Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Jun 1884, p. 7

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 ieaths from broken I tly treated in this way' 1 as another may fw oaiion.' Medical 1 stances of death y the performancs ofpU When a man ia newij fc on him the fin'sbjagi curate to give the ame of death. If nd or a girl her lover, l ation, loss of deep, U nd grief weakens tbe she IS said to die of a L e has, in fact, died] iiseasi. f Bill Poole, living fj 1 in his heart, ia ofteni 3le, but Dr. Flint .^ lan had a ball in hb'i ind finally died of poeo^ m bad healthy hear had them broken by gi .owed that in sixty-ti :he heart there wai i iting. In other wo uced for moscle, the iy broken. If any of I a subjected to sadden I ve furnished illoatiss' One medical ol dred cases of mptore i lere was no grief to grief is a very rare the real cause of he irious kinds of disease I so inany tbftt volnmeij describe them. Tb es are manifold, and i le cpntrol of the inditj iourae, hereditary i bat, aside from mdencies mayexiatJ result. It ia a ca ' ans;erous disease often j rehensioDS. Freqn« i only a functional or it be puerauaded thato id, altbough there mi; }n the. other hand, xist unsuspected. latioas between thai 1 disorders of the seable to mental exd^ -)le or painful, Qi t is no certain ajnnp] I been demonstrated t ily range from one I and torty for a weeks ago Miss Krt* 3re were ugly rumon that she fcai elo]^°J 1 Murphy, who had oj n those parts anil known old CaraonJ 119 kind. When hf ,t had becomn rf " remarked that he led." Shortly *f through one of pj oftheoonntyi ls, when a sigh* "••v him with ho"*?' swamp fro OB «*"' :eded, were the r* le entire upper part OJ t hadb^en eaten »J i'rom the iremains a" zed all that was vr ^DABLTITElillS. ' 'SflwFnmd-A Sew Route to Europe c, Ac. .fc. six mtrderers hanged on a re- "â- 'Ivin the United States declared " led them into crime. •. a rumor in England tbaf: the Sal- '**"„ is about to organize a haUei- biSand tricycle corps. roik chippiEgs. once tbr jwn away, J of ards ot linoleum are row maide '?.nhor"st, Germany, where the indua- S'ning quite important. ' Iff to impart dignity to the town of III forty of the merchants have r.Dled-zetowear high silk hats, in- â-  f wide-brimmed slouches that have rj^jasbion there, citurday ni8;ht last month Edward ' 1 of Qastleford, Entjland, retomed ""I' k and, it is alleged, ill used his ho was found dead next morning with tk-bom child crying by her aide, tree Indiana highwaymen, fearing that tav whom they had robbed might J ueighboring village to report the ° before they could get to a safe distance Bl other direction, deliberately shot a T{ tbrongh each of his legs, in order to tliim. [^ tiamps compaanded a woman at iLje Ohio, to cook a breakfast for them. [^ coolly that she would do it but [uQBght in a cocked pistol instead of L and they fled for their lives. She had t bravery than strength, however, and Lee been a raving maniac. liere is a k°d ^^ monkey in Madagascar Throws stones so hard and well aimed Ue natives seldom try to capture a uien, but one has been brought to New where^its fierceness in^ flinging what- i^sils it can get hold of causes visitors ieep at a lespectable distance. â- ve children went home from a circus in TjU deeply impressed by the feat of de- Um an incline on a globe. Finding a L^og lying at the top of a hill, they t their places on it in a row, and set it i;, They were all thrown off and run three being killed. IlWce, lately, a young conscript failed Lsweil to his name when the Council of l^on was sitting. A person present said I the joung man had hanged himself, liiTiiig death to coming before the Coun- Tltwastiue. The young man's father (in the revision hall, and thought that ..Bwas there with the other conscripts, a large number of deer forests in Scot- tare going a begging for tenants. Meo- 1,011 Lock Moras, is for saleâ€" an estate of Jtity thousand acres, capable of holding a hk of six thouEand sheey, but all cleared L Still northward for miles and miles lobte glens tell the same tale. Lord |p.t's forest in Kinlochmoras^ Cameron of Idiiers Ar Kaig, and Glenquoich, Glen- Eiiiton, and Stratbgrass are all tenantless ifrness. Iliiisians no longeracknowledge the word ^, With them every member of the gen- se:^u a vfoman, whue the-Hquirea of the irioces are cffended if the wives are called neo. It would sound strange to say the romen of the ballet" or "the women of the diplcmatique " but it would sound [lilly strange to say "a virtuous lady" or ettylady." The French! Academy ia (led on to draw the line and lay down for the correct use of the disputed limalatto girl with a remarkable pretty â- peculiar face was engaged by a shrewd latem Sherman. He bad a tooth extract jirom each side of her mouth, and )n9erted iir of long tasks, covered her ears with tones like a beast's, bleached and tang-. ]iitr abundant hair, and instructed her litter an unintelligble jargon. Thus she itianaformed into a valuable curiosity, iter wages of §15 a week did not satisfy I. On the arrival of the show in lodian- liiBshe attempted to quit it, and a row tiled in an exposure of the fraud, [igood an-.ateur actor carried a satchel in- IBaltimcre groggery and displayed con- I that seemed 10 be money to the am- ptofs2o,000, at the same time pretend- tto be demented, A companion soon La- »t«dto the rumseller that the treasure it to be taken care of, and agreed to Wit in bis possession, if he would hand :?o00of security. "But this must be 'own money," said the friend, "for lEgin the bag must be disturbed." The was eagerly advanced bj^ the saloon "i fho, ot course, intended to keep the ia which he subsequently found nothing 'worthless paper. Ifrcm twenty to fifty thousand would seem |,Mtheri^hcful population for the worship "nldFrcnci; city on the hill or befiide the which fctill keeps the naine of the Gallic 'Which dwelt there in the days of Caesar. " can hardly be more than half a dozen towns which have over 100.000. 'aearenone which reach 400,000. Bat f'Wexceptiooal great, cities are among "ft* cities of the land, whose import- never left them, 'like Lyons and »• The most remarkable case of a "â- "ntown springing into importance is ' itenne, jbut ;in Lancashire and York- l*«.Eng,, there'are twenty St. Etiennes. L^uagleam of hope for those who j? to go to Europe without the ocean Lr|^' It is proposed that a railway shall r^tructed along the Padfio coast to the ^ty.of Alaska, where a ferriage would l^^t the tourists with the Bossian rail- r 'jstem, which wonld be extended to A Bustle Hmnonrlst; His humour is quick, he is on the alert for a joke, and is not easily caaght napping. He has the heart of a romancar, and throws wayward fancies ahd strange words into his speech. He keeps one in surorise, andis quick in getting out of a difficnlty. We asked him, as loud as we could talki "How many crows had he killed;*' but hia deafness was of service, and he looked calmly as_if we had made an ordinary remark about the weather; and he mumbled, as he bended slowly down, and adjiwted himself m the chair. "A fellow's glad o' rest after herd- iaa these anld vermin a' day long, i-h, but it's been a bonnie day!" Then we tried him on another tack, and made sure he wojUd hear my next question. 'Who scares the crows when yaa gojto dinner " The, Mcient looked up in a half dazed state, then hw blue eyes played with matio mOTnment, and he emitted a croaking sound as if ohuck- linir at his forthcoming remark when he said, •mi of courae the ctowB jnog hame to their dinner tool" He chuckl^jrt. h» hmioM. and spread his homy dnrt-rtamed haaid in STontSf hi. face, aid said •pologejcal y. .•A fellow mnn whUes say "P»e^mg for nonaenae. Man, twu^R one filler a day long "oon ge*« ^Mtxam te2?^SS^^ "*^"^*~^ of the fl,flS?*5f^*^' ^vorite reading was the J£evKe des Devz jfoNdea. """ ' ♦««^â€" ^* •^"'»" eays he is a aoond nco- techonBt for everythiii-hBt twaT ^^ T J*'p°w*^" a few years since Mr. hU?S«J;.^ '"" ^^ *** poplar man in Patti haa passion for parrots this year Ss'tog'Soa'""' *° **â- " " ^•^*' ~* It U thought that Mrs. WendeU Phillips cto not long survive the hnsband who^ taithful care and devotion she so misses. TheDokeofEatland has taken so heavily to heart the removal of the Dnke of Well- ington s statue from Hyde Park that he writes "If it were poEsible, I wonld resien my peerage." " The now French ambasradorisl abode at Kome is the Bospigliosi PaUce. A splendid housewarming entertainment was lately given. Cardinals were thick as blackberries m May. All Mies Braddon's novels are being tran- auted into Telugu and Canarese, under the editorship of Mr, Cadwallader Waddy, who was formerly on the staff of the Bslgravia Magaane. It is stated that the Princess Alice was the moat original thinker among the Queen's children, and made her family nervoua by her freethinking tendencies, but after the death of her child she returned to the Church. On May ^3 the G«rman Reichstag passed by acclamation the bill for granting the sum of $33,750 to Dr. Eoch and the other mem- bers of the Cholera Commission, as a re- ward for their brilliant diacoveriea in Egypt and India. Henry Irving says that President Arthur would shine in any society, that he has a large acquaintance with the best literature, dramatic and tfeneral, is apt at quotation, an excellent story-teller, a gentleman, and a good fellow. In Russia the heir to the throne comes of age at 16, and is then uinally placed in charge of some distinguished person especi- ally in the confidence of thef Czar. It is thought that Count Adlerberg, who held a high position in the late Czar's household, will be selected now, Presidents Grevy and Arthur and Queen Victoria were toasted at the banquet given in honor of Minister Mt^rton and ez-Minister Noyes, a short time ago. by tbe Ramblers' Club of Paris, and M. lie Lesseps made a speech in which he expressed approval of the method of educating young girls in America. The most successful prime donne in L3n- don at present are Americans an American tenor .aoA an American baritone are coin- ing gold there, an American lady has taken Sadler's Wells Theatre, with promise of success, while Mary Andeiaon and Lawrence Barret are. winning golden opiniona, Minnie Palmer is triiimphant, andeven Lotta is suc- ceediog, Jalea Verne ia off to the Mediterranean on board bii* yacht, the St. Michael, He will visit Gran, Algiers, Rome, Tunis, Malta, the Ionian Islands, Sicily, Naples, and Rome. The journey is to be performed strictly on bnaineaa, aa the acene of Veme'a forthcoming novel is to be laid in these die- tricts. A meniorial on behalf of the Tichborne claimant is being got up in the House of Commons. It prays that he my be released from prison, and at the saine time be re- lieved from the inconvenience of a ticket of leave, his period of servitude having; now nearly expired. Jt also asks that Arthur Orton, now alleged to be a lunatic at Para- matta, shall be brought to England at the expense of tha State. There is a nesfro graduate at Havard this yearâ€" Robert Hebberton Terrell, a Virginr Ian, and tiie son of slave parents. He went to college as a waiter, and at that time was illiterate but some of the white stu- dents took a fancy to him, and helped him through a preparatory course, after which he supported himself by teaching a Boston class of negro boys. M. Meline, the French Minister of Agri- culture, has been inspecting the maritime Alps dirtrict, with enjpieers, with a view to the construction of irrigation canals and the reafforesting of the valleys. He goes actively to work, uitaintains a strict incog- nito, and positively refuses all banquets, of- ficial receptions, 4;c. This has made a very good impression on the people in the dis- tricts visited. M, Jundt, a very eminent French paintei^ who was in the front rank of his profession, financially prosperous, and a great social fa- vorite, has committed suicide. He was un- married, suffered from gout, and had no one to take care ot him but the concierge. Sit. ting at the window of his apartment in the Rue d'Assas, Paris, smoking a long pipe, it appears to havie suddenly] oconrred to him that life without the enjoyments he had been accustomed to was not worth living. He jumped out and was picked up dead on the pavement. A Freneh Terdlet, Aocnatomed as one is to the sentimental verdictB of French juries when there is a lady with a grievance and a bottle of vit- riol wrarevblvw, inthecaae, thereoent acqnittal of an Aisne farmer's wife who was ^^ tn, thA «nrder of her husband strikes formlr to tteAS5^ Po*H4ly th*^ol npiSSot t^f »^»^ Wv«,*SdSE mS^S^^ j5..^.««,ydBwSBrSdS£d bertawanns. The tMnsbto olM^iw. *ork, etatee that hemSSed fa^'juSS^5 most of the phBis woo^Sfi £ S*^/ The IQgntlAii of SwaUbws. Just bef(»e they leave Britain tha '».i lows assemble in vi»t nnmbers^^ !!S' consulting as to their future B^Ld?n« The cour« which they foUo? ?^^^. land has been ascertained with toleraWe u ^racyV They cross the ChanxS^S ^e French coasts then they nrooe^i,St-«5 of ca?^'" f^ thejssnisjsss of Gibraltar, and so cross the narrow s^ SSht'8*' Those which comSS tS northern part of the Continent seem to ar range themselves into three divisions. Gae taics the same track as the Eoglish birds. The second chooses a central route, enters F^M^ crosses to Corsica by means of liilba, Monte Chnsto, and other small Islands that can serve as resting places. From Cor- sica they pass through Sardmia, and reach Africa by way of Tunis. The third division teaverses the whole of Italy, puaes into Sic- ily, and thence crosses to North Central Africa. It is stated that a gentleman re- siding at Prague ciught a swallow before migration, and fastened a small white rib- bon wit'i the werJ "Bohemia" written upon It. In the following spring the bad came back bearing another ribbon with "Hls- pania" upon it. It is stated that a gentle- man who lived at St. Omer captured on April 26, a swallow which had a label at- tached to its leg. on which was written "Tunis, April 25. 1882:" Now, the distance in a straight line from Tunis to St." Omer is about 1100 miles, and the question was nat- urally raised as to the capability of the burd to travel so great a distance in twenty-four hours. In answer to this qtiestion it was, stated that a pigeon had been known to fly from Bordeaux to Parisâ€" about three hun- dred miles â€" ^in seven hours, and therefore it would be possible for the swallow to traverse 1100 miles in twenty-four hours. TlieHigtory.of Coke. The history of the discovery of coke and the development of the tn^o has never been written. Authentic information of the first use cf oke in this country places it in 1817, when it was employed by Col. Issaac Meason, one of the earliest founders of West- em Pennsylvania, in refining iron at the Plumsock, or Upper Middleton mil), a few miles from the Yougbjogheny river. In 1818 the ^is3 of coke was attempted by blast furnaces, but it had to be abandoned because the blast was too light, bein^ only five pounds to the square inch. Even when the value of coke as a furnace fuel was fully ap- preciated, the enjoymevt of. its advantages was prevented by inability to increase the blast. Ia 1835 William Firmstone manu- factured go 3d gray-forge iron at the Mary Ann furnace, in Huntin^t n county, with coke produced from Broad Tcp coal, l5 the same year F. H. Oiiphaut, uf Fairchance furnace, near UaioDtown, exhibited at. the Franklin Instituta, Pniladelphia, samples of iron made from blue iumy ore melt k1- with coke. Ia 1840 tbe Great western Iron Works, at Brady's Bend, built four coke f umacES. In 1841 2, ccke was made on the banks of the Yough joghenyriver and shipped in fli^t boat3 to Cincinnati. A gentleman who is well informed in all the details of the coke business says that Dud Dudly, an English iron manufacturer of the sixticnth century, is entitled to the discovery of coke He used it fcr the same purpose to which it is applied now, smelting. "The mf.nufaoture of coke in Connelhville region did hot rise to the dignity of a business uu-t I toward the close of the decade of 1850, when it was carried on principally at Dawson's S cation, on the Ycughiogbeny riytr, six miles below Connesviile, by the Cochrans, who are still in the business, and to most of whom it has broaght great riches. Write â- â-  Claike, an parti«#a4«^lM (Hitke^ ,„.^. fry Book;" ki»a| boomii t^yatewtfite^ ly arraiuod xo^pfea mttaba^d^ iatdOi- gibly indexed jnlla readily at VL{ liber- al oommianon to agents sanmle oony, post-paid, for 91 tlO to $20 per week can be eaaily earned by selling ^i^ fom- ouB Cook Book, the beet in the world. What we need most is not so mnch to re- alize the ideal as to idealize the real, EaAiJu â€" In the advertisement of the Albert Soap Co., in another coliunn, a typc^^phiod error has been pointed out to us which it is desirable to correct. The Sham- Bouquet should read the Sharon Bouquet. We r^ret that such a blunder ahoidd have occarzed, but mistekea will happen, even in the best r^|rulated print- ing offices. Belter than an army,of police with batons is tie army of school teactiers and mission- aries to chec^ vengeance and lift the mer- cenary sentiment above a murderous low- ness Oh how tired and weak I feel, I don't believe I will ever get through this Bprins houae-cleaniog 1 Oh yei you will f you take a bottle or two of Ir. Canon's Stomaoh Bitters to purify your blood and tone up the system. In arge bottles 50 cents. Genius follows its own path and reached its destination, scarcely needing a com- pas3. A. P. 181. LESSONS GIVEN BY Onlln I IIAIIIIa nxaU in Isaac Pitman's sys- tem, by Toaetioalphonographer. Send tor terms and plan to FRASK YBIGH. 262 Sherbonme St. Toronto FLOUR AND SAW MILL FOR SALE- at Lakeside, county Oxford; brick building 40 x SO; 2h storeys high, containing three pair mill atones and all necessary machinery for nouring,and custom work saw miU 35 X 60, capable of cutting 5,000 to 10.000 feet per day; all driven by new SO-hotse-powsr Buckeye automatic oat-oS engine; 3} acres land, house, stable, drive-lNum, good fruit orchwd; sheds and stkbling for faurmers' teams; price 98,000; terms, $5,000 cash, balance on mort- gage. G. DAMtTiCLE, Lateside. W. F. F. OURRIE Co. 100 Qrey Nun Street, MontreaL Importets ot: Drain Pipes, Portland Cement, CUmney Tops, Oanadii Cement, Vent Linings, Water Lime, Flue Covere, Whiting, Fire Bricks, Plaster ot Paris, Fire Clay, Borax, Bomau Cement, China Clay, Manufacturers of Beâ€" emer ateel »ofa. cnatr ft Be J Hprtnara. Ti|PlM» PLATE. »w J'«r Fafebe Itallveiy. HOTJSJi; GLEANING TIME. If you want your houses to be attractive, use Bamsay'a Improved Calsonttne Colors for tinting Walls.â€" Can be used without the aid of a Painter and do not rub off. Made in fifteen different tints.. Apply to your local dealers for then}. MANUFACTUBKO BY A. RAMSAY SON. MOJTTBEAL. SMOKED SAUSAGES. ,\ The most convenient meat for farmers in' their busy season. These meats are cooked and ready for use. Bold by grocers through the Dominion. Send for price to W. OLABK, P. O. Box 342, Montreal, is a perfect sem, equal to an imported Frenob Corset; fits like a glove to\he fl^rure; very styl- ish, el^^ant in appearance, and approved of b the most fastidious. Manuf acturea only by THE CKOMPTON COSSET CO., 78. YORK STREET. TOROWTQ. F. E. DIXON CO., â- sBoraetvrers et Star Blvct Leather Belting I n Mimg Street, East, T«r«mto Ifooe double Driving Belts a speoiadty. Send for raca Jjists and Discounts. STOCK BROKERS (Members of the Toronto Stock Exchange). Buy and sell on commission for cash -or on mar- gin all secnritiesdealt in on the Toronto, Mon- treal and New York STOCK EXCHANGES, Alsoezecute orders on the Chleaco Board •f "Trade â€"IN GRAIN AND PROVISIONS.â€" TOKONTO STKKKT. 6URHEYS WARE, STMDIRD SCALES. THE BEST, THE STRONGEST, THE MOST REUABLE. tTnrivalled in material, canstmction and flnidt, par feet in accuracy and unequalled in durability. Quat- snteed to give entire satisfaction. THEY EXCEL ALL OTHERS. RAILBOAD, WftBXHOUSB MUD BULL â-  VZ1.XTO: FOB BALK BT COPLAND McLABEN. MONTBBAt i. REINHABDrS HAIB KESTOREB AHDMOUaXACHB FSOIHTOBB. â-² genidiM prepantion which ia snaranteed to do all uiat is diaimed for it. ProMioiiig laxaHaat iridskan and mooatache in aiz waeks. In bottlaa Miely paokad to anyaddMntorfL F. BBINHABDT, IfalBdUdinc, Toro nto. WISTMaLL I DRINK TBB BKOMTSBBBAT Lime Fruit Juice. Cordial, mo«t wholeMOM, delicious and nfreahing beveiaee. Strictly pore and entirely tMe from AloohoL Gkld Medal OaloBttaExblbitlOB. Hold by all dn^ati and grocers. Sole proprietors H. SUGDEN EVANS ft CO., MontreaL A«eiitljJA H. PKABOE 00. Toronto. " Allan Line Keyal Mail SteamsMps. Sailing during winter from Portland eveiy nmiBoay and Halifax every Saturday to Iiiverpool. and in somm frcou Quebec every Saturday to Liveipool, calling at liDn- dondeny to land mails and paasengers for Soouand and Ireland. Also from Baltimore via HalUax and St. John.' If.- F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glasgow lines sail dming winter between Portland and Glasgow, and Boston and Glasgow alternately; and daring summer between Qnebee and Glasgow and Boston and Glasgow eveiy we^ For freight^ passage, or other information apply to A.SohnnUu^er ft Ca, Baltimore; S. Cunard A Ca, Halifax Shea Co., St. John's N. F. Wm. Thomson Ac Ca^ St John, N. B. Allaiv A Co., Chicago; Leve St Alden, New Y ork B. Bonrlier, Toronto Allans. Bae Co., Quebec H A. Allan. Portland. Boston. Mon- treal Agents Wanted k â€" â€" FOB THB â€" Citizens Insnrance Co., of Oanada.. Bstablished 1861â€" Capital and Assets, #1,426,986. â€" GoTemment ])epo8i(]$122,000]Ca8h.â€" As this Company transacts Fire, Life, Ufi. Accident business a profitable agency is thus oifered to those soliciting insurance risks. Special terms co those who have valuable cen- necticns. Farm property insured as low as by Farm Mutuals. Address. Head Office, 179 St. James Street, MontreaL ^aVThe stock of this Company is held by many of the wealthiest citizens of Montreal Hntnal laniags Ecaowment; As'n. IITCOBFORATEO. HEAD OFFICE, LONDON, ONT. Issues Certificates from $125 to $3,000, payable on mar- riage at following rates. For $500, or half Certificate, $4; quarterly dues in ad« vance, 80.75. For $1,000 Certificate, $6 quarterly dues in advance $1.00. For $2,000 Certificate $10 quarterly dues in advance $2.00. For $3,000 Certificate $15 quarterly dues in advance $3.00 A percentage of the Fees applied towards a reserve fund' h e only cash payments required at the time of making application for a certificate. The remainder of the lia- bility is made up of assessments at the rate of $1.60 on each $1,000 upon the marriage of members. 12 assess- ments made the first year payable quarterly, which upon tbe present large membership secures the payment of a number of Endowments, and a safe and reliable in vestment f oryotmg people. Send for By Laws and fuL particulars. W. J. IMLACH, Secretary, Iiondon, Ont. oe._ a- B S S ai §!«â-  OB ffi 01 I t-it^ oa WSb^* Harm Koiiey Drawera. SEND FOK ILLU8IBAZXD rSKB U8S. r^-rT-otCTTTt-mr' o. llarriage Jid ASSO CIAT ION. $5,000 Paid on Marriages. Orer $100,- 000 Paid i n Benefl te to Date. ISSUE IN ISSSTmR $2,000,000. The only Company in Canada that has paid a claim. UNDOUBTED SECURITI. Premiums smaU. Address, W. B. ^KBBEB, Agents Wanted Secretary, Hamilton. THEMOEEL Washer Ain» BLEACHER Weii^s but 6 pounds, 'iaa be carried in a small valise Illustration shows Mauhine in boiler. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. " 910M.4W KEWAKD FOK ITS SFPERIOK. Washing made lii^t and easy. The clothes have that pmw whiteness which no othermode ot washing can pro: duce. ITo rubbing required, no friction to ujnre the fabric. A 10 year ddgirl can do the wmiWnfcy well aa an older jiersoo. To place it in every household THB raioK HAS bkbn BKDUCED to $2.50, and if not found satisfactory, money refunded. See what the "Canada Presbyterian," says about it â€" ^The Blodal Washer and Bleacher which Ur. C. W. Dranii offers to the pubUc has many and valnable advantages. It is a time apd labor-saving madbme, â-  â- abstantial and enduring, and is very cheap. From trial in the household we can tertify, to its exeeU e nas. Delivered to any expreas office in tte Provinqos « Oa- tarioaad Qoebee. Obatges paid $3.00. Bend for sir- ooluiu AGENTS WANTED. O. W. D15NNIS, .^â- 1. 11 y

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