Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Aug 1884, p. 5

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 "^v- •â- rtotftt, Hli ^^â- ^y bef„r ""•lay befwei ^ay before ndaybt^foveorl le second Xaj -Third Wednj iday before DaJ i Tuesdav iJ r'**^^*»'"'SW"*r***"^- ' :W}m vvf: TheEngiish Church and PresbvtfirUn I ..h» 8. gchools held their pi6.5ethi«^S'*u*?"fâ„¢?-3*n *iil •i^Js^xiA in Walkers baah The^weri £1 ^* ""^^^ °^ tt ft«k«tt Btb's. WATCHES. '•re â- lay before DaJ ast WedaesdJ Cher Shi the country can j I ALL PART^ HERE ORDER patronage resj* ,nd in McNea's blJ IE TRELFOl Ul NUKSERII INJHEDO'^ll ice on Fall sales. 1 I salaries to all wit (1 Wonieu leasunt earning from ?40J ;iises. ireo. AdJrcss j:\\ELLlNPTTOiiJ Toronto,! l^yae stock Clocks, Quadruple plated Ware, Wedding Rings i8 k., P-^fig^y Chains, Seals^ lazzanis Morris and Bass specks, good VioHn Strings, \lusical Instruments. Careful, and accurate repair- l,iy personally attended to and fully warranted. Sauare Dealing. Fair Prices. W. A. BROWN. MARKDALE. BaTa nd Other ItelT Notices in these columns intended to benefit m individual vr Society will be charged ten cinu a lire for the first insertion and five ctntta, line each subiequent imertion, McFarl-'.nd ailvcriises nothing but facts. The bii-k ^ork ou Benson's building iscoinpltte. McFaki.aM' don't keep trashy auction mil- AniTLKSun and air; improves a little Si'ii aiHt heir. JIlFa:-.: '-â- ;: piys s)ot cash for all his bad m r.innr.fucturing jrtiueiit of h^'vivniturj hh SEATS and DJ [S, etc., of tbe proved patte' 3ol Trustees and • fort and compa^ f.^sortiui^ntof Far |av^â-  on hand, rth P. 0. LvNDKEW McGl TuF, 1 uly people who enjoys liealtli iiro tho doctors. .McF.vic.ANb iuiports direct fromEuroperian aiaikfU. It is n. v.'tnk religion that cannot 1 stand on it.s own mprits. Djc 'U:liV; at the Medical Hall. A. A Lu;..i. 4U;iiitity of shipping tags latilu' Stv.\-I)Aki office. Sir. .1. i;. .TrimLle's Chashmeres (all I ijiif I lulnvi- ^ou make your selections. Makk;alk cheese factory has made â- Jicir acoiUi faille of cheese. .Viiioi... Alt ut T\yeeds and Suitings just • lUcJ V â- .; ::t ,J. K. Trimble's, cheap for cash. hta.L?;..-. much wit not to dis- ipkasi a v,oin;.,u £iti it does to please iitr. Bio Sai* of remn«ite now going on at Mc Fadand b. Bemnanta of Tweed*. leanants of ftints. remnante of Dress Goods, remnants of Flannels, remnants of Cashmeres, less than cost at McFarlaud's. The A. 0. U. W. excarsion to Owen bound on Monday last was a success. A large number went on at this station and a good time was spent. Pain from indigestion ot gick head ache 18 instantly relieved by one dose of Mejuvinator Bitters, made from roots and herbs. Next Saturday will be cattle fair m Markdale, and we hope to see a large turn out, the meat market are not very satisfactory, but that should not hind- der a good fwv. The maRical power over pain that Hagyard's Yellow Oil possesses, outriyals the mei-vels of ancient times. It acts in a natural manner to subdue inflammation cures Jiheumatism, Croup, Deafnessi Sore Throat, and painful injuries. What would you think of a person who would stop and look over your shoulder while reading a private letter It's just as bad to read printers copy over the compositor's shoulder. Fob Sale.â€" One pair of first class bay mares 8 and 4 years old in good condition, guaranteed in every way weight from 1,800 to 1,400 each. Apply to J. R. Trimble, Markdale. Mb. Plewes is weekly repienishins: his stock BO that his customers may depend on fresh groceries every time. He also keeps an excellent brand of Oatmeal, Indian Com Meal, Graham flour and cracked wheat c., If you should be so unforttmate as to Bum Scald or Wound yourself in any iray the proper thing to keep clean and lieal it is McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Insist on having, and be sure you get. McGregor Parke's Carbohc Cerate. Price 25 cents. HiU Bro's. has the genuine. J. J. 2 Mb. Geo. Hutchinson and Sons of the 7th line Euphrasia, i.5 bringing in a new "Abel" Threshing Machine, which they well have ready for the first fall wheat threshinpr. A. O. U. W.â€" A monstor eteorsaim from Fergus, Elora, Satem, under the auspices of the Ancient Order of United Workmen passed through to Owen Sound on Thursday last, there were 21 cars drawn by two heavy engines. The a S. Adeertiter says it was the largest excursion party that ever visited that town. The Editor ol the Adcanee endeavors to give the public to understand tbat our tender for the printing of Eest Grey Ag. Prize List was a crooked one and therefore dishonest. It was nothing of tbe kind, It was both straight and honest, and had he not thrown out uncalled for losuuations in reference to the job, we should not have referred to it publicly. We trust all our subscribers will feel interested in the prosperity of the Stanoabb, and to that end keep us thoroughly posted with the hap- penings of their, several neighbor- hoods. Get the facts together and send them while fresh; don't be afraid of poor spelling and bad handwriting, we will fix it up, ther8 not a locality but something transpires occasionally which the people of the next neigh- borhood would like to know; tJien send along the news from all sides and our word for it, the jtand- ABD will team with the most interest log news. -**m Artemeaia Coaaeil. INVALUABLE TO EVERT LADY! Tht araal French UHm for BtatHf yitg th t Fact. It eoneesls the evidenoe of age. One sp plication will make tbe most stubbornly red and rough hands beaatifolly soft and white. Bemember that "MAT DKWis not a paint or powder that fills up the pores of the akin, and that is injarions to the skin, bat a new and great discoTeiy, a vegetable liquid, that causes the cheek to rIow with h«dth, the neck, arms and« hands to rival the LUy in whiteness. Impostdble to detect in the beaotyit confers any artificial diaracter. It cures greaey Skin, Freckles, Wrinkles, Pimples, Black Heads, Crow's Feet, Blotches, Face Grabs, Sun bum, T-ui, Bingworm, Chapped Hands, Sore or Chapped Lips, Barber's Itch, Tetter, etc. It frees the por- es, oil glands, and tqbes from the injurious effects of powders and cosmetic washes. By ltd use all redness and roughness are pre- vented it oeantifies the skin, and will make it soft, smooth and white imparting a de- liciouff softness imparting » perfectly healthy, natural and yoathful appearance. The best foce lotion that the world ever pro- duced. We will send "a IiABok bottle" to any address on receipt of price, 91. When ordering mention this paper Address aU letters to the MAY DEW AGBITGY, 167 Church Street, Toronto, Ont. Parlor and Beception Boom for Ladies. QTl^acle "MSLfls. OFFICIE OF TJaE The generous man to share it the miser the banker, to len.-i it wins gold to spare it the foolish :iai Cradles and Harvest Tninlile's. He is bound to Ienia idLathl Isive improvem^ I confident I fAYS ON H| lie Every D\ BUls rill«i 0^ Lath alv| »nte Ash, Blael .mlock Logs ' wcisevi,.'.!. iOo .|uiio of japer and 5,000 '•Bvelopca uist opened at the Standabd Ite. J.R. ii:::.:r:i,F.'s is thfi place to get the l-t^Ht. ci.i::i;.c--t ami best selection of goods The wiiitprr of a beautiful woman Ian bo btai-l further than the loudest e: r-.f air.v fT â- 'â- E. rr.;;!'.:,r has received this week large ^i"2r.:p.mis of se;',sonable goods in all lines 'Paver than ever. ^^HEN- will the married people of l-fckJult Inve their pic-nic to Eugenia 'â- "^3/ Duiit all speak at once. ItXii.i y;i;a i;.lax-k and Colored Empress Ijvily poods: Direct Importa- XK- ,-To-- Lo |!0^1• OVK I- ::.iM); that is why the :cv-r â- c i tiio dog until it is too ITT' Eugenil'" '" ^•'-^'â- ^ tI;o seat of his pants ISTIC. aid ac la sage In lliko a rjan Wsthei.e^. ,,.fit'3asid*.'l ou every s )il nnexcell«^j fcurer, McCoU^^ '"^oneil ri'U T.lio favorite purgative us ii;ilicine, they are nuld and and 'ttorjvw I 'tack n tputs 'v^ill please remem- i'l their letter so as to ^Jy T-jesd.ay each week. RDS \\ J'n.Lj.ive Uirfrains in Watches, Clocks, I -wr c;.4;, (1ki:ii- the balance of this Poath. Ca'l fl:,a invest. W. A. Brown ::?. Men .â€"Order your billheads J°^ 'ime, a lar^^e stock of excellent I "^^•ai .ii'ot opened at this office. Ij,^^.^"--^^"' i-as built up his immense and k man to spend it the wise man to use it the gambler, to loose it. EvEBY business man should have his business, name and address printed on his letter paper, and envelopes, it looks so much better and only costs a trifle over the cost of the bare paper. The study of literature nourishes youth, entertains old age, adorns prosperity, solaces adversity, is delight- ful at home, unobtrusive abroad, deserts not by day or by night, in journey nor by retirement, A COMPLETE stock of Har- vest Tools, Cradles, Forks, Rakes and Binding Mitts, etc. selling very cheap at R. J. Sproiale's, Flesherton. Mb. Geo. Fleming. Post Master of Berkeley, has erected a fine house in the center of the town where the P.O. wiU. be kept. This will he a great convenience to the public who had to travel nearly quarter of a mile out of the -way to the old stand. Bedxjced Pbices. â€" D, J. Shanahan will run off the balance of his large and superior stock of wheel'd rigs at reduced prices in order to clear out the whole stock before commencing on his winter work. Give him a call and examine for yourselves and get prices. A FULL stock of those cele- brated Self Sealing Gem Jars and all other kinds of Preserv- ing lars selling very cheap. Call and examine at R. J. Sproule's, Flesherton. Undebtakino.â€" Mr. R. Askin of this place has an extensive and well stocked undertaking estabhshment comprising coffins, caskets, shrouds, and all necesf ary furnishmg together witliavery landsome and valuable hearse. He also does all kinds of picture framing on short notice. -Next door to J. R. Trimtile's. MAli and ax;. PtoSt uusmess by keeping sound, â- :^.l sc-ning them at a reason- S-T. ^iDti ""'"^- '^^ iai-ber has a good "^sttr. iv-neatincr rifle he wishes j^^^"*ng8 fur a double barrel ;shot V^.,. i. not giving up lhr77' '^^ -s S'Mng to give the businei^ ia iple to et before he mtivi Eelrs Lake. The best YBr.â€" By special arrange- ment we are enabled to offer the Montreal Star together with ttie Standabd six months tor 65 e^ots. TbeStoris aUowed to be ibe best family paper pubUshed while the Standa^ is hard to beat a« a local naper. and the two are offered for Euhe price of one. Send myomr subscription at once to this office f« oneorSie both, you can have toe Star fw 80 cents or the Standabd. for srceatsto any address, bakiwpf yeaTi cash in advance* This Council met on July 7th, ' members all present. The Beeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. A. letter from John Olliver was pre- sented and read. A petition from J. H. Stewart, re 10th Con. presented and read. Accounts as follows :â€" Jas. Stewart repairing bridge $7; B. J. Sproule, postage $4.90 H. Cairns, repairing scraper $1.10; J. Hargraye, gravel for road $4.50; Moffatt Bros., for scrapers, $120; W. Wright, timber for culvert $3 the aboye were ordered to be paid. Patrick Welsh presented an account for right of way ou 9th Con. â€" $100 which was laid ou the table. Hugh Walton presented an account $110 right of way in tovyn line, Artemesia and Euphrasia. .The committee appointed to ex- amine gravel roads presented their report recommending an expenditure ou the gravel roads as follows â€" Between Flesherton and the Station $150; Station and Priceville $100; near Markdale $75 East from Flesh- erton $50 South of Flesherton $25, which ou motion was adopted. Mr. McAithur.â€" That Ann. Mc- Kinuon be exeuapted from statute labor for 1834. Mr. Blakley. â€" That Chas. Hales be paid $55, contract on Tyrone bridge. Mr. McArthur- â€" That John Turner be refunieJ $3, for statute labor for 1883, on lots 28 and 29, 3 S. D. B. said labir having been performed. Mr. Pedlar.â€" That Jas. Fisher, $24.20 J, W. Hoath, $14 H. Fen- wick, $16 John Williams, $17.50 Jas. Little, $5; George Eutledge, $16, be paid lor road jobs in Ward No. 4. Mr. McArthur.â€" That Messrs, Blakley and Elliott be paid $4 apd $3 respectively for services on gravel road committee. Mr. Pedlar.â€" That Jas. H. Stewart's petition be entertained, aud $25 be expended ou 10t,h concession. Mr. Blakley.â€" That $10 be granted to repair bridge on 200th side road, E. T. and S. Boad. Mr. Blakley,â€" That $15 be granted to iiiiproye hid opposite lot 185, W. T. and S. Boad. Mr. McAithur.â€" That $20 be grant- ed to improve town Ime Gleuelg and Artemesia, South of Irish Lake pro- viJed Glenelg aslant an equal sum. Extracts Jrom the.report of special committee appoiuted to examine gravel roads lu ArtemeBia. That spea king in a genei.il way the gravel roads may be called rough, even at this season when they are perfectly dry, that the worst portions of gravel roads and the portions most in need of repairs are, viz Between Flesherton and the Station. One mde on each side of Markdale, between the Station and Priceville, road East and ttouth of Flesherton. Your commitcee are of opinion that $400, are required to make the repairs, and would suggest the following places for it to be expended, between Flesh- and the Station $160, between Station and Priceville $100, 8*y one mile on each side of Markdald $75, East from Flesherton $50, and South of Flesb* erton $25. ConneilaAiQIvnM* .IJ^^C^IW *s«'-W- " »****^' Clerk. FldierloB hi U All kinds of Marble and IVJ onu-mental AVorlis,. such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones, iJounter and Table Tops, â€" in American aud Italian Marble, and made on shoit notice. Also Mantles in Marble aud Marbeleized Slate, c., c. SSatistaction Grnaranteed in IE very liespect Ruiilocte Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Ziidigcstion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jauiidice, Affections of the Licer and Kidneys, Pimples, Blotc/ies, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. T, a-- I:E^T7â- I^:^T(3-, MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all Eands f Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern Pumps. All kinds of IRON PUMPS RUFPLIEP. ROOKE'SJBAKERY. BR-EAO.^ the staff of life and Jr»ASTFiY that will please your wife, always on hand, to supply the demand. So when your stock is low Step in and let us know, And we'll your wants supply, Or you'll know the reason why. E. ROOKE, Markdale. FIRST-CLASS FLOUR For sale at BARRHEAD :: MILLS For $4.50 per Barrel. Will deliver to any part of ^the village. W. J. ROWE. July 22, 1884. DFDWtERB EXTRACT" CURES VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. A splendid farm for sale two miles from the rising town of Markdale, an important station on the Toronto, Gr^ Bruce divi- sion of the C. P. B. Being lots No. 108 2nd •tad 108 fe lOv) in Srd rangtt. West of T., S. Boad. Gknelg: Co. Grey, conuuniug loO acres. The farm is admirably adsptal for grain or stock and especially for the latter, is watered by a beaatifnU never failing stream of spring water, lliere is 110 acres cleared -and is in a good state of cultivation, wdl tenced with cedar rails, balance hard wood with sufficient cedar for fencing the place, also a eomftetable ho :se, with splen- did well adjoining, good «at buildings, young orcbarf bearing. Ttit ia a most desirable lann for stock nusiag. Title indispotaUe.. 'f{Mr forther pwrtieidan and: \mnta ap|riy to lOll^ABD JtUXL^jpe^ on tbe pmmises. ^ft'*4^'« P. 0., or to SKaasABS Office. iJark- 4W9, :i03 4 CHOLERA INFANTUM D/fJRRHCFR,: All SUMMER COMPLAINTS Sold by all Dmlers. ALEX KAY MillStreet, Markdale FABIVS FOR SALE. Lojt.n:. cpn:. 1 weft, T. S. Boad. .iriemesi,*;. containii;g 50 acres; 40 of of which are cl£axsd,autl n^dcr ultivalion. Lot 8 part 15, con. I2j, Bojknd 63 vstf^, 40 cleared; all necessary bixildiuga^ Uicreon. Lot 13, ciw^, 13 Qlenejlg, luO. acres,^ all bush. Fpir^terms an^pfulliipjfli^a^p^j^., *^ â- â-  -â- ^^^-t-G.MW*"'"" MJ»rkdaI %â-  J

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