Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Jun 1884, p. 4

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 mm\f ' 'm (19 ^â- â€¢; a: H V'v, V:* JtAitin iAtiB JUNE. 12. 1884. MAKKOAI^C DBSIBABB PIACE FOB «^^-'??:- Aocordiog as ihe country increases in age, tlie mmiber of farmers and others who will retire from active life â- will multiply, and while it is right and proper to retire frpm Ihe care of busi- ness and fatigue of hard labor, after devoting the prime ot life in diligent toil and habits of economy so that a competency is provided for more ad- vanced years. It is also yery impor- tant, in retiring, to select a healthy, cheerful locality, combined with social and other advantages. Markdale is looked to already by a. number of the above class as a desirable place of residence, some of whom have parch ased park lots and are preparing to build, while many others, some from a distance, haye tius town in view as their home. The place is destined, in the near future to be a very handsome town. We know of no place of its size as well supplied with maple trees which are in themselves a great im ;provement to the appearance of. a place. The situation is Hgh and rol- ling, and supplied with an abundance of the best of spring water, makmg it remarkably healthy. Its schools are efficifently conducted, the various churches well attended and liberally Bupported, while they exist in peace and harmony â- with each other, the merchants and business men are enter' X^rising and progressive and the so- cieties healthy and vigorous, being also productiye of material jnutnal benefits. The inhabitants comprise the various nationalities which make an industrious, intelligent, social and progressive community, while the surrounding country is a beautiful agricultural district, thickly settled with industrious, intelligent and pros- perous agriculturists. and boeks^ Tram now yow i^**** com and wboat, *«». f$^*^ fliMfiwrftoiDi you; tod be and defile not yourselwp "any pore, and I wiU Wess you and wise my face to shine «a y«." But mthipne acoord they aU exdadmed "We ean- not cease from diewing, raoffing, ana puffingâ€" we are slaves." Bkv. Okas. A. Nbai., M.D. The Editor of the Ji»anc« was not present at the entertainment referred to so that one of three things is eyi- dent, viz., that he has been mft-m- formed, or that he does not know the meaning' of blasphemy, orthathe^has made a mahcious attempt to mjure our moral reputation. If it was either of the former he wiU doubtless apolo- gise, but if the. latter we will not ex- pect an ajwlogy. SeJIlfiBODT lilES. The Editor of the Flesherton Ad vance show^ his fervent desire to in- jure us in his last week's paper cby pabMshing the fbilowing: ;f- •' "The Editor of the Markdal||,(S«an- dqrcL reafia^most bla^emous piece on "Tobacco" at the Methodist Church entertainment in Markdale on the evening of the 24th of I^y. And yet this high-toned editor has the brazen effrontery to preach oth^ about "respectability," •♦Vil^aritVj;** and "slang " We like to see a man practice what he preaches but we do most emphatically detest hypocrites." The following is the reading refer- red to, and we ask the publicf to judge wherein it contains blasphemy TOBACCO â€" ^A PABABLE. â-  â-  Then shall the kingdom of Satan be likened unto a grain of tobacco seed, which, tiiough exceedingly small, be- ing cast into the ground, greyr and be- came a great plant and spread its leaves rank and broad, so that husce and vile worms formed a habitation thereon. And it came to pass in the course of time^ that the sons of men looked upon it and thought it was beautiful to look upon, and mucb to be desired to make lads look big and manly. So they put forth their hands and did chew thereof. And some it ' aiade sick, and others to vomit most Pithily. And it further came to pass that they who chewed it became weak and unmflbly, and said we are en- slaved and can't cease from chewmg it. And the mouths of all that were enslaved bcgwae foul, and they were seized witlf violent spitting, and did spit, even in ladies' parlors and in the house of the Lord of Hosts. And the saints of the Most High were greatly plagued thereby. And in the course A. time it came also to pass that others snuffed it, and tliey were taken sud- denly with fits, and they did sneeze â- vith a great and mighty sneeze, in- somuch that thcdr eyes filled with tears and they did look exceedingly ailiy. And yet others cunningly wrought the teavea thereof into rolls, and did set fire to the one end tii6reof,and did suek vehemently at tiie other end and did look very grave aod calf-lilEe, and the £moke of .their torBat«nt ascMided up forever and ever. Andtbocnltivation thereof ' business m the eartSi.aiid the nier^- antmen. waxed nch by tlie eommeroe- thereof. And it««me te aass that tibe saists oi the Moet^flBf^ Ji^lrtfllMfe. selves tbrae#%pi y ^^sa. ^^e ja^i^ p)l^ «6iird not* boy ^oes, qq^ jbi^f^ ttbr Forw^ard March. The circulation of the Standabd is fast increasing, a greater nunaber of new subscribers bemg added than at any time since we commenced the business, in the same season of the year, while expressions of a very encouraging nature are coming to us from all sides. Prompted by these facts we have determined to further improve the paper, by addmg a hand to our staff which wUl enable us to devote more time to the paper. We ask our numerous patrons to do what they can in their several neighborhoods in extending its circulation, and on sending items of news for the paper. We are determined to add 200 new subscribers to our list before the 1st September, the larger oar list the better we can afford to make the paper, so it will be to the advantage of all our patrons to assist. The balance of ie84 to any address for 50 cents, sead in your names at ouce. -PROM Wms^^ BiertJu, Marriage, aJl igetlUy five ceni*. ' ^1 ^. siiiTH s. •^finiPrla Flesherton, on ft. ,^ ^;^ of Mr. W. H. Elder, of I' UMftâ€" In Tyrone settlement Aj j,,„lit4wt.. the wife of Mr. -Wm â-  *^ â-  â-  :_t DEATH S- iOit**â€" In Huron, Huron Co., Hid the 35th. May. Mr. John Allaj" Artemesia, aged 69 j'ears. MARRIAGES. MAiKEDAIiE -TO- i«mtifi -ON- TOESDAY, m mi -TH AID OF Personals. MARKDALE PrubyferianSabb'th Sehool TICKETS FOR R0UNDTRIP$1.25 CHILDREN 15 YEiiRS AND UNDER 60 CENTS. on Rev. N. A. McDiarmid chairman of Algoma district was in Markdale over Sunday, on his way to Con- ference. Mrs. A. Turner and son are visiting friends in Hamilton. Eev. W. Casson left bnJBIeduesday to attend C4i^'6^noe. Mrs. JBigger and son aie tisitihit friends in Milton. Stanley W^Beynolds k home a visit. Mr. TaylOT of Parry Bound visited Markdale this week. Mr. C. Porter, of the CoUingwood Enterprise, spent a few days in town tiiis week, Sam. Caswell was home froni the North Shore a few days, add has retamed. Mr. J as. Caswell Sr., is now visiting ^Markdale. Wm. Caswell Jr., of Kineardine was in town tins week. Arch and B. Neilson of Tyrone, Artemesia left for the upper lakes on Monday. Mrs. Harrison of Milton is visiting her brotlier Mr. G. S. Bowes in this place. Mrs. T. Hall, of Duhdalk was visit- ing in town this week. Mk. Jas. Bbodik's daughter, who is just recovering from a severe and prolonged illness, is now visiting friends at Brampton. A Son of Bichard Burk 9th line Osprey aged 16 was caught by a land roller last week while at work and had his coUer bone broken, Dr, 'Kerr attended the boy who is now doing nicely. Bsv. J. CmsHOLM and Messrs. John Clinton Sr., B. Brown Sr., and John Crone, all of Osprey, left last week on a trip to Europe, they expect to rdturn this fall. Tickets for round trip good to return up to Saturday 2tst ONLY $2.00. p.DUCLm6 LIVERY, IN HULL'S OLD ST^D. i 0-ood^ Horees and comfortable tigs at moderate ctiarfes. 195 le residence it\ nthi.,t..5] Extenaiou ttf ttae to T., G. wul B. Wtsokah, June 7. â€" ^A staff of surveyors have arrived at Winghaid to survey the line to connect Wingham with the Toronto, Ctrey^ and Bruce raiim^yli^ Glenannus. -The sorVey will be ecmipleted m a few days, itx, Noble, chief of ibe 6t«llt, smakslii^y of tiie proposed jronto fuid f^ exo^ent eoBDti^, and thattiie naton^ eibwtfon of Win^hUtt is »ie of ihe^^^ best in weston €aiMda. Mr.: Heyir^ the mfffw^hu nibt left » »taae nnbinied btsMo ajre»' a^* ^^^^1*0 «etiiiM Imt^ and has pven up » .^a *!.- -L huie Aareel Iris basmew^to nlteiiff to Ihe BotoiM, ifbmk iaikaaiM ii^ be Y^.'!wf--^^-.jgi-i..r,.^ f 4i y .TVC-iLii.J •'if ge^ii rioiiti Train leaves Markdale at 6:27 a.m.; returning, leaves Toronto at 5. p. m., allowing escursionists over Six Hours In Toronto. Tickets can be bad from Messrs. B,. S, Bae, Alex. Kay, JotarMwaaT, ai- drew McFasland, or the undeisigne'd, or at the Btatio^^n morning of exonr- sion. y IMPORTANT NfllriCE Having purchased the grocery and Provision, together i?ith the Wholesale Liquor business of J. R. Lauder Co., I wonld re- spectfully intimate to th^ public generally that I have now Opened a complete stock of fresh Grocer- ies, Provisions, Crockery, canned fruits, together with a largf stock of prime Liquors, all of i^hichl will sell at close prices, f^dviftg been brought up to the trade, I feel confident that by close at- tention to business, and by study- ins^ the wants of my numerous customers our business relations will prove both satisfactory and profitable. I have secured the services of W. J. 3ens6n, who is well known and is thoroughly posted in the business, an4,our custom- ers may rely on being -wailed. om prompMy^i 4.«f eg^yi^iO^l^^^^' spectfully solicited. GlBTXB â€" ^Wbight. â€" At I brides parents, on the Bev ' D. McLeod, Mr. Wm. Cariei' J Eliza Wright, all of Artemesia. McFablasd â€" ^Ed-wa3ds.â€" On the 4th by the Bev. S. R. Asbuiy, B. A. ,.| residence of the bride's father, M,' l^^artand, Durham, to MiasjJ daughter of Mr. TLos. " Glendg. McKbcbkie â€" Skimsiins.â€" At LatonallJ on the 28th of May, by the Eev. » j Diarmid, Mr. Arch. .McKechnie, to Phoebe Jane SkimminH, both of Gig THlBTtKTHWAlTE â€" Neh-son .â€"In Artemesia, on 'djjej 28th nit., bj j Eev. A. Wilson, M«. Miles Thig â-  tc M8B Agnes B. Nibilsou, all ef j IP nil* fc. Spe| Watc Jan Spec etcJ jalwal istrum^ NEW ADVERTISEiyiENlj ss. Important Notice- New Livery â€" Bi Ducolon. Buildci and ' Contractor-Ii Stinson. Physician, Surgeon câ€" Dr.] May dew â€" May dew Agency. Excursionâ€" rWi L^^Young. aji( Tickets for the Zoo will be sold on the train. W.L. YOUNG, Secretary. T,a-. MAEKDALB, Mumfaotnrer of all Kinds of Drop Valve. Cjlinder, Force, and Cistom Pomps. All kinds of IRON PUMPS SUPPUSO. .â- C" r-if^ i* BULL SERVICE 1BINGE ABTHUfl, a thwonghbred S. Durham with Pedigree, 3 jeairs old for service on lot 19 eon. IS Artemesia, ibis is a fine animal, his pedigree being piibfiahed the past season it is not necessarv; to give it this year. Terms %1 at tipae of t.er^^V'o^^flid to be paid before the 5th' Norcmb^.., n^xtr' IldBT. 192-95* M AliKD ALE Fall Wheat SO GO to JU Spring Wheat.-.. OfiO to I| Barley " -v Ot to Peas '•^- • • V 00 to Oat '^^ 'o Butter 15 to 111 Eggs 13 to ll Potatoes SO to S| Hay 7 00 to DO Pork r- "i 00 to 7|| Flour 4: 1o to Mil wej TJ an ex- The undersigned is mannfaotnrixtg eell^t assortment of School Fii]:^jEitEU-e«i Consisting of SGfJOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHEBS' DESKS, etc., of toe latest design and most i^proved pattern. Bighly recommended by School Trustees and Teach-, er^i, for cheapnessvcomfort and oompactneaii, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells ke^ always on hand. Sendri6r catalogae to Chatsworth P. 0. 181 Iflontlily Fairs. Markdaleâ€" Saturday before Fib erton. Chatsworth â€" Monday before ham. iDundiUk-^we^ hefou Qc^^ ' Fsberfoite«=Monday before On iriUe. -Orangevilleâ€" The second Tliu in each month. Mount Forest-Third "Wedna in each month. Pricevilleâ€" Monday before Durb Durhun â€" Third Tuesday ifl uacmth. Hanover â€" Monday before Dn Walkerton â€" Last Wednesday '^exy month. STATION ' stake is Ifougoin iaboi tore wi] i'sear( Twanti w SAIHIJEl^ WABDELL, TTTiEIiL DIQOBB AND DEILLEB, W orders promptly attended to. denoe â€" Snider'sBin Owen Sonnd 11 'F lABM FOB SAliE. Tosellori £ot S i U, Con. 9, Euphrasia, 8 rnikst Markdale and 3 from Bocklyii, contou 100 acres, 70 acres cleared and in good i of cultivation, fit ti»;nm reaper »nd and balasee hardwood bush vith sn cedar for fencing. Well watered with i failing spring only 10 rods from ^*"" vu â-  ,»i young orchard, house, barn """r|:| Tlusre is a new steam saw mill on "i^' ?r| to it. Clear deed can be given. Forinn»| partiealars awly on the premises to SAMUEL WEIGHl. KocUjnP.0- Ct N6Â¥ Butcber «lisrs The blest meats fte country can P***! kept on hand and DELIYERED JO ALL PARTS OF] THE TOWN WHERE ORDERED- 0IS\ A dune of public patronage respcci si^tedi- ' iBfii^tialbf^ tl^e rtand in McNea's blocB- WffLEDGETRELFORD. 8' 82 J "1 ACiaiS ^Jbadn work at :^oe on FaU sales. StcaJ fB^'sateies to aU ynim}^ 'MiWati .Women ca" ^^ AB EOcNP iaiiiing from ?40tor» -a: 'O^JCM M 01 ^dress f«a«naM^MS£LlNOT0N, w ~Sssif «iiK Ins wittcno ^)irr hi" â- -'lTÂ¥init-' '•^•^/ ^Ih

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