Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Jun 1884, p. 1

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 " «?i# riage nnfacturerflfSj ss 11^ r d Best i^pi^^ finished with rrifflmlni rompt attentionT uted iu the ble time good workmanAip. A SpciautyJ opposite the Chett|U HAJSTAHAif, A*;#^' -S ** 35^ ^t :-2r )l. 4.--N0. 3^NE f ^,' 1884; d, ISSi. mm .the staff of life; kT that will 'pl« i OQ band, to snpp lemand. â-  Stock is low 1 let us knoyi, r wants supplj now the reason lOOKE, Markdale. linese War ng tlie desolatinji in China it will ao of Teas at the 3d prior to the open snificient quanta E M for a period ler departmentK the BELPAS1 LED BY THOrj assuiue to trapsaci sing of small dea of interest on ioa rts of EATS, SALMOf RDINtS.HAMS,] ITED PiCKELS in the grocery.tnidl e 'S ORS and quality. "Wm urposes warrant ect from the ber kinds of liqaor^ Tobaccoes canno faction. Orange lilj- Flcur suppl MARKDI 1, 1884. 3TE OF IT. 1 EY Division- Dâ€" CENTRII rough fine ol ' ' iping Ci SEN- ID CHffil |, leaving To«»^ !s excepted) itnrdays e«c ?en the.fcwPf ber. ©«r •THAI larMale Standard Levesy Thursday, at the offiee, " Street, Markdale. 51 per year in advance $1 .93 if jffitlim three months. jssional and business cards one inch rnduJider,peryeai-, 84. I 1 YB. 6 MO. 3 HO. I ?50 00 »27'o0 115 00 l^lamn 27 00 15 00 10 00 Tcolnmn.. .. 15 00 10 00 6 00 .space 7 00 4 00 Ldi space.... 10 00 5 00 1 advertisements 8 cents per line first 3 ojnts per line each subsequent joD, nonpareil measure. loriai notices, or notices in local col- I cents per line first iusertion, 5 cents jgeinents insertion. Lanimals ?• advertised 3 weeks for L idvertisement not to exceed f^elve Ipaper discoutiuncd until all arrears dexccpt at the aption of the publisher. -JOB PRINTING.- LjiSDABD office has a splendid eqnip- liposter is well as fine job type, 8pe- lention to orders by mail. Orders fi dispatch. lEDnOR AND PBOPRIETOB. NEWSPAPEE LAW. L person who takes a nevrepaper regu- iom the post office, whether directed liune or another's, or whether he has 1 or notâ€" is responsible for i)ie pay- bapersoB orders his paper discontin- tmnst pay all arrearages, or the pub f my continue to send it until payment i, aid then collect the whole amount. tthepaper is taken out of the office iSnbscribers refuse or neglect to take lis or newspapers from the office to Iteyare directcil, they a'-e held xe. He until they haY«»^»«t*l«d their hills. he Courts kve decided that refaaine (neifspspera and periodicals from the or removing and learning them i for, is PKiMA FACIE evideuce of ia- il fraud. j. Frost Frost, aSTEES, AND ATTGENTSYS-AT w, Solicitors in Chancery, Convey |,itc., Owen Sound, have resumed at Ion, Office open every Thursday, as â- Die. |iFbost, J, "W. FiM)BT,.LL. B. mty Crown Attorney. 1 J. MAssoim; aSTEE, JIAS'^ER ANDDEP. BEG iCkneery, Notary Public, Conveyani |lSnBER or FARMS FOE SALE. is-Owen Sound, in Vic.T£er'8 Block ^St.; Branch office in Markdale, over i Store, on Friday and Saturday sek. 67-ly I Creasor dr jlln rrison, -ivo,SOLICITOES. CONVEY- e. c, Is in Owen Sound, Dufferin Bldek, 'â- ?. Wolf's Store and in -.MARKDALE; I'J. McFarland's Store on Thursday "Jof each week, "ndstoleniionreasonahle terms. l^ftiSOS, Q. a DtlNCAS MoBIdOK lie, March 15. 1882. 79-lT Alexander Brovnk, «H of Marriage Licenses, Fire mi ' "UQrsnce Agent. UommimiOMi f.* 4c. Conveyancer and Licensed â- Â« for the County of Grey. Fannarf " Mid Land Sales, PunctuAlly a*- " Sid charges made very moderate.' ^â- Â«.Sept.l7.1880. 1-T â€" 1 Wm. Bronoi, E?^ OP MAREIAGE LICENSKS»*e l!^ionerinB.B.c. wicing in all its brandies proinpt^ » and carefully exepij^d. "^oney to Lend on B«al Estate se PROPRIETOB, ,,"" rjPopnIar Hotel has changed "feds Z *^" ^^ »*«r to the tPgUti -S; ^^x^ stabUng and aXtmHire .f'le best brands ot Uqnor-wni fWlic. ?•««? (*???â- Â«;â-  Jas. l^ryan. Proprietor. GITY HOTEL, John ncAlear, Proprietor. This house is fitted up ia good style, sita- ated on Mill street, where the traveiUing pub- lic may depend on the voiy begt aceommo^ dation. Uiinn bos to all iruns. 194 MARKDALE HOUSE, MABIDALE. ONT. MRS. RUTLE06E, PROPRIETOR. prMi^itl. THOS. CARTER, M.D, Physiciafl SnrgeoD, Ac. Eesidence MARKDALE HOUSE, Mabsdilx. B. Gliezit, M.I., M.B.CF. S., O. Physician and Sunreon, Priceville, Graduate of University. Vict. College. ., „ New York, and Hon. Graduate, of the same, ., „ ., Ayleth MediAal Institute. „ „ Opthalmic Hospital, N.Y. MemberCoIl. Fhysidansd Snrgeor8,0. 104 J. P. MARSII ALL, L.D:S. DEIVEIST, TlADTlA!n3 OF TOBONTO SCHOOL J««Kt«i7T~TriU be at Bi^edge's Hotel, Markdale, on th* int an'i) ^nrd Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munsnaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each mouth for the prac tice of his pr6»Bion. 122-47. Tsm i,r;rv;,i-^«i i jf j^ HOUSE flilltER, GKAIN^fe. *LAZBBfi ANIFAPER HANGER, CALCIMINING AND WALL TINTING. loe opposite Planing Factoxy, MARINO A l^E- Ebtocaxbb Omn. 198-805 0Bi«B8 SoucmD, SEEBSv SEBDS •^IMP»lT£D .j mU IU lUDEI SEEIS The ^ace to buy your Seeit* is at PARKER'8,1 PrugBtoreT PU RI EOURFEED S Oatmea Family F/our, Bakers Flour, Pastry Flour, Patent Flour, Graham Flwir, IS* All orders over accompatiied by the CASH, will De promptly cielier;ed. 193 J. Cracked Wheat Bran am Shorts Chop Fe if, Oats, etifr 6tc. choice W.^e. RICHARDS, BUILDBB, CONTBAOTOE, AECHI- TBCT. â€" ^Besidence on ifill Street, Mark- dale, 1241T Fa,«]]ioiia,lle Tailor, OVEB HACFABLAND's STOKE. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. HAMILTON'S PNOTOaMPN aULERY OYER THE STANDARD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the latest sizes and shapes, folly equal to city work. Special attention given to SUBSCRIBE The Matkdale Asbing Glob hdd ^dr annual filling matdion ITriday, the 6U1 ihst. 'The m,eipb^rs started from the Revere Hotel t^ 8 o'd.ook a. in., and alter a good day's sjport, re- tnnied about 6 p. m., at which time members had to deliyer their fish up, to the captains to be oounted. The fallowing ia^the result :â€" DanShea,C»p. 187, J.Irwin, Cap. 66 Geo. Noble 180. J. Galbraith 96 Alex. Mathers 66, Jas. £er 40 Wilson Benson 114, R. Askin 14 Thos. Foster 87, Jphn Cheny 106 Robt. Sproule 46, J]m, Tweed 69 W. Uaskett 46, Ed. Sproule 12 Sam. Morrow Sp. Geo. Grow 80 Total...... 677 Total. 471 This l^ft Shea a winner by 206. After supper, which was a credit to the hosti^^ and to which the hungry fishers did ample justice, the members proceeded! to properly oi^^ize the club. Goo. Nobje was appointed chairman and Jas.Galbraith treasurer. ipiVEB GIVE UP. If yoa are sufferingwith low and depressed spirits, loss of app^te, general debili^, dis- orderad blood, weiui constitution, headache, or anjf disease of a biUons nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitten. Yon will be 'surprised to see the rapid im- provement that will follow; you will be in- spired with new life; strength and activity will return; pain and misery will cease; and heneefocth yon will rejoice in the praise of Eleot^ Bitters. Sold at.fifty cents a bottle by Turner Ca .6 e«tli of VcKBor. ,TBI4ip^^0BOI.OGISI CABSCBD OFF BT BHKUMATISH. NOW. FOB THE â€" OKLY- A large stock of moulding to choose from. Call and leave your measure jot a picture. •Jas. Uamliton. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRIOBSVUjLiB. Ont. Large and eosunodioal Sample Eotoms Good Bed lloian8,*c. ?he3«rai»d tede SSu «T»pli*d ♦i" «ie;^*S* "i^jf Cord.;,ood,gg^l5^^^5j; -^(^tbmoeeow|housb,) ifm^i^iii 4 j^kmiyid^tikaa faraU UMteof wmW IN ADVANCE. For balanse of i8M. ACOPT OF THii CraLEBBAXBD MoMTBEAL, One., June 9. â€" Henry G. Venndr, aged 46, died yesterday of rheumatism, with whjch he had been laid t^ fof a long time. The' late Mr. Yennor was educated in the H^' School. Montreal, and ^nt on thA^li^ogical Survey some fifteen years a^ He was employed in MtetitonUn le^md, and afterwsods in KoHh Hastings county. Sub- seqncoatly he was promoted in the GiNilogical Snrvey, and had charge of eeqdorationa on the north side of the OttaM^a. It was while in these explorations that his attention was drawn to the possibilities of weather forecasting. A few years ago he re- signed his position on the survey and opened an assayer's office in Montreal. He was a fellow of the Royal Goo- k^ical Society of England, and tiie authorof a work on theBirds of Canada. For some time past he had been in ill-health, being a sufferer from ^inal disease. Latterly he had to give up work completely, and was confined to bed. Mr. Yennor's father died a ccnple of weeks ago. Mr. A. H. Yen- nor, with Rice Lewis k Co., on To- ronto street, Toronto, is the uncle of the late Mr. H. G. Yenuor. In forecasting tbe weather Mr. Yennor's cbiefreliance was upon the resembl- ance which certain periods of weather in thopast bore, in regard to their iteneref curves of temperature and rainjbll, to weather immediately pre- ceding the time of his forecast. He natuziuly assumed that where two distant periods were mneb alike, the weatbtt whidi followed would also be mudi alike. Of eoorse there were also many oAer hMyeaitions which aided bom ia ionning aii opiion the proballe weather, bftiie effeet conjuaotaw olthe ^an^on terreskial weather he did net asHNune \o lamm aoytbing. and no doubt xeSlea^ditt uingfiosj^ai^ehiB fotn^j^ii, '^i^' oooiittoti #THp: {(«ti^AS9r't ' A CffiEAT BISCOVBST :nM' «t dsay-brms joy to tiie homes oi thonsaads'l)^ mTing many of their deer oi^ii fram aa eerly |pn«. Truly is Jlr. Khtt'a Kmg's N^ 'ttk^tmtj k» oodMbki ooiw^. etrfat. %sHiiii»,v byondiitia. hk^I bsf of Toiee, tfddihg in the throat, pun m aide, and ehest. ttoj diaeaae of the throat and htng^.apoBitivaeaTegaanuiteed. Trial bot- tles firee at Toniflr ^kCo'a. dmgstora. Large â- ise 11. 6 Some children are often amusing by reetofn of their conceit, as in tlw case Xil^ the young French gentleman ,1 of the mature age of five, who, on being told tiiat the baby wanted to kiss him, tsaid,â€" "Yes; he takes me forhispapa." LABDINE MACHINE 0^1 Is Mannfaotored Solely by MeOall Bro's. A Co. Toronto, an^ is the o|ily popular M»«v»iiM Oil to-day in use by mill men and farmers. TryLanUne. Body FoTntn. â€" On liaturday last a large niuuber of peop^ wcf e engaged in the search for the body of the boy, Donald McQuarrie, who was drowned in the Saugeen the previous Monday. After isearching for several hours the body was found about half a mile from where he feB into the water, by Mr. Clark of Baptihck. It was not though neoessai7 to hold an ipquest, and the funeral took place on Sunday; â€" Gt«v Bmew. If you should be jo unfortunate as to Bum Scald or Would j^ouradf in any way the proper thing to .ke^ dean and heal it is McGregor Padie^ GarboUo Cerate. Insist on having, aodin^aareToa get. MoChr^i^r dfc Parke's Carbdic Cerate. Price 25 cents. Hill Bro's. hae tfie ffenuine. J. Si J. 2 Sm}DnTD«tiHinu:aiHoFEviu.B. â€" On the nigUt of4i"21st May Mr. George CaCD^bell, ^njy Qftn «f M» -CU^^p Campbell, Epr., of Proton, was taken wi^ liiflimmation and altfaoagh me^iical aid was at ouce|Tocure4 ^e yi^tu^mandiedeariy next morning. Tne fmieeal took place the inext day, Friday^ The family of Mr. Campbell nave Mmpittby of the community in tiieir sijlident bereavement, as the deceasedr^s highly esteemed by all acquaintep with him. â€" Orty Review. Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Soapâ€" Healinge soothing, and dbansing for all eruptiv, diaemnaol the skin. Delightfid for toilet Frectnit's WoAn Powders are saSe in all eases, ^h^, destroy and remove Worms in children ef^adnlts. SuDDEi^ Death in Dttbhak. â€" About two months ago an operation was preformed on Miss Ada B. Crooks of this Town, to take away a tumor that was growing in her side. For a short time afterwards she appeared to be mending nicely, but soon a second tumor was found to be growii^ rapid- ly in the old wound, and on ^uescUty last a second operation was performed to take it away, andihe operation was scarcely over when Miss Crooks ask- ed her mother if it was all over,, and in a few; |pinutes was dMul. The funeral tocmplaoe yesterday, and of those attenwg there- was seareily a ^ry eye, so||pre«t^i[i^ the sympi^hy £eU of tiie nietlier sp suddenly b^eav- ed but no one could scarcely Mfrain from remarking on viewitg the deceas- ed in her coffin that she was "beautiful in death." A funeral sermon will be prMched by the rev. Mr. Lalu in the Town Hall next S{Uhatii evening.â€" Rimn0w. Natibnal Klla are unsufpaesed as a a^e, mild, yet thorotafl^, pargatire. aeting npon the biliaty orgaaaprom^tlif and effeetoaUy. â- â€¢â€¢â- â- ,' • " ' • c" " 9r.Lbw*B WbriB Bftvf will reiBOTe all kind of worms fregt difldHm or adSIte: ' All over the hind are going into ecstasy ^flfvev Pr.Smg'allieirXMaeMetsriM OonMun^^ 'iMm. aSieae nidodted- focreooraiy b^ '^e- ttaMlir nae ef (his snst Ute Sanat KsiMdyi itJS .lr«6fJ il "i ^.;,,,,[ f • • i'l 'I :J Un"the ;1^^ bia j n OTh oiB "IwC iit\ mum bep t ymi^iwad »i ifa yaiie. i measare vi about tiban*~aid teiriaaitiydy. -ois^- Severe ' "•"' '^- Mjdm fli:'V«iii^e#aajRtf^ •»« ».«t k.:'Sttim^9t6i^9imi^MmAh§til \

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