ig m â€" â€" ice of' •ade the ^S KILLED ^m ^chasing of 8n5" iporta of ^^ MEATS, SAllli SARDINES, HAM JORTED PICKEtl les in the grocery t QUORS ids aud quality. ^1 purposes warJ s direct from the nl lotherkindBofBqJ and Tobaccoes mJ itislaction. Ori^ •family Flcur roppl IClYSfi ECTION WITH list received esh and Ul •ok: of tobacco, sold VEKYiGHEi solicit the pubii J. PLEWK RTH HOU! (EBOWJHOUBE,) rORTH, Ont. EOD PaOFBI£I0B8. of liquors and i d meals and comfoi Good stabling audi llf AINTEI IZIERANDPAPI CALCIMINING] ,L TINTING. ^e Planing Facb EsTijiAiES On 192-1 lOLONS RY„ I OLD STAND, :orse table Rlgsj charges. BAKER] thTdtaffoflifV, • that wiU m on hand, to sopT Imand. ttock is low [let us knP^J I wants sttpP low the r€i^ L)L. 4.-N0: aor. Jfrym li I .ec. SlaiMale Standard- J „re';v Tlnusday, at the office. Mill "^Street, Markiale. ^*1 pui" y^*^ " advance $1.25 t| '4 ^ritJiiu thiee months. 7«aonal and busintss cards one men 'jj,dHa}ei, per year, «4. •^ 1 rft. 6 MO. S HO. ^„......... 27 00 15 00 10 00 f^colfliH*.. .. 15 00 10 00 6 00 Sb space.. •..•.. 7 00 4 00 SbW^'^e .•.•••. ,10 00 6 00 udveiti?"Ctaents 8 cents per frae Btst " 3 oeuts .pet lire each stibsettent iioSpareil raeasure, ,1 notices, "or notices m Ideal ool- LfOteuts per 1 ^^REBALE, ON^ nAUa 28, 1884 'ia* ^r-i {Gonsa or xax SxAintiiBs t Fits pBxn j^cb. f P«^kak B. Ohent, M,]., M.R0^. S., Physician «nd Stn-ffeon, PriceyiUe, a ine first insertion, 5 cents »»d*ate of University, Vict._Colleg©. ^(i^Bents inserdio». IV aaimals c., advertised 3 weeks for lie sdveitisemeet ii6t to exceed twelve 5 psfter (figcoiitinned tmtii all arrears [iiid ftoopl at the aptioti-oif the pnblisher. -JOrPRlNTIN'Câ€" J SiANPAtiD olSce has a splendid e^oip- II of poster as -well as fine job type. Spe- litteution to oruers by saaal. Orders inth. dispatch. â- ivv. Rrrnrx.it:i30JE â- editor and pkoprietor. Ian DS PERRY, (srCCESSOBS TO LATDEB HANDs), bAEEISTEltS, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, (. oaveyancers, c. Money to iijtloTCst rates df interest. Ofiicts iG King Street -East, ^251 3;0BOM*O.; Frost Frosty |).\RR1STERS, AND ATTOPJNE'Â¥S-AT I Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Oonvey i:s,*c., Owtiii Souud, have re^'tbed at ierton, ' Otlice open every Thti*sfiay.,-»8 iofore. lED Frost, J. "W "ROBT.ltjl*. I Couiitv Cro'.vn Attorney. 1 M â- ,, New York, Mbd Bon. Gradaate, tf tbe same, ATleth Uefiinal Ingtitato. ,. „ Opthalmic fiospital, N.Y. MemberOoll. Physicians^ Sturgeors.O. 104 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S, DEimST, "1ftADUAl:E OF TOBONTO SCHOOL vX of Dextistry, wili be at Bntledge^s Hotel, Markiale, on the 1st and third '^^d- neaday of eaeh month and also at Mnntliaw's Hotel, Flesherton, the day foflowing the third Wednesday in each laonth for the prao tice of his profession. 122-47. ^.â- •:.4 r-i ^ftUfff^ TIm faftOt H tied TOne f^vnm amd bride, WixfaMit wi euthly osre. 8ul«pdKlake. "When tk^ vuk take Agiun Jn]y Oraaes ^tii ilB heat and glare, They seek tlwUke, S«it n»w Oie^ take A littte sm and hdr. A rroivb •mnOk rmpm* uqr baby 1 and fao Bay baby I tA noir do yon do to ftay J. MASS»0]!«, bmiSTER, MASTEE ANDDEP.SE linCliancerj-, Notary Public, ConTejWMi^ A :;tJIBER OF FAEMS FOB SAtK. BmcESâ€" OwL'ii Sound, in Vicker's Sloek jolett St.; Branch office in Markdale, o«er Mand's Store, on Friday and Satmiay week. 57-ly Creator 'SS.n rrison, ftABRl" -±vc5,S0LI0IT0ES. COKVET- )anees, c. Ac, ncEsinOwen Sound, Dufferua Slock, tW,F. Wolf's Store and in „ MARKDALE; r w. J. McFariand's Store on Tharaiay ||Fridiy of each week. f Funds to lend on reasonable teiaas. iCbeasob, Q. Q Duhcam Mobmom irkdale, March 15. 1882. W-lv Alexander Rroyivm* BBof Marria^ Licenses, Fire and hisurance Agent. CoaunissioiMt ' !jo. Gonfeyancer and Licensed' neer for the Ccunty of Grey. Farmers, »ts, and Land Sales, PruictnaUy •»- Ito nd charges made vecy moderate^ «TiUe, Sept. 17. 1880. 1-T Win. Bro-vm, IJIER OF MAREIAGE LICENSES, « Coiamissioner in B. E. c. iyancing in all its branches prompt]; I 1 to and carefully executed. |i.B.â€" Honey to Lend on Real Estate se W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR. AECHI- TBCT. â€" Residence on Mill Street, Mark- idale. 1241T HAMILTON'S Photograph galuerY OVEE THE STAXDARD OFFICE. Fin« work executed in all the latest sizes and shapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to A large stock of moolding to choose om. Call and leave your measure for a ficture^ GOMMERGlftL HOTEL JPRICBVnjLiE. Ont. Xjisrge and «emmodionfl 'Sample IRooms ^ooi. ded Boems, c. The Bur and larde wtXk «ecpp1ied "with the best the maaifeet af Fovfts -{ ^mtd Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. JOMAtwfts %alken for all kinds «f BBIiiK MB STME WORI, Â¥Iite Qnuunexctal PlaBterioR. OtoisoBMnuiv«» aU Shadn mt Cvlors. Chaiites weierale «nd eOieihelatMi guar- anteed. Orders Mt«tahe ^ASDJom office will receive pzvtnijdt tfttent i on. ^^ 126.1y. mi OMce I papa has jnst aa Inor to spare, Aftd help Us little ose wvpby, Wloht, indeoA I itxt f get iM my knees^ And W« 'big bear" ' X«u3r bijthn^ to please I weadftT what next I shall tawre to do, Te satiiitjr siv^ « youog tynant as yo« Bat Idgk, my baby, and ho, my baby, Whu^ewr yon wish to play, in i^ve vMi 9J1 hoar of frolic and ton, Before taking myseU away. Hi, my \ilSitr, «od bo, any baby, I'm liired â- of being • -bear," Come sit on ay toot, und I'll give yon « tide But â€" tumlie «fE, if you dare For mamma w«Bild come. And I know what she'd do; She'd sc(dd poor p^a For htirtiBff yea. And you. yoft Toghfte, would shirk aU the 'blame. For babies «re all l^e world over the same But hi, my bafcy, and ho, my baby. I've no more time tor play. So give me a kiss, «nd say good-bye. And â€" I wish you a very good Any. AlanBleA *tJ A. Bear. "PETEB THE GBEikT" INfUCTS JJBKADFUL litjTnaES UPON tobmentob. mm HOUSE, MARK3ALE, f^Bryan, Proprietor. ""» McAleer, I*RICE Vllt^ L.E, IS" All eaUs promptly vXte^iied to. Proprietor. l-"'8lions. J .f e is fitted up in good style, ritn- *T^A ^*"^®" ^^lere the traviellingirab- ^epend on the very best aoeo«BBio- ^-'nion bus to all trains. 194 'ARKDALE HO ISAAC STlNlSOTr, Builder and Compactor In all kinds of Rrick and Stone w«rk. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. ,,. a» Orders by mailpcoJopUy Wtended to, 195-6m* c WiBXfiilL P.O.. "Drunken men and fools are always safe" is an old adage, which, however true «8 a rule, has some exceptions. One of these exceptional cases, if the; soje exceptional, happened on Saturday last at the Zoo. A. man named Sam Thompson, who is employed as ^)gineer on the Mazqapa, managed to gaia admission to the Gardens, after being refused twice at the door beoaoM of his 4eing intoxicated, and was found in the cage with the camels teasing them. From thence he was very Bummarily ^ected and thrown oat of the grounds, hut managed again fee get ia, «nd returned to the same place, but was again put ont on the street, «8 it was thought finally. A short time aftenMurds one of the keep- en was hMiified to see him standing inside the gucurd rail of tiie cage occupied by the large bear "Peter the Gietfc,^' And with his hand in the bear's mouth. Peter, as the board ia front of bis cage tells everyoae, is dangerous, and no sooner had the man^s hand in his throat than he com- menced to crunch it, and when finally the bear was forced to let go the hand and arm were found to be so badly maagied that it had to be amputated at the General Hospital. The managers of the Zoo have taken every possible precaution to prevent acci- dents of this kind, and have placed an extra stout railing in front of all the cages occupied by dangerous animals, but they seem of no use in keeping drunken men away. A large ^asa cas^ Marly sixty feet loag has been exeotod for the disfjay of ladies wwk Qf a valuaU« kind; Over one hnndored electric li^ts and an electric tower 150 feet high, will be used to illuminate the grounds and buildings each evening. The art ^lery has been fitted out as a concert rcbm, and organ and piano leoitals, uid yocal and instrum* eutal music wilL be given each day and evening. Those who havt^ not made their enteneH should do so at once, as it is possible, on account of the large number already in, that those coming in late may have to be refused {or want of space. The engines and shafting in the machinery hall have received a thorough overhauling and cleaning. Steam was got up yesterday and the engines tested. The boilers will be 4ieeted next week. The Committee on horses yisited ttfae grounds yesterday afternoon and decided to erect additional stalls, but those exhibitors whose entries are in before Monday will have the prefer- ence in getting stalls. It has been decided by the gas company to erect an elevator from the ground floor to the top gallery of the main building which will be a great convenience to exhibitors as well as the public in general. The electric railway is rapidly approaching completion. Mr. Van- depoele, of Chicago, is here, and is giviug it his pei sonal supenn tendance, 'l.'hree cars arrived from London yes- terday, and were placed on the track. Toronto's great Industrial Fair, /twhich will be held froni Sept, 10th to ^^Oth, promises to excel that of any previous years. Tne entries arc pourine; in and the energetic secretary, Mr. Hill, and his assistant are kept busy almost night and day. Mr. Bobertson, of the "Little World" exhibit, arrived hear yesterday with the exhibit, from San Francisco. As soon as the building is completed he will at once commence its erection, which will take considerable time. On account of the large number of firemen that have notified the secretary of their intention to take part in the fireman's demonstrations September, 15th and 16tb. it is desurable that the proprietors (u boarding houses who may be able to accommodate any of the visitors should leave word to that effect at the Association's office. The exhibition will be opened by bis Honor the Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Robinson, on Wednesday, Sept. 10th, at 2 p. m., at which time Sir John A. Maedonald and other prominent gentlemen are expected to be present. His Excellency the Governor General will officially visit the Exhibition on Tuesday, Sept. 16th when an address will be presented to him at three o'clock p. m. and SckxMEOes towards evening; and though the latter spoke of having seen her aliya sever^ times during. |he night, neier Mrs. Forsyth nor W son appeared to have heard or seen her after iiightfiEdl till they saw her dead next^y. The inquest waa adjourned from Sathrday till Monday, lasting all through that day and till three on Tuesday morning, when a verdict was rendered that Mrs. Annie Bobinson' came to her death at the hands of Wm. Scoones, and he was committed for tiial. Since the inquest, Chief Constable Egerton has been working up the case, and this morning obtained sufficient evidence to arrest Maiggie Campbell alias Cox, as accessory. She was brought before the Pubhc Magistrate and remanded to gaol. We under- stand clear evidence has been obtained that the blow on the temple which caused the death of the woman was a kick by Wm. Scoones on the Friday afternoon. â€" 0. S. Times. ,, General News. Comntitted f or Manslangbter. bttBr i •: RUTLEDGE, PROPRIA •( m i ^^-\U, » ejsSf: â- jjT" 3T PIT s« iitA â- ' B.-chif;v #» om •;. .-a^j-: iiid 5if!it«3 W order. P~"iP^«*^^**;,S^ denceâ€" Snidar's Hill Owen Sound M*-^ Sendnx eantafarpMli«^ and reoflure £ree,aeM«F*« ol9Kidswhiidt wiUJMpL^ of silhar sex iOiva» wm^ cat on»adinH Tww*C!*,A»gifla*g»g- NOTES f;anada*s Great Fair. ON «HB KXHrarnoNS. MJ© DBrSBENT ATTa*CTIO»S.' THE 3ic!y^ xae(9a i*ifl forih ^ne of the fottitanm of ibe pc^«m 4^^^ second week. "/. \- A huge liumhitt/^reatpw and j*o^fii#s«*^ Ixh^f^ty^^ ivates-havsB been aHangod On Saturday morning last. Dr. Dowsley was called in to see a notor- ious woman named Mrs. Bobinson, who resides on a hill near the Catholic Church, and found her dead. As there were marks of violence on the body, he informed tiie County Attorney, aud an inquest was held before Cor- oner Cameron. Drs. Dowsley and C. E Bam hurt having made a pott mortem examinaticm, testified that there were several marks of ill-usage on the body, which m^hthave been there for some time,|but that she came to her deatn from a blow on the temple with sqnt^ blunt instnuiient, which had nbt beeu infflioted many hours. The oCher inmates of tkis' house, besides 4 the deceased, ware her daaghter Miss. Ma^giiil.^ampb%n' aij4 a idan sained W;^;Bo90fiief who ^ived with her. MrSt Earqrth attd her 'son, a ^omng man h*m^Ket|et Blythi be«i3«| a ' ' W"«h|tai*». Ajl exc^i^e chil^bFen ippc^ !ci{|i^ giyf^ ctip^lficcif^ mi to .-i i. k» 4 Y a â- /â- 9*iJ«S edt .«: UtPUj p;i Fighting has commenced between France and China. Thornbury papers contmue to agi- tate in favor of incorporation. The repeal petition will be voted on in Halton on September ninth. Mr. J. D. Edgar was elected to the House of Commons /or West Ontario last Friday. Mr. Norman Mclntyi'e has sold his i^rocery and liquor business in Dur- ham to Mr. McLaughlani Thei McCallough house, Dundalk, has changed hands, Mr. McCuUough of Orangevill being the new host. There have been sixty-nine deaths from whooping cough, in Brooklyn, during thfe past seven weeks. The Arcade seating ^ink at Godericb was burned on Saturday night, last. Loss covered by Insurance. There was a $100,000 fire at Duluth last Friday The lumber mill ot G. W Peck Son was destroyed. The Owen Sound Dredging, Tow- ing, aud Wrecking Ccmuany have been incorporated with a capital of $40,000. Twelve attempts at burglary and three incendiary fires have occurred in tue city of Belleville during the past- three months. Proton Agricultaral Society are distributing 1,000 prize lists; It's no wonder they are taking the lead as a township fall show. A lamp exploded in Dr. Moffat'a bedroom, Owen Sound, last week,, scattering the oil over the carpet,, destroying it; but the fire was ex- tinguished without fnrth^ serious damage. The C. P, B. elevator, at Owen Sound, is complete. The people of the town presented, last week, the company with a fine Canadian flag to adorn the building, and also presented Mr. W. J. Boss, the gentleman who had charge of the construction, with a beautiful gold watch. Good fob Aixiston. â€" The by-law granting to Enight Wilson the sum of $10,000 to help to rebuild the foundry and machine shop re- cently destroyed by fire was carried by over two to one- Work on the new buildings will be commeueed im- mediately. The :^dustri8l ExWbitior? in To- ronto this year promises Vo edipse all previous «f^s. Any thingiappiQach- ini{ to it in the Province, or e^n in. 0«iha5aV haitrever heen seen. Every y the l^air is thojtjght to have readied per/eff)»(mi »nd «T?Z7 JP*^^ yettf whai^^wae OTSvioui^iar) maeh ad- is'S^oM ti» hav«/ been eem- !» ni'.-a Qfliosin.TsAB Iibuirn.--Nfttio^'Pififia]:^. HMk aii\$akta,9Mti 340 ||Ft»W9f»8 ji^ im^^iiaum" ,9m .lisi» ^9^' dl* JE»3t *X£r«:i i»ik»v s'csju id tvaiitai A Vi' '1 ^â- i' :.;^ •!^ 1^ •ii ' ' ii[ 1^ m J^,Ur,