•iWiKIM-V 100 HALL. "to^^n haU?The • Sre ns, and we have sucb will some one â-  Jtis not yet too late ^% have cue completed •=* joint stock com- â- '^j'ps tlie best means of '^tired, and much needed, ""ill talio ten shares of ' vre ^f»'o no doubt, siuiicient amoiint subscribed should flered. Don't all lANDABR mormns. ll^i •i-it a Ijut let some one or r"",Ut:--r iu hand •s\'ithout Thet^ feate been ita^ maO^^ i^^ o«:a„^ not hitle snrpked S^the^LSfe ^- 1^' ^^^ wa,, iiscoyer^ to of the display «id its generaH^l. lence. "Wen. I'll be struck ^nmb." extj^uned one of these astonislied Lbrasta C'ouucil. id- â-  ,.,.1! met pursuant to "tiie 5tU of Sppt., 188'i. ' present; ii.inutos of Jatt i/t'TiuUl read and confirmed jvc'rasiustructed to obtain mGuicK-ind, P.L.S., plan ' r.tior. of. deviation road, â- 'cd 7. "'â- '^- â- ^' foi* ^bc pur- L-iblisiiiii,? i^'ii^^ uGViatiou. [i^veamiili- Ucyd were ap- smuiittee for the purpose ,[:[:â- â- â-  a kiJge over Saugeen " ,.luie iind -i, con. 10. leove w;)s a'.ithrrjzed to call J:':vfvor to asTUht hi in iu.ascer- licor. of cuitilif,- down ti^t O.ilth Jiuc, so as: to maiie :;:ru;ul at this ;i;ee. Miroi' ^v;i:' ordered to i-emit gentlemen yesterday, after inspecting several of the departments, "ifVverl saw anything like this on the other side, and all for 25 cents!" In rpplv to au inquiry he addedâ€" "You can4 get into any kind of a show over there tor less than .fifty cents, and ten to one you will find more than half of the exlabition made up of side shows and fakirs. I have never seen an' agricultural show to equal this in the whole United States." BIB I n J I â-  • i li 'I iiiK"' nm f\H3 JH The W^ife's eomutandmeats. 1. Thou shall have no other wife but me. .2. Thou shalt not take into my house any beautiful brazen image of a servant girl, to bow down to her face and serve her for I am a jealous wife, visiting, etc., 3. Thou shalt not take the tame of Uiy wife m vain. 4. Eoraember thy wife and keep ' her respectable. 5. Honor thy wife's father and mother. G. Thou shalt not fret. 7. Thou shalt not find ianit with thy dinner. 8. Thou slialt not chew tobacco. 9. Thou shalt not he behind thy neighbor. 10. Thou slialt not visit ihe rum tavern thou shalt not covet the tavern keeper's rum, nnr his brandy, nor his wine, nor P.L.S., tlic sum of §8, anything that is behind the bar of the be on fire by a neighbor* and the alarm given when Mr. Ireton and family barely escaped, not having time to save anything not even thwr clothing. The building being wooden, burnt rapidly and it was with great difficulty the adjoining building (which is occupiedby S. Watson) was saved being but four feet from the burning one. Mr. Ireton (who is a shoe» maker) loses his fall stock of leather, together with all his household furni- ture, bedding, clothing,' ^e. Mr. Young, tailor, who occupied one side of the shpp, saved the contents of his apartment. Thp building was owned bj Arthur Shute and wap insured for $300. The fire is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Mr. Ireton's loss will be severe, still we understand he will commence business again at once; and the public ought to show their sympathy by a liberal patronage. [fcriurveyijig and plan. â- fa-iiK' r Wiis ordered to remit rumseller. 11. .Thou shalt not visit the billiard hall. And the 12th com- T of Artemesia the sum j mandment, thou shalt not stay out .kin^ tho amount for which biter than 9 o'clock at night. k;;ibiiaMfi on account of ad riivlaw concornnig town-line '.;iil Li'plirasiii, as Arte- 5 Kid the full amouu' Cciiearor was ordered to remit |iie:,uvc,V"alrer's Falls, §1.50, ;-i repiiiiiiig road scraper. ;vcsonlei-.s were issued on |;:;ia"to pay as follows 'h lIcMorriSjSSu.land taken ||pi!r!)osi:.s to Clias. Fawcett, ';:.kihi;Ciui,'ston, 88.G0, Samuel Wiley, ^3.30, \k road.-: liobt. Johnston, Kii wfi-k; Tiios.lloward, $60, Ilk: ,:OPl iCil. 1. ;r Prominent among the greatest medical dit coveiies, by the many cures it has eifected, McGretior's typeedij Cure leadn the van. Snbjecterl to the minutest chemical analysis, it has been found to contain none of those injurious in.grcdients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public. Every ingiedietit possesses a peculiar adapt- ability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded, and its ellicacy is beiirg established Vjy testimonials hourly â- .eceived. We are therefore confident that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that i\ will be fouu,d not only a relief but an absolute cure for Dyspejjsia, Liver Complaint, In- digestiott. Constipation ind Impure Blcod. Free trial bottles at Hill Bro's. A. S. 4 Sebious Accident. â€" On Tuesday last, as Mrs. Irost, (wife of A. Frost, Esq., County Attoruej,) was starting for a j)icnic wiin several children, the horse took fright at a boiler on the roadside near Kennedy's foundry, and ran away, throwing them all out of tne buggy. Mrs. Frost received very serious injuries, having three of her ribs broken while her daughter Hattie, who was qaught in the wheel and whirled around several times, i-eceived a verj severe wound in the head, though fortunately the skull was not fractured. Tho other child- ren luckily escaped without injury. We are glad to learu that both Mrs. Frost and the little girl are doing well, and in a fair way of recovery. â€" O. S. Times. On Monday 8th iust. while Mr. Blyth M. P. P. was out hunting for for smaller fry at Dodd's mill dam he shot and killed a beayer weighing 46i lbs. The animal was the largest ever seen in this section, it had lost a lore leg, tlie stump ot which was com- pletely grown over. â€" Mt. Forest 4dco- cate, For Nettle Bash, Itching Piles, Eingworm Eruptions, and all skin diseases, use Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap. Tlie Braat Franeli Ufioh for leauflfyblg the Fate, u^:^ It conceals the evidence of age. One ap- plication will make tbe most stobbcn^.r«^ and TOugh hands beautifully soft and-i^i^. Remember that "MAY Diii-W" is not a paiBt or powder that fills up thepbresof thskui, and that is injurious to the skin, but a new and great discoTeiy, a vegetable liquid, that canses the cheek to kIow with health, tho neck, arms and huids to rival the Lily in whiteness. Impossible to detect in the beauty it confers any r.rtificial character. It cures greasy Skin,. Freckles, Wrinlfles, Pimples, Black Heads, Crow's Feet, Blotches, Face Grubs, Sun Bum, Tan, !Ringworm, Chapped Hands, Sore or Chapped Lips, Barber's Itch, Tetter, etc. It frees tho por- es, on glands, and tnbes from the injurious effects of powders and cosmetic washes. By its use all redness and roughness are pre- vented it Deautifies the skin, and will make it soft, smooth and white imparting a de- licious softness imparting a perfectly healthy, natmal and youthful appearance. The best face lotion that the world ever pro- duced. We will send "a latige bottle" to any address on receipt of price, $1. When ordering meiition this paper. Address all letters to tlie MAY DEW AGENCY, 167 Church Street, Toronto, Ont. Parlor and Eeception Room for Ladies. .^y^; w â- J. Ik: ^^ â- 'â- -a. k sal hi n r 1^ Ti'ade TVIavlc. OFF-ICE Ol^ THE M' arlle ill Ue â-  !) i Julian, §2. 01, -road •jwe, $00, road work; [». N).."jU,road work Andrew S-J.5i1, .siueifd services achonl l:S;!iiiiiel Hilmour, $20.50, Itu :if;;ouniod until the first j LUjtolnrnext. r. :;!;r.:' DrxLOP, Tp. Clerk. The Canadian Mutual Aid Association. INiCORPORAtED AUGUST 26tH, 1880. All kinds of JMarble and IVfontinxental "VVorlcs, such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones, Counter and Table Tops, â€" in American and Italian Marble, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbeleized blate.c, c. S^atistaction Gruaranteed in. lEVei'y ITespect tIJEAI OFt^ICK. rrOK^OJ^fTO. -:o: BOAED OF DIKECTOES :;ition at Owen Wm. EennicEsq., T.oronto, President E. H. Hilboni, E^q.. Uxbridgc, Treasurer G. H. Watson, L.L.B., Toronto, Solicitor-, C. n. Mackintosh, MP., Ottawa Tlios. Sleuzies, Peterboio Peter Grahain, I.P.P., Warwick A. Gillord^ Esq., Meafdrd, â- Vice-i'rcsident W. Pemberton Pagfi, Esq., Toronto, b'ec'y R. H, Piobertsoh, M.D., Toforitb, Mod. D'tr; Lewis Wigle, M.P.P., Leamington J. P.ljnU. Downsview; S. W. Hill, Esq., Eidgeville, Mcmb. Supt. ::n I-:; ;; also â- â€¢, ' "â-  lakes, roved 5Kil l;;;-:-!; l :is I-!.-, s'ivor id .10 in its con- Diifferin Tlie Pireetors have filed with the Hon. S. C. W^Ood, (Ex- Provincial Treasurer of Ontario) 'f rustec for the Association. Bonds to the amount of §00,000.00, as a gnatantcc for the honest carrying out of the term.s of Certificates issued to members. Reliable Aid to Families of Deceased Members at Small Cost ROBT.S.RAE, £ TAILOR, amm*} mmtamssi .H;v :ai;. i/undalk. has iiiL-sii at Wood- ., ff Euphrasia, lUili, iiged 82 litut'Enphra.sia icaUy trust- will u died iu Uamilton â-  beloncjed to the t!.o United States, i -s lo fiul in arrear lapsed and thus of S'2,000 which I' (.lived had he kept idi;p. .: ~.iov"at procession ivd 18,000, while paners say there I'OOO. 'fJ"=P'ud-.at to. the Dundalk 'lisnies any tviith i)eing in the f^etiulv i)ablishod in the "i-s in reforer CO to a certain ufi'.ia-r i)p...,j -.jj.^^^g drunk and The Association will do business on .the following plan Appiications. All Applications for iMembership shall be made upon printed ftrms furnished by tLs As- sociation, (and applicants must pass a satisfactory medical examination). If accepted, a certificate will be issued witLin thirty diXjs from date of such acceptance. Membership. The payment oi TV.^ELVE DOLLARS admits any of sound body and mind uetwcen the a"e of 18 and CO years, to all the benefits of the Association. If the application is- not accepted the money h promptly returned to the applicant. Plan of Business. The following table shows the amount for which Certificates of Membership will be issued by the Association, according to age *^shoai,v Viukuown rowdies. ?rops of;-;,r. aisttict have been '^^ fcxc^'ii.aru condition. The 'iwoui: the .!iverajje, and the 'Snuiivrialy excellent. â-  'ai\i-.__^Y fire barn belonging '•^iawieiu;.,, iuid situated on the •°HTiebcljj was destroyed by ':^ 'ioiiara-, loL'ellier with the '^m\, 70 across of hmd. The ,^'^^Ppose(l to have originated "pafiti-io^v;^ icom a burning ;7°"t25rods off. The total i • ^^"^O '"(1 tbe utmost otiiv^!^ ^^It for Mr, Lawrence, "•^fied n, slight insurance. ' Chronicle. is EX. .^ ^DERMAN TEIED IT. '"'an Taylor of Toronto, tried Yell, o^ Oil for rheumatism. It all other remedies had failed* Amount Amount AGE. at AGE. at ' Death Death i'Tcm IS to 30 $3 OCO i From 45 to 46 $2 200 30 to Dl 2 950. i 46 to 47 2 150 .lto32 2 900 1 47 to 48 2 100 32 to 3;! 2 S50 â-  48 to 49...." 2 050 .S3 to 34 2 800 49 to 50 2 000 34 to 35 2 750 1 50 to 51 1 900 35 to 3ij 2 700 51 to 52 1 800 3Gto37 37 to 38 2 650 52 to 53 1 700 2 600 53 to 54 1 600 38 to 39: 2 550 54 to 55, 1 500 .S9 to 40 2 500 55to56 1 400 Af\ tn ill 2 450 2 400 2 350 56 to 57 1 300 '41 to 42 57 to 58. 58 lo59 1 200 42 to 43 1 100 43 to 44... •2 800 59 to 60... 1 000 44 to 45 ,2 250 HALF RATE PLAN Certificates win be issued f or h:alf the above amounts should the appUcantso desire, Assessments. An Assessment of One Dollai upon each member will be made in case of death- or total iSsabiUtybf a member, except vrhed there is money enoogh in surplus funds to pay • said claim. .â- â- 'â- â-  â-  •' Special Features.. 1â€"Great.induceme.nt9 to provide.fpr families in case o£ death, at smaU cos*. .. 2â€" EqualTiehefits'tb both Se^e-k" ,, ., r; 3_Umfoitn a^essments of one doUarjottly. :;•.:;â- .: ' ..u... • 4-^C»efJil medical examination required. /•â-  •-â- ; ,t--' .- ' â-  • "5_;No amraal dues or extra chaises. .t^^i.. :i*^ ••?««.â- - tii-^^i-^v.^ 6-^N6lai«e'salarie8orexpenseF. :v^ r :.5o^^^^ixi^ t^^^srtJ:^- 7_5U^ Wr«l dollare advaoeed-for fun6ral,*Kpende8 ^fien wceseaky. '^^^^^^S^^^S?S^SSJSCS^^ Bid.«nU.:«r^ AGENT FOR MAKKDALB, v T|lv9- â- lAHIl- A/80 Mgtnt for Dominion fringe Mymim^ SAW MILL AND TIMBER LAND FOR SALE OI3 TO r-rBi" In the Township of Artemesia, Cotinty of Grey, 4 miles from Flesherton Station, on the- Canadian Pacific Railway. The mill is situated at Little Falls, in a Block of about 400 acres timbor Ind, with other timber land surrounding. The building is substantially built on stone foundation. The machinery is all good and driven with great power by a 23 inch Leffell wheel, under 36 ft. head of water. There are one large circular saw for cutting logs, 2 small circulars for sawing lath and broom handles, i guage lathe for turning broom handles, etc., i shingle machine with jointer and packer complete. The water power is excellent, the stream being very regular. There are several other good mill sites on the proyerty. The land in the valley is considered the best in the country. The place would make an excellent stock farm when the timber is taken off. •' This offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of business, as the place will be sold or let on liberal terms. The bush is so convenient to the mill logs can be trucked in summer time. Immedinte possession given. A^V-y to the proprietor, WM. HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION p. 0, ONT. Good Work Guaranteed '-.,- AT. ' â- ' â-  â- -'M. a -â- ; and sec samples of work whioh we r jLl^Mtpot i^h^ed to shpwi Jltiila^.:^ FramWg toe; ?hf»B;8^ i.i.'.i; V Ji.j'ti _«â- â- Â» 3 v^- a jaa'Jl ;„fct ro Ji*:5e as* Tti tpt^' 'i^ii -joaaj-j^i. Mivit iujjs' â-  1 .*

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