Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Aug 1884, p. 7

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 ««8. iie re. To«ir Jam; boSlL as,:*!;! « cream, oo,tji" ' nowevet («» 7 be torn off "n« Stick ,„ l^m-.heaaptrt- sofiftte fat ' y tbw sliag P'f°e of nuno i P*** »* » pickU h tie cover h and nnl ojn. After thrS] d'P itmcojl^J water in a Bw red pepper, o and afwr it ninutes set it one iier slowly; gi^, i- â-  inenaet away] hen cold put it I mi xtiranm} inoag" piT OFJHE CHOliWl' Pfgeription From Stri^oiMir- gellles and Toulon. ]ence 2few Torh Timu.) â-  Stew or roaita move the flwh ftJ stew panwitlnUtl hot. Then haTel il boiled, a toagne i to convenient pie irmly into bowli] iflB jient of the Ijqa to cover the i d a few sweet hei added to the dip the fowl in iwo and turn oat nice cheap costard plat of milk is pnti .If the thin rind o!| nnnamon broken I minutes and str ' a spoonful of ar r rice flour, rabb milk, and beat at least 10 minnt rith a^ little of tbe I ly atiding the whd k and forth seve 3 until it thickens, 1 cardie. Whenth liirring until it is i ler extrct to es or for sauce toj prepared as foil le morninc; I ing manner: .ke hold of the 1 a smaFi sharp bl roat close to the " n out quite throi at one quick strc bleed. This is a all the blood is the nerves are dead, pluogeit| and dovn; the water holding it ove r firee cimss in rs quickly witta ha bird ani put] with no stuffing e the oven hot tl aad bake slowly. ^^Z^e a five d»y"' vkit to thi. ci^, !*•!* udtoArles, in Older to lettit 1 1*^ for American readonaome fMts i iff^ I- regard to the oholen. I hanre ^â- ^.^ loom in every oboler* honitol 'TMarseilles and Tonltm, and bav* -i wretched people dying in hospiWi • .loir own hovels, and bnned at mid.,, i'»*"L cemeteries by the light of ' "^nd lanterns. I have discaawd aU Jm of tbe epidemic ezhanatiToly. pit*l doctors, with prlesta. and rMs and my conclnaion u that the iCed cholera, probably the moat "^vere of all diseaaeB to which ha- i i» heir, ia a thing of wWch no i,rt community of well-ordered lives U managed sewer pipee need have an â- g fear even when brought into cloie '^with'.it, to say nothing of getting nanic at a distance. iff' ktiie night train for Marseilles, and ' {a breaklast at 6 o'clock in the mom- **. Valence, some fifty miles south of ' and watched the country carefully ' of anxiety or commotion, but saw nuuanal until Aries was reached. "every window of the Spanish-looking '.was closed, so far as I could observe and in the streets of this town of 25,- not a scul was to be seen. At depot was congregated a melancholy ' d of peer people, the most of whom had "!|le5 clothiEgand various domestic f* Kj tfied up by means of bedclothes. 'Stwere waiting for the omnibus train â€" a ibelong'og to the third-class and mis- inecas in its character â€" ^that should f them northward to Tarascon, which lathe same department as Aries, and to Bocaire, on the opposite bank of the kgoe from Tarascon. During the day and ^t there had been thirteen deaths, and a Kill panic Lad prevailed in spite- of the UDianop's foimal procession to the relics I the taints in the Cathedral of St. Tro- lls lit up I pour Snramer. linto storage for Irecently, "our l-cugbly with rati ani ret rid ot be^n laid in thi I from t'le air. Ti fire frames that to closets that loths cannot fnd n-;ver live loi }ery three or f out of the cli and so, in *l article bai to |en times. In „ but it hai tendency to del lake them m»' Dae there i8*i r sable and oJ inflaenoes. ig, nowever; sack or cloak Lks of g»y te sure tnat w (through the let of keepmg ' of them and regnated with w preventive*' oommon hi pned; and [keep their fffljl^ Jen moths tt'" (have 8e l)metime »J aave been irom their » storing ' shaUtbe) oommon j8todest«5I invaded hf' ' oarelesMjJv Idbedis^ 11 »fl»^' them "^^j moth, ••?, ,d arek«P' AT MABSEILLES. lOn the first view that one gets ot Mar- lies no cne would* be apt to suspect, jerfrom the appearance of the city itself It the people he could see, that a pastil- tad Beized the town. It was estimated lie time of my arrival that fully 100.000 )le had already left the city but their ice was scarcely noticeable from the ap- i of the streets. In one of the public es a band of Italian musicians were to a throng of children and itrown ions. The omnibuses and street cars fall of people as in ordinary times, lebn the sidewalks, under the cafe awn- I, nearly all the chairs were occup'ed, the waiters were kept as busy as ever cheerful crowd of loungers. Bat at mmptuous Hotel Noailles, on the Rue XoaiHes, » continuation of the famous ibiere, a different scene was observed. ill its hundred rooms, myself and my rlerwtre the otly gueeta to be seen. « repaat ended, we undertook a drive ic^gh the city. In the chief streets we discern but s'.ight changes. Si, Ferreol, a kroad and prominent in the main part of the town, only ikops were closed in the Rue de la lebiere, in which are situated all the shops and business places of' other only nine were closed. But the tr quartersâ€" and God knows there are [h of themâ€" revealed another side to picture as we drove into them. Passing i; the narrow and squalid Rue Caisserie, one-half the ihops were seen to be clos- at every crossing. From a tenement in on the hill above a stream of foetid I Sowed acrcss the street and plunged n a precipitous descent on the other side ghdaik lanes crowded with towering ieiies swarming below with idle men and en playing in the filthy gutters, the len mtanwhile swashing the water about their brooms under the evident im- ion that they were cleaning somethint;. •lly we got on a street known as Toulon -a wide thoroughfare without a shade A'ong its gutters ran rivulets of drab ' water which had overflown from ;tinal when the canal Was dammed now then by heaps of rotten vegetabUs or snbatances, including deaa cats and Four out of every five hottses found closed. Those which remained weremamly eitamineta, where, under awnings and on dirty sidewalks, men *omen sat drinking or were already re- to atnpor from previous drinking, jink shops in which filthy people were '^S rotten i ags in an unspeakably vile at- "ere, Festering filth was around them, 'tropicUsan beat fiercely down upon ^iie, blinding the eyes as its rays "fleeted from the white road across in the Quartitr Capalette, courses 1 about the size of a main sewer in »ork, winding i-.s way uncovered the housed on its journey to the sea. 'tream was laden with the sewage of Ji'est of the Marseilles quartersâ€" Cap »• ""d the adjoining ore â€" which have M mnch over one-half of the deaths we occurred in Marseilles, and it is Miifholinl. Attho o^* io.tlM«J .Dfto iSStHSSSduS! ^eseasaita mortality aft fim na lan^ gl-ddwdopod fate • h08*« aonSS: Wlugbect mimbar tUk hif* beMTkt^ hospitp at any om Urn* is 110. and tte StT'*^ â- """ woeirad !â-  any one day k ^lJ^ are twoohiaf 4oet^ «d v labotduatea. who mvn im tania. ThS â- Jfo ^aidea two apotlMoaxieo. ten AnsoHia! Saters, and a laige force of laSonrs. .wiU be obliged to remun in the hosoit^ oon^tly imtU November, having lUn forbidden to go out into the oity. One Sister bas alr«idy died hwe. The treatment both here and at Toulon, m the first stages, is twenty drops of lau daoom, with three grains of ether, and ice m the month to stop the vomiting. In the »oond stage the patients bsoome very cold. From ten to fifteen grammes of aoetato am- monia, the same quantity of alcohol, and two injeotions of mmrphia are civen daily. If the patient cannot breath, artificial rel apiration of oxygen is produced, and the limbs are rubbed with turpentine. The third stage is the coffin. MIDKIOHT AT THB OKMKrBBT. Late at night I drove, with my courier, outside the ci^ to the cemetery, St. Pierre, to see the burial of the three mtients whom I had observed in tbe Pharo Hospital in the afternoon. The route led through the poor quarter, and at every corner bonfires were blazing to purify the air. The whole popula- tion was sitcing out on the steps of tenemento or on church porches, enjoying the fires and the ourrents of air created by them. After a brief burial service, intoned by a pale young priest, who looked badly scared, three boxes were hurriedly lowered into a trench eiirht feet deep by twenty feet long, aad a goodly quantity of linro was shovelled on top. A concierge showed me a burial permit. Across the face of the document was written. "Cholera â€" urgent," and there was a requisitinn for some disinfectant. I went bacK to the central part of the city, and it was gay enough. Bands were playing and cife lamps were gleaming. People in throngs were walking in the streets, laugh- ing merrily, and many heads were poked out of the windows of the houses. r«r-"ica»B»-.*Wii » » i »«»B '.*»T-«a»»»iy » » iw i£ -•^;' MAi " Truth isro. RLEVEN. THE FINAL ONE. Closuig Sentember 15th. A nevTplan. For Ftoaens Beriding Anyirlnn in the World Ontalde Hie City of TuMto. Ihe Largest lost, and lost Tain- aUeETer Offered by Any Miisher. Residents of Toronto InadmissaUe. A SMALL FARM FREE. Special Club Offer. Vew Plaaea. Tluee •i«aHS. SUvw Tea Sets. Bewiag â- aelilBet. 4SoM Watches, SU- Ter Watches, and Inmuaerable Other TalsaUe KewanU. Waiteh. a Solid €k»1d Qanolno • • e • •# • • • • • • • ••lit QeUQeBulM 100 00 beantifol heavy TtoU^nve Silk 11 to A Watehaa » to 4Lâ€" Twelve Ladles' 80Ud Coia ijU- BsUd Ma Blaok B«0 BAKIBOH. SHBnMBTAUSL .ffIBK€LAT«00B8. €IDDDC •tolBa9M0 iUAHDOILB. Uadacatol Copland McLaren, • •â- â€¢â€¢e« •« a • Watches Ukla mver JBttDO Don't Delay Bending inTonr Answers. resting fact that the largest propor- fM them were Italians. The wharves all lii^ T**®" '°°* "^^ *o°° oiowd- 1 A% 1"^*°*°e shipping, nwstly ttd Frtnch, and picturesque sighto Ij^^" Mediterranean sailors, among »ete many negroes lying m the shade. THE PHARO HOSPITAL, ftlus experience I decided to visit lutir • ^^« authorities objected to L' at the Pharo. and tn^re was T^'y in getting over their objec- fortnnately I had a note from a (WjaiciantoDr. Queviel, the Presi- ii T ^e'lical Society, and a letter • Wevitl finally availed to secure dp"'"' A joung English physician M. *r ^Meano was my amiable escort "le wards of the building, now riij^^opital Auxiliare de Pharo. K(w^i"^°®°* structure externally. Kter!: xi'y the Municipality for the H^'J^^apoloen III, and was ftiU AT TOULON. My visit to Toulon was necessary in order to show me more plainly what were the effects of the epidemic. The country people seemed to have lost their witi. The stations along the road have been deserted save by the railway officials. As at Aries and every- where else where there was a stopping place, pifes of baggage, bedding, and house- hold furniture encumbered the platforms. At tbe Boulevard de Lesae, naar the station at Tou'oa, I saw no human being save oae cabman, who was sound as'.esp beneath the shadow of a huge umbrella. I awakened him and hired him. I started at onc3 for an in- spection of the" town. Not until I had reached the Place d'Armes did I see a souL Tue Place d'Armes is the usual rasort and 1 lounging place of many sailors, for Toulon ii a huge marine barracks, wherd at times there are a? many a« 12.000 saUors. Now I " """ only saw two or three men seated on the benches. The lareer portion of the sailors, with the soldiers, nave been sent away, and are now quartered on the high ground which surrounds the port. Still two-thurds of the men I came across were either soldiers or sailors. The surgeons in the service and the SouB-Prefet estimate the people in the town to be to-day aboat 25,000. if in a sanitery sense, the condition of Marseilles was frightful, that of Toulon struck me as simply murlerous. Toulon has always been a breeding place of disease. Smallpox when it broke out ia Toulon was always of a malign int type, and more diffi- cult to stamp out than elsewhere. Tae natural death rate is invariably high, and likely to be increased at any time by abnor- mal diseases. Toulon streets and shops displayed no thing of their former busde and activity. There were some few signs of life only in the two streete of La Rapublique and L» Fayette. Here the shops were open, but elsewhere they were closed. No business seemed to be the rule, and a vitit paid to the outlying sections of Toulon showed how the dreaded disease had made the streets a Bobtnde I visited a hospital in the suburbs constructed in that unfortunate way so much m vogue a century or more ago. « has been receiving cholera patiente since the 14th of July. I saw there thirty-six cases of chol- era. Here I saw Mme. Dorvan, a lady of wealth whose name has ahready been cele brated for her devotion to the cause of hu- manity. This brave woman has nursed cholera patiente In Egypt, Greece, and Italy. I found her in this hospital busUy occupied, ffloving from bed to bed, administonng to the wante of the sick. In a conversation with her in regard to the contagious chM- acter of cholera, Mme. Dorvan agreed with the doctors that under proper precautions the elemente of danger were smguhHrly les- sened. I noticed tnat the doctors smoked dgwi and chewed considerable quantities of **?f ' over one train at Toulon during my S^lS^tion wd then went ^un to Ari€S, buthad no time to visit the ^^ there. I found no one who «)uld ffve me At the solicitation of many friends Tkutb announcesonemoreâ€" the finalâ€" Bible comped- tion. Owinit to tbe fact of so many valuable rewards going to citizens of Toronte. this com- petition will be open only to persons living out- side the city of Torcnta. Any one residing in any other part of the habitable world wiU be eligible to compete for these magnlfloeat re- wards. The qneationsâ€" which are supplied by an eminent Preabjterlan minister â€" are very difficult, but the rewards are valuable. Every- thing offered in previous competitions has been promptly and ^eerfully handed over to the successful ones the moment they are known. Full and complete lists of all those who gain re- wards are given In Truth the week following the close of each competition. There will be no change, and no postponement la any way; everything will be carried out exactly aastated. HXKK ASK TBS QUSITIOin. 1.â€" Whna is GiOLD flnt aad* iMntion of in tk« BibU? 2.â€" Whera does it lint Btata in tlM BibI* that tkar* was oiri,Y oNS i.Airov^oa axd ox srxacH on tha wliola aartk 3.â€" WliaraislNirfirgtraferTad to in tha BiUa? (By tiia word inn is meant a plaoa of rasi anA ratraaluaaDt commonly knOwn now as an hotal.) â- very one competing must send one dollar with their answers, for six months' subscription to TnUTH. And aside from tbe vswards, them- selves, they will find that they have aiade the best Investment of one dollar they ever did. TaxTTH Is fun and big value for the money. Brar In mind that you pay nothing extra for the privilege of competing for thase costly rewards, and you will get Truth for six months la any case for your one dollar, whleh is the regular subscription price, aad will also get one of these rewards, provided your answers are correct, and reach Tbuth office ia time Don't delay. Bead the great list of FIB8T BSWAKOS. 1 and 1- Two Elegant Qrand Square Kosewood Pianos, by the oelebrat- ed makers, titevensonft Ce $1,100 00 8.â€" Une celebrated "Bell" Organ, the finest organ makers in Canada. .. 160 00 i.â€" One beautiful quadruple-plated SUverTeaSet 100 00 6.â€" One Gentleman's Gtonulne Elglm Stem winding and Stem-setting. Utest style, SoUd Gold. Hunting CaseWatch 100 00 6.â€" One Lady's bolld Gold Hunting Case Genuine Elgin Watch, latest stria â- â€¢ 00 7 to 10.â€" "Ten rehowniiid Williams' Sin- ger Sewing Itaohlaes 8S0 00 17to:iS.â€" Ten Gentlemen's beautiful BoUd Coin Silver Huntlaroase Watches • 300 00 27 to 31.â€" Five Ladles' beautiful Solid Coin Silver Hunting-case Watches 82 to 5L- Twenty WiSSbury Watehaa 62tol0lâ€" nfty-two volumes Univer- sal Cyclopedia. An exeellent ^^0F ••••â- ae****aaaaa***e«** •â- â€¢â€¢aaaa lOi to 200.â€" Ninety-seven Ladies' Beau tiful SoUd Boiled OoIdBrooehes latest style patterns, splendid ^aiUO ••â- â€¢â€¢aaiaa* • •• • ••••••â- . aaaaaaa* 101 to 262. -Fifty-two Elegant TMple- nUted Butter Kaives _... The above mi«nlfloeat list of awards will be given to the first two hundred aad fltr;two pw- sans who send eorrect aaswan to eaeh of toe three Bible questions given above. Then txA- lows the big list ot to 71.â€" VoaitofB* lenotraed. WMars hury W a t o he e «....•.. 72 to 200.â€" One hundred aad thhrty-eli^t tiafBalOw bomid Totnaes of Univer- aal^diraedla.... 4U 00 210 to Sll.â€" One hundred aad two LadiesT Fhie BoUed Gold Pins or Braoohes 20ft 00 S12 to 401.â€" Ninety BolU Trifle SUvet^ pb^ed Butter Knlvee 90 00 The further yon live from Toraato the hotter you cam oompete f or theae last or eoasolatioa rewards. Bear inaitaidthatitis the lost cor- net answer received at the office of Txuth that gets number one of these consolation re« wards. The ofihr is open only till the 15th Sep- tember, and as long as your letter bears the postmark, vth- re mailed, of the date dt 15th September. will t ake its place in the mler reoeived at uth Office. Fifteen days after date ot dosin will be allowed for letteis from distant' pdbit t reach Toronto, but don't for- getlthat you r 4tter must not bear m later port mark than Saptenoar Uth.- All oomneti^ must send with their answers one dollar for six monts' snbscriptiom to Truth. which will will be sent to any desired address Wberever you live. outside Toronto, you can compete at any time between now and the closing day for either the first or middle r»- wards, and as well as, of course, for tbe eoasola tion rewaida. Someone will get those five acres of landâ€" why not yout Look up your Bible now and see if you can find the answers to these questiona It will do you good, apart from the oppor imity yon have of obtalUiiM; a va uable reward in addition to Tritth. wmoh alone is good value for the one dollar. It consists of 28 pt^res of choice and pure reading matter for tbe borne circle â€" something to interrst every member of the family. Tbe publisher could not afford to give ttiese valuable rewards ualess he was certain ofyOur patronage in years to come, and you are almost certain to become life subscribers to Truth if you take it for six months, it is sneha splendldiweekly (notmonth- yl) magasine. smsniK M0l\ n* atortaomnimtiaaatfor fHSMH iathair basr. .VSf.A F.P.'Gurrie Co. 100 Grey Nun St.. IfoBtteaL Impcwtan oC •aim Fives, r^HMmm* CsBswt. Ohimnay Topt, Canada Ownent, Ymi Unias*, Watar Luaa, Una Oovan, WUUnK SlNBiieks, Tlattar of Paris. IbaOar, Botaz, Bmasn Oemmt, Ohina COay Hannfaetnran of imar Steel ai«Ca.Ghalr BaA* Svrlan 2UIQ0 â- Work a social idarbilt^*! [I'd IT" pCMe dan changed all the plans the.tC.^" then stopped. As a ,j,^ 'irufiture is a superb cne. but as ' le " oad'y arranged. Daring a- »•* â-  ^^ eighty.four patients lbft»2! *^^ disease, from the last '*ate tJ° '^^ P«"°d of cheerfuL ""^^j 7*' iaca in these eighty- "!^lrfv ""^*^e, was the face of a '"i'ibta V '" ^^^^ 0* *«» and this *«enthejnle amtng jatitnts I^y'lnteiligible account of aflEurfc ^Lt^ whom I talked exprewed hm- LuinlHielsured *^^f'^^^« he caUed "the cowardice of the people. He 2id Aries was demoted »d~Pj;^ ^oken that the dead in some cases lemain- Speolal Cluh OBer to Yearly Snbsorlbers. If twenty-hve persona jbm and send 950. each one ot the twenty-five whose answers are correct will get their choice of a solid-rolled gold brOoch, new and elegant design, worth at retail two dollars a Chambers' Etymological Dictionary, worth about same amount; a World's Universal Cyclopndia. or a volume elegantly bound of Shakespeare's Oomplete Works. Of course, each of toe dub will nave the same opportunity of gaining one of the rewards in the regular list (in audition to the eertalnlty of one of the prizes aforesaid), a* though they had sent in singly. This is t Imply an extra inducement to olubs. The rewards in last competition were very widely scattered over Ontario and Quebec. In fact, every province was represented in the laat, not exceptinr British Columbia. A great many also went to the Stetes. Mo information will be given any one be- yond what has above been stated. Bo don't waste time by waiting, but send in yonr answers and money now. If you happen to be too late for the fust, you may be fonunate enough to obMln a middle reward, and that is where the biggest ones are. Trttth directs special attention tO the fact that dergymea are not permitted to compete, neither are persons who la previous competitions wen prizes ceeding one hundred dollars In value, and as I ex- F. B DIXON CO. â- aaafaetarcn af Mar mtvat Leather Belting I go Klat tticet. East, Vanmto. Laioe double Driving Belta a spedalty. Send for PnoeLlBts and Dlsconn^ 1 Westinghoiua lion Farm £uf ina. 1 ,_ Triumph Do. 1 0. O. MoRison do. 1 8 h. p. Portable Bnsine and Boiler en Skids. 1 35 h, p. HorozonUt by Notthy. 1 do. by Wa- terous with out off Talva, and 20 engines and boilen ot â- mailer sizes, all thorouclily refitted before learing shop. 3 34-inch Planers andMatohen. 1 30-ineli Pony Planer. 1 Iron Frame Tenoning machine. 1 Blind Slat Tenoner. 1 Bosgy Plainer or jointer. S band saws. 10 Saw Tables. TPire-Proof Safe. 1 Jeweler's Boola Steal. 1 Book-Binder's Screw Press. 1 43ineh Freach Bnr.- Portable Grist Mill. 1 62-inch inserted Tooth-Saw, Ac., te. Send for new list. No. 9, eontalniog foil de scription of machinery in stock. Address, H. W. PETBIE, Brantford, Ont. IIIAGHINERY. WHAT SHALL I DBINK THS MONTSKIUftAT Lime Fruit Juice. OordiaL most wholesome, delioioiis and eaUiw re. Strictly pore and entirely free from AlcohoL edal Calcutta Exhibition. SoldbyaU^uMs beT( erase. Gold Med_ andsrocers. Bole. proprietpn,H.^UGDBN^^. CO., Montreal. Toronto. Agents, JAS. H. FEABOE OO, Burton's Ml uealing TAB Am) GLTCEBINE SOAP! Tbe beat in the world for all dia eases ot the Skin, on Han or Beaat Sold by all dmggists. THE ALBERT TOILET SOAP GO. '8 CARBOLIC ACID AND eLTCEBINB Is tbe best in the market, GURMS WARE, no Torohtenians are allowed to compete, the field is now open for a fair and square race for these rewards te any one, on the habitable globe, outside Tarento. no moaey will be received by telegraph, or in any way bat through tbe poMomee or by express. One dollu Only reanired. Try your skilU You are sure of geod value for your money anyway. Addresa S Frank Wilson. Truth Offlse, S3 and 86 Adelaidfrstreet. Toronto. Canada. Not another Pill shall go down my throat again, stid a citizen, " when I can get such a prompt and pleasant cure for my Bilious Attacks, such as Dr. Carson s Stom- ach Bitters. It renders the Blood Pure and Uool and makes a Splendid Spring Medicine. Large ttlea GO •ants. M)st any ecaeme is feasible with a law- y" A? S Bnglish-speaking joonudirt h» " " k.«JL» nM in this portion of tbe condition of ed imbnried, this seaton bSnStoce me m'this portion SSS Frsnce, thoBgh the "d^tion -^5r«ia bad ononafa, the reporte of pamo ^S^"b£S.S^to Englidi wd Amen- exaggerated.. BeT. Jolm Weriej a Kason. Bo^ Arch Maaonic apron, receipts of a Boyai """^WasSy to the lodge of lodge dues P"JiyTj**^Sading OTora which he was a memuer, ex»««»»8__ ^^^ ^Sodofsoowjteenyw- 5Sook..from WesU/s p^g tainiag his aatogrsgh. Theia is 16a ?«« '"' aiwt a mimbcr library, eon iiaaonio apron oia. 'These lelica *« por- oba«a oy «.t.. Mr B-Ujyj«^«i* 106 00 100 00 160 00 IMOO at 00 KZDDIiS L nVB ACRBSOFBBAUTiraitLr SITnAtKO LAND, adjoinbiig the corporation of Miajgaia Falls, bree from all lnoumbraao* dear tlue, splendidly situated for frait rais- ing, sloping gently tawards tbe south, overlookiag the town, and witldn sound tf the great eataraot: not • stumper aa uneven foot of ground in it; land on opposite side of road held at fl.a00 fvt acre • .|8,00000 t.-One Beautlfal Square Grand Rose- wood Piano, by Stovenssn ft Co.. 6M 00 8.-OaeKJe«Bn» Cabinet Orp^ by the cdebratSlflrmofBeaJE Oo...... 800 00 4.-0ne Beautlfnl SUver lea Betvloe best made, quadruple plate, six niQjQg lUI 00 Cme Oeatieman's Genuine Kbdn Watoh, Stem-winding and Stem- 8ettlag.h.o IWOO Lâ€" Where is the first refeienee In the BiUa to the dar being divided into heursf iL-^nuSu the superflsial area la cubMs ot sq^ foU of the largwt betotead mentioned *°L-l^M'Uidenoe have we that la BlUe ttai^^JS^eSvl^raoftaneBptaTed inthemanu- faetore at bread ai^ sweetmeats t ft^-toe Lady's Hunting-oase Wateh ^SSn-iSdingand s!eBtSet*B«.. 16 00 r tott-tobSsntma heavy Uaok eordad Silk Drees Patteraa....^.- 800 00 wtoaKSStTq^SSifls^ -_ tMueiuM Watdhea Bl w iitoML^SJhtoenMld Nokle Silver ** WatohS^erican Movement- 870 00 glboohes. new aad elannt do- be »»â-¼Â« ?^â„¢S»!SrliIS^oinpatltlao, UOOO IM«0 " thS^«iSirwidln« thewrfAito «r; MWtfer cS ^S^hole^ ognpgtWao, toga l^eu WANTED. ActiTe poshing men wanted to wholeKale laj iamons teas to eoBsumera. Salary from 9800 to jtJOOOperiaar. Seod stamp for particulars. J A9IB j LAUI, uiporter, Toronto. • Dominion Lineot Steamships. Buaniag in eonnastion with the Grand Tmak Bafl way of Canada. Sailing fram Quebec erary Saturday during tha summer months, and from Portland eTary Thursday dnriag tha winter montlis. Bailing dataafrâ€" OTTSBXO TO IiIVXaPOOL *Samia. Aag. f. I TeroBla. Aag. aa Vreeklyn, Aag, IS I 'Oregon. Sept. • *Taaeeaver. Aag, S« Montreal, Sept. 18 Bates of passage Cabin, Qaahae to Lirarpoel 9BB, •60,t85,88a Betara.$90,|108.$U7,$144,aeeordia«t« steamer and berth. IntermediaU $38,7^ Stesraga, at lawaatrataa. Tlie saloons andstataraonain staamata marked thus are amidships, whera but little motlaa is felt, and no oaitle or sheep are carried on tham. Per farther partieulats apply to any Gaand Tmak Bailww Ageai ar laoal agents of tha Company, or to •ATI* I«BBAMC di ro.. General Agents, Montreal TAIAUD SCALED THE BEST, THE STRONQESTc THE MOST RELIABLE. TTnilTallad in material, constmoUon and flaUh. per feet in aocuiac^ and unequalled in durability. Qav antaed to gire entire satisfaction. THEY EXCEL ALL OTHERS. JDIb^ Alarm Honef SmrHpi UNI) F0 XUiDHTBAXXD O-XJENETS â- WABB. MERIDEN "BRITAJOIA QO, :) ICAinTFACIUBKBS OF (:- gm$i ^kicim #0l(l m Mvtt Whit, Jen Ymck, Meriden (Ct), Chleagb) Saa Frandooo, LendoB, (£ng.)* BBA5CH FACTOSTâ€" Cor. Caaaoi^and WdllngtoB Streets, HamUton, thit. Many pordhaaen haTing thfooi^ a dmilarity of names pnwhsaod other wares under tha Impfnislnii that th« were ot our manutactora, we an conwell- edtoaakneeialaMeBtlon to the abora TBADX flAXKS The faet that oar nama aad Tiada Malta arabetoK so doae- ly imitated ahoold be a snffleieu guaran- tee to tiiatrnWio that oor wane are the BIST IN THB WOBLa TBADB 1847 Rogers Bras. Al. I HABK. ic(e f^erald. ^^^3jsrt£S^ s?nss^ naartooiTOrt aMjm^gj-gJ^gJ^ Xha land NEW WIIJJAMS ESgh Aim Mahhine ii^ow reoogniied aa the. Sevlng laddne if tiie Period. UlsUgfet â- as7a: BapMte] aiavletolennK It is sferosig; durable, aad well hnBt, ti flie very beat matori^ that moaay ian bay or akiU pvediMa.' Ji waa awarded five medals aad tliiee first.pnisi at Ae DominioB ExtaibitioB laat October. It k rapidly soperiMdiag aU tbe old fashimied makes everywitora. Sea it, try it, buy it, aad make snze that yoa j[«t it. THEWIIilAMS'MFGGO. 1781 Krtra Bmm St., MoBtraal, aad K'ngSi,, Wecti, xoroato. 68 I I ' 1 U I, *i( :il K' J.

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