Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 May 1884, p. 5

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 .^•jpian ^sp '«*"ggg^-^ n .yy. -Fi3^^b- uJi!l^W :*i, r. .vc-rr.vTSi.-v.- i^-Vv'!! ..V if kOiSLE JEWELLERY STORE. [iKGESTOCK IpRlCKS LOW. |);o misrepmsentation of oJs. Special lines in Ameri- Watches and Clocks. ^ridan Co. Silver Plated Ire. Specks, Chains, Charms as, etc. 18 k. Wedding as always in stock. Musi- linitrumentSjViolinStrings. personally attend to ail Ich Repairing ?nd fuiiy jrant the same, Fair W. A. BROWN. id and Other Items. â- e cohuiins intended to benefit r Socict;/ uull be charged ten a linf for thf /irst insertion and five iilvxe each snh.cquent inaertion. Ikicks in th Piue or Maplo Flooring go to iDt k Co. [Ie;. John Eowe arrived safe in lou oil Monday, the 19th May. rotniet. â€" A. Turner Co. a uew stock of croquet. LU'.r.E majority of the people are )â-  uriiikiiig McFarland's tea. HE stamuhd the balance of 1884 iwo busijolrf of good potatoes. uFrAT Bkos. repaired the boiler of :,HaiL" mill at Dundalk last week. fiEjniNATOR is a sure cure for sick iBJacLe. Sulci by Smith, the barber. CoHNSTO.v Little, Maxwell, is agent ".he ctltrbrated Chatham waggons. IGarden Seetlt^, fresh, pand true to name, at the Medical U-oiNG gentleman wants a situa- :asi;irai haud. Apply at Thomas fuJi, ArtL'mesia. 194-3in |ii:. V. Ai.TB;r. Taylor, of Euphrasia, Wf' fat cows to Sargeant Buru- .ktclier.s, ior $107. |if vou ^\ant a parlor suit, hair Porra\7 silk, go to Grant Co., L'idale. Ladies have no diflBculty in as! Suited, Booted, Hatted, Gloved iLaced at McFarland's. ?â-  LoiL-'f Magic Sulphur Soap is • 'KviiLincnilcd for all humors and skin teT call lit McFarland's if you are p-f liuut fur trashy, shoddy, auc- goods. He don't keep them. Ifc next sitting of Division Court ./i will be held m Markdale on the R Jane. 51 Sideboards, Lounges, Tables, s«'ng cases go to Grant Co. itkdalt. *SY don't you use Eejuvinator â- 'fs, for hver complaint and kidney Sold by Smith, the barber. Calce, the champion H feeder, for sale at Medical HaU. l^imerCo. Ti, c"" "' '"â- ' a mild purgative, acting â- ^tf-marh. Liver and Bowels, removing t sash, door, mouldings, newel ' oalusters and stair railing, go *iit Co., Markdale. L^^Mnj iroDii Powders are agreeable to eiptlall ki}id* of wornu fiom chil- *^ from indigestion or sick head I '"instantly relieved by ono dose '^Jl^lnator Bif-.f.ora TnaAa frnm 3tor Bitters, made from iaod herbs. ^dvl â- ^'"'"'i'«on. of Toronto, was m T â- ^"•P* ^i'onii, 8 feet of which was " on« lottU of Dr. Lom'« Wonn I'ludalk Brass Band gavo a evening ,4^«mShelburneonlhe a --111 to a crowded house. One ^3 tuere informed us tliat it was 'J immense. loverV^- â- ^^'^^HTjsi, late of the A •To.u, is now local editor of ^eviile Adre^tiser, and a wd- I result. â€" ^i.u.i,Kiiggr, ana assu- «fflatenal improvement in like 1^^-^^^^'^^ kbe Mansion House. IS domg a steady and satisfac tory bnsmess. His lige sh^rtre generally weU filled. ® A BBUTAi. quarrel between two feuahes near Biyth. Ont., occurred on Monday last. One of the parties Wm Maines.died from injuries re ceived the same day. The parties were arrested. i«*iueB It is always satisfactory to have a large stock to select from, therefore you wUl be rewarded by dealing fur Watches, Clocks, Piated ware Wed- ding Rings, Specks, etc., with W A Brown, Jeweller. Markdale. -JVk all do fade as a leaf. Miss Colyer, of Griffin's Corners, who left here a few weeks ago for the States died suddenly of heart disease. Her remains were brought home for burial. Lardine Machine Ojl, is the delight of farmers, and a pleasure to all men usiug Machinery, it^aunot be excelled, it lias recieved the highest awards at Dominion and Provincial Exhibitions. McCall Bros. Co.,solc manufacturers, Toronto. Mbs. McClements, whom for many jearshas been Jfost- mistress atLatona, Glenelj,, died from cancer. She suffer- ed much. But her faith was strong. She leaves a husbana, whose health is poor, and a number of small children to mourn her loss. Chatsworth people are exhibiting commendable enterprise in the shape of public improyements. They are in advance of any of our police Villages in the matter of fire protection, and now they have about decided to erect a town hall, at a cost of $875. Moffat Bbos., of the Markdale foundry, have manufactured a number of plows this season, which are giving excellent satisfaction. Those in need of such an implement should see Moffat's plow. Support home enter- prise and purchase your plows at home. I INVITE inspection of my complete stock in Gold Filled and Coin Silver Cases, also Waltham, Elgin and Swiss grades of movements, fully guaran- teed. Prices close. Get my quota- tions ere you buy and save irom 1 to 3 dollars. W. A. Brown, Jeweller. Markdale. Drowning Accident at Ditbham. â€" A case of drowning occurred a mile from Durham last Monday morning. A lad 14 years of age, named Mc- Quarrie, while assisting in washing sheep was dragged into the stream and carried away before any a8sis';ance could be given. Any person wishing to secure a choice lot for a residence cannot do better than to see Mr. M. Armstrong at once. He has a number of shade trees planted on the newly surveyed streets, which will be opened to the public during this season. Teims will be made easy. J. C. Gbibtiths, of Owen Sound, has purchased his partners interest in the business heretofore carried on under the name of J. C, Griffiths Co. and will hereafter carry it on alone. Mr. Griffiths is an entei-prising and reliable business man and deserves the large custom which he enjoys. Mill owners who require repairs and those who purpose building a mill should consult Moffat Bros., Markdale. They are first-class practical machin- ists who thoroughly understand their business, and manufacture all kinds of mill work, such as steam engines, shaftmgs, etc., etc. Rev. Wesley Casson, of Markdale, late of this place, was in town over Sunday, attending the funeral of the late Mr. Miller. He occupied the pulpit of the Methodist Church hi the evening, and preached an eloquent and impressive siermon • ' congregation we haye Parry Bound.â€" -Parry fioun^'tor. Have yon a friend living at a distance who you know,would Iji^ly appreciate the weekly visit of the Stajidabp. If so why not send them a copy, we will forward it to any address the balance of the year for 60 cents. Quite a number are now sending the Standabd to friends in this way, while there are many more who only require to take a thought, to do likewise. On Saturday morning about half- past nine o'clock fire was disoovered in the basement of the MaU building. The flames spread with hghtmng rapidity up the elevator shaft, and soon the roof was in flames, ine brigade, l^wever, worked well, their exations b6ing crippled through the lack of water pressure. The Ueu Telephone Company saftered most, the city fwce being completely wrecked. The total JamNse is esti. mated at f80^, ^7 ««^ ^^ i^snxanee.. a«^' J' ?^*^8 *»a8 opened a flour and feed store opposite Mrs, HoUing wh *r'" ^^'^^ M^» Street. Where he has on hand FamUy flour. Bakersflo.ir,PH8try flour, Patent flour, Graham flour. Cracked wheat. Oatl meal. Bran, Shorts, Chop feed, Oats, ibis will be a great convenience c. to the citizens as we have been here colore without a general feed store. J. E. Laudeb Co. have sold their Wholesale hquor and grocery business TOd will leave in a few days for Peoria, ill. Mr. Lauder has made many warm friends in Markdale during his short stay in the place and he.together with his better half, carry with them the best wishes of the community. Mr. Robert Benson, who purchased the business, is now in possession and will doubtless do a lively trade. The leading merchants of Markdale have agreed unauimously on closing their stores at 7 o'clock sharp every evemng, beginning from l«t May to 1st Oct. Fiirmers and others will kindly take notice of this and, try to have their shopping done before seven so that clerks, who have to stand in stores all through the heat of a long Summer day, may have a chance of engaging in some out door exercise and enjoying the fresh ah. 190 94 Two YOUNG gentlemen, brothers, from Cheltenham, England, arrived last week, having come to this part with the intention of learning to farm. The eldest is a graduate of Dublin University, while the younger has also a good education. They are very re- spectable and well-to-do. Theyouufrer has already secured a place with Mr. B. Wright, and the elder, who is 24 years of age, is desirous of securing one. He is now staying with Mr. Thos. Boland, where another from the same place has been for two years learnina: to farm with satisfactory re- sults both to his emoloyer and him- self. Ml. John McAlear has secured license for the new hot«l m this place, to be known as the City Hotel. The house is now fitted out in good style and has new stables erected in com- nectiou therewith, so that the travel- ling public will find a comfortable lodgiug place, with everv necessary attention paid to their wants. We are opposed to any increase in the number of hotels in Markdale, and also to the great liquor traffic gener- ally, yet when we have both in our midst, we are pleased tq have such men as Mj:. John McAlear in the business, who will conduct it properly and efficiently. » » The Late lUr. IVlillei-. J. 8. Rogcrson, Frank Strain. Next came the chief mourners, including Mr. J. B. Miller, only son of the deceased Mr. S. B. Purvis and Mr. John Purvis, nephews of the deceased also Mr. W. H. Pratt. Following the chief mourners came about two hundred of the Parry Sound Lumber Com- pany's employees immediately after them the Reeves and Corporations of the townships of McDougall, Foley, McKellar and Humphrey, then followed the friends, visitors, and delegates from all parts of the district. LARDJNE MACHINE OIL Is Manufactured Solely by McCall Bro's. Co. Toronto, and is the only popular Machine Oil to-day in use by all mill men and farmers. Try Lardine. IVI^VT^ K:I ALE FLODRFEED STORE. Family Flour, Bakers Flour, Pastry Flour, Patent Flour, Graham Flour, Oatmeal, choice Cracked Wheat, Bran and Shorts Chop Feed, Oats, etc., etc. P^" All orders over $1.00, accompanied by the CASH, will be promptly delivered. 193 J. PLEWES. Health Happiness for am WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Flutterlrtg' of the Heart, And every species of disease arising Uaai Impure Blood, c, c. FREPARSD BY THII Climax Chemical Company,. MONTREAL. markdale" steal Woollen MOl. Canadian PacificRailway (ONTARIO DIVISION.) Cliaiige ot Time. C0M'ENCINGM0N^DAYMAY19.84 Toronto, Grey and Bruce Division. TORONTOâ€" Depart 7:20a.m., 5:00 p.m. Arrive 10:45 " 10:00 " Note â€" Mixed train leaves Parkdale 7:40 a.m. The undersigned would respectfully returni thanks to their many customers and friends for the very liberal support accorded to them during the past, and would solicit a continu- ance of the same, as we are now ready to at-, tend to all work intrusted to our care in â-  CUSTOM CARDING, FULLING and, WEAVING in first-class style. As we have put on new cards, and made other improve- ments, we will endeavor te do as good work in the future, if not better, than we haye ever done in the past. Customers wishing to haye their wool carded, spun and made into blankets or flan • nel, on cotton warp, can have their orders attended to by leaving their wool as early as possible. Please remember tlio place. Mill Street,, west of the Railway Station. THE r.AST TRIBUTE OF RESPECT HIS KEMAINS. PAID TO Credit Valiey Division. Tjronto, depart 7:10 a.m, 1:05 p.m, 4:50 p. m •' a.rive 9::i0 '• 3:15 " 7:00 " Note â€" Mixed train leavep Parkdale 1 a. m. An additional train will be run in connection with the "CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIP LINE," Leaving Toronto il:30 a.m. D. McNICOL, Gen. Pass. Agt. W. WHYTE. General Manager. (From Friday's Globe.) Parky Sound, May 20.â€" On Saturday evening, the 17th iust., the steamer Northern Belle arrived from Colliug- wood with the remams of Mr. J. C. Miller, ex-M. P. P. for Muskoka aud Parry Sound, who died at Colton, Southern Cahforuia, on the second day of April. Early on Sunday mornmg the friends of the deceased began' to arrive â€" peisons ot every creed aud shade of politics, and from many miles distant. The Key. Mr. Casson, ot Markdale, ^who was there by a special request of the deceased) conducted the ceremouies. He read the uinetieth Psalm, aud addressed the large assemblage \u a brief and ti-uthlul eulogy on the deceased's many treats of goodness, his free and fearless manner of recognizmg right, his determmed character, his pronounced prhici^es, his appreciation of honesty and worth, and hi« industri- ous habit and active nfe.his persever- ing imterprise, his indtJUJitable courage, an eiouu«u. his bupyantW hopl^tur ftpurll while to the l^S b^ttlxpg wxth il.heMt.nd the burdens ever s^ i»te-^^-^^i??^S'3' JlL "'^^|ht^^^ wVt aeemedrtpfM 0p/»frcr »"»«» succesatal y^vtuto^.E^J^^^M^^^^^ of cWacter, his warm ahJXpn8w4ryingi fnoodship, when he ^fouiid a frieiid worthy of bis confi^ewsa^a^d' iasteem. He then spoke of tbe^ Vl««% scenes of his busy life, passing away in h qaiet and ptacefnl rest, commeniiing his spirit to God wbojg^ve it and in hope of a glorious resurrection through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Aft«r a short, prayer, at tea minutes to t'lrce p.m., toe coffin was boiroe to the hearse, and the procession moved oil to the cemetery in the foUowmg order :â€" Tne Parry Sound Brass Band, playing the Dead March. Immediately preceding the hearj«e where the attend- iug physician and 6|Bciating cler«y- mSn.Dr,3ridgi»n(I, .of .Bracebri^e, and the Bev. Mr. ;a8*n^ Markdale the bM^se; and g^^PalJ;*'^^' ^F^lia^^dpald. Jobut|r9*rvie.^eorge |;Pagei,Thoa. B^Catoo, TtoorowtMyers^ MARKDALE STATION. 188-203 F.J. £Go. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLatliMillS: Having mado oqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can civo good Batisfaciioc. GOOD FLOUR ALi^AYS QN HAND Chopping Done Every Day TBAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS m. GOING SOUTH.â€" Express 0:27 a Mixed 8:38 " Steamship Express 12:00 noon. •' •â-  MaU 5:30 p. m. GOING NORTH.â€" MaU 12:00 p. m. Mixed 3:20 " " " Express 9:28 " J. C^SAR, Agent. The Steamship Express, going North, does not stop at stations between* Flesbetton and wen Sound. MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION. HEAD OP FIOE TORONTO, ONTARIO. INCORPORATED AUGUST 24, 1880. Under Charter Act 167 of the Revised Statutes of OutHrio, entitled an Act to Incorpor- ate Benevoleut, Provident and other Societies. BONOS TO THE AM13UNT OF 860,000 Filed .with the .Hon. S. C. Wood. (Ex-Pro- vincial Treaeurer of Ontario), aa. TitBtee for^tjje Association. BOARD OF DIRECTORS "WhiuamRennib, Esq., Toronto, President. A- GiFFOBD.Esq., Meaford, Ont., Vice-Prea. W. Pbmbbbtun PAOK,E8q.,Toronto, S^otary E. H. HiLBoBN, Esq Uxbridge, Tr«Rirer. R. H. RoBEBiaoN, M. D., Toronto, Medical Director. Geo. H. Wa*so3i, L.L.B., Toronto, Solicitor. S. W. Hiu.. Esq., Ridge^^lla, Membership Superinteudent. J. P. Bull. Downsview. C. H. McImosH, M. P.. Ottawa. Lkwis Wigle, M. p. p., Leamington. Thos. Mbszibs, Peterboro. I'EiEB Gkahak, M. p. p., Warwick. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: WM.RENNIE, W.P.PAGE, J. P. BULL. Addret* all Commimieations to the Soeretarji: W. PeMBEB PAOE, 87 King Street West, Toronto. THOS. MANN, â-  '"'•Agent, Markdale. 13* Also agoit t€«fotoxiaaon,QfaMfffi Umtkmxalxmmioti Aslo^iatioii. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled oa the. shortest notice. LUMBEE AND LATH. ALWAYS. ON HAND. Cherry, Bnf.jrnut, White Ai?h, Black Ash. Basswood, Pine .ind Hemlock Loga wai^^ed. 691y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. ROBT. ASEIN. Has opened out a First-Claaft. UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT, Ajai therefore ha si^plied a, want long fplt^^ OOFFINB, GilSKETB, .SHROUDS,,, and all-' • "' FUNERAL FUHMISHINOr: supplied on the shortes notice. A Splendid. Hearse' luK hir.e at moderata rateft... â€"All kitds dâ€" PICTURE FSAMMfi Done on short notice. ROBT. A SKIN. .-,•....â-  a fi" .111 It I â-  %^ \4 •? i i m ^r ' 1 y .1 •I

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